Simbirsk Metropolis official. Simbirsk Metropolis

In 2013, several former graduates of the Kazan Seminary contacted the Patriarchate and the Educational Committee of the Russian Orthodox Church with complaints against the vice-rector for educational work of the Kazan Seminary, Abbot Kirill (Ilyukhin), reporting sodomy (homosexual relations) in the seminary. Soon, a commission of the Educational Committee of the Russian Orthodox Church, headed by Archpriest Maxim Kozlov, began work at the Kazan Seminary. After the inspection, Abbot Kirill was removed from the post of vice-rector of the seminary, and in 2014, Abbot Evfimy (Moiseev) was appointed rector of the seminary instead of Metropolitan Anastassy. Recently appeared on the Internet video about the life of seminarians at the Kazan Seminary, which received a record number of views.

At a meeting of the Holy Synod in July 2015, Metropolitan Anastassy was appointed ruling bishop of the Simbirsk diocese, and Metropolitan Feofan of Simbirsk was transferred to Kazan. After this, two priests and a group of laymen of the Simbirsk diocese sent a letter to his former Metropolitan Theophan with a request to convince Metropolitan Anastassy to clear his name after the earlier statements accusations.

On July 20, 2015, before the arrival of Metropolitan Anastassy at the Ascension Cathedral of the Savior in Simbirsk, the authors of the letter, Archpriest John Kosykh and Priest Georgy Roshchupkin with a group of believers, gathered in front of the cathedral. The arrival of Metropolitan Anastasios at the cathedral was greeted with the chant of “Anaxios” (unworthy in Greek), then those gathered proceeded to the cathedral and continued the chant of “Anaxios” during the service.

As the protesting priests then explained, they demand that Metropolitan Anastassy acquit himself after all the accusations voiced. Archpriest John Kosykh expressed the point of view of the audience:

“We do not blame Bishop Anastasy, we know that society has begun to talk about this. They wrote about this in the press, on the Internet, there were a lot of articles about it.” Then the priest said that after a wave of accusations, Bishop Anastasy had to either “clear his name” or “retire and say: I will not defend my name, I don’t want to fight with them,” otherwise, according to Archpriest John, the entire diocese finds himself under the Sodom and Gomor libel.

Metropolitan Anastasy arrived at the new place of service, walked with the Kazan Icon into the altar of the cathedral and conducted the first service in the church, after which addressed the worshipers with a word about protests against his appointment.

“I was sent here not of my own free will, but by the will of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill and the Holy Synod. If I served the church for 46 years, then, probably, if I was unworthy of this pastoral service, His Holiness the Patriarch would have stopped my pastoral activities a long time ago. But thanks to the Lord and the Queen of Heaven, I have been carrying out this obedience for 26 years in the rank of bishop. If anyone has been to Kazan, then they know what beautiful temples and what shrines are there.

This reckless act (the protest of the priests at the walls of the cathedral - editor's note) took place due to the fact that the image of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, the favorite image of the last abbess of the Kazan-Bogoroditsky Monastery, who in 1922 was shot right outside walls of the Mother of God Monastery, and this image was passed on by believers, nuns, who preserved it. I took him with me to consecrate the holy land with the image of the Queen of Heaven and so that she would become the patroness of not only ours, but also the patroness of the entire earth.

May the Lord judge everyone according to his deeds. But what happened, I think, will find retribution from the Lord. I can’t say anything in my own defense, because I know that nothing can be said. My spiritual father, Father John (Krestyankin), with whom I was raised and was under his spiritual guidance for many years, was punished by the slander of the same people and served 7 years in prison. Thank God, I only heard such anathematizations that, I think, did not come from the Orthodox. The meaning of our life is the acquisition of the Kingdom of God, serving the Lord, reviving ourselves to eternal life. If the Lord is not in our lives, if we rage, if we scream, if there is no saint in our lives, then we are far from the Lord and even more so from the Protection of the Queen of Heaven, and I believe that she will always be with us all and will not leave us in difficult times. Today, when we celebrate the appearance of the Kazan Mother of God in the city of Kazan, was marked for me by such a test.

I hope for you, dear brothers and sisters, that you will support me in difficult times and not allow the dark forces to rage in this city and not only in the city.

But most importantly, I would like the Queen to bring her peace to their souls, which are outraged, I don’t know, for what reasons.

We have only the Lord, only the Queen of Heaven, and on earth there is the Holy Patriarch and the Holy Synod. And no Kuraevs, no Kuraev followers, in the end, can destroy that Church of Christ, which the Lord created and said: “I am with you until the end of the age.” And the Church will exist despite all the devilish machinations in the person of such dark persons who, unfortunately, live on our land.”

Pravmir managed to get a comment Assistant to Metropolitan Anastasy Hieromonk Philaret (Kuzmin):

About the letter of the clergy

Hieromonk Filaret

– It talks about one of the canons, which, as far as I remember the interpretation of the canon by Valsamon, has generally lost force, due to some novelties that do not limit the period of legal proceedings. Therefore, there is no need to talk about a one-year period.

Second: I believe that in the modern world, the person who makes accusations must prove them, and not the accused must justify himself. In our case, the Metropolitan, I have nothing to justify. Although the same Andrei Vyacheslavovich has accusations (Kuraeva - editor's note) Enough, fortunately, a person’s imagination apparently works well. Metropolitan Anastasy has nothing to justify himself with. There is no point in proving that he is not a camel. He will say it once, twice - any person can be accused, and then let him justify himself. I believe that this is fundamentally wrong; in general, creating this precedent is wrong.

About the priests' protest

– Regarding what was done: this is my first day in this city, so I can only refer to other people. In particular, last night one of the local bloggers published his wonderful note that at this - I don’t know what to call it - rally, action - there were professional protesters who here in Ulyanovsk often take part in such events. They were deliberately brought and taken on buses. Their task was to record this video of the Sabbath, which they staged within the walls of the holy temple. They recorded it, immediately posted it online, and the rest you know very well.

In advance, two days before, the new secretary of the diocese, Priest Dmitry Fomin, came here, met with this Father John and invited him to solve everything the way it should be decided in the Church: if you have complaints, then go to the church court, and how it will decide court, so it will be. Father John preferred a different method, which, from my point of view, is counterproductive and, moreover, destroys both church unity and, probably most importantly, the souls of those believers who came to the temple to pray in front of the image of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

I want to resolve everything peacefully, within the framework of canon law, and not through prohibitions. If only these priests would come to talk! Otherwise it’s impossible: this constant yelling, screaming and filming. The arriving secretary suggested that Father John appeal to the church court and said that he supported this initiative, but only if there was evidence.

Yesterday, after the service, I saw with my own eyes: believers were crying, asking for forgiveness for the fact that such a meeting took place, such behavior. The believers, in fact, reacted kindly to the appointment and communicate very well. Today, after the liturgy, people venerated the bishop’s cross for a long time, because everyone was telling something, communicating - they are believers and behave like believers. And what happened is, of course, not the Maidan - I cannot utter such words - but something not related to the Church, to the community.

Journalistic inaccuracies

– I always have a lot of complaints about journalists: yesterday, for example, one of the local portals wrote that Metropolitan Anastassy left the church with a heart attack, the service was interrupted, and so on. There was nothing like that.

Another person writes that there are ten people left in the temple. Take the photographs - there are far from ten people there.

And today’s service was attended by a sufficient number of people by the standards of the local city. I can't say that there are few of them. For example, in Kazan we are accustomed to the fact that ten thousand people come on this day – a religious procession, a divine service. Here I asked the clergy: they said no, normal practice.

About excuses

– I know how in our country every word is perceived by some famous bloggers - it’s pointless to say anything. When I still had the inner strength to read something like this: “Kazan joyfully received the news...” - you go to “Orthodoxy in Tatarstan”, look at people’s reviews, what kind of resonance this caused, people really cried. Letters are still coming - today Orthodox youth arrived and brought letters from Kazan in support of the bishop. But on the Internet they write exactly the opposite, everything you say or do will be interpreted incorrectly.

The most important thing: I want these words to be heard: there is no point in expecting excuses from a person who throws mud on the basis of speculation - there is nothing for him to justify himself with.”

Pravmir continues to monitor developments in the Simbirsk Metropolis and asks readers to strictly pray for a dignified resolution of the situation.

On March 23, 2014, at the 71st year of his life, the head of the Simbirsk Metropolis, His Eminence Metropolitan Proclus of Simbirsk and Novospassky, died, the metropolis reports.

On the morning of March 24, the coffin with the body of the deceased Archpastor was installed in the Resurrection-Germanovsky Cathedral of Simbirsk (Gogol lane, 11). According to preliminary information, the funeral service and burial of Metropolitan Proclus of Simbirsk and Novospassky will be held on Wednesday, March 26, 2014.

Until his last breath, the Archpastor carried out his ministry entrusted to him by the Holy Mother Church. Let us pray and ask God to rest His faithful servant in the eternal abodes of heaven.

Metropolitan Proclus of Simbirsk and Novospassky (in the world Nikolai Vasilyevich Khazov) was born on October 10, 1943 in Leningrad into a family of employees.

As a child, during the summer holidays, Kolya Khazov spent a lot of time with his grandparents, who lived in the village of Vyritsa, not far from Leningrad. Grandmother, Maria Georgievna, raised the future Vladyka in the faith. She was the spiritual daughter of the now glorified elder Seraphim Vyritsky. And this upbringing had a decisive influence on the rest of my life.

Not far from the house, there was the Peter and Paul Church, where Nikolai began to go from about 5 years old. When he was twelve years old, he came to church on his own and, with the blessing of the rector, began to carry out choir and altar obedience.

The pious young man loved to visit many churches of the northern capital - St. Nicholas Naval Cathedral, which was the cathedral for the city of St. Peter, and the Transfiguration Church. But most of all, Nicholas loved the Trinity Cathedral of the Lavra, the place where he would later be ordained as a bishop.

In a Soviet school, Nikolai Khazov managed to maintain his faith in God. After graduating from school, Nikolai entered the Leningrad College of Light Industry. His parents wanted him to get a civilian profession. After graduating from college, Nikolai worked in production for a year, and in 1964 he was drafted into the Soviet army, where he served until 1967.

Having sufficient knowledge, acquired partly by self-education, partly during regular visits to divine services, Nikolai in 1970 immediately entered the second class of the Leningrad Theological Seminary. Together with Nikolai, in 1970, 10 people were immediately enrolled in the second class of the Seminary, of which five, by the providence of God, became bishops.

Here, during the entrance exams, the Vladyka’s first meeting with the future Patriarch Kirill took place. Hieromonk Kirill (Gundyaev), who graduated from the Academy in the same year 1970 with a candidate of theology degree, asked Nicholas a question that the future Metropolitan of Simbirsk and Novospassky remembered: “What liturgical books do you know?”

During his seminary years, Nikolai Khazov’s confessor became a famous St. Petersburg priest, Archpriest Vasily Shvets (1913-2011).

In the fourth grade of the seminary, on the eve of Christmas Eve, on January 5, 1973, Metropolitan Nikodim (Rotov) of Leningrad and Novgorod Nikolai Khazov was tonsured a monk with the name Proclus, in honor of St. Proclus, Archbishop of Constantinople. Two days later, on the feast of the Nativity of Christ, the monk Proclus was ordained a deacon. On March 11, 1973, Hierodeacon Proclus was ordained a priest and appointed to his first parish - rector of the Intercession Church in the village. Kozya Gora, Leningrad region.

In 1975, Hieromonk Proclus was transferred to serve in the city of Leningrad, where he became a cleric of the Smolensk Church, next to which is the grave of Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg. In 1977, Hieromonk Proclus graduated from the Theological Academy with a PhD in Theology for his work “The Gospel as the Basis of the Moral Life of a Christian.” A graduate of the Academy is appointed rector of the Transfiguration Cathedral in Vyborg. By Easter 1978 he was elevated to the rank of abbot.

Vladyka Metropolitan recalled: In 1983, my mother became seriously ill, and I was again transferred to Leningrad. For a short time he served in the church in the village of Siverskoye, and then as rector of the Cathedral in honor of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Novaya Ladoga. I served here for exactly 4 years from Intercession of 1983 to Intercession of 1987.”

For his diligent service to the Church, Abbot Proclus was awarded the Order of Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, 3rd degree, and in 1984 - a cross with decorations. On September 10, 1987, by a resolution of the Holy Synod, Abbot Proclus (Khazov), upon his elevation to the rank of archimandrite, was determined to be Bishop of Tikhvin, vicar of the Leningrad diocese.

On October 17, 1987, on Saturday of the 19th week after Pentecost, at the end of the All-Night Vigil, in the St. John the Theological Church of the Leningrad Theological Schools, Archimandrite Proclus was named Bishop of Tikhvin. On October 18, 1987, in the Trinity Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in Leningrad, the consecration of Archimandrite Proclus as Bishop of Tikhvin took place, which was led by Metropolitan Alexy of Leningrad and Novgorod, the future Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II.

On September 13, 1989, by the decision of His Holiness Patriarch Pimen of Moscow and All Rus' and the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Ulyanovsk diocese was revived. The Bishop of Ulyanovsk and Melekess appointed Bishop Proclus of Tikhvin to be the vicar of the Leningrad Metropolis.

On February 25, 1998, Bishop Proclus was elevated to the rank of archbishop. In 2000, Bishop Proclus was awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of the Ulyanovsk Region. On July 17, 2001, the Holy Synod returned the historical name to the Ulyanovsk diocese and approved the title of its ruling bishop “Simbirsk and Melekessky”.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of July 26, 2012, Vladyka was given the title of Simbirsk and Novospassky, he was appointed head of the newly formed Simbirsk Metropolis. On August 1, 2012, Archbishop Proclus was elevated to the rank of metropolitan.

With the end of the persecution of the Church, parishes began to be revived in Simbirsk and other cities and villages of the Ulyanovsk region, majestic cathedrals and small rural churches were built, monastic life was revived in two monasteries in our region, Sunday and catechetical schools were opened for children and adults, and it became possible to receive an Orthodox education for teachers, military personnel and everyone, mission among youth, in cultural institutions, social service...

In the region, once considered a stronghold of atheism, many shrines have been returned to the Church, among them the miraculous Bogolyubskaya and Zhadovskaya icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Every year a religious procession with the Zhadovsky image takes place throughout the region. The place of appearance of St. Nicholas in the village has been equipped. Surskoe. Blessed Andrei of Simbirsk, Venerable Gabriel of Melekess and many other new martyrs and confessors of Simbirsk were canonized.

The mission of the Church in the information space is developing. The newspaper “Orthodox Simbirsk” is published, parish publications are published, official websites of the dioceses of the Simbirsk Metropolis operate, parish websites are opened, and the missionary project “Father Online” is organized on the Internet.

Bishop Proclus always emphasized that all this is the work of all Orthodox clergy and laity of the Simbirsk land. But without the prayerful support of His Eminence, without his wise words, and direct participation in all areas of church service, these efforts could not have brought such abundant fruit.

The Ulyanovsk region has always been distinguished by its craving for Orthodoxy and a high level of spiritual life. After all, on its territory there are many temples and churches, which are visited daily by a large number of parishioners.

There are also many male and female monasteries, within whose walls hundreds of novices live and pray. One of the steps aimed at increasing the level of spirituality in the region was the creation of the Simbirsk Metropolis. It included three dioceses at once.

Purpose of creation

It was formed by the decision of the Holy Synod in July 2012. It included the Melekess, Simbirsk and Barysh dioceses. The new metropolis of the Russian Orthodox Church is located on the territory of the Ulyanovsk region.

It was created to implement the decision made in 2011. It is that spiritual life should actively develop not only in large, but also in small settlements. Currently, the newly created Simbirsk Metropolitanate has more than 200 parishes, and, as statistics show, their number will only grow.

For this reason, the bishop is physically unable to visit and thoroughly delve into the life of each temple or church. To correct this, the Simbirsk Metropolitanate was formed, which includes three dioceses. All of them are located in the Ulyanovsk region.

Barysh diocese

The Barysh diocese included, in addition to the same name, also Nikolaevsky, Bazarnosyzgansky, Inzensky, Pavlovsky, Starokulatsky, Radishchevsky districts. Hegumen Filaret, who headed the Zhadovsky monastery, was elected bishop. The city of Barysh became the center of the new education.

Melekes diocese

Another diocese of the Simbirsk Metropolis is Melekesskaya. It included, in addition to the same name, also Novomalyklinsky, Dimitrovogradsky, Staromainsky, Sengileevsky, Cherdaklinsky, Terengulsky districts.

The city of Dimitrovograd was chosen as the center of the new diocese. It is in it that the bishop who heads it is located.

Simbirsk diocese

The third is Simbirskaya. It consists of the regional center - the city of Ulyanovsk, as well as Sursky, Veshkaimsky, Kuzovatsky, Karsunsky, Mainsky, Tsilninsky, Novospassky districts.

All of the above dioceses form the Simbirsk Metropolis. It includes the entire Ulyanovsk region. The first head of the Simbirsk Metropolis was Archbishop Proclus. At the same time, he serves as the head of the Melekess diocese.


The Simbirsk Metropolitanate pays great attention to the development of spirituality among residents of the Ulyanovsk region. For this purpose, all kinds of educational events are held, in which clergy and diocesan leadership take part.

Much attention is paid to working among young people. The clergy are doing everything possible to instill in them faith in God, bring them closer to Orthodoxy, and increase their spirituality. For this purpose, meetings are regularly held with students from schools, universities, colleges, etc.

Many monasteries have Sunday schools where not only children, but also adults are educated. Excursions are conducted to the places where saints of the Simbirsk Metropolis lived, such as Gabriel of Melekessky. To cover the activities of the dioceses, newspapers are published monthly.

The metropolis devotes a lot of time to activities in military units and colonies located in the region. The clergy of the dioceses regularly travel to them and hold services there. Thanks to this, not only does people’s spirituality increase, but their lifestyle also changes for the better. They become kinder and try to keep all the commandments. In many colonies and military units there are chapels in which there is always a clergyman.

In the Simbirsk Metropolitanate, a procession of the cross is held annually on all major Orthodox holidays. Not only clergy and parishioners of the dioceses, but also many residents of the region take part in it. During religious processions, icons and various church relics are brought out, many of which contain the relics of saints.


Despite the fact that the Simbirsk Metropolis was created relatively recently, a loud scandal has already broken out in it. It was associated with the appointment of a new metropolitan. It turned out that Anastasia was greeted by numerous parishioners standing near the temple with angry shouts. Because of this, he quickly entered the church, covering his face with an icon and being guarded by Cossacks, who did not allow parishioners to see him.

This attitude is due to the fact that when he headed the Kazan Metropolis, he was involved in a high-profile scandal involving accusations of priests of sexual abuse. Also against this background, we remembered numerous old testimonies that directly indicate that Anastasius is a homosexual. The entire Simbirsk Metropolis reacted negatively to this. The scandal shows no sign of abating yet. In addition, it became known that Anastasy had been living with a young guy for a long time.

Despite the fact that such accusations are not supported by precise evidence, this casts a shadow of suspicion on Anastasy. Simbirsk parishioners are not delighted with his appointment.

Nevertheless, it is expected that after the creation of the new metropolis, spiritual life in the Ulyanovsk region will become significantly more active. Much is being done for this by the clergy with the full support of local authorities.