Negative form of used to. Turnover Used to and its compound combinations

There are grammar rules that cause difficulty for English learners. Students often get confused about the constructions used to, get used to and be used to and do not understand the difference between used to and would. To understand this, read our article and study examples of using these constructs in context.

Design used to do smth

The construction used to in English is used to talk about an action that happened or was often repeated in the past, but is no longer happening at the moment. When translating sentences into Russian, the word “before” or “it happened” is usually added.

I used to have an MP3 player. Now I just listen to music online. - I have was earlier MP3 player. Now I just listen to music online.
I used to believe in the tooth fairy. - I used to believe to the Tooth Fairy.
Brian used to steal from the shops. - Brian used to steal in shops.

By using designs used to we talk about habits that were in the past.

Tony used to drink much coffee. - Tony used to drink a lot of coffee.
I used to bite my fingernails when I was five. - When I was five, I gnawed nails.

When else is used to used? To describe states in the past.

Gaby used to be overweight. But now she looks fit. - Before at Gabi was excess weight. But now she looks fit.
Detroit used to be densely populated city. But now a few people live in it. - Detroit was earlier densely populated city. But now few people live there.

Interrogative sentences with used to are built using the auxiliary verb did, and in negative sentences the particle not (did not, didn't) is added to the auxiliary verb did.

why did you use to collect chocolate wrappers? - Why do you collected chocolate wrappers?
Where did Henry use to go fishing? - Where's Henry went to fish?

I did not use to sing in the shower. - Before I didn't sing in the shower.
Debbie didn't use to smoke. - Debbie never smoked before.

It is allowed to form a negation without the auxiliary verb did. Such an offer would be appropriate in a formal situation.

Our company used not to carry out corporate trainings. - Our company not done before corporate trainings.

verb would

The verb would, like the construction used to, expresses a repeated action in the past. However, would is used only when there is a reference to a specific time.

Every time Sarah came, we would play X box for hours. - Every time Sarah came, we spent hours were playing in X-box.
We would used to play X-box for hours with Sarah. - we are for hours were playing in the X-box with Sarah.

The difference between used to and would also lies in the fact that would is not used when talking about habits or a state in the past.

Tony would used to eat too much sweets. - Tony used to eat too much sweet.
Travis would used to be a polite person a few years ago. - Travis was polite man a couple of years ago.

The verb would adds a touch of nostalgia to warm memories of the past.

Every summer I would live in a country house with my grandmother. In the early morning I would go fishing at the lake. After that I would climb the tall old oak near the house. I would sit in the tree and read a book almost all day long. - Every summer I lived in her grandmother's house. Early in the morning I went fish on the lake. After this I climbed on a big old oak near the house. I sat on a tree and all day was reading book.

To ask a question, put the verb would at the beginning of the sentence.

Would you play hide and seek when you were a kid? - You played hide and seek when you were little?

Constructions to be used to and to get used to

The be used to construct describes a habit that has already been formed, while get used to describes the process of acquiring a habit. After the constructions be used to and get used to, a verb with the ending -ing, a noun or a pronoun is used.

They are used to sleep outdoors. - They are used to sleep on the street.
I find it hard to get used to new conditions. - It's hard for me get used to new conditions.

The habit has formed - use be used to:

I am already used to drive on the left. It was rather hard when I first came to England. - I'm already used to driving on the left side of the road. It was quite difficult when I first came to England.
Tony is used to sleep with the lights on. - Tony used to sleep with the lights on.
We are used to carry out ambitious projects. - We accustomed to perform ambitious projects.

Interrogative and negative sentences are built using the verb to be.

Debora hates going to Chinese restaurants. She isn't used to eating with chopsticks. Deborah hates going to Chinese restaurants. She is not used to eating chopsticks.
Are you used to communicate to work every day? - You used to driving to work in the city?

If you want to talk about the process of forming a habit, use the get used to construct.

I am getting used to my new flat. - I getting used to his new apartment.
Harry has been getting used to Android for so long after using iOS! - Harry so long getting used to android after iOS!
He is such a rude person! It took us a while to get used to him. - He's so rude! It took time to get used to it.

To build negative and interrogative sentences, use auxiliary verbs: for Present Simple - do, for past simple- did, for Future Simple - will, etc.

Sam didn't get used to southern climate. He has moved to Canada. - Sam not used to southern climate. He moved to Canada.
Kate still can't walk after receiving an injury. Will she get used to it? - Kate still can't walk after she got injured. She is get used to it?

Get used to (in the past form) and be used to (in the present form) are used interchangeably when we are talking about a habit that has already formed.

I got used to wear this stupid uniform. = I am used to wear this stupid uniform. - I used to wear this stupid form.
Sally works very slowly. But we got used to it. = But we are used to it. - Sally works very slowly. But we used to it.

We hope that the article helped to understand the rules used to in English, the difference between used to and would, as well as the peculiarities of using be used to and get used to. Now you can safely say: I used to have difficulties with used to!

We suggest you take a short test to consolidate your knowledge.

Test on the topic "The difference between used to, would, be used to and get used to"

For those who study English, it can be difficult to master the “used to, be / get used to” rule. Many people simply confuse similar-sounding constructions. To use these phrases correctly, you need to understand what they mean.

past habits

Expression usedto denotes actions that often happened in the past, but no longer occur now. Usually the construction is translated as "before", "once".

I used to go for a walk every morning. unfortunately,Ihavenotimenow. - I used to go for a walk every morning. Unfortunately, I don't have time for that right now.

He used to be a shop assistant. Nowisamillionaire. - Once he was a salesman, and now he is a millionaire.

In this case, we are only talking about past habits, so the verb cannot be used in the present tense. In other words, you can't say "use to". The rules of use require the verb to be put in the Past Simple. If you need to talk about the habits that exist at the moment, use the Present Simple.

I used to eat bananas for breakfast. - BeforeIateon thebreakfastbananas.

Iusuallyeatbananasforbreakfast. I usually eat bananas for breakfast.

Please note: after the particle to is always infinitive. Other forms of the verb are not allowed here.

My sister used to be a naughty child. - Mysisterwasnaughtychild.

Let's continue with the rule. usedto used not only in affirmative proposals. We can safely construct a negative or interrogative sentence.

In the question, the first place is given did, followed by the subject and use to. The past tense is taken over by the auxiliary verb, so the initial form should be used useto.

Didsheusetowakeupearlywhenshewenttoschool? Did she have a habit of getting up early when she went to school?

Did they use to spend vacation together? - Beforetheycarried outtogethervacation?

In negative sentences, a particle is added to the auxiliary verb not, a useto also placed in initial form.

I didn't use to smoke when I was a schoolboy. - Inotsmoked, whenwentinschool.

Shedidn'ttusetoplaygolf. She hasn't played golf before.

Used to or would?

When it comes to past habits, sometimes another expression is used - would.

Kate would go to a swimming pool once a week. - BeforeKatewentinswimming poolonceinweek.

Remember the important rule: usedto can indicate both an action and a state.

Action: Myparentsdidn'ttusetogotoagym. - My parents never went to the gym before.

State: John didn'tusetoloveRockmusic. - Once upon a time, John did not like rock music.

Would indicates only a repeated action in the past. It is not used to describe a state.

My friend used to go shopping every weekend. Myfriendwouldgoshoppingeveryweekend. My friend used to go shopping every weekend.

But you can't say: John would love rock music. This proposal should use usedto.

Would can also describe actions that happened from time to time (often with an element of nostalgia). good translation in this case is the word "used to".

InmychildhoodIwouldgoforapicnicalmosteveryweekend. - As a child, I used to go to a picnic almost every weekend.

If you don't specify the regularity of the action, use usedto, not would.

Whenhewasachildheusedtowakeuplate. - He woke up late when he was a child ( general position, regularity not specified).

Whenhewasachild,hewouldwakeuplateatweekends. - When he was a child, he woke up late on weekends (it is indicated how often the action was performed).

have a habit of doing something

Let's look at another rule. used to often confused with to be used to. However, they are absolutely different meanings. Expression tobeusedto means "to have the habit of doing something", and it can be replaced by a synonymous construction tobeaccustomedto. Formerly a man he never did, but now his way of life has changed.

Heisusedtogettingupat 9am. - He used to get up at 9 am (he didn't do that before).

Since we are talking about a habit that a person has at the moment, the verb tobe logical to put in the present tense. For past habits, use the expression we already know usedto/didn"t use to. Compare:

My brother didn't use to eat healthy food. - Mybrotherbeforenotateusefulfood.

Now he is used to eating healthy food. - Nowheused tothere isusefulfood.

Don't forget to put a particle to- there is no expression useddoing. The rule also requires the use of the gerund, not the infinitive.

Jesse is used to making his bed in the morning. - Jessieused tocoverbedonin the morning.

I am used to go to school on my foot. - Iused towalkinschoolon foot.

get used to something

Phrase togetusedto very close in value to the previous design. But there is a certain shade of meaning - “to get used to”, “to master”, “to adapt”. In this case, the synonymic construction would be tobecomeaccustomedto.

It is difficult to get used to a new climate. - TOnewclimatedifficultadapt.

Here we are talking about a habit that is just beginning to form.

He is getting used to doing the laundry twice a week. - Heaccustomsmyselfwashclothestwiceperweek.

After the particle to you should also put a gerund.

TheyaregettingusedtospeakingChinese. They are getting used to speaking Chinese.

What grammatical tense should be used getusedto? The rule allows you to use any tense that makes sense.

Ittookhersometimetogetusedtonewtraditions. - It took some time before she got used to the new traditions.

In a few weeks you will get used to the local cuisine. - Throughcoupleweeksyouget used totolocalkitchen.


We have discussed in detail the use usedto/beusedto/getusedto. The rule separates these constructions in meaning and grammatically. Practice using them in practice. Insert the appropriate words into the text. Be sure to select the correct time.

  1. Jane -- smoke a lot. Then she quit it. Jen used to smoke a lot. But then she quit smoking.
  2. I see you -_ new rules. Keep it up! I see you are getting used to the new rules. Keep it up!
  3. How long did it take him to _ living in the suburbs? How long did it take him to get used to life in the suburbs?
  4. You_be very hardworking. You have become a lazybones! - You were so hardworking. You have become lazy!
  5. We _ ​​speaking two languages. We are used to speaking two languages.
  6. He _ coming in time. He taught himself to be on time.
  7. I _ drinking tea. Coffee is bad for my health. - I've got into the habit of drinking tea. Coffee is bad for me.
  8. Why don't you _ putting fewer spices in your food. I can't eat it! - Why don't you train yourself to put less spices in your food! I can't eat it!
  9. I _ sweeping the floor every day. - I used to sweep the floor every day.
  10. I_his pronunciation. Does anyone understand what he says? - I can't get used to his pronunciation. Does anyone even understand what he's saying?
  11. Monika _ be a doctor, but she has already retired. Monika used to be a doctor. But she is already retired.
  12. We _ ​​be friends. Then something went wrong. - We were friends. But then something went wrong.


used to — to be accustomed to something; get used to something; often did smth.
used towel — used towel
used to be — a person who once held a prominent position
be used to — have a habit; be accustomed
get used to — to become addicted; get used to
not used to
use up — expend
re use — reuse
in use — in use
no use — useless; there is nothing

I used to bike to work.

I rode my bike to work.

I used to see him often.

I used to see him often.

She used to have long hair.

Previously she had long hair.

I used to wear my hair long.

I used to have long hair.

I used to be a heavy smoker.

I used to be a heavy smoker.

There used to be a house here.

There used to be a house here.

My father used to mend our shoes.

My father used to mend our shoes.

Morphine is used to relieve pain.

Morphine is used to relieve pain.

Hello friends. Design used to used to express repeated actions in the past. used to has only one past tense form and is not used in other tenses. Construction value used to can be expressed as " before», « before», « before usually».

The used to construction is used in the following cases

  1. When we talk about actions that used to happen quite often, but now they don’t go away at all. (he used to take the subway to work, but now he has bought a car and doesn't take the subway anymore)
  2. When we talk about facts or situations that were before, but now they are not. (we used to be friends, but now we don't communicate)

This construction is formed very simply. The verb in the initial form is added to used to. Please note that the verb is not put in the past, but in the initial form.

used to + I verb form

For example:

  • I used to go to the beach every day.
    Before Every day I went to the beach.
  • Jerry used to study English.
    Jerry used to study English.
  • Sam and Mary used to go to Mexico in the summer.
    Sam and Mary used to travel often to Mexico in the summer.
  • I used to start work at 9 o'clock.
    Before I started work at 9 o'clock.
  • Christine used to eat meat, but now she is a vegetarian.
    Before Kristina ate meat and now she's a vegetarian

Used To or Simple Past

Both "used to" and Simple Past can be used to describe repeated events in the past, isolated facts that are no longer true.

However, "used to" is preferred when affirmative sentences emphasize the repetition of actions in the past. However, in interrogative and negative sentences, Simple Past is preferred.

For example:

  • You used to play the piano.
    Before you played on the piano.
  • Did you play the piano when you were young?
    you as a child played on the piano?
  • You did not play the piano when you were young.
    As a child you didn't play on the piano.

Interrogative sentence

Interrogative sentences with the construction "used to + infinitive" are used infrequently.
Questions can be structured in two ways:

1) Traditionally through an auxiliary verb did

  • Did you use to go to discos when you were younger?
  • What did he use to have breakfast when you lived in the USA?

2) Used itself is used as an auxiliary verb

  • Used they to be friends at school?
  • Used he to play with the kids after work?

Let's summarize our rule

Design used to used when talking about actions repeated many times in the past, but now these actions no longer exist.

The Used to construct is not used if the action is still in progress; if the action was one-time.

This turnover has three forms of formation: affirmative, negative and interrogative:

  • Tomusedtosmoke. - Tom used to smoke (Tom used to smoke)
  • Tomdidn'ttusetosmoke. Tom didn't smoke.
  • DidTomusetosmoke? - Did Tom have a habit of smoking before?

There are three main points to pay attention to:

  • The Used to construct does not change for persons and numbers.
  • Used to has no present or future tense, only recurring events in the past that no longer occur in the present.
  • This structure uses needles for actions and verbs for states.

Design used to. Exercises

Exercise 1.Put the words in the correct order to make sentences:

  1. used - we - France - in - to - live
  2. getting - I'm - to - here - living - now - used
  3. gym - get - I'll - to - used - to - going - the - soon
  4. hair - blonde - she - have - to - used
  5. neighbor - I'm - used - not - my - to - new
  6. quickly - they - countryside - used to - got - in - to - the - living - very
  7. used to - Mel - home - work - walking - from - is
  8. can't - Sam - divorce - used to - living - after - get - alone

Exercise 2.Choose the correct answer a, b or c:

  1. used to have
  2. didn't use to have
  3. not used to have

2. I couldn't sleep last night at all because I _______________ my new bed.

  1. not used to
  2. wasn't used to
  3. didn't get used to

3. When Adam got a job, he _______________ getting up early very quickly.

  1. used to
  2. got used to
  3. get used to

4. When I moved to Norway, it was hard for me to _______________ cold summer. But now I'm OK with it.

  1. am used to
  2. get used to
  3. be used to

5. I know this company, but I ___________________ work there.

  1. used to
  2. didn't use to
  3. didn't used to

6. This computer is very easy to use. You _______________ in a day, I'm sure.

  1. got used to
  2. will be used to
  3. will get used to

7. At first Michael didn't like his new boss, but finally he _________________ her.

  1. got used to
  2. is used to
  3. get used to

8. Our new colleague is very lazy and I don’t think he ____________________ working hard in our company.

  1. is used to
  2. used to
  3. will get used to

9. Dan ________________ married, but now he is single again.

  1. used to be
  2. got used to be
  3. did used to be

10. When I was a child, I ______________ play computer games a lot.

  1. used to
  2. was used to
  3. got used to

Exercise 3Complete the sentences with correct forms of used to/be used to/get used to. Use negative forms where necessary.

  1. When Kate moved to England, she couldn't ________________ British accent.
  2. I know Mary, we _________________ go to the same cooking class.
  3. We _________________ local food, it's too spicy.
  4. It’s difficult for American drivers to ________________ driving on the left side of the road in Britain.
  5. Have you seen Sam's new car? Before he got it, he'd ________________ get to work by bus.
  6. Working overtime isn't a problem for me. I __________________ it. I did the same at my previous job.
  7. When Tina lived with her parents, she __________________ have a big house, but now she lives in a small room and she finds it difficult ___________________ it.
  8. I _______________ working in this company very quickly, people are very friendly here.
  9. When he was younger, Mike ___________________ go camping a lot. But now he does it very often and enjoys it so much.
  10. I don't like going to the discos because I __________________ that kind of music.

Expressions: USED TO / TO BE USED TO / WOULD

What if you want to talk about past habits or daily routine (what you constantly did in the past, but for some reason abandoned), you can use the phrase used to. The rules for its use and meaning will be revealed in this article.

This comes from my graduate school adviser. Whenever I would take a paper to him, he would find out something I had repeated, or something I had missed out. He used to tell me "Say everything, but say it only once".

Used to. Routine and habits

A very common English phrase. The proposal describes events that:

  • regularly, constantly occurred in the past: habits, daily routine, state characteristic of that time;
  • are NOT happening now(in no way).

This way, as it were, emphasizes the contrast between the past and the present: life changes. Therefore, the turnover used to is often translated as - before.

The construction occurs only in the past tense (Past Simple). Not used:

  • in the present (Present Simple), future (Future Simple) or long-term (Continuous);
  • when talking about the recent past (for example, yesterday): Yesterday I used to play basketball.

Scheme: Subject (I, You, He, She, It ...) + used to + verb + object.

They used to cook cakes every weekend. They used to bake pies every weekend.

I used to play football when I was young. “I played football when I was young.

He used to dance a lot but now he is too busy at work. He used to dance a lot, but now he is too busy at work.

It can express not only an action, but also a state:

She used to be very shy. “She used to be very shy.

Used to. Denial and question

They are formed according to the schemes of the simple past tense (Past Simple):

  • the auxiliary verb did and the negative particle not are added;
  • the ending -ed is removed.

Let's take a sentence and form negative and interrogative variants on its basis.

He used to read every day. He used to read every day.


Scheme: Subject (I, You, He, She, It ...) + did not use / never used to + verb (dictionary form) + object.

He did not use to read every day. He didn't read every day before.


Scheme: Did + subject (I, you, he, she, it ...) + use to + verb (dictionary form) + object?

Did he use to read every day? Did he read every day before?

The video has English subtitles.

Turnover "used to".

Would - substitute for used to

In English, there is a substitute verb for used to - would.

Both verbs describe regular actions in the past, but only used to is suitable for all options: both actions and states. Whereas would is only used with action verbs, not state verbs.

used to play with dolls.

When she was a little girl, she would play with dolls.

In both cases the translation is: When she was a little girl, she played with dolls.

She suggestions are correct. But in the following example, you can't use would!

When he was a little boy used to be very thin. “He was very thin as a little boy.

Do you want stability, simplicity and not to suffer with a choice? Use the standard option, suitable for any occasion - used to.

Variations of the “used to” turnover

Be (am/is/are – was/were) used to

Translation: familiar, accustomed.


  • a fait accompli;
  • well-known, regularly recurring situation;
  • a habit that can either be liked or not (bad habit).


  • with pronouns, nouns, -ing verbs (gerunds): these parts of speech can be placed after be used to.

I am used to eating in the morning. I am used to eating in the morning.

They are used to a heat. They are used to the heat.

Be used to. Denial and question

It is formed in the same way as the basic “used to” structure - according to the schemes:

Negation: by adding the negative particle "not".

I am not used to reading a lot. I am not used to reading a lot.

Question: by bringing forward the verb be.

Are you used to breaking the law? Are you used to breaking the law?

Get used to

Translation: get used to, adapt, get used to; get used to.

Describes an action (process) that may or may not take place:

  • adaptation, adaptation to a new situation;
  • habit formation.


  • with all tenses: Future, Present, Past (Simple);
  • with pronouns, nouns, -ing verbs (gerunds): these parts of speech can be placed after get used to.