Automatic umbrella does not open. Here's what to do if your umbrella breaks

If you have an umbrella, but it turned out that it has become unusable, then a few tips will help you repair it.

So, it is not at all necessary to buy a new umbrella, you can repair an existing one. The weather is sometimes unpredictable, and seemingly drizzling rain can turn into a torrential downpour with gusts of wind that can make the umbrella unusable. When you finally get home, prepare everything you need to repair the umbrella. Rummage through the bins and you will surely find a couple of broken and long abandoned umbrellas, the details of which can be used.

Spokes - frequent breakage

As practice shows, grooved spokes are the most frequent breakdown in modern umbrellas today.

For repair, you need to take a metal tube with a diameter of 6 mm and cut off a piece about 3 cm long from it. The tube can be a knitting needle from another umbrella, an antenna from an old TV or radio. We straighten the broken spoke of our umbrella, put our “new” prepared knitting needle on top of it and clamp it with pliers. Next, you need to put on the umbrella cover and try to open and close the umbrella several times. If the spoke does not fall out, then you did everything right and you can go out into the street in the pouring rain.

Damaged needle ends

There are also cases when the tips on the knitting needles themselves break off and the material stops holding, exposing the knitting needle. This can be dangerous for both you and those around you. The needle is thin enough and can damage the clothes of someone around or scratch, which is even worse. So, for repair, you need to take a stainless wire, thread it into a knitting needle, then stretch the fabric and twist it into a ball.

Get very original. The main thing is to twist the wire as tight as possible so that the homemade tip does not fly out under a gust of wind or from the constant opening and closing of the umbrella.

Replacing the automatic umbrella tape

The design of such umbrellas provides for a tape that can break off. But, it's not scary either. It can be repaired. To do this, unscrew the top plug of the umbrella, remove the canvas and remove the fixing nail from the top assembly. Next, you should disassemble the entire assembly by placing your hand to the open tube and removing it with great care. You need to be very careful and careful, as there is a rather tight spring inside, which can suddenly fly out and hit you in the hand. After the operations, we take out the roller and change the broken tape.

Traction failure

A fairly common breakdown is the failure of the thrust at the point of their hinged connection. It is worth remembering that it is possible to start repairing such a node only after loosening all connections and removing the hooks. Otherwise, you risk injury or injure someone who is nearby. We cut out a small plate about 4 * 1.2 cm in size from a piece of tinned tin and bend it along the length, thereby obtaining a small trough.

See if one of the halves of the rod is deformed. In case of deformation, it is necessary to carefully straighten it. Next, you need to tin the ends and install the overlay and do not forget to solder the repaired area along the entire length. That's it, you're done.

Retainer repair

In modern umbrellas, there is often a breakdown of the latch, which ceases to hold the umbrella closed. This problem can also be fixed. To do this, press the locking protrusion and with a sharp movement move it towards the handle. Next, you need to get the bent latch, carefully straighten it and install it back. However, if the latch is made of poor quality metal, this repair will not save you for long.

It is better to replace the latch. To do this, again, rummage in the pantry, maybe there was an old umbrella lying around with a broken needle, but with a whole latch. As described above, disassemble and remove the latch and transfer to your favorite umbrella. Next, we assemble the structure in its original form and test it. The mechanism must work properly.

As seen, repair your favorite umbrella is quite real. True, for this you need to have some skills. Not every lady will be able to cope with the task. Most people do not want to waste time and run to the shops for brand new umbrellas. However, choosing a good umbrella that will not break after two or three outings in the rain is also not a very simple task, as it may seem. However, this is a completely different story that requires separate consideration. Repairing a broken umbrella in this case will not be the most difficult way out.

Repair of the automatic umbrella device

During the rainy season, the most relevant accessory is, of course, an umbrella. But everyone knows the eternal problem of even the most expensive umbrellas: they break easily, and even a strong gust of wind can disable them. The biggest trouble is if the automatic umbrella breaks down, although it is a simple, but still, mechanism.

The legs of the bed fold down with a simple push of a button. The bed dial in 2 makes it easier for him to use the bed. All its elements are designed with fabrics, avoiding the risk of scratching the child. Indeed, the design makes it easier to control the baby. This model advises parents who want their child to sleep in a comfortable bed, just like at home. Indeed, the crib umbrella is light and particularly comfortable.

The bed folds and unfolds in just 3 gestures, allowing easy and quick installation. The bed will also be a play area and act as a park for babies during waking periods. This bed is one of the world's most revolutionary bedding for children, meeting the European standard. The umbrella system of the bed allows it to open automatically, and it is the same for storage. All operations will be provided by systems developed by bed designers.

Knowing the repair is much easier:

  1. Actually a pen, with a button built into it.
  2. Three expanding iron tubes.
  3. The lower support for the spokes, in which the wheel for the cord is installed and a thin rail that connects the support to the handle.
  4. The upper support for the knitting needles, into which a wide pipe is mounted with a screw and a cord is attached to it.
  5. Plastic pipe. It is inserted into the top support. In the upper part it has a thickening and a wheel.
  6. Cord. With the help of a shuttle, it is attached to the handle, and the button releases it.

The weakest point of an umbrella is the spokes. If the problem is in them, then you need to take a thin tube three centimeters long, and then straighten the broken knitting needle at the ends, put the tube on them and fix it. Take a metal tube.

The latter is stored in a cover for its transportation. It is very light with 3.4 kg, it is one of the most practical baby beds. In addition, it is easy to store, when folded on the lid, it becomes quite flat and does not require much space to store it. Safety is increased in the bed with these two mesh walls, which ensures good ventilation in the bed.

The bed follows the development of children from birth to 3 years. For the first two years, parents can use the changing table located on top of the bed. This item is attached to the child's bed. What's more, a higher level is introduced into the bed, allowing parents to easily or easily receive a child or rest without the need to feed themselves and back pain. Therefore, if the child is not sleeping well, parents can easily reach them to comfort them. This space will avoid all possible risks.

If the rivet at the end of the spoke is broken, then it is better to wrap it with soft wire, otherwise the fabric of the umbrella will tear.

It is very time-consuming to repair the automatic umbrella device, for example, if the tape breaks, then it must be replaced. We remove the cork, which is located at the top, then the fabric, and pull out the fixing nail from the knot. Then we take out the entire assembly and carefully open the tube. Do it carefully, otherwise the spring will pop out, which then can not be inserted. We take out the roller, change the tape, collect everything in the reverse order.

What is an umbrella?

The child will develop in an envious living space, since the children's umbrella bed is well ventilated and will also serve as a playground for all children. An umbrella bed is an additional foldable and lightweight bed that can be easily transported in individual clothing. Easy to assemble and disassemble, unfold and install in a few gestures. It adapts to all sizes of children. Made of easy to clean material, it is not afraid of dirt. This is your child's second bed, so choose it well.

If the rod is broken, then you need to repair it only after you loosen all the connections and remove them from the hooks. The repair process is not easy, and here you need a soldering iron to repair the device of the automatic machine umbrella. So, we take tinned tin and make a trough out of it, about 40x12 millimeters in size. It must be installed at the site of damage and soldered along the entire length.

There are many selection criteria. We can list: ease of assembly, size, comfort of bedding, accessories and equipment offered, safety for the child and for oneself, adaptability depending on the age of the child, or weight. The price of this article does not always depend on its quality, but often offers accessories with a bed.

However, do you really need all those extra accessories that will over your budget like the weight of the bed? The number of accessories available does not necessarily indicate the quality of the product. It is extremely important to take the time to compare different products, because the price ranges are very different and the options are few.

A broken latch is repaired as follows: press the protrusion that blocks the mechanism and move it to the handle. We take it out of the tube, straighten it and mount it back.

Often the product does not allow you to repair the machine's umbrella device, since a circuit is needed. But if you managed to get it (and this is not a problem in the information age), then you will succeed, because the process, although long, is not particularly difficult. In general, if you handle the umbrella carefully, you will not have to repair it.

Criteria to consider in order to make the right choice

The bed should not be too heavy to carry. It is usually a lightweight and easily portable framework. Think that a madam would be brought in to carry that bed with a paraspider while the child was in her arms, and sometimes ladders to climb. Therefore, weight remains a very important and even decisive criterion. Beds come in different sizes. Some models are only for sleeping, others for playing.

Some brands offer models depending on the age of the child. You can find specific models for babies. Usually these are small models. The mattress will make a difference. The size of the bed takes into account the space occupied when it is folded but also unfolded. Consider measuring the size of your car's trunk, as a bed can quickly fill it up. Keep in mind that this bed must be portable. Therefore, it is easy to install for all adults who will have to use it.

Also you can see video Do-it-yourself semi-automatic umbrella repair

The weather is often unpredictable and a little rain can turn into a torrential downpour with strong gusts of wind. If your automatic umbrella breaks during such a natural storm, do not rush to carry it to the workshop or throw it away. Our tips will help you repair it at home. By the way, look, maybe you already have broken umbrellas in your house, the details of which you can use in the repair process.

Think of the grandparents and any family members who will mount it occasionally. It should be easy to install while remaining undeniably safe for everyone. If you notice that the bed rises too easily, the problem is sure to reoccur one day.

Ease of assembly and disassembly is an important criterion. You should absolutely read the opinions of other parents before you decide. Some models are especially difficult to mount. You should also know that a structure that is easy to assemble with a secure system is a guarantee of quality.

Automatic umbrella device

Diagram of the design of a standard automatic umbrella

The design of umbrellas can vary greatly, but in general, several main parts of the design can be distinguished. The main elements are a handle with a button, sliding tubes (there are 6 or 8 of them in the device), lower and upper supports for knitting needles, plastic pipe. The upper part of the latter is thickened, a wheel is attached to it, which is inserted into the upper support for the spokes. In turn, short and long springs are attached to the support.

In any case, never leave a poorly set bed in place, and even less will the child settle in. Fingers can then easily get caught in corners or loops and cause injury. Never buy or use a damaged model. Before you buy, take the time to learn how to use this bed. If you have any misunderstandings or questions, please ask the sellers. So it's easier for you to buy your own bed if you want to help.

The comfort of a bed does not lie so much in the circumference of the structure, but rather in the mattress. On many models, the mattress is actually heavy and uncomfortable for the child. The light mattress includes a comfortable bed. Some parents choose to add a second mattress. This is an interesting option if your child has to sleep several nights in a row in his umbrella bed while on vacation, for example.

This is interesting: The most common today are semi-automatic umbrellas. They open at the push of a button and close manually. In a fully automatic umbrella, pressing the button both opens and closes the umbrella.

The most common breakdowns and instructions for their repair

Automatic and semi-automatic umbrellas have enough parts that could theoretically break. But, as practice shows, there are 5 most common breakdowns. We invite you to find out how to fix them.

However, a mattress can cost more than a bed, and especially clutter up your car. Consider buying multiple covers and undercovers that you take with you everywhere. Children easily soil their beds even while traveling! Comfort goes through many details.

Will your child have a comfortable model with an open side? Many models actually offer ventilated fabrics on the sides, allowing the child to see what's going on outside. Be aware that some children may not be very comfortable using this system, which may prevent them from feeling safe and therefore falling asleep. In this case, prefer models with opaque sides or close. This last option will allow you to see your baby and have fun with them if you use your bed as a play area.


To repair the spoke, an antenna from an old TV or radio may come in handy.

As it turns out in practice, it is the grooved spokes that break most often. In order to fix the problem, take a metal tube with a diameter of 6 mm and cut off a small piece 3 cm long from it. A spoke from another umbrella, an antenna from a receiver or a TV can serve as a tube. Straighten the broken spoke of your umbrella, put the prepared element over it and clamp it with pliers on both sides. Then put an umbrella on the cover and try opening and closing it several times. If the needle does not fall out, you did everything right. You can safely continue to use your favorite umbrella.

Equipment and accessories

Outdoors, this use is very pleasant and appreciated by parents. Consider that your bed is up to standard. It will be easier for you to choose sheets, mattresses or an extra mattress. Some models offer many amenities. Think about this before you make any purchase. Additional equipment is often more attractive than actually useful.

For example, an additional changing table allows you to change the child under any circumstances, regardless of the place and the hygiene of the place. Some models feature side storage pockets that are both practical and insightful. Some models offer arches for hanging toys, which can be practical when traveling.

Useful information: In modern models of automatic umbrellas, from 8 to 16 spokes are used. The more knitting needles a particular model has, the smoother the dome will look: the fabric will not sag. Also, an umbrella with a large number of spokes resists the wind better. Even with strong gusts, it will not bend in the opposite direction.

Look at wheels, self-locking preferences. This option is really interesting. Some models also play in the park which is perfect for a family trip. Finally, look for a customized mosquito net option that will allow you to sleep and play with your child outside and safely, which is very nice when the weather is fine.

Some models have removable power seats that allow you to position the mat at different heights, especially for babies. They offer the great advantage of getting rid of your back when you lean over the bed to catch your baby.

Damaged needle ends

It also happens that the tips on the knitting needles themselves break. Then the fabric material stops holding and the needle is exposed. This can cause harm to you and others, because the needles are sharp enough. They can scratch the body, tear clothes, etc. For repairs, you will need stainless steel wire. Thread it into the knitting needle, fold the other edge into the shape of a small sphere. Then stretch the fabric and insert it into the resulting ball. The most important thing is to twist the wire tighter so that after the repair the spoke does not jump out with a strong gust of wind.

However, the equipment is optional, not optional, but simple comfort equipment. First, don't forget that they add to the overall weight of the bed that you will have to carry and move around. Finally, you may not need all of these options when you're on the move, think about it.

Secondary equipment should remain secondary, and not hide or forget about the most important criteria, which are safety, comfort for you and for the child. In addition, they are generally inclined to make you spend more than you could use on other purchases for children.

Replacing the cord of the automatic umbrella

The design of automatic umbrellas provides for the presence of a special tape, which may break during operation. But it's easy to fix. Unscrew the top part (the cork of the umbrella), remove the canvas and take out the fixing nail, which is located in the top knot. Then disassemble the entire assembly. To do this, put your hand to the open tube and very carefully remove it. This must be done carefully and carefully, since there is a tight spring inside the knot, which can bounce and injure you. After that, replace the torn tape with a new one, assemble the knot and install the retainer in place.

Safety is an important criterion. We must distinguish between safety for your child as well as for you. The bed must be equipped with safety devices. It should not be thrown off too easily, especially when the child is growing, moving, jumping into bed. The zone bed should have rounded corners so that the child does not hit you. The feet must be non-slip so that the bed does not slip when the child moves.

If he has rollers, they must be equipped with locks. The mattress must be fixed so that the child does not voluntarily lift it. The bed must be securely locked. Under no circumstances should the bed be bent. The child should be able to move, play when he is old, or even stand without the bed being closed. Therefore, the bed must have double security. It should be stable and not tip if the child is resting on it. Take the time to check all of these safety points in the store and before you make your choice.

Traction failure

Quite often, the thrust located at the swivel point fails. It is important to remember that it is possible to repair such a part only after loosening the connections on the umbrella and removing the hooks - otherwise you may be injured. To do this, cut out a small plate measuring 4 by 1.2 cm from a piece of tinned sheet and bend it along the length. You should get a mold in the form of a trough. Check if it is deformed from the rod halves. Straighten it if necessary. Then tin the ends along the entire length and install the overlay. At the end, solder the repaired area along the entire length.

The ideal is to list the safety items to check and test for each of the beds you want to look at. Beds are often made from mesh fabrics to ensure good ventilation inside. This is important in case of high temperature. These accessories are very useful. Indeed, if you live in warm and sunny regions, you will want to put your child in a garden. Left to play in his park allows him to have fun or fall asleep at his leisure. In this case, it will be difficult to move it.

Thus, the protective sun protection cover allows you to safely leave it outside. Nothing could be better than letting a child play in bed under a garden tree. However, insects can bother him. The mosquito net is a simple and effective accessory to keep your child safe. This way it will be protected but still ventilated. A mosquito net is an inexpensive accessory.

Retainer repair

If the retainer cannot be fixed, it may need to be replaced.

It happens that in modern umbrellas the latch fails. Because of this, it is not kept open. But such a breakdown is easy to fix.

Press the locking lug and with a sharp movement of your hand move it to the side. Then take out the bent retainer, carefully straighten it out and put it back.

However, if the latch is made of low-quality metal, then straightening it will help for a while. Then it's better to just replace it. Find the old umbrella, remove the latch from it and put it in the new umbrella. Assemble the design and test. If you do everything right, the mechanism will work as it should.

Video. How to repair an automatic umbrella with your own hands?

Many people do not want to spend time fixing a broken umbrella and are looking for a replacement. But choosing a product that will not break after several outings in rainy and windy weather is quite difficult. And yes, it won't be cheap. Therefore, it would be better to save time and money by repairing an old umbrella. We hope our tips will help you do this.

Do-it-yourself automatic umbrella repair: tips and tricks

With the advent of autumn, more and more often, leaving the house, we take an umbrella with us. And if we use a reliable cane umbrella, if it is already raining or thunderclouds have appeared on the horizon, then umbrella- the machine is in our purse "just in case". And this case often comes: a sudden rain with a gusty wind - and our small-sized "magic wand" is broken. The prices for repairing umbrellas are considerable, and in most cases the workshop is located at a considerable distance from the house. Is it possible to repair the automatic umbrella do it yourself? Let's figure it out!

If the umbrella is cheap, then it's probably better to buy a new one. After all, the repaired flimsy and poor-quality mechanism will not last long - it will break again. However, if the product is expensive, you can try to do it yourself at home.

The grooved spokes are the most vulnerable part of the umbrella mechanism. In the old days they were made of steel, now economical manufacturers use cheap aluminum and plastic. A spoke broken by the wind can be replaced with a similar part from an old Soviet umbrella (do not throw them away, leave them for spare parts). If you can’t pick up a knitting needle, any metal tube with a thickness of 5-6 millimeters will do. Repair automatic umbrella with their own hands in this case is simple - straighten the knitting needle from the end with pliers, put a tube on it and squeeze it again.

Automatic umbrella - jammed button, problem solving.

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How it works umbrella automatic umbrella mechanism

Operation process and detailed demonstration of the device vending machine umbrella Come to my group Vkontakte:.

The second most common cause of failure is loose rivets. Now they are made thin, made of copper or brass, so they often fall out. If not repaired automatic umbrella with their own hands immediately, it is better not to use an umbrella at all - a loose knitting needle will easily tear the fabric. It is quite easy to fix this malfunction - take a small piece of wire and fasten the loose ends.

The simplest breakdown is torn or frayed threads. Take a steel or ordinary strong thread or fishing line, restore the broken seam. This do-it-yourself automatic umbrella repair is within the power of everyone.

If you notice traces of rust on the fabric from a poor-quality alloy of the umbrella parts, it doesn’t matter, they can be easily removed. Wipe the rust stain with lemon juice and run under cold running water. If the umbrella is heavily soiled, ammonia will help, or rather, its solution (half a glass per liter of water).

Sometimes even on high-quality umbrellas scuffs appear over time - this is also easy to fix. Do-it-yourself umbrella repair here consists in applying transparent nail polish to scuffs.

After that, the umbrella is dried in a half-closed state - the fabric should not be too stretched.

If the mechanism itself has become unusable, machine— you will have to carry an umbrella to the workshop. Even if you are well versed in technology and understand how to fix this breakdown, you still won’t be able to close the spring of the mechanism - this can only be done with a special device that the masters have. If broken pen or the tip of an umbrella, look with your friends for the same, but an old umbrella and ask for a spare part, or simply take it to a workshop where a new part will be made for you.

Be careful when operating an automatic umbrella, in strong winds it is better to use special anti-wind umbrellas with flexible spokes or cane umbrellas. Women's umbrellas are a capricious and fragile thing!

Umbrella- This is a mechanical device, which is a metal or plastic frame made of knitting needles on a tubular rod equipped with a handle, on which a synthetic waterproof material is stretched. An umbrella is designed to protect a person from sunlight and rain.

The umbrella was invented in China 300 centuries ago to protect from the sun. The umbrella in those days was considered a symbol of power, and only the emperor and those close to him were allowed to use it.

Since then, a lot of time has passed, and now the umbrella has become a constant companion of any person in everyday life. The airy design of the umbrella makes it foldable and lightweight, but unstable to strong gusts of wind. Therefore, over time, everyone is faced with a breakdown of the umbrella, after which many simply throw them away.

But in vain, because you can save money and time, since usually umbrella breakdowns are simple and are associated with a rivet falling out or one of the spokes breaking. Therefore, you can repair an umbrella with your own hands using a standard tool and improvised materials in half an hour.

Repair of the articulated joint of the spokes with the rods of the umbrella

The most common failure of the umbrella is the loss of a tubular rivet from the swivel rods and spokes. From the mechanical load in the wind, the edges of the rivet unbend, it falls out and is lost.

Repair by setting as a rivet
paper clip

If the breakdown of the umbrella consists in the loss of a tubular rivet from the hinge, and there are no conditions for repair, then it can be repaired with a paper clip.

To do this, it is enough to pass the bent end of the paper clip through the holes of the knitting needle and thrust, then bend the end of the paper clip, as shown in the photo.

If you have pliers with a wire cutter function at hand, then you can take a piece of wire from a paper clip, bend it on one side into a loop, insert it into the holes and form a loop on the other side. Thus, the wire will reliably perform the function of a rivet and will not tear the fabric of the umbrella dome.

Repair by installing a homemade rivet
from copper wire

This is the most reliable repair method I've used lately. The repaired swivel in the umbrella did not have to be repaired again.

The material for the rivet is copper wire for electrical wiring with a diameter of about 1 mm. The wire is selected depending on the diameter of the holes in the rod and the spoke.

Before making a rivet, you need to pass the wire through the hole in the rod and check that it moves easily. If tight, then you need to slightly reduce the diameter with sandpaper.

Next, you need to form the head of the rivet. To do this, the wire is clamped in a vice and by hitting the edges with a small hammer, they are riveted, as shown in the photo. If the end of the wire is not flat, then you need to process it with a file with a fine notch.

When repairing an automatic umbrella, in order to be able to install a rivet, it must be kept in a half-open position, which does not allow the spring, which seeks to open the dome. In this case, use a rope to tie the movable lower clip of the umbrella to the handle, as shown in the photo.

In the next step, you need to bring the knitting needle into the slot of the thrust and insert the prepared wire with the head. Bite off the excess wire with side cutters so that its protruding part is about a millimeter.

At the last step, you need to press the created wire head to the anvil (any massive metal object will do) and flatten the wire with light blows along the edges to form a head. Here is the umbrella hinge and repaired.

As practice has shown, although an umbrella is used in wet weather, the copper rivet does not oxidize. If desired, it can be covered, for example, with nail polish.

Instead of copper wire, post nails of the required diameter can be successfully used. Nails are made from soft grades of iron and therefore also riveted well.

Umbrella joint repair with screw connection

The pivot joint of the umbrella frame can be repaired using a screw with a nut with a diameter of 1-2 mm of suitable length.

To do this, you need to align the holes of the parts coaxially, thread the screw through them and screw the nut onto it. If the screw is too long, then after tightening the nut, the protruding part must be removed using side cutters.

Usually, when biting a screw, the thread is deformed, and the screw will not be able to unscrew on its own. But for reliability, it is better to rest the head of the screw on the anvil and rivet its protruding part from the nut with a hammer.

If there is only a screw, but no nut, then you need to shorten its threaded part to the desired length and slightly rivet the protruding part.

If at least one rivet fell out of the hinge, then, for sure, the others also weakened. Therefore, in order not to repair the umbrella again in the near future, you need to tap with a hammer, resting on the anvil, all the other rivets.

Repair of spokes and rods of an umbrella

The second reason for the frequency of breakage of umbrellas is the breakage of fiberglass spokes or lugs on the rods.

Broken spoke tip repair

In this umbrella, the end of the tip of the needle broke off at the place where the hole for attaching the fabric of the dome passed. Most likely from hitting the umbrella on a hard surface.

On the left in the photo is a whole tip, and on the right is a broken one. If you have a new needle or tip, it is easiest to replace. But the spare spoke was not available and therefore had to be repaired.

For repair, a hole with a diameter of about 1 mm was drilled in the tip and sharp edges were turned with a file in the place of its breakdown. To avoid fraying the thread at the exit from the hole, it is necessary to chamfer with a larger diameter drill or a knife blade.

Repairing an umbrella with a broken fiberglass spoke

As a rule, the spokes and rods in umbrellas are made of metal, but recently umbrellas with plastic rods and fiberglass knitting needles have begun to appear.

Just such an umbrella got into repair, in which one of the spokes broke off at the point of entry into the rocker of the hinge. The rest of the spoke remained inside the hinge.

In the yoke, the spoke is fixed with the help of its bent edges. To remove the rest of the spoke, you need to slightly bend the petals with a thin blade of a flat screwdriver to the sides.

The broken end of the spoke fluffed up a little, so before fixing it in the yoke, it was smeared with Moment's quick-drying waterproof glue.

After crimping the spokes with petals in the yoke, the umbrella began to look like new. Using the same technology, repairs are made in case of breakage of the needle at the tip.

After the repair, the spoke became a little shorter, but visually, with the open dome of the umbrella, this was imperceptible.

If the fiberglass spoke broke in the middle, then its integrity can be restored using a piece of thin-walled metal tube taken from the telescopic antenna of an old radio. The broken ends of the spokes are lubricated with glue and inserted into the tube so that the junction is in the middle of the tube.

Rod eye repair

If the eyelet in the rod is broken off, then it seems that it is impossible to repair the umbrella without replacing the entire rod. But it's not. With the help of a metal knitting needle from an old umbrella, you can successfully restore the eyelet.

The photo on the left shows a working swivel, and on the right with a broken eye on the rod.

To repair, you need to take a metal knitting needle about ten centimeters long with a hole at the end from an old umbrella and tin it along the entire length with solder using an electric soldering iron.

Next, you need to remove the rivet from the rod and cover the inner surface of the rod groove with solder, as shown in the photo. When working with a soldering iron, it is necessary to exclude the contact of heated parts and its tip with the fabric of the umbrella dome, since the synthetic material may melt.

In the next step, you need to place a spoke in the groove of the thrust and heat it with a soldering iron along its entire length until the solder melts both on the spoke and in the groove of the thrust. In this case, one must not forget, and correctly orient the hole on the spoke. Using this technology, it is possible to successfully repair broken rods in the middle.

After installing the rivets using one of the technologies described above, the repair of the umbrella can be considered complete.

Umbrella hat repair

Rarely, but it happens that the decorative hat, mounted on top of the umbrella dome, breaks off or unscrews and is lost.

A cap that has broken off from the threaded part, if present, is easy to repair by restoring its integrity.

To do this, you need to drill a hole in the center in the threaded part of the cap remaining in the cane of the umbrella, with a diameter equal to the inner diameter of the thread of the self-tapping screw.

In the center of the cap, you also need to drill a hole with a diameter equal to the external thread of the self-tapping screw. Pass a self-tapping screw through the hat and grease it so that it does not unscrew with any waterproof glue and screw it into an umbrella.

The photograph shows an assembled umbrella repaired by oneself using the technology described above. The fabric of the dome is now securely fixed and water will not get on the frame parts.

If the hat is unscrewed and lost, then you can restore it with a self-tapping screw with a large press washer.

To do this, you need to make a cork from wood. A shortened furniture dowel can fit in diameter, as shown in the photo.

At the next step, a hole is drilled in the center in the cork with a diameter equal to the inner diameter of the self-tapping screw.

It remains only to lubricate the thread of the self-tapping screw with waterproof glue and screw it into the cork. As you can see, it turned out beautifully.

If a self-tapping screw with a wide head is not available, then a round washer can be cut out of a sheet of plastic of a suitable color and fixed to the dome. The washer can be made from any cork from a plastic bottle by removing the threaded part.

About the repair of automatic umbrellas

The repair of automatic umbrellas is not considered in the article, since it is very laborious and a home master without repair experience cannot afford it. It is necessary to completely disconnect the material of the dome from the metal structure, remove the upper clip, get to the roller and replace the tape. When assembling, a special tool is required to compress a fairly powerful spring. Therefore, if the opening mechanism in the automatic umbrella fails, then it is better to contact the workshop or buy a new umbrella, leaving the broken one for spare parts.

After reading our instructions, you will know everything about the care and use of umbrellas and provide your weather protector with a long life.

First steps. How to open and close?

If you know what type of mechanism your umbrella has, read the "scientific instructions" below, if you don't know, follow the steps below:

Step 1. Remove the cover, unfasten the strap, and give the umbrella a little shake so that the folds of the canopy material do not stick to each other.

Step 2: Look for the button. For folding umbrellas, the button is located on the handle, for cane umbrellas, the lock button is located at the base of the stem.

Step 3 Place your hand so that the suddenly opened dome will not hurt you or anyone else.

Step 4 Click the button. This is not a touch phone, press the button confidently. Umbrella not open? Try again or ask a more experienced friend. Didn't open again? If everything was done correctly, you most likely have an umbrella in front of you - a semi-automatic device (the button is used to close it). No buttons? Fine. With your other hand, grab the slider and move it in the direction "from the handle" until the latch clicks.

Congratulations! The umbrella is open.

Now we close...

For buttonless umbrellas. Find the latch on the slider, press it so that the slider goes "down". Fold the umbrella all the way.

For push buttons. Confidently press the button. The dome will fold, and you will have to fold the rod (if it is not a cane). The rod is folded in two ways: either pull the slider to the handle until it stops, or fold the umbrella resting on the palms of both hands on opposite sides of the rod.

Press, but it does not add up? Look for a latch on the slider. Available? Press and fold the umbrella manually.

scientific instruction

If you do not know what type of mechanism the umbrella has, check this information with the seller.

Important! Before opening, slightly straighten the folds of the dome, after closing - fold the umbrella without twisting the spokes, because. this leads to breakage.

  1. mechanical umbrella- opens and closes manually. There are no buttons on the handle of this umbrella. Grasp the slider on the rod and move your hand in the direction "away from the handle". In this case, the dome will gradually open up, bring it to a click by passing the slider through the “latch”. Such an umbrella is closed by pressing the same “latch” and folding the rod manually by the slider.
  2. Umbrella machine- opens with a push of a button on the handle. Closes manually - grab the slider and pull it towards the handle, this will first fold the dome, and then the rod.
  3. semi-automatic- opens manually. Grasp the slider on the rod and pull it up to the dome until it clicks. The umbrella closes with the push of a button. Pressing the button folds the dome, and the rod will need to be folded manually by pulling the slider to the handle.
  4. Full automatic- opens and closes by pressing the button (usually, for such umbrellas, the button is marked with two arrows, but this is not necessary). Closing takes place in two stages - pressing the button with the umbrella open will roll up its dome, and you will fold the rod manually by pulling the slider to the handle.

How to dry. Subtleties of the ordinary

Proper drying after rain will ensure a long service life. Many people perform this simple action incorrectly, without even realizing the error.

Do not cover a wet umbrella and do not leave it wet for a long time. This will cause the fabric of the dome to wear out quickly, as well as the appearance of rust on the metal frame.

At first open the umbrella, place it open, away from heat sources, let the water drain.

Do not wait until the umbrella dries completely, dry it in a half-open state (not fastened with a strap, but also with an unopened dome). You need to hang it on some kind of hook. Drying in a stretched form, the fabric stretches. From this, the frame becomes loose, the fabric will be stretched weakly, the umbrella will lose its attractive appearance.

Do not dry the umbrella near radiators and heaters. The fabric will "sit down" and the umbrella will become unusable.

After drying, shake the umbrella well and carefully fold the fabric around the frame.

In addition to proper drying, there are other equally important rules, following which will significantly extend the life of your umbrella.

Proper use. 6 important rules

  1. When operating an umbrella, you should first of all take into account its method of opening and closing and follow the rules in the section First steps. How to open and close? For example, you should not try to open and close the fully automatic umbrella manually! This will break the mechanism of your weather protector.
  2. Try not to put your umbrella at the bottom of your bag. It is desirable that it is not weighed down by heavy things, otherwise the spokes will bend, which will lead to a distortion of the fabric of the dome and, as a result, the loss of an attractive appearance.
  3. Cane umbrellas, despite their name, are not designed to be used as a walking support. This will not only quickly break the tip from impacts on the asphalt, but also loosen the entire frame, not designed for such loads.
  4. Air your umbrella regularly. Open it at home about once a month, even outside of the rainy season.
  5. To protect from the sun, you can use any umbrella, of course, preferably light - it will reflect the sun's rays. However, it is better to hide from the sun with umbrellas with special UV filters.
  6. Remember - an umbrella is primarily designed to protect against rain, but not against strong winds. Gusts of wind can damage any frame. Try to hold your umbrella against the wind.

Important! What to do if the umbrella is blown out by the wind?

Do not be alarmed if the umbrella is blown out of the wind, and do not try to return it to its normal position with your hands.

Do it in the usual way, according to the mechanism. For example, if it is a full automatic, then just press the button, fold the mechanical one by pulling the slider towards the handle.

If your umbrella accidentally gets dirty, don't worry. It can be cleaned and your weather protector will be like new!

How to clean umbrellas?

Most umbrellas are made from polyester. But there are also products from other materials. For example, transparent umbrellas are produced from polyvinyl, wedding umbrellas are made from cotton and guipure. Unusual materials need special care.

Features of caring for transparent umbrellas

  1. Often, but not always, the domes of such umbrellas are coated on the inside with a white powder to prevent sticking of the material. If the powder interferes, wipe the dome with a dry cloth before first use. If the powder is completely removed, the dome material may stick together during storage. If this happens, carefully, with your hands, without using the mechanism, glue it, then open the umbrella.
  2. Transparent umbrellas may have a specific polyethylene odor that will fade with time. To get rid of it faster, put the umbrella open on the balcony for a day. The smell will noticeably weaken and soon disappear completely.
  3. Wash such an umbrella from the outside with cool water.
  4. Dry transparent umbrellas away from heat sources so that the polyvinyl does not melt and lose its shape.