She collapsed. Alexei Venediktov: “What is happening with the opposition? It collapsed And what is the most democratic country, in your opinion

Venediktov noted that now he will have to stay in the hospital for a week.

Echo of Moscow” Alexey Venediktov told why he was urgently hospitalized in one of the capital's clinics.

According to the journalist, he was operated on due to acute pain in the kidney.

"Yes, I will have to watch the world through the Internet and the window of a hospital room for a week", he said in an interview, “ Echo of Moscow".

Venediktov also stressed that the operation was successful, and at present his health is "relatively good."

Formerly assistant journalist Lyubov Pukhova

/ Sunday, 14 October 2018 /

Topics: The medicine

Venediktov himself noted that he was hospitalized due to acute pain in the kidney.

radio editor-in-chief Echo of Moscow” Alexei Venediktov was hospitalized - he was taken by ambulance to one of the clinics in Moscow.

As the 360 ​​website clarifies, Lyubov Pukhova, the journalist's assistant, assured that everything was in order with Venediktov.

"Everything is in order with Alexei Alekseevich", she said.

Pukhova also promised later to provide more detailed information about the condition of Venediktov. At the same time, the media specified that the journalist is currently in the surgical department.

Some time later, Venediktov himself said that he was hospitalized due to acute pain in the kidney. At the same time, he stressed that he was operated on.

. . . . . Yes, the operation was successful. And yes, I feel pretty good. Many thanks to the doctors,” he said on the website “ Echo of Moscow”.

Back in July, it became known that Venediktov was leaving his post as a member of the board of directors of the radio station. Echo of Moscow”.

. . . . . This is reported on the official page " Echo of Moscow” on Facebook.

. . . . . And yes, I feel relatively well," Venediktov's words are quoted in the message.

A. Venediktov thanked the doctors, as well as everyone who is interested in his health and wishes for recovery.

radio editor-in-chief Echo Moscow” Alexey Venediktov confirmed the information that he was urgently hospitalized in a medical facility. He wrote about this in his Telegram channel.

. . . . .

He noted that he would have to stay in the ward for a week. Also editor-in-chief Echo of Moscow” added that the operation was successful. Now he feels "relatively well." Venediktov thanked the doctors and those who are worried about him.

Recall that earlier REN TV Venediktov was sent to the surgical department.

According to media reports, Alexei Venediktov, editor-in-chief of the Ekho Moskvy radio station, was taken to one of the capital's medical facilities due to a sharp deterioration in health. This happened on October 13, 2018. There is information that he had kidney problems.

Assistant Alexei Venediktov commented on the hospitalization of the editor-in-chief. According to her, Venediktov's condition has stabilized. Then Aleksey Alekseevich himself shared in his Telegram channel that the doctors had to resort to surgical intervention. In addition, Venediktov noted that he feels well. He thanked the doctors and ordinary people who wished him well.

Some time ago, information appeared on the Web that the editor-in-chief of the well-known radio station Ekho Moskvy, Alexei Venedikov, had to be urgently taken to a medical facility in the capital. Later, a representative of Alexei Alekseevich said that the danger had passed.

As soon as Venediktov felt better, he decided to write about it in his Telegram channel. According to him, the reason for hospitalization on October 13 this year was a sharp deterioration in health due to problems with the kidneys.

He assured that he received qualified medical assistance from the capital's specialists. It is worth noting that the doctors had to perform an operation on Venediktov, which was quite successful.

Currently, the chief editor is feeling much better. Alexey Alekseevich expressed his gratitude to the medical staff of the capital's clinic, as well as to people who sincerely worried about him.

Activities of Alexei Venediktov

Aleksey Alekseevich Venediktov is a well-known journalist, holds the position of both the presenter and editor-in-chief of the Ekho Moskvy radio station. It is worth noting that Russian society evaluates the figure as a rather ambiguous character.

On the one hand, he is considered one of the main fighters for democratic values ​​in the state. On the other hand, Venediktov is often called a corrupt and dishonest journalist. Thus, he has a large number of both admirers and opponents.

Nevertheless, both those and others note his undoubted talent. Many are sure that without Venediktov the radio station would not be so interesting.

The founders of the radio station Korzun and Butman invited Venediktov to work for Ekho Moskvy. At first, Alexei Alekseevich served as a correspondent and press observer. Then he became involved in political issues.

Alexei Venediktov was in the White House in 1993 to cover events of historical significance. A year later, the journalist went to Chechnya. With his help, Russian servicemen were released from Dudayev's captivity.

The editor-in-chief of the well-known radio station Ekho Moskvy was hospitalized. He was admitted to the hospital on 13 October. Now he has been operated on.

On October 13, Venediktov was urgently taken to a Moscow clinic. He announced this in his telegram channel. He wrote that he was hospitalized due to very severe pain in the kidney. He needed the intervention of doctors, the pain was so strong. Ren-TV immediately tried to contact the journalist's assistant, but she refused to comment on her boss's condition.

However, a little later it became known that the journalist underwent surgery, it was successful. For now, he will be in the hospital, under the supervision of doctors. When the editor-in-chief of Ekho Moskvy will leave the medical institution is still unknown.

Alexey Venediktov commented on his current state

After several days of his stay in the hospital, Alexei Venediktov himself decided to comment on his condition. In his message, he wrote that the operation was successful. Now he feels much better, his condition is very good level. Venediktov did not specify the timing of his stay in the hospital. Alexey simply stated that now he would have to “watch the outside world from the window of the ward in a hospital bed” for several more days.

In an interview with the 360 ​​portal, Venediktov also said that he was feeling relatively well and promised to provide more detailed statements about his health a little later. Now, a well-known journalist said that he should take some rest. In the meantime, he will keep in touch with the world through his channel in the telegram.

Alexey Venediktov also thanked everyone and everyone who was worried about his health. The journalist said that he was pleased that so many people expressed their wishes for a speedy recovery to him. He is sure that this support helped to recover so quickly after the illness that caught him the other day. Alexey also expressed gratitude to the doctors who performed the operation on him. He noted their professionalism.

Alexey Venediktov as a journalist

Alexey Venediktov began his work at Ekho Moskvy back in 1990, a year before the collapse Soviet Union. The young journalist started as one of the authors of the articles. Then he began to move up the career ladder and 8 years later, in 1998, he became the editor-in-chief of the Ekho Moskvy radio station. Alexei is working in this position to this day.

He spoke about history, journalism, politics and life, took a picture with a monument to a student and was pleased with the questions of the youth audience. Interest in the person was great: both meetings were held in crowded halls.

The right to provoke

The organizers of the 5th All-Russian Forum of Regional Mass Media instructed me to accompany Alexei Alekseevich. First day. We are driving to the Amateur Readings, and I get a unique opportunity to record an exclusive interview with the master of journalism.

- Is there democracy in Russia?

There is democracy in Russia, but it is not enough for development.

- Where is enough?

Where there is a competitive environment: in the economy, politics, ideology. Any competition is, in fact, the basis of democracy. Where there is more competition, there is more democracy, because people have plenty to choose from.

- And what is the most democratic country, in your opinion?

I think… the British. British and Swedes.

- You have such a complicated relationship with Putin!

The most important thing is that they are (laughs). Complicated, and this is just absolutely normal! The President has already publicly criticized Ekho Moskvy three times. But we criticized him much more. You have to be prepared for the fact that if you criticize the president, sooner or later...

"... Will you be called an enemy?"

Well, no, he didn't specifically call me an enemy. In 2001, I asked him: "... Are we enemies or traitors in your design?" He replied that in this design, of course, there are enemies.

- How do you feel about Navalny?

With curiosity. To Navalny, as well as to any public character, I treat with curiosity. I study it.

- And how do you feel about provocateurs?

I treat them with curiosity and study them. But let me remind you that the European Court of Human Rights recognized the right of the media to provoke. This is a judgment. Media... I, for example, have the right, in accordance with a court decision, to provoke and be a provocateur. So this word has no negative connotations for me.

- And what is happening with the extra-parliamentary opposition?

She collapsed. And because it turned out to be weak, and because its base is changing, and because ...

“…No leader?

No, he just is. The leader of the protest exists. …And because the systemic opposition intercepts the slogans of the non-systemic one (the fight against corruption, pension reform). The latest elections have led to the fact that representatives of the systemic opposition in some cities and even provinces seize power from the ruling party, and this narrows the base of the non-systemic opposition. The process is quite complex. You say, "there is no leader"... The non-systemic opposition cannot have one leader.

Navalny is not a political leader. He is the leader of the protest, from my point of view. A protest always brings together completely different, "opposite" people. As soon as it is necessary to go out of the protest zone into a specific zone, these different groups that support the protest offer different solutions and fall apart electorally. This is such a classic textbook story. There is nothing new in this.

- What is your 17-year-old interested in? Who wants to become?

Wants to become a pilot civil aviation, studies the sites of schools. Thanks to the fact that his father has the opportunity, he has already trained on real simulators for Aeroflot pilots. He really liked this business, and I support him in every possible way. Maybe it will still change, I don't know. But for now, I'm happy with his choice. He's so… masculine.

- His name is also Alexei ... Is this a constant in your family?

Well, how else? I hope when I soon become a grandfather, everything will continue.

- Do not be afraid of confusion - two Alexei Alekseevich Venediktov ...

This is good! The other day I told him when he allowed himself too much: “Do you understand that the police will detain you? ..”. "Dad, cool!" - answered the son. - "Alexey Venediktov received 15 days ...".

- Do you have clones in the networks? How do you deal with them?

E-e-there is! We don't fight at all. It's just that I certify my accounts with platform holders all the time: on Twitter - a tick, on Instagram - a plus sign. Sometimes all sorts of nasty things appear on the clone pages, sometimes you have to answer, explain that it's not me. Costs. How without them?

- Why a cage? ( Venediktov's corporate identity is checkered shirts. - Approx.aut.)

Historically. Probably not to have a stripe...

- Do you already have impressions of Chelyabinsk? Are we really breathing hard?

Well, the air is different from Moscow. For the worse. So I'm a little out of breath.

- Can something be done about it?

Yes, you certainly may. We need to determine the reasons. If this is related to the environment, the air must be cleaned and a lot of investment should be made: to make green fences, switch to electric transport, throw cars that do not meet the standards out of the city. It has long been proven that the main problem is cars, not factories.

- That is, the residents are right in their desire to identify the problem?

Yes, but this problem has a scientific justification and a scientific solution. Everything can't be great at the click of a button. Now Moscow is switching to electric public transport. There are a lot of opponents, but nevertheless diesel buses are being replaced by electric buses. We need an open and understandable plan, which should be discussed with the citizens. Air is a municipal issue.

Why are you without bodyguards?

Why are you scaring me?.. I don't discuss everything that concerns my security issues.

- Are you a fearless person in general?

I am a very cowardly person.

- What will happen to Russia, Alexey Alekseevich?

Russia will! She won't go anywhere. We survived the Horde yoke, we will survive that's all.

The president's favorite king

So, amateurish readings. There are no empty seats in the large auditorium of the SUSU main building. Alexey Alekseevich begins his speech with an explanation of the title of the author's cycle. Many students listen to the master of journalism while standing.

Three years ago, for myself and for my friends, I started publishing Diletant, a historical magazine that is actually about the present. ... We made up a number about Catherine II, and suddenly Vladimir Vladimirovich, speaking in the Crimea at the opening of the monument to Alexander III, makes a speech that has nothing to do with history. I ordered the issue to be urgently redone, sent everyone to the archives, and we dedicated the issue to Alexander III. A magazine with his portrait on the cover was sent to the president. Later, my friend, Putin’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov, said: “Why, Lesha, didn’t you publish it before? ..”

For Putin - the story of the mythological Alexander III. Because the real one is not at all the one to which monuments are erected. The main thing is not what you did, but what you led to - the consequences of the reign. It seems to me that a normal Russian citizen can draw parallels.

... I know that the “boss” was unhappy, because we are correcting the picture of the world. Let's continue our debate for now. But I hope that Putin will still give me an interview about Alexander III. By the way, many years ago, even before the Crimean history, before the Maidan, I asked him: “Who is your favorite emperor? Probably Peter I? "Why? Not even Peter I at all, ”Vladimir Vladimirovich answered. - "Who?". He took a break ... “You know, probably, Catherine II. You see… there is less blood, but more work.”

We have to discuss with colleagues about the nickname of Alexander III - the Peacemaker. In my opinion, he is a peacemaker-destroyer. He himself did not destroy anything, he generally had a golden age, and Putin is right about this. Yes, railways were being built, the Trans-Siberian Railway was being built, art was flourishing. But the king had nothing to do with it! His real merit is that, like any boy, he became obsessed with boats and built the Russian fleet with volunteer money. It was he, and not Peter I, who made Russia a maritime power.

There was not a single emperor, and indeed not a single politician who would like Russia to feel bad. But we understand that some actions have consequences. Now it seems right, but in fact - not so much. In order for history to understand: this has already happened. The great Klyuchevsky said: “History is not a teacher, it is a supervisor. She teaches nothing, but punishes for ignorance of the lessons. This is a very accurate phrase, and I brought it to the President. The story is much more interesting than we think at first glance.


The next day at SUSU there was no less excitement. In the overcrowded hall of the Sigma educational building, young people forgot about gadgets for an hour and a half, they listened to what is called with bated breath. Both on the first and on the second day, many interesting deep questions were asked, which Aleksey Alekseevich did not fail to note. Topical topics, curious thoughts, amazing erudition!

Why did the figure of the president become the subject of my numerous studies? Who else to explore? In fact, the story is old. We met when he was a little bureaucrat and I was a little journalist. When he accidentally became president, it became interesting for me to observe how a person half-familiar to me is deformed by power. I can say that Putin in 2000 and 2018 - go - these are different people, in my opinion. As they say, they changed the boy in Europe... It seems to me that the president is moving towards Alexander III, and I told him about it. It seems to me that he does not see the systemic errors that I see in the policy of Alexander III and has begun to generate them for the last two or three years.


There are new professions in journalism. Packaging and delivery become as important as content. You must be able to pack. Moreover, pack for the consumer, and not for what you think is great. We are not the bearers of correct answers, we are problem makers. The journalist doesn't care what the facts are. He is an irresponsible person, he collects what he has. And everything that I collected, packed, I must give.

The image of the enemy

The image of the enemy in the media space often becomes decisive. A vivid image of the enemy is required if your task is to work out a position for a certain group. People are united by fear and hatred much better than common tasks.


What is closer to Russia: monarchy or democracy? If we are talking about deep Russia, I think ... it doesn't matter. Democracy lies in the fact that there is a choice: between two buns, varieties of sausage, presidential candidates. Modernization of Russia - teaching us to choose. The ability to compare is modern. The more competition in all areas, the more chances the country has. And the monarchy, if it is the same as in Sweden, does not interfere with anything. The royal family are the only citizens of Sweden who do not even have the right to vote.

Truth and justice

Man does not want the truth. The man wants justice. Moreover, he longs for her the way he understands her. That is, everyone wants their own justice. We create a comfortable world in the media environment: friends, associates, like-minded people. Just as we are friends in the living system of life, we are also friends in the system of Internet life. But this is not true. The world is not really like that. It does not consist only of our friends and enemies. The world consists of a huge number of people who are not interested in us.

Tatiana Stroganova

Photo by Oleg Igoshin and Tatyana Stroganova