"Window between heart and heart." Jalaluddin Rumi

This Persian poet is less famous in our country than Nizami, Avicenna, Saadi or Khayyam, although undeservedly. Rumi Jalaluddin had the opportunity to become famous in various fields, he achieved success in Islamic theology, jurisprudence and Sufi mysticism. Many of his scientific works had a huge impact on the culture of the ancient Middle East due to the ability of this outstanding man to destroy established barriers, the ability to look at life from an unusual angle and have his own opinion on a variety of issues that concern humanity today.

The fate of the poet

Rumi (Mevlana) was born into the family of the famous Persian lawyer, theologian and preacher Behaeddin in 1207. The father of the future poet had to flee persecution for his free-thinking views, from which we can conclude that the ability and desire for free-thinking was inherited by his son. However, the young man grew up inquisitive and received an excellent education, and not only the humanities (legal and theosophical), he also studied the exact sciences.

Rumi's worldview was formed under the influence of Islamic religious doctrine; he firmly believed in the immortality of the soul, and defined atheism with the rather crude word “bestiality.”

Literary heritage

After his father's death (1231), the poet took over his position as court scholar. Years of wandering, the disorder of Iranian social life and other circumstances finally made him a Sufi pantheist, which led to a conflict with the clergy.

Rumi did not leave very many literary works (but also quite a few; over fifty thousand couplets are included in just one of his didactic poems), and all of them, of course, deserve the reader’s attention. In his poems, philosophical and ascetic ideas and frank eroticism, characteristic of other poets of the East, peacefully coexist. Below are 20 quotes that give some insight into Rumi's work. Perhaps they will arouse interest and encourage someone to read his poems in more detail.

Poetry and prose

“You won’t find your love anywhere.

She's in you all the time"

“Fly through the secret skies, when clothes fly off in an instant,

Firstly, to escape from life,

The second is to walk without feeling the ground.

This is love!

“You don’t need to look for love,

But just find the barriers

Inside themselves, interfering with her"

"And a thousand half-lovers are not worth

Only one truly loving heart"

“No matter how much we strive to describe and explain love, we are ashamed of our words when we fall in love.”

“Love is only a bridge between us and everything else”

“If you haven't found me in yourself, you'll never find me. For I have been with you from the very beginning"

“Words can explain a lot, but they make love even more inexplicable.”

“The mind is powerless to express love”

“Only with a heart can you touch the sky”

“Let the beauty of your love be the beauty of your deeds”

"I am yours. Don't let me come back to you"

“When I’m with you, I can’t sleep all night.

And without you I can’t sleep either.

Thank God for these two insomnias,

And the difference between them"

Recognize you when they see you around the corner.

Inhale your scent

Entering the palace you abandoned.

A light gait with the clicking of heels...

To know your lips, even just a little,

When I lean down to kiss you.

I want to feel the thrill of my heart,

When you whisper to me “more!”

“From your light I will learn to love,

Your beauty is like writing poetry.

You dance in my chest, where no one sees us,

But sometimes art is visible"

“Farewells for those who love with their eyes.

For those who love with heart and soul, there is no parting."

“Only two will never get enough,”

Lover of women and lover of knowledge"

“Wherever you are and whatever you do, always love!”

“Allow yourself to be at the mercy of a strange craving

To what you really love.

Dmitry Zubov

After death, look for me not in the ground,
And in the hearts of enlightened people.

Jalaluddin Rumi is the greatest Sufi poet who lived in the 13th century in Asia Minor. Grateful contemporaries called him Mevlana (“Our Master”), considering Rumi their spiritual mentor. Today, like 700 years ago, Rumi's poetry is alive and relevant. People turn to his works again and again, looking for answers to eternal questions from the “guide to the land of Truth.” Rumi's words were truly prophetic:

On the day I die, don't wring your hands,
Don't cry, don't talk about separation!
This is not a day of separation, but a day of goodbye.
The luminary has set, but will rise.
The grain fell into the ground - it will sprout!

Rumi does not have abstract phrases or hackneyed expressions. Every line is lived, suffered, deserved. Behind the external well-being of fate is a life full of internal search. In his poems one can simultaneously hear the will of a powerful ruler and the sermon of a hermit who renounced all earthly goods, even his own name. (It is known that Rumi signed many of his works with the name of his teacher, Chance Tabrizi.)

The places of Rumi’s birth and death are known for certain, but the real “geography” of his life is much wider. The borders of his empire lie where the sources from which the poet drew wisdom and inspiration originate - from Greece in the west to India in the east and even further - beyond the limits of the visible world. His true homeland is the country of Love and Wisdom, the country of Philosophy. You will not find this country on any map; it is beyond the boundaries of space and time. It was here that Rumi built his city - the city of Memories. Not those memories that we keep in family albums, but those that make up the treasury of our soul.

No wonder the soul does not remember its original home,
Your primordial home and place of your birth,
After all, worldly sleep hides it,
how the clouds hide the stars.
She's been through so many cities
And the dust has not been swept away from her perception.
She didn't bother
To cleanse the heart and listen to the past,
So that the heart can with one eye
see through the hole
Sacraments and see with open eyes your own beginning.

In this city, by the will of the poet, all eras are merged; here under the same sky live Moses and Plato, Jesus and Muhammad. Here you can see the twinkling of stars in the night, feel the coolness of a stream on a hot day, drink in the silence of the desert or plunge into the noise of battle.

Coming empty-handed to friends' doors -
It’s the same as going to the mill without a grain of wheat.

The gate to this city is not difficult to find. It is enough to open a book with the poet’s poems - and you are already on the threshold. I myself love visiting Rumi. And every time, I eagerly turn a new page, I rejoice at the long-awaited meeting with the “great caravan master.” Let's try it together this time. Let's hit the road!

"A wise man is one
who has his own torch.
He is the leader and leader of the caravan."

Wisdom and knowledge exist so that one can distinguish the road from the off-road.
If the road were everywhere, wisdom would be superfluous.

But where to look for Wisdom? How to avoid going astray? Where can I get the strength to overcome steep climbs? How not to fall into despair at the sight of human grief, illness, death?

It is no coincidence that Rumi is called “the mentor with a shining heart, leading the caravan of love” (Jami). Everyone will find answers to these and many other questions in his poems. His lines are both a route map and a traveler’s reminder.

The Lord has placed a ladder at our feet.
We must overcome step by step
her and go up to the roof.
You shouldn't be a fatalist here,
You have legs, why pretend to be lame?
You have hands, why hide your fingers?
When the master gives the slave a shovel in his hands,
Without words it is clear what he wants.

If you're carrying a heavy bag, don't forget to look into it
And make sure what’s inside is bitter or sweet.
If it's worth carrying with you, carry it,
Otherwise, empty the bag
And free yourself from fruitless efforts and dishonor.
Put in your bag only what
What is worthy to be handed over to the righteous Master.

You are looking for knowledge in books - what an absurdity!
Are you looking for pleasure in sweets?
what an absurdity!
You are a sea of ​​comprehension hidden in a drop of dew,
You are the universe hidden in a body one and a half meters long.

The value of the treasure is indicated by the number of castles,
Keeping it.
The greatness of the traveler's goal
Marked by the intricate curves of the path,
Mountain passes that must be overcome,
And the robbers who settled there.

My friend! Is your grain ripe? Who are you?
A slave to food and wine or a knight on the battlefield?

How long will you continue to admire
the outline of the vessel?
Forget about them and go look for the water itself!

There is a milk fountain inside you.
Don't wander around with an empty bucket!
You own the canal that leads to the ocean
And you ask for water from a puddle.
On your head is a basket of fresh bread,
And you walk from door to door,
begging for a crust.

Where there are ruins
There is hope to find a treasure -
So why don't you seek God's treasure?
In a broken heart?
* * *

If He closes before you
All the paths and passages,
He will show you a secret loophole
Which no one knows about.

There is one thing in the world that cannot be forgotten.
Even if you forgot everything else, but did not forget this, there would be no reason to worry.
But if you remembered and accomplished everything else, but forgot about the main thing, it would be tantamount to
that you have done absolutely nothing.
You came into this world for a specific task, and this is your purpose.
If you don't complete it, you haven't done anything.

The Day of Justice has arrived
and justice demands that everyone be given their due: May the shoe return to the foot, and the hat to return to the head.

There is one righteousness:
Water the fruit trees, not the thorns.

“Love is the astrolabe of truth!”

Love, madness, intoxication are concepts of the same order for Rumi. They absorbed the joy of being, and mercy, and reverence for God, and the unprecedented flight of the soul, and the radiance of the heart. Love is the driving force and reward for the Traveler. Don’t be confused by the fact that in Rumi, love, death, wine, and piety often go hand in hand. In his poems, these words take on a different meaning, filled with real depth.

I used to be shy
And you made me sing.
I used to be at the table
refused food
Now I'm screaming
to bring more wine.
With sober dignity I used to sit
On the mat and prayed.
Now children are running past
And they make faces at me.

A lover does not calculate the odds.
He believes that he came from God without everything,
Like a causeless gift
So he gives without reason,
Or calculations, or restrictions.
Lovers don't demand from God
no evidence.
They don't put him to the test and don't knock on the door
With questions about profits and losses.

I want to kiss you.
And the price of this kiss is my life.
And now my love is running towards my life
Shouting: “It’s so cheap, let’s buy it!”

I shouted at your door:
"The mystics gather
On the street. Come out!”
"Leave me alone.
I am sick".
“Even if you died!
Jesus is here and he wants
Resurrect someone!

Those who don't feel
That it is Love that attracts them,
Like a river;
Those who do not drink the dawn,
Like a cup of spring water;
Who doesn't taste the sunset
Like an evening meal;
Those who do not want to change -
Let them sleep.
This Love is above the teachings of theologians,
These old tricks and hypocrisy.
If you hope this way
Improve your mind -
Keep sleeping.
I abandoned my mind
I tore all my clothes to shreds
And he threw her away.
If you haven't stripped naked,
Wrap yourself in graceful
Clothes of words -
And sleep.

Gold is the capital necessary for the bazaar of this world;
In the world to come, capital is love and two eyes wet with tears.

* * *
For my funeral
Call the drummers
Beat the cymbals and tambourines,
Come dancing to my grave
Joyful, happy, intoxicated.
Let the people know that God's friends
Leave with a happy smile
To the meeting place.

O all who are born! When death knocks on your door,
Don't be scared!
Death is a second birth for those who are in love.
So be born, be born!

“The bare branches, which seem to be sleeping in winter, work secretly,
getting ready for your spring"

There are no separations and partings. There is only the Path - we will meet on it. Let us be separated from the poet by seven centuries and hundreds of kilometers of space. The city built by Jalaluddin Rumi exists nearby. Come...

Come again, please come again.
Whoever you are
Believers, non-believers, heretics or pagans.
Even if you have already promised a hundred times
And they broke their promise a hundred times,
This door is not the door of hopelessness and despondency.
This door is open to everyone
Come, come as you are.

Life without love has no meaning Love is the water of life, Drink it with both heart and soul

Life without love has no meaning
Love is the water of life,
Drink it with both heart and soul.

What does the mystery of hearts look like?
To the abyss, where you will see your end...
You will disappear like a speck of dust in Him,
When you understand why we live here...

Every pain brings healing.
Ask the toughest question! and look...
The beautiful answer will be reborn from within!
Build a ship... and the Ocean will come in an instant!

Your mind is unable to comprehend Nothingness.
Love is a sea of ​​worldly oblivion.
Between the fact that there is power and service - She!
The Lover's Path is an abyss without a bottom...

If you didn't take off, who broke your wings?
And who at that moment you didn’t recognize in yourself...

He who has seen through the Truth knows no compulsion.
He serves Us as the Desire of eternal burning.

This world is like a Tree, but we are
Unripe, growing fruits...

Coming to the Truth! Don't get stuck on the Path.
Do not turn the Spiritual Gift into a frozen paradise.

Know, constant, who is free from the clock,
A liberated spirit knows no fetters.
And for those who know Time, life is patience.
There is only one way to leave slavery, through frenzy...

He who is naked is afraid to change his clothes,
He who is poor is in a hurry to protect his wealth.
The worldly man owns nothing
Only death explains to him what, why...
The rich man finds out that he has no gold with him,
And the smart one will understand that talent is light...

When you forget about your own self,
That happiness will find you with love.

Sew up your eyes, let your heart become your eye.
And with this eye you will see a different world.

An ignorant person does not see the beauty of a rose, but clings to its thorns.

What you are looking for is also looking for you.

Repeating someone else's words does not mean understanding their meaning.

Make friends with smart people, because each other is a fool
Sometimes more dangerous than a smart enemy.

In the slaughter of love, only the best are killed
Not weak, ugly and unlucky
There is no need to be afraid of such a death
Killed not by love? You know, he lived like carrion!

Try not to resist the changes that come into your life.
Instead, let life live through you. And don't worry about it turning upside down. How do you know that the life you are used to is better than the one that will come?

The worst loneliness is to remain among those who do not understand you.

Find the sweetness in your heart
Then you can find sweetness in everyone's heart.

When wise men teach a fool,
They throw the crops into salt licks,
And no matter how you darn - wider than yesterday,
Tomorrow there will be a hole of nonsense.

Why do you knock on every stranger's door?
Go and knock on the door of your own Heart.

This world is mountains, and our actions are screams:
the echo of our scream in the mountains always comes back to us.

A smart person wants to control himself, but a child wants sweets.

Someone asked me: what is this knowledge that I speak of and how to feel the love that I mention.
I answered: if you don’t know, what should I say? And if you know, what should I tell you?

Every loss is a gain. Every gain is a loss.

Your job is not to look for love, but only to look for and find barriers
inside yourself, the very ones that you erected to hide from it.

I died as a mineral and became a plant,
I died as a plant and rose to become an animal.
I died like an animal and I became a Man.
What should I be afraid of?
When have I suffered the loss of dying?

Silence is the language of God, everything else is a poor translation.

So the truth is like the depth of the sea,
Sometimes parables are not visible under the foam.

If one day you find yourself in great trouble, do not turn to the Almighty with the words: “Oh Almighty, I am in great trouble.” Tell trouble: “I have a Great Supreme One.”

And as for the thought - from her game
Sometimes entire worlds depend.

I lived on the edge of madness. Wanting to know the reasons, he knocked on the door.
It opened. I was knocking from inside!

What seems like a stone to an ordinary person is a pearl to someone who knows.

You love yourself, admiring yourself,
You are protected from me by a strong wall,
You yourself are that barrier, you yourself are that barrier.

Without being awake in heart, you and I can hardly
Let's achieve what we passionately dreamed of.

Mevlana Jalaleddin Muhammad Rumi was born on September 30, 1207, Balkh, Afghanistan. An outstanding Persian poet - Sufi. Died December 17, 1273, Konya, Türkiye.

Aphorisms, quotes, sayings of Rumi

  • Love is the astrolabe of truth.
  • Die before you die. Be born while you're still alive.
  • Repeating someone else's words does not mean understanding their meaning.
  • When wise men teach a fool, they throw the crops into salt licks.
  • May retribution strike with disaster those who pay for friendship with enmity.
  • Make friends with smart people, because a fool friend is sometimes more dangerous than a smart enemy.
  • And the heat of the day will not scorch the one who is tempered in proud patience.
  • This earth is not dust, it is a vessel full of blood, the blood of lovers.
  • And no matter how you darn, the next day there will be a hole wider than yesterday.
  • The body is our veil in this world: we are like the sea hidden under a straw.
  • Without your speeches the soul would not have ears, without your ears the soul would not have a tongue.
  • Do not look for our grave in the ground after death - look for it in the hearts of enlightened people.
  • In the mirror, as you know, everything is the other way around. But without him we would never see ourselves.
  • Being a precious silk fabric, man became a patch on worn-out clothes.
  • As soon as Allah asked the people: “Am I not your Lord?” – I instantly comprehended his law! I've been in love for a long time.
  • O man, you do not know the value of your own soul, since out of His bounty Allah gave it to you without payment.
  • Only when a person finds himself deprived of external existence, like winter, is there hope that a new spring will arise in him.
  • There can be both bad and good in a person of love. Don’t look at it, look at the root - and you will see the light coming from you.
  • Love should be something that we enjoy. Love can give us countless joys. I found my beginning in mother's love. Blessed be this mother forever.
  • In the slaughterhouse of love, only the best are killed, Not the weak, the ugly and the unlucky. There is no need to be afraid of such a death. Killed not by love? You know, he lived like carrion!
  • You seek pleasure in sweet things - what an absurdity! After all, you are a sea of ​​comprehension hidden in a drop of dew, you are the Universe hidden in a body one and a half meters long.
  • If the secret of the universe were to reveal itself during a sigh, you would realize the nonsense of this life, killing yourself in the blink of an eye. But drunk with yourself, in eternal darkness, you are doomed to doze until the wine of the prophet awakens in the destroyed tavern.

And the heat of the day will not scorch the one who is tempered in proud patience.


And no matter how you darn, the next day there will be a hole wider than yesterday.


Only when a person finds himself deprived of external existence, like winter, is there hope that a new spring will arise in him.

O man, you do not know the value of your own soul, since out of His bounty Allah gave it to you without payment.

(person, soul)

Repeating someone else's words does not mean understanding their meaning.


Make friends with smart people, because a fool friend is sometimes more dangerous than a smart enemy.

(friend, fool, enemy, smart)

This earth is not dust, it is a vessel full of blood, the blood of lovers.

You seek pleasure in sweet things - what an absurdity! After all, you are a sea of ​​comprehension hidden in a drop of dew, you are the Universe hidden in a body one and a half meters long.

In the mirror, as you know, everything is the other way around. But without him we would never see ourselves.

Die before you die. Be born while you're still alive.

(death, birthday, life)

May retribution strike with disaster those who pay for friendship with enmity.


Love should be something that we enjoy. Love can give us countless joys. I found my beginning in mother's love. Blessed be this mother forever.


The body is our veil in this world: we are like the sea hidden under a straw.


Love is the astrolabe of truth.

(love, truth)

Do not look for our grave in the ground after death - look for it in the hearts of enlightened people.


There can be both bad and good in a person of love. Don’t look at it, look at the root - and you will see the light coming from you.

As soon as Allah asked the people: “Am I not your Lord?” – I instantly comprehended his law! I've been in love for a long time.

If the secret of the universe were to reveal itself during a sigh, you would realize the nonsense of this life, killing yourself in the blink of an eye. But drunk with yourself, in eternal darkness, you are doomed to doze until the wine of the prophet awakens in the destroyed tavern.

In the slaughterhouse of love, only the best are killed, Not the weak, the ugly and the unlucky. There is no need to be afraid of such a death. Killed not by love? You know, he lived like carrion!