Songwriters in modern culture. Songwriters in modern culture Soviet songwriters of the 20th century

Brief information about the life and work of Russian composers and poets

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Agatov Vladimir (Velvl Isidorovich Gurevich, 1901-1967) - poet. I was at the front, a war correspondent. Repressed, was in camps (49-56). He became famous for two songs - “Dark Night” and “Scows Full of Mullet” (lyrics by N. Bogoslovsky, film “Two Fighters”). Several songs in the “thieves” genre.

Armand Pavel Nikolaevich (1902-1964) – Soviet director, honored. Latvian artist SSR (1947). Author of music and lyrics in the films “Man with a Gun”, “Tanker Derbent”. Song "Clouds have risen over the city."

Arkadyev Iosif Iosifovich (? – died 1971) – a lawyer and poet by training. Administrator and husband of singer Isabella Yuryeva (they lived together for 46 years). Author of the lyrics of the famous Yuryev hits “If you can, forgive” (music by A. Ostrovsky), “Look tenderly,” “First Ball,” “If you remember, if you love,” etc.

Akhmadulina Bella (Isabella) Akhatovna (born 1937) - poetess, writer, one of the major Soviet poets of the second half of the 20th century. State USSR Prize (1989). She was the wife of E. Yevtushenko and Yu. Nagibin. She starred as a journalist in the film “There Lives a Guy Like This.” Romances “On My Street” (music by M. Tariverdiev), “And finally I’ll say” (A. Petrov).

Gleb Akulov, a young poet, an employee of the literary editorial office of the Moscow Radio Committee, died a heroic death in July 1941, without having had time to hear N. Budashkin’s heartfelt song “Beyond the Far Outskirts” . It was he who gave his poem to the composer shortly before his death with a request to write music...

Averkin Alexander Petrovich (1935-1995) - Russian composer, accordion player, poet. Born on Ryazan soil. Honored Artist of Russia and Mordovia. Songs: - “Birch Twilight” (lyrics by V. Kharitonov), “Dear Mother” (lyrics by I. Lashkov), “He’s going on leave » ( sl. V. Bokov), “Frank guys” (ditties, lyrics by A. Vikhrev), “In mountain gorges”, etc.

Agapkin Vasily Ivanovich (1884-1964) - composer, military conductor. More than 60 years of service in the Russian and Soviet Army. In 1912, he wrote the march “Farewell of the Slav” on the occasion of seeing off volunteers for the Balkan War. The music has gained worldwide fame and glory - once you hear it at least once, you will never forget it...

Berkovsky Viktor Semenovich (1932-2005) – Russian scientist in the field of steel, rolling, metal forming, professor (120 scientific works). He is also a composer, poet, bard (about 200 original songs), as well as songs based on poems by famous poets - “Grenada” (words by M. Svetlov), “Alma Mater” (D. Sukharev), “Horses in the Ocean” (B Slutsky), “To the Music of Vivaldi”, songs based on poems by Yu. Vizbor, etc.
B.B. – pseudonym of the poet and musician B. Baron. In 1896, he wrote the romance “The Weeping Willows Are Dormant” (lyrics by A. Timofeev). “Nothing else is known about him” - a phrase from the Internet.

Budishchev Aleksey Nikolaevich (1864-1916) - Russian writer, poet (started as a poet-humorist). Romance “Wicket” (music by V. Buyukli-?, A. Obukhov-?). Numerous prose is firmly forgotten.
Buyukli Vsevolod Ivanovich (1873-1920) - Russian composer, pianist. The romance “Wicket” (lyrics by A. Budishchev) was first published in 1898 with music by V. Buyukli, and later with music by A. Obukhov.

Babajanyan Arno Harutyunovich (1921-1983) - Armenian Soviet composer. Genus. in Yerevan, graduated from the Yerevan and Moscow Conservatories. Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1951, 1953), People's Artist of the USSR (1971). He wrote works for orchestra, for piano, for violin, string quartets, sonatas... In the song genre he worked with poets E. Yevtushenko, G. Registan, L. Derbenev, R. Rozhdestvensky and others. Songs - “Don’t Rush”, “Song of the First love" , “Ferris Wheel”, “Make a Wish”, “The Best City on Earth”, “Blue Taiga”, “Beauty Queen”, “The Sea is Calling”, “Thank You”, etc.

Bokov Viktor Fedorovich (born 1914) is a Russian poet, prose writer, and collector of folklore. Originally from a peasant family in the Moscow region. Collections “Poetry one hundred and first mile”, “Three steps from the nightingale”, etc., publication of the anthology “Russian ditties”. Awarded orders and medals. Collaboration with composers G. Ponomarenko, A. Averkin and others. Songs - “I will call you dawn”, “My Naryan-Mar...”, “Give me a scarf”, “Oh, snow-snowball”, “Silence on Mamayev Kurgan” , “Going on leave”, “Orenburg downy scarf”, etc.
Basner Veniamin Efimovich (1925-1996) – Soviet composer. Born in Yaroslavl. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1982), State Laureate. Russian Prize (1980). He wrote music for many films (about 100) - “The Fate of a Man”, “Silence”, “Blockade”, “Gypsy”, “Striped Flight”, “Days of the Turbins”, “For the rest of my life”. Most of the songs, and more than 300 of them were written, are based on the words of the poet M. Matusovsky - “At a nameless height”, “For the rest of my life”, “Birch sap”, “Where does the Motherland begin?”, “Let’s wave without looking” , “The nightingale whistled to us all night...”, etc.

Budashkin Nikolai Pavlovich (1910-1988) - Soviet composer. Music for theatrical productions, films, songs. Collaboration with B. Mokrousov in the work on the production “Wedding with a Dowry”. During the war - in the Baltic Fleet. Famous songs - “Beyond the distant outskirts”, “Sailor” (Isakovsky), “Song about Baikal” (S. Ostrovoy). State Laureate USSR Prizes (1947, 1949), People's Artist of the RSFSR (1972), Professor at the Moscow State Institute of Cinematography.

Blanter Matvey (Motya) Isaakovich (1903-1990) is a Soviet composer who, even before the war, became one of the leading masters of mass lyrical song. Laureate of the Stalin Prize (1946), People's Artist of the USSR (1975), Hero of Socialism. Labor (1983). About 200 songs have been written, the most famous are “Migratory Birds Are Flying”, “Katyusha” - worldwide fame, “In the City Garden”, “In the Forest at the Front”, “Song of War Correspondents”, “My Beloved”, “Enemies Burnt My Home” , “There is no better flower”, “Sad willows”, “The sun hid behind the mountain”, and many more unforgettable songs.

Nikita Vladimirovich Bogoslovsky (1913-2004) - an outstanding Soviet composer, conductor, pianist, writer. Born in St. Petersburg. Author of symphonies, musical dramas and comedies (17 operettas), author of music for the film. films (58 films) - “Fighters”, “Big Life”, “Two Fighters”, “Mysterious Island”, “Different Fates”. Every more or less adult person knows Bogoslovsky’s songs by ear, at least from movies, sometimes without knowing about their authorship and considering the songs to be folk songs: - “The dark mounds are sleeping”, “Scows full of mullets”, “Beloved city”, “Dark night”, “Song of Roshchina”, “Lizaveta”, “For three years I dreamed of you”, “Remember, Mom”, “Song of the old cabman”, “I haven’t been to Donbass for a long time” - about 200 songs in total.

Vysotsky Vladimir Semenovich (01/25/1938-07/25/1980) - Russian poet, actor, author and performer of songs. Born in Moscow into a military family. In 1960 he graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School. V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko. 1964-1980 – work at the Taganka Drama and Comedy Theater. More than 30 roles in films - “The Cook”, “Vertical”, “The place of the meeting cannot be changed”, “Little tragedies”, “Short meetings”, “Two comrades served”, “The only one”, “Intervention”, etc. Collections of poems (in total about 600 songs and poems were written). USSR State Prize (posthumously, 1987). Songs - “He did not return from the battle”, “Top”, “Maryushka” (Spanish Marina Vladi), “Song about a friend”, “My gypsy”, “Mass graves”, “Domes”, “Stars”, “I I don’t like”, “Crystal House”, “Trouble” - Marina’s uncle Vladi, “The Bride For Me”, “Sail”, “Wolf Hunt”, “So Smoky” - Spanish. Marina Vladi, “She was in Paris”, “Morning exercises”, etc.

Vertinsky Alexander Nikolaevich (1889-1957) – pop artist, cabaret singer, film actor. He performed in many countries of the world. In 1943 he returned from emigration to the USSR. The author of music and lyrics, performed by himself with characteristic expressiveness and varied intonation. He traveled all over the country, giving up to 150 concerts annually. His two daughters are famous actresses Anastasia and Marianna Vertinsky. Films - “Conspiracy of the Doomed” (Stalin Prize, 1943), “Anna on the Neck”, etc. The most popular songs are “The Long Road”, “Tango Magnolia”, “In the Moldavian Steppe”, “A Minute”, “Yellow Angel” , “Farewell dinner”, “Over the pink sea”, “Madam, the leaves are already falling”, “Daughters”, “Song about my wife”, “Your fingers smell like incense”, etc.

Varlamov Alexander Egorovich (1801-1848) - Russian singer and composer, created about 200 songs and romances based on poems by A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, A. Koltsov, A. Fet, A. Pleshcheev, N. Tsyganov - “The lonely sail turns white “,” “I loved you,” “I’ll saddle the horse,” “Red sundress,” “A blizzard is blowing along the street,” “Don’t you sing...”, “Don’t wake her up at dawn,” “It’s not the wind that bends the branch” (lyrics S. Stromilov), etc.

Vanshenkin Konstantin Yakovlevich (born 1925) is a Russian poet and prose writer. Born in Moscow in the family of a factory engineer. He went to war from 10th grade and took part in battles. Graduated from the Literary Institute in 1953. There are many collections of poetry, as well as prose - stories, stories. State USSR Prize. Songs - “I love you, life!” (E. Colm.), “Soldiers” (Ya. Frenkel), “I will never forget you,” “Alyosha,” “You serve,
we will wait for you”, “There is little light outside the window” (E. Kolmanovsky), “How ships are seen off” (A. Ostrovsky), “I’m in a hurry, excuse me”, “Waltz of parting” (Ya. Frenkel), etc.

Vinokurov Evgeny Mikhailovich (1925-1993) - Russian poet. Born in Bryansk. Several collections of poetry (philosophical lyrics). State USSR Prize (1987). Song “Muscovites” (In the fields beyond the sleepy Vistula...) – composer A. Eshpai.

Vizbor Yuri Iosifovich (1934-1984) - poet, actor (films “Retribution”, “Beginning”, “Seventeen Moments of Spring”), writer, journalist, composer, bard. More than 300 songs. Creator of the reportage song genre. Songs - “Business trip”, “Dombai Waltz”, “You are the only one I have”, “If I get sick”, “My dear, forest sun”, “Okhotny Ryad” and many other songs.

German Pavel Davidovich (1894-1952) – poet. Songs - “Only Once” (music by B. Fomina), “Air March” (Higher and Higher...), “Bagels”, “Song about the Brick Factory”, ("Bricks"), etc.

Gadzhikasimov Onegin Osif-Ogly (1932-2002) was one of the most popular songwriters in the USSR in the 70-80s. Born in Baku, named after Pushkin's hero. The younger brother, Nizami, is named after the great Azerbaijani poet. Collaboration with the most famous composers, songs were performed by the most famous pop performers - “Golden Tango”, “Be Happy” (music by A. Babajanyan), “Oriental Song” (D. Tukhmanov), “Moonlight Serenade”, “I will wait for you” » , “Love and Separation” (A. Zatsepin), “Laila”, and many other songs. In 1985, he converted to Orthodoxy and became a monk at the Optina Pustyn Monastery.

Gleizarov Nikolai Valentinovich (1909-1970) - Soviet poet, author of poems for the stage, songs for famous films (for example, “Our Neighbors”, “Happy Sailing”) - “Two Soldiers”, “You’re Always Good”, “You close, you’re close...", "Silence."

Drunina Yulia Vladimirovna (1924-1991) - Russian poetess, born. in Moscow. Participant in war and hostilities. Medical instructor.., wounds.., awards... Numerous collections of poems. Secretariat of the Joint Venture of the USSR and Russia, member of the editorial board of central newspapers and magazines. State Laureate prizes of the USSR, Russia and many other prizes. After the collapse of the USSR, she voluntarily died. A very famous song by A. Petrov based on the verses of Yulia Vladimirovna is “On the Mound.”

Dolmatovsky Evgeniy Aronovich (1915-1994) Russian poet and prose writer, literary critic. Born in Moscow. He fought on the fronts of the Patriotic War, was captured, escaped, and returned to the front as a war correspondent. Awarded many orders and medals. State Laureate Prize (1950). In the 60s there was a decline in the quality of poetry and loss of popularity. But these songs are impossible to forget: “Beloved City”, “Random Waltz”, “Sormovskaya Lyrical”, “I Was Going on a Hiking Then”, “Behind the Factory Outpost”, “Lizaveta”, “And the Years Fly”, “School Years”, “If only the boys of the whole earth”, and many others.

Dunaevsky Isaac Osipovich (1900-1955) - Soviet composer, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1950). Creator of Soviet operetta (12 works), for example. “Free Wind”, “White Acacia”. Music for films - “Volga-Volga”, “Jolly Fellows”, “Three Comrades”, “Goalkeeper”, “Circus”, “Spring”, “Children of Captain Grant”, “Kuban Cossacks”, songs “What You Were”, “So many good girls”, “School Waltz”, “My Moscow”.

Dorizo ​​Nikolai Konstantinovich, b. 1923 – writer, poet, publicist, literary critic, researcher of Pushkin’s work. Numerous collections of poems. Songs – “Song of Love” (On that highway... music by M. Fradkin), “Remember, Mom”, “I haven’t been to Donbass for a long time” , “Song of Roshchina” (music by N. Bogoslovsky), “Song of Matvey” (You can’t hide from people in the village...), “So many golden lights” (K. Molchanov), etc.

Derbenev Leonid Petrovich (04/12/1931 – 06/22/1995) – an outstanding pop songwriter (Derbenev’s songs were included in the repertoire of the most famous pop singers in the country). Several hundred songs were created based on his poems by composers A. Zatsepin (“There is only a moment”, “Song about bears”, “It’s not beer that kills people”, “Song about hares”, “Goodbye, summer!”), M. Dunaevsky ( "All will pass" , “City Flowers”), A. Babajanyan (“The Best City on Earth”), V. Dobrynin (“Who Told You?”), B. Emelyanov (“I Dream of a Village”), etc.

DobronravovNikolai Nikolaevich (born 1928) - Soviet and Russian poet-songwriter, State laureate. USSR Prize (1982). The most famous songs were written in collaboration with his wife - composer A. Pakhmutova - Geologists", "Belovezhskaya Pushcha", "Tenderness", "The main thing, guys, is not to grow old with your heart", "Bird of Happiness", "Hope" , “Old Maple”, “Song of Troubled Youth”, and many other songs to the music of M. Tariverdiev, A. Babajanyan, A. Ostrovsky, and others.

Yevtushenko Evgeniy Aleksandrovich (born 1933) – Russian and Soviet poet, prose writer, publicist, actor. Numerous collections of poetry, novels (“Don’t Die Before You Die”). Compiler of an anthology of Russian poetry of the 20th century. Screenwriter of several thin. films, in the film “Take Off” he played Tsiolkovsky. The poet's popularity was facilitated by his manner of reading poetry from the stage. Lives and works in Moscow, teaches Russian poetry. Popular songs based on Yevtushenko’s poems - “And it’s snowing” (A. Eshpai), “Waltz about a waltz”, “The river runs”, “Do the Russians want war” (E. Kolmanovsky), “Don’t rush”, “Ferris Wheel” ( A. Babajanyan), “This is what is happening to me” (M. Tariverdiev), “Alder earring” (E. Krylatov).

Yesenin Sergei Aleksandrovich (October 3, 1895 – December 28, 1925) is a great Russian poet, “the most national and sincere poet of Russia.” Born in the village of Konstantinovo, Ryazan province. All his poetry is a ready-made song. For many poems, music was born among the people: - “You are my fallen maple”, “Letter to mother” (V. Lipatov), ​​“I am wandering through the first snow”, “In the land where the yellow nettle is” (A. Vertinsky, G . Ponomarenko), “There is a month above the window” (E. Popov), “Weaved over the lake”, “I don’t regret, I don’t call, I don’t cry” (G. Ponomarenko), “I’ve never been to the Bosphorus”, “You don’t you love, you don’t regret” (A. Lipin), etc.

Zharkovsky Evgeniy Emmanuilovich (1906-1985) - Soviet composer. Songs (about 300), 8 operettas, music for theater and cinema. During the war, he was a naval officer in the Northern Fleet. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1981). Book of front-line memories “And the muses were not silent.” Songs - “Chernomorochka” (P. Panchenko), “Sea Memory”, “Zhenka” (K. Vanshenkin), “Farewell, Rocky Mountains” (N. Bukin), “Talisman” (M. Tanich), “Orca Swallow "(O. Kolychev), etc.

Zharov Alexander Alekseevich (1904-1987) – Russian poet (“proletarian poet”). The poems are imbued with the spirit of revolutionary romance. Images of Komsomol members of the 20s. Fought in the Patriotic War (war correspondent), awarded orders and medals. Many collections of poems. In the collection “Happiness - in every home”, the texts of popular songs are “Soar with fires ...”, “We went hiking”, “Sad willows” (music by Blanter), “We are for peace!”, “Treasured Stone” (music by B Mokrousova), “Where are you, early morning”, etc.

Zhemchuzhnikov Alexey Mikhailovich (1821-1908) - poet of the Nekrasov school. Honorary Academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1900). Together with the poet A.K. Tolstoy and the brothers Vladimir and Alexander, he created the literary image of Kozma Prutkov. “Kozma Prutkov” is the collective pseudonym under which they published in magazines in the mid-19th century. “Cranes” (Here, under a strange sky...) is a song based on the poem “Autumn Cranes”, written in 1871 by the Russian poet A. M. Zhemchuzhnikov.

Zatsepin Alexander Sergeevich, b. 03/10/1926 - composer. Graduated from the Alma-Ata Conservatory. People's Artist of Russia (2001). Since 1991 he has lived in France. Music for more than 70 films, including comedies by L. Gaidai, the films “The Red Tent”, “Sannikov’s Land”, etc. Songs – “There is only a moment”, “Goodbye, summer!”, “Moonlight Serenade” , “Where does childhood go”, “This world was not invented by us”, “Island of ignorance”, “Song about bears”, “It’s not beer that kills people”, etc.

Isakovsky Mikhail Vasilevich (1900 - 1973) - Russian songwriter. Born in the Smolensk region (village of Glotovka). Hero of Social Labor (1970), awarded four Orders of Lenin. I didn’t fight (eye disease), although I always wanted to go to the front. State Laureate awards (1943, 1949). Worked with composers M. Blanter, V. Solovyov-Sedy, I. Dunaevsky, B. Mokrousov, brothers Dm. and Dan. Pokrass (“Farewell”). Some songs are sung by the whole world: “Katyusha”, “Migratory birds are flying”, “Ogonyok”, “Oh, the viburnum is blooming”, “Lonely accordion”, “Hear me, good one”, “In the forest near the front”, “Enemies burned their own hut » , “Where are you, brown eyes,” etc.

Kolmanovsky Eduard Savelievich (1923-1994) - Russian composer, author of numerous songs, music for plays, films and cartoons. State Laureate USSR Prize (1984), People's Artist of the USSR (1991). Songs - “Silence” (based on poems by V. Orlov), “I love you, life!” (K. Vanshenkin), “Waltz about a Waltz” (E. Yevtushenko), “Do the Russians want war”, “Alyosha”, “Still Ahead”, “Irish Biryushinka”, “Crane”, “The River Runs”, “Where Are You” been there before?”, “Dialogue at the New Year’s Tree”, “Men”, a cycle of songs based on poems by P.-J. Beranger and many more songs (about 200) based on poems by L. Oshanin, L. Derbenev, M. Tanich, I. Shaferan, N. Dorizo, R. Gamzatov, E. Dolmatovsky and others. Some songs are dedicated to his wife Tamara, who died in a car accident.

Kukin Yuri Alekseevich (born 1932) - Soviet and Russian poet, bard. In the 60s he took part in geological expeditions to Kamchatka, the Far East and other regions. Many songs have become famous among tourists and geologists. Records, CDs, and books of songs were released. Songs - “Distant Mountains, Foggy Mountains, Mountains”, “Thirty Years”, “Behind the Fog”, “In Memory of Vizbor”, “Little Dwarf”, etc.

Laskin Boris Savelyevich (1914-1983) - Soviet songwriter, prose writer, film screenwriter (for example, "Carnival Night"), songs for the films "Big Life", "Tractor Drivers" - "Three Tankers" (Br. Pokrass), "The Way -front path (B. Mokrousov), “The dark mounds are sleeping” (N. Bogoslovsky), etc.

Luchenok Igor Mikhailovich (born 1938) - Belarusian composer, People's Artist of the USSR (1987). Rector of the Belarusian Conservatory (1982-1986). More than 300 songs based on poems by various poets - “Memory of the Heart”, “May Waltz” (M. Yasen), “Alesya” (A. Kuleshov), “If Stones Could Speak” (R. Rozhdestvensky).

Leshchenko Petr performs the song “Studentochka” back in the 30s, the tango “Longing for the Motherland” from the repertoire of P. Leshchenko is performed by Alla Bayanova

Lisyansky Mark Samoilovich (1913-1993) - Soviet poet. During the Great Patriotic War he was at the front. In 1941, he wrote the poem “I walked around the world a lot...”, which became the widely popular song “My Moscow” (music by I. Dunaevsky), and since 1996 - the anthem of Moscow. And many more songs - “Moscow Dawns” (music by A. Ostrovsky), “Autumn Leaves” (I. Dunaevsky), “Sea Soul” (A. Dolukhanyan), “When the Soldiers Sing” (Yu. Milyutin), and many other songs.

Matusovsky Mikhail Lvovich (1915 – 1990) – Russian songwriter. Originally from Lugansk. Before the war, he came to Moscow “with a suitcase of poetry, threatening to overwhelm the capital with his products,” and he succeeded. During the war, he was a war correspondent at the fronts. State Laureate Prize (1977). Collaboration with composers I. Dunaevsky, V. Basner, T. Khrennikov, B. Mokrousov and others. Songs: “Where does the Motherland begin?”, “Lilac Fog”, “Moscow Evenings”, “School Waltz”, “At a Nameless Height” ", Moskovs« some windows" , “Vologda”, “The nightingale whistled to us all night”, and many more songs that have become truly folk.

Mazhukov Alexey Sergeevich (born 1936) is a Soviet composer. Born in Chuvashia. Graduated from the Moscow Conservatory. Mazhukov's songs have firmly entered the repertoire of M. Magomayev, S. Rotaru, E. Piekha, L. Leshchenko, N. Brodskaya, N. Gnatyuk, and other performers. Songs - “And the music sounds” (poems by N. Zinoviev), “Lullaby” (O. Gadzhikasimov), “Take me with you” (M. Tanich), “Yellow-eyed night” (L. Oshanin), “Music of love”, “But I have no peace” (A. Poperechny), “The girl from apartment 45” (M. Plyatskovsky), “The blizzard is smoking” (V. Kharitonov), etc.

Mokrousov Boris Andreevich (1909-1968) - Soviet composer. Graduated from the Moscow Conservatory (1936). State Laureate USSR Prize (1948). Mokrousov composed a lot of songs based on poems by the most famous poets, everyone knows these songs - “Lonely Accordion” (lyrics by M. Isakovsky), “Treasured Stone” (A. Zharov), “Distant Bonfires Burn” (I. Shamov), “ “I won’t brag, dear”, “On the porch”, “When spring will come, I don’t know” (A. Fatyanov), “Sormovskaya lyric” (E. Dolmatovsky), “Wait for the soldier” (S. Ostrovoy), “Front-line song driver" (N. Labkovsky), and many others, "You're near"

Morozov Alexander Sergeevich (born 1948) - composer, Honored Artist of Russia (2004), People's Artist of Ukraine (2004), People's Artist of the Republic of Moldova (2003). Songs - “Crimson Ringing”, “In the Upper Room”, “House with Windows on the Garden”, “Dad, Give Me a Doll”, “The Soul Hurts”, “Scarlet Dawn”, “Herbs Smell of Mint”, “Pebbles”, etc. Lives in the Moscow region, building a house...

Nazarova Tatyana - poet, composer, singer. He writes lyrics for songs performed by L. Dolina, N. Baskov, I. Allegrova and other modern pop artists. Collaboration with the Freestyle group, with I. Krutoy. Songs - “Oh, what a woman!” (A. Rozanov), “It hurts me, it hurts”, “Boat of Love”, “You are my light”, “Heavenly Clock”, etc. Lives in Sochi.

Ostrovsky Arkady Ilyich (1914-1967) – Soviet composer and songwriter. Born in Syzran. From 1940 to 1947 he worked in the Utesov jazz orchestra. The song “Let There Always Be Sunshine” received first prize at the International Song Festival in Sopot (1962). Some of the most popular songs by Arkady Ostrovsky - the cycle of “yard servants” to the words of the poet L. Oshanin - “And in our yard”, “And again in the yard”, “I’ll wait for you”, “Here is this yard again”, “Childhood has gone into the distance "; And also - “Stork”, “Song of Love” (The blizzard mixed... L. Oshanin); “Boys”, “If you can, forgive me”, “Perhaps” (I. Shaferan); “How ships are seen off” (K. Vanshenkin); “The song stays with the person” (S. Ostrovoy); many songs for children - “Tired toys are sleeping”, etc.

OkudzhavaBulat Shalvovich (1924-1997) - Soviet and Russian poet, composer, prose writer and screenwriter. Front-line soldier, wounded, has military awards. The author of about 200 original and pop songs, written to his own poems, a bright representative of the bard song genre, which is characterized by subtle lyricism and the romance of everyday life, and confidential intonation. State Laureate USSR Prize (1991). Songs - “We need one victory” from the film “Belorussky Station”, “Your Nobility” (music by I. Schwartz), “On the Smolensk Road”, “Song about Lenka Korolev”, “Take your overcoat, let's go home” ( V. Levashov), “Song of the Cavalry Guard” (I. Schwartz), etc.

Oshanin Lev Ivanovich (1912-1997) - Russian and Soviet poet. State Laureate USSR Prize (1950). Popular patriotic, lyrical and love songs by various composers based on Oshanin’s poems - “Oh, roads!” (A. Novikov), “Song of Love” (The blizzard mixed... A. Ostrovsky), “The Volga Flows” (M. Fradkin), the cycle of songs “And in our yard” (A. Ostrovsky), and many other wonderful songs .

Ponomarenko Grigory Fedorovich (1921-1996) - Soviet composer. Born in Ukraine into a peasant family. He learned to read music at the age of 8. During the war he toured on the fronts with music. team. Has military awards. People's Artist of the USSR (1990). Music for plays, films, works for domra, accordion. Throughout his life he wrote music for 970 works. Songs - “Ivushka” (V. Alferov), “Orenburg downy scarf” (V. Bokov), “What happened, happened” (M. Agashina), “Poplars”, “I will call you dawn”, “Where am I?” should I take such a song?”, “Give me a handkerchief”, “I don’t regret, I don’t call, I don’t cry” (S. Yesenin), and many other songs. "Jan 7 1996, at 9:25 am, the Tavria car of the composer Ponomarenko in the Krasnodar region suddenly jumped into the oncoming lane and collided with a Zhiguli car of the third model. The blow was terrible. Ponomarenko and the passenger of the “troika” died on the spot. Apparently, Grigory Fedorovich became ill while driving. This is the only way to explain that no brake mark was found from the Tavria.”

St. Petersburg Jerzy (1897-1979) - Polish conductor and composer. He wrote the unforgettable tango “Weary Sun”, and also created the melody of the song “Blue Handkerchief”, “Twenty-second of June”.

Petrov Andrey Pavlovich (1930-2006) - Russian and Soviet composer, People's Artist of the USSR (1980), author of music for plays, feature films (about 80) - “Amphibian Man”, “The Path to the Pier”, “Zigzag of Fortune”, “ Taming the Fire”, “Garage”, “Office Romance”, “Beware of the Car”, “Cruel Romance”, etc. Laureate of several State awards. USSR awards (1967,1976, 1995). There are many songs based on poems by famous poets - “Blue Cities” (words by L. Kuklin), “Song about a Friend” (G. Pozhenyan), “And the Gypsy Comes” (R. Kipling), “There is No Peace for My Soul” (R. Burns ), “I’m walking around Moscow” (G. Shpalikov), “On the mound” (Yu. Drunina), “And finally I’ll say” (B. Akhmadullina), “Hey, sailor!” and “The fisherman goes on his dangerous path..” (from the film “Amphibian Man”, lyrics by Yu. Drunina and S. Fogelson), and other songs.

Pakhmutova Alexandra Nikolaevna (born 1929) is a Russian and Soviet composer and songwriter (more than 400 songs). Author of music for many films - “Girls”, “Three Poplars on Plyushchikha”, “Born of the Revolution”, etc. People's Artist of the USSR (1984). State Laureate USSR awards (1975,1982), Hero of Socialism. Labor (1990). Married to the poet N. Dobronravov, the author of most of the lyrics of the songs she created - “The main thing, guys ...”, “Hope”, “Tenderness”, “Old Maple”, “Bird of Happiness”, “Song about Troubled Youth”, “Belovezhskaya Pushcha” , “Geologists”, “Hugging the sky...”, “How young we were”, and many other songs.

Pilipenko Mikhail Mikhailovich (1919-1957) - poet. After the war, he worked in Sverdlovsk for the newspaper “For Change!” Several collections of poems. Author of the popular song “Ural Rowanushka” » (music by E. Rodygin).

Poire Maria Yakovlevna (1863-1933) - actress of Moscow and St. Petersburg theaters, performer of Russian and gypsy romances. She left to her descendants two unique songs of her own (poems and music) - the romances “I was on my way home” and “Swan Song”.

Rozhdestvensky Robert Ivanovich (1932-1994) b. in Altai (village Koshikha). Real surname Petkevich (took the surname of his adoptive mother). In numerous collections of poems he continued the traditions of Mayakovsky - “combat”, “pathetic” language. State USSR Prize (1979). Collaboration with composers O. Feltsman, M. Fradkin, B. Mokrousov, Y. Frenkel, M. Tariverdiev brought the people many unforgettable songs - “The Enormous Sky”, “The Ballad of Colors”, “Sweet Berry”, “Moments”, “ For that guy”, “Song about a distant homeland”, “There, behind the clouds”, “Wedding” (Babadzhanyan), “Old words”, and many more good songs.

Rubtsov Nikolai Mikhailovich (1936-1971) - Russian national poet. Born in Yemetsk, Arkhangelsk region. The father left the family, the mother died early. He was brought up in orphanages from the age of 6. He considered his homeland. Nikolskoye, Vologda region, where his independent life began. Since 1952 - travelling, work, service in the navy, publication of poetry. Graduated from the Literary Institute in Moscow. One of the biographies says: “Rubtsov’s hand was guided by an unearthly force... Over the past 60 years, there have been no such divine and living verbs in Russian poetry” (V. Belkov). In 1971 was killed by a woman as a result of a serious family quarrel. Various composers and performers have composed many good songs based on Rubtsov’s poems - “Bouquet”, “Country Nights”, “Cranes”, “Star of the Fields”, “In the Upper Room”, “In Minutes of Music”, “My Quiet Homeland”, “Sailing” ... The music was made by A. Barykin, M. Kozlov, E. Matveev, A. Matyukhin, A. Gradsky, A. Dulov and other performers.

Rodygin Evgeniy Pavlovich (born 1925) is a Ural composer, author of many popular songs. At the age of 17, he volunteered to go to the front, senior sergeant, and was wounded on the Oder. At the front he never parted with his accordion. After the war, he graduated from the conservatory in Sverdlovsk and works with the Ural Russian Folk Choir. All his songs are perceived as folk songs - “Where are you running, dear path”, “My flax”, “On the border” (Wait for me, my Marusya...), “New settlers are coming”, “White snow”, “Song about Sverdlovsk”, “ Ural mountain ash" , which sounds on Finnish television as a Finnish folk song (and in many parts of the world they know it). Music for the film "In the Power of Gold".

Registan Harold Gabrielevich (1924-1999) - Soviet poet, translator. Front-line soldier. Graduated from the Literary Institute (1951). Author of lyrics for more than 400 songs, numerous books of poetry. Songs - “Come back” (music by A. Dominguez, arrangement by V. Lyudvikovsky), “The sea is calling” (A. Babajanyan), “From the first meeting”, “Song of first love”, “You, only you” (A. Eshpai), etc.

Solovyov-Sedoy Vasily Pavlovich (1907-1979) - Soviet composer. Born in St. Petersburg. An outstanding master of songs (more than 400), author of operettas, ballets (Taras Bulba), music for films. Stalin Prize (1943, 1947), Lenin Prize (1959), People's Artist of the USSR (1967), Hero of Socialism. Labor (1975). The most famous songs: - “Moscow Evenings” - world famous, “Evening on the Roadstead”, “Evening Song”, “If only the boys of the whole earth”, “Where are you, my garden?”, “On the road!”, “Hear me, good one,” “Sailor’s Nights,” “Play, My Accordion,” “On the Boat,” and many others.

Strok Oscar Davidovich (1893-1975) - Latvian, Russian and Soviet composer, nicknamed the king of tango during his lifetime. During the war, he was part of front-line concert brigades, sometimes performing with Klavdiya Shulzhenko. After the war, Western-style light music was banned. The press did not report the death of Oscar Strok; only relatives were present at the funeral. Tango: “Black Eyes”, “Moon Rhapsody”, “Tell me why?”, “Don’t Leave”, “My Last Tango”, etc. Performed by Pyotr Leshchenko, Konstantin Sokolsky.

Simonov Konstantin (Kirill) Mikhailovich (1915-1979) - Soviet writer, poet, public figure. Graduated from the Literary Institute (1938). State Laureate USSR awards (six times), Hero of Social. Labor (1974). Went through the war on all fronts (war correspondent), colonel. He was married to Valentina Serova (film “A Girl with Character”), to whom he dedicated the poem “Wait for me, and I will return...”. There are songs based on Simonov’s poems - “Song of War Correspondents”, “Wait for Me” (music by M. Blanter), “I Remember an Old House in Vyazma” (M. Tabachnikov), “Song of Zoya” (D. Shostakovich), and others. The ashes of Konstantin Simonov were scattered, according to his will, in a field near Mogilev.

Slutsky Boris Abramovich (1919-1986) - Russian and Soviet poet, publicist, translator, critic. Graduated from the Literary Institute named after. Gorky (1941). Front-line soldier. There are songs based on poems by Slutsky, for example - “Horses in the Ocean” (music by V. Berkovsky)

Tanich Mikhail Isaevich (1923-2008) - poet, People's Artist of Russia. He fought and marched from Belarus to the Elbe as the commander of an anti-tank gun. Awarded orders and medals. After the war, he was imprisoned on false charges until 1953. M. Tanich gave hundreds of beautiful song texts to composers and people - “Well, what can I tell you about Sakhalin?”, “I’ll get off at a distant station,” “Black Cat,” “Aty-Bati,” “How is it serving you,” “A soldier is walking along city" , “Komarovo”, “Weather in the House”, “Love Ring”. Almost all modern composers worked with him - V. Shainsky, J. Frenkel, A. Ostrovsky, O. Feltsman, I. Nikolaev, N. Bogoslovsky, V. Solovyov-Sedoy, etc. M. Tanich wrote only for the ensemble “Lesopoval” 80 songs. Author of numerous books.

Tabachnikov Modest Efimovich (1913-1977) - Soviet composer. Genus. in Odessa, in 1936 he graduated from the Odessa Music and Pedagogical Institute. During the war, he was the director of front-line theaters. He wrote music for 50 dramatic performances, more than 230 songs - “No, the soldier will not forget”, “By the Black Sea”, “Flower Girl Anyuta”, “Let’s smoke”, “You’re from Odessa, Mishka”, “Uncle Vanya”, and etc.

Tukhmanov David Fedorovich (born 1940) is a Russian composer. Born into an Armenian family. 1958-1963 – studied at the Music Pedagogical Institute named after. Gnesins. Works of different genres, songs. Collaboration with VIA “Jolly Fellows”, “Gems”, “Leisya, Song”. In 1975, he wrote the song “Victory Day” to the words of V. Kharitonov, which at first was not taken on radio and TV, considering it a foxtrot. And then Lev Leshchenko sang it without permission at a concert for Police Day, and marked the beginning of her triumph... People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2000), State Prize (2003). Songs - “The Last Train”, “My Motherland”, “Oriental Song”, “These Eyes Opposite”, “Chistye Prudy”, “Stork on the Roof”, “How Beautiful This World”, “Nightingale’s Rosh”, “Vain Words” , and many others.

Tariverdiev Mikael Leonovich (1931-1996) - an outstanding Soviet and Russian composer of Armenian origin, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1986), State laureate. USSR Prize (1977). Author of many operas, symphonies (“Chernobyl”), ballets “The Girl and Death”, music for films (over 130), romances and songs (over 100). Three-time winner of the Nika Prize. Some films: “Resident’s Mistake” with further sequels, “17 Moments of Spring”, “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath”, “The Lost Expedition”, “Golden River”, “The Doctor’s Apprentice”, etc. Songs - “Song of distant homeland", "Moments" (lyrics by R. Rozhdestvensky), "The Little Prince", "Don't be sad" (N. Dobronravov), "I asked the ash tree" (V. Kirshon), "I like..." (M . Tsvetaeva), “There will be no one in the house” (B. Pasnernak), “Don’t part with your loved ones,” “On Tikhoretskaya..”, etc.

Terentyev Boris Mikhailovich (1913-1989) - Soviet composer, People's Artist of the RSFSR, author of several operas, operettas and more than 200 songs, for example - “Here someone came down from the hill (folk lyrics), “Let the days pass” (lyrics. I. Finka).

Fatyanov Alexey Ivanovich (1919-1959) - Russian poet. Born in Vyazniki. Before the war, he worked as an artist in the Red Army Theater (reader and concert host). He went to the front, took part in battles, in breakthroughs from encirclement. Private Fatyanov ended the war after being wounded, already in Europe. At the front I met the composer Solovyov-Sedy, and together they created about 80 songs - “Nightingales”, “We haven’t been home for a long time”, “Where are you, my garden?”, “On a sunny clearing”, “Because we- pilots!”, “Where are you now, fellow soldiers?”... After the war, Fatyanov creates the lyrics of many future famous songs: “In the city garden”, “Golden lights”, “For three years I dreamed of you”, “When spring comes, I don’t know”, “Caravans of Birds”, “On the Porch”, “Silence behind the Rogozhskaya Outpost”, songs for the play “Wedding with a Dowry”... The poet lived only 40 years. A museum of Russian song has been opened in the house of the Fatyanov family. In 1996 The Russian Writers' Union established the Fatyanov Literary Prize. Since 1974, the annual all-Russian holiday “Nightingales, Nightingales” has been held.

Frenkel Jan Abramovich (1920-1989) - Soviet composer. Studied at the Kyiv Conservatory. During the war he took part in hostilities and was wounded. Music for plays and films. He performed many of his songs himself. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1978), People's Artist of the USSR (1989), State laureate. USSR Prize (1982). Songs - “Pursuit” (lyrics by R. Rozhdestvensky), “Northern Wind”, “August”, “Russian Field” (I. Goff), “Polars”, “Waltz of Parting” (K. Vanshenkin), “Cranes” ( R. Gamzatov), ​​“Well, what can I tell you about Sakhalin?”, “Love is a ring”, “How is it serving you?” (M. Tanich), “Kalina Krasnaya” (people), “And yet the sea...” (I. Shaferan), and many other songs.

Feldman Yakov Lazarevich (1884-1950) – musician. Romances - “Random Meetings”, “Coachman, Don’t Drive the Horses”, which he dedicated to his wife, singer A. Granskaya. The peak of popularity of the “Coachman” was 1915. Then years of prohibitions and oblivion... The text was written by the Russified German Nikolai von Ritter, who, unable to withstand persecution (there was a war with Germany), emigrated after 1917, and his traces were lost.

Fogelson Solomon Borisovich (1910-1994) - Soviet songwriter. During the war he served in the Baltic and gave concerts on ships of the active fleet. Collaboration with composer Solovyov-Sedy, songs - “Golden Lights”, “Don’t Believe It, My Friend”, “Sailors’ Nights”, “It’s Time to Hit the Road” (from the film “Heavenly Slug”), etc.

Feltsman Oscar Borisovich (born 1921) - composer, People's Artist of Russia. Operettas, dramatic performances, musicals, concerts, music for films. Songs – “Black Sea” (M. Matusovsky). “And love is like a song” (V. Kharitonov), “I believe, friends...” (V. Voinovich), “I don’t see anything” (L. Oshanin). “The Enormous Sky”, “Ballad of Colors” (R. Rozhdestvensky), “Trains” (M. Matusovsky), “The Song Goes Around in a Circle” (M. Tanich and V. Shaferan), “Lilies of the Valley” (O. Fadeeva) – The composer was criticized for this song for a quarter of a century, but the people loved and still love and sing this “hit”, like all the songs of Oscar Borisovich Feltsman.

Fradkin Mark Grigorievich (1914-1990) - Soviet composer, author of many popular songs and music for films (more than 50 - “Volunteers”, “A Simple Story”). During the war he conducted the ensemble of the Kyiv Military District. USSR State Prize (1979), People's Artist of the USSR (1985). Songs - “Birches”, “The Volga Flows”, “Behind the factory outpost”, Night conversation”, “For that guy”, “I’ll take you to the tundra”, “There, behind the clouds”, “And the years fly by”, “Random waltz", etc.

Khrennikov Tikhon Nikolaevich (1913-2007) - composer, People's Artist of the USSR, professor at the Moscow Conservatory. Operas, ballets, symphonies, music for plays and films - “True Friends”, “Hussar Ballad”, “At 6 pm after the war”, “Pig Farm and the Shepherd”, songs - “Why is the heart so disturbed?”, “Moscow Windows” » , “Song about Moscow”, “The Cossack went to war”, “Boat”, “Song of the Artillerymen”, etc. A cycle of songs based on poems by Robert Bernst.

Kharitonov Vladimir Gavrilovich (1920-1981) - Russian songwriter. He went through the entire war, received military awards, and was wounded at Stalingrad. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1972). More than a thousand songs have been written based on his poems by composers - A. Novikov, V. Muradeli, D. Shostakovich, A. Khachaturyan, D. Tukhmanov, B. Mokrousov, V. Shainsky, A. Averkin, A. Ostrovsky, etc. The most famous songs - “On your birthday”, “Victory Day”, “Russia is my Motherland” (music in Muradeli), “Don’t cry, girl” (V. Shainsky), “How beautiful this world is”, “My address is Soviet Union”, “And life takes me all over the earth”, etc.

Kharito Nikolai Ivanovich (1886-1918) – musician, born in Kyiv. In 1910 he wrote the romance “The Chrysanthemums Have Bloomed” (words and music). Vasily Shumsky only edited the text and performed the romance in one of the theaters. Other romances by Kharito are also known - “Minutes of Happiness” (words by A. Apukhtin), “Human Tears” (F. Tyutchev), etc. He was killed in November 1918 by a point-blank pistol shot at a friends wedding by a jealous man.

Schwartz Isaac Iosifovich (born 1923) - Soviet and Russian composer, People's Artist of Russia, State laureate. Prize 1998), author of music for many performances and more than 110 films - “The Station Agent”, “White Sun of the Desert”, “Dersu Uzala”, “Star of Captivating Happiness”, “The Brothers Karamazov”, etc. He was awarded the highest cinematic award three times Russia - Nika Prize. Romances - “Song of the Cavalry Guard”, “Love and Separation”, “We Were Not Wed in Church”, “This Woman in the Window”, song from the film “White Sun of the Desert” “Your Honor, Lady Luck”, and much more.

Shainsky Vladimir Yakovlevi h(born 1925) – composer. He fought and has awards. He is known as the author of numerous works for children, the author of dozens of melodies from feature and animated films, for example, “Aniskin and Fantomas”, School Waltz”, “Finist, Clear Falcon”, “Cheburashka”, “Shapoklyak”. Author of more than 300 songs - “And I like him”, “Blackbirds”, “Ledum”, “Don’t cry, girl”, “A soldier is walking through the city”, “Herbs, herbs”, “I’ll get off at the distant station”, “Crocodile Song” Genes", "Cruiser Aurora", "Blue Car", and many other songs. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1986), State. USSR Prize (1981). Lives in Israel, USA.

Shatrov Ilya Alekseevich (1879-1952) - Russian military musician, bandmaster and composer, major. Participated in the battle of Mukden in 1905. The musicians under his leadership played a march during the battle, almost all died. 7 people survived. For this feat, Shatrov was awarded an officer's order by royal decree. He also took part in the Great Patriotic War. He wrote the famous waltz “On the Hills of Manchuria,” as well as the waltzes “Country Dreams” and “Autumn Has Come.” He was buried in Tambov. Above the grave is a slab with the inscription: “Guard Major, composer Ilya Alekseevich Shatrov, creator of the waltz “On the Hills of Manchuria.”

Yasen (Goldman) Mikhail Aronovich (1924-2006) - famous songwriter. Front-line soldier, has military awards. Collaboration with I. Luchenko, Smolsky and other Belarusian composers. Songs – “Memory of the Heart”, “Letter from 1945”, “May Waltz” (“Vienna Remembers”), etc.

In general, songwriters and authors of popular songs are often underestimated and not even known. But in vain.
We often say or hear about those who especially ardently sympathize with the pre-revolutionary era, the expression "French bread crunch" and derivatives from it - “crystal baker”, “bulkokhrust”, etc. Where did this meme come from?

In the 1990s, the song of the group “White Eagle” became very popular - “How delightful are the evenings in Russia”, which, in particular, contained the following words:

Balls, beauties, lackeys and cadets,
And Schubert's waltzes, and French bread crunch,
Love, champagne, sunsets, alleys,
How delightful evening in Russia

The author of the lyrics of this song was the poet Victor Pelenyagre, who was at one time a member of the famous "Order of Courtly Mannerists"(Arch-Cardinal) along with Dmitry Bykov and Vadim Stepantsov. He is also the author of such songs as “I went out to Piccadilly” and “Acapulco” (Lyma Vaikule), as well as a song whose name has also become a stable popular expression - “My finances sing romances”(Alexander Buynov).

What the "French bread"? Where did this word come from? And were they?

In the late 1940s, riding the wave “the fight against rootless cosmopolitanism” it was renamed city. An ordinary bun, which before the revolution cost only 4 kopecks. LJ user Bohemik believes that “The symbol of the era of struggle against cosmopolitanism was precisely the transformation of a French loaf into a city loaf”.

So this product has become a symbol of nostalgia for "Russia, which we lost"- this is from the title of the film of the same name Stanislav Govorukhin, which appeared in the wake of perestroika, and contained admiration for pre-revolutionary Russia, which “gave itself to be torn to pieces by vandals.” These two stable expressions are used together and most often by left-oriented citizens, who thus address their opponents of right-wing monarchical views, as well as liberals, generally having the habit of confusing one with the other.

The current mass consciousness mindlessly picks up the notorious delight of Russian evenings: “Love, champagne, sunsets, alleys!.. Balls, beauties, lackeys, cadets, and Schubert’s waltzes, and the crunch of a French roll...” Few people know that all this is just a rehash of the Russian Silver Age, simplified rehash... Not to mention Pushkin’s “Ah, red summer...”. The original sounded different: Where can I find a syllable to describe a walk, Chablis in ice, a toasted bun And ripe cherries, sweet agate... “Chablis in ice” - became a sign of the times, its metaphor. And ripe cherries, of course, meant kisses from ripe lips. The author of the poem cycle “Love of This Summer,” written in the early 1900s, is the poet Mikhail Kuzmin.

Let’s say, I’m immersed in his poem “Leaves are flying from the Boldinsky Garden...”: “Guys! You have only one father!..” // And on the porch - the Pugach in a Tatar burka... // And at the balls, in granite Petersburg // Dantes jingles his spurs...” Does this stanza intonationally remind you of anything? “Balls. Beauties. Lackeys. Junker. // And Schubert's waltzes, and the crunch of French bread. // Love, champagne, sunsets, alleys. // How delightful evening in Russia!" “Unofficial anthem of Russia” by Victor Pelenyagre!.. Well, aren’t there enough rhythmic hallucinations? But now I reach the end of Vlodov’s elegant piece: “And the sky is in the blue eyes of the poet! // And the nervous creak of a goose feather...” At Pelenyagre: “And only the sky in the poet's blue eyes. // How delightful evening in Russia!"

I would not call this “theft,” as some like to claim, this is a completely normal phenomenon of citation, when authors quote lines from the poems of other poets, as if entering into a dialogue, roll call, etc. with them. Moreover, this is a postmodern time, when such things are written that then go out to the masses and gain popularity.

Addition: Oleg Kashin has compiled a list of the 10 main, in his opinion, songs of the last 25 years. Among them was “How delightful are the evenings in Russia.”
The name of Vladimir Zhechkov (and his partner Sergei Lisovsky) appears in the output of the first editions of “Generation P” - there were more influential people in the advertising and show business of the nineties, but it was Zhechkov who embodied the most odious, equally touching and disgusting features of the master of life pre-default Russia. The culmination of his career was becoming a singer in the virtual group “White Eagle”, in which the businessman experimented with tavern genres until he found the perfect hit based on the poems of Victor Pelenyagre - the phrase “crunch of a French roll” is still used by publicists without explanation as synonymous with naive nostalgia for pre-revolutionary Russia.

Another songwriter, whose works have long and firmly become popular among the people - Alexander Shaganov, who is better known as the songwriter of the Lyube group. However, he is also the author of the songs “Native Side” (Dmitry Malikov), “Clouds” (Ivanushki International), songs performed by Zhenya Belousov, Sofia Rotaru, Vlad Stashevsky, Alla Pugacheva, the groups “Rondo” and “Na-Na” and other. Many songs were co-written with the composer Igor Matvienko, friend of Shaganov. Actually, many popular songs by voiced performers are songs set to music by Matvienko and poems by Shaganov.

Perhaps one of the most popular songs by Shaganov to the music of Matvienko is the song of the group "Lube" "Horse", which is loved by many as a “folk Cossack” song. This song is well performed by the choir, in particular by the Choir of the Sretensky Stavropegic Monastery. Here is what the choir director Nikon Zhila says:

We are trying to make our repertoire more interesting and diverse. These are drawn-out compositions and some kind of hooligan Russian songs in a good sense. Our repertoire also includes modern Russian authors. Our most popular song is probably “Horse,” which everyone knows. It was written by composer Igor Matvienko in the 90s.

There is an absolutely wonderful line in this song, which I remembered today when we started talking about Russian landscapes, which Yegor Kholmogorov wrote about. I remembered it and cited it as one of the examples of the role of rye and the rye field reflected in culture:

Golden rye and curly flax

Golden rye and curly flax
I'm in love with you, Russia, in love

And further:

Sing about how I'm in love with Russia
Sing, golden rye, sing, curly flax
We walk with the horse across the field together...

"Golden Rye" - a culture that is widespread in our country, especially in the North. "Curly flax" - this is a raw material for the textile industry and more. For the Vologda region, where I was born and live, this is the most typical landscape; these crops grow and are cultivated here. The Vologda region is generally very connected with flax, where it has been grown for a long time and where a wide variety of products are made from it. Rye and flax fields are a typical landscape of the Vologda region, which is part of the historical core of Russia, where Russians live (more than 95%).

It is worth noting that Shaganov also quotes lines from poetry in his songs Sergei Yesenin. Well, for example, in the song “Horse”:

And now here in the forest monastery
You can even hear a leaf falling.

Is it a bell ? Is it a distant echo??
Everything calmly sinks into the chest.
Stop, soul, you and I have passed
Through the stormy laid out path.

In essence, this speaks of the influence of one poet on another, of a roll call across centuries, of some kind of spiritual kinship.

Shaganov’s songs went to the people and, in fact, became “folk” - they are sung, listened to, and quoted. Written by Shaganov, set to music by Matvienko and performed by Rastorguev, they were loved by the people, they became part of our culture and quotes from them are in circulation among the people. And the phrase from Pelenyagre’s pension has even become part of near-political jargon and is widely circulated on the Internet.

Let's finish this post with a small fragment from KVN, where a funny skit was made using the song "Horse"

Made and sent by Anatoly Kaidalov.

“Songbook” is a mass collection designed for a wide range of performers.
It includes popular songs by Soviet authors, Russian folk songs, songs of the Soviet screen and pop, as well as the best works of foreign authors.
The publisher asks you to send reviews and suggestions about this book to:
Moscow, K-160, Military Publishing House.

My motherland. Peaceful, beloved! My Motherland is indestructible, unapproachable!
The party is our helmsman. Poems by S. Mikhalkoz, music by V. Muradeli 5
Lenin is always with you. Poems by L. Oshanin, music by S. Tulikov 6
Song about Lenin. Poems by Yu. Kamenetsky, music
A. Kholminoea 7
My beloved homeland. Poems by A. Dostal. music by S. Tulikov 8
We will live in communism. Poems by E. Shatunovsky, music by Y. Milyutin 10
We are communists. Poems by P. G. Radov. music by S. Tulikov 11
March of communist brigades. Poems by V. Kharitonov, music by A. Novikov 12
My motherland. Poems by M. Lisyansky, music by A. Dolukhanyan 13
Russia is my homeland. Poems by V. Kharitonov, music by V. Muradeli 14
And we will live at that time. Poems by M. Lisyansky, music by A. Dolukhanyan 15
My motherland. Poems by L. Oshanin, music by A. Novikov 16
Do Russians want war Poems?. Yevtushenko, music by E. Kolmanovsky -
Buchenwald alarm. Poems by A. Sobolev, music by V. Muradeli 18
The Motherland hears. Poems by E. Dolmatovsky, music by D. Shostakovich 19
Russia. Poems by S. Alymov, music by A. Novikov 20
Migratory birds are flying. Poems by M. Isakovsky, music by M. Blanter 21
Stars. Poems by M. Matusovsky, music by I. Dunaevsky 22
Moscow dawns. Poems by M. Yaisyansky, music by A. Ostrovsky 23
Lenin's mountains. Poems by E. Dolmatovsky, muay-ita by Yu. Milyutin 25
Soviet Moscow. Poems by S. Vasiliev, music by A. Titov 26
Song about Moscow. Poems by V. Gusez, music by T. Khrennikov 27
Evening song. Poems by A. Churkin, music by V. Solovyov-Sedoy 28
Our town. Poems by A. Fatyanov, music by V. Solovyov-Sedoy 29
Kyiv Waltz. Poems by A. Malyshko, music by P. Mayboroda 30
Verkhovyna. Poems and music by M. Mashkin, translation from Ukrainian by B. Sibiryakov..31
Song about Tbilisi. Poems by P. Gruzinsky, music by R. Lagidze.
translation from Georgian M. Kealiashvili 33
My Yerevan. Poems by N. Adamyan, music by A. Babajanyan 34
Song about Baku. Poems by P. Simonov, music by T. Kuliev 35
The Black Sea sun is burning. Poems by M. Lisyaniky, music by A Dolukhanyan 36
Tonn's song about Odessa. Poems by V. Mass and M. Chereinsky, music by I. Dunaevsky..37
Road. Poems by S. Vasiliev, music by I. Dunaevsky 38
Ways and roads. Poems by S. Alymov, music by I. Dunaevsky 39
To you, beloved, dear army. Our Motherland sends a song of greetings!
We will boldly go into battle
Young guard. Poems by A. Bezymssky, folk music
Through the valleys, over the hills. Poems by P. Parreioea folk music
Steam locomotive 46
You, sailor, are beautiful in yourself Poems by V. Mszhevich, folk music
Song about Shchors. Poems by M. Golodny, music by M. Blanter 48
Partisan Zheleznyak. Poems by M. Golodny, music by M. Blanter -
Eaglet. Poems by Y. Shvedov, music by V. Bely 50
Polyushko. Poems by V. Gusev, music by J. Knipper 51
Everything is higher. Poems by P. Herman, music by Yu. Hight 52
Parting. Poems by M. Isakovsky, music by Dm. and Dan. Pokrass 53
I accompanied you to your feat. Poems by V. Lebedev-Kumach, music by N. Bogoslovsky.54
There were two friends. Poems by V. Gusev, music by S. Germinov
Song about the Soviet Army. Poems by O. Kolychev, music by A. V. Alexandrov 56
Komsomol song. Poems by A. Galich, music by V. Soloyeea-Sedoy 58
Play, my accordion. Poems by Y. Davidovich, music by V. Solovyov-Sedoy 59
My lovely. Poems by E. Dolmatovsky, music by M. Blanter 60
Song about the Dnieper. Poems by E. Dolmatovsky, music by M. Fradkin -
Ogonyok. Poems by M. Isakovsky, music by an unknown author 61
Treasured stone. Poems by A. Zharov, music by B. Mokrousov 63
Evening at the roadstead. Poems by L. Churkin, music by V. Solovyov-Sedoy 64
sad willows. Poems by A. Zharov, music by M. Blanter 65
Goodbye Rocky Mountains. Poems by N. Bukin, music by E. Zharkovskaya 66
In the forest near the front. Poems by M. Isakovsky, music by M. Blanter 67
Nightingales. Poems by A. Fatyanov, music by V. Solovyov-Sedoy 68
Vasya-Cornflower. Poems by S. Altoea, music by A. Novikov 69
In a sunny meadow. Poems by A. Fatyanov, music by V. Solovyov-Sedoy..71
Where are you, my garden? Poems by A. Fatyanov, music by B. Solovyov-Sedoy 72
Dark-skinned. Poems by Y. Shvedov, music by A. Novikov 73
In the dugout. Poems by A. Surkov, music by K. Listov 75
Let's have a smoke. Poems by I. Frenkel, music by M. Tabachnikov -
Random waltz. Poems by E. Dolmatozsky, music by M. Fradshshcha 76
Dark night. Poems by V. Agrtov, music by I. Bogoslovsky 77
Under the Balkan stars. Poems by M. Isakovsky, music by M. Blanter 78
The soldiers are coming. Poems by M. Lvovsky, music by K. Molchanov 79
The sun disappeared behind the mountain. Poems by A. Kovalenkov, music by M. Blanter 80
Roads. Poems -L. Oshanina, music by A. Novikov 81
Where are you now, fellow soldiers? Poems by A. Fatyanov, music by V. Solovyov-Sedoy.82
I returned to my homeland. Poems by M. Matusovsky, music by M. Fradkin 83
Song of past campaigns. Poems by A. Zharov, music 3. Company 84
Migratory birds. Poems by A. Fatyanov, music by B. Solovyov-Ssdoyu 85
Memories of the Normandy squadron. Poems by E. Dolmatovsky, music by M. Fradkin.86
Muscovites. Poems by E. Vinokurov, music by A. Eshpai 87
Let's hit the road. Poems by M. Dudin, music by V. Solovyov-Sedoy 88
Killer whale swallow. Poems by O. Kolychev, music by E. Markovsky 89
In the white spaces. Poems.L. Oshanin, music by M. Fradkin 90
We went hiking. Poems by A. Zharov, music by K. Listoea 91
White-winged gulls. Poems by S. Fogelson, music by D. Prinker 92
Oh, you nightingale. Poems by V. Kharitonov, music by A. Novikov 93
Sailor's nights. Poems by S. Fogelson, music by V. Solovyov-Sedoy 94
Far, far away. Poems by A. Churkin, music by G. Nosov
Let's sing, friends Poems by N. Gleyaarov, music by V. Solovyov-Sedoy 97
Soldiers are marching in companies. Poems by S. Telkinov, music by V. Rumyantsev 98
Don't be sad about home, young soldier. Poems by L. Oshanin, music 3. Company 100
Why are you making noise, cold sea? Poems by N. Flerov, music by Y. Slonov 101
Oh, northern sea. Poems by A. Galich, music by M. Blanter 102
Behind the factory outpost. Poems by E. Dolmatovsky, music by M. Fradkin 103
Golden lights. Poems by A. Fatyanov, music by V. Solovyov-Sedoy 104
Siberian Waltz. Poems by V. Pukhnachev, music by G. Nosov 105
Sevastopol Waltz. Poems by G. Rublev, music by K. Listov 106
Soldier's Waltz. Poems by B. Tsarin. music by A. Voronov 107
Guards polka. Poems by V. Guryan, music by B. Terentyev 108
Song of fighting friends. Poems by L. Nekrasova, music by A. Dolukhanyap 110
Vania. Poems by A. Nekrasova, music by A. Dolukhanna 111
Soldier's railway station. Poems by S. Ostrovoy, music by B. Mokrousoea 113
At the border. Poems by N. Kartashev, music by E. Rodygin 114
Sing, soldier Poems by Y. Nekrasova, music by A. Dolukhipyan 116
Many birds are flying above me. Poems by A. Fatyanov, music by G. Zhukovsky 117
A soldier is always a soldier. Poems by M. Matusovsky, music by V. Solovyov-Sedoy 118
He's going on leave. Poems by V. Bokov, music by A. Averkin 119
Dear mother. Poems by I. Lashkov, music by A. Averkin 120
My distant one. Poems by P. Gralov, music by A. Lebedev 121
Song of the border guards. Poems by V. Karpeko, music by M. Fradkin 122
Birches. Poems by V. Lazarev, music by M. Fradkin 123
My Baltic song. Poems by M. Lisyansky, music by A. Dolukhanyan 124
My Black Sea Poems by M. Matusovsky, music by O. Feltsman 125
When the soldiers sing. Poems by M. Lisyapsky, music by Y. Milyutin 126
Under the wave. Poems by M. Lisyaksky, music by A. Dolukhanyan 128
There is as much as you need - as much as you need! Poems by P. Gradov, music by V. Bukin 129
A song about a friend. Poems by G. Pozhenyan, music by A. Petrov 130
We were born to make a fairy tale come true
March of enthusiasts. Poems by A. D. Aktil, music by I. Dunaevsky 133
A song about the oncoming person. Poems by B. Kornilov, music by D. Shostakovich 134
Sing to us, wind. Poems by V. Lebsdsva-Kumach. music by I. Dunaevsky 135
Spring March. Poems by S. Mikhalkov, music by I. Dunaevsky 137
Song of youth. Poems by S. Mikhalkov, music by V. Muradeli 138
I love you, life. Poems by K. Vashienkin, music by Z. Kolmanovsky 139
Komsomol song. Poems by E. Dolmatovsky, music by M. Fradkin 141
A song about troubled youth. Poems by A. Oshanin, music by A. Pakhmutova 142
Fourteen minutes before the start. Poems by V. Voinovich, music by O. Feltsman 143
Anthem of democratic youth. Poems by A. Oshanin, music by A. Novikov 144
Fly, pigeons! Poems by M. Matdsovsky, music by I. Dunaevsky 145
If only the boys of the whole earth. Poems by Dolmatovsky, music by V. Solovyov-Sedoy 146
This is what our hearts told us to do. Poems by L. Oshanin, music by A. Ostrovsky 147
Komsomol voucher. Poems by Ts. Solodar, music by S. Tulikov 148
That's why we were given youth. Poems by O. Fadeeva, music by A. Ostrovsky 150
Komsomol members are restless hearts. Poems by L. Oshanin, music by A. Ostrovsky
The train is moving faster and faster. Poems by M. Svetlov, music by T. Khrennikov 151
Leisya, song, in the open space. Poems by A. Apsalon. music by V. Pushkov 152
Long live youth! Poems by A. Sofronov, music by S. Kaya 153
Rukn workers. Poems by M. Matusovsky, music by V. Basner 154
A song about friendship. Poems by V. Karpeko and G. Regisgan, music by A. Eshpai 155
Nice girls. Poems by M. Matusovsky, music by A. Pakhmutova 157
We are walking. Poems by E. Evtui1snks, music by A. Eshpai -
Track and road. Poems by A. Fatyanov, music by V. Solovyov-Sedoy 158
If you want to find friends. Poems by V. Kharitonov, music by S. Kats 160
Before a long journey. Poems by V. Dykhovichny and M. Slobodsky, music by M. Blanter
Earth gravity. Poems by Y. Khaletsky, music by V. Muradeli 162
Ah, the moon. Poems by M. Lisyapsky, music by A. Dolukhanyan 163
Student-related. Poems by S. Fogelson, music by V. Solovyov-Sedoy 164
Song of Moscow students. Poems by L. Oshanin, music by A. Novikov 165
We're going, friends! Poems by E. Jodkovsky, music by V. Muradeli 167
New settlers are coming. Poems by N. Solokhina, music by Rodygin 168
Bloom, Siberia! Poems by E-Iodkovsky, music by V. Muradeli 169
Magnetic Mountain is calling. Poems by I. Tarabukin, music by B. Gibalin 170
Over the wide Ob. Poems by V. Pukhnachev, music by V. Levashov 172
Miles. Poems by A. Oshanin, music by V. Solovyov-Sedoy 173
Both the rain and the snowstorm stopped making noise. Poems by P. Nilin, music by M. Meerovich 174
Goodbye pigeons. Poems by M. Matusovsky. music by M. Fradkin 175
And the years fly by. Poems by E. Dolmatovsky, music by M. Fradkin 176
March of the High Altitudes. Poems by V. Kotoea, music by R. Shchedrin 177
Geologists. Poems by S. Grebennikov and N. Dobronravov, music by A. Pakhmutova
Song of journalists. Poems by A. Levikov, music by V. Muradeli 179
My dear mother. Poems by A. Mayaishko, translation from Ukrainian by B. Paliychuk, music by P. Mayboroda 180
Komsomol members of the twentieth year. Poems by V. Voinovich, music by O. Feltsman 182
Under our banners. Poems by J. Helsmekogo, music by M. Blanter 183
The heart wants a tender song and good, big love
Heart song. Poems by S. Ostrovoy. music by V. Muradeli
A man in love. Poems by M. Matusovsky, music by O. Feltsman
Moscow Nights. Poems by M. Matusovsky music by V. Solovyov-Sedoy
Moscow windows. Poems by M. Matusovsky, music by T. Khrennikov
Lyrical song. Poems by E. Dolmatovsky, music by Y. Milyutin
Taiga is golden. Poems by A. Prokofiev, music by V. Pushkov
On the boat. Poems by V. Lebedev-Kumach, music by V. Solovyov-Sedoy
Globe. Folk poetry and music
A maple tree grew at the edge of the grove. Poems by Y. Shvedov, music by V. Makarov 193
The fires are burning far away. Poems by I-Shamov, music by B. Mokrousov 194
There's only one of you. Poems by V. Kharitonov, music by I. Dlerzhinsky 195
Lilac-cherry. Poems by A. Sofronov, music by Y. Milyutin 196
The accordionist is seen off. Poems by Dolmatovsky. music by Y. Milyutim 197
Flowers are beautiful in the garden in spring. Poems by S. Alymov, music by B. Mokrousov -
You and I were not friends. Poems by M. Isakovsky, music by B. Mokrousov 198
I'm looking across the river. Poems by V. Malkov and G. Stroganov, music by B. Mokrousov 199
Evening on the river. Poems by S. Ostrovoy, music by B. Mokrousov 200
What were you like? Poems by M. Isakovsky, music by I. Dunaevsky 201
Oh, the viburnum is blooming. Poems by M. Isakovsky, music by I. Dunaevsky 202
Where are you? Poems by N. Cherkez, music by B. Mokrousov - Forget the offensive words. Poems by G. Registan, music by M. Partskhaladze 203
Oh, it’s not for nothing that the girls sing. Poems by N. Bukin, music by K. Listov 204
A girl walks across the field. Poems by N. Rylenkov, music by M. Fradkin 205
On your porch. Poems by A. Fatyanov, music by B. Mokrousov 206
I won’t brag, my dear. Poems by A. Fatyanov, music by B. Mokrousov 207
Saturday evening. Poems by V. Kharitonov, music by S. Tulikov 208
When you go on a date. Poems by V. Kharitonov, music by A. Novikov 209
You're near me. Poems by N. Gleizarova. Music by B. Mokrousov 210
Expectation. Poems and music by M. Fradkin. 211
The gardens are blooming green. Poems by A. Sofronov. music by S. Zaslavsky 212
Autumn leaves. Poems by M. Lisyansky, music by B. Mokrousov 213
When youth passes. Poems by A. Fatyanov, music by V. Sorokin 214
Beyond the distant outskirts. Poems by G. Akulov, music by N. Budashkin 215
On your birthday. Poems by V. Kharitonov, music by A. Novikov 216
Golden wheat. Poems by M. Isakovsky, music by M. Blanter 217
Hear me, my dear. Poems by M. Isakovsky, music by V. Solovyov-Sedoy 219
If only the accordion could do it. Poems by A. Fatyanov, music by A. Lenin -
The volia makes noise, the string rings. Poems by V. Malkov. music by Yu. Slonov 220
Along a forest clearing. Poems by V. Mikhailov, music by V. Solovyov-Sedoy 221
Lyrical waltz. Poems by V. Vinnikov and V. Krakht, music by Zharkoesky 222
In the city garden. Poems by A. Fatyanov, music by M. Blanter 223
School waltz. Poems by M. Matusovsky. music by I. Dunaevsky 224
Graduates' song. Poems by N. Dorizo. music by N. Bogoslovsky 226
Waltz evening. Poems by M. Matusovsky. music by I. Dunaevsky -
Song of a fireman in love. Poems by S. Smirnov, music by B. Mokrousov
Song of true friends. Poems by M. Matusovsky, music by T. Khrennikov 229
River song. Poems by M. Matusovsky, music by T. Khrennikov 230
Why is my heart so troubled? Poems by A. Matusovsky, music by T. Khrennikov 231
Road, road. Poems by A. Fatyanov, music by V. Solovyov-Sedoy 232
The driver's song. Poems by S. Fogslson, music by V. Solovyov-Sedoy 233
Do not forget! Poems by M. Matusovsky, music by I. Dunaevsky 234
In distant Siberia. Poems by E. Jodkovsky, music by A. Ostrovsky 235
You are silent Poems by M. Matusovsky, music by A. Yaepin 236
The lights are burning above me. Poems by V. Popov, music by V. Basner -
We lived next door. Poems by E. Dolmatovsky, music by M. Fradkin 237
When spring blooms in the gardens. Poems by M. Matusovsky, music by A. Yaepin 238
A song about a dream. Poems by N. Dorizo, music by K. Molchanov 239
Moonlight path. Poems by G. Registan, music by A. Ostrovsky -
When spring comes. Poems by A. Fatyanov, music by B. Mokrousov 241
You can guess for yourself. Poems by A. Fatyanov, music by Y. Biryukov 242
I didn't tell you all the words. Poems by V. Karpeko, music by A. Eshpai 243
Love song. Poems by G. Rsgistan, music by A. Babajanyan 244
Masha's song. Poems by G. Pomenyan, music by A. Eshpai 245
Do not fly away. Poems by E. Agranovich, music by N. Bogoslovsky 246
Marfinka's song. Poems by V. Kotov, music by A. Eshpai 247
Love song. Poems by N. Dorizo, music by M. Fradkin 248
Monica's dog. Poems by V. Karpeko, music by I Shamo
Francesca's song. Poems by D. Pavyaichko. music by A. Belash 249
I'm waiting for you. Poems by I. Dremov, music by A. Averkin 250
Where have you disappeared to? Poems by V. Lifishtsp. music by A. Lepin 251
Eighteen years. Poems by V. Zastozhny, music by O. Grishin 252
Ivushkg. Poems by V. Alferov, music by G. Ponomarenko 253
They call me ugly. Poems by M. Kozyrev, music by I. Grigoriev 254
I am always with you. Poems by J. Khaletsky, music by B. Muradeli 255
White color, scarlet color Poems by V. Popov and M. Svetlov, music by V. Basner 256
Believe it or not. Poems by Y. Oshanin, music by A. Ostrovsky 257
Moscow at night. Stnkha by G. Registan, music by A. Babajanyan 258
Trains. Poems by M. Matusoesky, music by O. Feltsman -
Above me the sky is shining. Poems by J. Ziskind, music by A. Zatsepin 259
You only you! Poems by G. Registan, music by A. Eshpai 260
Why, why? Poems by V. Kotov, music by A. Eshpai 261
This song is dedicated to me. Poems by J. Helemsky, music by B. Mokrousov 262
Oh, rye. Poems by A. Alien, music by A. Dolukhanyan 263
Crossroads. Spgei by V. Orlov, music by E. Kolmanovsky 264
Cranes. Poems by P. Karto, music by V. Muradeli 265
Somehow it’s springier in the morning. Poems by M. Matusovsky, music by V. Solovyov 266
Song about willow. Poems by V. Karpsko, music by A. Zshpay 270
You fly, my song. Poems by A. Kasuna, music by B. Solovyov-Sedoy -
A catchy song. Poems by V. Orlov, music by M. Tariverdiev 271
Where are you running, darling Tropiikz? Poems by A-Alien, music by E. Rodygin 272
The river is running. Poetry. Yevtushenko, music by E. Kolyanosky 273
I'm coming. Poetry?. Dolmatovsky, music by A. Ostrovskaya -
Oh dear. Poems by V. Ssmernin, music by A. Flyarkovsky 274
Why does the accordion sing? Poems by M. Matusovsky, music by A. Pakhmutova 275
Svetlana. Poems by B. Bryansky, music by D. Lvov-Kompineets 276
Winter song. Poems by L. Derbenev, music by L. Eshpai 277
And there is a girl in our yard alone. Poetry
L. Oshanina, music by A. Ostrovsky 281
In a workers' village. Poems by A. Fatyanov, music by Y. Milyutin 281
Volzhanka. Poems by A. Prishelets, music by Y. Slonov 283
Eh, Volga River, no pain, my heart. Poems by V. Burygin, music by G. Ponomarenko 284
Coastal lights. Poems by I. Shafsran, music by E. Kolmanovsky 285
Buy violets. Poems by Jacobbi, Russian text by N. Samarin, music by N. Vietti 286
Beautiful Prague. Poems by N. Dorizo. music by K. Molchanov 287
The cranes are flying away. Hungarian folk song. Russian text G. Registaia 290
In beloved Bucharest. Romanian song. Russian text by Y. Belinsky, music by M. Veskan 291
Plyasovaya. Slovak folk song. Russian text by S. Bolotin and T. Sikorskaya 292
They say I dare not Hungarian folk song. Russian text by T. Sikorskaya 293
Under the apple tree. Czech folk song. Russian text by S. Bolotin and T. Sikorskaya 294
Rulate. Finnish folk song. Russian text by V. Voinovich 295
Old bachelor. Hungarian folk song. Russian text by S. Bolotin and T. Sikorskaya 296
Krakowiak. Polish folk song. Russian text by S. Bolotin and T. Sikorskaya 297
Textile town. Poems by M. Tanich, music by J. Frenkel 299
This is Russian expanse. This is my homeland, my homeland. Poems by F. Savinov, folk music 303
I've traveled all over the universe. Russian folk song -
From behind the island to the core. Poems by D. Sadovnikov, folk music 304
Ermak. Poems by K. Ryleev, folk music 306
"Varangian". Russian folk song 307
Cold waves splash. Poems by Y. Repninsky. folk music 308
The sea spreads wide. Russian folk song 309
The glorious sea is sacred Baikal. Words by D. Davydov, folk music 311
Steppe and steppe all around. Poems by I. Surikov, folk music 313
The troika rushes, the troika gallops. Russian folk song 314
It got lost between the tall loaves. Poems by N. Nekrasov, folk music 315
I remember when I was still young. Russian folk song 316
Oh you, darling. Russian folk song 317
Why did I recognize you, my dear? Russian folk song 318
Don't scold me, dear. Poems by A. Razorenov, folk music 319
"The bell rattles monotonously. Verse by I. Makarova, music by A. Gurilev 320
I go out alone onto the road. Poems by M. Lermontov, folk music
Here is a postal troika rushing by. Russian folk song 321
Over the fields. Poems by A. Roslavlea, folk music.
The stitch tracks have become overgrown. Russian folk song.
Spinner. Russian folk song.
Why are you looking at the road so greedily?
Oh, you little night. Russian folk song.
Oh, the box is full, full. Words by N. Nekrasov, folk music.
A snowstorm is blowing along the street. Russian folk song.
Kalinka. Russian folk song.
Rowan. Poems by I. Surikov, folk music.