Calorie content of tea, how many kilocalories are in one cup. Calorie content of tea

Today, green tea is one of the most common drinks. Due to its taste and beneficial properties, it can compete with popular coffee and black tea.

Often green tea is used as an effective remedy for losing extra pounds.

Many of those who monitor their own weight are interested in the calorie content of such a drink. But there is no need to worry, since the calorie content is minimal.

One cup of green tea contains only 3-5 kcal, which makes it possible to drink tea several times a day.

However, people who suffer from excess excess weight are advised to limit their consumption of this drink, as metabolic disorders and other functional changes may occur.

If you prefer to drink sweet tea, the number of calories will increase significantly.

With the addition of 1 teaspoon of sugar, the calorie content in a cup of the drink will be almost 35 kcal.

On store shelves you can find not only the classic version of green tea, but also with various additives in the form of fruits or herbs.

As a supplement you can use ginger, which refers to low-calorie foods. With the advent of such a component, the taste and benefits of the drink are significantly improved.

You can also add the following products to tea:

  • lemon;
  • milk.

The calorie content of tea with additives will vary, but this will not significantly affect your figure in any way.

Green tea with honey

Quite often, honey is added to green tea, which can easily replace sugar. This product is known to have many beneficial properties.

Speaking of calories, 100 ml of a drink with honey contains about 64 kcal, which is quite acceptable when losing weight.

This does not mean that honey should become a mandatory product in your diet, but its use is allowed during weight loss.

Green tea with lemon

Lemon is a citrus fruit that is most often used as an additional ingredient. Using this product the taste of tea becomes very pleasant, and with a slight sourness. Regarding calorie content, it is worth noting that the energy value increases by only one calorie.

1 cup of green tea with lemon will only contain 5-6 kcal, but if you don’t add sugar to it.

Also, Lemon contains antioxidants that have a positive effect on many body systems.

Drinking the drink in this form is quite acceptable during a diet.

Calorie content of green tea with milk

Sometimes milk can be added to green tea, which also has a beneficial effect on the human body. The energy value of the drink depends on what type of dairy product is used, that is, what its fat content is.

Speaking of adding whole milk, the energy value will be about 8 kcal. With the presence of a low-fat version, the calorie count will be approximately 6 kcal per cup of drink.

Quite often, cream, dry or liquid, is added to green tea. In the first case, the calorie content will be 15 kcal, and in the second - 20-50 kcal.

As a sweetener You can also use condensed milk, the caloric content of which will be equal to 40 kcal.

Experts say that adding a small amount of milk will not harm the weight loss process at all, but will strengthen many body systems.

How many calories are in green tea bags?

Many people prefer not to brew tea, but to buy it ready-made. This is exactly what green tea in bags belongs to, which can be seen on the shelves of all stores.

A bag of green tea (25 grams) contains about 7 kcal.

There is a stereotype: if you want to lose weight, drink green tea without sugar, it has a negative calorie content, that is, it will help burn fat. Is it so? What energy value will this drink acquire when adding different ingredients? Is tea bags worse or better in terms of calories?

Not zero, but still: about tea calories

If you drink it 30 minutes before meals, it will reduce your appetite and give you energy. It is completely free of fats and proteins, and carbohydrates are no more than 0.36 g. The calorie content of green tea without sugar is so insignificant that it is a 100% dietary product. In dry form, it contains 140.9 kcal per 100 g. And in one cup of 180 ml there is only 3 to 5 kcal. So you can drink it in any quantity - it definitely won’t hurt your waist.

Important! Doctors do not advise pregnant women and the elderly to drink it. Excessive consumption may result in trembling of the fingers, sleep disturbance, and weakening of the body.

To make this drink even more healthy, you can add a lemon drop to it. This will have virtually no effect on its nutritional value, but will give the taste a pleasant sourness. The calorie content of green tea with lemon without sugar will not exceed 5-6 calories. The presence of citrus will make the color of the drink a little lighter, but the amount of antioxidants in it will sharply increase - substances that prevent the development of vascular and heart diseases and protect against the appearance of tumors.

If you brew it with five slices of ginger (2.5 cm in circumference), it will contain 9 kcal. Adding 1 tsp. cinnamon, you will increase the calorie content to 6 kcal. If you want to make the drink more aromatic, but without increasing its energy “weight,” put 2 lemon balm or mint leaves in a cup (their calorie content is zero).

For milkweed lovers: how nutritious is it?

Milk is also a popular additional ingredient. It also increases the healing properties of the drink. The calorie content of green tea with milk without sugar directly depends on the fat content of the dairy product. It could be like this:

  • with whole milk – 8 kcal;
  • with low fat – 6 kcal;
  • with dry cream – 15 kcal, with liquid cream – from 20 to 50 kcal.

Only condensed milk can turn a diet drink into a high-calorie drink, because it contains 40 kcal per 1 tsp. If you put in a couple of spoons, the tea will contain as much as 80 kilocalories.

Not according to the rules of the tea ceremony: tea from a bag

Gourmets love to watch the tea leaves open, so they categorically reject the bagged version. But not everyone has the time to observe such rituals. Therefore, tea packaged in disposable envelopes is very popular. It should be noted that, although the calorie content of green tea without sugar in bags is slightly higher, it can also be considered scanty. It is only 7 kcal per 25 gram sachet. In this form, tea continues to remain a dietary product.

With sugar or honey?

If you are losing weight, do it with neither one nor the other. If you cannot drink “empty” green tea and always add sugar to it, then the characteristics of the drink will be completely different. Depending on how much sweet sand you pour into the cup, its calorie content will be as follows: 1 tsp. – from 33 to 35 kcal, 2 tsp. – from 63 to 65 kcal. Many people prefer to use a natural sweetener, honey, instead of regular sugar. It will increase the number of calories to 64 per 100 ml.


Reading time: 3 minutes


The green tea variety is considered especially healthy because its leaves are hardly processed. Therefore, green tea retains much more beneficial properties than black tea. Even in the last century, people took the drink to treat various diseases. Now people who lead a healthy lifestyle drink it. Due to its beneficial properties, it is taken as part of various diets. Today, we will find out how many calories are in green tea, what is the calorie content of green tea without sugar.

Nowadays, green tea is the most famous and popular drink. It is especially in demand among overweight people. Therefore, many people wonder what the calorie content of this green tea is?

The calorie content in a 125 milliliter cup of green tea without additives and without sugar ranges from 3 to 5 kilocalories. Many people like to drink it with sugar; if one teaspoon of sugar is added to the drink, the kilocalories increase to 35. Due to the low calorie content of the drink, it can be drunk in unlimited quantities. Drinking a cup of infusion 30 minutes before meals will reduce your appetite.

In addition to the traditional version, a product with various additives is available for sale. Ginger is a good addition to the drink, because it contains few calories and significantly improves the taste and beneficial qualities of the infusion. The finished drink can be varied with lemon, honey, and milk.

Green tea with honey

Due to the beneficial qualities of honey, they are preferred as a substitute for sugar. This infusion is especially useful for the body during the period of viral colds to strengthen the immune system. Every 100 milliliters of green honey infusion contains 65 kilocalories, so drinking this tea promotes weight loss.

Green tea with lemon

Considering all the benefits of lemon as a valuable product and its ability to burn fat in the body, it is usually recommended to add it to this drink. The combination of products makes the taste of the infusion delicate with a pleasant sourness. The calorie content of one cup of drink will increase by only one kilocalorie, unless it is tea with sugar.

Green tea with milk

Milk is often used as an additive; the calorie content of such a drink depends on the fat content of the milk you added. If it was whole milk, the energy value of the milk drink will be 8 kcal, if it was skim milk, then 6 kcal. You can also add cream, but the calorie content will then be 15-20 kcal. And if you use condensed milk, the energy value will become 40 kcal. It has been proven that if you drink tea with milk, it will not affect your figure in any way, but will also help strengthen your body.

Tea bags

Due to lack of time, especially in the morning before work, many are in bags. The energy value of the entire drink when consuming one tea bag is about 7 kcal.

Cinnamon and Ginger Tea Recipe

Prepare tea with cinnamon and ginger root. These are good low-calorie supplements that help you lose weight.

  • Peel and chop fresh ginger root to 1 inch in length;
  • Grind a quarter of a cinnamon stick to a powder;
  • Mix the ingredients and pour into a cup or teapot;
  • Pour boiling water, cover and leave for 15-20 minutes;
  • Add the infused ginger-cinnamon mixture to the finished brewed drink.

This tea is not only delicious, it also contains vitamin C, which makes it indispensable for colds.

Green tea is a healthy and healing drink of yellow-green color, which is characterized by a tart, sweet taste and pleasant aroma. Tea is produced from young two or three leaf shoots of tea plants.

The main goal of the technology is to obtain a finished product from the most delicate tea flushes that has a specific property, in which the valuable features of the raw material will be preserved and also enhanced. For this purpose heat treatment is used.

The main thing is to preserve the green color, eliminate the smell of fresh greens and give the leaves elasticity. Therefore, tea is obtained by the process of inactivation of redox enzymes, which is carried out by thermal exposure (drying, steaming, frying or fixing with hot air), which will allow not to lose all the biologically active components of the product.

Types of green tea

The drink is usually classified taking into account factors affecting the quality, taste, color and smell of tea, such as

Processing is a characteristic feature of tea making. The main thing is that tea leaves are not fermented.

When processing, the leaves of the tea plant are first left in the open air to wilt a little, then hand-rolled. Then they are dried and packaged.


  1. strongly curled leaves along the longitudinal axis;
  2. strongly curled leaves along the transverse axis;
  3. loosely curled leaves or naturally dried leaves.

May also differ in:

In the world it is customary to distinguish between the following types:

  • large leaf, is considered the highest quality and is not cheap;
  • small leaf, characterized by mild taste and aroma;
  • powder, intended for tea ceremonies;
  • tiled, used only in specific recipes.

There are many different types of green tea. They all bring benefits and contain substances, vitamins and antioxidants necessary for the human body.

It is necessary to choose tea individually, since the drink is presented in a wide range of tastes and aromas, and they are all unique.

Beneficial properties of green tea

The rich composition of the unique drink is due to its preventive, health-improving and healing effects on the body.

It is characterized by a huge number of beneficial properties for human health:

  • has a stimulating effect on brain productivity and improves well-being;
  • affects the elasticity of blood vessels and the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • prevents the risk of malignant tumors;
  • normalizes blood sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • helps strengthen the immune system;
  • promotes metabolism;
  • rids the body of excess moisture and harmful waste and toxins;
  • helps to systematically lose weight without harm to health;
  • increases resistance to infections;
  • neutralizes the toxic and side effects of antibiotics;
  • promotes normal digestion;
  • has a beneficial effect on sexual function;
  • helps prolong youth, slowing down the rate of aging, preserves beauty and gives strength and energy;
  • increases resistance to stress, performance, eliminates fatigue;
  • improves vision and memory, increases reaction speed;
  • According to modern scientists, tea can protect against radiation from computer screens and televisions.

According to scientists, in order for a valuable drink to have a magical effect, it must be consumed constantly, without breaks, at least two, but no more than four cups daily, for three years.

Composition of green tea

The composition of the healing drink contains such important components as:

  1. Tannins are compounds of catechins, polyphenols, tannin and their derivatives. They are able to strengthen blood vessels and have effective antioxidant properties. Helps rejuvenate the body.
  2. Alkaloids– caffeine, theobromine and theophylline will help dilate blood vessels.
  3. Amino acids– substances that form protein in the body, which is the main component of human life. They also perform functions in the body such as the growth of muscle tissue, the production of hormones, antibodies, enzymes, strengthening the immune system, and maintaining the nervous system.
  4. Enzymes (biological catalysts)- protein molecules synthesized by living cells. The main functions of enzymes are that without them all reactions proceed very slowly in living organisms, which significantly affects viability.
  5. Vitamins P, C, B1, B2, PP, A, K, E and many others have a beneficial effect on the activity of internal organs. Vitamin C deserves special attention because it strengthens the immune system, protects the body from viruses and is a strong antioxidant.
  6. Almost all micro- and macroelements are contained.
    The most beneficial for the body are:
    • fluoride, which protects teeth from caries;
    • iodine, which has an antisclerotic effect;
    • phosphorus nourishes nervous tissue;
    • potassium keeps the cardiovascular system in order.
  7. Organic acids responsible for the nutritional value of tea. Includes citric, malic, oxalic, succinic and other acids.
  8. Antioxidants prevent the spread of free radicals in the body, which are the cause of early aging, heart disease, thrombosis and cancer.

BJU of green tea

The drink contains enzymes that can dissolve fats. The calorie content is practically zero, so most nutritionists confirm the benefits of tea for the body and give preference to this product when developing diets. It is recommended to consume no more than 12 cups per day.

See here.

Contraindications to drinking green tea

While green tea brings great benefits, it can also cause harm to the human body, especially when consumed in unlimited quantities.


It is necessary to remember that only fresh and high-quality tea has all the beneficial properties; large-leaf varieties that are hand-picked from the tops of tea bushes and carefully rolled are especially valued.

Finely cut tea, as well as tea packaged in single bags, has the lowest beneficial properties.

In order for tea to fully exhibit all its properties, when brewing it, it is necessary to adhere to certain time parameters. So, green tea should be brewed for five minutes. If these indicators are exceeded, then the tea will lose some of its features and beneficial properties.

The calorie content of tea per 100 grams varies depending on the type of drink and additional ingredients in its composition. So, depending on taste preferences, they drink tea with sugar, without sugar, with lemon, honey, milk, etc. Various options will be discussed below.

Tea has a rich vitamin and mineral composition. High-quality black tea is rich in vitamins A, B2, C, E, D, PP, minerals sodium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, etc. In addition to vitamins and minerals, the drink contains antioxidants and amino acids.

The calorie content of green tea without sugar per 100 grams is 0.2 kcal. 100 g of drink contains 0 g protein, 0 g fat, 0 g carbohydrates. Green tea without added sugar has many beneficial properties, including strengthening the immune system, activating the heart muscle, and strengthening the nervous system.

The calorie content of green tea with sugar per 100 grams is 18 kcal. 100 g of drink contains 0.03 g of protein, 0 g of fat, 9 g of carbohydrates. In order not to overdo it with calories when preparing tea with sugar, keep in mind that one level teaspoon of sugar contains an average of 16 kcal, two spoons - 32 kcal, etc.

Calorie content per 100 grams of black tea with sugar

Calorie content per 100 grams of black tea with sugar (2 level teaspoons) is 36 kcal. A 100-gram serving of the drink contains 0.1 g of protein, 0 g of fat, 9 g of carbohydrates.

Black tea with added sugar is indicated for headaches; the drink has an antimicrobial effect. At the same time, the granulated sugar contained in tea neutralizes vitamin B1, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Calorie content per 100 grams of black tea without sugar

The calorie content per 100 grams of black tea without sugar is about 1 – 3 kcal. The drink is considered an effective natural tonic, has a bactericidal effect, and restores the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Contraindications to drinking black tea are allergic reactions to the drink, individual intolerance, and increased eye pressure.

Calorie content of tea with milk without sugar per 100 grams

The calorie content of tea with milk without sugar per 100 grams is 38 kcal. 100 g of drink contains 1.9 g of protein, 2 g of fat, 3 g of carbohydrates. To prepare tea you need the following ingredients:

  • 2 g black tea;
  • 0.1 l hot water;
  • 0.15 liters of milk.

The tea is poured with boiling water, left to stand for 7 minutes, and diluted with milk. The drink has an excellent tonic effect.

Calorie content of tea with lemon without sugar per 100 grams

Calorie content of tea with lemon without sugar per 100 grams is 2 kcal. 100 g of drink contains 0.25 g of protein, 0 g of fat, 0.4 g of carbohydrates.

Lemon tea is rich in vitamin C, which is necessary to strengthen the immune system and increase skin firmness and elasticity. This tea is indicated for the prevention of scurvy, arthritis, and hypertension.

Calorie content of tea with honey per 100 grams

The calorie content of tea with honey per 100 grams with the addition of light honey is 22 kcal, dark honey is 26 kcal. The drink has a lot of useful properties, including a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, and diaphoretic effect.

Benefits of green tea

The following benefits of tea have been proven:

  • green tea is rich in alkaloids that have a diuretic and vasodilating effect;
  • the drink has bactericidal properties, including killing bacteria that cause caries;
  • With regular consumption of green tea, blood glucose levels are normalized. That is why this product is indicated for diabetes and diseases of the endocrine system;
  • The caffeine contained in tea stimulates the psyche, has an invigorating effect, and helps cope with drowsiness;
  • washing with green tea is useful for increasing skin elasticity;
  • Due to its saturation with zinc, green tea has antioxidant properties, including strengthening nails and hair, and promoting faster healing of wounds;
  • The vitamin P contained in the drink is necessary to increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels.

Harm of green tea

Like any other product, green tea has a number of contraindications. You should avoid drinking this drink:

  • with aggravated diseases of the heart, vascular and nervous system;
  • during pregnancy. Tea slows down the breakdown of folic acid, which is necessary for the development of the unborn baby’s brain;
  • at elevated body temperature (the drink contains theophylline, which increases temperature);
  • for exacerbations of stomach ulcers and liver diseases.

You should not drink old tea. Tea that has been stored for a long time is saturated with purines, which promote the deposition of salts and excessive secretion of uric acid.