Translation and meaning of ST in English and Russian. English abbreviations and abbreviations What does st mean in English

Dates in English sound quite different from the addition of numbers we are used to. Here, a different order of pronunciation and writing of numbers is sometimes used. Each group of ordinal numbers has its own characteristic ending.
1st, 21st, 31st - firstthe first
2nd, 22nd - second
3rd, 23rd - third

Other numbers end in - th:
7th, 10th, 27th, 14th, 30th

How to write the date in letters in English

When you write date in english, don't put any or . The only exceptions are official correspondence and other business contracts. In such cases, there is usually no dot after the date. If you are writing a letter, then the date in English is usually written under the address in the same corner. The month in the letter is abbreviated if the place is limited, and the number of letters in the name of the month exceeds 4 (November - Nov.). It looks something like this:


Dec. 6th, 2015 or 6 Dec. 2015 or December 6, 2015

In principle, the date can be indicated by numbers. Only in this case, one should take into account the difference between the American and British versions of the designation. The fact is that Americans in letters indicate first the month, then the day and year.
September 15, 2015 — 09.15.15 or 09/15/15

See the date format for the Unified State Examination and the OGE.

In the British written language, the more familiar spelling is preferred. The date is immediately indicated, the next month in line, and at the end - the year.
September 15, 2015 — 15.09.15 or 15/09/15

How to say the date in English verbally

Indicating the year, divided into 2 halves. Immediately we pronounce the number of hundreds, followed by the subsequent number of tens and ones. Zero is sometimes pronounced as "ou" [əu].

1915 - nineteen fifteen

1905 - nineteen oh five

In 1915 - in nineteen fifteen

2000 - two thousand

2009 - two thousand nine

Date pronunciation example:

1) On the twenty-third of April, twenty-thirteen;

The English language uses a huge number of abbreviations.

Some of them, such as Mr or usa, understandable even to those who do not speak the language. Others are generic, such as P.S. or IQ. There are also abbreviations used only in written language, such as e.g., i.e.. or etc.

This article lists some commonly used abbreviations.

people and organizations

BBC= British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC, British Broadcasting Corporation)

EU= European Union (EU = European Union)

USA= United States of America (USA = United States of America)

UN= United Nations (UN = United Nations)

PM= Prime Minister (Prime Minister)

MD= Medical Doctor (doctor)

MP= Member of Parliament (Member of Parliament)

Time and dates

A.D.= Anno Domini (the time of our era, from the birth of Christ). The abbreviation has the same meaning. BCE(Before Common Era)

BC= Before Christ (time before our era). Instead of BC abbreviation can be used CE, which stands for Common Era.

Written forms only

Mr= Mister (Mr.)

Mrs\u003d a married woman (Madam, put before the name of a married woman)

Ms= a woman who may be single or married (Mistress, placed before the woman's surname, regardless of her marital status)

St= Saint (Saint. For example, St Paul - St. Paul)

St= Street (street. For example, Baker St - Baker Street)

Dr= Doctor (dr, doctor)

etc.(et cetera) = and so on (and so on)

e.g.(exempli gratia) = for example (for example, for example)

i.e.(id est) = that is (that is)

Other abbreviations

AKA= Also known as

ASAP= As soon as possible (as soon as possible)

ATM= Automated Teller Machine (ATM)

btw= By the way (by the way)

CV= Curriculum Vitae (summary)

DIY= Do it Yourself (do it yourself)

DOB= Date of Birth (date of birth)

FAQ=Frequently Asked Questions

FYI= For Your Information

GMO= Genetically Modified Organism (genetically modified organism)

HR= Human Resources (human resources department)

ID= Identification (identity card)

IQ= Intelligence Quotient (intelligence quotient)

IMHO= In my humble opinion

lol= Laugh out loud (LOL, laugh out loud)

P.S.= Post Script (postscript, postscript)

PC= Personal Computer (personal computer)

PR= Public Relations (public relations)

RIP= Rest in Peace (rest in peace)

SOS(SOS) is an international distress signal sent using Morse code. It is a three-dot-three-dash-three-dot sequence. Already after the signal began to be widely used, the abbreviation SOS was invented various meanings, such as Save Our Souls (save our souls), Save Our Ship (save our ship), Stop Other Signals (stop other signals).

departure date most often indicated in the upper right corner, immediately below the sender's address (if any).
There are several options for writing the date:
September 7, 1990
September 7th, 1990
September 7, 1990
September 7th, 1990

Option September 7, 1990 is currently the most common, however, many manuals attribute it to the American version (as well as September 7th, 1990), a September 7, 1990 and September 7th, 1990 to classic British.

The date does not include prepositions or the definite article (with the exception of official letters and business documents). After the date, the dot is usually omitted.

When writing an English date, you should remember the peculiarities of using the endings of ordinal numbers in English:
1st, 21st, 31st - fir st the first
2nd, 22nd - seco nd second
3rd, 23rd - thi rd third

In all other cases, ordinal numbers have the ending th:
7th, 10th, 27th, 14th, 30th

However, as a rule, when designating a date in a letter, these endings are not currently used.

For the use of English ordinal numbers, see Ordinal Numerals / Ordinal Numerals

Month names are often abbreviated:
April - Apr.
October - Oct.

The date can also be indicated in numbers, but the American version should be taken into account:
December 22, 1990 - 12/22/90 or 12/22/90

and the British version:
day month Year
December 22, 1990 - 12/22/90 or 22/12/90

Also about dates:

Remember, at school we wrote in a diary rus lit., English, PE? Then there were cm, km, l, kg... And if you sit down at the old university notes, you can find a special language in general, for example:

Starting from the 2nd half of the twentieth century in liters, considered as 1 of the middle of the communes of education and reproduction

Abbreviation or abbreviation

is the designation of words with initial letters ( USA, RF), shortening long words ( social, phone) or a kind of truncation of words or phrases ( sv-in, man). Our ancestors at one time achieved significant success in the use of abbreviation - what is that very DAZDRAPERMA(I translate for the younger generation: Long live the first of May!) or recently met a pearl KUKUTSAPOL- a? how do you?! That's great - Corn - the queen of the fields!!!

But back to our time. Abbreviations can be generally accepted, for example, measures of weight, length, and others. physical quantities, and their own, understandable to one or several people - here the abstract of any student will serve as an example (it’s better to go to a lecture than to rewrite from a friend later).

Abbreviations in English

Very often, students starting to learn a language come across abbreviations in textbooks and dictionaries. Below are some of the most common abbreviations. First, dictionaries necessarily indicate what part of speech the word is:

n - noun - noun
v - verb - verb
adj - adjective - adjective
adv – adverb - adverb
pron - pronoun - pronoun
prep - preposition - preposition
num - numeral - numeral
conj - conjunction - union

The following symbols may also appear:

Br E - British English - used in British English
Am E - American English - used in the American version
obj - object - addition
C / U - countable / uncountable - countable / uncountable (usually we are talking about nouns)
pl - plural - plural
s / sing - singular - singular
poss - possessive - possessive
pp - past participle - past participle
syn - synonym - synonym
colloq - colloquial - colloquial (the word is usually used in colloquial speech)
abbr - abbreviated - abbreviated (actually, what we are talking about here)
no - number - number
doc - document - document
p - page - page
ex - exercise - exercise

Now some Latin abbreviations:

a.m. /p.m. (ante meridiem/post meridiem)– before noon / after noon (It is worth noting here that both Europeans and Americans have difficulty accepting our 24-hour system, so instead of 18:00 it is better to use 6 pm. Also, be careful with time zones - if you, for example, take English lessons via Skype, always check the time difference with the teacher.)
e.g. (exampli gratia) - for example. In colloquial speech it is better to say example
etc. (et cetera) – and so on. Again, it will sound more natural in speech and so on
i.e. (id est) - that is. We speak that is…
NB (nota bene) - attention!
AD (Anno Domini) - AD. As a rule, we pronounce the letters of the abbreviation ( hey dee)
BC - BC. A little out of place, because the English phrase - Before Christ. We also pronounce letters, as in the alphabet.
CV - curriculum vitae - a summary, however, is typical for British English, Americans prefer to speak resume
vs (versus) - against, compared with. We pronounce the Latin word in the English manner - ["vɜ:səs]

And a few more common of English language abbreviations:

Mr - Mister - Mr.
Mrs - Mistress - mistress
Ms - miss - also a lady, we use it as an appeal to both a married and an unmarried woman, we pronounce , unlike Miss - an appeal to a girl.
St - Street or Saint - the same abbreviation for the street and for the saint.
B&B - Bed and Breakfast - hotel (respectively, "bed and breakfast")
DIY - Do it yourself - do it yourself (toys for adult uncles)
FAQ – frequently asked questions- frequently asked questions (it occurs so often that even without decoding it is clear what it is about)
OAP - old-age pensioner - pensioner
GMT - Greenwich Mean Time - Greenwich Mean Time
AC/DC – alternating current / direct current- alternating / direct current (there is in every instruction for electrical appliances)

I hope these abbreviations will help you a little in learning English, because you will definitely meet them. Yes, you can’t get away from abbreviations, they exist in any language ... I wrote about any language, and thought - but what about, interestingly, the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans with their hieroglyphs? Do they cut anything? I know for sure that they are using the Latin alphabet more and more, especially in chats, in SMS, in Skype. But the abbreviations in online communication will be discussed in the next article.

Translation and meaning of ST in English and Russian

I state_n. state _II St - saint _n. saint _III ST - Standard Time _n. standard time

English-Russian-English Dictionary of General Vocabulary, a collection of the best dictionaries. English-Russian-English dictionary of general lexis, the collection of the best dictionaries. 2012

English-Russian-English vocabularies English-Russian-English dictionary of general lexis, the collection of the best dictionaries

More meanings of the word and translation of ST from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries and from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word "ST" in dictionaries.

  • — (as used in expressions) Alexander Harold Rupert Leofric George Alexander 1st Earl Amherst Jeffery Amherst 1st Baron Asquith …
    English Dictionary Britannica
  • -ST - I. - see -est II. symbol Etymology: from -st (superlative suffix) — used after the figure 1 to indicate the …
  • "ST - st verb Etymology: by contraction archaic: hast thou "st
    Webster's New International English Dictionary
  • -ST - -st 1 var. of -est 1: first; least. -st 2 var. of -est 2: hadst; wouldst; dost.
  • -ST - I. - see -est II. symbol - used after the figure 1 to indicate the ordinal number first 1 st ...
  • — abbreviation stanza, state, stitch, stone, street St abbreviation saint, stratus ST abbreviation short ton, single throw, standard time
  • -ST - [-st] --see -est -st symbol--used after the figure 1 to indicate the ordinal number first "1st" "91st"
    Merriam-Webster English vocab
  • — I St, St. "Street" BrE ​​AmE striːt —In names of thoroughfares, unstressed: ˈ Oxford St II St, St. "Saint" BrE ​​...
  • -ST - -st archaic and liturgial second person singular ending BrE AmE st ▷ - didst ˈdɪdst -see -est
    Longman Pronunciation English Dictionary
  • — (BrE) (also st. NAmE , BrE) abbreviation stone (a British measurement of weight) : 9st 2lb
  • - abbreviation 1. (also st) (both BrE) (also St. , st. NAmE , BrE) (used in written addresses) ...
    Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  • ST.
  • — st British English, st. American English the written abbreviation of stone or stones: She weighs 9 st 8 …
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • ST.
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • — St BrE AmE British English , St. American English 1 . the written abbreviation of Street, used in addresses: …
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • -ST - -st /st/ BrE AmE suffix 1 . forms written ORDINAL numbers with 1: the 1st (=first) prize my 21st birthday ...
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • — st is used as a written abbreviation for stone when you are mentioning someone's weight. (BRIT) He weighs …
  • — also st. Note: The form "SS" or "SS." is used as the plural for meaning 2. 1. St is a ...
    Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  • — also st. Note: The form "SS" or "SS." is used as the plural for meaning 2. 1. ~ is a ...
    Collins COBUILD- Dictionary English for language learners
  • — COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES St Bernard the 18th/19th/20th/21st etc century ▪ The movie is set in the 18th century.
    Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary
  • — (HOLY PERSON) - abbreviation for saint (= a person honored by the Christian Church for being holy …
    Cambridge English vocab
  • — n. St. Mary Alexander Harold Rupert Leofric George Alexander 1st Earl Amherst Jeffery Amherst 1st Baron Asquith Herbert Henry 1st …
    Britannica Concise Encyclopedia

  • Big English-Russian Dictionary
  • — _I state _n. state _II St - saint _n. saint _III ST - Standard Time _n. standard time
    Muller's English-Russian Dictionary - 24th edition
  • — I state n. state II St - saint n. saint III ST - Standard Time n. standard time
    Muller's English-Russian Dictionary - bed edition
  • - I abbr. from state state II abbr. from St - saint saint III abbr. from ST - Standard Time zone ...
    New large English-Russian dictionary
  • — Sao Tome and Principe
    Internet Domains English vocabulary
  • — abbreviation standard time
  • -ST - see: -est II. symbol — used after the figure 1 to indicate the ordinal number first
    Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language - Merriam Webster
  • - abbreviation 1. often not capitalized without regard to time 2. shipping ticket 3. often not capitalized ...
    Webster's New International English Dictionary
  • — abbreviation 1. often capitalized saint 2. stain 3. stamped 4. stand 5. stanza 6. start 7. state 8. statute 9. …
    Webster's New International English Dictionary
  • ST. — 1. stanza. 2 state. 3. status; statutes. 4.stat. 5. Stitch. 6. stone (weight). 7. straight. 8 street
    Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary
  • ST. — 1. Saint. 2. status; statutes. 3. Straight. 4. Street.
    Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary
  • — stereo.
    Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary
  • — Real estate. septic tanks.
    Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary
  • ST. — group of lines forming one division of a poem or a song
  • ST. — n. road, public thoroughfare, paved or unpaved surface on which cars and other traffic travel
    Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language - Editorial bed
  • — n. one who has been canonized by the Catholic Church; one who is exceptionally holy or good
    Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language - Editorial bed
  • — standard time
    Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary
  • — 1. saint 2. stratus 3. street
    Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary
  • — 1. stanza 2. state 3. stitch 4. stone
    Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary
  • — n. Function: symbol - used after the figure 1 to indicate the ordinal number first<1 st > <91 st …
  • — n. ― see-EST
    Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary
  • — n. Function: abbreviation 1 stanza 2 state 3 stitch 4 stone
    Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary
  • ST. — n. Court of St. James's St. Denis St. John St. Laurent Patrimony of St. Peter Saguenay St. Lawrence Marine Park
    Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary