Book money, success and you read online. John Kehoe - money, success and you Kehoe money, success and you

John Kehoe

"Money, success and you"

The book is devoted to the psychological aspects of achieving success in any business. Do you know how to act for this? The author shows a wide range of readers how to think for this!

Sorey Othman, my business manager and friend, who, after fifteen years of work, is heading towards new challenges and adventures. Thank you for everything good. I wish you success and may our friendship last forever.

Rick and Jennifer Beairsto for their editorial work and assistance; to my wife Sylvia for her love and support; as well as the countless others who helped me with this project.

Thanks everyone.


This book is about money and success, but most importantly, it is about you.

On these pages you will see to what extent financial achievements and self-development can and should go together, literally holding hands. Indeed, when the matter is carefully and comprehensively examined, it becomes apparent that the skills and abilities required to become rich and successful are the same skills and abilities that are used to develop character, ability and willingness to act. Thus, if everything is organized and “orchestrated” properly, then our economic success becomes a means by which we become more fulfilled and fulfilled individuals.

The method that gives us the opportunity to achieve all this in ourselves is the art of self-education and self-control.

Self-education is not something mysterious or mysterious. It means to see what one's own abilities may be, and then to carefully organize, orchestrate and develop these abilities. Self-education is, moreover, knowing and understanding oneself at the deepest level, as well as the desire to change oneself - both internally, and externally - which are necessary for growth and success.

Self-education is based on the premise that with learning and training we are able to grow, and often grow dramatically and demonstrably. Understand that the choices and decisions we make today ultimately determine what will happen to us in the future. And if we decide to always strive for excellence and do everything necessary to bring out the best of what is inherent in us, then wonderful changes will certainly occur.

This kind of participation in one's own evolution becomes both rewarding and rewarding, and at the same time something invigorating and intoxicating. The fact is that in the process of developing our talents, we are at the same time revealing ourselves on the most intimate and deep level. We can awaken within ourselves what the great German poet and thinker Goethe called “genius, power and magic.” After all, it is so inspiring - the fact that we are able to do everything listed above, and the direction of our movement is determined by our and only our choice.

This book contains everything you need to know in order to follow this path. Each chapter contains principles to master. Some will seem strange and unfamiliar to you, others will seem stunningly simple. Master each of them and strive to perfectly implement them in your life. And then, thanks to the daily application of these principles, a transformation will occur that borders on a miracle. This book must be lived, not just read.

Welcome to the land of adventure!

Part 1 MIND


The funny thing about life is that if you refuse to accept anything other than the best, that's often what you get.

Somerset Maugham

How do you perceive the world around you? Is he friendly? Hostile? Are there many pleasant experiences awaiting you in it, or is your world mostly painful and full of bitter disappointments? Are there tons of opportunities to get ahead financially, or have most of the good ideas come and gone? What is life like in general - joyful, pleasant, boring, exciting, harsh? How do you see the world where you live?

Each of us will answer these questions differently. We will respond according to our unique personal experiences. Sometimes we will contradict each other, but, nevertheless, surprisingly, each of us will be right in our own way. Whatever you believe is right. Two completely contradictory beliefs can both be true. But how can this be? Shouldn't one of them be true and the other false, or at least one more true than the other? So, it’s not at all necessary. And to understand this paradox, it is required that we look at the nature of reality in a completely different way, so that behind the apparent and visible, the true truth is revealed to us.

You are your own creative law, and what you believe in will be both the lens through which you view the world and the gravitational force through which life's countless experiences and challenges will be drawn toward you. Life is much more mysterious than we ever suspected. It is fluid and dynamic, and in ways we could never even imagine. It is literally as varied and changeable as the people who live it, and you will find that the root cause of everything we experience lies within us.


We naturally assume that we see our lives as they actually are, in other words, that we are objective. But this is not the case at all. We see the world not as it is, but as we are. We see it through the lens of our personal experiences, expectations and beliefs. Discovering what is really going on in our lives is much more difficult than you might think. In fact, it is almost impossible because we cannot look at the world without some kind of lens (our view is colored by beliefs, expectations and past experiences). The best we can do is to be open and willing to try different lenses (viewpoints, beliefs) and then decide which one is more accurate or beneficial to us. In many ways, this process is reminiscent of a vision test at an ophthalmologist in order to select a lens that will neutralize a vision defect - say, nearsightedness or farsightedness.

If, for example, you find that your perception is distorted by objects and people who seem to be out of focus, then you do not say that it is life that is out of focus, and do not blame the world around you for what you observe. You are trying to correct your vision. And to do this, you try different lenses - some will make your vision seem better, others worse, and, ultimately, you will settle on the one that seems most suitable.

The same thing happens with our lives. The problems and obstacles that we encounter in the course of our existence are not caused by what is outside of us, but by what lies within. It is your lens that creates your reality. When you change your lens, your reality changes.


All physical reality consists of vibrations of energy. The chair you sit on, the walls that surround you, your physical body, your body - everything is formed by energy fluctuations. Our thoughts are also vibrations of energy. Thoughts that are repeated with great feeling and emotional involvement are gradually imprinted in the subconscious. As soon as this happens, our thoughts crystallize into beliefs and begin to oscillate, vibrate within us, attracting from the outside world such people, circumstances and events that correspond to what we have inside. I explain this in more detail in my first book, The Power of the Mind in the 21st Century. I suggest you read both books - this one and this one - to fully understand how your mind creates your reality. For now, however, it is enough to understand that our thoughts are very real forces.

You have much more powerful ability to create and influence your life than you may realize. In fact, at every given moment you create your life with the thoughts you choose for yourself. Your thoughts and beliefs are not just internal perceptions and attitudes, but physical vibrations of energy, as real as the floor under your feet. They are the main life-giving forces that shape your existence and determine what will happen in your future. Simply stated, your thoughts are the most important factor in your life, and the only one over which you have complete and complete control. And yet, most of us give our thoughts minimal attention, if any at all.

John Kehoe

"Money, success and you"

The book is devoted to the psychological aspects of achieving success in any business. Do you know how to act for this? The author shows a wide range of readers how to think for this!

Sorey Othman, my business manager and friend, who, after fifteen years of work, is heading towards new challenges and adventures. Thank you for everything good. I wish you success and may our friendship last forever.

Rick and Jennifer Beairsto for their editorial work and assistance; to my wife Sylvia for her love and support; as well as the countless others who helped me with this project.

Thanks everyone.


This book is about money and success, but most importantly, it is about you.

On these pages you will see to what extent financial achievements and self-development can and should go together, literally holding hands. Indeed, when the matter is carefully and comprehensively examined, it becomes apparent that the skills and abilities required to become rich and successful are the same skills and abilities that are used to develop character, ability and willingness to act. Thus, if everything is organized and “orchestrated” properly, then our economic success becomes a means by which we become more fulfilled and fulfilled individuals.

The method that gives us the opportunity to achieve all this in ourselves is the art of self-education and self-control.

Self-education is not something mysterious or mysterious. It means to see what one's own abilities may be, and then to carefully organize, orchestrate and develop these abilities. Self-education is, moreover, knowing and understanding oneself at the deepest level, as well as the desire to change oneself - both internally, and externally - which are necessary for growth and success.

Self-education is based on the premise that with learning and training we are able to grow, and often grow dramatically and demonstrably. Understand that the choices and decisions we make today ultimately determine what will happen to us in the future. And if we decide to always strive for excellence and do everything necessary to bring out the best of what is inherent in us, then wonderful changes will certainly occur.

This kind of participation in one's own evolution becomes both rewarding and rewarding, and at the same time something invigorating and intoxicating. The fact is that in the process of developing our talents, we are at the same time revealing ourselves on the most intimate and deep level. We can awaken within ourselves what the great German poet and thinker Goethe called “genius, power and magic.” After all, it is so inspiring - the fact that we are able to do everything listed above, and the direction of our movement is determined by our and only our choice.

This book contains everything you need to know in order to follow this path. Each chapter contains principles to master. Some will seem strange and unfamiliar to you, others will seem stunningly simple. Master each of them and strive to perfectly implement them in your life. And then, thanks to the daily application of these principles, a transformation will occur that borders on a miracle. This book must be lived, not just read.

Welcome to the land of adventure!

Part 1 MIND


It’s a funny thing about life: if you refuse to accept any things except the best, then very often that’s what you get.

Somerset Maugham

How do you perceive the world around you? Is he friendly? Hostile? Are there many pleasant experiences awaiting you in it, or is your world mostly painful and full of bitter disappointments? Are there tons of opportunities to get ahead financially, or have most of the good ideas come and gone? What is life like in general - joyful, pleasant, boring, exciting, harsh? How do you see the world where you live?

Each of us will answer these questions differently. We will respond according to our unique personal experiences. Sometimes we will contradict each other, but, nevertheless, surprisingly, each of us will be right in our own way. Whatever you believe is right. Two completely contradictory beliefs can both be true. But how can this be? Shouldn't one of them be true and the other false, or at least one more true than the other? So, it’s not at all necessary. And to understand this paradox, it is required that we look at the nature of reality in a completely different way, so that behind the apparent and visible, the true truth is revealed to us.

You are your own creative law, and what you believe in will be both the lens through which you view the world and the gravitational force through which life's countless experiences and challenges will be drawn toward you. Life is much more mysterious than we ever suspected. It is fluid and dynamic, and in ways we could never even imagine. It is literally as varied and changeable as the people who live it, and you will find that the root cause of everything we experience lies within us.


We naturally assume that we see our lives as they actually are, in other words, that we are objective. But this is not the case at all. We see the world not as it is, but as we are. We see it through the lens of our personal experiences, expectations and beliefs. Discovering what is really going on in our lives is much more difficult than you might think. In fact, it is almost impossible because we cannot look at the world without some kind of lens (our view is colored by beliefs, expectations and past experiences). The best we can do is to be open and willing to try different lenses (viewpoints, beliefs) and then decide which one is more accurate or beneficial to us. In many ways, this process is reminiscent of a vision test at an ophthalmologist in order to select a lens that will neutralize a vision defect - say, nearsightedness or farsightedness.

If, for example, you find that your perception is distorted by objects and people who seem to be out of focus, then you do not say that it is life that is out of focus, and do not blame the world around you for what you observe. You are trying to correct your vision. And to do this, you try different lenses - some will make your vision seem better, others worse, and, ultimately, you will settle on the one that seems most suitable.

The same thing happens with our lives. The problems and obstacles that we encounter in the course of our existence are not caused by what is outside of us, but by what lies within. It is your lens that creates your reality. When you change your lens, your reality changes.


All physical reality consists of vibrations of energy. The chair you sit on, the walls that surround you, your physical body, your body - everything is formed by energy fluctuations. Our thoughts are also vibrations of energy. Thoughts that are repeated with great feeling and emotional involvement are gradually imprinted in the subconscious. As soon as this happens, our thoughts crystallize into beliefs and begin to oscillate, vibrate within us, attracting from the outside world such people, circumstances and events that correspond to what we have inside. I explain this in more detail in my first book, The Power of the Mind in the 21st Century. I suggest you read both books - this one and this one - to fully understand how your mind creates your reality. For now, however, it is enough to understand that our thoughts are very real forces.

Sep 25, 2017

Money, success and you John Kehoe

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Title: Money, success and you

About the book “Money, Success and You” John Kehoe

John Kehoe is a world-famous writer, famous for his books about personal growth and success.

After reading the writer’s biography, you can immediately understand how extraordinary John Kehoe is.
For three years he lived in the forests of the Canadian province of British Columbia, eating what he could get himself, which cultivated his fortitude and proved that he could survive under any circumstances. But survival was not John Kehoe's goal. He sought solitude for meditative practices and purification of the mind, knowledge of himself and the world around him. He was interested in unlocking the potential of the brain, which subsequently served as the basis for the creation of books.

Upon returning to civilization, John Kehoe worked hard on self-improvement programs, gave public lectures and worked as a personal trainer, becoming a true professional.

The book “Money, Success and You” became the second in the author’s bibliography. It is written in simple language, understandable and practical in nature - each section includes tasks, steps or settings for practicing your new way of thinking. “Money, Success and You” pays great attention to the development of the reader, his enthusiasm, focus on results and achieving success. The book helps you develop a strategy and set goals on the path to success, and also gives advice on how to consolidate results and motivate you to work on yourself.

Each chapter must be comprehended and correlated with your own life, since “Money, Success and You” tells not only about material wealth. The information presented on the pages helps you gain confidence in yourself and your capabilities, and also helps you master the basics of self-organization, which in itself is useful not only in business.

The book consists of three parts. The first part is devoted to the work of the mind and those stereotypes and myths about money that prevent you from getting rich. In the second part, the author talks about choosing a goal and strategy, the ability to listen and make useful contacts, as well as working with clients. The third part deals with leisure, and the ability to maintain the right balance between earning money and relaxation.

In addition, the book contains many examples from the lives of successful people and the life of the author himself, and also describes the reasons for how they achieved financial success. This gives you confidence that everything described in the book is possible, and all goals are achievable if you put a little effort in the right direction.

“Money, Success and You” will become your reference book and guide to success.

On our website about books you can download for free without registration or read online the book “Money, Success and You” by John Kehoe in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

John Kehoe

"Money, success and you"

The book is devoted to the psychological aspects of achieving success in any business. Do you know how to act for this? The author shows a wide range of readers how to think for this!

Sorey Othman, my business manager and friend, who, after fifteen years of work, is heading towards new challenges and adventures. Thank you for everything good. I wish you success and may our friendship last forever.

Rick and Jennifer Beairsto for their editorial work and assistance; to my wife Sylvia for her love and support; as well as the countless others who helped me with this project.

Thanks everyone.


This book is about money and success, but most importantly, it is about you.

On these pages you will see to what extent financial achievements and self-development can and should go together, literally holding hands. Indeed, when the matter is carefully and comprehensively examined, it becomes apparent that the skills and abilities required to become rich and successful are the same skills and abilities that are used to develop character, ability and willingness to act. Thus, if everything is organized and “orchestrated” properly, then our economic success becomes a means by which we become more fulfilled and fulfilled individuals.

The method that gives us the opportunity to achieve all this in ourselves is the art of self-education and self-control.

Self-education is not something mysterious or mysterious. It means to see what one's own abilities may be, and then to carefully organize, orchestrate and develop these abilities. Self-education is, moreover, knowing and understanding oneself at the deepest level, as well as the desire to change oneself - both internally, and externally - which are necessary for growth and success.

Self-education is based on the premise that with learning and training we are able to grow, and often grow dramatically and demonstrably. Understand that the choices and decisions we make today ultimately determine what will happen to us in the future. And if we decide to always strive for excellence and do everything necessary to bring out the best of what is inherent in us, then wonderful changes will certainly occur.

This kind of participation in one's own evolution becomes both rewarding and rewarding, and at the same time something invigorating and intoxicating. The fact is that in the process of developing our talents, we are at the same time revealing ourselves on the most intimate and deep level. We can awaken within ourselves what the great German poet and thinker Goethe called “genius, power and magic.” After all, it is so inspiring - the fact that we are able to do everything listed above, and the direction of our movement is determined by our and only our choice.

This book contains everything you need to know in order to follow this path. Each chapter contains principles to master. Some will seem strange and unfamiliar to you, others will seem stunningly simple. Master each of them and strive to perfectly implement them in your life. And then, thanks to the daily application of these principles, a transformation will occur that borders on a miracle. This book must be lived, not just read.

Welcome to the land of adventure!

Part 1 MIND


The funny thing about life is that if you refuse to accept anything other than the best, that's often what you get.

Somerset Maugham

How do you perceive the world around you? Is he friendly? Hostile? Are there many pleasant experiences awaiting you in it, or is your world mostly painful and full of bitter disappointments? Are there tons of opportunities to get ahead financially, or have most of the good ideas come and gone? What is life like in general - joyful, pleasant, boring, exciting, harsh? How do you see the world where you live?

Each of us will answer these questions differently. We will respond according to our unique personal experiences. Sometimes we will contradict each other, but, nevertheless, surprisingly, each of us will be right in our own way. Whatever you believe is right. Two completely contradictory beliefs can both be true. But how can this be? Shouldn't one of them be true and the other false, or at least one more true than the other? So, it’s not at all necessary. And to understand this paradox, it is required that we look at the nature of reality in a completely different way, so that behind the apparent and visible, the true truth is revealed to us.

The book is devoted to the psychological aspects of achieving success in any business. Do you know how to act for this? The author shows a wide range of readers how to think for this!

Sorey Othman, my business manager and friend, who, after fifteen years of work, is heading towards new challenges and adventures. Thank you for everything good. I wish you success and may our friendship last forever.

Rick and Jennifer Beairsto for their editorial work and assistance; to my wife Sylvia for her love and support; as well as the countless others who helped me with this project.

Thanks everyone.


This book is about money and success, but most importantly, it is about you.

On these pages you will see to what extent financial achievements and self-development can and should go together, literally holding hands. Indeed, when the matter is carefully and comprehensively examined, it becomes apparent that the skills and abilities required to become rich and successful are the same skills and abilities that are used to develop character, ability and willingness to act. Thus, if everything is organized and “orchestrated” properly, then our economic success becomes a means by which we become more fulfilled and fulfilled individuals.

The method that gives us the opportunity to achieve all this in ourselves is the art of self-education and self-control.

Self-education is not something mysterious or mysterious. It means to see what one's own abilities may be, and then to carefully organize, orchestrate and develop these abilities. Self-education is, moreover, knowing and understanding oneself at the deepest level, as well as the desire to change oneself - both internally, and externally - which are necessary for growth and success.

Self-education is based on the premise that with learning and training we are able to grow, and often grow dramatically and demonstrably. Understand that the choices and decisions we make today ultimately determine what will happen to us in the future. And if we decide to always strive for excellence and do everything necessary to bring out the best of what is inherent in us, then wonderful changes will certainly occur.

This kind of participation in one's own evolution becomes both rewarding and rewarding, and at the same time something invigorating and intoxicating. The fact is that in the process of developing our talents, we are at the same time revealing ourselves on the most intimate and deep level. We can awaken within ourselves what the great German poet and thinker Goethe called “genius, power and magic.” After all, it is so inspiring - the fact that we are able to do everything listed above, and the direction of our movement is determined by our and only our choice.

This book contains everything you need to know in order to follow this path. Each chapter contains principles to master. Some will seem strange and unfamiliar to you, others will seem stunningly simple. Master each of them and strive to perfectly implement them in your life. And then, thanks to the daily application of these principles, a transformation will occur that borders on a miracle. This book must be lived, not just read.

Welcome to the land of adventure!

Part 1 MIND

The funny thing about life is that if you refuse to accept anything other than the best, that's often what you get.

Somerset Maugham

How do you perceive the world around you? Is he friendly? Hostile? Are there many pleasant experiences awaiting you in it, or is your world mostly painful and full of bitter disappointments? Are there tons of opportunities to get ahead financially, or have most of the good ideas come and gone? What is life like in general - joyful, pleasant, boring, exciting, harsh? How do you see the world where you live?

Each of us will answer these questions differently.