Shish kebab in a jar: an amazing recipe. Shish kebab in a jar in the oven

If, like me, the recipe for cooking chicken kebab in a jar in the oven seems unusual and interesting, try it. Chicken meat prepared in this way turns out juicy and tasty. Everything is prepared very simply and quickly, all you have to do is cut the vegetables into a salad and prepare your favorite side dish. If you wrap the kebab in pita bread with fresh vegetables, you can even take this snack with you to the country house or to a picnic.

To prepare chicken kebab in a jar, prepare the ingredients according to the list. Wash the fillets under running water and dry with paper towels.

Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces. Mix the ingredients for the marinade in a deep bowl. If desired, you can add sweet mustard and aromatic herbs to the marinade.

Place the chicken fillet pieces in the marinade and leave to marinate for a while.

Be sure to soak the wooden skewers in water so that they don’t burn while baking in the oven. The marinated pieces of chicken fillet should be threaded onto skewers.

Place the kebabs in a prepared clean jar.

Place the jar in a small baking tray or baking dish and pour some hot water into the bottom of the pan to prevent the jar from bursting during cooking. Bake chicken kebab in a jar in the oven at 190-200 degrees for 20-30 minutes. If the skewers still start to burn, cover them with foil.

Is it worth going to a barbecue when nature, despite the sincere assurances of weather forecasters about sunny weather, decided to present a surprise in the form of prolonged rain with gusty winds? Probably, few people would want to fry meat under an umbrella and snack on sandwiches with a slightly tarnished reputation. But you can outwit nature and be a little deceived yourself by having a picnic right in your apartment. You don’t even have to light a fire in the middle of the kitchen to do this! We will cook shish kebab in a jar directly in the oven. Recipe with photos, although they will be needed mainly by beginners. After all, this method of cooking kebab is outrageously simple and uncomplicated.

What you will need (for 2-3 servings):

How to cook shish kebab in a jar in a conventional oven (recipe with photo):

Choose moderately fatty pork, fresh, not old. Neck, ham or shoulder are ideal. I wouldn’t cook such a kebab from the tenderloin. It will most likely turn out harsh and dry. Instead of pork, you can also use chicken meat, separating it from the bone. Leg fillet is perfect. The breast can also be baked in a jar, but the kebab will turn out less juicy and soft. Especially if it is not marinated enough. Wash the selected piece of meat and pat dry with paper towels. Then cut into portions measuring approximately 4 by 4 cm. Place in a deep bowl for marinating.

Peel one or a couple of onions. Rinse. Cut into half rings or rings. Pour into a bowl. Mix its contents with your hands and remember the meat and onions. This will release the juice faster, which will make the kebab more juicy and tender.

Prepare the marinade. Place ketchup, soy sauce, vegetable oil and honey in a bowl. Mix thoroughly to form a homogeneous emulsion. Honey will slightly smooth out the sourness of ketchup and the salty taste of soy sauce. Also, thanks to it, the kebab, when baked in a jar in the oven, will be covered with an appetizing glossy crust, as in the photo. But if you have your own signature marinade recipe, you can use that too. You can see several more options for mixtures for marinating pork below.

Add dry spices - ground black pepper, cumin, marjoram, thyme, basil and others at your discretion. If the ketchup is spicy, you don't need to add a lot of condiments. Also squeeze through a press or finely chop 1-2 cloves of fresh garlic. And send it to the rest of the ingredients. Mix everything again.

Pour the marinade into the pork and onions.

Stir and leave to marinate at room temperature for 1 hour. You can marinate longer - 2-8 hours. But then it’s better to move the future kebab into the refrigerator. As you may have noticed, salt is not a required ingredient in this recipe. You can lightly salt the kebab before putting it in a jar. But if the ketchup and soy sauce are salty enough, you shouldn't do this.

Place meat on wooden skewers. You can place a slice of smoked bacon between the pieces of pork. It will add a light smoky aroma.

Place the onions remaining after pickling at the bottom of a clean and dry three-liter jar.

Place the kebab skewers on top in a vertical position.

Cover the rim of the jar with aluminum baking foil. The shiny reflective side should be facing out. Secure the foil well so that hot air does not escape from the jar when baking in the oven. Place the kebab in a cold oven. This is necessary for safety reasons so that the glass does not burst due to a sudden temperature change. Turn the heat up to 180-200 degrees. And cook the dish for about an hour. When the meat is cooked, it will acquire a golden brown crust, and when cut, clear juice without blood will be released.

Carefully remove the jar of ready-made kebabs from the oven. Remove the foil and remove the skewers with meat. Serve hot or warm with fresh vegetables and herbs.

More marinade options

  1. Marinating mixture based on vegetable oil and spices. The simplest marinade for any kebab, not just for cooking in a jar. Simply mix a tablespoon of your favorite dry herbs and spices with vegetable (preferably olive) oil. You can take dry adjika, Provençal herbs or ready-made seasoning. This is the basis. And the additives are at your discretion - onions, tomatoes, garlic, sweet peppers, etc. You can marinate the meat for 30 minutes or longer before baking. And a few more proven recipes for marinades for juicy and soft kebab can be viewed or.
  2. Pomegranate juice marinade. For a kilogram of meat, take approximately 100 ml of the product. In addition, you will need coarse salt (1 tsp), a pinch of ground black pepper, fresh herbs (basil, parsley) in any quantity, a large onion, a teaspoon of ground sweet paprika and a couple of clove buds. Wash and chop the greens. Cut the onion into rings or half rings. Divide the meat into portions. Place 1/2 of the pork in a large, deep bowl. Sprinkle with half the paprika, herbs and onion. Add some salt. Make another layer. Place cloves on top. Pour in pomegranate juice. Cover the bowl with a lid and place in a cool place for 2 hours. During this time, you will need to stir the meat 3-4 times. And then you can start cooking in the oven or on the grill.
  3. Shish kebab in mustard and mayonnaise. For a kilogram of shish kebab you will need 2 tbsp. l. moderately hot mustard, 4 tbsp. l. homemade mayonnaise, juice of half a lemon, 2-3 onions, a pinch of salt, ground black pepper and suneli hops. Peel and chop the onion in a blender or grate on a coarse grater. Mix with chopped meat. Put mustard, mayonnaise, salt and dry seasonings there. Squeeze the lemon juice. Mix well and leave to marinate for at least half an hour at room temperature. Then bake or grill over smoldering coals or grill.

Happy home picnic!

Chicken fillet
Village bacon (brisket), smoked with straw
Onion small heads
Spices for barbecue
Vinegar (dry white wine)

Jar 3l (1-2 pcs.)
Wooden skewers
Large potatoes - about the size of the bottom of a jar (1-2 pcs.)

If there is no lard (optional) 1-2 tsp. liquid smoke to the bottom of the jar

Cooking method

This is not a recipe, but rather a method of preparing shish kebab at home.

Wash the meat. Cut into pieces.

Cut the onion into large rings

Marinate the meat and leave for several hours (grate the meat with spices, mix with onions, add a little vinegar or wine).

The marinade can be anything (at your discretion).

I don't add any liquid to the marinade. I prefer to place a press on top of the meat.

Soak wooden shashlik skewers in water for 10-15 minutes.

Smoked lard (brisket) with a very strong smell of fire - cut into very thin small slices.

Thread the marinated meat onto wooden skewers, alternating meat, onion and smoked brisket. We start with lard, then onions, then meat, and so on. The upper pieces are closer to the heating element and therefore may burn a little or dry out!

If you want a leaner kebab, place a piece of lard only on the very top.

I took very small pieces of lard, this can be seen in the photo, because half pork is almost impossible for me.

Peel the potatoes and cut them into 2 halves lengthwise.

Let's take it absolutely dry 1-2 3l jars.

Place the potato halves on the bottom with the flat side. If desired, place the remaining onion on top.

We place the skewers as vertically as possible in the jar, sticking the sharp end into the potatoes.

I didn’t do that, this thought came later. In this case, potatoes will give stability to the skewers and absorb excess moisture released from the meat and onions.

One jar contains 4-5 skewers. But I would do it at 4 so that the meat would be fried and not boiled.

Cover the jar with foil after folding it in half. And press it well at the neck.

Place the jar in a COLD OVEN.

Set the temperature to 220-230 degrees and cook for about 1 hour. Through the jar you will see how the kebab has browned.

Everyone's oven is different. There is no specific time for this.

My kebab had been marinating for almost a day and therefore, in theory, it should have cooked faster (it’s not necessary to marinate for a day, it just happened that way). Exactly an hour later, I turned off the oven and left the jar in it for another 10 minutes. In my opinion, you could safely turn off the oven after 50 minutes for the chicken kebab.

If the meat is pork (or other), the time may increase to 1.20-1.30.

When the kebab is ready, turn off the oven and let the jar(s) cool slightly.

We take out the jar, place it on a dry surface and carefully remove the foil so as not to get burned by the steam.

We take the kebab out of the jar.

All! We quickly sit down at the table and do not open the door to our neighbors who have “urgently” run out of salt! Because the whole house smells impossible - mind-blowing, kebab-like, delicious

In the absence of campfire-smelling lard, you can use liquid smoke by pouring it into the bottom of the jar.

For owners of the Brand 6060 smokehouse-pressure cooker:

Before baking in the oven, place the skewers vertically in the bowl and turn on the cold smoking mode for 10-15 minutes. Just pour a small pinch of wood chips and 4-5 juniper berries into the sawdust compartment. Thread a piece of lard only onto the very top of the skewer. We start with lard, then onions, then meat, and so on. The upper pieces are closer to the heating element and therefore may burn a little or dry out in the oven!


I found on the Internet another way to make a smokehouse at home using improvised materials.

In our case, 10-15 minutes will be enough just to saturate the kebab with smoke.

If you don’t have a pressure cooker, you can use any saucepan, tightly closing it with a lid and wrapping a damp towel around the lid-pan joint. You need very little wood chips. Much less than the author. Thank him very much for the idea presented in detail

It all started when I saw an article on the Internet about a homemade smokehouse, but it was too complex in design. Somehow an old pressure cooker caught my eye and I thought why not try to make a smokehouse out of it.

We will need the actual pressure cooker.

First, remove the valve from the lid; it is not needed.

We need a metal strip, bend it as in the photo.

We put the resulting ring from a strip of metal and fill it with sawdust, I have cherry sawdust.

so that there are small gaps between the edges of the plate and the walls of the pressure cooker, the plate is needed for dripping fat, so that the fat does not drip to the bottom and burn, thereby spoiling the quality of the product.

We close the lid, put a smoke exhaust hose on the fitting where the valve was, I put the hose into an exhaust hood, but you can also put it into a window.

Smoke over high heat for 30-35 minutes. Look how beautiful and tasty the smoked meats are.

P.S.. 10 minutes before the end of cooking the kebab, I quickly peeled the potatoes, cut them into large slices and later used the meat juice and fat that had collected at the bottom of the jar... While I was setting the table and driving away my husband, who was “fainting from hunger,” from the meat, the side dish was already ready ready in 15 minutes. But this is a completely different tasty story.


This method of preparing shish kebab is very popular and is posted on many culinary resources.

Thanks to the pioneer for the original idea and the clean oven.

Have you ever cooked and eaten chicken kebab? This is a real gastronomic masterpiece. Provided that it is properly marinated and cooked deliciously right away. So that the meat is soft and juicy with a crispy, golden brown crust. And it doesn’t matter if you fry chicken breast, legs or wings. In any case, you can get an amazing treat. Today we will figure out what and how to do with you.

Some people are skeptical about this poultry dish. They believe that kebabs should be made exclusively from lamb. But this is a biased judgment, because chicken has so many benefits. First of all, this is the price: this product is much cheaper than all other types of meat. In addition, chicken is not very fatty, especially breasts. Thus, the calorie content of chicken kebab per 100 grams is only 104.6 kcal. And it pickles quite quickly. In general, whatever one may say, there are only advantages.

We have previously looked at several cooking methods. Today we’ll look at how to prepare a delicious chicken delicacy. What to marinate chicken in depends on your preferences. Connoisseurs of the classics soak the pieces in a traditional mixture of onions and vinegar.

They can also be filled with mineral water, kefir, tomato juice or ketchup. A good marinade with red wine or cognac. Gourmets will love the sauce based on pineapples, pomegranates or oranges. I present to your attention 10 popular recipes. Which one is the best is up to you to decide.

For an appetizing result, you must first choose good chicken. The best option is considered to be broiler chickens weighing no more than 2 kg. You can marinate wings, thighs, breast

Buy any parts of the carcass only chilled.

Frozen product is not the best option. The fact is that after such an extreme decrease in temperature and subsequent defrosting, the structure of the fibers changes (they lose their elasticity). If it so happens that only a frozen carcass is available, leave it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator overnight to thaw, and then marinate it.

Oven-baked chicken shashlik with vegetables on skewers

This recipe will be an excellent option for a “sofa” picnic. I'm sure he will help you out more than once. Especially when you had planned a meeting with friends in advance and the weather suddenly turned bad. In general, a kind of “magic wand”. By the way, the prepared delicacy will turn out no worse than at the stake.

As for vegetables, you can experiment here. Zucchini, onions, eggplants, and bell peppers go well with chicken. You can also add champignons: you definitely won’t spoil this delicacy with them.

What you will need:

  • Chicken breast pulp – 500 g
  • Tomatoes – 2 fruits
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Bell pepper – 1 pc.
  • Garlic – 4 cloves
  • Mayonnaise – 2 tablespoons
  • Butter
  • Turmeric
  • Salt and chopped allspice - to taste


1. Fill the skewers with cold water and leave for half an hour. Then lightly blot them with a dry paper towel. By that time, the wooden sticks will have absorbed the required amount of moisture, so they will not burn during subsequent heat treatment.

2. Wash the pulp and cut into pieces of equal size. This way it will be evenly saturated with aromas and fried. Try not to chop too much, but you don’t need large chunks either. The optimal size is about 3 cm.

3. Salt the fillet, pepper and add turmeric to taste. Here are a couple of spoons of mayonnaise. Afterwards, mix everything well. This will allow the salt and spices to be evenly distributed. We chop the peeled garlic using a press and add this pulp to the total mass.

4. Stir everything again and leave the chicken for an hour to marinate. If you are limited in time, you can bake the kebab right away.

5. Next we switch to vegetables. First of all, chop the peeled and washed onion coarsely. Can be cut into quarters. Either give the pieces a square or rectangular shape - it’s a matter of taste. The main thing is that they can be easily threaded onto skewers.

6. Remove the core and seeds from the bell pepper. My fruit. Then we cut it in half and chop each half into oblong slices.

7. The next step is preparing the tomatoes. First, cut off the top of each, and then chop into slices approximately 5-8 mm thick.

8. The vegetables are prepared and the pieces of meat are marinated. Now it's time to string them onto sticks. I advise you to follow this order: fillet, pepper, onion and tomato. And in this order until the end. Please note: there should be 2-3 cm of free space at the beginning and end of the skewer.

9. Line a baking sheet with foil. Lubricate it with butter. And put chicken kebab with vegetables here.

10 Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Place a baking sheet in it. Bake for about 40 minutes, turning the sticks over from time to time. But I advise you not to get attached to time, but to focus on the rosy color of the chicken. And to keep the meat juicy inside, place a small container of water under the baking sheet.

As for presentation, you can improvise here. But I think you’ll get more pleasure from the deliciousness right on the sticks. Therefore, serve the kebab on the table in this form.

How to marinate chicken with mayonnaise and onions

Since chicken is lean, this marinade is perfect. Let's take the fatty sauce as a basis. This will increase the juiciness of the lean fillet. I am sure that you will like the taste and aroma. Don't believe me? Then be sure to cook it and try it.

I often come across posts that mayonnaise should not be subjected to heat treatment, since when heated it releases harmful substances. This is why I do not recommend using a store-bought product. It is better to marinate in homemade sauce. It’s safer, because it doesn’t contain any harmful additives, and it’s much tastier. Read how to make it in five minutes.

What do we need:

  • Thighs – 2 kg
  • Mayonnaise – 4-5 tbsp. spoons
  • Onions – 2 pcs.
  • Dill greens - a bunch
  • Salt and crushed black pepper - to taste

1. Wash the thighs and dry them with a paper towel. Then add salt and pepper on top. Add mayonnaise and mix everything thoroughly. This will ensure that the spices and sauce coat all the pieces evenly.

2. Peel and rinse the onion. Then we chop it into half rings with a knife. Chop the greens. We send these components to the chicken and stir everything. You can lightly knead the onion with your hands so that it releases its flavor as much as possible.

3. A marinade with mayonnaise and onions will prepare the thighs for subsequent frying in just an hour. But if you leave them overnight, they will turn out even tastier. Of course, you will need to put the bowl in the refrigerator. Your delicacy will simply melt in your mouth.

4. Place the marinated pieces on the grill and immediately fry on both sides over the fire until caramelized. And then we serve this delicacy on the table.

The most delicious kefir marinade

To make the kebab juicy and crispy on the outside, marinate it in kefir. This product is good because it contains fats, lactic acid and even alcohol. This “bouquet” ideally softens chicken. For variety, you can mix it with yogurt, natural yoghurt or fermented baked milk.

You can also use kefir of various fat contents. It all depends on what part of the bird you decide to marinate. Fill the breast fillet with a high-fat fermented milk product. But for the legs you can use low-fat


  • Chicken meat – 2.5 kg
  • Salt – 1 teaspoon
  • Parsley or cilantro – 90 g
  • Black pepper – 1/3 teaspoon
  • Garlic – 4 cloves
  • Onion – 2 heads
  • Kefir – 700-800 ml

If using chicken legs, cut them into two pieces at the joint. I only have shins and I don’t need to do anything with them. They are already small, so let's leave them as they are. We won’t remove the skin: this will make the chicken juicier.

We rinse them with running water and dry them with napkins. To ensure that the marinade evenly saturates the meat, make longitudinal cuts in the skin.

1. Transfer the blanks into a glass or enamel container in which we will soak. But aluminum cookware is not suitable for this. The fact is that this metal reacts with acids, thereby promoting the formation of harmful substances.

2. Wash the peeled onion heads. And we cut them into thin rings or half rings. We send them to the meat.

3. Grind the cloves using a garlic press. We wash the cilantro or parsley, then chop the greens with a knife and throw them along with the garlic to the chicken.

4. At this stage, add salt, pepper and all the seasonings you like. If you want to give the finished dish a beautiful color, add a little turmeric or paprika to the marinade.

5. Fill it all with kefir. Cover the top of the dish with cling film and leave it in a cool place for 3-4 hours.

6. Place the marinated pieces on the grill and fry over coals until cooked. The smell will be such that all the neighbors will come running to your grill. I highly recommend trying it.

How to quickly and tasty cook chicken in soy sauce

Want to add an Asian twist to your dish? Marinate the bird in soy sauce and honey. It will turn out very spicy. This video recipe will tell you how to prepare the meat.

By the way, I would like to remind you that soy sauce itself is very salty. Therefore, there is no need to add additional salt to the meat. Other ingredients, such as herbs and onions, can also be used for this filling. The sauce is incredibly flavorful. It will give the bird indescribable, caramel notes.

Recipe using mineral water to make the meat soft and juicy

Another way to quickly saturate chicken with sauce and spices is to soak it in mineral water. Thanks to carbon dioxide bubbles, it easily softens even the coarsest fibers. Under its influence, any meat will become tender and juicy.

If you want to shorten the marinating time, use highly carbonated mineral water. And since such a liquid does not have any taste, the sauce will have to be additionally flavored with spices. A few more words about seasonings.

Savory, basil, coriander, ginger, marjoram, rosemary, thyme, sage, tarragon and other spices go well with poultry.

But this does not mean that you need to sprinkle everything at once. It’s better to choose a couple and flavor them. Or you can take ready-made mixtures in bags. This recipe is for a large group. You can reduce the amount of ingredients.

Poultry fillet – 2.5 kg
Onion – 10-12 heads
Salt - to taste
Barbecue spices – a little
Mineral water – 400-500 ml

1. The fillet must be thoroughly washed in advance and allowed to drain. You can also blot lightly with a paper towel. Cut it into oblong pieces of the same size.

2. Wash and clean the bulbs. Shred into thin rings. This can be done manually with a knife, or using a special grater. The last option is good because it allows you to complete the task much faster.

3. Add some salt to the onion and knead it thoroughly with your hands. It will release juice abundantly and soften the meat fibers faster. Pour the crushed rings into the chicken pieces. Season with spices and mix everything. To give the chicken kebab a nice brownish tint during frying, add a little sugar.

4. Fill it all with mineral water. Cover the container with a plate on top and place a small weight. This is so that the meat is completely immersed in the marinade.

5. Place the vessel in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. And then we take out the pieces and put them on metal skewers. All that remains is to fry the meat over coals until cooked.

Marinade with vinegar and onion

I want to warn you right away that there is an ongoing debate around this method of pickling. Some are categorically against the use of vinegar. And there is some truth in this, since such acid will make tender meat rubbery. Other experts believe that a compromise solution can always be found.

For example, instead of table vinegar, they suggest using apple or balsamic vinegar.

However, despite the fact that it is less aggressive, it should still be used in doses.

This method is more suitable for legs. But it’s better not to keep breast fillets in such a marinade. There is no fat in this part of the chicken, so just dry the pieces.

What you will need:

  • Chicken – 1.7 kg
  • Onion – 2 heads
  • Salt – 2 teaspoons
  • Mixed crushed peppers – ½ teaspoon
  • Apple cider vinegar – 80-100 ml


1. Cut the pre-washed and dried meat into portions. Try to keep them all about the same size. They shouldn’t be too large, but they shouldn’t be too small either. Then we will be able to marinate all the pieces evenly. Yes, and preparing such a kebab will take almost the same time. Transfer the preparations into a large bowl.

2. Peel the onions, rinse and dry with a kitchen paper towel. Cut them into thin half rings. And pour the onion into the bird.

3. Salt the ingredients and season them. Afterwards, mix well and fill it all with vinegar. Leave the chicken for 1.5-2 hours so that it is saturated with aromas.

4. You can fry such pieces on a grill or on skewers. It doesn’t matter here – do whatever is convenient for you.

5. Move the skewers to the grill. And fry the chicken kebab until an appetizing crust appears. Don't forget to turn often, because tender chicken meat burns quickly.

Chicken legs in mayonnaise with lemon

This sauce makes the chicken soft, juicy and tender, and also guarantees an appetizing, crispy crust. Just the thought of such a treat makes your head spin.

Citrus will give the legs a slight piquant sourness and soften the fibers. Thanks to this, we can quickly prepare juicy and tasty chicken kebab with mayonnaise and lemon.

But under no circumstances should you overuse citrus fruits!

Follow our step-by-step recipe strictly and add exactly the amount indicated in it.


  • Ham – 2 kg
  • Lemon – 1 fruit
  • Mayonnaise – 500 ml
  • Paprika
  • Garlic
  • Allspice

Let's start cooking.

1. Wash the legs and dry them. We make neat cuts and remove the bones and joints. I also recommend removing the skin.

But it’s better to leave the fat: during heat treatment it will melt and give the chicken additional juiciness.

2. Then cut each ham into three. They should be the same size.

3. Place mayonnaise in a large glass or enamel bowl. Add paprika and cumin to it. Cut the citrus fruit and squeeze the juice out of it into a bowl.

4. Peel the garlic cloves, squeeze them through a press or cut them with a knife. Add it to the marinade. Crush the allspice in a mortar and add it there. You can also add salt now.

Don't forget that mayonnaise can be very salty!

5. Immerse the chicken in the aromatic mixture and set the bowl in the cold for 4-5 hours.

6. Then put the marinated pieces on skewers if you cook on the grill. Or on skewers if you plan to bake in the oven.

Chicken kebab recipe in a jar in the oven

If you're going on a picnic and the weather lets you down, don't be discouraged. And don’t rush to tell your friends: “All clear!” For what? After all, you can cook barbecue without leaving home. For example, bake it in an air fryer. But if you don’t have such a wonderful technique, prepare some yummy food in a jar. In a regular 3-liter jar. Here is the recipe for this super tasty dish.

I would like to add some practical advice from myself. Before putting the skewers into the jar, carefully inspect the container. It is more convenient when the jar has a metal screw-on lid. You should not twist it tightly, but simply cover it. If you don't have one, cover the top of the container with foil.

There should be no cracks or chips on it, otherwise the bottle will burst while cooking barbecue.

Also, be very careful when removing jars of cooked shish kebab from the oven. The temperature inside the oven and the room varies greatly. Due to such a difference, the glass container may crack. Therefore, turn off the oven, open the door and leave for 8-10 minutes. And only then take out the jars with the delicacy.

Juicy chicken in sour cream

There are many marinades that contain sour cream. You can marinate both the whole carcass and its individual parts - breast, wings, legs. In addition, you can bake in the oven, grill, etc.

When choosing sour cream, give preference to fattier, better homemade ones. And also, if, for example, the recipe states that it should be used to grease the bird, it means that the meat should be cold.

Sometimes it is even suggested to mix dairy products with mayonnaise. If you want to experiment, please. Just remember that there should still be more sour cream in such a marinade, since it is this product that is responsible for the golden crispy crust.

What we took:

  • Chicken thighs – 1.3 kg
  • Onions – 6 heads
  • Sour cream – 6 tablespoons
  • Paprika - a large pinch
  • Salt and ground black pepper - to taste

1. Let's get started. We wash the thighs and dry them with a towel. We make an incision on each of them and carefully remove the bone. Then chop them into pieces 3-4 cm long.

2. Chop the peeled and washed onion coarsely. These can be half rings, slices or cubes. Salt everything, season it with paprika. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. The onion should release juice at this stage.

3. Add sour cream to the rest of the ingredients. And mix everything thoroughly. Place onion rings on top. Cover the container with cling film and leave in this aromatic mass for an hour.

4. While the bird is soaking in spices, switch to skewers. Immerse them in cold water and leave for half an hour. Then we put the pieces (5-6 pieces each) on the prepared sticks.

5. As you understand, we will prepare this delicacy in the oven. Therefore, place the meat, strung on skewers, on a baking sheet lined with foil. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and place the chicken in it. Fry until done, turning the wooden sticks periodically.

Soy sauce marinade with honey

Did you know that from Latin the word “sauce” means “salted”? And when it comes to soy marinade, its taste seems to match its name. But what can you say about sweetish sauces? And such options have a right to life. Moreover, combinations that are incompatible at first glance give excellent results. And your chicken kebab will have a mind-blowing taste and a delicate golden brown crust.

I think flower honey is the best. However, you shouldn’t grease pancakes with it. Therefore, you can take any natural beekeeping product that you have at home.

If suddenly the honey becomes sugared, it doesn’t matter. That will do too. Just before preparing the marinade, melt it in the microwave or in a water bath.

Don't forget that soy sauce contains a lot of salt. Therefore, do not use barbecue spices that contain salt. As for the marinating time, it all depends on the age of the bird. If you bake chicken, it will marinate in 2-3 hours. But an adult chicken needs a long exposure in such a marinade. You can leave it overnight.

What we take:

  • Wings – 1.1 kg
  • Soy sauce – 6 tablespoons
  • Honey – 2 tablespoons
  • Ketchup (you can use spicy or classic) – 4 tablespoons
  • Mustard – 2 teaspoons
  • Garlic – 4 cloves

How to cook:

1. Mix honey and soy sauce with mustard and ketchup. Press the peeled garlic through a press and add it to the other ingredients. And thoroughly mix the ingredients of the marinade.

2. Wash the wings thoroughly and wipe off excess water. Next we cut off the phalanges

By the way, phalanges can be used to prepare broth.

4. Transfer the bird to a glass container and fill it with the aromatic mixture. Cover the dish with cling film or a lid and refrigerate for several hours.

5. Place the wings on a grill or place them in a baking sheet and fry over coals or in the oven. Don’t forget to turn the pieces over, otherwise they will char heavily on one side and remain pale on the other. And before serving, you can sprinkle the delicacy with sesame seeds.

Secrets of cooking poultry shish kebab

If you grill on a grill, it is important to choose this unit correctly. Remember: it doesn't have to be very deep. If the distance between the sides and the epicenter of the “heat” is too large, the pickled pieces will simply dry out under the influence of the hot air flow. Then don’t even dream about a golden brown crust. By the way, homemade devices often suffer from this “sin”. In prefabricated barbecues, the depth is correctly calculated. And although they are not as beautiful as stationary forged ones, they are more practical and convenient.

Too small a distance between the coals and the meat is also bad. The outside of the chicken will burn, but the inside will remain raw. Eating something like this is dangerous!

Remember: the optimal distance from the coals to the meat is 12 cm. With such a distance of heat, the pieces will be well-fried and will remain juicy and tender inside.

It is more convenient to fry chicken kebab on coals: fill the grill with them about one-third. You can also fry on wood. Alder, birch and fruit trees are suitable for this. But coniferous wood cannot be used! It releases resins that will spoil the taste of the delicacy. Also, do not use fruit trees for frying, which were previously used for making furniture. They are saturated with harmful chemicals.

You can only cook when the wood is completely burned out. By then there will be no more flames. Instead, the embers will emit intense heat. If tongues appear again during heat treatment, extinguish them with water. But if the heat is not enough, “fans” will come to the rescue. They need to fan the coals thoroughly. Only at this moment the skewers should not be on the grill

Remember, my dear readers, that proper presentation of the bird is very important. Naturally, related products depend on the time of year and where you are. If the delicacy is prepared in an apartment, say, in winter, you can limit yourself to oven-baked vegetables, for example, potatoes. This dish is also often served with ketchup or other sauce, pickled onions, bread or pita bread. In the summer, this delicious dish is always accompanied by fresh vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes.

And different drinks can be served. Some people prefer to eat chicken kebab with beer, others with wine (red, rose or white), and still others with green tea. And here it’s up to you to choose what will be more appropriate.

I am sure, my friends, that now you know exactly how to properly cook chicken kebab. And you can fry it on a grill, on a grill, or in the oven at home. You will certainly succeed, because you cook with your soul and for your loved ones or close friends.

Cooking shish kebab in a jar is not at all difficult. Despite the fact that the method is quite unusual and you need to find two three-liter jars in the house, you don’t need much effort and skill to prepare a fragrant, smoky kebab. This recipe is worth trying at least once for every connoisseur of juicy meat.


The most important component is, of course, meat. Anything will do: fatty pork, diet chicken or turkey. Thanks to the effect of the marinade and the cooking method, any option turns out delicious.
So, to prepare shish kebab you will need:
  • meat – 500 g;
  • rice – 250 – 300 g;
  • onions – 5 – 7 medium heads;
  • smoked lard – 100 g;
  • 2 cans of 3 l.;
  • 6 wooden skewers;
  • foil and cling film.
For the marinade:
  • 2 tablespoons each of olive oil and soy sauce;
  • 2 teaspoons each of honey, mustard and wine vinegar;
  • juice of a lemon wedge;
  • a teaspoon each of salt, black pepper, paprika, coriander;
  • 1 bay leaf.

Cooking kebab in a glass jar - step-by-step master class

The meat is cut into large portions.

Each piece should strive towards a perfect parallelogram. There should be no small hanging or protruding pieces of meat separated from the edge. When frying, they will cook first and then burn.

The basis for the marinade is onions. The more onions you use when marinating the meat, the more tender it will be. Cut the onion into large rings and pour into a bowl.

Season the onion with spices, salt, add oil, sauce and vinegar, squeeze out fresh lemon juice, add honey and mustard, and then mix all the ingredients well. It is best to mix the marinade by hand. While stirring, press the onion to release the juice.

The meat is put into the marinade and mixed. Then cover with film or a tight lid and put in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours, but preferably overnight. When it is well saturated with onion juice, the taste of honey and mustard, it is put on skewers. Wooden skewers are first placed in water for half an hour so that they do not burn in the oven.

Smoked lard will give the kebab a smoky smell. It is cut into thin small pieces. Then put it on a skewer in turn with the main ingredient. Thread 4 pieces of meat and 3 slices of lard onto each skewer.

Rice grains are poured into each jar to protect the bottom from deformation. The onion remaining from the marinade is divided in half. Place it on top of the rice to add flavor to the kebab.

Place three skewers in each jar. If the edges protrude, they are broken off or trimmed with scissors.

Cover the neck of each jar with foil and place in a cold oven for 75 minutes.

Important! Glass jars will burst if placed in a hot oven. It is also impossible to turn the oven on at once to maximum; the temperature must be increased gradually. When the cooking time is up, do not remove the hot jars from the oven, as the glass should cool gradually. You need to open the door slightly, letting in cool air. And only after 15 minutes, using oven mitts, you can remove the glass from the oven.
After removing the foil from the necks, you need to wait until the steam has subsided, otherwise you can burn your hands.