System for assessing the quality of education. Abstract "quality management of additional education" Documents on high school education


The problem of quality of education is constantly receiving close attention throughout the world.

In the modern world, “education” has become understood more broadly and includes the conditions of social and cultural life in which a child and an adult master cultural values, various types of activities, acquire knowledge and life skills. Education organically includes training and teaching, upbringing and self-education, development and self-development, socialization and internal growth of the individual.

The relationship between the quality of education and the nature of the country's development is a problem for all developed countries. The state education quality management system is a set of organizational structure, resources, activities, processes and procedures carried out on a regulatory basis set out in standards, rules and instructions and ensuring the overall management of the quality of work of educational institutions.

Management of the quality of education acts as a system-forming component in the system of activities of out-of-school institutions, ensuring the purposeful work of all subjects of the pedagogical process in functioning and development, as well as the creation of flexible organizational structures and diverse educational and developmental programs. Quality management of additional education is implemented at three interconnected levels:

- strategic: the activities of the director in interaction with regional management structures to determine the social order and develop a regulatory framework;

- tactical: the work of the director and his deputies, heads of departments for the development of programs for the development of parole, Charter, departmental programs, etc. and ensuring internal control;

- operational: inclusion, along with managers, of additional education teachers in the implementation of management functions.

Management activities are also undergoing changes: authoritarian administration is giving way to a democratic character and delegation of management powers to teachers. The goal and result of management are focused on the child, on creating the conditions necessary for the development of the creative potential of the teacher’s personality..

Assessing the quality of management of an additional education institution is not only information about feedback from the management activities of managers at all levels, but also a means of achieving predicted goals.

Thus, the problem of managing the quality of education is promising enough that its development could become a “growth point” for the system of additional education, and is universal enough that the search for its solution will affect the interests not only of those who are engaged in management activities professionally, but also methodologists, teachers and all system specialists.

Understanding the term “quality of education” is one of the most difficult problems in Russian education. The traditionally and officially used system for assessing the quality of education is not based on objective methods of pedagogical measurement, therefore “quality” is interpreted today in a rather ambiguous manner. Considering the complexities of the integral concept of quality of education, a systematic approach is needed to study it, allowing us to consider the problem as a whole, that is, to identify the factors influencing the problem; establish the degree of influence of these factors on the problem and on each other; make a decision taking into account these influences and interactions. Understanding the various meanings of quality is a prerequisite for thinking about quality management in education.

In the most general sense, quality refers to the ability of things, phenomena, events to have some originality, that is, to be different from all other things, phenomena, events. By losing quality, an object becomes something else. To exist means to have quality.

In the encyclopedic dictionary, quality is defined as an objective and universal characteristic of objects, revealed in the totality of their properties.

According to the international standard, quality is a set of properties and characteristics of a product that give it the ability to satisfy specified or anticipated needs. The quantitative characteristics of these properties are called product quality indicators.

The quality of education is a social category that determines the state and effectiveness of the educational process in society, its compliance with the needs and expectations of society (various social groups) in the development and formation of civil, everyday and professional competencies of an individual.

The quality of education is determined by a set of indicators that characterize various aspects of the educational activities of an educational institution: the content of education, forms and methods of teaching, material and technical base, personnel, etc., which ensure the development of competencies of students.

Thus, the quality of education is understood as an integral characteristic of the educational process and its results, expressing the degree of their compliance with the ideas widespread in society about what the said process should be and what goals it should serve.

When considering the quality of education, its external and internal properties are distinguished. The basis for this division is the perception of the institution of additional education as a socio-pedagogical system, which is characterized by:

On the one hand, the interaction of its constituent components;

On the other hand, there is active interaction with the external environment.

In the external environment we can distinguish:

Direct exposure environment;

Indirect influence environment.

The environment of direct influence on the institution of additional education includes factors that directly influence the educational process and are influenced by it. This:

Consumers of education: students, their parents, public organizations, vocational education institutions, the army, the labor market;

Sources of labor resources: pedagogical and vocational lyceums and schools, institutes, universities;

Competing educational institutions;

Institutes for advanced training of education workers;

Government bodies, etc.

The environment of indirect influence on an educational institution includes factors that influence the educational process indirectly: the state of the country's economy, the sociocultural and political life of the region, scientific achievements, etc.

Consequently, the quality of education can be defined as a set of properties of education that meets the modern requirements of pedagogical theory and practice and is capable of satisfying the educational needs of the individual, society and the state.

Quality as a relative concept has two aspects:

    the first is compliance with a standard or specification;

    the second is compliance with consumer needs.

The first “fit” often means “fit for purpose or application.” This is sometimes referred to as quality from the manufacturer's point of view.

Who should decide whether the services of an educational institution are of high quality? The answer to this question will provide information about the achievements and prospects of the institution. It is important to clearly understand who is giving the quality assessment: the manufacturer or the consumer. The reason for asking this question is that the views of the producer and the consumer do not always coincide.

Let's consider the concept of quality of education from the point of view of consumers. Consumers are divided into two groups.

Firstly, it is the student himself. He, as an individual, is a consumer of his education when solving social and personal life problems. Here, the quality of education - the knowledge acquired by the student and the ability to use it - characterizes the student’s ability and ability to satisfy his needs: change the team or direction of activity, enter the next educational institution, go to work, and so on, that is, adapt to social realities with that or any other degree of success.

Secondly, consumers are all those organizations, institutions and individuals who employ graduates of educational institutions for work, study or otherwise interact with them. Each of this group of consumers is interested in their own set of educational characteristics and abilities of graduates, which meets their departmental and individual needs.

There cannot be high-quality education in general; it can be high-quality or not very high-quality only in relation to pre-established requirements for the parameters of education, which act as a goal. But this goal must be specific and known to all interested parties - possible participants in joint activities.

At the level of educational content, individuals and society have significant differences in approaches to assessing the quality of education. An organization is usually not interested in the general theoretical and general professional knowledge of a new employee entering it. It needs graduates of educational institutions who have specific knowledge at the appropriate level and the practical skills necessary for the organization in future activities and are able to expand the scope of this practical activity. From the perspective of the organization, these are the criteria for quality education.

A student taking the next step into a new life needs not only specific subject or professional knowledge and skills. To continue education and, most importantly, to ensure one’s own social security in the changing world around us, a person, in accordance with his inclinations and interests, needs specific, general subject, and general theoretical knowledge. From the standpoint of the individual, it is precisely this kind of education that will be of high quality.

The approaches to defining and selecting characteristics of educational parameters for these two groups of consumers - the individual and society - are not so much different as they are hierarchical in nature. Society is the external environment in relation to a specific individual and therefore dictates the conditions for the parameters of education and their characteristics. On the other hand, society consists of people, so its educational needs do not exceed the capabilities of its most developed representatives. In reality, they can and should be at a level above average for the corresponding social groups of society.

The task of the institution of additional education will be to provide students with the opportunity to receive a high-quality education from their position and the position of their parents, correlated with the nature of the requirements for the quality of education of the future organization - the consumer of the products of the educational institution.

Thus, the main criteria for quality education at the level of an additional education institution are:

    the presence of a certain set of educational programs, the content of which ensures the preparation of students in accordance with their educational and life needs;

    the degree of approximation of the practice-oriented part of the content of educational programs to the requirements of potential customers on whom the educational institution is focused;

    the level of students’ mastery of their chosen specialized educational programs;

    level of student satisfaction with learning outcomes.

1. 2. The essence of the education quality management process

There are almost opposite points of view on what the content of the concept of “education quality management” should be. There is a range of opinions - from the opinion that “quality cannot be managed” to the actual identification of “quality management” and “development management” (when quality means everything except quantity).

As for management science, the concept of “quality management” is by no means new in it; it cannot even be called young, since it was formed already in the 40s of our century. It is characteristic that no matter how its content changed, one thing remained stable. The semantic emphasis was always on “management”, because everything was clear about “quality”. It was assumed that it was known and not subject to discussion exactly what quality needed to be achieved as a result of management activities.

The definitions published in a fairly authoritative source - a reference manual on standardized and recommended terminology in the field of certification, testing and quality management - make it possible to verify this state of affairs.

Quality is defined in this handbook as “the set of properties and characteristics of a product or service that ensures the satisfaction of stated or anticipated needs.” As for “quality management”, it is interpreted as “the methods and activities used to satisfy quality requirements”.

As we see, these very laconic formulations do not leave room for any fantasies about “quality” itself, and all intellectual efforts are proposed to be concentrated on “methods and activities” aimed at achieving certain (quite specific in each case) properties and characteristics.

So, we have a contradiction between the rather abstract (for now) level of our ideas about the quality of education, including additional education, and the extremely specific characteristics of quality assumed in the theory of known management.

From the point of view of education, quality interests us in a slightly different sense, close in meaning to the concept of “quality level”. In this semantic meaning, the content of the concept of “education quality management” is now actively being formed.

Education quality management is ensuring the design, achievement and maintenance of the quality of the conditions of the educational process, its implementation and results.

Thus, the object of management in this case is the structural (internal) and functional (external) properties of the educational process, the conditions for its occurrence and results.

The education quality management procedure includes:

    ensuring the design of education quality;

    educational monitoring;

    analysis of collected information;

    preparation and adoption of management decisions.

Let's take a closer look at each procedure.

1. Ensuring education quality design , i.e. determination of educational standards.

The main objects of standardization are the content of education, its structure, the volume of teaching load, and the level of students' preparation. The norms and requirements established by the standard are taken as the standard when assessing the quality of education. Therefore, managing the quality of education is bringing the system to a standard.

2. Educational monitoring is a system for organizing the collection, storage, processing and dissemination of information about the functioning of the educational system, providing continuous monitoring of its condition and forecasting its development. Since the institution of additional education does not have the resources to monitor the quality of implementation of all educational standards, it is necessary to determine priority monitoring objects. They should become the most important, system-forming components of the educational process. The use of computer systems can significantly improve the effectiveness of monitoring.

3. Analysis of collected information , the purpose of which is to draw up an overall holistic picture of the process from disparate, various types of data, and to identify the priority problems in the quality of education that caused them.

Conditions for the effectiveness of the analysis:

Thorough knowledge of the nature of the analyzed component of the educational process;

Perfect mastery of analysis methods.

Preparation and adoption of management decisions should be aimed at eliminating the causes of problems identified as a result of an analysis of the quality of education. Problems with the quality of education lie in the degree of discrepancy between the real state of the educational process and its standards and educational needs.

Requirements for a management solution:

A clear target orientation (what to do?) and specific goal-realizing positions (how, when, where to act?);

The validity of choosing this solution from a number of other possible ones;

Availability of a specific object of management influence, performers and those responsible for implementation;

Consistency with previous and upcoming decisions;

Eligibility, i.e. compliance with legal acts and regulations;


Self-sufficiency, i.e. possibility of implementation without additional clarifications and clarifications;

A laconic form (order, instruction, plan, instruction, etc.), adequate to the completeness of the content of the management decision.

When developing an education quality management system, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors.

Social factors. Speaking about additional education, first of all, it is necessary to emphasize the compliance of the population’s requests for educational services with the interests of the state as a whole. However, when implementing state policy in the field of education, it is necessary to take into account both the specific requirements for education that arise in different social strata of society, and regional characteristics associated with the unevenness of their cultural development.

Economic forces. Market relations have led society to a sharp stratification in terms of income. In this situation, it is necessary to find economic mechanisms to smooth out social tension and prevent it from moving into the sphere of additional education.

Availability of regulatory documentation guaranteeing the quality of the additional educational services provided. The determining condition for the implementation of this factor is the availability of this documentation to all consumers and targeted work to train consumers in the ability to use such documentation.

Availability of legislative acts to protect the interests of citizens.


Management of an additional education institution today is considered not so much as an element that ensures the safety of the system, but, above all, its development, which is the main guarantee of competitiveness. Until now there have beenfive essential approaches , who made a significant contribution to the development of management theory and practice.

1. Scientific approach in management did not neglect the human factor, which was expressed in the systematic use of incentives in order to interest workers in increasing productivity, in organizing breaks and short rest, in establishing realistically feasible production standards, in establishing remuneration for exceeding the established minimum, in the possibility of selecting people who correspond to the work performed work, in designating a large role in personnel training; used scientific analysis to determine the best ways to complete tasks.

2. Process approach viewed management as a process, a series of continuous interrelated actions called management functions. Each of these functions is also a process because it also consists of a series of interrelated actions. The development of this concept belongs to Henri Fayol. He identified five initial functions: planning, organization, management, coordination, control. A review of modern literature allows us to highlight the following functions: planning, organizing, directing, motivating, leading, coordinating, controlling, communicating, researching, evaluating, decision-making, recruiting, representing, negotiating or concluding deals.

3. Systematic approach to management made it easier for managers to see the organization in the unity of its constituent parts, which are inextricably intertwined with the outside world. This theory also helped to integrate the contributions of all the schools that have dominated management theory and practice at different times.

4. Situational approach made a major contribution to management theory, using the possibilities of direct application of science to specific situations and conditions. The central point of the situational approach is the situation, i.e. a specific set of circumstances that greatly influences an organization at that particular time. Like the systems approach, the situational approach is not a simple set of prescriptive guidelines, but rather a way of thinking about organizational problems and their solutions. It tries to “link” specific techniques and concepts to certain specific situations in order to achieve the goals of the organization most effectively.

5. Program-targeted approach in management comes to the fore today.

A number of researchers pay attention to this approach to school management, among them M.M. Potashnik, P.I. Tretyakov, T.I. Shamova, L.I. Fishman et al. Unfortunately, in relation to institutions of additional education, this topic is not actually covered.

Today it is important to take into account that there are management functions common to all managers, and there are specific ones, determined by the specifics of the work team. Management of the teaching staff can be determinedas a special activity aimed at achieving educational goals and development goals of an educational institution.

All modern theories of teaching staff management can be conditionally combined intothree groups on approaches to the system of management activities.

TOfirst group we can include researchers in the management problem who reduce it, as it were, to a closed cycle of operational functions: planning, organization, management, control, etc. This approach is followed by M.M. Potashnik,B. C. Lazarev, V.P. Simonov, N.S. Suntsov and others. They believe that functions reflect the main content of management activities, or rather, a complete cycle of certain actions, which in total constitute management activities.

Co.second group approaches to managing teaching staff include researchers who build their theory on the basis of the specifics of the activities of the head of an educational institution.

Third group approaches to building the foundations of teaching staff management is based on the research of academician R.Kh. Shakurova. According to Shakurov, management in a broad sense is the regulation of the state of the system in order to obtain the desired result.

The system of management functions is a hierarchical 3-level model.

At the highest level there are target management functions: ensuring the content of the activities of the institution of additional education for children; creating conditions for the activities of children and teachers.

The functions of the middle level - socio-psychological - grow from the needs of the team as a subject of activity and communication and are aimed at developing in the teaching staff such socio-psychological states and properties that are necessary for productive work. Social and psychological functions include: team building, motivation and stimulation of activities, improvement and professional growth of teaching staff, organization of interaction, innovation.

Functions of the lowest level - operational-subjective - follow from the logic of organizing the activities of the subject of management and the organization of human activity in general. Operational functions include: strategic planning, management control, leadership, coordination.

A.I. Shchetinskaya defines pedagogical management as an organizational and pedagogical mechanism for the functioning of an educational institution and ensuring optimal conditions for the effectiveness of the educational process for personal development. Pedagogical management of the activities of institutions of additional education for children is considered as a principle of activity of the teaching staff, as a form of its organization, as a means of managing the teaching staff and children's associations, as a factor in the development of the creative individuality of the teacher and child, and as an administrative and organizational mechanism for creating a system of work of an educational institution aimed at ensuring the conditions for its functioning and development, improving the educational process and achieving the optimality of its internal and external relations. The essence of pedagogical management is to create an educational environment in which the child’s personality develops, to ensure the personal-activity orientation of educational activities.

The structural and functional model of pedagogical management of an institution of additional education for children, created by the regional center for children and youth creativity, is implemented through the functions of goal setting, diagnostics, integration, forecasting, communication, analysis and taking into account best practices.

Institutions for additional education of children differ significantly from other educational institutions. All features of their activities can be classified into organizational and content.

TOorganizational Features of additional education institutions include:

    flexible and multifunctional organizational structure;

    the main organizing principle is not the lesson, but creativity in its various manifestations;

    the presence of multi-level connections with society;

    personification of education, i.e. providing each child with a free choice of educational field, profile, programs, time

their development;

    democratization and humanization of relations: the ability to change types of activities, teams, teachers; a special relationship of cooperation and co-creation has developed between the child and the teacher;

    the personal-activity nature of the organization of the educational process, DL acts as a means of motivating personal development;

    a rich arsenal of work forms;

    human resources - unique specialists, enthusiasts working according to their own programs;

    the presence of its own methodological service, which has extensive experience in matters of education;

    the presence of a material base that allows for multidisciplinary, varied training.

TOmeaningful features include:

    variety of functions, activities and additional educational programs;

    individual approach combined with social orientation of activities; the opportunity to work individually with gifted and socially deprived children;

    implementation of variable, differentiated, comprehensive educational programs;

    innovative nature of activity;

    providing the child with the opportunity to receive pre-vocational or initial vocational training.

TOspecifics labor pedagogical workers of institutions of additional education for children include:

    • interaction between teacher and child (voluntary cooperation, joint creative work, common interests, etc.);

      organization of activities varied in form and content (organization of educational activities in combination with leisure forms of work, social and psychological support, health improvement, etc.);

      narrow-profile activities, disunity with colleagues (often one specialist works in one profile at an institution);

      The teacher must have sufficient knowledge of the profile and pedagogical skills.

To the specifics of the teaching staff institutions of additional education for children include:

    variety of positions, profiles, specialties;

    the presence of creative individuals and bright individuals in the team;

    the performance of the UDO team as a subject of their own development and improvement (historically, science still does not sufficiently address the problems of additional education for children);

    the presence of traditions (for example: collective creative activity, mass activity, etc.);

    presence of value orientations;

    interaction with the environment and dependence on it.

The specifics of the activities of the institution of additional education for children determinesspecific management features such an institution. The following can be considered as conditions for the effective management of a preschool institution:

    • Creation of an integrated system of activities.

      Creating a clear organizational structure and ensuring coordination of its functioning.

      Creation of a team of like-minded teachers.

      High psychological, pedagogical and managerial preparedness of the heads of preschool institutions. Increasing their theoretical and professional level.

      High professionalism of teaching staff.

      Correctly constructed models of motivation and stimulation of teaching work.

      Ensuring the innovative development of the institution.

      Implementation of strategic planning.

      A clear system of management and pedagogical control.

To manage the quality of education, the head of the educational institution must perform the following:functions :

    • Envision total quality for your institution.

      Be responsible for the quality improvement process.

      Inform about quality.

      Ensure that consumer needs are at the center of the institution's policies and practices.

      Ensure that the wishes of consumers are also taken into account.

      Manage the professional development of teachers.

      Be attentive and do not judge others without evidence when problems arise. Most problems are the result of the institution's way of doing things.

      Lead innovation within your institution.

      Ensure a clear distribution of responsibilities among organizational structures that best correspond to their functions.

      Be able to remove artificial barriers of an organizational or cultural nature.

      Create effective teams.

      Develop appropriate mechanisms to monitor and evaluate the results of the process.

2.2. Methodological activities in institutions of additional education

The need for methodological support for the system of additional education today is obvious, since methodological equipment is both a condition for efficiency and one of the means of achieving the quality of activity and its results. At the present stage, priority has been given tosoftwarefirst of all, the pedagogical process in institutions of additional education, which is implemented mainly by the teachers themselves - the result is expressed in the variety of original projects, models of educational associations.

In the broad sense of the word, methodological can also includeregulatory support systems of additional education on both the federal and regional scale are, first of all, documents that define the functional purpose, content and organizational aspects of the activities of educational institutions and their employees (for example, normative and methodological support at the federal level includes the Model Regulations, Regulations on Certification and Accreditation institutions of further education, qualification characteristics of teaching staff in the education system, etc.). The role of the regulatory framework, especially at the stage of rethinking the purpose and priorities of additional education, is especially significant: it does not so much regulate as it streamlines, bringing the entire education sector into the system.

However, I would like to note that for the stable functioning (and often for survival), high-quality promotion and development of the institution of additional education (and this means the entities implementing the functions of the educational institution; the main directions and types of socially significant activities) it is especially necessaryscientific and methodologicaland, if I may say so,practical and methodological (technological)ensuring the pedagogical process, pedagogical systems of institutions of additional education for children.

Functionally, the task of methodological support is prescribed to methodologists of additional education institutions.

Their purpose, set out, for example, in the federal qualification characteristics, is very large-scale (in terms of goals, functions, areas and types of activities) and has been raised to an almost scientific level (on paper). The main thing that can be deduced from all the requirements placed on the methodologist is the task of providing methodological support professionally.

But the question immediately arises: what is the essence of this profession - a methodologist, is there any specificity in the system of additional education and, finally, where and how can this profession be mastered? As for the latter, the answer is obvious: all methodologists of both the former out-of-school and the current system of additional education are self-taught. But today, self-training is clearly not enough. As the diagnostic results show, not every methodologist can identify the objects and subjects of his activity, identify goals, set tasks, or organize work in logic; methodological tools need a variety of additions, and ideas about the result require scientific forecasting.

There is a need to create a professional training system for parole methodologists that operates continuously, in various forms and flexibly - primarily taking into account the specifics of the region and the institution in which a particular methodologist works. One way out in this situation could be the creation of a “Methodologist’s School,” where the professional training of parole methodologists will allow them to grow professionally, discuss problems, exchange experiences, and conduct methodological developments. A similar school operates in the Orenburg City Palace of Children and Youth Creativity. The school program, of course, needs further development and constant improvement, however, already in the process of its implementation, we can say that the productivity and professionalism of methodologists has significantly increased; their activities have acquired a meaningful and systematic character; the demand for various methodological services has sharply increased, the attitude towards the methodologist and his work has changed in a positive direction; most methodological developments are translated into practice; the degree of influence of methodologists on the quality of the pedagogical process and its results has increased.

The main task of methodologists and the main direction of their work is methodological support of the educational process.

Methodological support is a system of interaction between a methodologist and teaching staff, which includes, in addition to methodological equipment (programs, methodological developments, teaching aids), such components as: joint productive work of the methodologist and teacher (team); testing and implementation of more effective models, methods, and technologies into practice; information, education and training of personnel; joint analysis of the quality of activities and their results.

Priorityobjectsmethodological support in UDL should include teaching activities, the pedagogical system, educational and educational processes (as in any educational institution); therefore priorityobjectsupport - the teaching staff of the educational institution or its specific divisions, teaching staff. The concentration of methodological activities on one’s own institution will allow it to be raised to a higher quality level of activities, systems, and results.

Methodological support must be carried out at a highly professional level: not only purely methodological skills are important here, but above all -full ownership of the collateral(in no case is it possible to ensure, for example, the educational process without understanding what it is). Its quality can be tracked, firstly, by the quality of methodological products (equipment) and, secondly, by the level of its organization: how comprehensively and systematically it is carried out; to what extent the capabilities of the methodologist himself, pedagogical science and experience, first of all, of his institution have been used; to what extent the features and capabilities of the objects and their needs are taken into account. The main final results of methodological support can be viewed at two levels:

- the methodologist himself(the subject of this area of ​​activity): here this final result is most often expressed in methodological products;

- subject and object: here the result is expressed in their change, and the quality of the result is in the nature of the changes (if the methodological support was “direct”) - how much for the better (or worse), how qualitatively the subject has changed thanks to the methodological support (provided that the leading role in this provision belonged to the methodologist, since especially experienced teachers may not need support “from the outside”). If methodological support was indirect and not specifically targeted, then its success can be traced by the degree of demand for methodological products, tracking the degree of its application and usefulness for the practice of other institutions.

To summarize the definition of the essence of methodological support, I would like to note that its main purpose in the proposed approach is to achieve the quality of activity (pedagogical in general or any specific component or direction), and only as a consequence of this quality can results be achieved (pedagogical, educational, upbringing) of a higher (compared to the initial state) level. But since the activity being provided has certain or different subjects, the methodologist cannot be fully responsible for the quality of the work and the quality of the results of these subjects.

The priority areas in the activities of the methodological service are scientific and methodological, regulatory, software, technological and information and methodological support. To make these areas more effective, it is necessary to build each of them into a system of methodological activities both at the level of each methodologist and at the level of the service as a whole. Obstacles may be problems of multi-objective support, multi-subject in the work of the methodologist, a heavy workload with various types of work that are not related to each other. The way out of this situation is to separate priority methodological functions and types of support (for example, a laboratory for problems of additional education and upbringing and an information and methodological center). In each institution of additional education, it is necessary to create an information and methodological center (department) that collects, analyzes information, records and stores it, and uses modern methods of collecting information that are adequate to management goals. Analysis of pedagogical phenomena allows us to establish cause-and-effect relationships and make informed management decisions.

2.3. Standardization of additional education

The results of educational activities in the field of additional education include the totality of student achievements in the educational, personal and social spheres obtained over a certain period of study.Each of the parameters can become a priority in a particular children's team, depending on its specifics. Measuring the results of educational activities in UDL makes it possible to:

    • compare the potential of different educational systems;

      diagnose the state of this educational system;

      evaluate the process of development of the educational system;

      predict the likelihood of achieving new pedagogical results.

Currently, there are three approaches to developing requirements for the level of student training:

1. definition of the list of “information”: basic concepts, categories, laws, theories;

2. determination of a set of subject assignments and problems, the solution of which requires certain subject knowledge and skills;

3. determination of integral and “supra-subject” skills to solve standard and non-standard problems.

The third approach seems to be the most significant, the focus on which led to the idea of ​​defining an educational standard using the concept of “level of education,” which characterizes a student’s ability to independently solve cognitive and practical problems. Characteristics of the level of education are not reduced to the sum of subject knowledge and skills. To a greater extent, the degree of development of students’ generalized (interdisciplinary, supradisciplinary) skills of cognitive activity, which are formed not only in educational activities, but also in other types of activities, is taken into account.

The normative basis for determining the criteria for the effectiveness of the educational process is the educational standard. The topic of standards and standardization in additional education has recently become widespread. There are varied opinions on this issue. Some believe that standards are needed because... will help streamline the activities of parole and program the result; others, on the contrary, categorically object, believing that the standards will limit the creative potential of additional education. As the results of diagnostics of teachers in the region show, the majority of workers in the field of additional education do not have a clear idea of ​​what a “standard” is and what it can be.

The International Standards Organization offers the following definition of standardization: “It is the establishment and application of rules for the purpose of streamlining activities in a given area for the benefit and participation of all interested parties.” There is a definition of standardization in relation to education and in pedagogical science.

Standardization is an activity aimed at achieving an optimal degree of order in a certain field of activity by establishing provisions for general and repeated use in relation to actual or potential tasks.

Thus, standardization is understood as an activity consisting of finding solutions to recurring tasks of teaching and upbringing, managing the educational process and aimed at streamlining teaching practice. The development of standards can be carried out at the level of a specific teacher, institution, or region. The requirements of the educational standard are the basis for identifying criteria, based on which it is possible to analyze ways to improve the effectiveness of the educational process. The general logic of such a search is to identify factors that influence the relationships between individual components of the educational process, the conditions in which it takes place, and the results obtained.

The standard for a teacher of additional education, according to the Model Regulations, is an educational (standard, modified, original) program or activity program approved by the UDO methodological council.

Acting as a standard, the educational program must contain a criterial description of the minimum level of knowledge, skills and abilities in the subject.

Traditionally, the structure of standards distinguishes the following areas: content of education, qualimetry of knowledge, psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, typology of knowledge and categorization of education, teacher qualifications, pedagogical research.

In additional education, the following groups of standards can be developed:

Group 1 - education content standards, containing standards for the disciplines taught. This group is also called training standards. It is necessary to take into account that standards in different educational areas (technical creativity, leisure, sports, etc.) cannot be the same and must reflect the specifics of the type of activity and levels of mastery of the subject.

Group 2 - standards for the psychophysical and social development of the child’s personality. Their meaning is to determine the set of necessary qualities of the child’s personality. Naturally, personal characteristics cannot be standardized. But a group of education criteria can be identified that a graduate of an association of additional education institutions must meet.

Group 3 - standards of pedagogical professionalism, including requirements for teachers of special and general pedagogical levels.

Group 4 - management standards containing certain norms, rules, mechanisms for managing a unit or institution.

Standardization in the system of additional education includes three main elements.

First element - creation of a scientific and methodological basis for standardization: principles and methods that should be applied when determining the objects of standardization in the field of additional education, development of norms, requirements, criteria for the quality of educational training, as well as the procedure for licensing institutions, certification of teachers, etc.

Second element - development of standards by teachers-scientists and practitioners.

Third element - organization of diagnostic structures and their implementation of verification of compliance with the requirements of the standards.

To organize diagnostics when implementing standardization of education, control methods, analysis of control results, stimulation of activities to comply with the requirements of standards must be scientifically substantiated, and a measure of responsibility for their failure to comply must be determined.

The use of standardization gives a positive effect in any field of activity (unless, of course, the replacement of standardization with unification is brought to the point of absurdity, as was the case in school practice), because organizationally the provisions of management theory are fulfilled: the creation of a scientific base, regulation in documents scientifically and practically justified requirements and standards, as well as the creation of a reliable feedback mechanism for independent monitoring of the implementation of standards.

Educational standards create the necessary basis for developing a system for monitoring the quality of education.

2.5. Monitoring in the system of additional education

Educational quality management ensures quality through the management of relevant processes and operations. At the level of further education institutions, this requires the introduction and maintenance of systems for continuous monitoring of the effectiveness of strategy and practice.

The word “monitoring” comes from the Latinmonitor- reminding, supervising, and in modern language means “observation, assessment and forecasting of the state of the environment in connection with human economic activity.”

They talk about monitoring when, in the process of any innovation, the processes and phenomena occurring in the real subject environment are constantly monitored.

In the social sphere, monitoring is understood as the determination of a small number of indicators that reflect the state of the social environment with subsequent accumulation by the method of repeated measurements and analysis of information over time. In this case, a comparison with basic or standard indicators is used.

Pedagogical monitoring is a form of organizing the collection, storage, processing and dissemination of information about the activities of the pedagogical system, providing continuous monitoring of its condition and forecasting its development.

Monitoring the quality of education is a systematic and regular procedure for collecting data on important educational aspects at the national, regional and local (including each educational institution) levels, and taking appropriate action when necessary.

The education quality monitoring system includes the following elements:

    • Standard setting and operationalization: defining standards; operationalization of standards in indicators (measurable values); establishing criteria by which it is possible to judge the achievement of standards.

      Data collection and evaluation: data collection; evaluation of results.

      Actions: taking appropriate measures, evaluating the results of the measures taken in accordance with the standards.

Thus, the problem field of pedagogical monitoring is much broader than the traditional assessment of knowledge, skills, or even personal qualities of students.

Among the priority problems of monitoring in the system of additional education are:

    • study and evaluation of the objectives, content and curriculum itself;

      development of effective application of educational standards;

      assessment of the quality of teaching aids, didactic and technical means;

      assessment of the effectiveness of traditional and innovative forms and methods of training and education;

      assessment of modern pedagogical technologies of training and education;

      creation of a diagnostic service to obtain scientific and objective information about the quality of development of the educational system, etc.

The most progressively thinking directors of preschool educational institutions realized that without a well-functioning psychological service, the problems of diagnosis, selection, differentiation, individualization, profiling and corresponding forecasting of trends in improving the education and development of students cannot be dealt with. Moreover, as soon as at least to some extent (even if there were one or two psychologists) the psychological service in the parole began to work, the psychological problems were followed by valeological problems, i.e. children's health problems. Therefore, the creation of a valeological service is no less important. But for pedagogical purposes, diagnostics of the social sphere and the actual pedagogical diagnostics of the educational process are important.

Thus, at present, an additional education institution needs a social-valeological and psychological-pedagogical service that would comprehensively solve those tasks that fit into the concept of pedagogical monitoring. In the 1930s, pedology tried to do all this. But since pedology as a science was liquidated at one time, a huge amount of work remains to create and develop activities for a comprehensive diagnosis of the individual and the development of the entire educational system. To begin with, each UDO needs at least one social teacher, one valeologist and one psychologist, who must work together with teachers and students.

Pedagogical monitoring is especially necessary in parole when working with children with developmental disabilities, with children at risk, which includes children: with pronounced pedagogical neglect; with impairments in performance, fatigue; with a lag in the cognitive sphere; with increased anxiety; with emotional disorders; with hyperactive, unpredictable behavior, etc.

The main objects of monitoring in parole can be:

1) the child’s educational activity itself (its characteristics, structure, course);

2) the mental development of the child and the formation of new formations of educational activity;

3) development of communication and children's team;

4) the activities of the teacher and the development of his personality.

The main and starting point is the educational activity itself as a complex developing process that is subject to constant monitoring and adjustment.

Monitoring the quality of additional education can be carried out directly at the institution or through a service external to the institution. All actions carried out independently by the UDO to control, manage and optimize quality are usually characterized asinternal quality monitoring . The term “self-assessment” or “self-certification” is sometimes used for this type of monitoring.

Measures taken by the government to evaluate educational outcomes are calledexternal quality monitoring . This type of monitoring is often implemented through the accountability of parole authorities to government authorities.

Responsibility for monitoring the quality of education lies with educational authorities and the administration of parole education. Education authorities should not monitor for the sake of control.

The purpose of monitoring is to improve the content of education, what is taught and what teaching method teachers use, and what are the national values. The purpose of external monitoring of the quality of education is to determine how much the internal assessment of the quality of education corresponds to reality. In other words, external quality monitoring should control the mechanisms and results of internal quality assessment.

2.5. Professional and personal readiness of teachers and heads of additional education institutions in the region to ensure educational and personal achievements of students

The goal of the next stage of education reform is to ensure the educational and personal achievements of students. a study among teaching and management personnel of additional education institutions in the region in order to identify their professional and personal readiness to ensure the educational and personal achievements of students. The study was conducted on various aspects.

One of the aspects characterizing the readiness of additional education institutions for a new stage is the level of awareness of teachers about its goals. Most institutions have carried out good preparatory work with teachers, including discussions of the content, tasks and methods of the new stage of reform (see Table 1).

Table 1

Preparation work

Discussion of content (%)

Discussion of tasks (%)

Discussion of methods (%)

Teacher evaluation

Manager Assessment

Overestimation of one's own performance compared to someone else's expert assessment is a fairly common occurrence. This explains the differences in the assessments of principals and teachers. Acting as experts, that is, assessing the readiness of their colleagues for a new stage of reform, teachers rated the level of awareness of the employees of their institution as significantly lower than their own (see histogram 1).

Histogram 1

A comparative picture of the awareness of understanding the content, tasks and methods of the next stage of regional education reform, taking into account expert assessments and self-assessments of teachers.

Most workers in the field of additional education are quite confident in their personal understanding of the content of the goal set for them - ensuring the educational and personal achievements of students and the tasks facing the institution. Many teachers are not aware of the methods for solving these problems at all or have a very vague idea about them.

Directors' self-assessment of their contribution to organizing discussions of content, methods and tasks is clearly overestimated (see histogram 2).

Histogram 2

It is obvious that in order to increase the level of readiness of teachers to ensure student achievements, the level of methodological activities of UDL should be increased. Particular attention should be paid to explaining to teachers the content and methods necessary to achieve the goals.

When analyzing the psychological readiness of additional education teachers to ensure student achievement, a sober and thoughtful approach to the idea of ​​reform emerged (see Table 2).

Table 2.

Rank series of positive expectations of teachers from professional activities within the framework of the new stage of education reform

1. The need for methodological assistance


2. Significant financial investments in training conditions will be required.


3. Retraining of teachers will be required


4. Internal restructuring will be required


5. Significant changes will be required in the education system, that is, “at the top”


6. It will take time (success, but not immediately)


7. Positive expectations under any conditions


8. There is no clear opinion on this matter


None of the teachers expressed negative expectations. The opinions of directors differ significantly from the results of the survey of teachers. 83.1% have positive expectations, in which directors consider methodological assistance (78.5%), financial support (47.3%), internal adjustment of employees (34.4%), and also note that everything it will take time (48.5%). In their negative expectations, directors are most concerned about the impossibility of full methodological support (80%), lack of finances (60%), psychological unpreparedness of employees (42.6%) and general difficulties for the country (38.9%).

Degree of professional competence of additional education teachers

In the study, professional competence was viewed through identifying the ability to analyze the results of one’s activities at various levels, the ability to take an individual approach to learning and to analyzing the results and through self-assessment of the results of one’s activities, the level of theoretical knowledge in the field of the taught subject, and possession of communication skills.

An analysis of the issue of the availability of teacher performance results showed a low level of obtaining sustainable results in terms of student achievements, although the degree of teachers’ understanding of the need for not only group, but also individual observation and analysis is very high. Almost all teachers and directors believe that having experience behind them, it is not difficult to see and analyze their successes and difficulties, analyze their own activities, reveal their successes and failures at a methodological seminar in order to warn colleagues against similar mistakes. Directors, when evaluating teachers, believe that they are better able to see their difficulties and successes, less successful in analysis, and even less successful in their ability to warn others from their mistakes.

Additional education teachers rated their own knowledge of the theory of the subject being taught and the methods of teaching it as 83.3%; among their colleagues - 85.0%; directors rated their teachers at 84.1%.

The level of understanding of the teaching process as a system that includes goal setting, educational technologies, and analysis of results turned out to be significantly lower (53% among teachers, 54% among directors) than the level of knowledge of their subject and the ability to teach it. That is, when answering the question about the ability to teach a subject, both teachers and directors did not think about the teaching process as an entire system and thought in a simplified way. The weakest training of teachers was noted on the problem of monitoring and analyzing its data with access to changes and correction of the system.

These studies indicate the importance of developing the professionalism of teachers and managers of additional education institutions. The understanding of a professional teacher as a subject who knows how to convey the sum of all his knowledge is too simplified. A modern teacher must professionally master all methods of measuring knowledge, the ability to design student achievements, methods for tracking results and be able to use the analysis of these results, revealing their sources and causes, correct these reasons, returning to one or another stage, see the teaching system as a whole and its components .

The teaching process as a system includes:

    • the ability to measure knowledge from a pedagogical, sociocultural point of view;

      ability to design student achievements;

      diagnose the level of knowledge as a result of their actions to ensure the educational and personal achievements of students;

      apply results monitoring;

      analyze the results of monitoring in order to achieve correction of the entire system or modular correction.

Only half of the teachers surveyed showed a high degree of interest in the development of their institution, in innovation in the field of their subject and in the field of pedagogical impact. The reason for low involvement in innovation processes is the low level of theoretical knowledge and mastery of terminology. Directors approached this issue critically, assessing their level of theoretical knowledge necessary to substantiate their innovations for the purpose of their further practical use at 40%, and the level of teachers at 34%.

The main sources of information on innovation processes were named:



1. Institute for Advanced Training of Education Workers



2. Periodical literature



3. Methodological associations



4. Monographs



The level of research skills and abilities among teachers is quite high, such as possession of observation skills, a diagnostic system, and skills in working with literature. Also, assessments of teachers’ ability to patiently communicate with various categories of others are at a fairly high level. Nevertheless, there is a noticeably less tolerant attitude towards their colleagues, both on the part of teachers and on the part of managers.

The most pressing problems among teachers remain the problems of professional and competent analysis of their own experience and the experience of their colleagues, and mastery of speech culture. This indicates a professionally weak readiness for the new stage of reform of regional additional education.

A way out of this situation can be found by creating a conceptual reference book of all key words associated with the next stage of regional education reform, supplemented with situational examples. An urgent task in the activities of methodological services of institutions of additional education is the organization of the process of increasing the professional competence of teachers, the most important part of which should be the acquisition of the necessary theoretical knowledge by all employees. The task of managers is to organize and create the necessary conditions for conducting repeated discussions in institutions and structural divisions with subsequent testing of all theoretical concepts and their components included in the content of the next stage of reform.

Structure of educational and personal achievements of students

Unfortunately, the results of the study showed that teachers have a poor understanding of the educational and personal achievements of students. The criteria for assessing the educational and personal achievements of students and standards of achievement require clarification. Only 15% of additional education teachers represent the structure of student achievements. There is a high level of difficulty in teachers’ and managers’ understanding of the need to diagnose the effectiveness of their own activities. Workers in the additional education system are not ready to use standardized methods, using mainly expert methods for assessing achievements. The greatest difficulties that arise when using various forms of diagnostics relate to the independent development of tests.

Taking these problems into account, the methodological services of additional education institutions need to develop a series of special classes with teachers. It should consider the role, objectives, boundaries and methods of using different forms of diagnostics. Considering the understanding of the content of the concept of the structure of educational and personal achievements of students as the basic basis for activities within the framework of the next stage of regional education reform, it should be assumed that this foundation must be strong. To do this, it is necessary to hold discussions in institutions during which teachers would overcome psychological inhibition in mastering new forms of diagnostics.

Conditions of activity beyond the control of the teacher

Important conditions for the introduction of innovation are the conditions in which teachers are forced to work. Analyzing the experience of pedagogical activities of UDO in the region, we can conclude that in our region there are favorable conditions, in comparison with other regions, for achieving positive results in additional education. Although teachers note a number of conditions that do not always accompany success, which teachers cannot influence. These include: psychological and pedagogical conditions, managerial conditions, methodological level, social conditions, economic conditions, conditions for providing the educational process with everything necessary. The last condition is one of the most acute problems in institutions of additional education.


To overcome the economic and social crisis, Russia needs educated, developed people. In this regard, it is necessary to significantly improve the quality of education, including additional education. The processes of management and control of the quality of education are becoming extremely important in the educational policy of the region.

Responsibility for the quality of education lies not only with educational authorities at the federal or regional level. Each educational institution, including institutions of additional education, is free to choose the forms and methods of organizing the educational process in accordance with its own capabilities and ideas. An additional education institution is responsible for the quality of educational services and accountable for its actions to students, parents and society.

Quality assurance or quality management of education means step-by-step monitoring of the educational process in a pre-school educational institution.

For more efficient functioning of the system of additional education in the region, it is advisable to create a quality management system for additional education based on scientific principles.

In order for the system of additional education in the region to begin to operate more effectively, along with organizing elements of competition, it is necessary to actively manage the educational process. For this purpose, it is advisable to create a quality management system for additional education in the region based on scientific principles. Currently, reforming the education quality control system lags significantly behind reforming the content of education. There is only one way out of the growing problem: to immediately include innovative methods of monitoring the quality of education in the search for stabilization of the current situation. Education standards should become the scientific, methodological and regulatory basis of the education quality management system.

Further education institutions are responsible for monitoring their own quality.

In a market economy, every organization that wants to survive must help create a culture of quality. A culture of quality in education arises when solving consumer problems becomes the goal of every employee of an educational institution, and at the same time, the structure of the educational institution allows them to do this. When considering quality, the consumer remains decisive.


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2. Bezuglov Yu.I. Education quality management //Prospects for creating a regional system of continuous professional education. - Orenburg, 2008.

3. Bespalko V.P. Standardization of education: basic ideas and concepts // Pedagogy. -M., 2003. - No. 5. - pp. 16-25.

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10. Mayorov A.N. , Sakharchuk L.B., Sotov A.V. Elements of pedagogical monitoring and regional standards in management. - St. Petersburg, 1992.

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This provision provides for the necessary assessment procedures, the development and implementation of the VSOKO model, and ensures the assessment, accounting and further use of the results obtained.

Material developed and prepared

Vedeniktova Ekaterina Vasilievna

Deputy Director for MMR

Municipal educational institution Kazachinskaya secondary school

Kazachinsko-Lensky district

Irkutsk region


on the internal system for assessing the quality of education

municipal educational institution

Kazachinskaya secondary school

1. General Provisions.

1.1. The regulation is a normative document developed in accordance with the “Law on Education in the Russian Federation” (Article 28, paragraph 3, subparagraph 13), on the basis of which the competence of the educational organization includes ensuring the functioning of the internal assessment of the quality of education (hereinafter referred to as IEQE). The charter and local acts provide the legal basis for the implementation of this system in accordance with the regulatory documents of the Russian Federation in the field of education.

1.2. The internal system for assessing the quality of education is an activity for information support for the management of an educational organization, based on a systematic analysis of the quality of implementation of educational activities, its resource provision and its results.

1.3. The provision applies to the activities of all teaching staff of an organization carrying out educational activities, carrying out professional activities in accordance with an employment contract, including teaching staff working part-time.

1.4. The organization carrying out educational activities ensures the implementation of the necessary assessment procedures, the development and implementation of the VSOKO model, ensures the assessment, recording and further use of the results obtained.

1.5. The following terms are used in this provision:

The quality of education– a comprehensive description of the educational activity and training of the student, expressing the degree of their compliance with federal state educational standards and the needs of the individual in whose interests the educational activity is carried out, including the degree of achievement of the planned results of the educational program;

Quality of conditions– implementation of sanitary and hygienic standards for organizing the educational process; catering at school; implementation of measures to ensure the safety of students in the organization of the educational process.

Education quality assessment– determination, using diagnostic and evaluation procedures, of the degree of compliance of resource provision, the educational process, and educational results with regulatory requirements, social and personal expectations.

Internal education quality assessment system– an integral system of diagnostic and assessment procedures implemented by various subjects of state and public management of an educational organization, to which certain powers are delegated to assess the quality of education, as well as a set of organizational structures and regulatory legal materials that ensure management of the quality of education.

Measurement– assessment of the level of educational achievements using control measurement materials in a standardized form, the content of which corresponds to the educational programs being implemented.

Criterion– a sign on the basis of which the assessment and classification of the assessed object is made.

Monitoring– comprehensive analytical tracking of processes that determine quantitative and qualitative changes in the quality of education, the result of which is to establish the degree of compliance of measured educational results, the conditions for their achievement and ensuring a generally recognized system of state and public requirements for the quality of education, as well as personal requirements, fixed in regulatory documents and local acts students' expectations.

Expertise– comprehensive study and analysis of the state of educational activities, conditions and results of educational activities.

1.6. Education quality assessment is carried out through:


state accreditation;

state (final) certification of graduates;

In-school control systems;

monitoring the quality of education.

1.7. The following are used as data sources for assessing the quality of education:

educational statistics;

intermediate and final certification;

monitoring studies;

sociological surveys;

reports from school staff;

attending classes and extracurricular activities

2. Main goals, objectives and principles

internal system for assessing the quality of education.

2.1. The internal system for assessing the quality of education is focused on solving the following tasks:

Systematic monitoring and analysis of the state of the education system in an educational organization to make informed and timely management decisions aimed at improving the quality of educational activities and educational results.

Maximum elimination of the effect of incompleteness and inaccuracy of information about the quality of education, both at the stage of planning educational results and at the stage of assessing the effectiveness of educational activities to achieve the appropriate quality of education.

2.2. Goals of the internal education quality assessment system:

Formation of a unified system for diagnosing and monitoring the state of education, ensuring the identification of factors and timely identification of changes affecting the quality of education in school;

Obtaining objective information about the functioning and development of the education system at school, trends in its change and reasons affecting its level;

Providing all participants in educational relations and public reliable information about the quality of education;

Making informed and timely management decisions to improve education and increasing the level of awareness of consumers of educational services when making such decisions;

Forecasting the development of the school educational system.

2.3. VSOKO is based on the following principles:

Objectivity, reliability, completeness and consistency of information about the quality of education;

  • The reality of requirements, norms and indicators of the quality of education, their social and personal significance, taking into account the individual characteristics of the development of individual students when assessing the results of their training and education;

Openness and transparency of procedures for assessing the quality of education; continuity in educational policy, integration into the all-Russian system for assessing the quality of education;

Availability of information about the state and quality of education for various consumer groups;

Reflexivity, implemented through the inclusion of teachers in criterion-based self-analysis and self-assessment of their activities based on objective criteria and indicators; increasing the potential for internal assessment, self-esteem, and self-analysis of each teacher;

Optimal use of primary data sources to determine indicators of the quality and effectiveness of education (taking into account the possibility of their reuse;

The instrumentality and manufacturability of the indicators used (taking into account the existing capabilities of data collection, measurement techniques, analysis and interpretation of data, the preparedness of consumers to perceive them);

Minimizing the system of indicators taking into account the needs of different levels of management; comparability of the system of indicators with municipal and regional indicators;

Mutual complementarity of assessment procedures, establishment of relationships and interdependence between them;

Compliance with moral and ethical standards when conducting procedures for assessing the quality of education at school

3. Procedure for organizing VSOKO

3.1. Key directions of ESQE by levels of general education for the current academic year:

conditions for the implementation of educational programs;

achievement by students of the results of mastering educational programs.

3.2. The quality of educational activities, the quality of conditions and the quality of the result determine the logical structure of the ESQE, the composition of persons involved in assessing the quality of education, and the schedule of assessment procedures (monitoring system).

3.3. The internal system for assessing the quality of education is carried out in relation to the results of students’ mastery and the conditions for implementing the educational program at the corresponding level of general education and includes:

a starting assessment necessary for the design and (or) correction of the target section of the educational program, self-assessment of the compliance of the content of education with mandatory requirements, development of a “road map” of the conditions for the implementation of the educational program;

control assessment based on the results of the implementation of the PLO and the implementation of the “road map”;

border monitoring.

3.4. The initial assessment is carried out at the stage of design and (or) correction of educational educational programs of each level of basic general education and does not imply an assessment of the results.

3.5. The control assessment is carried out based on the results of mastering/implementing the educational program for the current academic year and includes an assessment of:

effectiveness of implemented/mastered OOP;

implementation of the road map;

students' achievement of planned results.

2.6. Midterm monitoring of the implementation of activities of individual subprograms/components of the PEP and analysis of the results of intermediate certification is carried out in order to determine the effectiveness of the development / implementation of the PEP.

4. Organizational and functional structure of VSOKO

4.1. The organizational structure involved in intra-school assessment, examination of the quality of education and interpretation of the results obtained includes: school administration, pedagogical council, methodological council, methodological associations of subject teachers, temporary councils (pedagogical council, temporary creative and (or) working groups, etc. .d.).

4.2. School administration:

Forms a block of local acts regulating the functioning of the school’s VSOKO and annexes to them, approves them by order of the school director and monitors their implementation;

Develops activities and prepares proposals aimed at improving the system for assessing the quality of school education, participates in these activities;

On the basis of the educational program, ensures the conduct of control and evaluation procedures, monitoring, sociological and statistical studies on the quality of education at school;

Organizes a system for assessing the quality of education, collects, processes, stores and provides information on the state and dynamics of development; analyzes the results of assessing the quality of education at the school level;

Organizes the study of information requests of the main users of the education quality assessment system;

Provides conditions for training school employees to implement control and assessment procedures;

Provides information on the quality of education to the municipal and regional levels of the education quality assessment system; generates information and analytical materials based on the results of assessing the quality of education (analysis of the school’s work for the academic year, public report, etc.);

Makes management decisions on the development of the quality of education based on the analysis of the results obtained in the process of implementing the VSOKO.

4.3. Pedagogical advice:

Helps determine strategic directions for the development of the education system at school;

Participates in the formation of information requests from the main users of the school’s education quality assessment system;

Takes part in the discussion of the system of indicators characterizing the state and dynamics of development of the education system;

Takes part in the examination of the quality of educational results, the conditions for organizing educational activities at school;

Participation in assessing the quality and performance of school employees;

Promotes the organization of work to improve the qualifications of teaching staff, the development of their creative initiatives;

Takes part in the discussion of the system of indicators characterizing the state and dynamics of development of the education system at school;

Makes a decision on the list of educational subjects submitted for intermediate certification.

4.4. Methodological advice and methodological associations of subject teachers:

Participate in the development of methods for assessing the quality of education; participate in the development of a system of indicators characterizing the state and dynamics of school development;

Participate in the development of criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the professional activities of school teachers;

Promote the training of school employees in the implementation of control and assessment procedures;

Conduct an examination of the organization, content and results of student certification and formulate proposals for their improvement;

They prepare proposals for the administration to develop management decisions based on the results of assessing the quality of education at the school level.

5. Assessment of the content of education and educational activities

5.2. The assessment of the content of education is carried out by deputy directors for educational and educational work, the pedagogical council on the basis of parameters and meters developed in the public organization.

5.3. As part of the content of education, the following are assessed:

5.3.1. For OO classes studying in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards:

compliance of the structure and content of the curriculum with the structure and content of the basic curriculum of 2004;

the availability of curricula for students mastering OOP according to an individual curriculum;

the availability of materials confirming that the educational needs and requests of students and (or) their parents (legal representatives) are taken into account in the curriculum when forming the educational component;

availability of work programs for academic subjects, courses, disciplines in all subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) of the curriculum;

compliance of the content of work programs of academic subjects, courses, disciplines in all subjects, courses, disciplines with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards;

availability of educational programs;

availability of a schedule of extracurricular activities within the framework of the educational program;

availability of work programs and other documentation in areas of extracurricular activities, compliance of the content with the declared area;

implementation in full of the content of program material in areas of extracurricular activities;

availability of adapted educational programs;

availability of curricula for students mastering OEP in full-time, part-time and correspondence forms of education; according to an individual curriculum (according to the educational needs and capabilities of students).

5.3.2. For classes studying in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of NOO, LLC, SOO:

compliance of the structure of the educational program with the requirements of the corresponding Federal State Educational Standard (FSES NOO, FSES LLC, FSES SOO);

taking into account in the educational program the specifics and traditions of the educational organization, the social demand of consumers of educational services;

the presence in the curriculum of compulsory subject areas and academic subjects of the corresponding Federal State Educational Standard (FSES NOO, FSES LLC, FSES SOO);

compliance of the volume of hours for a certain period of study in accordance with the requirements of the relevant Federal State Educational Standard (Federal State Educational Standard of Educational Education, Federal State Educational Standard of LLC, Federal State Educational Standard of Special Education) and the educational plan of educational institutions by level of education;

the availability of materials confirming that the curriculum takes into account the educational needs and requests of students and (or) their parents (legal representatives) when determining the part formed by the participants in educational relations;

availability of work programs for academic subjects, courses, disciplines in all subjects of the curriculum, their compliance with the requirements of the relevant Federal State Educational Standard;

implementation in full of the content of program material in academic subject(s), course(s), discipline(s) (implementation of work programs);

availability of a program for the formation and development of UUD;

availability of a program for the spiritual and moral development of students (for primary general education);

the presence of a program for the socialization and education of students (for basic general education);

the presence of a plan for extracurricular activities within the framework of the educational program, its provision with work programs and other documentation in the areas of extracurricular activities, compliance of the content with the declared direction;

implementation in full of the content of program material in areas of extracurricular activities.

5.4. Evaluation of educational activities is carried out according to the following indicators:

5.4.1. The total number of students studying the basic educational program, including:

primary general education;

basic general education;

secondary general education.

5.4.2. Provided forms of education; number of students receiving education in each form:


5.4.3. Provided forms of implementation of educational educational programs by level of general education, the number of students receiving education in each form:

using distance educational technologies;

using e-learning;

homeschooling according to an individual plan.

6. Assessment of the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program

6.1. The assessment of the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program by level of general education is carried out by the deputy director for water management, the head of the library, with the assistance of the deputy director for administrative and administrative management, according to the parameters and meters developed in the public organization .

6.2. Assessment of the conditions for the implementation of educational programs (by level of general education) includes analysis of:


material and technical equipment;

quality of information and educational environment;

educational and methodological support;

library and information resources.

6.3. An assessment of the conditions for the implementation of the educational program (by level of general education) is carried out at the stage of its design / correction in order to determine the actual conditions and develop a “road map”.

7. Evaluation of the results of the implementation of the PLO

7.1. Assessment of the results of the implementation of the PEP, in part corresponding to the Federal State Educational Standards:

7.1.1. During the period of a gradual transition to the Federal State Educational Standards of general education (by level), only subject educational results are assessed for students mastering general education programs corresponding to the Federal State Educational Standards.

7.1.2. Assessment of subject results for the specified group of students is carried out in the following forms:

intermediate certification;

7.2. Assessment of the results of the implementation of the educational program, in part, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard:

7.2.1. Assessment of the achievement of substantive results of mastering the educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of Non-Professional Education, Federal State Educational Standards of LLC, Federal State Educational Standards of SOO is carried out in the following forms:

intermediate certification;

cumulative assessment of individual educational achievements of students (using portfolio technology);

final certification of students at the institutional level (in subjects not included in the State Academic Examination (elective subjects);

analysis of the results of the state final certification.

7.2.2. Assessment of the achievement of meta-subject results of mastering PEP in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of Non-Educational Education, Federal State Educational Standards of LLC, Federal State Educational Standards of Special Education is carried out in the following forms:

comprehensive control work;

expert opinion on the results of students completing a group project.

7.2.3. CMMs for assessing students’ achievement of meta-subject results in mastering PLO at the appropriate level are developed on the basis of materials from CMMs at the federal level.

7.2.4. Recording of data on the assessment of meta-subject results is carried out in accordance with the parameters and indicators of the Programs of psychological and pedagogical support for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of NOO and Federal State Educational Standard of LLC.

7.2.5. Assessment of the achievement of personal results by students in mastering the general education program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of Non-Educational Education, Federal State Educational Standards of LLC, Federal State Educational Standards of Special Education is carried out indirectly, through non-personalized monitoring carried out by a psychologist or other person with the appropriate authority, as well as through statistical recording of individual achievements of students in the activities of educational programs.

7.2.6. Assessment of personal results is built into educational programs developed in accordance with the implemented educational standard.

7.2.7. Recording of data on the assessment of personal results is carried out in accordance with the parameters and indicators of the Programs of psychological and pedagogical support for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards of NOO and Federal State Educational Standards of LLC.

7.3. Current monitoring of student progress and intermediate certification of students:

are organized and conducted at the Municipal Educational Institution Kazachinskaya Secondary School in accordance with the Regulations on the forms, frequency and procedure for ongoing monitoring of academic performance and intermediate certification of students;

with the planned results of mastering the basic educational program at the appropriate level of general education.

7.4. As part of current control as formative control, an assessment of the educational outcomes planned by teachers’ work programs is carried out: subject and (or) meta-subject - depending on the implemented educational program.

Annex 1.

To the Regulations on Internal

quality assessment system

education at MOU Kazachinskaya secondary school

Objects of assessing the quality of education.

An object



Assessment methods



I.Quality of educational results

Subject results

share of unsuccessful students;

proportion of students with “4” and “5” grades; average percentage of completion of administrative control tasks;

the share of students in grades 9 and 11 who passed the minimum threshold when passing the state certification in the subjects Russian language and mathematics;

the share of students in grades 9 and 11 who received a certificate;

average score in the subjects Russian language and mathematics based on the results of state certification;

the share of students in grades 9 and 11 who received a special certificate;

the share of students who completed 2/3 of the proposed tasks during current and final control in transfer classes.

Intermediate and final control; monitoring; analysis of final certification results

Deputy for Internal Affairs

based on the results of a quarter, half-year, academic year

Meta-subject results

The level of mastery of the planned meta-subject results in accordance with the list from the educational program of the educational institution (high, average, low). Dynamics of results

Intermediate and final control

Analysis of classroom and extracurricular activities

in accordance with the HSC monitoring plan

Personal results

The level of development of planned personal results in accordance with the list from the educational program of the educational institution (high, medium, low).

Dynamics of results

Monitoring research Analysis of classroom and extracurricular activities

Class teacher, Deputy for VR

in accordance with the HSC monitoring plan

Health of students

Level of physical fitness of students

share of students by health group

Proportion of students who go in for sports.

Percentage of school absences due to illness.

Monitoring study


Class teacher, health worker

Once every six months

1 time per month

Achievements of students at competitions, competitions, olympiads

The share of students who participated in competitions and olympiads in subjects at the level: school, city, region, etc.

Share of winners (prize-winners) at the level: school, district, region, etc. The share of students who participated in sports competitions at the level: school, city, region, etc. Share of winners of sports competitions at the level: school, district, region, etc.


Classroom teacher

Deputy for VR

in accordance with the HSC monitoring plan

Parents' satisfaction with the quality of educational results

Proportion of parents who spoke positively on issues of quality of educational results


Class teacher, Deputy for VR

End of the school year

Professional self-determination

The share of 9th grade students who have formed a career plan

The share of graduates of grades 9 and 11 who entered the UPR on a budgetary form of education

Class teacher, Deputy for VR

End of the school year

II. Quality of implementation of the educational process

Basic educational programs

Compliance of the educational program (FC GOS) with the Federal State Educational Standard:

corresponds to the OOP structure

contains the planned results, an assessment system, a program for the formation of (OUUN)UUD, programs for individual subjects, educational programs, a curriculum for classroom and extracurricular activities.

Reflects in full the ideology of the Federal State Educational Standard (FC GOS.



twice a year, in accordance with the HSC plan

Work programs by subject

Compliance with Federal State Educational Standards (FC GOS)

OOP compliance

Compliance with the school curriculum



Extracurricular activities programs

Compliance with Federal State Educational Standards (FC GOS)

Compliance with requests from parents and students.

Proportion of students involved in extracurricular activities programs





Twice a year,

Implementation of curricula and work programs

Compliance of curricula and work programs with the Federal State Educational Standard (FC GOS)

Completion percentage


final control


once a year, in accordance with the HSC and monitoring plan

The quality of lessons and individual work with students

Compliance of lessons with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard (FC GOS): implementation of a systemic activity approach; activities for the formation of UUD; etc.

Expertise, observation


During a year

Quality of extracurricular activities (including classroom management);

Compliance of lessons with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, implementation of a systemic activity approach; activities for the formation of UUD; etc.




During a year

Satisfaction of students and their parents with lessons and conditions at school

Proportion of students and their parents (legal representatives) each class, who spoke positively on each subject and separately about various types of school living conditions


1 time per year

Organization of student employment

Proportion of students attending clubs, sections, etc. after school hours

Proportion of students who took part in events organized during the holidays


In accordance with the HSC and monitoring plan

III. Quality of conditions ensuring the educational process

Logistics support

Compliance of material and technical support with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard



2 times per year

Information and development environment

Compliance of information and methodological conditions with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

Provision of educational literature for students

School website compliance



2 times per year

Sanitary, hygienic and aesthetic conditions

Compliance with SanPin requirements when organizing UVP

Proportion of students and parents who spoke positively about the sanitary, hygienic and aesthetic conditions at school

Rospotrebnadzor inspection results



In accordance with the HSC and monitoring plan


Hot food coverage

Proportion of students, parents and teachers who spoke about the organization of hot meals


questionnaire, survey

1 time per trimester

1 time per year

Psychological climate in an educational institution

The proportion of students whose emotional state corresponds to the norm.

Proportion of students, parents and teachers who spoke about the psychological climate (data collected by class)



during a year

Using the social sphere of the microdistrict and the city

Proportion of students who visited cultural, art, etc. institutions.

Share of students employed in preschool education

Share of events carried out with the involvement of social partners, village residents, etc.


End of the school year


Staffing with teaching staff with the necessary qualifications for each of the subjects of the curriculum;

The share of teaching staff with a qualification category;

The share of teaching staff who have completed advanced training courses;

The share of teaching staff who received incentives in various competitions and conferences;

The share of teaching staff who have methodological developments, printed works, and conduct master classes


End of school of the year

Public and state management and stimulation of the quality of education.

The share of students participating in student self-government.

The share of parents participating in the work of parent committees and the Council of the educational institution


End of the school year

Document flow and legal support

Compliance of school documentation with established requirements

Compliance with document flow requirements.

Completeness of legal and regulatory support



During a year


N. N. Davydova


The article analyzes various approaches to understanding the essence of the quality of education, examines the process of creating a development system and a quality management system in a general education institution of higher status, presents the main processes of this system, and identifies the changes that have occurred in activities after the implementation of an intra-school quality management system.

Key words: quality, quality of education, quality management system, principles of TQM (Total Quality Management), process approach, quality management of education.

Abstract - In this paper various approaches to understanding the essence of the quality of education are analyzed. The paper also considers the process of creating the system of development and the system of management of quality in general educational establishments of the advanced status, the basic processes of the latter being submitted. The changes which ccurred in their activities after introduction of the system of quality management are designated.

Index terms: quality, quality of education, system of quality management, principles of TQM (Total Quality Management), the process approach, quality management of education.

One of the key points in the modernization of Russian education is the need for its harmonization with the educational systems of other countries, including in terms of quality criteria. In accordance with global trends, education in general, and school education in particular, is increasingly perceived in the public consciousness as a service sector, and specific services related to the “production” of a person, the reproduction of intellectual resources, and the transmission of cultural values. The quality of these services in the Russian education system must correspond to the best examples of world practice. When implementing the state program for the development of education for the period until 2020, secondary schools should pay special attention to mastering the concept of Total Quality Management; quality standards of the International Organization for

standardization; be guided by the provisions of the domestic school of quality management, represented by the works of V. Ya. Belobragin,

A. V. Glichev, D. Sh. Matros, V. P. Panasyuk, A. I. Subetto, V. I. Shilenko, S. E. Shishova, etc. The listed documents and sources present quite strict and specific requirements for the implementation of quality control at all stages of the provision of any service, management of all types of resources, creation of quality systems in organizations and institutions, documentation of procedures and requirements for quality management. The introduction of unified quality assurance mechanisms (the leading of which are the international standards ISO 9000 series) today provides general education institutions with certain advantages in the educational services market of a particular territory, which becomes very relevant in the context of the transition to a normative per capita principle of remuneration.

The category of quality is key in the new paradigm of civilizational and economic development of mankind. Meanwhile, this category has different interpretations. In accordance with philosophical views, quality is an objective, essential, relatively stable internal certainty of the integrity of objects and phenomena, as well as specific groups of objects, groups, systems, abstract ideas. Today, quality primarily means:

The essential certainty of an object, by virtue of which it is a given object and not another object and differs from other objects;

The set of characteristics of an object related to its ability to satisfy the established and expected needs of the consumer.

The standard gives the following definition: “Quality is the degree of compliance of the inherent characteristics of an object with established requirements.” In this case, an object is understood as something that can be individually examined and described. Objects can be an activity or a process, a product or the result of providing a service, an organization or a system, or some combination thereof, i.e. we can talk about the quality of the results of an activity (process), the quality of the processes themselves and the quality of a system or organization of activities.

The category of quality with a generalized semantic load as “a set of certain properties that characterize the essence of an object and its difference from others” has in recent years firmly entered the field of education, into the arsenal of pedagogical concepts.

We consider the concept of “education” at two interconnected levels:

At the level of the individual: education is the search, movement and determination of the image of one’s “I”;

At the level of the entire society: education is the process and result of individual mastery by a person (with the help of others) of any cultural

Tourist traditions as a system of previously developed means that allow you to interact with the outside world, develop your abilities, realize yourself and be successful in society.

In this regard, the quality of education acts as a synthetic category, covering all components and aspects of the development of the education system.

Today, the literature presents a wide range of basic characteristics of the quality of education, while there is a significant scatter in the main definitions of the phenomenon of “quality of education”.

One group of researchers (V.A. Isaev, V.I. Bidenko, N.A. Selezneva, A.I. Subetto) is focused on the compliance of the totality of properties of the educational process and its result with the requirements of the standard, social norms of society, and the individual. The quality of education in this case is considered as an integral characteristic of the process, the result, and the system.

Others associate the quality of education with the formation of a certain level of knowledge, abilities, skills and socially significant personality traits, and consider socio-pedagogical characteristics (goals, technologies, conditions, personal development) as parameters of the quality of education (E. V. Bondarevskaya, L. L. Redko , L. A. Sankin, E. P. Thin-legged).

Still others focus on the compliance of the result with the expectations and needs of the individual and society, while the quality of education is determined by a set of indicators of effectiveness and the state of the educational process (content of education, forms and methods of teaching, material and technical base, personnel, etc.) (A. I. Moiseev, V. A. Kalney, S. E. Shishov, E. V. Yakovlev).

Some scientists (G. A. Bordovsky, P. I. Tretyakov, T. N. Shamova) associate the quality of the result with the ability of the educational institution (EI) to satisfy established and predicted needs. The quality of education in this case seems to be the ability of educational institutions to satisfy the needs of consumers at different levels.

Finally, a significant group of researchers (V.P. Panasyuk,

V. M. Polonsky, M. M. Potashnik, etc.) points to the need to correspond the result of education to goals focused on the zone of potential personal development, and sees the quality of education as a set of characteristics of a graduate’s education.

A comparative analysis of the presented positions shows that the quality of education today is rational to consider not only from the position of the educational institution itself, which provides a range of services adequate to the requirements of the state educational standard, the needs of the individual and society (consumers), but also from the position of specific subjects of the educational process, the hierarchy of socially significant characteristics and parameters.

From the above characteristics it follows that the concept of “quality of education” includes:

Constant focus on consumer satisfaction with educational results. The main “product” of an educational institution is a graduate with certain qualities and skills (competencies), and consumers include both the students themselves and their parents, as well as the local community and the state;

A certain relationship between goal and result, a measure of achieving goals, provided that the goals (results) are set operationally and predicted in the zone of potential development of the student;

The degree to which the results of the personality development of students at the end of any age period correspond to the available development opportunities;

Unity of process quality and result quality.

Following a number of authors, we once again emphasize that today the main criterion for the content of the quality of education is, first of all, the degree of satisfaction of the needs of the individual, society and the state. This position is based on defining the quality of education as the ability to satisfy the needs of consumers and subjects of the educational process. However, there is a problem associated with the multiplicity of requests for education from different social, professional groups, and individuals, which gives rise to a variety of goals. In addition, the results of education can be assessed by different subjects (students, parents, teachers, etc.) according to different criteria, in different dimensions, at different levels, which requires special attention to changing approaches to technologies for monitoring the quality of education.

Since the quality of education is a complex system, it is necessary to introduce a number of characteristics that can be used to determine its main components.

Multidimensionality is the quality of the final result of education and the quality of the potential of the educational system that ensures the achievement of this quality; quality of educational and training results; knowledge and activity components of the quality of education.

Multi-subjectivity implies that the assessment of the quality of education is carried out by students, graduates, teachers, parents, society, government agencies, etc.

Multi-criteria means the existence of a set of criteria for assessing the quality of education.

Multi-levelness is the final result of quality at each individual stage (class) of education.

Let us list the main global trends in the field of guaranteeing the quality of education:

The development of uniform criteria and standards for guaranteeing the quality of education in European countries is underway within the framework of the Bologna process;

National accreditation systems for educational programs in European countries are being created, developed and harmonized;

OU quality systems are being developed and implemented on the basis of various quality system models, including the model of international standards EMRL, standards of the 180 9000:2000 series, the model of the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) and other national models of quality management in education;

The center of gravity is transferred from the procedures of external quality control of the educational process and its results on the basis of national certification and accreditation systems to the internal self-assessment of educational institutions based on certain models. Responsibility for quality and quality assessment is assigned to the OS, which leads to significant savings in material and time resources allocated for external examination.

The need for the most efficient functioning and development of a school, increasing its competitiveness in the educational services market is directly related to the creation of in-school quality management systems (IQMS) for general education institutions. In our opinion, the education quality management system (QMS), based on the quality standards GOST R ISO 9000-2001, is the most consistent with modern quality management requirements; GOST R ISO 9001-2001; GOST R ISO 9004-2001.

In accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2000, we consider the effectiveness of education quality management in secondary schools through the prism of a process approach and is based on the following provisions:

The activities of the school are presented as a network of interacting processes (implementation of educational programs, development of psychological support, creation of test materials, etc.);

Managing the activities of an educational institution is based on managing a network of processes that “shape” the quality of the final result.

When creating a VSMC, a complete inventory of all vital processes of the school is required, the definition of goals and objectives, the persons responsible for specific processes, and the documentary regulation of these processes. To structure work processes and highlight their components, the school is developing an appropriate hierarchical structure of main and auxiliary processes. Let us recall that the main ones include localizable and precisely defined work processes that have all the characteristics of a process as such. Their entrances and exits are outside the school. Auxiliary - parts of the main processes that can be clearly identified. In the process of developing the OU VSMC, the following areas were included in the register of main and auxiliary processes:

Activities of management in education quality management (including strategic planning and management of education quality, planning and development of a school quality management system,

distribution of responsibilities and powers between members of the quality assurance working group, analysis of the OU HSMC by management);

The main processes of educational activities (implementation of basic educational programs, educational and extracurricular work with students, etc.);

Supporting processes (staffing, procurement and interaction with suppliers of material resources, library and information services, life safety, infrastructure management, social support for students and school staff);

As well as systemic activities for measuring, analyzing and improving the main and auxiliary processes in the OS (monitoring, measuring and analyzing processes, managing non-conformities, improving processes through policies, goals, corrective and preventive actions).

In table Figure 1 shows examples of the specific implementation of some working elements of the quality system in a school and indicators diagnosing the completeness of their implementation and application.

Table 1

Implementation and diagnostics of the implementation of QMS elements at school

Elements of the quality system Examples of implementation of elements of the quality system in an educational institution Indicators that diagnose the completeness of implementation of QMS elements

Responsibility of management A management policy in the field of quality has been formulated. The management of quality work at the educational institution was assumed by its director. The degree of reality of the formulated strategic guidelines, the commitment of management, teachers and students to them. Completeness of the manager’s mastery of the functions and types of quality management

General provisions, procedures and development of quality programs The educational institution has developed quality programs to improve the methodological skills of teachers and to educate students. Complete implementation of program activities and stated goals. Indicators of growth in the methodological preparedness of teachers and the level of education of students

Pedagogical design management The educational institution has implemented schemes for the development and adoption of projects. An informational, normative, evaluation and criteria basis for pedagogical design has been created. Perfection of schemes for the development and adoption of projects Volume of statistical data. List of used criteria, indicators, norms,

End of table. 1

A sufficient fund of design developments has been created in the main areas of its activities, standards and standards

Managing educational outcomes The educational institution has developed a graduate model. There are databases of graduates. The further life trajectory of graduates is monitored. The volume and level of requirements for a graduate. Scope of statistics, objects of comparative analysis

Thus, in the process of developing the QMS model, a new philosophy of the school’s educational policy is emerging: the consumer determines the quality of educational services, therefore, the educational institution must constantly focus on consumer satisfaction with educational results, while taking into account all possible real and potential needs of the consumer of educational services. This philosophy is relevant for school education, which has recently been constantly subject to various requirements: from society - high social and moral efficiency: from the economy - economic performance; personality - education that ensures its self-realization; university communities - preparing high-quality applicants with given value guidelines.

When developing the school's VSMC, special attention was paid to the implementation of the Shewhart-Deming principle of continuous improvement (ROSA). It is based on the assumption that to achieve continuous improvement of a process, it is necessary to plan it, carry out the planned plan, check the results, analyze them and, after analyzing the results obtained, engage in further improvement. The ROSA cycle underlies the planning, execution, verification and improvement of almost all work processes of any organization at all levels of management: strategic, process, project and personal.

In table Figure 2 presents a model for improving the quality of a specific educational service according to the structure of E. Deming’s cycles, in relation to quality management in a secondary school.

In fact, E. Deming's four cycles echo the four main components of quality management. Thus, by quality management in a modern school we understand coordinated activities to guide and manage an organization in relation to quality, the components of which are its planning, management, provision and improvement. We believe that the construction

The establishment of such a system is an important conceptual step towards the development of the organizational culture of a comprehensive school in the 21st century.

table 2

Model for improving the quality of a specific educational service

Stages of the cycle Components of the stage

Planning Design of a specific educational service: identification of the consumer and his requirements for the educational institution; development of characteristics of an educational service (main parameters of the quality of an educational service, including the development of diagnostic models of levels of training, education, diagnostic models of basic competencies); development of quality policy; development of an organizational structure that includes managers of main processes and maps of interactions between them; formation of a set of corporate values ​​of teachers, staff and students of the educational institution, as well as a teacher’s code of ethics

Action Selection, training of personnel, provision of necessary resources. Organization of the educational process according to the built model. Creating a system of continuous improvement and process improvement

Control Development and implementation of a monitoring system for the main indicators of the quality of educational services in educational institutions.

Analysis and correction Identification of the causes of discrepancies between measured and control indicators, correction of processes by those responsible for the processes and management

It should also be borne in mind that, in accordance with international standards 180, quality management implies, first and foremost, ensuring the proper quality of the production process of a product or service. Ensuring product quality based on quality assurance procedures at each stage of its production life cycle is called “quality loops” in international standard 180 8402. For producers of educational services and, accordingly, for managing the education process, the “quality loop” consists of the following elements:

Studying the needs of labor markets and educational services;

Enrollment of students;

Formation of programs, forms and methods of training;

Providing training resources;

Organization of the learning process;

Certification of graduates;

Monitoring the further “fate” of graduates for secondary schools (continuation of education in institutions of primary, secondary, higher vocational education, including in professions necessary for a specific territory, employment, including in professions that are a priority for the socio-economic development of this territory) .

In general terms, the mechanism for managing the quality of education in a modern school can be represented as follows: collecting information from potential social customers - forming a social order - defining the mission of the school - the relationship of the chosen option with the available opportunities - choosing the type of management (process or result-based) - determining parameters assessment of educational results - diagnostics of the personality of students - forecasting of educational results of students - correlation of the desired results with the existing results and the mode of life of the school - identification of factors, preparation and implementation of the school development program - comparison of the obtained educational results with the set goals - compliance of the quality of education with the set goal.

When developing an internal quality management system for a secondary school, special attention should be paid to the organizational and substantive conditions for creating a new quality of education, which include:

Building an educational environment that equally stimulates the teacher and the child to productive activities that correspond to their individual characteristics and needs. The educational environment in this case includes, first of all, the construction of a system of corporate identity among employees, as well as the organization of work on the value education of students. Thus, in the educational institution a “value field” is formed in which all participants in the educational process live and work. Corporate values, as well as the code of ethics of teachers, serve as the main indicators of the attractiveness of an educational institution for consumers;

Transformation of requirements for a child’s educational results into the teacher’s mission. The formation of the missions of educational institutions, departments, methodological associations and each employee influences the creation of special conditions for students to receive education, and therefore the attractiveness of educational institutions. The expert positions of the teacher and student “grow” from a deep awareness of the mission of each participant in the educational process and the desire to fulfill them;

Satisfying not only the current needs of society and the individual, but also reaching the formation of needs that have not yet been recognized by society, setting the prospect for the development of the socio-economic system. The school, forming a new educational system, is working on training and educating people in the innovative economy, where

A huge role is played by knowledge and competence, combined with a developed system of personal values.

Based on these conditions, it is possible to formulate the basic requirements for building a modern quality system in a general education institution:

Focus on the internal process of self-analysis and self-assessment, internal audit of all actions to create conditions aimed at achieving the intended educational goals and results;

Taking into account global trends in the development of education and the use of modern educational technologies in the educational process;

Stability and reproducibility of all parameters and processes of the educational environment that contribute to the achievement of the required educational results, which includes the quality management system;

The ability of the educational system to change and self-improvement.

In general, the developed in-school system for assessing the quality of education consists of a goal-setting block, which includes the regulatory and documentation sector (state educational standards, educational program, development programs, graduate model, local acts), the organizational sector (administration, teaching staff, working groups on quality, scientific and methodological council, quality auditors) and the process block. The objects of assessment are the quality of the final result, the potential of the educational system, main activities, management, social and pedagogical results of the educational process, the implementation of development programs, the quality of current functioning, and the implementation of educational programs. The process block includes internal assessment procedures (state final certification in grades 9 and 11, processes of intermediate certification of students, a trial exam in the form of the Unified State Examination, administrative work, certification of teaching staff for the second category, psychological and sociological diagnostics, expert assessments of scientific teaching materials for teachers, etc.) and external assessment procedures (OU portfolio, Unified State Examination, municipal and regional monitoring studies, statistical observations, PPE, educational and scientific-methodological competitions of various levels, subject Olympiads, certification of teaching staff for the first and highest categories , accreditation and licensing of educational institutions, sociological surveys, ratings of educational institutions of various levels). Closely connected with the process block is a parametric block, consisting of separate evaluation-criteria complexes, an information block (the educational institution website, a school newspaper, scientific and methodological collections, publications in professional publications of various levels, databases, public reports) and a resource block that combines qualimetric ky, sociological and psychological techniques. The diagram of the system for assessing the quality of education for a secondary school of advanced status is presented in the figure.

Education and science. 2009. N° 6 (63)

In-school quality management system

Creation of an internal quality assessment system in modern general education


When working according to the proposed VSMK, the management of the education quality assessment system is based on the following organizational principles:

Program-targeted approach in the formation of a system for assessing and managing the quality of education;

Differentiation and streamlining of information flows about the state of the individual quality of education of each student;

Network distribution of powers of structural units of the educational institution (subject departments, complex-target programs, creative groups of teachers) in ensuring and assessing the quality of education;

Unified approaches to the development of diagnostic tools for assessing the quality of educational results of students in the process of final certification, including in the form of the Unified State Exam, monitoring and diagnostics, and in-school control;

Inclusion of public expertise at all stages and in all processes of ensuring the quality of education in educational institutions;

Distribution and different levels of professional expertise;

The unity of approaches to the training of teaching staff, professional experts and the development of diagnostic tools for assessing the quality of education.

We believe it is important that the creation of such an in-school system for assessing the quality of education in educational institutions ensures the implementation of mechanisms for the formation of effective parental and professional communities, the formation of the organizational culture of the institution. In this case, public examination of the quality of education in a school is carried out by independent civil institutions and organizations through participation in a system of competitions at different levels - from intra-school to international - (PNPO, Olympiads, scientific and technical training, etc.). Professional examination of the quality of education is organized by the professional educational community - teachers of educational institutions and independent experts, in our particular case - representatives of the network of innovative active schools of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Education on the basis of procedures for assessing the quality of education developed as part of the creation of the Regional Quality Assessment System of the Sverdlovsk Region.

As a result of the creation of an intra-school quality assessment system in educational institutions, the quality of the educational process as a whole is improved, the main and auxiliary processes are clearly identified, which makes it possible to systematize the activities of the school administration. The developed tools for assessing educational and other achievements of students are aimed at ensuring transparency of the educational process. In the course of the work, new technologies for diagnosing and monitoring educational achievements and the educational process as a whole were introduced, facilitating the work of the teaching staff; public professional examination of control and measuring materials and coordination and collection of data on all diagnostic measures are ensured;

pits, which made it possible to ensure the openness of the school to the external environment. The developed quality assessment system became a laureate of the city quality assessment competition held by the Education Department of the Yekaterinburg Administration in 2009.


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9. Selezneva N. A. The quality of higher education as an object of systemic research: lecture-report. M.: Research. Center for Problems of Quality of Training of Specialists, 2002. 95 p.

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E. L. Umnikova


The article is devoted to the professional development of teachers in the system of continuing education, which is understood as a holistic process that ensures the progressive development of the creative potential of the individual and the comprehensive enrichment of his spiritual world. The article also discusses three approaches to the essence of lifelong education and forms of advanced training.

Key words: continuing education, professional development of teachers, certification of teachers, forms of advanced training.

Abstract - The paper deals with improving teachers’ professional skills within the frames of continuous education, the latter being considered as an integral process leading to the progressive development of the creative potential and enrichment of the inner world. It also describes three approaches to the essence of continuous education and different kinds of raising teachers’ qualification.

Index terms: continuous education, improvement in teachers’ professional skills, assessment of teachers, different kinds of raising teachers’ qualification.

The intensive renewal and modernization of all components of the educational process at all levels of the education system that have taken place in recent decades has objectively raised the bar of professional requirements for teaching and managerial workers. The Federal Target Program for the Development of Education until 2010 states that without improving the professional level of teachers and forming a teaching corps that meets the demands of modern life, it is impossible to significantly improve the quality of domestic education and its competitiveness.


The relevance of research. The priority role of education in the development of society and the country is noted in many regulatory documents at the highest level. During the implementation of projects in the field of education, emphasis began to shift from “innovative education” to “quality education”. The need to create a system for assessing the quality of education is determined, first of all, by the introduction of new educational standards and the emergence of the need to evaluate their achievement at all levels. In this regard, it became necessary to reconsider approaches to organizing intra-school control and determine approaches to building a system for assessing the quality of education.

The system for assessing the quality of education in Russia has only just begun to be created; a unified conceptual and methodological understanding of the problems of the quality of education and approaches to its measurement has not yet been formed. Quite often, untested and unstandardized tools are used. There is no necessary scientific and methodological support for objective and reliable collection of information. The regulatory and legal framework for the system of assessing the quality of education is poorly developed.

Solving these problems requires targeted efforts to form a general systematic approach to assessing the quality of education at all levels and, above all, at the level of the educational institution. This project is intended to contribute to the implementation of this important task, which considers the model for assessing the quality of education as a system that includes the organization of the educational process, material, technical and scientific-methodological support, management aspects and a system for monitoring the quality of education in a general education institution.

The object of the study is the system for assessing the quality of education.

The subject of the study is various methodological approaches to the system for assessing the quality of education in primary schools according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

The purpose of the study is to develop methodological recommendations for organizing internal monitoring of the quality of education in an educational institution.

The research hypothesis is that the developed methodological recommendations will contribute to the quality assessment of education.

Based on the goal and hypothesis, the following research objectives were formulated:

Consider the concept of quality of education in a general education institution.

Highlight the organizational features of the model of an intra-school system for assessing the quality of education.

Study the system for assessing the results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education

Practically consider the technology for assessing the quality of educational achievements of a student in a general education institution

To achieve the goal and test the formulated hypothesis, it is proposed to use methods of theoretical analysis (study and systematization of psychological, pedagogical, methodological and scientific literature on the research problem; analysis of educational standards, curricula, teaching aids, teaching materials; study and generalization of pedagogical experience).

The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that, based on the research, methodological recommendations for organizing internal monitoring of the quality of education in an educational institution are proposed.

Research base and empirical sample:

The empirical study was conducted on the basis of a municipal educational budgetary institution - ....

Structure of the work: this work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, and a bibliography containing 25 sources. The total volume of work is 60 pages.


1.1. The concept of quality of education in a general education institution

In the philosophical understanding of the term “quality,” we proceed from the definition of quality as an essential feature, a property that distinguishes one object from another. From the point of view of the production approach, quality is a set of essential consumer properties of a product or service that are significant to the consumer. In a metaphorical sense, the “products” of the school are graduates who have an education of better or worse quality, more or less corresponding to the needs of society and the individual, established norms, requirements, and standards. Thus, the quality of education is understood as the quality of the educational process, reflecting the degree of compliance of the educational results (achievements) of students and the conditions for ensuring the educational process with regulatory requirements, social and personal expectations and includes the following components:

· quality of the educational program;

· quality of organization of the educational process (educational technologies, forms, methods, teaching techniques, forms of training organization);

· quality of management of educational systems and processes (management technologies in education);

· the quality of the potential of the scientific and teaching staff involved in the educational process;

· quality of resource support (material, technical, educational and methodological support);

· quality of moral, spiritual, moral education in the process of socialization of the individual;

· quality of medical care, nutrition, physical education and recreation;

· quality of partnership interaction with family and society;

· quality of students' potential;

· quality of knowledge.

In Fig. 1 let us consider indicators of the quality of education.

Figure 1. Education quality indicators

Process management in an educational institution is based on objective laws, management practices and requirements for a specific education system. When developing monitoring of the quality of education, it is advisable to use both the scientific potential and the practical developments of educational institutions.

Currently, as part of the modernization of education, a quality management system for educational services continues to be actively developed. Studying literary sources, one can find different interpretations of the concept of “quality of education”.

Polonsky V.M. interprets the quality of education as a certain level of knowledge and skills, mental, physical and moral development, which graduates of an educational institution have achieved in accordance with the planned goals of education and training.

From the point of view of S.E. Shishov, the quality of education is defined as a social category that determines the state and effectiveness of the educational process in society, its compliance with the needs and expectations of society (various social groups) in the development and formation of civil, everyday and professional competencies of an individual.

In our opinion, children’s health can be added to these definitions when predicting the results of the pedagogical process within the framework of age and individual indicators. To solve and evaluate a set of problems in the pedagogical process, it is necessary to find some approaches to managing the quality of education.

Tretyakov P.I. defines management as a set of principles, methods, means and forms of managing social, including educational processes, i.e. art of management.

Management in an educational institution is based, according to Pozdnyak L.V., on the following principles: a combination of public and state principles, unity of command and collegiality, humanization of management, scientific character, objectivity and specificity, optimality and efficiency and consistency.

An analysis of the literature shows that in research activities to monitor the quality of education, it is advisable to use both the scientific potential and the practical developments of educational institutions. It is necessary, however, to take into account the capabilities of the educational institution itself, its readiness for this activity and the professional competence of its staff. This systematic approach allows you to professionally organize and monitor the quality of the educational process, as well as improve your qualifications and pedagogical competence.

Monitoring the quality of education is a comprehensive system of long-term observations and studies of the educational process in order to assess the activities and forecast changes occurring in general in a preschool educational institution, or its individual components.

An important aspect of quality monitoring is the prevention of possible critical situations entailing negative phenomena in the work of the teaching staff, as well as violations of the physical and mental health of all participants involved in the process.

According to M.M. Potashnik in educational institutions mainly provide and maintain the required level of quality of education, and also bring it into line with the growing requirements of external customers.

1.2 Organization of a model of an in-school system for assessing the quality of education

The model for organizing an intra-school system for assessing educational results and monitoring the quality of education is part of the system for ensuring the educational policy of the Department of Education of the city of Yakutsk in matters of monitoring and managing the quality of education in schools. The policy of increasing the attractiveness of the school, combined with better management of its resources, is important for the management of each educational institution, as well as for the entire district education system. The basis of this problem is the restructuring of the entire budgetary sector in the Russian Federation, which creates conditions for strengthening the economic responsibility of school leaders for the work of their institutions and stimulates a certain competition between schools. This is largely facilitated by demographic changes associated with fluctuations in the number of students in the usual areas of schools and changes in their educational interests. The latter include the transfer of their education to network and distance forms, partial intra-district migration of schoolchildren (within the range of geographic accessibility and transport network) and the use of various forms of distance learning. In these conditions, the new mission of schools is being updated - creating sufficient and necessary educational conditions for the social success of students and graduates. Such a task, naturally, is only feasible if the quality of the education process itself is high.

To describe the organization of the system of intra-school monitoring and control of the quality of education, it is proposed to use the following concepts, which are generally accepted in systems for monitoring assessments of the quality of education and the effectiveness of educational institutions:

A generalized goal is a desired end result or condition, expressed in measurable terms, that can be achieved while ensuring the required efficiency of one or more processes.

Goal is a criterion by which the degree of achievement of a generalized goal is measured. Each generalized goal must have a quantitative indicator in the form of a goal.

Strategy is a method or procedure for achieving the corresponding generalized goal and realizing a quantitative goal.

A strategy performance indicator is an indicator built into a strategy that allows you to measure progress in the process of implementing the strategy.

A critical success factor is a function or operation that must be performed correctly and completely.

A key indicator is a measurement that, when evaluating a process or individual operation being performed, provides data to judge the progress of the process or operation.

Boundary conditions are boundaries beyond which the key indicator loses its adequacy property.

The development and organization of a system of intra-school monitoring and control of the quality of education at school is determined by two main factors. The first factor is technological. The very concept of monitoring (continuous surveillance) involves the creation of a system that constantly monitors the educational space. Unlike most existing measurement systems (cutting work, scheduled inspections, school certification, inspection by tax authorities, audit structures and other services), the monitoring system:

A) Operates constantly and carries out large-scale monitoring of the educational space. The scale is determined by the values ​​of the multiplicity of observed key indicators, the frequency and quality of measurements, and the level of representativeness.

B) Accumulates data at the level of classes - groups and specific resources and is able to create predictive models of development based on research into the dynamics of developing processes.

C) It is focused not so much on comparing two or more educational institutions, although it has such capabilities, but on an in-depth analysis of the effectiveness of a particular school, not in relative (relative to other educational institutions) but in absolute values, allowing one to evaluate the vector and values ​​of the dynamics of work and development.

D) Works with performance indicators, which, within the framework of a process management-oriented approach, allows us to measure the effectiveness of the functioning of these processes. In a process improvement approach, performance indicators quantify how much process efficiency increases after the implementation of proposed changes.

D) Influences daily management decisions. When preparing a decision, performance indicators allow you to compare alternatives.

E) Influences the improvement of processes in an educational institution. Performance indicators allow you to see how much the efficiency of a business process will improve as a result of implementing the proposed changes.

G) Helps to identify and eliminate processes in which the efficiency-cost ratio is unsatisfactory.

The monitoring system assumes the following process efficiency metrics.


Compliance indicators establish whether quality and processes meet relevant standards. These indicators allow you to measure the degree of compliance of a product or service with the needs of the customer (consumer); number of claims; adherence to procedures; test results; budget efficiency; consistency with laws and regulations; and characteristics related to safety, security and health effects.

The standard includes:

a) requirements and conditions;

b) the audience of the standard;

c) scope.

Indicators for compliance with standards affect all categories of participants in the processes of an educational institution: customers (consumers); management; resource managers.

Alignment with Purposes

Indicators that characterize the compliance of processes with the goals of an educational institution focus on the interaction of participants in the process, as well as the extent to which this interaction allows for the achievement of goals. These indicators measure factors such as how well the product or service satisfies the customer (consumer). Customization to the customer (consumer), flexibility and sensitivity are examples of indicators focused on measuring the compliance of the process with the goals of the customers (consumers).

Indicators that characterize the compliance of processes with the goals of an educational institution also make it possible to measure compliance with the goals of other participants in the process.

One of the significant reasons for the demand for an in-school monitoring system is the transition to the widespread use of individual educational programs. Individualization of the educational process determines the growth of management objects. If previously the object of management was the class, then individualization and differentiation make the student the object of management, and therefore the amount of relevant information increases many times over. All this poses the problem of technology for measuring the quality of education in high school and criteria for differentiating teaching staff. At the same time, the high subjectivity of the assessment of teaching work by external experts, as well as the inability to clearly formalize the results of educational activities (at the level of standards) and the incomparability of labor costs and technological complexity in the methods of individual and mass education, as well as teaching methods, puts this problem in a special position.

Despite the fact that differentiation is not only a serious tool for determining teacher salaries, especially in terms of extra-budgetary additional payments, but also optimizes the actions of management in making decisions on the placement of personnel, as well as in forming a strategy in matters of advanced training and retraining of personnel.

Assessment in this system of relations is no longer simply a statement and test, but also a formative, defining and predictive, stimulating, motivational, school and professional guideline. Assessment ceases to be an application to the educational process; it is constantly progressing, becoming one of the most important factors in learning, capable of influencing the areas and conditions of training and education. Monitoring, especially monitoring of school results, leads to changes in the system of goals, in the content and technologies of teaching, transforms the interactive instructional-learning process based on the relationship between teacher-student and student-student.

The issue of monitoring the educational process is raised at various levels of the educational community of the Russian Federation, because The reform of the modern education system in our country largely depends on the results of its implementation.

It is always important for the administration of an educational institution to have prompt, accurate and objective information about the current state of the educational process. This allows timely methodological support for teachers, making the required adjustments to the educational process and, as a result, leads to an increase in the quality of the educational and educational process at school. Such information at the school level can be provided by regularly conducted monitoring studies, which are a necessary tool for analyzing various aspects of the educational process.

It should be noted that the issue of tracking the results of the educational process has been raised in pedagogy for a long time. In many scientific and pedagogical studies, monitoring is understood as monitoring the state of the pedagogical process (level of learning, organization of the teaching and educational process (hereinafter - UVP), level of teaching, etc.) with the aim of its control, forecast and sustainable functioning. Monitoring can be carried out using information technology, as well as through traditional data collection (questionnaires, surveys, etc.). Information monitoring allows you to quickly identify sources and the nature of changes in the school system, traces the intensity of processes and the amplitude of shifts, and studies the interaction of educational systems.

Monitoring has several functions.

The motivational-target function is defined as the clear performance of work by all members of the teaching staff in accordance with the responsibilities delegated to them and the plan, in accordance with the needs for achieving their own and collective goals.

The information-analytical function is defined as a management function aimed at studying the physical state and the validity of using a set of methods, means, influences to achieve goals, an objective assessment of the results of the pedagogical process and the development of regulatory mechanisms to transfer the system to a new qualitative state.

The planning and forecasting function is defined as the activity for the optimal selection of ideal and real goals in the development of programs to achieve them.

The organizational and executive function is defined as belonging to each management cycle. This function carries the main potential for social transformation of the school and characterizes the school as the activity of a subject (object) of management to form and regulate a certain structure of organized interactions through a set of methods and means necessary to effectively achieve goals. Organizational relations can be defined as connections between people established regarding the distribution of powers and assigning to them the functions of their joint activities.

The control and diagnostic function is defined as the simultaneous operational study and assessment, regulation and correction of a process or phenomenon, be it at the level of the student’s personality, the activity of a teacher or school leader.

The regulatory-corrective function is defined as a type of activity to make adjustments using operational methods, means and influences in the process of managing the pedagogical system to maintain it at the programmed level.

The main goals of creating a system of in-school monitoring and control of the quality of education are:

ensuring sustainable development of the education system at school;

creation of a Unified Automated System for Monitoring the School’s Educational Process;

creation of a system for comparing the standard characteristics of students with the expenditure of resources.

Expected Result:

creation of a system for comprehensive monitoring of the results and resources of school educational programs;

identifying the reasons for students’ non-compliance with standard characteristics;

creation of a group of diverse, universal and calculable monitoring indicators;

generation of information necessary for making management decisions;

identification of risk areas and limitations when achieving reference characteristics;

using the results of system monitoring as a factor influencing the effectiveness of the school to change the educational, financial, economic, and organizational and legal conditions of school development;

inclusion of the created system of indicators in the system for monitoring the effectiveness of an educational institution.

School effectiveness is determined by a combination of school achievements of a certain school group at a certain time and in a specified space (year, school level; in the classroom; outside the classroom, etc.)

To create an effective school, a system for accumulating information is needed to identify trends, make strategic and operational decisions, and create a system for quickly responding to changes and new trends in the education system. Solving these problems will help maintain the school's competitive advantages.

The primary task of the first stage of the formation of an in-school monitoring system is to create a high-quality measure of students’ knowledge in subjects in the form of test tasks in subjects. It is better to choose two key academic disciplines as objects of primary monitoring research: Russian language and mathematics. It is best to focus the monitoring system on test forms of measurement due to the fact that the modern school education system is switching to this type of control both as part of the final certification of students in the form of the Unified State Exam and as part of school accreditation. The main thing when choosing a test form of work is the presence of the same conditions for conducting pedagogical control for all subjects (difficulty, composition, structure of tasks) and rules for interpreting the results: responsibility, fairness.

However, test forms should not exclude other measurement forms, nor should they be ignored in cases considered unsuitable for test use. As experience shows, the test can be adapted to a significant variety of tasks, or other forms can be made comparable to it in terms of manufacturability and correctness.

In parallel with pedagogical monitoring, other areas of assessing the quality of work of an educational institution are also being developed. For example, assessing the health status of children, assessing the psychological comfort of the educational environment and other areas that arise systematically or situationally as the target setting for the activities of the Service.

As part of this direction, surveys of parents, students, and school graduates can be conducted. These types of monitoring include:

filling out and analyzing self-observation diaries on the dynamics of schoolchildren’s health;

study to study the comfort of the schedule for students in different grades.

research on school nutrition problems among students:

problem and case studies (for example, monitoring of injuries among students in grades 1–10)

analysis of the daily routine of class students

analysis of communicative competencies of school staff

analysis of school staff morbidity

The tasks and directions of intra-school monitoring regarding the problem of assessing the quality of specialized education are separately formulated.

In general, the logic of creating an in-school monitoring system involves the following steps:

Documentary justification

A) Regulations on the procedure for conducting current and final monitoring and assessing the level of educational achievements of students

B) Regulations on the procedure for assessing students’ personal achievements (portfolio)

B) Regulations on the monitoring and performance evaluation service

Choosing the direction of work (subjects, parallels, problem areas)

Drawing up a work plan

Creation of a group of test material developers

Manufacturability of the process

.Work with personnel

Meter Developer Training

Creation of uniform requirements for the technology of the educational process

Work to reduce the negative psychological consequences of the act of evaluation

3.Requirements for assessment procedures, content, quantity, size and frequency.

.Analytics and information generation

The interaction of monitoring structures with MOs or departments is aimed at using monitoring assessments in the success of the individual and the system in achieving educational standards.

The use of the entire complex of pedagogical measurement methods should contribute to the formation of a basis for analytical and correctional work. The calculated average score and percentages for each task provide an opportunity for various types of comparison, namely: which topics are mastered better, which topics show consistently low and high results from year to year; comparisons by class, working teachers, obtaining a knowledge assessment to identify the dynamics of achieving the expected results and the quality of education. In addition, the obtained material allows us to identify areas of risk and limitations in achieving the expected results and quality of education. When compiling a rating, it becomes possible to identify students who show consistently high and low results, which is a prerequisite for using an individual approach to students when studying.

The main result of monitoring research is the generation of information necessary for making management decisions in order to improve the educational process and improve the quality of education.

Thus, the monitoring service, in addition to efficiency problems, can solve the following problems:

Creation of a unified way of life, a unified corporate culture, a unified system of requirements for the technology of the educational process.

Ensuring continuity between levels of general education, minimizing transition losses, which allowed students and parents to build a clear and long-term educational strategy within one educational institution.

Creating real variability in the content of education, without revising the key elements of the “basis”, which allows students to realize their right to academic mobility as a student. This has especially proven itself in high school and in specialized training settings.

Creating conditions for self-realization of students in various areas of basic and additional education, which was a response not only to modern demands for individual education, but also for individual development in general.

Widespread use of information resources in the educational process, including modern information technologies, which made it possible to take into account the requirements for mastery of modern communications.

Determining the vector of growth of the qualification stock of teachers, taking into account the specifics of individual educational programs. This refers to a program of work with school personnel (their training, retraining and expansion of the professional base), aimed at training specialists capable of working in the conditions of individual programs.

1.3. Assessment of the results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education

In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education, the school has developed an assessment system focused on identifying and assessing the educational achievements of students for the purpose of a final assessment of the training of graduates at the level of primary general education.

Features of the evaluation system are:

· an integrated approach to assessing educational outcomes (assessing subject, meta-subject and personal results of general education);

· using the planned results of mastering basic educational programs as a substantive and criterial basis for assessment;

· assessment of the success of mastering the content of individual academic subjects on the basis of a system-activity approach, manifested in the ability to perform educational, practical and educational-cognitive tasks;

· assessment of the dynamics of students’ educational achievements;

· a combination of external and internal assessment as a mechanism for ensuring the quality of education;

· the use of personalized procedures for the final assessment and certification of students and non-personalized procedures for assessing the state and development trends of the education system;

· level approach to the development of planned results, tools and their presentation;

· the use of a cumulative assessment system (portfolio), which characterizes the dynamics of individual educational achievements;

· the use, along with standardized written or oral work, of such assessment forms and methods as projects, practical work, creative work, introspection, self-assessment, observations, etc.;

· the use of contextual information about the conditions and features of the implementation of educational programs when interpreting the results of pedagogical measurements.

Assessment of personal results

The object of assessing personal results is the universal educational actions formed by students, included in three main blocks:

· self-determination - the formation of the student’s internal position - acceptance and development of the student’s new social role; the formation of the foundations of the Russian civil identity of the individual as a sense of pride in one’s Motherland, people, history and awareness of one’s ethnicity; development of self-esteem and the ability to adequately evaluate oneself and one’s achievements, to see the strengths and weaknesses of one’s personality;

· meaning formation - the search and establishment of personal meaning (i.e., “meaning for oneself”) of learning by students based on a stable system of educational, cognitive and social motives; understanding the boundaries of “what I know” and “what I don’t know”, “ignorance” and the desire to overcome this gap;

· moral and ethical orientation - knowledge of basic moral norms and orientation towards their implementation based on an understanding of their social necessity; the ability for moral decentration - taking into account the positions, motives and interests of the participants in a moral dilemma when resolving it; development of ethical feelings - shame, guilt, conscience as regulators of moral behavior.

· the formation of the student’s internal position, which is reflected in the student’s emotionally positive attitude towards the educational institution,

· orientation to the meaningful aspects of the educational process - lessons, learning new things, mastering skills and new competencies, the nature of educational cooperation with the teacher and classmates - and orientation to the model of behavior of a “good student” as an example to follow;

· the formation of the foundations of civic identity - a sense of pride in one’s Motherland, knowledge of significant historical events for the Fatherland; love for one’s land, awareness of one’s nationality, respect for the culture and traditions of the peoples of Russia and the world; developing trust and the ability to understand and empathize with the feelings of other people;

· the formation of self-esteem, including awareness of one’s capabilities in learning, the ability to adequately judge the reasons for one’s success/failure in learning; the ability to see one’s strengths and weaknesses, respect oneself and believe in success;

· the formation of motivation for educational activities, including social, educational-cognitive and external motives, curiosity and interest in new content and ways of solving problems, acquiring new knowledge and skills, motivation to achieve results, desire to improve one’s abilities;

· knowledge of moral norms and the formation of moral and ethical judgments, the ability to solve moral problems based on decentration (coordination of different points of view on solving a moral dilemma); the ability to evaluate one’s own actions and the actions of other people from the point of view of compliance with/violation of moral norms.

Assessment of personal results is carried out, firstly, in the course of external non-personalized monitoring studies by specialists who do not work at the school.

Secondly, internal assessment of the achievement of students’ personal results is carried out by the teacher based on the results of observations, questionnaires, etc.

Personal results of graduates at the stage of primary general education in full compliance with the requirements of the Standard are not subject to final assessment, because assessment of students’ personal results reflects the effectiveness of the educational and educational activities of the school.

Evaluation of meta-subject results.

Assessment of meta-subject results presupposes the formation of universal educational actions of students (regulatory, communicative, cognitive), i.e., such mental actions of students that are aimed at analyzing their cognitive activity and managing it. These include :

· the student’s ability to accept and maintain learning goals and objectives; independently transform a practical task into a cognitive one; the ability to plan one’s own activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation and look for means of its implementation; the ability to control and evaluate one’s actions, make adjustments to their implementation based on assessment and taking into account the nature of errors, show initiative and independence in learning;

· ability to carry out information search, collection and selection of essential information from various information sources;

· the ability to use sign-symbolic means to create models of studied objects and processes, schemes for solving educational, cognitive and practical problems;

· the ability to carry out logical operations of comparison, analysis, generalization, classification according to generic characteristics, establishing analogies, referring to known concepts;

· the ability to cooperate with the teacher and peers when solving educational problems, to take responsibility for the results of their actions.

Achieving meta-subject results is ensured through the main components of the educational process - educational subjects presented in the mandatory part of the curriculum.

The main content of assessing meta-subject results at the level of primary general education is built around the ability to learn. Assessment of meta-subject results is carried out in the course of various procedures: solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature, educational design, final tests, complex work on an interdisciplinary basis, monitoring the development of basic educational skills. In the 4th grade, a meta-subject comprehensive final work is carried out, which makes it possible to determine the level of development of the UDL by each student. Assessment: achievement of a basic level, achievement at an advanced level, not enough basic level. The work is carried out over 2 lessons.

Evaluation of subject results.

Achievement of subject results is ensured through core academic subjects. Therefore, the object of assessing subject results is the ability of students to solve educational, cognitive and educational and practical problems.

Assessment of the achievement of subject results is carried out both during the current and intermediate assessment, and during the implementation of final testing work. The results of the accumulated assessment obtained during the current and intermediate assessment are recorded in the form of a portfolio of achievements and are taken into account when determining the final assessment. The subject of the final assessment of students' mastery of the basic educational program of primary general education is the achievement of subject and meta-subject results of primary general education necessary for continuing education.

The main tool for the final assessment is the final comprehensive work - a system of tasks of varying levels of difficulty in reading, Russian, mathematics and the outside world.

In the educational process, assessment of subject results is carried out using diagnostic work (intermediate and final) aimed at determining the level of mastery of the topic by students. In grades 1-3 - final complex work. In 4th grade, monitoring of the achievement of the planned results of three final works - in the Russian language, mathematics - and a final complex work on an interdisciplinary basis is carried out.

Systematic assessment of personal, meta-subject and subject results is implemented within the framework of the cumulative system - Portfolio.

Student portfolio:

· is a modern pedagogical tool for supporting the development and assessment of student achievements, focused on updating and improving the quality of education;

· implements one of the main provisions of the Federal State Educational Standards of General Education of the second generation - the formation of universal educational activities;

· allows you to take into account the age-related characteristics of the development of universal educational actions of primary school students; the best achievements of the Russian school at the stage of primary education; as well as pedagogical resources of educational subjects;

· involves the active involvement of students and their parents in assessment activities based on problem analysis, reflection and optimistic forecasting.

The structure of the “Portfolio” in elementary school is a collection of works and results that show the student’s efforts, progress and achievements in various areas (study, creativity, communication, health), shortcomings that allow him to determine the goals of his further development.

Main sections of the “Portfolio of Achievements”:

“My portrait” + “Portfolio of documents” + “Portfolio of creative works”

The student must, first of all, replenish the “Portfolio of Achievements” and evaluate its materials. The teacher, approximately once every quarter, replenishes only a small required part (after tests), and for the rest teaches the student how to replenish the portfolio with the main set of materials and evaluate them.

Based on the results of the training, a comprehensive assessment of the “Portfolio of Achievements” is carried out. Mandatory materials: subject tests, diagnostic meta-subject works are included in the “Portfolio of Achievements” with ready-made qualitative assessments on a scale of success levels. The materials that are added to the student are assessed on the same scale of success levels by the student himself. Based on both assessments, the results are systematized.

Let's consider the current forms of monitoring and recording student achievements:

oral survey


independent work


control write-off

test tasks

graphic work


creative work

attending observation program classes

diagnostic test work



reading technique control

analysis of the dynamics of current performance

participation in exhibitions, competitions, competitions

activity in projects and extracurricular activities programs

creative report


analysis of psychological and pedagogical research

Forms for presenting educational results:

· report card for subjects (indicating the requirements for marking);

· texts of final diagnostic tests, dictations and analysis of their performance by the student (information about the elements and levels of knowledge being tested - knowledge, understanding, application, systematization);

· oral assessment of the success of the results, formulation of the reasons for failure and recommendations for eliminating gaps in training in subjects;

· portfolio;

· results of psychological and pedagogical research, illustrating the dynamics of development of individual intellectual and personal qualities of a student, UUD.

The evaluation criteria are:

· compliance of the achieved subject, meta-subject and personal results of students with the requirements for the results of mastering the educational program of primary general education of the Federal State Educational Standard;

· dynamics of the results of subject training, formation of UUD.

The assessment system used at school is aimed at stimulating students to strive for objective control, rather than hiding their ignorance and inability, and to develop the need for adequate and constructive self-esteem.

The school accepts the following assessment forms:

1st grade - grade-free training.

From 2nd grade - 5-point scale of marks:

“5” - - excellent;

“4” - good;

“3” - satisfactory;

“2” - unsatisfactory;

“1” - lack of at least some satisfactory performance of work.

The mark “5” is received by the student if his oral answer, written work, practical activity fully corresponds to the curriculum, one defect is allowed, the volume of knowledge is 90-100% of the content (the correct complete answer, which is a coherent, logically consistent message on a specific topic, the ability to apply definitions, rules in specific cases.

The student substantiates his judgments, applies knowledge in practice, and gives his own examples).

The mark “4” is received by the student if his oral answer, written work, practical activity or its results generally meet the requirements of the curriculum, but there are one or two minor errors, or three shortcomings and the volume of knowledge is 70-90% of the content (correct , but not a completely accurate answer).

The mark “3” is received by the student if his oral response, written work, practical activity and its results basically correspond to the requirements of the program, but there are: 1 gross error and 2 shortcomings, or 1 serious mistake and 1 non-blunder, or 2-3 gross errors, or 1 minor error and 3 shortcomings, or 4-5 shortcomings. The student masters knowledge of knowledge in the amount of 50-70% of the content (correct, but not complete answer, inaccuracies in the definition of concepts or formulation of rules are allowed, the student does not justify his judgments deeply and convincingly, cannot give examples, presents the material inconsistently).

The mark “2” is received by the student if his oral answer, written work, practical activities and its results partially meet the requirements of the program, there are significant shortcomings and gross errors, the volume of the student’s knowledge is 20-50% of the content (incorrect answer).

Types of marks:

Current grades are set by the teacher every lesson based on the students’ activity goals set for the lesson.

Grades for subjects of the compulsory part of the curriculum are given by quarters in a 5-point system. The annual mark is set on the basis of marks for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarter, final comprehensive work, and a cumulative assessment system.

Rights and responsibilities of students when receiving a grade:

When conducting thematic control, a mark is given to all students, since everyone must show how they have mastered the knowledge and skills of the topic.

In case of receiving an unsatisfactory grade, the student has the right to retake and correct the “D”.

If a student is absent for a good reason on the day of the thematic control, the ZUN "n" is entered in the class register, and the student is obliged to pass this topic and receive a mark within 7 days after leaving. A mark is placed next to the letter “n” on the day the work was carried out.

Advantages of Portfolio as a method of assessing student achievements:

focused on procedural control of new priorities of modern education, which are UUD (universal learning activities);

Portfolio sections (Portrait, Working materials, Collector, Achievements) are a generally accepted model in world pedagogical practice;

takes into account the peculiarities of the development of students' critical thinking through the use of three stages: challenge (problem situation) - comprehension - reflection;

Helps students set their own learning goals, actively assimilate information, and reflect on what they have learned.


After analyzing the literary sources, it can be noted that the practical use of the system for assessing the quality of educational institutions is built in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards for educational institutions, legislative acts of the Russian Federation, schools regulating the implementation of procedures for monitoring and assessing the quality of education.

school council;

primary education assessment quality


1 Technology for assessing the quality of educational achievements of a student in a general education institution

Approbation of the technology for assessing the quality of educational achievements of a student in a general education institution was carried out on the basis of...

The following participants took part in the testing: 25 3rd grade students.

Of these, 13 are girls and 12 are boys. Age of participants: from 9 to 10 years.

Goal: monitoring tools at intermediate stages of education should take into account as much as possible the features of the educational program of a general education institution, curriculum, textbooks and methods used in the educational process.

To achieve monitoring goals, it is necessary to implement the following tasks:

· determine the composition of the tools for monitoring the training of students;

· develop tools for testing students’ training in specific academic subjects;

· develop a system of universal quantitative indicators that characterize the state of students’ training in an academic subject and allow us to identify the dynamics of its change, as well as compare the achievements of students in different academic subjects;

· develop questionnaires that allow you to obtain the information necessary to identify factors that influence the state of students’ training;

· develop a unified plan for assessing the educational achievements of students in basic academic subjects for a certain period necessary for the manifestation of trends in its change;

Tools for assessing educational achievements of students.

To obtain information about the educational achievements of schoolchildren in academic subjects, specially designed testing works are used, which make it possible to obtain fairly complete and objective information about the state of students’ preparation in academic subjects. At the same time, it is important to ensure that students receive information about their achievement at the following levels:

· compulsory training, which will make it possible to judge the fulfillment of the requirements of the standard for each academic subject;

· provide information about achieving an increased level of training.

For this purpose, verification work has been developed, which consists of two parts that have different purposes. The first part is intended to identify students who have reached the level of basic (compulsory) training in the subject, the second part is intended to identify students who have reached the level of advanced training.

In accordance with its purpose, the tasks of the first part of the work test students’ abilities to use knowledge in familiar situations. This part of the work is developed in accordance with the principles of creating criterion-based tests, the main purpose of which is to record the presence or absence of any quality in students.

The development of criterion-oriented work includes a description of the elements that make up the content of the test. In the case of assessing the compulsory training of students, such elements are specific mandatory knowledge and skills, which are then used to meaningfully characterize the test results. For each knowledge or skill included in this list, a set of tasks is compiled, the completion of which should sufficiently fully characterize mastery of this element at a mandatory level. The totality of tasks for all elements forms a bank of work tasks. In this case, mandatory level tasks are used that are familiar to students and were practiced during the educational process.

The main requirement when drawing up a test work is to ensure the completeness of checking the state of the quality being studied.

When working on the tasks of the first part, an indicator of its completion (criterion score) is established. If the student’s results are not lower than this indicator, then a conclusion is drawn that the students have achieved the level of compulsory training; if below it, then the absence of this quality is recorded. Repeated use of such work will reveal the dynamics of changes in the state of compulsory training of students.

The second part of the work contains tasks of an advanced level, which vary significantly in complexity. Some of them require students to apply their knowledge in a changed situation, using approaches, techniques, methods known to them from the school course. The rest require the use of knowledge in a new situation for students. To complete these tasks, it is necessary to integrate knowledge from different topics and sections of the subject, to develop independent approaches and ways to solve the problem. Completing the tasks of the second part allows for a more subtle differentiation of students according to their state of preparation in the subject being tested.

Types of tasks.

In the test work, tasks of various types were used: with a choice of answer, with a short free answer (in the form of a number, word, etc.), with a detailed answer (a complete record of the answer with the corresponding explanation or justification, a complete record of the solution to a mathematical problem, etc. .).

In cases where knowledge and skills are tested, especially at a basic level of mastery, in most cases it is not necessary to provide a detailed answer in order to judge the possession of this knowledge in a standard situation. Making such a judgment allows students to receive the correct answer. Therefore, it is appropriate to use multiple-choice or short-answer items that do not require an explanation or justification for the answer received (all subjects).

It is advisable to test the ability to apply knowledge in changed situations, to build procedures by combining various studied simple operations or techniques using tasks that require independent recording of an answer (short or detailed).

To test the most complex skills (analyze a situation, draw conclusions, carry out logical reasoning, justification, proof of your actions and write them down correctly), you need to use only one type of task - with a detailed answer (Russian language, mathematics).

Determination of a system of indicators for assessing the educational achievements of students.

According to the goals of assessing educational achievements, indicators should provide information characterizing the state of educational achievements of the population of students being surveyed, the dynamics of educational achievements during the experiment and the influence of factors on these achievements.

These indicators:

correspond to the main goals and planned results of education;

complement each other and do not contradict each other.

An indicator of the quality of education is those essential characteristics that allow it to be assessed.

An indicator of the quality of education is transmitters of social information containing comprehensive characteristics of the quality of education, by which one can judge its development.

An indicator of the quality of education is a characteristic that determines the relationship between its unobservable and observable characteristics (unobservable - ability, observable - ZUN).

The measure for assessing the quality of education are criteria that combine calculation methods, a rating scale and rules for making decisions about determining the level of quality of education. It is the criteria that serve as the final basis for fixing the level of quality of education.

Each criterion consists of an evaluation indicator and a corresponding scale. The presence of only an indicator without a rating scale does not set a criterion. But the same indicator may have different rating scales, that is, different criteria.

Criteria requirements:

· thoroughness, i.e. reflect the essence, the most important aspects of the processes and objects being studied;

· certainty, i.e. the possibility of expressing them in specific, measurable indicators;

· stability, in the sense that the “cuts” made on the basis of the criteria are comparable;

· relativity, since absolutely accurate and reliable methods for measuring social and pedagogical phenomena do not yet exist; each method produces results that need to be rechecked.

The quality of education is considered as an integral characteristic of the education system, reflecting the degree of compliance of the actual educational results achieved with regulatory requirements, social and personal expectations.

Quality is defined as a set of characteristics of an object related to its ability to satisfy stated and expected needs.

The category of quality embodies the result of education as social competence: the ability to study and reflect on social norms and act to change them, use the project method in one’s work, communicate one’s results, justify, prove using appropriate techniques.

Education is interpreted as a set of processes of learning, upbringing and development in specially organized conditions of a gymnasium.

Assessment of educational achievements of students is carried out in accordance with selected criteria at each level of education.

Elementary school is the starting point. The success of his further education largely depends on how much a child loves and learns to learn during this period. Therefore, the main goal of the educational process is to create favorable conditions for the development of children's learning capabilities. The implementation of this idea is included in the program for assessing the educational achievements of students. The purpose of this program is to identify the state of the educational process in primary school. The objects of observation are indicators that are divided into three modules.

The target guidelines of the school's educational activities are the formation of social competence, then monitoring should be aimed at tracking and assessing the characteristics included in this competence, which includes social competence - the level of education and/or experience sufficient for the successful implementation of one or another social or professional function.

The average level of social competence is calculated using the formula:

where UL is the level of education, UL is the level of training

Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the level of training and level of education, which are part of the objects of observation.

Module 1. The level of training is determined using tasks differentiated by level of difficulty - tests. Calculation of the level of training is carried out as the arithmetic average of the level of educational actions (LA) of the student on test work of the subject of the curriculum, disclosure of the content of the qualities of knowledge: completeness, depth, awareness, consistency.

UD1, UD2… - test results

To determine the level of training, 2 options of work are offered, identical in content, level of complexity and order of assignments. The total time to complete the work is one lesson (40 minutes).

Assessment of task performance and work in general

For each correctly completed task at the basic and advanced levels, the student receives one point. For completing a high-level task, a student can receive 0, 1 or 2 points. The maximum number of points for completing the work depends on the number of requirements included in the test work.

The completion of the work as a whole shows what level the students have achieved - low, medium, high.

If, as a result of completing the entire test work, the student scored less than 0.7 shares - this is a low level of work performance, from 0.7 to 0.89 shares - an average level of test work completion, from 0.9 to 1 share - a high level.

Assignments are checked by a teacher or assessor based on guidelines for checking and marking these assignments.

The analysis of the test results is carried out according to a non-standard scheme.

After writing the work, a matrix is ​​compiled in which the components of the educational standard, the class list and the results of the work are entered.

For each correctly completed task of the basic and advanced levels, the student receives one point, for an incorrect answer - zero. The maximum number of points for completing the work depends on the number of correctly received answers.

We carry out calculations horizontally. We add up all the points and enter them in the “Total Points” column. Then we find the share of fulfilled State Standards requirements included in this test work out of the total number.

The performance of the work as a whole shows what level has been achieved by each student - low, average, high and by the class as a whole.

0.9 - high level

89-0.71 - average level

7-0.6 - low level

below 0.6 - training reaches a correctional level.

Then calculations are made vertically. The number of students who have mastered this requirement of the standard is determined.

Module 2. Level of education (LE)

Diagnosis of good breeding is an assessment procedure aimed at clarifying the situation and identifying the true level of good breeding. Data from the assessment level are compared with the original ones; characteristics of good breeding, the difference between them determines the effectiveness of the educational process.

Through diagnostics, the class teacher establishes how pedagogical tasks are implemented and which of them require further solution.

Diagnostics has a direct connection with the stages of managing the development of the team and the individual. In accordance with this, three types of diagnostics in the work of the class teacher have been identified: initial, corrective (current) and generalizing (final).

Initial diagnosis is related to planning and management of the classroom team. Before determining the educational tasks that will be implemented in a given academic quarter, half-year or throughout the entire academic year, the class teacher studies the student’s level of education.

But since the process of education is contradictory and spasmodic, continuous and dynamic, the class teacher necessarily has to catch the changes and reflect them when planning his activities.

The completeness and objectivity of information during initial diagnostics brings the planning of educational tasks as close as possible to the real needs of the class and corresponds to the optimal development of children.

The criterion of good manners is theoretically developed by scientists indicators of the level of formation of various personality qualities. We use the author's concept of M.I. Shilova, in which, based on the qualimetric approach, holistic diagnostic programs for studying education were developed. In these programs, the author's criteria for good manners were expressed through the choice of specific indicators - units of observation.

They are presented in the form of a scale of names. If the degree of manifestation of qualities is assigned a rating, then comparisons can be made and calculations can be made, expressing the levels of education in numbers.

Current diagnostics are carried out in the very process of organizing the activities of student groups, orienting the teacher to the changes that occur in students and the team. At the same time, the correctness of previously made decisions is assessed. The information obtained as a result of ongoing diagnostics helps to adjust your work and improve your style of relationships with children and methods of educational work.

Current diagnostics acts as express information and thereby helps make quick decisions to improve teaching activities.

In the system for predicting the results of educational work, a general diagnostic is carried out at the end of each academic year. It provides basic data for correcting pedagogical impact during the next academic year.

The team is constantly being studied. The classroom collective, as a component of a complex dynamic social system, has typical features and specific differences.

The class teacher diagnoses the level of education of students by studying the personality qualities that were the object of education and were leading at this stage of their development.

It is almost impossible to diagnose all personality traits. It is enough to clarify the leading tasks and, in accordance with this, monitor their implementation in the process of forming the corresponding properties and qualities of schoolchildren.

The level of education (LE) is determined by the most important behavioral skills. We assessed the level of formation of social activity (Oa), duty, responsibility (O), frugality (B), discipline (D), responsibility (O), hard work (T), collectivism (K), kindness (Do), honesty (H ), modesty (C). The EF is calculated as the arithmetic average of the levels of formation of all indicators according to the formula:

Oa + From + B + D + From + T + K + To + Ch + S

The level of education of students was recorded at the end of 3rd grade. The level of formation of the components of this indicator was determined at three levels.

level is very low,

level - low

level - intermediate

high level

Module 3. Level of education is an indicator of the level of development of general educational skills and abilities (OUUN).

Having analyzed our activities in developing general educational skills in children, we determined the level of their development in students in the following areas: (in accordance with the State Standards) Educational and organizational

ur. - the child uses knowledge about the method of activity, creatively introduces his own elements

ur. masters the relevant elements

ur. performs work by imitating the teacher or following a model Educational and intellectual

ur. - uses skills correctly and confidently

ur. - makes mistakes, uses operations incompletely

ur. - does not have developed intellectual skills Educational and communicative skills

ur. - the main types of monologue speech have been formed

ur. - skills are partially formed, the child is included in the dialogue

ur. - skills are formed at a low level, the child poorly controls his own attention Educational and informational

ur. - knows how to work with a textbook, works with additional literature

ur. - works with the textbook insufficiently independently and confidently

ur. - finds it difficult to work with a plan, theses, does not refer to additional literature.

The obtained data on the level of education and level of upbringing made it possible to calculate a single integral indicator of the level of education. Below are the data obtained during testing of the technology for assessing the quality of educational achievements of a student in a general education institution (see Table 1)

Table 1. Average level of social competence - a single integral indicator of the level of education of students

Last name First name Level of training Level of education Level of competence 44,24,14,544,254,54,14,34,74,54,64,74,74,73,54,5443,93,954,74,54,64,74,14,44,84,44, 64,74,64,654,54,74,64,34,54,44,84,34,5554,84,94,53,94,733,83,44,73,94,33,33,744,54,14,34, 74.44.5544.14.05544.5544. by class4,4164,2524,382 2.2 Methodological recommendations for organizing internal monitoring of the quality of education in an educational institution

Significant changes in priorities in school education in the world in recent years (reorientation towards a competency-based approach, continuous self-education, mastery of new information technologies, the ability to collaborate and work in groups, etc.) are reflected in the issues of updating the content and structure of education - the development of methods adequate to modern requirements and means of assessing the educational achievements of students.

Modern scientific and methodological foundations of the educational process, methods for assessing the educational achievements of students based on them give the teacher a wide range of opportunities for local assessment of the various qualities of a student developed and acquired in the educational process. At the same time, there is a problem of selecting methods and their optimal combination, taking into account the specifics of the educational situation in a particular educational institution and giving a systematic idea of ​​both the individual development of the student and the student body as a whole.

Along with the implementation of methods for assessing the educational achievements of students, teachers today require knowledge and competent application of specific methods for assessing the educational achievements of students, ensuring continuous monitoring of the development of the latter and timely adjustment of the educational process in the event of detection of undesirable development trends.

Thus, the need to introduce these methods is due to a number of objective factors, among them the limited content and technological capabilities of the traditional system for assessing the quality of education, focused primarily on assessing the results of students mastering the content of academic disciplines.

The system for assessing the educational achievements of students should be based on an understanding of the result of education as social competence. It is within the framework of this concept that it is possible to describe what properties a person must have in order to be able to withstand the difficulties of modern society and cope with the demands of a dynamic, developing, largely contradictory and aggressive social environment. Currently, social competence is becoming increasingly important in all spheres of human social life, and is recognized as an integrative characteristic of modern man (Krokinskaya O.K., Baranova L.A., Kunitsyna V.N., etc.). The very quality of social competence characterizes a person who has successfully completed socialization and is capable of adaptation and self-realization in the conditions of modern society.

The goals of the education quality assessment system are:

· the formation of a unified system for diagnosing and monitoring the state of education, ensuring the identification of factors and timely identification of changes affecting the quality of education in educational institutions;

· obtaining objective information about the state of the quality of education in educational institutions, trends in its change and reasons affecting its level;

· increasing the level of awareness of consumers of educational services about quality when making decisions related to education;

· ensuring objectivity and fairness of education during admission to educational institutions.

In accordance with the goals set, the following tasks were defined:

· the formation of a system of indicators that allows for the effective implementation of the main goals of assessing the quality of education;

· assessment of the level of individual educational achievements of students;

· assessment of the state and effectiveness of the educational institution, regional and municipal educational systems;

· assessment of the quality of educational programs of educational institutions, taking into account the requests of the main consumers of educational services;

· identification of factors influencing the quality of the educational process and educational results;

· development of educational and methodological materials for training specialists in assessing various aspects of the quality of education;

· assistance in improving the qualifications of education system employees participating in procedures for assessing the quality of education.

The educational quality assessment system of educational institutions is based on the following principles:

· objectivity, reliability, completeness and consistency of information about education;

· realistic requirements, norms and indicators of the quality of education, their social and personal significance;

· openness and transparency of procedures for assessing the quality of education;

· optimal use of primary data sources to determine indicators of the quality and effectiveness of education (taking into account the possibility of their reuse and economic feasibility);

· optimization of the number of indicators taking into account the needs of different levels of management of the education system;

· the instrumentality and manufacturability of the indicators used (taking into account the existing capabilities of data collection, measurement techniques, analysis and interpretation of data, the preparedness of consumers to perceive them);

· comparability of the system of indicators with federal and international analogues;

· availability of information about the state and quality of education of high school students for various consumer groups.

Goals and objectives of the educational process at the educational institution

The main educational goal of the school is to identify and develop the child’s giftedness, create conditions for the realization of the individual educational needs of the subjects of education.

Unfortunately, even today in the psychological and pedagogical literature there is a range of opinions regarding the very concept of “children’s giftedness.” The terms “genetically preserved” children, “advanced students”, etc. are used. Thus, the expression “gifted children” is largely arbitrary.

Characteristics of approaches to diagnosing the results of the educational process

Education monitoring is a system for collecting, storing, processing and disseminating information about the educational system or individual elements, which is focused on information support for management, allows one to judge the state of an object at any time and can provide a forecast of its development. (Mayorov N.A.)

Education monitoring performs the following functions:

· preparatory

· diagnostic,


· prognostic.

The system of assessment, control and recording of knowledge that has developed in the gymnasium provides information not only about the effectiveness of the individual’s creative potential, which provides not only lessons, but also compliance with certain rules and working conditions at school.

The school is characterized by all the main functions of the educational process: educational, educational, developmental. Control and assessment are aimed at completeness and comprehensiveness, systematicity and objectivity to the level of knowledge and skills of students, at the system of basic elements of educational material provided by the program for each subject, testing not only subject knowledge, but also the acquisition of special and general educational skills.

When organizing control and recording of learning results, the teaching staff proceeds from the multifunctionality of control, which in turn ensures the effectiveness of training. Systematic control and assessment (frequency of testing the knowledge and skills of all students, accumulation of a number of grades for different types of work during academic quarters) is reflected in the journal . The journals are checked by the Deputy Director for Educational Work at least twice a quarter. When assessing students' knowledge and skills, a four-point system is used. Methods of oral and written control and assessment are used in all subjects.

Since 1995, testing based on the basic level of knowledge and skills of students in all subjects has been widely introduced into the practice of organizing control and assessment. Tasks in tests of this kind are grouped according to the method of mental activity and the method of educational activity, which gives the teacher a wide choice of testing options, taking into account the specifics of classes (specialized training, in-depth study of individual subjects, etc.). Each methodological association has its own data bank for all types of control and evaluation activities.

The level of development of education is carried out according to international and proprietary methods provided by the laboratory of “Creative Giftedness” of the Pedagogical Institute of the Russian Academy of Education.

When creating monitoring in the gymnasium, the following approaches were reflected.

) Managing the quality of education based on its final result. The monitoring system in this case is determined by the following areas:

· training of students;

· education of students;

· the readiness of gymnasium graduates to continue their education;

· social adaptation of gymnasium students and graduates to life in society;

· maintaining children's health.

) Factors influencing the quality of the final results:

quality of teaching and level of professional development of teachers;

the level of organization and effectiveness of teaching and student work in the gymnasium;

level of physical education and medical care for children;

the degree of educational and methodological support for the process of standardization of school education.

In the structure of the system for assessing educational achievements of a school, the following subjects are distinguished:

Municipal educational institution administration, teaching staff, parent community, school council, methodological council

develop and implement an educational program of an educational institution, including a system for assessing the quality of educational achievements of students;

participate in the development of a system of indicators characterizing the state and dynamics of development of an educational institution and the municipal education system;

ensure, on the basis of the educational program, control and evaluation procedures, monitoring and other studies on the quality of education are carried out in the educational institution;


a system for monitoring the quality of education in an educational institution, collects, processes, stores and presents information about the state and dynamics of development of the educational institution, analyzes the results of assessing the quality of education at the level of the educational institution;

studying and providing information at the request of the main users of the system for assessing the quality of education of an educational institution;


provision of information in accordance with the regulations of information exchange about the quality of the educational process;

development of a system for assessing the quality of the educational process of an institution based on the educational program;

By educational activity we understand the joint activity of all subjects of the pedagogical process: students, teachers, parents and the lyceum administration, with the aim of achieving high quality and assessing the training of graduates.

In this regard, the subjects of control and evaluation are:

students receiving educational services and skills of necessary social adaptation when moving from one educational level to another;

parents of children expressing social order and the level of satisfaction (or dissatisfaction) with the quality of educational services provided by the gymnasium;

teachers providing necessary educational services to their students;

administration represented by the director and his deputies, who contribute to the creation of the conditions necessary to achieve high quality training of graduates corresponding to the gymnasium level of the education standard.

In turn, we interpret education as a set of processes of training and education of students in specially organized conditions of the pedagogical system of the gymnasium. Therefore, the objects of control and evaluation are:

the process and result of the formation of knowledge, general educational skills and abilities of students in the course of educational and cognitive activities;

the process and result of the formation of general behavioral skills of students in the course of educational activities;

teaching and educational activities of teachers as a process that ensures the high performance necessary for the development of children;

management activities of the administration as a process aimed at achieving targets by the teaching staff (predicted result)

Criteria and indicators for assessing the educational achievements of students.

The procedure, as an element of the quality system in a school, can be defined as a kind of algorithm; an established, established sequence of actions, operations and influences in relation to factors and conditions that influence the quality of education.

Procedures (methods) - their main purpose is to coordinate various types of activities that affect the quality of the educational process, by defining their goals and the order of implementation.

The procedure includes the development of criteria and indicators.

Assessing the educational achievements of students is an important part of assessing the entire educational process. Information about the state of students' preparation in academic subjects is one of the indicators characterizing the effectiveness of the educational process.

Monitoring educational achievements should be based on the following provisions:

· openness and accessibility of information about the state of assessment of students’ educational achievements;

· development and use of standardized tools to ensure reliable data;

· the results obtained should serve as the basis for making informed decisions about managing the education system;

· the standards and indicators of educational quality used must be socially and personally significant. Therefore, for example, one of the indicators is the achievement of a basic level of mastery of educational material;

· monitoring students' achievement of the level of compulsory training that meets the requirements of the standard for federal subjects; identifying trends characterizing the state of this training;

· identification of factors influencing the achievement of mandatory requirements presented in state regulatory documents;

· assessment of educational achievements is carried out at various stages of training: entrance, intermediate, final.

In conclusion, I would like to note that in order to obtain the information necessary for making informed decisions, monitoring should be carried out using a single toolkit.


The purpose of this work was to develop methodological recommendations for organizing internal monitoring of the quality of education in an educational institution.

In the theoretical part of the work, an analysis of the literature on the research topic was carried out, as a result of which a number of conclusions and generalizations were made.

The practical use of the system for assessing the quality of educational institutions is built in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for educational institutions, legislative acts of the Russian Federation, schools regulating the implementation of procedures for monitoring and assessing the quality of education.

The quality of education is an integral characteristic of the education system, reflecting the degree of compliance of resource provision, the educational process, and educational results with regulatory requirements, social and personal expectations,

Assessing the quality of education - determining, using diagnostic and evaluation procedures, the degree of compliance of resource provision, the educational process, educational results, regulatory requirements, social and personal expectations.

The system for assessing the quality of primary general education is a set of organizational and functional structures, norms and rules, diagnostic and evaluation procedures that provide, on a unified basis, assessment of the general educational achievements of students, the effectiveness of school activities, taking into account the requests of the main users of the results of the education quality assessment system.

The main users of the results of the quality assessment system for primary general education:

students and their parents (legal representatives);

school administration, founder;

school council;

public organizations interested in assessing the quality of education.

Approbation of the technology for assessing the quality of educational achievements of a student in a general education institution was carried out on the basis of a municipal educational budgetary institution - ...

The following participants took part in the testing: 25 3rd grade students.

Of these, 13 are girls and 12 are boys. Age of participants: from 9 to 10 years.

To obtain information about the educational achievements of schoolchildren in academic subjects, specially designed tests were used, which made it possible to obtain fairly complete and objective information about the state of students’ preparation in academic subjects.

The level of education (UL) was determined by the most important behavioral skills and abilities and was assessed using several indicators using a formula.

The obtained data on the level of education and level of upbringing made it possible to calculate a single integral indicator of the level of education.

The data obtained during testing showed that the average level of education of students in the given group was quite high (4.4 points).

Thus, we can conclude that the developed methodological recommendations for organizing internal monitoring of the quality of education in an educational institution will contribute to the quality assessment of education.


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Thus, we have listed the elements of the education quality assessment system. Let us consider in detail these assessment positions reflected in Table 1.

Internal rating system

Self-assessment of students (clause 1) and teachers (clause 6) . Until recently, this issue was not raised at all in pedagogy. Over the decades, forms and methods of control and assessment on the part of the teacher, educational institution, etc. have been developed. But the question of how to teach students self-control and self-evaluation of their educational activities remains completely open. There are no manuals for teachers, lecturers. There is no corresponding methodological apparatus in textbooks and other educational literature. But in the conditions of continuous education, “lifelong education,” self-control and self-assessment of one’s educational activities becomes the most important quality for a person. So the problem requires a solution in the form of developing appropriate scientific and methodological an apparatus for self-assessment by students of achievements in their educational activities, as well as a scientific and methodological apparatus for self-assessment of teaching staff and heads of educational institutions.

Self-esteem of students and teachers, naturally, cannot and should not be institutionalized.

pp. 3,4,8. Internal quality monitoring. In many countries, the so-called “ internal quality monitoring" This is a regular survey, 2-3 times a semester, every six months, among students, as well as teachers and professors. The questionnaires contain dozens of questions relating to all aspects of the life of an educational institution - the quality of teaching of each academic subject, textbooks and other educational materials, the objectivity of assessments, the state of classrooms, the work of the library, workshops, canteen, bookstore, sports facilities, etc. and so on. For each question asked, the student gives an appropriate rating (usually one out of three or five - for example, very satisfactory, satisfactory, unsatisfactory, very unsatisfactory, below all standards). These questionnaires are processed on a computer and submitted to the management of the educational institution. Analysis of such questionnaires allows us to judge the activities of each teacher, teacher, other employees and all services and take appropriate measures in a timely manner. Similar experience is gradually beginning to spread in Russia, for example, in Moscow College No. 8, as well as in a number of universities.

pp. 2, 7, 12, 20. Internal assessments of educational programs. Currently, educational standards are being developed at the federal level with the participation of interested federal departments, as well as scientists. At the regional, local levels, and the level of an educational institution, there are only opportunities to make certain changes to the content of education in accordance with the required specifics.

Today, the quality of educational programs is practically not assessed. Educational standards are developed, introduced into the educational process and “work” there until the next iteration of processing (“modernization”) as purely departmental documents.

Previously, and now only two categories of specialists were allowed to develop the content of general education. The first is scientists. Moreover, scientists are only of fundamental sciences: mathematics, physics, etc., most often representatives of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The second category is workers and scientists in the field of education - the Ministry of Education and the Russian Academy of Education.

But if general education should be for everyone, if it should belong to the whole society, then its structure and content should be determined by the whole society, and not just scientists and educators. That is, the content of general education must be a certain social agreement. In particular, the commissions for developing the content of general secondary education and evaluating this content should include plant directors, businessmen, engineers, doctors, artists, builders, etc. and so on. – i.e. representatives of all spheres of human activity and public life.

Only then, through joint efforts, can the necessary invariant of general education be determined, only then can general education, without reducing its level, be given a practice-oriented, activity-based, rather than the current academic orientation.

To a large extent, the above also applies to the development and assessment of standards for higher professional education. It is necessary to widely involve employers (both large and medium and small businesses), business unions, trade unions, representatives of political parties, public organizations, etc. in the development and assessment of state professional educational standards and professional educational programs. Today, in particular, the country has accumulated a large surplus of managers, lawyers, economists, etc. But for the most part, university graduates in these specialties are, as it were, “specialists in general.” But in reality, good, real managers, lawyers, etc. is sorely lacking.

pp. 11.19. Internal assessments of educational institutions(except for internal quality monitoring).

Institutional level of assessing the quality of activities of educational organizations (institutions): licensing, certification and accreditation educational institutions.

Expert commissions based on assessments of educational institutions are formed and approved by the state or municipal education authority. The composition of the commissions, as a rule, is dominated by representatives of educational institutions, experts from scientific and methodological institutions, and educational authorities.

It is necessary to develop unified federal methods, mechanisms for assessing the activities of educational institutions in the process of their licensing, certification and accreditation, unified assessment tools (separately for institutions of general, primary and secondary vocational education, higher education), since in regions and municipalities today there is There is a complete discrepancy in these mechanisms.

Modern Russian practice of assessing the quality of education involves a significant strengthening of the role of self-assessment and self-examination of educational institutions. This process is already successfully developing in the higher education system. The results of self-examination are considered as an important preliminary result of assessing the quality of the activities of the educational institution. And in the future, the role of self-examination as an effective tool for assessing the quality of education at the institutional level should increase.

In this regard, the practice of public reporting by educational institutions on various aspects of its own activities requires further development. The standards for such reporting should obviously reflect:

Mission, goals of the educational institution, incl. in relation to quality and standards;

The structure of educational programs, their content, duration, entrance requirements for their completion;

Main directions of scientific research, results of activities of scientific schools (for universities);

Organization of a quality system;

The composition of students, their performance, as well as students’ assessment of educational programs;

Achievements of graduates, their success in the labor market and/or in further education;

Main financial indicators of the educational institution's activities, the level of its resource support.

In the future, it is necessary to develop independent (external) assessments of the quality of activities of educational institutions - assessments obtained as a result of procedures independent from the educational institution/organization and from the education system as a whole (including from education management bodies), standardized and universal (independent experts , assessment tools, etc.).

Assessments of individual achievements of students (paragraphs 10, 15, 17).

At the level of an educational institution, assessment of the quality of education is represented by two procedures: the state final certification of graduates (in secondary schools - Unified State Examination) and the intermediate and current certification of pupils/students within the framework of the internal education quality control system.

If in high school, testing tools for assessing the quality of students’ preparation are introduced by the Unified State Examination organization, then for graduates of primary school, for pupils and students of vocational education institutions in most subjects of the Russian Federation, assessment tools are developed by the educational institutions themselves - i.e. producers of educational services themselves evaluate the quality of their “products”. The independence of assessment procedures as a fundamental principle of organizing education quality control is not implemented.

In addition, currently in the domestic education system there is no “transparency” and openness of procedures for assessing the quality of education. The results of assessing the quality of graduate training are not made public. In Russia, the tradition of official and public ratings of educational institutions is not widespread, as in many European countries.

Thus, the current practice of assessing the quality of training of graduates of the Russian education system is of a departmental (industry) nature. Neither public organizations, nor parents, nor employers as consumers of the “product” produced in the education system take part either in setting learning goals or in assessing the degree of their achievement by students.

As primary measures for assessing the quality of individual educational achievements of students, it is obviously necessary:

In secondary school:

· completion of work on creating and normatively consolidating the conditions for conducting the Unified State Examination as usual;

· introduction of a new practice of conducting state (final) certification of 9th grade graduates by independent municipal commissions;

· further development of a system for monitoring the quality of general education training for students in grades 1–8, 10 based on the application of a competency-based approach to the development of test instruments;

Extension of the national testing system to other levels of education requires:

Development of methodology and testing techniques, its adaptation in relation to the specifics of vocational education: primary and secondary (possibly together), higher;

Creation of control measuring materials for cycles of professional disciplines in all areas of training;

Creation of infrastructures that ensure testing in vocational education.

In the future, it is advisable to move on to:

- development of forms (instruments and test materials) that allow recording and assessing extracurricular activities of students (portfolios);

Determining the status and legitimization of documents confirming the cognitive and non-academic achievements of pupils and students, creating conditions that ensure the reliability of the information contained in them.

Assessment of the quality of teaching activities (paragraphs 14, 18) . Currently, the process, although it raises many complaints, is more or less streamlined by certification systems for teaching (general, primary and secondary vocational education) and scientific-pedagogical (higher education) personnel.

Assessments of educational authorities (paragraphs 5, 9, 13, 16). Currently, education authorities are assessed only by the relevant regional administrations or the government of the Russian Federation, depending on their subordination. Education authorities today are not subject to any assessment by students, teaching, educational institutions, or external entities– parents, the public, industrial structures, political organizations, etc.

External assessment system

1. Authorities (clause 21). Formal assessments of the functioning of the education system by government bodies at both the federal, regional and municipal levels (not to mention territorial) and the corresponding mechanisms are practically absent. Assessments are carried out mainly by volitional order. Thus, the constant change of regional ministers of education, heads of regional and municipal education management structures, and, after them, a significant part of the education management apparatus causes only bewilderment.

Assessing the quality of the activities of education management bodies (or, what is the same thing, assessing the quality of management of territorial educational systems) is, in essence, an assessment of the quality of the activities of territorial educational systems, since the corresponding territorial education management body is responsible for the quality of the activities of the territorial educational system. In accordance with the existing structure of executive power in the Russian Federation, six levels of educational systems can be distinguished: federal, regional, subregional (intermunicipal), municipal, territorial level, and level of educational institution.

As a methodological basis for assessing the quality of activities of territorial educational systems (ES) - territorial in the narrow sense, municipal, subregional, regional - the so-called flow model of ES can be proposed. Like any system, the educational system (OS) is characterized by: composition(set of elements), structure(connections between elements), goals And functions. In addition, again like any system, the OS operates in some external environment and is described restrictions, imposed by the external environment, for example, state educational standards, requirements for accessibility of education, etc.

The OS unit should be considered educational institution(the characteristics of which are: set educational programs(OP), throughput of OP, their price and quality, etc.). It should be separately noted that educational management bodies (EMB) (regional, municipal, etc., as well as governing bodies of educational institutions themselves) do not perform an educational function and should be considered as coordinating and “providing.” This must be specifically stated in view of the established negative tradition of “interference” by employees of government bodies in functions that are unusual for them.

Let us highlight three types of OS structure (three bases for grouping educational institutions into an educational system):

- territorial structure : Federation, regions, subregions, intermunicipal entities, municipalities, territories;

- level structure : general education institutions (basic and complete secondary schools), professional educational institutions of three levels, etc.;

- profile structure : for general education institutions - their profiles, for professional educational institutions - the profile orientation of specialties and professions in accordance with the needs of regional, municipal, territorial labor markets.

– the impact of vocational education on the level of employment of the population, unemployment, level of gross domestic product, etc.;

– the influence of education, including vocational education, on the development of civil society, on the reduction of social tension, on the number of offenses, etc.

Currently, assessments are not formalized. The process is developing through the development of social partnership of governing bodies and educational institutions with public organizations, the development of supervisory, trustee and other councils.

It should be especially emphasized that an important factor in the successful development of regional and municipal educational systems is the wide participation of employers, public organizations, the educational community, and the population in these processes. One of the main conditions for such participation is the “transparency” of the activities of the territorial education management body, the completeness and accessibility of information for all social partners of the education system. That is why the information obtained as part of monitoring studies on the state and development trends of regional and municipal education systems should be presented to the main customers and consumers, social partners of education. The format for presenting monitoring information is determined by the peculiarities of the readiness of various target groups to perceive this kind of texts: a public analytical report - for interested “non-professionals”, a series of popular articles in the media - for “ordinary people” (in the good sense of the word), a brochure with a more detailed presentation identified facts and patterns - for the teaching community, etc.

3. Production (clause 23) .

– satisfaction with the quality of education of graduates of general and vocational education institutions, their qualifications;

– satisfaction with the level of educational programs, their ratio in terms of the number of graduates from primary, secondary, and higher vocational education institutions, their ratio in industries and professions (specialties);

– satisfaction with the professional qualification structure of graduates of vocational educational institutions – the ratio of needs for workers and specialists in each profession, specialty and their actual graduation from vocational educational institutions;

Increasing profits and profitability of enterprises by reducing costs for personnel retraining, reducing the share of costs for in-house training in the structure of product costs, etc.

Currently, assessments are not formalized. The process is developing through the development of social partnerships with enterprises, unions of employers, entrepreneurs, chambers of commerce and industry, etc.

4. Personality, incl. parents, family (paragraph 24). There are no estimates as such from the population. Required “external monitoring of the quality” of education:

– satisfaction/dissatisfaction with the education received (or not received) – the level of the educational program being mastered and the quality of training, as well as the learning conditions – comfort, personal safety, etc.;

– satisfaction/dissatisfaction with the education received (or not received) – the level of the educational program and the quality of the education received;

– the level of capitalization of the received general and professional education, expressed in an increase in a person’s personal income (salary).

In addition, one of the assessments of the activities of the education system is the extent to which families with children with disabilities are provided with the opportunity to choose the conditions for mastering educational programs that correspond to the type of physical and intellectual limitations of the young person.

A separate issue is the satisfaction with the education of school and professional educational institutions graduates after a certain time. This information can be obtained through sociological surveys as part of monitoring.

5. Education system (clause 25):

– continuity of educational programs and state educational standards for continuing education;

– the degree of satisfaction of educational institutions of each subsequent level with the level of preparedness of graduates of educational institutions of the previous level: basic general education - senior level of secondary school, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education; senior level of secondary school, primary and secondary education institutions - universities;

– reduction of resource costs for retraining, continuing education, and retaining students.

Assessments are not formalized. So far, there are only isolated cases of interaction between educational institutions and, accordingly, mutual assessments. There is no interaction system.

In conclusion, here is another sad fact. In the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, adopted back in 1992. an external assessment of the quality of education is provided: “... objective control of the quality of training of graduates... is provided by the state certification service, independent of education authorities in accordance with state educational standards” (Article 15 (clause 5)). This formulation would be a major step towards the democratization of education. But for 15 years (!!) this state certification service has not only not been created, but no one even “stutters” about it! She unprofitable The education system itself - neither teachers, nor educational institutions, nor educational authorities - no one wants their activities to be assessed by someone from the outside. It’s better to let everything remain as it is – at the level of a “get-together”. And the external structures of “consumers” of education are public organizations, political parties, businesses, etc. in Russia, unfortunately, they have not yet matured enough to actively influence this process.

As we see from this brief (and far from complete) analysis, assessing the quality of education includes a lot of components and requires solving many problems: legislative, scientific, methodological, organizational, managerial, etc.