Rituals for wealth on the new moon. New moon rituals

The moon will help attract money into our lives. Rituals and rituals that help you become richer can be conditionally divided into three groups, in which they will be used depending on the phase of the moon: new moon, full moon, and daily use.

  • Money rituals for the new moon

    During the new moon the power is very low. As the moon grows, everything it illuminates becomes saturated with energy. During this period, it is advisable to engage in activities that involve development, acquisition or increase. For example, planting seeds, cutting hair and nails, investing, planning.

    Desires conceived during the new moon are fulfilled more often; this is an ideal time for money-attracting rites and rituals. The most common of them:

    • Take banknotes, preferably large ones, and place them in a place where the moonlight falls. As you lay them out, imagine how they begin to “grow,” multiply, and increase in size. Cast a magic spell: “Moon, grow, grow, and give me prosperity,” or “Together with the moon, grow and come to me.” Imagine planting them in your money garden like plant seeds. Treat them with care, do not disturb them, protect them from prying eyes, make sure there is moonlight on them. And so on for three days. Then collect it and spend it entirely on a useful purchase. After some time they will return in larger quantities. Repeat the ritual every month on the new moon.
    • On the new moon, take a medium denomination bill, hand it to the young moon, ask for wealth and prosperity. You can say the words “the night feeds the moon, and adds money to me.” Keep it separate from other money, do not spend it until the next new moon. It is charged with the energy of growth and multiplication, and will now attract others into your wallet. On the next new moon, speak a new bill and replace the old one with it.
    • A conspiracy to increase the amount of money. On a clear new moon night, open the window and count the stars in the sky until you lose count. Wash your face with cold water and read the magic spell: “just as I count the stars in the sky, I can’t count them, so I count the money in my hands, but I can’t count them.”
    • Bow to the young moon seven times in a row asking for prosperity. Then throw a coin to her, and during the lunar month you will receive a sudden income.
    • This ritual for increasing money is performed on the waxing moon before going to bed. Collect all the money, show it to the new moon, then lightly scent it with a drop of rosemary or patchouli fragrance oil. Place bills under your pillow. In the morning, without getting out of bed, take out the money and carefully count it seven times.

    Useful signs for the new moon:

    • It is highly undesirable to borrow money.
    • Having conceived a profitable business, start it on the new moon.
    • Successfully move to a new place of residence or office - there will always be prosperity.

    The full moon is the peak activity of the night star. At this time, his energy is strongest, it strengthens, nourishes and fills all earthly activities, including negative ones. Often, due to its overabundance, conflicts can escalate, insomnia can be tormented, and health problems can appear. The full moon is unfavorable for weddings or celebrations, but is ideal for getting rid of unnecessary components. For example, for diet, giving up bad habits or weeding. During the full moon, money rituals are filled with very strong energy that should be used to resolve your money issues.

    • The wishes conceived for the new moon are fully fulfilled, for which you need to thank the Universe. Take the bills received during the waxing period of the moon, show her and sincerely thank her. The Moon will enjoy the energy of recognition and will definitely enhance it.
    • Ritual for freedom from debts and financial problems. Write down on a piece of paper the three main problems associated with not having money. For example, debt or gambling habit. At the peak of the waning full moon, burn the paper and wash off the ashes with water. Troubles will go away with him. The ritual also helps in family troubles and illnesses.
    • Another effective ritual for attracting money. Take a container filled with water and place a silver coin at the bottom. Place it so that the moon is reflected in the water. Move your hands along the surface of the water, as if you want to catch the moon in your palms, saying: “Almighty Moon, wash my hands with silver, give me wealth, I will accept it with gratitude.” Pour the water under the tree and carry the coin with you.

    Don't think that spending money won't contribute to their profits. Keep taking action. To constantly have money, you need to perform magical rituals every day that will show them love and respect.

    • Money box. Buy a piggy bank and don't use it for other purposes. Every day, put the small change left in your pockets and wallet in it. Imagine that the money in the piggy bank is “multiplying.” When you have enough coins, exchange them for a large bill or spend them. However, you will have to leave a few coins so that they attract new ones. When events that contribute to well-being begin to occur, for example, an unexpected bonus, put a coin from the profit received into the piggy bank.
    • Ritual for the safety of money. Spend it on the day of your salary, bonus, or debt repayment. From the money received, select a banknote of average denomination, preferably a multiple of ten. Take it in your hands, close your eyes, think about it, remember it by touch, stroke it. Thank you for returning, ask to visit as often as possible. After that, fold the bill three times and leave it alone for three days. This is a proven ritual that helps you get your money back.

    Perform the following magical signs:

    1. Do not conduct financial transactions after sunset. Do not pay, do not pay back or borrow.
    2. Money must be treated with care and precision. They cannot be crushed, twisted, torn, dropped or lost.
    3. Money should be kept in a neat pile, folded from large denomination to small denomination, face up.
    4. To ensure there is always money in the house, do not spend profits on the day you receive them. In order for the apartment to be filled with monetary energy, the amount received must spend the night at home.
    5. To make sure the big ones last as long as possible, try to spend the small ones first.
    6. Never leave your wallet empty, even after you've spent all your money, throw a few coins into it.
    7. Try not to brag about your earnings, bonuses, or new things, so as not to make others jealous. It carries destructive energy.
    8. Never complain about financial difficulties. This will form a negative program, which in turn blocks the arrival of prosperity.
    9. You can take the found coin for yourself, provided that it lies heads up. But still, it is advisable to pick up only bills.
    10. You cannot ignore money lying on the road, this is a sign of disrespect for it.
    11. Money obtained by fraud does not bring happiness. Therefore, it is best to immediately spend them on gifts for loved ones or distribute them to those in need. Try to avoid such profits, otherwise you risk losing even more.
    12. Spend the money you win as soon as possible, giving some of it to charity.
  • Nastasya Filippovna Zaretskaya

    Specialist in village magic. Conspiracies, rituals, love spells.

    Articles written

    Material well-being is an important component of a successful life. It is not always possible to achieve the desired financial independence only through hard work. Sometimes a person needs very little to be completely happy - good luck, success. Rituals and conspiracies are an easy but very effective way to enlist the support of higher powers. After all, the Universe has an inexhaustible source of positive energy that can attract money and success into a person’s life.

    Conspiracies and rituals - how they work

    4. The emotional mood of a person is especially important - all money conspiracies are carried out in a calm state, without noise and fuss. Actions must be thoughtful, so it is necessary to think through the course of the ceremony in advance so as not to be distracted by organizational issues. Remember that the slightest uncertainty in words will affect the result.

    5. Concentration comes first! It is necessary to put aside all problems and concentrate on the issue that you want to solve.

    6. It is advisable to carry out monetary rituals with candles of a certain color and size. The choice depends on the characteristics of a particular ritual.

    7. The energy of the person who plans to perform the ceremony must be clean. If there is a suspicion that there is damage or the evil eye in your life, you need to use blocking or cleansing spells.

    Conspiracies and rituals for money and success - the preparatory process

    As you know, money does not like fuss, so it is necessary to prepare carefully and seriously for rituals for wealth.

    Required there is a cleansing of the space around you. The best time for this is the new moon. The process begins with wet cleaning, and it is necessary to add salt to the water, since salt crystals have strong energy and effectively cleanse the room not only of dirt, but also of negative energy.

    Read also: Forgiveness Sunday: we spend it right

    Then you will need to open the windows, doors and cabinet doors - everything that is in the room - and ask for saline solution for protection.

    The cleansing ritual is carried out using special signs. First of all, you will need one of the possible symbols of Air - a feather, an incense stick, a fan or a bell. Depending on the selected symbol, a certain action is performed:

    • the room is rung with a bell;
    • fumigated with an incense stick;
    • fanned with a fan and feather.

    This needs to be done from the front door, moving clockwise, you also need to go into the most secluded corners of the house, storage rooms, mezzanines, door and window openings. This is where negative energy tends to accumulate.

    At the end of the ritual, using the object used for purification, you need to draw a protective sign opposite the front door. A cross or a special pentagram is used as a protective symbol. After this, you can choose a ritual to attract money and perform it on the new moon.

    New moon rituals and conspiracies to attract money

    The New Moon is a magical time when the Month grows and income grows with it, which is why this time is considered the most effective for performing rituals.

    The simplest ritual.

    On the new moon, you need to pour water into a clean glass and place it on the window until the full moon. On the full moon, you should wash your face with this water and say:

    Just as the Moon was thin and grew fat, so let my house become a full cup!

    Ritual with essential oil for money and success.

    This ritual can be carried out on every new moon and very soon money will appear in your life in sufficient quantities. On the first day of the ceremony, preferably if it is Wednesday or Thursday, you need to collect as much money (paper notes) as possible. Each bill must be lubricated with essential oil.

    Money conspiracies on the new moon have special energy. If the ritual is performed correctly and you believe in success, with each new day of the lunar calendar you will be closer and closer to your cherished goal. New moon rituals are most often performed to develop or attract something. This can be not only the beginning of a new relationship, but also attracting success, financial well-being, prosperity, a new job, and so on.

    Like any other magical actions, conspiracies for financial well-being that are performed on a waxing moon have their own characteristics and distinctive features:

    The new moon is the first day of the lunar calendar.
    The phenomenon itself lasts only a few hours. However, it is common among people to perform rituals for the new moon on the night of the new moon and the first few nights after.
    On the waxing moon, it is advisable to perform only attraction rituals.

    The ideal option is to attract love, new relationships, good luck, financial well-being, prosperity, good work, and so on. It is not recommended to make conspiracies and read prayers for parting, separation, or for selling something.
    New moon rituals should be accompanied by visualization and faith in the result.

    Before the ceremony, you should clearly imagine what you dream about and what you want. And faith in the effectiveness of the ritual will contribute to the speedy fulfillment of your desire: as the moon grows, you will get closer to your goal.

    These simple recommendations for performing rituals on the new moon will help make the plot you choose effective. After all, using a suitable ritual, it will not be difficult to make money flow and prosperity come to the house.

    Rite of desire

    Rituals for the fulfillment of desires, as well as conspiracies for money on the new moon, are done on the waxing moon. For prayers and rituals to be effective, your desire must contain a request for something.

    Be sure to do the ritual for the new month only if you want something to come to you. In order to get rid of something, rituals must be performed on the waning moon.

    This ritual is performed exactly at midnight, but a little preparation is required before the ritual itself. To perform a magical act, you will need a blank sheet of paper, a pen with black ink, a church candle and a glass of holy water.

    Performing the ritual

    Late in the evening, write your wish on a piece of paper with a pen and black ink. It is advisable to formulate it in one sentence of three to seven words. When the wish is written, fold the piece of paper into a small square and imagine that the wish has already come true.

    At midnight, light a piece of paper with a wish from a candle and say the words of prayer:

    “The month is young, the month!
    I wished for the most cherished, the most important, the most desired.
    Make sure that as you grow,
    And so my wish came true.
    I will forgive you for help, I appeal to your strength!
    I trust in your power.

    One repetition of the prayer is enough. After this, the ashes from the piece of paper must be collected and thrown into a glass of holy water with the following words:

    “As it is planned, so it will come true!”
    When the ashes are in the glass, say:
    “Ashes in a glass, my wish will be fulfilled!”

    Now you need to leave the glass of ashes for seven days in a secluded place where no one will see it. And on the eighth day, the water and ashes should be poured out in a deserted place. At this point, the ritual is considered completed and all that remains is to wait for the results.

    Ritual on a banknote

    This ritual for money can be performed once a month on the new moon.

    To perform the ritual, you will need banknotes of various denominations, which should be placed around the apartment on the night of the new moon. It is advisable to do this in places inaccessible to prying eyes: mezzanines, cabinets, drawers, and so on.

    Smoothing the money, say:

    “I’m laying out the money for a young month,
    They will be found with me and multiply. Amen!".

    You need to leave the money laid out for exactly three days. After this period, the bills are collected and spent on household needs. It is believed that the money decomposed and spent will return threefold next month.

    Ritual for the moon with a coin

    To attract financial well-being to your home, you can use a moon ritual with a coin. This spell for money on the new moon will help you become financially independent and make sure that you always live in abundance. To perform the ritual you will need seven yellow metal coins and one church candle.

    At midnight, light a candle and place it on the table in front of you. Take the coins in your right hand and, looking at the moon, say the following words:

    “I hold the right coin in my hand, I have exactly seven of them.
    I attract the power of heaven, I want to increase my coins.
    So that where there were seven of them, a hundred more arrived!
    Where there was a hundred, a thousand became.

    Repeat the words of the conspiracy seven times. When you finish reading the magic words, look carefully at the coins and say:

    “It must be so and nothing else!”

    Leave the charmed coins on the window under the moonlight at night, and try to spend them in the morning. Good luck with money will overtake you in the very near future.

    Ritual at the crossroads

    To attract financial well-being, a ritual at the crossroads can also be used. To perform this ritual you will need several medium denomination bills. The ritual is held at midnight of the new moon at a deserted crossroads.

    At exactly twelve o'clock at night, go to the nearest crossroads, where there is no one to distract you from the ritual. On each of the four sides, read the words of the prayer while holding your money in your right hand:

    “Animals, people and plants live and multiply from the light of the sun,
    And the money comes from the moon.
    So grow my money, multiply, increase,
    Appear in the pockets of God's servant (your name).
    It will be like this.

    When you repeat the conspiracy on each side, bow to the month and you can go home. Try not to spend the money you held in your hand while reading the magic words for one month.

    This ritual is performed with unconditional faith in the result. Then there will always be money in your wallet and in your house.

    Prayers and conspiracies for money on the new moon are considered an excellent magical means for obtaining something. If you want money to be found, a good job to be found, good luck to come, or a new relationship to begin, then money conspiracies on the new moon are the right solution.

    The new moon is a symbol of the beginning.

    The beginning of a new lunar cycle, the beginning of a new life, rebirth, growth.

    This is the right time to attract and call into our lives all the best: love, luck, prosperity.

    It is best to carry out rituals on this day to attract money, material wealth, and financial well-being to the house.

    Money rituals for the new moon begin only after careful preparation. Before any new work, the old ones are finished.

    In this case, it is necessary to prepare the premises for carrying out the necessary ritual procedures. It is recommended to throw away old things, unnecessary trash, and broken items.

    Cleaning before the new moon is a guaranteed result of the success of the planned rituals. After this, you can perform all love and money rituals on the new moon.

    Today we will talk about magical practices and techniques, rituals, etc.

    Any rites and rituals are external influences on the energy of money and attracting it into your life.

    Remember that without a special inner attitude, the results will be tantamount to castles in the sand that exist, but as soon as the surf or wind gets close to them, they are already destroyed.

    To prevent this from happening to you, cultivate an unconditional belief in yourself that you are rich, a willingness to accept money and gratitude for the fact that you receive it.

    Ritual with a paper bill

    Performed in the evening. Take a banknote of any denomination. Write on one side of it with a new pencil or pen: “Abundance, wealth, prosperity,” and on the other side: “Money comes to me easily and often, I attract money.”

    Now place the bill between your two palms, feel its energy and imagine the flow of abundance, at this moment you will feel a slight pulsation in your palms. “Pump” the bill in this way for about five minutes. All this time, think about what is written on it. Now put it in your wallet, from now on it is yours, which will attract money to you.

    Spell for a glass of water

    Considering that the energy of two elements - the Moon and water - are closely related, water is often used to perform rituals for the growing Month

    At night, water is poured into a glass; melt or rain water is better. The glass is placed on the windowsill, the window is opened slightly. The curtains are closed at night. The glass remains alone with the moonlight until the full moon. It is believed that the reflection of water in a glass merges with the growing month and is imbued with lunar energy.

    In the morning, wipe your face with water from a glass. The words of the conspiracy, which are pronounced at your choice, are something like this: “The month was bad, but it became full. The pocket was empty, but it became full.” “A new month was born, and he drank from a glass. Water gains strength, helps me with prosperity” “A wise month, a new month will bring wealth to my house.” Money problems should go away, and an increase, on the contrary, will appear.

    Ritual with essential oil for money and success

    This ritual can be performed on every new moon and very soon money will appear in your life in sufficient quantities. On the first day of the ceremony, preferably if it is Wednesday or Thursday, you need to collect as much money (paper notes) as possible. Each bill must be lubricated with essential oil:

    • rosemary

    After this, the money is folded under the pillow. In the morning, without getting out of bed, you need to count the bills five times. By essential oils for money.

    Ritual for wealth with rice

    On the new moon, you need to take a handful of rice in your right hand and say the following spell:

    “Let the Moon grow, become fuller, let the rice grow and follow the Moon. Let there be as much money in my life as there are grains of rice in the field. Let the Month help me - wealth attracts, let money multiply. Let it be so!"

    The grains are then poured out where you keep your money, into your wallet and a little into your pocket. It is important to save rice grains until the next new moon.

    Wallet manipulation during the new moon

    Starting with the new moon, place your wallet in the room where you sleep, on the right side of the windowsill, before going to bed at night.

    Take it in the morning and use it as usual. In the evening, perform this ritual again, and so on until the full moon. There is only one condition: the wallet should not be empty, there must be at least one paper bill in it. Money starts to come just magically.

    Charging money with the energy of the new moon

    On the day of the new moon, place the bills in different places in your house (apartment) “on top”, on the mezzanine, cabinets, refrigerator, only so that they are not visible to anyone. After three days, all the bills must be collected and spent by buying something pleasant or useful, a necessary item for the home, food, or something that you have long dreamed of, but did not allow yourself to purchase.

    Money saturated with the energy of the “new moon” will attract more and more of its “relatives” throughout the month until the next new moon. And repeat this ritual for him again, you can allocate more money, since you now have enough of it.

    Feminine Abundance Practice

    This is a ritual to attract money for women on the new moon. After dark, place one lit candle in each of the four corners of the room. Stand in the middle of this room, facing north or east (ideally, the window faces one of these directions and you face the window). You need to close your eyes. Now repeat roughly the following words nine times:

    “Great Moon, carrying the energy of feminine abundance, I call you with my heart and ask you to fill my life with prosperity and abundance. Thank you and love you."

    Money garden

    On the new moon, take a clay pot with earth, bury a few coins in the ground (there should be an odd number of them). Now plant any fast-growing seeds; you can purchase seeds of special grass at pet stores that are grown for animals and birds. And along the edges of the pot, stick four matches with their heads up to form the corners of a square, while repeating:

    “Plants grow in my garden, and their fruits are money, you can’t count them!”

    As soon as the first shoots begin to sprout (usually this happens after three to four days, just don’t forget to water every day), money will begin to come to you in the most mysterious and incomprehensible way.

    Materialization of desires on the new moon

    Buy a nice notebook and a pen with colored refills. On the day of the new moon, write in it your most cherished and, at first glance, impossible desires. You need to write only in the present tense, excluding the particle “not” and the word “want”. For example: “I accept with love and gratitude from the Universe (hereinafter your desire) for my good, the good of my family and friends.”

    Write down as many wishes as you want. Gradually everything will come true; on the day of the next new moon, simply write on top of your fulfilled wishes with a rod of a different color: “Thank you, thank you.”

    And then feel free to write down your next wishes. In addition to the desire for certain objects or things, you can write health, indicate a certain amount of money, travel, sports - whatever you want.

    Create your own reality, and the Universe will fulfill your wishes written on the new moon!

    There is never too much money. Everyone knows this. But while money comes quite easily to some, others work hard for many years to achieve at least some kind of financial stability.

    Money spells for the new moon, which are distinguished by incredible power and efficiency, can effectively solve a money problem. Their main secret lies in the amazing influence of the moon, which is in a new phase.

    Main features of “lunar” conspiracies

    Any magical effect is characterized by its own characteristics, and new moon spells for money are no exception.

    The most pronounced differences between such conspiracies include the following:

    • read exclusively on the new moon: according to the rules, rituals must be performed on the night of the new moon, as well as on the first nights after it;
    • choosing a plot for the new month is required from the field of white magic: you should not resort to dark magic, it is fraught with negative consequences;
    • Not all rituals are effective: only conspiracies that differ in their focus on attracting money have the maximum impact;
    • faith in the implementation of the plan plays an important role: in the absence of strong faith, there is no point in even starting a magical ritual;
    • During the ritual, you should clearly visualize what you have planned: you need to formulate your goal in advance and mentally imagine it.

    A preliminary cleansing ritual will also help with this, helping to cleanse the surrounding space to attract money. You will need to wet clean the entire house, adding a pinch of simple table salt.

    It will help to quickly carry out energy cleaning in the premises of the house. You should tidy up with closed windows and doors, trying not to miss a single dark corner.

    Next, take a bell, feathers or an incense stick and ring, fan or fumigate the house all around, starting from the front door and slowly moving clockwise. We should not forget about windows, mezzanines and storage rooms, where there can be a lot of negative energy.

    If you do everything correctly, subsequently almost any money plot for the waxing moon will allow you to gain material well-being.

    A few simple money spells

    In order to improve your financial situation, it is not at all necessary to immediately resort to powerful magical rituals, which can be very complex. You can start with fairly simple conspiracies. Especially those who do not have sufficient knowledge in the field of magic.

    There is no need to doubt: under the influence of the new moon, even the simplest rituals will acquire incredible power and will certainly lead to the desired result.

    As an example, below are the most popular money conspiracies:

    On the water

    With the onset of the new moon exactly at midnight, you need to collect clean drinking water in a small transparent container. Next, place it on a window from which the moon is visible, and leave it standing until the full moon. At night, you need to take a container of water in your hands, and looking intently at the moon, recite the following magical text:

    “It’s a bright and clear month, how you were thin and gained weight again, even if my wallet gets fatter. Let the goodness come into my hands and never diminish! Amen!"

    After repeating the presented plot to make money flow three times, you need to wash your face with water and not wipe it. You will need to immediately pour the water out the window and go to bed with thoughts about future changes for the better.

    The presented ritual often helps the first time, but sometimes it requires repetition. But if you do everything correctly, the result will not be long in coming.

    For coins

    You need to collect all the coins in the house, not counting their number. You need to buy mint, cinnamon or rosemary essential oil at the store and bring it home. On the night of the new moon, you need to drop a drop of oil on each coin.

    When all the coins are ready, you should fold them into a piece of white fabric made from natural fibers and wrap them carefully.

    The resulting bundle should be placed under the pillow and go to bed, thinking about increasing your financial wealth. Early in the morning, without getting out of bed, take out the package, unwrap it and carefully count all the money exactly 7 times.

    After the new moon, you need to go to the nearby market and buy a poppy. But you should buy it exclusively from a woman, without haggling and keeping all the change. Arriving home, an hour before midnight, you need to move the table to the window and spread a dark natural fabric on it, light a red candle.

    Carefully draw an even circle on the fabric using a simple soap. Next, you need to fill the poppy into the circle, trying not to violate the boundaries.

    And say the following spell for the growing moon money:

    “On the far side, in the deep ocean, there is a large island. The land on that island is holy, I’ll walk on it barefoot. I will meet Mother Maria there and ask for financial help. And I will approach the Lord and turn to him, so that he will give me money no less than the poppy seeds scattered on the table. Amen!".

    After repeating the words three times, you should collect the poppy, throw it outside the window and calmly go to bed, blowing out the candle fire.

    Any presented conspiracy for money on the new moon, if performed correctly, will definitely help. You just need to sincerely believe in its implementation. And never forget to work hard and diligently, and also strive for financial wealth through your own efforts.

    Ritual for growing money

      Thanks for the useful article

      Hello. It is written in the spell for coins that you should light a candle on the table and look at the moon. If I am sitting at a table in a room and don’t see the moon because... she’s on the other side of the house, where someone else’s apartment is, or for some other reason. So how can I look at her? Or should I just imagine her there in the sky?

      Hello!) But what to do if the ritual is done on a new moon, and the new moon falls on Monday, and Monday is men's day, I read that if a woman reads conspiracies for herself on men's day, they do not work, what should I do?(

      Tell. Please. I am a Muslim, i.e. Unfortunately, I have nowhere to get a church candle. 🙁 is it possible to do rituals with a regular candle?
      Thank you.