Secrets of successful admission to university. How to enter the institute: rules, requirements, documents and recommendations When can you enter the institute

Answering the question “How to apply to a higher education institution without the Unified State Exam (in person, in absentia, remotely)?” It is advisable to consider three legal options for admission: through college, through retake, through a foreign institute. Where can you go, or rather, what universities are you allowed to enter without passing exams? It is worth noting that the list of these educational institutions is not secret, but you will not see a sign on the assignment of each of them stating that the institute is enrolling students to study without the Unified State Exam. Let's take a closer look at the legal options for entering an institute, university, or university to obtain higher education without passing the notorious Unified State Exam.

First option

Without the Unified State Exam, it is possible by law to go to college, and after receiving secondary vocational education, it is possible by law to go to college without the Unified State Exam and study according to an abbreviated program.

This is the first option for a legal and official way to get a higher education without passing the Unified State Exam, that is, through entering college.

Second option

Enter any foreign university and later transfer to a Russian university without passing the Unified State Exam. There are a number of Russian universities that can help with this if, for some reason, the applicant does not have the required Unified State Exam results, or has not taken it at all.

This option is not obvious, it is not as simple as it seems, but in practice it exists and can be used absolutely legally and legally.

Third option

Less popular, but also has its place. If the results of the Unified State Examination are unsatisfactory, then the law provides for its retake. Thus, you can work with a tutor and eventually score the required number of points for admission in compulsory subjects - “mathematics” and “Russian language” and additional subjects of the applicant’s choice.

One of the disadvantages of this option is the lost time for preparation and retake and the lack of guarantees that during the retake you will be able to score the desired number of points.

Current legislation in the field of education allows you to enroll in a university, university, or institute for higher education without passing the Unified State Exam - the Unified State Exam. In general, anyone can apply. Some after the army, some after college, there are students who want to study remotely (correspondence) and they graduated from school at a time when the Unified State Exam was not compulsory for everyone. And some of the applicants simply did not score the required number of points and at the same time do not want to wait for a retake or the next intake.

In the near future, 11th-graders will have to decide how many and which Unified State Examinations they will write in addition to the compulsory mathematics and Russian language tests, as well as in which Olympiads to participate.

According to the Ministry of Education and Science, today up to 80% of school graduates become students. This is a gratifying statistic, especially since during Soviet times this figure rarely exceeded 20%. Don't rush to rejoice! Most students enroll in paid places. How to become a student for free?

The first way. Unified State Exam

The most common option. Based on the results of the Unified State Exam, up to 80% of students are admitted.


Equal opportunities for all applicants, especially if next year they take into account all the scandals and exclude the use of mobile phones, tips from tutors and the replacement of schoolchildren with students.

Previously, to enroll, you had to study at preparatory departments at institutes or look for a tutor from there. This required huge financial investments. According to experts, today this path is pointless. No matter how much universities claim otherwise, they cannot give any concessions for admission.

In the 11th grade, you can already focus on those subjects that are necessary for admission.


The student must clearly understand where he wants to go in the fall. If you do not submit an application to participate in the Unified State Exam in a particular subject on time, it is very difficult to change the list, and since the end of winter it has been completely impossible.

The difficulty level of the Unified State Exam varies from year to year. In 2010, admission to a decent university was guaranteed by 75 points out of 100; in 2011, you had to score at least 85.

Second way. Olympics

Today - the presence of a diploma of an Olympiad winner, which is included in the list of Olympiads for schoolchildren approved by the Ministry of Education and Science.

They include almost 80 tests conducted by different universities across the country.


Several dozen schoolchildren are announced as winners in each.

The diploma (depending on the level of the Olympiad) guarantees, if not admission without competition, then exactly 100 points in the subject, and this is guaranteed admission. You can participate in the Olympiads yourself, but candidates for the All-Russian Olympiad are nominated through the school. Moreover, in most Olympiads, the first round does not require presence at the university: assignments are sent via the Internet. There are very complex Olympiads like the emge "Lomonosov", and there are also quite real ones, say, which are held by the Moscow State Pedagogical University.


Registration for participation in the Olympiad usually takes one to a maximum of two months. Missed it and the opportunity to participate was lost.

Only schoolchildren can enter through the Olympiads. Technical school students - those who were unable to enroll this year - are deprived of this right.

Our Internet sites are mostly poorly debugged. Let's say, last year, during the Olympiad, which was held by one of the leading universities in Russia, there was a technical failure, because of which the site froze and many were simply unable to send their answers.

The Olympics are a corruption-intensive way to enter. In the correspondence course, their tutors often answer instead of students, and in some universities diplomas of prize-winners are sold.

This year, up to 10-15% of places in the country's elite universities went to people with disabilities and special needs.

At least here people with disabilities do not feel like second-class citizens.

Unfortunately, a considerable part of the admitted students bought fake documents from VTEKs.

Details about applying to Moscow: where to apply, how to apply, how much money you need. Full description of the process. We answer questions in the comments.

This article is intended to reveal all the intricacies of admission to Moscow and answer your questions regarding this difficult event, but which promises many benefits in case of a successful outcome. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments, none will be left unanswered.

I’ll immediately make a reservation that everything written below is relevant only for non-resident applicants who do not live with their parents in the capital, who do not have relatives here who are ready to provide shelter. If you are originally from Moscow time, then all the cards are in your hands, you know everything yourself.

So, you are planning to go to Moscow.

It is VERY IMPORTANT, at the moment when this thought arises, to assess the current state of affairs and answer the following questions:

1) Am I bold enough not to ask my parents to return after six months of studying in the capital?

2) Will my parents be able to send me at least 15,000 rubles (this is the bare minimum when applying for a budget) every month? If not, can I earn that much on my own?

Answer as honestly as possible. These are the main questions. If at least one is missing, go to your regional center and look for other ways to approach the feeder.

Please note that among the questions there is not a single one about the Unified State Exam and knowledge. This is all because THAT MOSCOW UNIVERSITIES ARE AVAILABLE FOR APPLICANTS WITH ANY LEVEL OF KNOWLEDGE higher than the passing score of the Unified State Examination. More on this a little later, first let’s look at the social and monetary aspects of living in Moscow.

Life of a student in Moscow. How many months do you need?

The amount you will need greatly depends on whether the university has a dormitory, and whether you can afford it on your budget.

If you live in everyday life modestly, in a dorm and study on a budget, then you can spend 15,000 rubles per month. Modest, in a dorm, paid– from 25,000 per month.

If also modestly, on a budget, but renting an apartment, even with someone, it’s already 20,000+. Modestly, in an apartment, studying for a fee, from 30000.

It is also important that Moscow is the largest city in Russia. There are types of people who would not be comfortable living here. And even all the opportunities and prospects that the city gives them will not cover this discomfort. Also, in this regard, adequately evaluate yourself.

Which university in Moscow should I go to?

Depends heavily on your level of knowledge and who you want to be.

The number of passing marks, tuition fees may very much vary depending on the educational institution and direction. Passing points from 170 to 400, cost from 50,000 to 400,000 rubles.

To see which university, which specialties have passing scores and tuition fees, go to. A very useful thing. There is a general list, a list by specialization, budget places, passing scores, etc.

If you cannot decide on a university, then look there, or through the filter located above this article, entering the desired cost, selecting the desired specialty and city.

To summarize:

Moscow is a city of opportunities. The problem in Moscow is that too many people want to take advantage of these opportunities. If you believe that you can pass it, do it. If you feel that it is not, look for other ways.

As soon as a student receives a school leaving certificate, he has to forget about the usual vacations. He is forced to fully plunge into adult life. Because instead of a carefree holiday, he has to prepare for admission to a higher educational institution. And in order to enroll, you need to pass not only the Unified State Exam, but also collect the necessary documents.

Let's start preparing

The algorithm for preparing for admission looks something like this:

  1. Are you planning to enter a medical, technical or humanitarian institute?
  2. Collecting all necessary documents and submitting them to the selected educational institution within the established time frame.
  3. Preparation and passing the Unified State Exam.

What do you need to enter the institute before you start collecting the necessary documents? The answer is to choose an educational institution!

Where to begin

Collecting all the necessary reliable information is the key to choosing the right educational institution that can provide higher education at the proper level.

  1. All licensed ones are accredited. And this is a guarantee of receiving a diploma upon completion of training. Therefore, if we are talking about non-state educational institutions, you should especially pay attention to this.
  2. It is important to visit the university website, note for yourself what content is on the site, its design, which will give some idea of ​​how classes are organized, how students spend their extracurricular time. By visiting the website, you can find out the schedule of classes, which will help you understand what subjects the applicant will study when choosing a particular specialty.
  3. You need to go to the forum. And read both positive and negative reviews about the educational institution. They will help you create a realistic picture and finally make your choice.

Addition to the above

It is important to know that education in the country is free, and applicants have the opportunity to enroll in five educational institutions and three specialties at once. However, the number of budget places is limited and there is a lot of competition for many of them. Therefore, if an applicant has won victories at school competitions or received a gold medal for excellent completion of school, he has the highest chance of becoming the lucky owner of a budget place.

But there are also preferential categories of citizens who must be provided with budget-funded places in universities. According to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education”, the following groups of citizens can apply for budget places:

  • Children under 23 years of age who have lost their parents and are left without their care.
  • Children with disabilities of groups I and II who can undergo training for health reasons.
  • Children who have only one guardian who is a disabled person of group I, if the family budget is below the subsistence level.
  • Participants in military conflicts, soldiers who served in military service and retired to the reserves or served under a contract.


What do those who decide to study far from their hometown need to enter college? It is important for them to know whether the educational institution has a dormitory. Unfortunately, few can boast of this. Here is a list of documents that will be needed when checking into a hostel:

  1. Medical card with examination.
  2. Photocopy of passport and original.
  3. Completed agreement.
  4. Three photographs 3 X 4.
  5. Paid order.
  6. A certificate that proves affiliation with this university.

Day department

After school, children are more willing to go to full-time studies. Here's what you need to get into college T in this case:

  1. An application containing the applicant’s details, desired specialty and department. It is checked by members of the admissions committee.
  2. Certificate and its photocopy, as well as passport with a photocopy.
  3. Certificate of passing the Unified State Exam. If you want to enroll in several universities at once, you can provide a certified and scanned copy of the certificate.
  4. Six photographs 3 X 4.
  5. Certificate from a medical institution (so-called form 086). Without it, no university will admit you.

Correspondence studies

The documents for admission to the institute for citizens who wish to study part-time must be collected exactly the same. The same applies to those wishing to receive a second higher education in absentia, however, they need to add a higher education diploma to the listed documents.

For those wishing to enroll in a master's program, the list of documents is also similar. Except for two things:

  • the certificate is replaced by a bachelor's diploma;
  • It is not necessary to provide a certificate in Form 086; many institutions do not require it.


Boys, upon reaching the age of 17, become liable for military service. Therefore, to enroll in the institute, they must provide a registration certificate or military ID.

Here’s what people with disabilities need to enter college. The list of documents for them has some differences:

  • The conclusion provided by the medical-psychological-pedagogical commission.
  • Certificate confirming disability.
  • A certificate that confirms that a citizen has no contraindications for studying at a university. It is issued by an institution that conducts medical and social examinations.


The rules for admission to the institute for foreigners are approximately the same, but guests from abroad have to not only collect documents, but also translate them, so their number is significantly larger. Here is the list of required documents:

  1. Application in Russian.
  2. Original educational documents, as well as their certified and translated copies into Russian.
  3. Identity document.
  4. A copy of the visa, if the foreigner needed it for entry.
  5. Six photographs 4 X 6.
  6. For foreigners of Russian nationality, documents that confirm their origin (nationality).

About the Unified State Exam

In conclusion, a little about the Unified State Exam and how many points you need to score for successful admission. Of course, the day when the results are announced is very exciting and alarming for former school graduates. Statistics for the country show that the number of people admitted to state-funded places is more than 50% with an average Unified State Exam score of 65. This means that the scores for admission to the institute for those who want to are not an obstacle or barrier to the goal.

The passing score for the most prestigious universities in the country is 90, with the exception of MGIMO, where it is 95. These educational institutions are for applicants with exceptional knowledge and a high score on the Unified State Exam.

The bottom line is this: whoever scores from 60 to 80 points can be guaranteed to get into a good institute that is not one of the ten most prestigious in the country.


So, what do you need to get into college? First of all, believe in yourself and your strengths, don’t be afraid of exams, set yourself a goal and achieve it. Collecting documents, passing exams, choosing an institute - this is just the tip of the iceberg. It is important for a former student to understand what he wants to achieve in life, who he sees himself in the future. After all, a higher education diploma is one of the keys that gives confidence in the future.

Detailed instructions for future applicants.

We strongly recommend that you read this article very carefully and several times. In it we will talk about admission to higher education institutions, how this happens, we will try to talk about the pitfalls and give some advice.

Let's start with the fact that you were given a certificate, after which you had a wonderful time lying in a puddle with a bottle of champagne. Congratulations. Half the way has been completed. Next you need to drink mineral water and collect documents, namely:

1. Photocopy of passport
2. Photocopy of certificate and original certificate
3. Photocopy and original of the Unified State Examination certificate (if available)

The original certificate of passing the Unified State Exam may be issued to you very late, therefore, universities in 2012 accepted documents without it. Photos are NOT NEEDED!!! They will be requested from you only after enrollment.

You have to choose 5 universities to which you are going to apply (6 universities will not accept your documents, don’t even try, even if they do, it will still come up later, because the admissions committees have all-Russian databases).

Just a short lyrical digression. Many of you (yes, yes) are waiting for some kind of official announcement of the 2013 passing grade from universities. I hasten to disappoint you. There is no guy on the university admissions committee who points his finger at the sky and says that the passing score for 2013 will be 210 points in total from 3 subjects (conditionally). What is a passing grade anyway? The passing score is the score of the last applicant enrolled on the budget, that is, you will learn about the 2013 passing score only after you are enrolled in the university or not enrolled. But more on that later.

As we have already said, you should not overestimate yourself in any case, even if you have 300 points with 3 Unified State Examinations. Perhaps all the places in front of you will be taken by beneficiaries, Olympiad winners and target students. So don’t choose a bouquet from HSE, Moscow State University, RANEPA, MGIMO and St. Petersburg State University. Be sure to leave 1-2 universities as a “back-up option”, where, as a rule, the admission rate is low.

So, you rubbed your eyes after graduation and went to your first university to apply. Apparently, you will immediately go to your favorite university. But, ATTENTION, most likely, your favorite university is the favorite university of thousands of applicants. Well, that's how it happened. So what's going on? In the first days of the admission campaign, everyone unanimously rushes to HSE, Moscow State University, RANEPA, MGIMO, Finashka, etc., because these are the favorite universities of, well, just everyone. Accordingly, what happens? In the first days of the admissions committees’ work, we have huge queues at leading universities. Therefore, I advise you not to run headlong into your favorite universities in the first days, but to visit the “back-up” universities for now, and then, in the middle, when this excitement from top universities has died down, calmly come to the university of your dreams and calmly submit documents in an hour , and not for 6, as this can happen.

So, you came to the university. In some universities they give you a ticket, in some there is a waiting list, but that’s not the point. The first procedure you have to go through is to fill out an application. In normal universities, you are seated in a classroom with many computers, they open a form and you fill it out electronically. The students help you, then they print your application form for you. Well, or in many universities they fill out the form for you. A number of universities mock applicants and force them to write this application manually, and they get to the bottom of the smallest blots. Filling out the application alone can take about an hour if the admissions committee is completely disorganized.

So, you have the right to choose 3 (as a rule, in the competitive group there are several faculties with the same entrance tests and similar topics). Those. You can choose 3 competitive groups, and in this group there can be from one to infinity of specialties. For example. You have chosen 3 competitive groups, where in the 1st group there are 5 specialties, in the second group there are 3 specialties and in the 3rd group there is 1 specialty. Here you already have the right to choose all specialties in these 3 competitions. Those. It’s realistic to take part in 3 competitions in 9 areas at one university. In many universities, most often, there is one direction in the competitive group. If something is unclear to someone, ask in the comments. This is not trivial, do not hesitate to ask again.

Also, the university will require you to arrange all these specialties in descending order of “wants”. For example. You are enrolling in economics. We came to the university, and there we have economics in one department, economics in another department, and world economics (for example). We need to arrange them as follows:

First competition group (we want to get into this competition group the most)

1) Economics of the Faculty of Economics (we want to go here most of all)
2) Economics of the General Economics Faculty (we want to go here, but not so much)
3) World Economy Faculty of Economics

Second competitive group (we are applying to this competitive group because we took the same exams, but just in case)

1) Management at the enterprise of the Faculty of Light Industry
2) Management in the sports industry of the Faculty named after. Anastasia Volochkova
3) Advertising and Public Relations

The third competitive group (they just submitted documents)

1) Jurisprudence of the Faculty of Law

So, we filled out the application. We are cool. We submitted documents to 3 competitive groups at 5 universities. Those. In total, you participate in 15 competitions. Now pay attention. You are not the only one who is so fashionable and participates in 15 competitions. Let's imagine. You have 250 points from the 3rd Unified State Examination (well, at least someone here will get 250 points). The score is not bad. But that's the problem. Imagine that each applicant applied for 15 competitions. We open the list of applicants and find that you, with your (fairly good scores), are in 1500th place, despite the fact that there are 100 budget places in your favorite specialty, your favorite university. We go cut our wrists in the bathroom (this is not a call for suicide) or sob into the pillow, as you like. That's the funny thing. 14 out of 15 are really dead souls, these are just ticked boxes. Because One applicant at this stage of admission occupies 15 places, but he really only wants one. Let’s not talk about the probabilities that there are more popular universities and less popular universities. Let's take an average university. Let’s assume that exactly 14 out of 15 of us are dead souls (in HSE, for example, it’s a little different, there, rather, every 4th will still remain on the budget). Nevermind. We are modeling a general situation. Being in 1500th place, despite the fact that there are 100 budget places in your specialty, I can assure you that most likely you will get into the budget position, since 14 out of 15 will most likely leave. If you are confused, read it again, because what follows is worse.

So, all applicants have submitted their documents. The time of the “first wave” is coming. We are sitting in our 1500th place in university No. 1, in the 2000th place in university No. 2, and in the 500th place in university No. 3, etc. In this case, we fly over with the first wave. Let's return to our university No. 1, where we most want to go. As we have already found out, there are 100 budget places for our favorite specialty. Next are 2 scenarios (different universities work using different systems).

1. Classic version. In the first wave, the university requests original documents from the first hundred. In our case, every 15th person brings documents. 6 people will bring documents to the university by the specified date. There are still 84 budget places left, which will be “raffled” in the second wave

2. Green wave. Some universities are making green waves. They calculate probabilities (in approximately the same way as we described above, or based on data from last year) and recommend for enrollment not 100 people, how many budget places, but 100*(1/probability that a person will bring documents to them , specifically for this specialty). Well, they also adjust for the worse to be on the safe side. In our case, we have. Let’s say the university has calculated that this probability = 1/15 (every fifteenth person will bring documents to them). Those. according to this logic, we should recommend enrollment (request original documents) to the first 1,500 people. Well, universities usually don’t take much risk and make adjustments. In reality, a university can recommend 1000 applicants at once, despite the fact that we have 100 budget places

The most epic situation occurs when you are recommended for enrollment after the first wave at the Reutov University of Leather Gloves and Marketing, but the university you wanted to attend did not recommend you for enrollment after the first wave. What's happening? Many applicants, having such a borderline score, run in a panic to submit their originals to the Reutov University of Leather Gloves and Marketing (parents often force them, or in a panic that you will be left without a budget, take the documents there. Believe me, it will happen). You are successfully admitted there after the first wave, and in the second wave it turns out that you entered the university where you wanted. In this case, you have the right to withdraw your documents (in fairness, we would like to note that the Reutov University of Leather Gloves and Marketing will not let you go so easily and, perhaps, you will remain there. Be careful and know your rights!). The time for the second wave is coming. As a rule, on the 2nd wave they call almost everyone and privately ask you whether you will bring the original or not. In general, you need to constantly be on the websites of universities or on the websites for applicants of these universities (if there are any) and be constantly in the know, because they may not call you. They have the right, well, either they accidentally won’t get through, or you indicated the wrong phone number by mistake.