Wedding anniversary posters. Wedding posters: draw it yourself or trust the professionals! What is the difference between whole and cut poster

The ransom of the bride is a custom that has been preserved for many centuries. True, now it has lost its original meaning and has been preserved only as a beautiful, interesting tradition and a reason to have fun. Usually everything looks quite simple: at the entrance / entrance to the bride's house, the groom is greeted by guests, the entrance is decorated with balloons, ribbons, garlands.

However, despite the joyful emotions, a certain tension is felt, as if everyone is waiting for the command: “Start the fun!”. To give the holiday a relaxed, light atmosphere, you can use posters for the ransom of the bride. Various funny inscriptions and drawings on the wedding theme will create the desired mood of the guests and slightly divert their attention from the bride and groom, for whom being on public display can be somewhat burdensome.

How to issue

The bridesmaids are usually involved in the selection of posters - in such a way that the slogans complement the ransom scenario, prepared jokes, contests. Of course, comic posters should coexist with congratulations on your wedding day, sincere wishes for many years and a happy family life.

Drawings and inscriptions can be very different - it all depends on the imagination of the girlfriends. You should prepare several posters with tasks for the groom.

These can be either posters that indicate what the groom should do, or peculiar riddles (a large rebus poster, a colorful puzzle, etc.). A few posters with cartoons of young people, mixed with caricatures on the topic of marriage, family life, and raising children, will not interfere.

You should not be too zealous with posters, so that their excess does not turn the bride's entrance into an exhibition of folk art. In this case, a sense of proportion is important.

You can also use posters stylized as political slogans from the times of the USSR. For example, depicting ruddy, sporty look a young man with a girl with the inscriptions:

  • “Give marriage with a sign of quality!”;
  • “Hail to the best builders of a happy family!”

Or the poster might have a comically stern man asking:

  • "Did you redeem the bride?"
  • “Have you prepared for family life?”

Photo collage is another way to decorate a wedding. It can be designed as a wedding wall newspaper, with photos from the life of the newlyweds and playful notes, in a news format below them. Making such a collage is quite simple. Nice pictures bride and groom, witty remarks, a few funny cartoons - and attention to the "wall newspaper" is guaranteed.

After the wedding, you can leave it as a keepsake.

Posters can be supplemented with original leaflets on A4 paper. You can place humorous ads or parting words to the groom on them:

  • “We sell the bride - we take it very expensive, if you don’t want it - whatever you want. We will always find a groom!
  • “The bride is not subject to return and exchange!”;
  • "Never criticize your wife's choice, because she chose you!"

The easiest way to buy posters. In stores or on the market, a wide selection of printed materials dedicated to this topic. You can choose a set of posters, posters, printed phrases, made in the desired color scheme of the desired format, suitable for the style of the wedding and corresponding to the taste of the newlyweds and their guests.

Another option is to order posters from a printing company.

Of course, this will require certain financial costs, since each poster will require a separate layout, but these are justified expenses.

Designers and artists of the enterprise will offer a choice of typical poster layouts, which can be adjusted in accordance with your wishes or ordered an absolutely unique product.

And finally, you can make posters with your own hands. Of course, to implement such a project, you must at least be able to draw funny comical faces. However, most likely, among the girlfriends (friends) there is a person with similar skills.

When preparing decorations for the bride price, you should not stop at any one type of posters. Hand-drawn posters will organically complement those bought or made to order.

If everything is more or less clear with the purchase of ready-made posters, then those who decide to make posters with their own hands will not interfere with a few general tips. First of all, you need to prepare materials for work:

  • thick paper of various sizes (A0–A4), as well as paper for sketches, sketches;
  • multi-colored paper for applications;
  • photos of the bride and groom;
  • simple and colored pencils, felt-tip pens;
  • gouache or watercolors;
  • decorations (bows, ribbons, balloons) to further decorate the posters.

Materials should be chosen of high quality so that the paper does not tear from the slightest breath of the wind, and the paint does not stain the participants in the celebration.

Choosing plots for pictures, you should focus on the style of the wedding.

So, for example, traditional images of the bride and groom, funny little ones and the like, are suitable for a traditional wedding and will be acceptable (more or less) on a stylized one. But still, if the ransom posters match the style of the wedding, then the impression of the holiday will become more complete.

So, at a biker wedding, traffic cops, of course, demand a ransom, and the posters are designed accordingly (traffic signs, jokes inherent in this particular subculture, etc.).

When making posters with your own hands, do not worry - any outstanding talents will not be needed here. The main thing is that the font is large, the inscriptions are easy to read, and the images are funny and catchy.

It is not necessary to achieve a portrait resemblance to the heroes of the celebration (there is a photo for this), however, just like with any characters. It is undesirable to assign responsibility for the design of posters for the bride price to one person. It is better if it will be a kind of "creative team".

One person draws well, another knows how to compose playful quatrains, the third is simply witty and creative, the fourth has access to photos of the bride and groom.

In this video - several options for wedding posters for the ransom of the bride:

By combining their efforts, they can achieve an excellent result in the end and add brightness and personality to the wedding.

Help in preparing for the wedding from loved ones, even in such an insignificant matter as the design of wedding posters, is a serious moral support for the bride and groom. After all, what could be more important than the sincere participation of friends and relatives?

The rite of redemption of the bride is a very old tradition. Today, this component of the wedding scenario has lost its original meaning and remains only as a cheerful anticipation of the main celebration.


The ransom begins when the groom appears at the bride's house. There, guests meet the future husband and ask him many interesting tasks to appreciate his intelligence, dexterity and generosity. The room for the wedding, where the ransom takes place, is usually decorated with garlands, balloons, and satin ribbons.

To bring a touch of originality to the holiday, you can hang posters for the bride price with cool inscriptions, with children's photos.


Most often, the responsibility for choosing posters falls on the shoulders of the bridesmaids. Since they are familiar with the ransom scenario, it will not be difficult for them to pick up streamers in addition to the trials conceived by the groom. It is good if, along with quotes or poetic slogans, the poster contains wedding congratulations and pleasant wishes. Ransom posters can be hand-drawn posters with tasks, puzzles, crossword puzzles. Posters with cartoons of newlyweds, funny pictures of family life, kisses, caricatures on the topic of raising children would be appropriate. Do not make too many posters, as the room will look clumsy and overloaded.

For lovers of Soviet slogans, it is recommended to prepare appropriate posters with somewhat comical inscriptions: “Are you prepared for family life?”, “Give marriage with a quality mark!” and others. As characters, a girl and a guy of athletic build can be used. A great option for a wedding poster is a photo collage. It can be made in the form of a wall newspaper with images of the main characters of the day and playful comments. It is very easy to make such a poster with your own hands. It is enough to have some interesting joint photographs of the newlyweds for printing, add humorous statements and a couple of cartoons to the wall newspaper. Such creativity can become not only an attribute of the wedding scenario, but also a real memorable gift for the young.

You can also attach leaflets in A4 format to the posters. Write on them playful parting words for the future spouse from the series: “The bride is not subject to return and exchange!” and others. The easiest way to stock up on posters is to buy them at the store. Among the wide range of assortment, you can choose the necessary inscriptions, background and the required color scheme poster. If you want to create unique posters, you can order them in the printing industry. True, this will require some cash costs. Print professionals can offer several layout options that can be used as the basis for a poster, making the appropriate adjustments. If you wish, you can order absolutely original posters for printing.

In addition to purchased posters, you can create some DIY holiday decorations. It is good if among the bridesmaids one or two can draw beautifully, including comic scenes. For those who do not have such a gift, we can advise you to participate in the design with lips: leave a bright kiss on the poster.

DIY manufacturing

Before you start making posters, you must have at hand all the materials that will be required during the work:

  • thick paper of different sizes;
  • surface for sketches and experiments;
  • colored paper for cutting;
  • colored pencils and graphics;
  • markers;
  • paints (any consistency);
  • photos of the newlyweds;
  • decorative elements (satin ribbons, balls, bows).

The materials must be good quality so that neither paper nor other elements are torn or frayed by the wind before the start of the holiday, and the paint does not stain the dresses and costumes of the guests. Scenes for drawing should be selected in accordance with the style of the wedding celebration. For a classic event, you can limit yourself to the traditional image of the young. For a stylized wedding, such pictures are suitable, but in limited quantities.

It is better to select posters in full accordance with the theme, then they will harmoniously merge into a common holiday. For example, if the newlyweds are representatives of biker circles, posters should contain certain statements that are understandable only to “their own”, images of road signs, traffic police posts. If the event takes place on a ship or simply in "a la nautical style", then among the indispensable attributes on the banners should be the sea, boats, spouses at the helm. If the theme of the wedding is permeated with oriental flavor, you can illustrate the posters with sakura, under which the newlyweds are sitting.

The posters designed in accordance with the favorite film adaptation of the young will be interesting. It can be a film (including a horror film), a cartoon or a program (“Guess the Melody”, “One Hundred to One” and others). Do not worry about the artistic value of the image. When making posters, no outstanding talent is required. It is enough that all statements are written large and legible, and the illustrations are interesting and comical. No one requires the similarity of the painted bride and groom with real faces. This is not the main thing in the design of wedding stretch marks.

You should not give the task of making posters to one person. It is better if it is 5-6 girlfriends who can prove themselves in any one area: poetry, illustration, creative design.

If it is difficult to come up with an original poster on your own, you can peep options on the Internet and borrow something from there, for example, humorous phrases. Beautifully and brightly designed posters will create the necessary festive mood, surprise and delight the main heroes of the occasion.

The ransom is considered one of the most fun moments at a wedding celebration. The process is especially provocative if it is organized by the bridesmaids. It is on their shoulders that responsibility must be placed.

The girls know the groom and his friends well, so they will be able to guess contests for them. In addition, girlfriends often come up with the most tricky tasks that the groom's friends and future spouse perform with great difficulty. In this article, we will look at how to make an original wedding poster for the ransom of the bride with our own hands.

What kind of ransom posters to make?

The beauty of a ransom is that it's a great opportunity to fool around. Pampering is manifested not only in the organization of the event itself, but also in the decorative elements present at the celebration. For example, it is customary to decorate the girl's entrance and apartment with special posters.

You want a holiday at a wedding everywhere and always. Everything is shrouded in a cheerful, sunny and perky mood. But the same cannot be said about the entrance, which the groom and bridesmaids will have to enter. As a rule, this is a rather dirty, and even gloomy place. But you can decorate it too, you can do it quite easily by drawing beautiful posters.

There are several types of wedding posters. The inscription itself will depend on which option you choose.

Decorative elements differ in the purposes of use:

  1. For decoration - this is the most popular and common option.
    In itself, it does not carry any symbolism. Not always on such sheets there are inscriptions. Often this is just a beautiful image of flowers or a married couple. It is possible to make decoration in the style of the bride and groom, adding something personal to the ransom itself. In this case, you will need to print joint photos, for example, from a love story, print them out and place them on the wall in the entrance. One of the most common options is the image of the bride, which is printed on a large sheet. At the bottom of such an image, there is always the inscription “Stop the groom, do not move, the bride lives here.” On the one hand, this is exactly the option that will not only beautifully decorate the entrance, but also help the other guests to understand that they nevertheless came to the celebration itself correctly.
  2. To help organize competitions, these are less common options.
    But them in without fail you need to do it yourself. On such sheets, the shapes of different lips are usually depicted, asking the groom to guess the lips of his beloved. Or it is customary to lay out children's photos so that the young man decides where his love is.

As for the very use of posters at the celebration, in this case it is necessary to stop in time. Despite their beauty, you should not use them in large quantities. The drawing itself is very bright and original, so adding them in large quantities to the wall, you can get even more vulgarity and clumsiness.

DIY posters

There is a wide range of posters currently available in stores. They can be purchased freely at a fairly low price. But just 10 years ago, there was no such variety, so all the bridesmaids drew posters on their own.

Now everything less girls resort to this type of creativity, but if you approach the mind, you can not only recreate the atmosphere of the 90s, but make a truly beautiful product.

Suffice it to recall that manual work is now very highly valued. Scrapbooking products look especially beautiful. A similar technique can easily be applied to a wedding poster.

In order to make a beautiful product, you will need to purchase the following material:

  • whatman;
  • application paper;
  • scissors;
  • simple pencil;
  • paints;
  • decorative ornaments.

Try not to choose the cheapest materials. Otherwise, even the most original and beautiful idea will look ridiculous.

Pay attention to the inscriptions. They not only have to be cool and original. The main thing that will distinguish them is accessibility and easy reading. In the event that you draw poorly, you can always use the cut out pictures. At the same time, the decoupage technique is applicable, where the pattern is transferred to the object. On it, it looks as natural and organic as possible.

Variants of cool inscriptions on posters

The semantic load itself will depend, first of all, on the stylization of the celebration. In the event that you have the most ordinary wedding, without too much style, then pay attention to the simplest images of doves, children or a wedding couple.

The following expressions can be used as labels:

  1. If you go straight - you will get to the bride, if you go to the left - you will get to the neighbors.
  2. Do not skimp on the bride, lay out the money.
  3. Redeem the bride as soon as possible, your happiness will be appropriate.
  4. Tili-tili dough, the bride lives here.
  5. The fun begins.
  6. The wedding is taking place here.
  7. Greetings to the best creators of family life.
  8. A happy family is the key to success.
  9. We value the bride, we will give it only for money.
  10. Our glorious poet groom, in honor of his wife, composed a couplet.

In the event that a stylized party is taking place, then it is necessary to choose more appropriate inscriptions. For example, at a biker party, everything should be the right theme. If the bride and groom work as teachers, then they can put marks and draw a poster in the form of a diary.

Fantasize about the newlyweds' common interests, hobbies, or jobs. They will be much more pleased if the posters drawn specifically for their ransom are more individual.

Modern alternative to ransom

Not at all celebrations it is customary to arrange a traditional ransom. Nowadays, more and more weddings are abandoning the previously obligatory element. Already less people wants to participate in competitions and organize them. For many, this is a relic of the past.

In fact, there is simply no clear answer regarding the ransom. Each couple decides for themselves whether they need a similar element at the celebration.

In any case, it is worth knowing what alternatives are. For example, you can organize a spectacular arrival of the groom. It can be done completely different ways. One option is to appear in front of the bride in a luxury car. It can be a limousine or a huge SUV.

The groom can invite a small orchestra and perform a serenade under the windows of the bride. This is a kind of romantic sign that will delight the bride. In addition, the use of balls in the entrance itself is also acceptable. The girl, leaving the threshold, will be delighted to see not the previous boring blue walls, but balls and rose petals everywhere.


The bride and groom are the real creators of not only their own happiness, but also the marriage ceremony, so they are allowed to remove some rituals, add new ones from themselves. There is nothing wrong with this. The main thing is that all this brings a real feeling of happiness, peace and love of a young married couple.

There are many options for decorating the festive room where the newlyweds will spend time with guests: this air balloons, all kinds of garlands, fresh flowers, ribbons, fabrics. One of the decor elements of the hall is colorful, original posters. They can be congratulatory, funny, playful. It is easy to make wedding posters with your own hands - it will bring a lot of pleasure during production, will serve as a wonderful decoration for the hall for the celebration.

DIY wedding posters

This type of room decor has several significant advantages: a poster can hide wall defects - cracks, dents, create an additional festive mood, and attract the attention of guests. From such a poster, you can make a collage with photographs of the bride and groom, using funny inscriptions drawn in bright paint or printed, various drawings reflecting future family life, photo wallpapers. Show your imagination by coming up with interesting poster content.

With the names of the newlyweds

A poster with a laconic text, where only the names of the spouses will be written, will be an excellent option for decorating the hall for a celebration. Take a rectangular sheet of paper, a pencil, with thin lines draw the outline of letters, flowers, hearts, rings - whatever you want to depict. After - paint the work with gouache or watercolor. If you're unsure of your artistic ability, use stencils that are easy to find online.

For the ransom of the bride

Do-it-yourself wedding posters for ransom will create an additional atmosphere. There may be girlfriends demanding money from the groom, as well as various funny tasks for the groom during the ransom, poems, jokes that fit the occasion. What can be thematic posters for ransom, see the photo below.

For a wedding photo shoot

You can make DIY wedding posters for a photo shoot. They should reflect the event, and most importantly, decorate the pictures. Make garlands that will hang in the background, or unusual props made of thick paper - arrows, signs: spouses will hold them. To make your photos look good, approach the work in an original way, because this wedding prop will forever capture the camera.

For the wishes of the young

Wish posters are a classic decoration. You can simply write all sorts of congratulations of happiness and love - they will not only please the eye, but will also help guests who are not masters of toasting, quickly navigate by looking at the poster. There is another option: hang an empty sheet of drawing paper, hang a marker on a thread next to it - let the guests decorate it with congratulations, and the newlyweds will take the poster as a keepsake after the holiday.

For wedding anniversary

DIY wedding anniversary posters can be made in the form of a collage of photographs of a married couple together. It will be a wonderful surprise prepared by relatives, friends, and can also be independent work spouses: creating a poster will surely bring the couple even closer.

Cool, comic options with photos

Wedding posters need to be made funny, cheerful, using classic undying jokes about the mother-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, the burden of legal marriage, future little ones - this topic will surely amuse the guests, dilute the solemn mood with a share of healthy humor. Color funny posters will decorate the restaurant hall, provide a pleasant relaxed atmosphere of the holiday.

Funny wedding phrases, inscriptions, slogans

Funny sayings, inscriptions can become a wonderful decoration for a banquet hall. You can come up with something yourself using your talent, as well as apply the good old jokes that you find on the net. Expressions that will decorate a wedding poster during a gala dinner with guests:

  • “Beauty to the crown, mind to the end!”
  • "Love is blind, but marriage is an amazing eye doctor"
  • “To whom it is bitter, but to us it is sweet!”

Beautiful poster design ideas. Where to download templates?

A classic wedding poster wishing the newlyweds advice and love is a beautiful design idea. You can find ready-made layouts of this simple decoration option on thematic sites. For example, on Together, Tili-Testo. com, Kemerovo
Below you can see examples of ready-made posters and download them.

It is also necessary to follow the concept of the wedding, if any. At the maritime celebration, posters illustrating ships, the sea, spouses who are at the helm and go on a long voyage together will look interesting. If this is an oriental-style wedding, draw cherry blossoms, rose petals and a couple standing under them.

The original ideas shown in the video below will help you create beautiful DIY wedding posters:

How to make a bright, memorable poster

Give the newlyweds a poster that reflects them future life: draw a child, beautiful house, car, suitcases symbolizing travel. This bright decision will touch the husband and wife, they will surely keep it. Make a wedding poster from the heart, then it will forever be remembered by the heroes of the occasion.

A poster created for a wedding celebration will be a pleasant highlight of the holiday. You can use ready-made ideas for jewelry or come up with your own, the main thing is to be guided by your taste.