Type 8 failure item at school. Extracurricular event on SBO on the topic: "SBO Experts"

The project was completed within the framework of the SBO course topic “Preparing for a visit.” 1. “I can prepare dessert myself for my guests or as a gift for someone (pie, cupcake, sponge cake, shortbread).” 2. “I will choose a simple recipe from available products.” 3. “I can use semi-finished products.” 4. “I have to find out which dessert the guests think is the best.” The project was completed within the framework of the SBO course topic “Preparing for a visit.” 1. “I can prepare dessert myself for my guests or as a gift for someone (pie, cupcake, sponge cake, shortbread).” 2. “I will choose a simple recipe from available products.” 3. “I can use semi-finished products.” 4. “I have to find out which dessert the guests think is the best.” DESCRIPTION OF THE DESIGN SITUATION.

The goal of the teacher: to create conditions for students to achieve success through independently built consistent project activities. Objectives: - to motivate the student for project activities, - to teach forms of individual work, - to teach independent search for solutions, - to develop the ability to replace missing things (products, equipment) or actions (searching on the Internet for searching in the library) with similar ones, - accompany and advise on all stages of work. The goal of the teacher: to create conditions for students to achieve success through independently built consistent project activities. Objectives: - to motivate the student for project activities, - to teach forms of individual work, - to teach independent search for solutions, - to develop the ability to replace missing things (products, equipment) or actions (searching on the Internet for searching in the library) with similar ones, - accompany and advise on all stages of work. PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT

1. Organizational and preparatory (selecting a project, studying literature on the history of desserts, searching for cream recipes, thinking about technology, economic calculations). 2. Technological (selection of products and equipment according to recipe, making a cake in accordance with the technological map, drawing up useful tips). 3. Final (work analysis, product advertising, oral presentation in class and tasting). 1. Organizational and preparatory (selecting a project, studying literature on the history of desserts, searching for cream recipes, thinking about technology, economic calculations). 2. Technological (selection of products and equipment according to recipe, making a cake in accordance with the technological map, drawing up useful tips). 3. Final (work analysis, product advertising, oral presentation in class and tasting). MAIN STAGES

Financial – 150 rub. (from the family budget) Information - library, Internet, adult advice. Logistics - equipment for the SBO office. Personnel – parents (finance, access to the Internet), SBO teacher (project management), school librarian (literature on the project topic). Financial – 150 rub. (from the family budget) Information - library, Internet, adult advice. Logistics - equipment for the SBO office. Personnel – parents (finance, access to the Internet), SBO teacher (project management), school librarian (literature on the project topic). RESOURCE PLANNING

POSSIBLE RISKS RisksWays to overcome Unpreparedness of students for project activities Support of teachers Low quality of the product of project activities Support of teachers Material and technical problems Interaction with parents, replacement (if necessary) of missing technical means or products with suitable ones.

GOU LO "Siverskaya special (correctional) boarding school"

Project topic:
"Economic ABC"
Project implementation timeline:
2011/2012 academic year.

Project group:
Volkova N.V. - mathematic teacher;
Khilchenko E.Yu. - teacher of social and everyday orientation.

Explanatory note.

The theme of the project “Economic ABC” was not chosen by chance. In our unstable socio-economic situation in the country, it is difficult to navigate even for adults, not to mention children with disabilities.
Having analyzed the results of a study of the level of basic economic knowledge and the ability to solve practical life problems among students in grades 5-10 in 2011, low indicators were revealed for the majority of economic tasks. In 8th grade, the average percentage of correct answers was 36.8%.
The relevance of economic education and schoolchildren in
our days are determined by the need to adapt to dynamically changing socio-economic conditions of life.
Many works by defectologists note that graduates of correctional schools of type 8 schools turn out to be socially helpless in adult life (A.I. Raku, N.V. Ryabova, A.N. Nigaev, N.P. Pavlova, etc.). In reality, they face tougher economic conditions than high school graduates due to weak labor market competitiveness, low wages, and other factors. Many authors (Z.A. Litova, T.S. Teryukova, S.L. Cherner) consider economic education as “a kind of means of social protection,” as a kind of compensatory mechanism that increases the chances of survival in conditions of market competition. Economic training is an important factor in increasing the vitality and resilience of schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities in modern society.
Project goal: Improving the quality of education by creating conditions for more successful socialization and integration into society of mentally retarded students.

formation of socio-economic competencies
developing interest in economic knowledge and understanding of the need for economic literacy in modern life;
consolidation and practical application of knowledge and skills in mathematics and social orientation.
Project type: research.
Object of study: economic education and training of modern schoolchildren.
Subject of research: pedagogical conditions for economic education and training of schoolchildren in a special (correctional) school of type 8.
Hypothesis. The quality of education will increase by creating conditions for more successful socialization and integration into society of mentally retarded 8th grade students if:
socio-economic competencies will be formed;
organize complex integrated events dedicated to the study of the fundamentals of economics, which will be long-lasting;
economic materials will be used in mathematics and social orientation lessons, in various forms of the educational process using traditional and modern methods and means of the pedagogical process;
the results of the growth of socio-economic development of schoolchildren will be monitored;
the attitude of schoolchildren to economic knowledge in general will increase.
Justification of the project “Economic ABC”.
Since in the Siverskaya special correctional school of the VIII type there is no such specialized subject as economics, and economic material is “scattered” in the educational process in different subjects, accordingly, students do not have not only systemic knowledge, but often also elementary ideas about economic knowledge.
One of the ways to solve the problem is to implement a pedagogical project in mathematics and SBE “Economic ABC”.
An interdisciplinary project is a complex event that combines various forms of classroom and extracurricular work. It allows you to concentrate efforts aimed at forming and consolidating knowledge of an economic nature, personal development, and to implement an integrated approach to studying the fundamentals of economics.
Forms of educational process implemented in the project:
1. Interdisciplinary week in mathematics and SBE “Economic ABC” for students in grades 5-10 included:
quiz “Economic ABC”
competition for making an origami wallet,
mini-project “Making a school banknote”, intellectual game “Travel to the Country of Economics”, economic game “Shop”,
fragments of mathematics lessons in grades 10 on the topic “Family Budget”;
2. Educational project for students in grades 7-8 “Maslenitsa. Cooking pancakes":
Collecting information about Maslenitsa, recipes and methods for preparing pancakes;

Excursions to the store;
Cooking pancakes;
Treating students in grades 7-8 with pancakes.
3. An integrated lesson in mathematics and SBE in the 8th grade on the topic “Family Budget”, conducted in the form of an economic game “Family”.
Academic disciplines related to the topic of the project: mathematics, social and everyday orientation.
Project implementation (plan)
Interdisciplinary week in mathematics and SBE “Economic ABC”

Monday 01/30/12
Wednesday 02/01/12
Competition “Making an origami wallet”:
Master Class


Office No. 43

Office No. 43

5-10 grades


Mini-project “Making a school banknote – “Siverychanka””.
Exhibition “Monetary Units of the World”;
Exhibition of school banknotes and summing up the results of the mini-project

Office No. 43

Office No. 43

Office No. 43

5-10 grades

Quiz "Economic ABC".

5-10 grades

Fragment of a mathematics lesson on the topic “Family Budget”

Office No. 43

5-10 grades

15 hours
Game-trip to the country ECONOMY

Office No. 43

5-10 grades

Economic game "SHOP"

Office No. 11

5-10 grades

Educational project “Maslenitsa. Making pancakes."

Collecting information about Maslenitsa, recipes and methods for preparing pancakes

7-8 grades

Class hours on the theme “Maslenitsa”;

Office No. 11 Office No. 43
7-8 grades

Excursions to the store.

7-8 grades

Calculation of the quantity and cost of products for making pancakes.
Office No. 43
7-8 grades

Cooking pancakes;

Office No. 11
7-8 grades

Class hour “Like Shrovetide”
Office No. 11
7-8 grades

Integrated lesson in mathematics and SBE

Lesson topic: “Family budget”
Office No. 43
8th grade

Project materials.
Descriptions of making origami wallets;
Materials for the exhibition “Monetary units of different countries”;
Materials for the design of the stand and the “Economic ABC” quiz;
Synopsis of the intellectual game “Travel to the Country of ECONOMY”;
Presentation for the game “Journey to the Country of ECONOMY”;
Materials for the economic game “Shop”;
Presentation on the topic “Family budget”;
Presentation "Maslenitsa";
A selection of pancake recipes;
Calculations of the quantity and cost of products for preparing pancakes;
Summary of an integrated lesson in 8th grade on the topic “Family Budget”;
Development of a lesson on the interactive whiteboard IP BOARD.

Project results:
. The first survey asked to evaluate the activities of the interdisciplinary week separately. Students were asked to rate according to the following criteria:
“+” - I liked it very much,
“-” - I didn’t like it at all,
“0” - I don’t know.
Questionnaire No. 1

Evaluate the activities of the “Economic ABC” project.
“+” - I liked it very much,
“-” - I didn’t like it at all,
“0” - I don’t know.


Competition "Making an origami wallet"

Mini-project “Making a school banknote – “Siverchanki”

Quiz "Economic ABC"

Intellectual game “Travel to the country of ECONOMY”

Economic game "Shop"

Educational project Maslenitsa. Cooking pancakes"
(for students in grades 7-8)

The survey showed which forms of activities students liked/disliked most
. Results of survey No. 1 (by class)
“+” - I really liked it.








“-” - I didn’t like it at all.









“0” - I don’t know.









The survey results clearly show that students liked the game “Journey to the Country of ECONOMY” more (93.1%0), the educational project “Maslenitsa. Cooking pancakes” (91.2%), the game “Shop” (87.7%). From this we can conclude that the effective use by teachers of intellectual and business games that contribute to increasing interest in economic knowledge. The use of educational projects that form in students independence, the ability to solve practical problems in real conditions, socio-economic competence, increases interest in economics, creates a positive attitude towards learning, cognitive activity, desire to acquire new knowledge.
Despite the fact that students did not highly appreciate the competition of origami wallets, the mini-project “Making a school banknote” of the event, practice has shown that thanks to these events, all students of the school were included in the available activities. And by answering the quiz questions, students were able to learn a lot about economics and apply their economic knowledge. Such activities develop the emotional-volitional sphere and voluntary attention of students, which has a positive effect on improving the quality of knowledge and motivation to learn, and therefore the role of this type of activity should not be underestimated.
Undoubtedly, the use of information, gaming technologies and educational projects during the implementation of the interdisciplinary project “Economic ABC” contributed to increased interest in the basics of economics and the activation of students.

Questionnaire No. 2 (for 8th grade students).
Survey on the topic “Home Economics”.

Choose the correct statement.
The family budget is
Accounting for income and expenses of all family members for a certain period;
Monetary or material resources available to the family during a certain period of time;
Spending, consumption of something over a certain period of time.

Select items of mandatory expenses
Travel payment;
Payment of utility services;
Shoe and clothing repair;
Purchase of personal items;
Buying a phone;
Payment for housing.

Write what ways you know to save your family budget.

You bought:
Bread - 23r.50k.
Sausage – 185 rub. 64 k.
How much does the purchase cost?
(Choose the correct answer)

265 rub. 59 k.

You have a 500 ruble bill. The book costs 185 rub. 50k. How much change will you receive after purchasing the book?
(Choose the correct answer)

Questionnaire No. 3 (for 8th grade students) on the topic “family economics.”
Calculate the income and expenses of a family of 5 people for May 2012.
Will the family be able to buy a bicycle for 6,000 rubles this month?

Father's salary is 18,000 rubles.
Mother's salary is 15,000 rubles.
Grandmother's pension – 9000 rub.
Brother's scholarship - 1000 rubles.
Rent and utility costs - 4000 rubles.
Food expenses - 21000 rub.
Travel fee – 2500 rub.
Buying clothes -2500 rub.
Expenses for cultural leisure - 4000 rub.


This month the family buys a bike for 6,000 rubles. buy. (can, can't)

2. Calculate the purchase price.
Sausages - 190 rub. 80 k.
Butter - 67 rub. 50 k.
How much change will you get from 500 rubles?
Paid for the purchase:
Received change:..

Results of survey No. 2, No. 3

Poll #2
Poll #3





13 8th grade students took part in the survey. The average percentage of tasks completed correctly is 77.5%.
The table shows that approximately half of 8th grade students find it difficult to solve some economic problems. For the majority of students who completed tasks incorrectly, the reason for failure was a low level of computational abilities (2nd option in mathematics for 10 students) and the inability to apply the acquired knowledge in different life situations. Compared to the beginning of the school year, the average level of correctly completed economic tasks increased by 40.7%. The quality of knowledge in 8th grade increased by 5.2%.
The result of the work on the pedagogical project “Economic ABC” for students was:
social maturation, they have become more collected, reasonable, independent, and confident in their abilities;
acquisition of basic skills of behavior in market conditions.
developing interest in the problems of the country’s economy and family, which should become a means of social protection and adaptation to market conditions;
mastering the basics of knowledge about modern economics. The average level of correct answers of 8th grade students to tasks on family economics increased over the school year by 40.5%;
The quality of knowledge in mathematics increased in the 2011/2012 academic year by 1.3% (from 83.3% to 84.6%).

Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions can be drawn:
through the joint efforts of mathematics teachers and SBE at school, a relationship has been achieved between the teaching of these disciplines and the basics of economics;
the interest of schoolchildren in the economy as a whole has increased;
material on the basics of economics has been accumulated;
a holistic system of work on the formation of socio-economic competencies was developed.
To improve the quality of education by creating conditions for more successful socialization and integration into society of mentally retarded children,” work on economic education and training of students in type 8 correctional schools should be continued:
Ways to solve the tasks:
the formation of socio-economic competencies, the ability of students to independently solve problems in various spheres of life, possession of social competencies and the ability to solve practical problems;
expansion of innovation activities through the use of information and gaming technologies, project activities;
economic education of students through the implementation of interdisciplinary programs, projects in a number of subjects, through various forms of extracurricular work;

Improving, systematizing and consolidating knowledge, skills and abilities on all topics studied from 5th to 9th grade. during the lessons.



State government special (correctional)

educational institution of the Republic of Mordovia

"Insar special (correctional) general education boarding school of the VIII type"

Extracurricular activity

"All sorts of things, all sorts of things, all sorts of things..."

Conducted by teacher O.G. Mitroshina.

Item : social and everyday orientation.

Form of implementation: competitive game program (presentation).

Target : improvement, systematization and consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities on all topics studied from 5th to 9th grades.

Tasks: through various anda variety of playful and practical tasks aimed at the social adaptation of students, to repeat, expand the knowledge and skills of students with a view to further applying them in everyday independent life; development of attention, memory, thinking, speech, broadening horizons; correction of perception, personal qualities of students, emotional-volitional sphere; fostering responsibility, mutual assistance, dexterity and dexterity, and goodwill.

Equipment and visibility: cards for completing tasks and exercises; laptop and multimedia device; dishes, tablecloth, cutlery, groceries.

I. Introductory speech. Selection of participants. Explanations for completing tasks. 3

II. Main part.

1. Sl.1 ** "All sorts of things, all sorts of things, all sorts of things."

2 . Sl.2**School photo.Assignment: “Get to know yourself.” “Who is the most attentive and remembers where he stood when he was photographed. How many people are there in total in the photograph? How many people are enrolled in SSB lessons from grades 5 to 9, if there are a total of 84 students in the school, of which 26 students study in primary grades. Name the number of students from grades 5 to 9. (58 hours)

3.Sl.3** Decipher. rЛgівчзнлавя fгліггдірекнза. After decoding opens:

4. Sl. 4** Personal hygiene.

Cl.5** Name the rules of personal hygiene.Who is more detailed? (Students read).Then the rules are closed and the children name from memory.

Comes off Level 6** on carry how many seconds, then closes. The guys depict what is in the pictures (who is more reliable?).

Sl.7**Words got lost. After decoding opens Sl.8**.Clothing and footwear. What depicted? Apron. This is a body wear, kitchen or bed linen?

Practical exercise: who has more dexterity?.

Children stand opposite each other, aprons lie on chairs. You need to put on an apron in a certain time (20 seconds) through one person, that is, one puts it on on one side, and on the other, standing next to it, on the opposite side.

Sl.9**Insert words according to meaning. Check.

Level 10 ** Solve the puzzle: 7I.

Sl.11**Family. Family. Name blood relatives, spiritual and acquired in connection with marriage. (Sheet from the stand).

Sl.12** From The first letters of the words presented form a word.

Sl.13.** Nutrition.

Sl.14**. Who will cook the most dishes from the presented products?Students name the dishes. (Time is recorded).

Sl.15**Guess what is written?

Sl.16** Culture of behavior. Bpits-survey:( Simulate).

1)- Who greets you first when entering a room? (Incoming)

2)- On the street who should say hello first: the one standing

Or passing?

3)- Man and woman enter the room.

Who is first?

4)- The couple needs to go to the theater or cinema hall to the place.

Who goes first? (man)

6)- You came to visit with a gift and flowers.

How should they be presented? How should a birthday boy

(owner) what to do with the gift? (Simulate)

SL.17**What's wrong here?(The glasses are upside down).

SL. 18 **Table setting.

Table manners: in one minute, do you have to arrange the cutlery correctly on the table? Plate, fork, knife,

spoon, glass,

napkin (The dishes are placed in a straight line,

stepping back from the edge of the table at least 4-5 cm, place a knife to the right of the plate with the blade facing the plate, a spoon, and a fork to the left

convex side down, glass on the right.

1) - How should you eat bread and sandwiches?

2) - You have grapes, an apple, an orange on your plate. How should you eat them?

3) - What is a buffet?

4) - How do they eat pastries and cakes?

5)- How to say without words that you have finished eating? Demonstrate it)

Set the table. Eat cakes. Apple.Recognize drinks.(10 glasses with different drinks).Students with their eyes closed must guess the drink.

Sl.19**Figure it out and read it.

SL.20** Housing.

SL.21**a) Name the residential and utility rooms.

DC22.*** B) Section “Housing”. Define the word. From the stand. See appendix.

A bucket for floor washing


Garbage bin

Napkin wet or dry

Floor cloth



1. First take ………… and sweep the floor.

2. Collect garbage in ………………….

3. Put it in ………………………………….

4. Take ………………………… and wipe off the dust.

5. Wash the batteries using ……………….. .

6. To wash the floors, pour water into ………………………….

7. Wipe the floor………………….

Keyword: order

Sl.23 ** guess. Ishyydyyyyyyyysyyyyyayayoyyymyshy.

Sl.24.** Medical assistance. What types of fractures do you know? They call it studying.

SL.25 ** V Quiz "Green Pharmacy".

SL.26***Images of plants for the quiz.

SL 27.** What to plan? Students are figuring it out.
SL 28.**Budget

SL 29.**What do who get?See Appendix Sheets. Learners do.

SL 30.** Spell out the word in

SL 31.** a) Trade. Determine the type of store.Students are determined.

B).See the sheet from the stand. About the coins and the task.

SL 32.** Find yours among strangers.HgqhfyrsdTRANSPORTxzgyrwqnv
SL 33.**

SL 34.** What do they mean? Draw sign them, see the sheets from the stand. Name the traffic rules signs and determine who violated the traffic rules (12 signs).

ST 35.** Connect.

SL 36.** Communications.

SL 37.** WHAT TYPE OF DEPARTURE? Students are reading.

ST 38.** Letter.

SL 39.**Telegram text.(read).

ST 40.** Telegram.

SL 41.** All items were listed in the inventory.(read).

SL 42.** Parcel.

SL 43.** Text of congratulations.

ST 44.** Postcard.

SL 45.** Greeting card.

SL 46.** My daughter sent money by mail.What kind of fix is ​​this?

SL 47.** Postal money order.

SL 48.** Read through one letter. Tarnuodgol upsmtprgokyisvtkvso.
SL 49.**

SL 50.** Name the professions.Sheets from the stand. ( See Attachment)

SL 51.** Who would you like to work with?

SL 52.** a) Image of professions.

SL 53.** Confused girl. Put the numbers in order and read the words.

SL 54.** Institutions and organizations.

ST 55.** - 63** each. Find out the purpose of the buildings in the city of Insara.The slides are shown. The students determine their purpose based on the teacher’s questions.

SL 64.** Thank you. Bottom line. Who is the most oriented in our life?

Project “DUST: mysterious and... dangerous” by SBO

Project work plan.
Project name a: “DUST: mysterious and... dangerous”
Academic subject: SBO
Student composition: 7th grade
Project type: informational.
Project goals:
Forming in students an idea of ​​the harmful composition of dust for humans.
Familiarization with hygienic dust control techniques.
Developing educational cooperation skills.
Project objectives:
Teach creativity and research.
To develop children’s cognitive activity, the ability to independently find material, organize it, analyze it, and make generalizations.
Foster the desire and need to carry out high-quality cleaning of the premises
Project issues:
Fundamental question:
Dust damage and methods of dealing with it
Problematic issues:
Why is dust harmful?
What can everyone do to stay healthy?
Study questions:
Composition of dust.
Rules for working with a vacuum cleaner.
Hygienic requirements.
The role of the teacher in project activities:
Help children find sources of information.
Be your own source of information.
Encourage students to be active while working on the project.
Project implementation forms:
Working with literature (visiting the library)
Research on the presence of dust in school premises
Poster design.
Creation of social advertising.
Creation of a booklet-memo on the topic: “Dust and human health”
Conversations with medical workers.
Implementation of the project.
Stage 1. Start.
At this stage, the topic and goals of the project are determined, students are divided into groups and given an assignment.
Group 1 “Researchers” work with books, find information about the composition of dust.
Group 2 “Pathfinders” work with Vaseline sheets and find dusty rooms.
Group 3 “Technicians” collect information about the design of an electric vacuum cleaner.
Group 4 “Biologists” find information about indoor plants that fight dust.
Stage 2. Planning.
Distribution of roles in the group, selection of information sources.
Discussion in the group and with the teacher, work in the library,
Stage 3. Study.
Collecting material for messages and presentations. Discussion in a group and with a teacher, work in the library, the Internet, at home with parents. Creating a speech and presentation.

Stage 4. Project protection.
Presentation of your report.
Stage 5. Reflection.
Oral discussion of the project and its results.
Project product:
Multimedia presentation.
Material about the dangers of dust (to help the teacher).
Poster “About the dangers of dust.”
Creation of social advertising.
Booklet-memo on the topic: “Dust and human health”

Progress of the lesson - project.

1. Organizational moment.
2. Activation of attention.
Game “Applause”: clap those who washed their face today, clap those who smiled today, clap those who are ready to work.
3. Report the topic of the lesson.
"Dust: mysterious and...dangerous"
Today we have an unusual lesson. Lesson - project defense. You will be in the role of teachers, presenting your materials, teaching others.
Lesson plan:
1. Project protection.
Dust message.
Research results.
Vacuum cleaner device.
"Dust Fighters"
2. Game "Know-It-All".
3. Lesson summary.
Objective of the project: convince others that dust is hazardous to health and must be dealt with.
We divided into 4 groups.
1st group “Researchers” - had to study the composition of the dust, its
impact on human health; ways to combat dust.
Group 2 “Pathfinders” - determine the level of dust in the school premises.
Group 3 “Techniques” - Study the structure of a vacuum cleaner.
Group 4 “Biologists” - Learn about indoor flowers - “dust fighters”.
Project protection.
A) Performance by the group “Researchers”
DUST is the smallest particles of solids. HOME DUST
contains wool, lint, fungi, bacteria and the most unpleasant thing - dust mites. In a day, a person inhales about 24 kg of air, which contains up to 6 billion dust particles (2 tablespoons of dust). In a standard apartment, up to 40 kg of dust is formed per year; it is present in the air, grows in house dust PRESENTATION

B) Performance by the group “Pathfinders”
If you have questions for group members, ask.
There are score sheets on your desks. Rate the group's performance. If everything was clear and interesting to you - rating 5, if there were any shortcomings - 4...
What rating did you give, and why?
B) Performance by the group “Techniques”
The main parts of the vacuum cleaner: body, hose, tube, nozzle.
- But besides this, there are elements of the case: handle, plug, cord, filter, dust collector.
1. Check the dust container.

6. Press the button.

If you have questions for group members, ask.
There are score sheets on your desks. Rate the group's performance. If everything was clear and interesting to you - rating 5, if there were any shortcomings - 4...
What rating did you give, and why?

D) Performance by the group “Biologists”
If you have questions for group members, ask.
There are score sheets on your desks. Rate the group's performance. If everything was clear and interesting to you - rating 5, if there were any shortcomings - 4...
What rating did you give, and why?
Now let's check how carefully you listened to each other. For a correct answer you get a token. Let's see who gets the most.
1) “Truth” - “lie”.
You have signal cards. I say a statement; if it is true, the signal is green; if it is false, it is red.
2) Assembling the vacuum cleaner.
Practical task: assemble a vacuum cleaner. A student from the “Techniques” group in the role of an expert.
A vacuum cleaner is a device for removing dust and dirt by sucking air flow.
Main parts of the vacuum cleaner:
a tube
(Attach labels to the main parts of the vacuum cleaner.)
- But besides this, there are elements of the case: handle, plug, cord, filter, dust collector, power button.
Before you start working with the vacuum cleaner, you need to prepare it.
1. Check the dust container.
2. Insert the flexible hose into the housing opening.
3. Install the desired brush attachment on the tube.
4. Pull the cord out of the vacuum cleaner body.
5. Plug the plug into the socket.
6. Press the button.
Showing the preparation method and work order.
-Since the vacuum cleaner is an electrical device, you must follow the rules of safe operation.
1. Before turning on the vacuum cleaner: * check the serviceability of the power cord and plug; * 2. Do not use the vacuum cleaner on wet surfaces. 3. Do not turn on the vacuum cleaner with wet hands. 4. Make sure the dust collector is full. 5. If the vacuum cleaner breaks down, contact a repair shop.
3) Label the main parts of the vacuum cleaner.
4) Find indoor flowers.
Place cards with plant names next to these flowers. They are in our class. Expert from the “Biologists” group.
5) Arrange the stages of cleaning your living space in order.
Lesson summary.