Humanity is the goal of human nature. What is humanity - how does humanity and kindness manifest itself? What is humanity

Sections: Cool tutorial

Pedagogical goal: developing the children’s conviction that humanity, human attitude towards others in everyday life, respect for people, empathy and trust in them are the basis of human life, recognition of Man as the highest value on Earth.

Progress of the lesson

Good afternoon, dear guys. Today we have gathered again to reflect together on the problems of life and find possible ways to solve them.

(The title of the class topic and the epigraph are not yet revealed to the children, the intrigue remains.)

And before we outline the topic of the conversation, I invite you to become random witnesses to a dialogue that took place between young people, perhaps in our school. Please help me with this ________________.

Dialogue between a high school student and a student “Talk about the Great” 1

High school student: It’s a pity that we live in such uninteresting times. People used to do great things, but now they only make money.

Student: What do you consider a great deed?

High school student: When a person forgets about himself, and everything he has is ready to give for another.

Student: Aren’t there such people now?! A mother who gives her life to her child; a teacher who forgets about sleep and time for the sake of children; a doctor saving a patient from death; an officer protecting recruits from a stray shell - aren't these great people!

High school student: I haven’t seen great doctors and teachers in my life!

Student: There have always been few such people, both before and now. But when you yourself dedicate your life to doing something great, there are more of them.

Here we will stop the dialogue between two young people (thanks the guys for their help).

Can we help the student answer the high school student's question now? Please. (if not)

Well, then we’ll do this a little later, but for now let’s turn to the epigraph of our meeting (highlighted on the board):

Teacher: What do you think we will talk about today?

Guys: That's right, about humanity. What is HUMANITY? /answer/

“Humanity is humanity, a human attitude towards others.”
Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language D.N. Ushakova

“Humanity is a moral quality that expresses the principle of humanism in relation to everyday relationships between people. It includes a number of more private qualities - benevolence, respect for people, sympathy and trust in them, generosity, self-sacrifice for the interests of others, and also implies modesty, honesty, sincerity.” Philosophical Dictionary

Guys, I ask you to name the most important, in your opinion, problems of modern society.

/Called: poor environment, loneliness, drug addiction and alcoholism, illiteracy, poor medical care and others. At that time one of the students writes them down briefly to the table on the board:

The teacher and the children discuss what qualities are needed to help people cope with this or that problem (will, intelligence, good heart).

What do you think is more important for a person: the ability to be humane, a strong will or intelligence? Which of these qualities is most important to you and why?

In which country do you think the people will be happier - with an inhumane, but intelligent and strong-willed ruler, or with a kind, but weak-willed and ignorant ruler?

What does it mean to listen to your heart?

"Will, Mind, Heart and Science"

Will, Reason and Heart once turned to Science to resolve the dispute: which of them is more important.

Will said: “Hey, Science, you know, without me nothing achieves perfection: in order to know yourself, you need to study hard, but without me you can’t do this; to serve the Almighty, worshiping him, without knowing peace, is possible only with my help. It is impossible, if I am not there, to achieve wealth, mastery, respect, or a career in life. Am I not the one who protects people from petty passions and keeps them in check, am I not the one who warns them against sin, envy, temptations, am I not the one who helps them gather their strength and at the last minute stay on the brink of the abyss? How can these two argue with me?”

Reason said: “Only I am able to recognize which of your words is useful and which is harmful, whether in earthly or afterlife. Only I can comprehend your language. Without me you cannot avoid evil, you cannot find benefit, you cannot gain knowledge. Why are these two arguing with me? What are they good for without me?

The heart said: “I am the ruler of the human body. Blood comes from me, the soul lives in me, life is unthinkable without me. I deprive those who lie in a soft bed of sleep, make them toss and turn, force them to think about the poor, homeless, cold and hungry. By my will, the younger ones respect the adults and are lenient towards the lesser. But people don’t try to keep me clean and they themselves suffer from this. If I were pure, I would not discriminate between people. I admire virtue, I rebel against evil and violence. Philanthropy, conscience, mercy, kindness - everything comes from me. What are these two good for without me? How dare they argue with me?

After listening to them, Science replied: WHAT DO YOU THINK?(the teacher asks the children a question and then continues)

“Volya, you said everything correctly. There are still many advantages in you that you have not mentioned. Nothing can be achieved without your participation. But you also harbor cruelty equal to your strength. You are firm in serving good, but you show no less firmness in serving evil. That's what's bad about you.

Intelligence! And you're right. Without you it is impossible to achieve anything in life. Thanks to you, we learn about the Creator and are initiated into the secrets of two worlds. But this is not the limit of your capabilities. Cunning and deceit are also the creations of your hands. Both the good and the evil rely on you, you faithfully serve both. That's your flaw.

My task is to reconcile you. It would be nice if the Heart were the ruler and arbiter in this dispute.

Intelligence! You have many paths. The heart cannot follow each of them. It not only rejoices at your good intentions, but also accompanies you in them willingly. But it will not follow you if you are up to no good, and will even move away from you with disgust.

Will! You have a lot of strength and courage, but your Heart can hold you too. It will not hinder you in a prudent matter, but in an unnecessary matter it will tie your hands.

You should unite and obey the Heart in everything. If all three of you live peacefully in one person, then the ashes from his feet can be used to heal the blind. If you don’t find agreement, I will give preference to the Heart. Take care of your humanity. The Almighty judges us on this basis. This is what it says in the Scriptures,” said Science.

Conversation on questions:

What Science do you think the Will, Mind and Heart turned to?

Have you ever felt that you are controlled by your heart, and sometimes by your will or mind? Under whose “rule” is life easier for you?

What can happen to a person if his heart stops controlling him?

The guys are divided into groups of 3-4 people and draw out cards with situations where one proves that will is more necessary, another – reason, and the third proves that without humanity the problem cannot be solved. At this time, the rest of the guys play the role of arbiters: which decision is humane?

1) Your grandmother is seriously ill and there is no one in the family to care for her.

2) You dream of going to college, but you are behind in many subjects.

3) You constantly quarrel with your parents, although deep down you understand that they are right

4) None of your friends wished you a happy birthday

Next could be written work or homework: write down in order of importance those qualities that they consider necessary, but are not fully formed in themselves, and then make a plan for the development of these qualities.

For example, how to develop humanity in yourself

Be interested! Only a person who is sincerely interested in the people around him and the world around him can be called humane.

Charity. Participation in charity events and active assistance to those in need develop humanity.

Caring. At the everyday level, it can be expressed in the fact that a person will not pass by someone who has fallen on the street, but will try to help him. This is how humanity develops.

Let's create together the “Sun of Humanity”

Of whom do they say that his heart is wide open? THIS IS THE SUN MAN.

The children are divided into groups and given sheets of paper or Whatman paper and asked to draw the sun of humanity. Everyone draws their own ray and signs on it the name of the person who helped in a difficult moment of life and treated him humanely. Then the children take turns talking about their rays, and the drawings are used to create an exhibition “The Sun of Humanity.”

Together we draw the sun on the board (there is already a blank). The guys take turns approaching the SUN and drawing rays onto it, on which they sign the names of good people and briefly talk about them.


Guys, do you remember the beginning of our meeting? (opens slide with words)

Student: There have always been few such people, both before and now. But when you yourself dedicate your life to doing something great, there are more of them.

High school student: But what great thing can I do today?

How would you respond to a high school student now?

What do you call a great deed?

Think about it, can caring and attention to others and your loved ones be called a great act?

Video parable “About the Sparrow” (duration 5 minutes)

After the parable: Well, how? (share impressions)

Thank you, guys, for your attentive and caring attitude to our conversation, and in concluding it, I want to tell you one story.

Some time ago, at the Seattle Olympics, nine athletes stood at the start of the 100-meter track. They were all physically or mentally disabled.

A shot was fired and the race began. Not everyone ran, but everyone wanted to take part and win.

They ran a third of the distance when one boy tripped, did several somersaults and fell. He started crying. The other eight members heard him cry. They slowed down and looked back. They stopped and returned. All.

A girl with Down syndrome sat down next to him, hugged him and asked:

“Are you feeling better now?”

Then all nine of them walked shoulder to shoulder to the finish line.

All the spectators stood up and applauded. The applause lasted for a very long time...

Those who saw it still talk about it. Why?

Because deep down within ourselves, we all know that the most important thing in life means so much more than winning for ourselves.

The most important thing in life is to help others win. Even if it means slowing down or changing your own race.

“A candle loses nothing if another candle is lit by its flame.”

The teacher gives out rays of the sun of humanity as gifts, on which are written wise thoughts about humanity, and Denis Maidanov’s song “I’m Rich” sounds in the background.


1 Peaks of wisdom: 50 lessons about the meaning of life (For classes with children of middle and high school age) / A. Lopatina, M. Skrebtsova - M.: Amrita-Rus, 2006. - 214 p. : ill. – (Series “Education and Creativity”).

Arthur Schopenhauer

Human nature is mysterious, interesting, majestic and, it seems to me, completely incomprehensible. It tells us who we humans are as nature intended and shows us what we can become if we use our full potential. And human development potential is truly enormous. Therefore, the more we learn about ourselves, the wider the scope of our capabilities becomes. Knowing human nature, we can understand many of our own and others’ needs, motives, desires, feelings, interests, opportunities and goals. And thanks to this understanding, we are able to competently manage our own and others’ behavior through thoughtful actions. Which, you see, is a very useful skill for our lives. I suggest you, friends, with the help of this article, get acquainted with the most, in my opinion, important manifestations of human nature for us, the understanding of which will help you understand yourself and others.

To begin, I would like to give you a brief definition of what we call human nature, or human nature, as you prefer. So, human nature is the sum of all his genetically determined abilities and predispositions that make up his personality, or rather, characterize him as a species. Simply put, human nature is what we all have from birth that makes us who we are. So what did nature, or, if you like, God give us? Let's get a look.


And she gave us, first of all, the instincts that drive us. I hope, dear readers, you are not one of those people who deny the presence of innate instincts in humans, since even with the help of the naked eye and a mind not burdened with excess knowledge, it is clear that from birth we have a genetically specified set of aspirations and tendencies that are expressed in our relatively complex behavior, the purpose of which is to satisfy a number of vital needs. Thus, no matter what kind of person we are talking about, no matter what part of the world he was born in and no matter what he dreams of, he will inevitably strive first of all to satisfy, first his basic, that is, primary needs, and then, to the extent of their satisfaction, to more elevated, secondary needs, determined by his instincts. We all experience the need for food, water, oxygen, warmth, safety, as well as the need to sleep and the need for sex and other needs that we begin to experience as our basic needs are satisfied. All these needs are determined by our innate instincts, that is, they are inherent in us by nature and therefore are part of our human nature. Thus, friends, when you study, analyze, evaluate the behavior of this or that person, be sure to ask yourself: the desire to satisfy which of your instinctive needs explains the behavior of this person? This will help you understand the motives behind his behavior.

In general, the human mind, which we develop throughout our lives, when we learn and gain life experience, is engaged in nothing more than servicing our instincts, that is, searching for opportunities to satisfy our needs. Therefore, I recommend starting the study of human psychology with the study of human instincts, that is, with his biological essence. Instincts are necessary, first of all, for the survival of a person and the continuation of his kind, this concerns basic instincts. But instincts of a higher order allow us, firstly, to realize ourselves worthily in this life, awakening in us the desire to leave something behind in this world [or express ourselves in some other way], and secondly, they encourage a person to sacrifice their interests and, if necessary, even their lives for the sake of other people and the common good. For example, a mother may sacrifice herself for her child. Or, a person can sacrifice his interests or his life for the sake of his loved ones and dear people - for the sake of his family, his community, his people. You must admit, not every person is capable of this. Or rather, we are all naturally capable of this, but not everyone manages to reach such a state of soul and mind in their lives. Indeed, in order to manifest instincts of a higher order, a person must learn to satisfy his basic instincts, or he must learn to control them with the help of his mind. However, some people act as they do, following the call of the heart, by which we can understand their intuitive understanding of what needs to be done and how to act for the sake of the common good. So in this sense, human nature is not always predictable.

Learning ability

Learning ability, or more correctly, the desire to understand the world around us, and at an even more primitive level, curiosity is also an innate quality of a person, inherent in his human nature. It is curiosity, and in a more complex form, reflection and comprehension, that allows a person to wonder about the meaning of life. The question about the meaning of life, I believe, speaks about the rationality of a person. Only a rational being, when doing something, can think about why, why and for what purpose he is doing it. Therefore, the question about the meaning of life is a very smart question. Many people ask them, but not many, unfortunately, think deeply about this question, and therefore not everyone finds the answer to it. We'll discuss it with you sometime. But human learning, as you understand, is not one or even a thousand, but millions of questions that you and I begin to ask ourselves and others [first others, and then ourselves] from the moment of our birth, when, studying the world around us, we we want to learn about how everything is arranged in it and why everything in it is arranged exactly this way and not otherwise. A person’s tendency to learn must be supported and developed, because nature, having endowed us with the desire to understand the world around us, is not going to do anything for us in this direction. We either use our capabilities and develop them, or they will simply not be used by us, which is equivalent to the fact that we do not have them at all. After all, the laws of human nature are such that everything that we use develops in us, and what we do not use atrophies and stops working. Therefore, the opportunities given to us by nature need to be developed in order to use them. You and I must constantly learn to become smarter and better, this is what nature [God] wants from us, since she has endowed us with such an opportunity. So nature has given us everything we need, and our task is only to take advantage of it. Remember, friends, that talent and genius are not innate, but acquired qualities. But our innate tendency to learn, coupled with hard work and perseverance, helps us develop these qualities in ourselves.


Creativity is not just a part of human nature, opening up limitless possibilities for it, it is, I would say, a piece of God, that is, the creator, creator, in us. No matter who and how created this world, he partially, and maybe completely, endowed us with the ability to create, the ability to transform matter and energy in such a way as to create something fundamentally new, which does not exist in nature. Just think about the meaning of this quality - it allows us, first to imagine, and then, if possible, to create something that has never been and is not in the world. That is, you and I can create our own world, which is what we did, thereby making our lives better, more interesting, and of higher quality. You and I are endowed with the ability to imagine something that does not exist, and I believe this is simply a fabulous opportunity, thanks to which we can change and transform the reality around us in accordance with our desires. At the same time, we don’t even fully know what we are capable of. As we study the laws of this world, we get more and more opportunities to materialize our creative abilities. You and I can create - we just need to realize this thought to understand and feel how lucky we are to be born and live in this amazing world.


Unfortunately, I have to admit the fact that human stupidity, which, as Albert Einstein said, is infinite, is also an innate quality of a person. This, however, has its own explanation, which I will not give in detail now, so that later I can explain it to you in more detail for better understanding. I will only say that stupidity is associated with laziness - with laziness to think, which in turn allows a person, firstly, to save energy, and secondly, to save time when making decisions. After all, the human brain, in order to work faster and save energy, strives to make ready-made [template] decisions, which are not always appropriate, which is why they look stupid. That is, the reluctance to think leads to stupidity and this reluctance to strain one’s brain is innate in a person, which then leads to an acquired inability to think when necessary. But at the same time, taking into account the above-described innate ability of a person to learn, and therefore his desire to strain his brains, we can safely say that to be or not to be stupid is not a question, it is a choice that is given to each of us.

Faith and trust

Faith and trust are also part of our nature. Some call them various manifestations of stupidity, others find salvation in faith, and see weakness in gullibility. I think that both are a necessity for some people in certain situations. As children, we are all gullible and believe almost everything we are told. We have nothing of our own, we learn life from the world around us, so we are forced to trust it. But then, as we grow older, we develop critical thinking, and we begin to understand that not everything that other people say is true. Since critical thinking is acquired, or more precisely, develops in us as we gain experience and knowledge, a mature mind differs from an immature one in its tendency to question everything, rather than recklessly believe everything. But in this world we are forced to trust other people, even if we don’t want to, because in many issues we ourselves are not able to understand thoroughly enough and we have to rely on other people, we have to believe them.

As for faith in something that does not exist, which calms us down and gives us strength, also allowing us to shift responsibility for our lives to someone else, for example, to higher powers, it is difficult for a person to live without such faith, because, -firstly, he cannot know everything in order to simply know and understand, and not believe in something, and secondly, he cannot check everything himself in order to justify his disbelief or logically explain this or that phenomenon. And thirdly, in difficult life situations, when a person is in pain and scared, when he has nothing left but faith, it is his only salvation. And this is better than nothing. Faith saved many lives. Although, as a person who is involved in science, I still believe that you should not blindly believe in something and completely rely on this faith, it is better to try to learn more about something in order to understand how it works, and thus save yourself by the power of reason, and not only and not even so much by the power of faith. However, each person decides for himself how it is easier for him to live - by believing in someone who will help, protect, guide, advise, save, protect, reward, give strength, or instead - by exploring, studying, discovering, getting to know the environment the world and the phenomena and processes occurring in it that will explain what and how to do. Both are not without meaning, so I personally, having matured and become wiser, realized that in this life you need to both believe and study in order to be completely open to this world and have more opportunities to solve a variety of problems and tasks.


Spirituality, or more correctly, a person’s inclination towards spiritual values, is also a part, and a very important one, of his nature. Spirituality itself, as a state of a person’s soul, as a great value for him, is an acquired trait, or better to say, a strength [spiritual strength] that he acquires through the development of his mind, since spiritual values ​​are realized by a person only at a certain level of his development and are valued the higher it is, the more satisfied its primary needs are. But I nevertheless believe that man's innate tendency to create, protect and exalt values ​​such as spiritual values ​​deserves our attention. An animal, no matter how you teach it, will not be able to understand spiritual values, both due to its less developed intelligence and due to its lack of need for such values. A person is a completely different matter, he can not only be a materialist, he can rise to a higher level, at which spiritual values ​​determine his entire life and at the same time serve as a reliable support for him in the struggle for material wealth. That is, spiritual and material values ​​should not be opposed to each other, they should complement each other and thus strengthen each other. Spirituality and spiritual values ​​are phenomena and values ​​of a very high order. You need to grow to such values, as they say. And human nature allows us to do this.


Despite the fact that love is an innate quality of our soul, I still believe that true love comes to a person only after he is fully aware of such human values ​​as: freedom, life, happiness - by which I mean human skill to enjoy life, whatever it may be, spiritual values ​​that make a person human, and children, who are the meaning of our lives. Only for the sake of all this, as well as for the sake of the one whom a person loves, he can sacrifice not only his interests, but also his life. It is quite obvious that the first thing for whom we must be willing to sacrifice ourselves is our children, who are our future, for which we live and survive. Without a future, our present is meaningless. And for the future, we can raise worthy people, both from our own and from other people’s children, and also do great things that will improve the lives of all humanity. And when a person is ready for such sacrifices, when he begins to think not only about himself and even not so much about himself, but also about other people, he gains the ability to truly love. After all, by true love, among other things, I understand a person’s willingness to sacrifice everything in his life, including this life itself, for the sake of the one he loves. There should be no egoism, no sense of ownership in true love, and even sexual attraction to a person is not an essential moment for it, because true love is sacrifice. This is why not many people can truly love, because, again, you need to grow into such love, both mentally and spiritually. But it is human nature to love this way, so we always need to remember this great feeling given to us by nature in order to strive to fully experience it.

Here, friends, we have looked at the most important features and abilities of human nature, the understanding of which will help you understand why people behave in certain ways in certain situations. Also, and this is especially important, by understanding human nature, you can see what opportunities a person has for development from birth, using which we can constantly make our lives better, depending on our needs and desires. In the future I will return to this topic, since it is very important for us, and it needs to be studied most carefully. The more we know about our nature, the better we will be able to understand our own and others’ behavior and the more unique abilities we will discover in ourselves. So we will definitely discuss human nature in the future, I promise.

What is humanity - the inner world of a person, characterizing the state of the soul, an invisible appearance. Pleasant appearance does not always characterize goodwill towards surrounding circumstances. Decency and responsiveness to the concerns of others in the modern world are becoming a feeling that atrophies with the development of civilization.

Humanity - what is it?

Internal harmony, which gives rise to comfortable relationships between people, as a result of which they receive moral satisfaction, is humanity. This is the spiritual state of an individual, in which he has a set of high human qualities, the main of which is kindness of heart. Characteristic signs of humanity that others notice:

  • warmth;
  • responsiveness;
  • pleasant demeanor;
  • respect;
  • goodwill;
  • high level of internal culture,
  • pleasant upbringing;
  • sympathy;
  • patience;
  • humanity;
  • readiness for free assistance;
  • sincerity.

What is humanity - philosophy

In the understanding of philosophers, humane is humane. The Latin term “humanus” became the basis on which the concept of humanism arose - a worldview that recognizes individual freedom, multifaceted development, and a state of happiness. Cicero called humanity the result of education, a degree of education that elevates the human essence.

Show a humane attitude - provide assistance and show the sympathy that an individual needs, without harming one’s own interests. Making another person happy against his will is not humane. The most sincere manifestations of kindness, imposed on a person without his desire, do not belong to humanity. To do a good deed without calling for help means imposing your own will.

What is inhumanity?

Indifference to the problems and circumstances of another person is callousness of the soul, mental apathy. Humanity and inhumanity are two opposite sides. By displaying one of them, a person arouses respect or negative criticism from others. Inhumane behavior can be directed towards other people, animals, nature, it causes suffering. Synonyms characterizing inhumanity:

  • cruelty;
  • bitterness;
  • ruthlessness;
  • barbarism;
  • vandalism;
  • unmercifulness;
  • bloodthirstiness;
  • gloat;
  • lack of culture;
  • ill will;
  • selfishness;
  • dishonesty;
  • immorality.

What is humanity needed for?

Kindness and humanity are two similar feelings. By showing them, a person changes the world, shows care and understanding to others - brings harmony, gives them to gain, trains. Humanity is an act of love and mercy to a person in need of help. It gives faith, helps to overcome difficulties, and shows the “true” face of a person in difficult times.

Showing humanity towards people has now become “unfashionable”. Human nature is designed in such a way that only by showing and giving kindness can one find peace of mind. Without basic help to others, a person turns into a soulless robot, performing certain functions, fixated on the well-being of the individual.

What is humanity?

Having the ability to empathize is important for several professions - doctors, rescuers, teachers, educators. The concept of humanity includes actions in which someone received support - material, moral, physical. Someone else’s problem and concern became close, the person shared it and helped solve it in an accessible way. Selflessness of action is the main rule of humanity. The most common acts of goodwill are donating personal funds to charitable purposes, volunteer work, caring for the infirm who find themselves in difficult life situations:

  • old men;
  • children;
  • orphans;
  • disabled people;
  • homeless people;
  • animals.

Ethical standards do not encourage everyone to act humanely - to save life and health, despite the threat to their own life and personal problems. The greatest degree of good nature is showing courage in unpredictable situations, which has become a heroic act. She shows the personality as a highly moral protector and rescuer who infringed on his own interests for the benefit of others.

Development of humanity

Humanity allows you to notice the good without focusing on the negative, and give hope for the future for yourself and your loved ones. Three basic feelings help develop humanism: love, kindness and an intelligent attitude. A caring reaction to a random person’s problem and participation in charity events are signs of spiritual kindness and spiritual balance.

How to turn off humanity?

If you turn off humanity, a number of qualities are lost, and their absence provokes the development of sociopathy. A person, motivated by personal interests, becomes difficult to find a common language with others, to enjoy the pleasant little things in life, which leads to disharmony in mental development. If at first this position is pleasant, then over time it will begin to depress. Anyone can do sincere support and a good deed, but only a few are capable of showing such a desire.

The problem of humanity

Humanity in the modern world is deliberately confused with weakness. The race for values ​​for personal gain dictates strict rules of social behavior. Against such a background, spiritual kindness and generosity stand out in contrasting colors. What is humanity in specific examples - a teacher who works with a child after school without additional pay, a nurse who diligently looks after a seriously ill patient. It’s not difficult to show care to the best of your ability; the worst thing is not to get support when they can help you, but don’t want to.

Each of us by nature must be human. Much has been said about morality - the basic components of humanity. But often, for one reason or another, this quality disappears somewhere. What does this term mean? And how can one determine whether a person has this quality or not?

It's all about respect

First of all, humanity is the ability to respect other people. We can say that respect for others, as well as for oneself, is a fundamental quality for the development of this quality. This also includes the correct attitude towards nature and animals. Can someone who hits a cat or leaves trash after a picnic be called humane? Hardly.

The property of a real person is tolerance

Respect also presupposes such a quality as tolerance. Humanity - what is it if not the ability to treat representatives of other religions and nationalities with tolerance? Anyone who has respect for others in his heart is also capable of spirituality. Such a person lives by the principle: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” The antonym of humanity - inhumanity - is a cruel attitude towards others, those who differ in some way. The inability to put oneself in the place of another person, even a weaker one, is a symptom of cruelty, deep-seated internal failure, and often poor upbringing. After all, a person who lives in harmony with himself does not feel the need to humiliate others. Those who need to assert themselves at the expense of others, those who internally realize that they are worthless, behave inhumanely.

How is this quality manifested?

Humanity is the ability to compassion. However, this quality should not be confused with pity. Anyone who feels sorry for others looks down on them and is unable to believe in their strength. And a compassionate person is one who can understand the feelings of another person. Humanity is the ability to forgive someone who has made a mistake; the ability to understand another in his grief. How does true humanity manifest itself? It's easy to be merciful to a millionaire. For him, a few bills thrown to a beggar mean nothing. But true humanity manifests itself where there is no room for understanding in most cases. For example, it can be shown by a woman who has fallen out of love with her husband, but shows sufficient tact and respect for his feelings. Humanity also means adult children caring for their elderly parents. When adults continue to care for them, even if they begin to suffer from various disorders, this shows true mercy. And above all, only those who know how to sympathize can have this quality.


Another property of humanity is morality. Previously, it was believed that it was the law of a decent life, which was sent down to the human race from heaven. Morality has always been the constant basis of humanity, and it represents the unwritten law of relationships between people. Everyone has this quality, and its basis is nothing other than conscience. Morality always guards the spiritual and psychological health of a person. This quality helps a person to remain not just a member of a consumer society, but also to be ready to fulfill his moral principles are an integral part of humanity.

Essay on the topic “Humanity”: arguments

Those schoolchildren who write an essay on this topic can use the following arguments in their work. Firstly, it can be pointed out that humanity always correlates with morality; secondly, as already mentioned, this quality always includes the ability to compassion. In addition, one who is humane treats others who are different from him with tolerance.

Nurturing humanity

People are different - sometimes strict, withdrawn; sometimes cheerful and good-natured. But the main property that is inherent in a person with any character is humanity. In fact, every person has inner kindness, the ability to compassion, show mercy, and sometimes, for some reason, people do not show these qualities. But they are quite possible to develop - both for a child and an adult.

Anyone who is cold and indifferent to others is likely to experience the pangs of loneliness. He cannot show humanity because at a certain stage of his life he did not develop compassion. We all know cases where some children show cruelty - for example, they torture animals. This is how cruelty and lack of mercy develop. We can say that a crime against humanity is not only actions that speak for themselves (theft, disrespect for elders, violation. It is also the lack of good upbringing. After all, if a child or teenager is not explained why he cannot commit bad actions if he does not learns to put himself in the place of another living being, then he is unlikely to have such a quality as humanity.

Social studies lesson. Topic: “Man and humanity” (level 1)

Lesson type: Combined

The purpose of the lesson: lead to an understanding of the value of human life

Lesson objectives:

Educational: work with the basic concepts of the social studies course

Developmental: continuing to work with the glossary

Educational: Cultivating a sense of responsibility for one’s actions.

Lesson equipment: Drawing of an atomic explosion,epigraph: “Let your mind be kind, and your heart be smart” S. Marshak

Lesson steps:

Organizing time


Our wonderful bell called us to our desks for a lesson.

Success awaits us, my friends, communication, work, discoveries!

Guys, I express my confidence that our cooperation, as usual, will be useful and enjoyable. Please sit down.What is the main object of studying social science?

Answer: Man.

Teacher: Today's lesson is also about a person. Among the secrets that man knows, the most incomprehensible, according to the unanimous opinion of thinkers of all times, is man himself. The eternal question: what is a person? Without understanding the essence of this question, it is impossible to answer another question: what does it mean to be human, how to become human?

Express survey

Poll: Answer yes or no.(Game "Tic Tac Toe")

1. Man is a biosocial being (yes)

2. The biological principle predominates in a person (no)

3. Without society, a person will not be able to self-realize (yes)

4. A person’s character is manifested in his unswerving pursuit of the goal indicated by society. (No)

5. Should a person take into account the interests and care about the people around him (yes)

6. The need for communication refers to the social characteristics of a person (yes)

7. A person’s mood at one time or another determines the judgment (not) of emotion

8. Is the uniqueness of a person an individuality? (Yes)

9 Is a socially and spiritually developed person a teenager? (no, personality)

Teacher: What is a person?How does a person differ from living beings? What is good? What actions are usually called good?How does a person relate to what surrounds him?

The students answer.


It turns out that a person has different attitudes towards the world around him, both positively and negatively, showing his various qualities. Give examples.

Students give examples.


What prevents people from always doing good deeds?

Answer:Life circumstances.

It is up to everyone to respond to good with good, and to respond to evil with good -the work of a brave man .

Learning new material

Teacher's story: In 1945, the United States used new weapons - nuclear bombs of enormous destructive power to force Japan, which fought on the side of Germany, to surrender. The Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where civilians lived, were completely destroyed as a result of explosions on August 6 and 9, 1945. The US government thereby demonstrated to the whole world what a new type of formidable weapon it has at its disposal.

The explosions of nuclear bombs destroyed tens of thousands of civilians in Japanese cities, the survivors were exposed to radiation and were doomed. There were irreversible changes in their genes that were inherited by their children. Radiation sickness (leukemia) is a consequence of radiation from a nuclear explosion.

Major world powers have signed a number of agreements banning the use of nuclear weapons.

How did you feel when you heard about this?

Answer: Fear.

How do you assess the actions of the US government?

Students' answers.

Teacher: What do you think we will talk about today?

Answer: About the value of human life. About humanity.


associations with the wordHumanity

Write on the board:

respect for people kindness mercy humanity

Compassion and philanthropy

Working with a dictionary (tasks are given in rows)

COMPASSION - pity, sympathy caused by someone

Misfortune, grief.

KINDNESS - responsiveness, sincere disposition towards people, desire

Do good to others.

RESPECT - respectful attitude based on recognition of someone's

Any merits.

HUMANITY - philanthropy, respect for people, for humanity

Dignified, sensitive, kind, responsive attitude

To people.

HUMANITY - love for people, humanity.

MERCY – willingness to help people or forgive someone out of compassion and philanthropy.

Humanity is an everyday manifestation of humanism ( Writing in a notebook)

Each of you has prepared material at home that he associates with humanity - these are poems, sayings, drawings

Abugaliev Didar talks about the Japanese girl Sadako, who became a symbol of rejection of nuclear war. In many cities, monuments were erected to her - a girl with a crane in her hands, who so wanted to live.

“Cranes” by Alexander Derksen – read by Mukanova Rufina.

She wants to live until spring

Releasing the cranes into the sky,

But the fires burn the body,

Like the heat of the passing summer.

She's nothing at all,

But you know the wisdom of a glance,

But pain kills with laughter

Without fear of the saturated poison.

Believes the paper birds in his hands,

That save an untouched soul,

The bright world visits in dreams,

The proximity of death will not disturb the peace...

Teacher: Why do you need to be humane?

Answer: So that there is no war, so that there is peace, so that people are happy.

Humanity - this is a moral quality. It means the embodiment of the principle of humanism in the everyday relationships of people and includes a number of qualities such as benevolence, respect for people, sympathy and trust in them, self-sacrifice for the interests of others, and also implies modesty, honesty, sincerity.

Humanism from Latin - human, humane.
This is a historically changing system of views that recognizes the value of man as an individual, his right to freedom, happiness, development and manifestation of his abilities, which considers the good of man to be the criteria for assessing social institutions, and the principles of equality, justice, and humanity as the desired norm of relations between people.
Humanity, humanism, humanity, humane attitude towards others.
In a general sense, this is a system of moral and social attitudes, presupposing the need to show sympathy for people, provide assistance, and not cause suffering. .
A humane person is a kind, noble, generous, sympathetic person. I believe that the human personality should be perceived as the highest value.
“A person cannot have any other goal than to be a real person,” says L. Schaefer.

From your history course you know that humanistscalled the thinkers of the era Revival for their interest in man, faith in his capabilities and talents.

Remember and name the names of humanists.

Erasmus of Rotterdam, Thomas More, François Rabelais, William Shakespeare, Miguel Cervantes, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo Buonarroti, Raphael Santi.

We will enrich the following aspects in today's lesson .

- Humanism is being consideredas a certain belief system , for which the highest value is the person, his freedoms and rights.

- Humanism is understoodas a principle of behavior, which a person follows in his activities.

Working with the textbook – fragment of Veresaev’s story “Legend” (p. 101)

Briefly formulateprinciple of attitude towards life described in this story.

If you find it difficult to complete the task, choose one of the proposed formulations, which more accurately reflects the principle described in the fragment of the story “Legend”.

    Live the way you want.

    Live in such a way that others around you feel good.

    Live in such a way as not to harm other people.

    Live in a way that benefits the world around you.

    Live the way you like, as long as no one bothers you.

Come up with your own continuation of the story told by V.V. Veresaev, in which the humane behavior of the heroes of the story would be manifested.

The story could be like this: the humane behavior of the sailors will be manifested in their correction of what they did on the island throughout their lives.

What is the meaning of the story told by V.V. Veresaev?

Meaning: a person's responsibility for what he does in his life.

Every personhave the right to choose : lend a helping hand or be indifferent. What alarmed you?

Student answers : What if this is a hoax?

Teacher : Yes, you are right, dishonest people can take advantage of our trust and deceive.

Student answers : It is inhumane to profit from someone else’s misfortune. Such deception breeds mistrust. Sick people lose the opportunity to get real help.

Teacher: Can social networks really help?

Student answers : Yes they can. With their help, you can quickly disseminate information and raise funds, for example, the NTV channel.

Let us remember the golden rule of morality.

Not only a person, but also a society can be humane or inhumane. It is generally accepted that in a humane society the weak - children and the elderly - cannot suffer. But we will look at this in the next lesson.


Explain the words of the epigraph: “Let your mind be kind, and your heart be smart” S. Marshak

Student answer.

Discuss the statements of prominent people about the humane (humane) attitude of people towards each other.

(Students prepared these statements at home)

How many of you have read The Little Prince?

This fairy tale contains the following words: “You are responsible for those you have tamed.” Explain.

“Being human means feeling responsible. Feel shame in front of poverty, which, it would seem, does not depend on you. Be proud of every victory won by your comrades. To realize that by laying your own brick, you are helping to build the world.”

Leo Tolstoy said: “The more a person gives to people and the less he demands for himself, the better he is; The less he gives to others and the more he demands for himself, the worse he is.”

You can pass by, you can live only for yourself and for your own pleasure, or you can show compassion, respect the people around you and help them if you can do it.Listen to your heart!

And I want each of you to learn to doright choice !

As a souvenir, I give you cranes - a symbol of humanity and kindness, made of paper using the origami technique, write your wishes on them and pass them on to me. Let humanity triumph on Earth!

Homework: finding examples of humanity (history of war, modern times), paragraph 12.