Dumplings in pots with liver are an original and tasty dish. Homemade taiga style dumplings Dumplings with chicken liver in pots

First you need to prepare the liver sauce. Chop the onions and carrots into thin strips, lightly salt and simmer over medium heat in vegetable or butter until the carrots are browned and the onions are translucent.

Then add chicken liver, cut into oblong pieces. If you cook with beef or pork liver, you need to remove all the rough vessels and veins from them, and then cut them into pieces of the desired size. Simmer everything together while stirring. It is very important that neither the vegetables nor the liver burn, otherwise the taste of the finished dish will be spoiled.

When the liver pieces are sealed, i.e. the surface will set and no damp spots will be visible, add tomato sauce or ketchup and sour cream.

Simmer everything together, stirring occasionally, over medium heat until the liver is cooked. The sauce for dumplings in Amur style is ready.

Choose dumplings according to your taste: homemade or purchased from your preferred type of minced meat. When using raw ones, it is better if they are frozen, so they will not stick together when loaded into the pot.

In each pot you first need to put liver sauce, about one incomplete ladle. Place 11 or a little more dumplings on top and add another portion of sauce with liver.

Cook Amur dumplings in the oven or microwave. Follow the guidelines for cooking in your ceramic pots, or simply place them in a cold oven or at the very beginning of heating.
Focus on the following cooking times for the version with raw dumplings:
- in the oven at a temperature of one hundred eighty to two hundred degrees - 25-35 minutes under the lid;
- in the microwave at MAX power - about 10 minutes under the dome.

If your option is with ready-made (boiled) dumplings, then use the heating modes:
- in the oven at one hundred and fifty to one hundred and eighty degrees - about 15 minutes;
- in the microwave at MAX – 3-4 minutes under the dome.

If not all family members or not all guests like dishes with liver, then for them you can prepare dumplings in vegetable sauce; fasting or vegetarians can be served dumplings with potatoes in vegetable or mushroom sauce. Using pots allows you to do just that - cook several different options at the same time.

First, let's start preparing the dumplings themselves. We will need beef meat, garlic, onions, pepper, flour, salt and water. You can use half beef, half pork, or any other proportion for minced meat. As you love. I prefer to use one beef.

To prepare minced meat, you need to peel the onion and garlic, cut the onion into small pieces. Also cut the meat into small pieces that will fit freely into the hole in the meat grinder. Let's prepare minced meat from these ingredients. Add salt and pepper to the minced meat to taste.

Let's start preparing a simple dough for dumplings. Pour water into a large bowl that is convenient for further mixing the dough. Add salt and gradually add flour, kneading the dough. At first the dough will be uneven, but as you stir it it will become more homogeneous. Let the dough rest for half an hour.

Divide the dough into several parts. This will make it easier to roll out. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 2-3 mm. Cut out circles, choose the diameter yourself. The size of your dumplings depends on this.

Fill the circles with minced meat, fasten them together and wrap them into dumpling shapes. Pinch the seams well so that they do not come unglued during cooking.

When all the dumplings are ready, we start preparing the dish. We take veal or pork liver, onion, carrot and our ready-made dumplings. Of course, you can also use purchased dumplings to prepare the dish. With this method of preparation, they turn out even tastier and more aromatic. But it’s definitely worth trying to make them.

Fry chopped onions and grated carrots in a frying pan. When the frying is ready, add the liver and dumplings cut into small pieces, add salt, pepper and mix.

    Amur dumplings are a traditional dish in the Far East. Very convenient if you are expecting a lot of guests. Can be prepared in portions in small ceramic pots or in a large clay pot in the oven as a shared dish.


  • Beef liver - 400 g
  • Dumplings - 400 g
  • Onion - 2 onions
  • Tomato paste - 1 tbsp.
  • Sour cream - 1 tbsp.
  • Puff pastry - 300 g
  • Salt, pepper - to taste

Step-by-step photos of preparing the recipe:

Fry the liver with onions, salt and pepper. Instead of beef liver, you can use chicken or duck liver (optional).

Top the dumplings with liver and onions and pour sauce over everything. For the sauce, mix tomato paste, sour cream and broth or water.

Cover the dish with puff pastry. You can make it or buy it.

And place in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 30 minutes.

Carefully remove the crispy crust and place the dumplings on it or tear it, place it on deep plates and top the dumplings with broth.

If you have portioned pots, everyone will decide for themselves what is more convenient. Dumplings can also be different.

Bon appetit everyone!

When you watch an advertisement for dumplings on TV, you immediately want to run to the store to buy them. In almost every freezer there is a pack on duty, which is taken out when there is no energy, no time, and sometimes just the desire to cook something. It's always fast, convenient and, most importantly, delicious! It is also a favorite dish of men left without female care.

Scientists are still debating where the birthplace of this beloved dish is located. Most believe that they originated in the territory of modern China, so it is not at all surprising that dumplings are popular in the North and Urals of Russia. At first they were served exclusively on the festive table, but later, appreciating their ease of preparation, they took their rightful place in the daily menu.

In Ukraine, dumplings with meat are eaten instead. More often, already cooked minced meat is placed in the filling, but sometimes it can be raw filling. The highlight of the filling is lard fried with the addition of onions. Everyone knows ravioli - a dish of Italian cuisine. They can be either meat or vegetable. If ravioli is served boiled, then they are served with various sauces (creamy, tomato, mushroom). Fried - act as an addition to soups. In Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, manti is a traditional dish. Even today it is impossible to imagine a feast in a close family circle without them. They are slightly larger in size than ordinary dumplings, and somewhat reminiscent of a bag in shape. Prepared exclusively by steaming.

Today, dumplings are very rarely served on the festive table. The exception is homemade, of our own production. It seems like there is no shame in serving these to guests. But you can also prepare regular ones, store-bought ones, in an unconventional way. For example, in pots and even with liver. It turns out very tasty, aromatic, and most importantly unusual both in taste and in the method of serving. You will surely surprise your family with this dish.

If you have time, make the dumplings yourself, but you can also buy them in the store. The main thing is to follow these tips:

  1. The packaging must be transparent, undamaged, indicating all the necessary information: date and place of production, expiration date, category, batch number, storage conditions, composition.
  2. The shorter the composition, the better. It would be ideal if the composition contains only meat, onions, salt and pepper, water and flour.
  3. The product must be well frozen. The presence of frost in the packaging and the dumplings sticking together in a lump are not allowed. This indicates non-compliance with storage conditions.
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