Children's Feng Shui - the rules for arranging things. Western Zone of Creativity and Feng Shui Children: how to activate the Feng Shui Nursery for girls

We will figure out how to decorate the interior so that the atmosphere of the room is favorable for the child.

Ideally, the children's room should be located in the eastern part of the apartment. According to Feng Shui, energy is concentrated in the east, which has a beneficial effect on the health of children, helps them develop harmoniously and reveal their creative abilities.

To decorate the interior and enhance positive energy, you can use:

  • Chinese fans - relieve fatigue, invigorate and improve health. Should be placed wide side up
  • Images of sakura flowers or decorative flowers of this plant. You can paste over the walls with photo wallpapers with flowering twigs, put vases with artificial sakura
  • Sunrise images - paintings or photographs in which children meet the dawn. It is a symbol of the awakening of a new life, development, disclosure of creative potential.
  • Any symbols of the East

Important so that the door to the nursery is not opposite the entrance to the parents, bathroom or toilet room. The energy of these rooms is very strong and can "interrupt" the nursery.

If this is not possible, protective talismans can be hung at the entrance to the nursery - “wind music”, which will balance energy flows.


Proper lighting also determines how correctly the children's room will be filled with energy, and how freely the energy flows will circulate around the room.

The nursery should have enough daylight, dark curtains are undesirable. In the center of the ceiling you need to place a large and colorful lamp with bright lamps.

Separate sectors of the room can be supplemented with lamps with soft, subdued light, but this is not so important.

Bed organization

In a dream, the child rests from the impressions experienced during the day, is filled with strength for new achievements. In order for it to develop harmoniously and fully sleep, you need to properly organize the sleeping area in the room.

  • There should be enough free space between the bed and the floor to allow the light Qi energy to move freely around the room.
  • At the same time, old things, toys or educational supplies should not be stored under the bed, this area should remain empty. Don't clutter her
  • Popular bunk beds are not suitable for arranging a children's room from a feng shui point of view. It is believed that when one child sleeps higher than another, he suppresses the energy of the one who is located below.
  • Make sure that the child’s legs do not “look” towards the front door during sleep. It is believed that this is bad for health, provokes insomnia and can even lead to nightmares in a child.
  • It is also important that, while lying in bed, the child can see the entire room. Therefore, the space near the bed cannot be closed with anything.

It is not always possible to meet all conditions, especially if the room is small. But by doing your best, you will already improve the situation.

Arrangement of the study area

If you want your child to enjoy learning, doing homework, so that he strives for knowledge and enjoys the educational process, take care of the proper organization of his workplace.

What is important to consider:

  1. The desk should be placed in the northwestern part of the room. Then the energy will be directed to the comprehension of knowledge, the child will always experience a craving for learning
  2. It is desirable that sitting at the desk, the child sees the front door. If this is not possible, hang a mirror behind him or place metal objects with a glossy, reflective surface.

Eastern teaching does not approve of household appliances, computers and gadgets in the nursery. But it is impossible for children to study without a computer; without a table lamp, their eyes get tired quickly. In order to neutralize the "dead" energy of electronics, put as many fresh flowers as possible in the nursery. This will restore balance.

Zone of games and creativity

It is very important to properly equip the playing area. During games, the child develops imagination and creativity, turns into a personality, reveals his individuality.

  1. Decorate the play area with your child's crafts, drawings, or homemade items. Put plasticine figurines, hand casts, clay crafts and more
  2. There should be a lot of bright colors. Therefore, paste over the walls with colorful wallpaper, hang up cheerful pictures, put up unusual decorations. Turn on fantasy and imagination

Watch a video on how to design a children's room according to Feng Shui:

Here are some more tips to help organize the space in the nursery according to Feng Shui:

  • Keep order. Throw away garbage in time, do wet cleaning more often. Broken toys should be disposed of immediately. Damaged objects and dirt not only litter the space, but also prevent energy from circulating freely around the room.
  • It is especially important to monitor the cleanliness of window panes - light enters the room through them, and there should be no interference in the form of dirt or smudges.
  • It is desirable that the floor in the room be "soft". Ideal for carpet. As a last resort, cover most of the floor with carpets that are pleasant to the touch.
  • You can arrange figurines or figurines of animals around the room - they serve as amulets
  • There must be moving objects in the room: watch clocks, dream catchers, bells. If possible, get parrots or other active pets

Proper organization of the space in the nursery will turn this room into an island of creativity, love and development of your child.

We all want our children to grow up healthy, happy and harmoniously developed. Therefore, we try to give the best to children. We also implement this principle when designing a children's room. Therefore, I plan kids room design When choosing decor elements, do not forget to study the rules of feng shui used in the children's room.

Feng Shui in Chinese means "wind and water", which symbolizes the harmony of nature, the world. But it is precisely we who must make the small world of a child harmonious. Unfortunately, it often happens that the interior of the children's room drains the energy of the child. Therefore, every thing in the room, directly or indirectly, should contribute to the development of the baby.

In the teachings of Feng Shui, there is a tradition of using the Ba Gua magical shell.

This is a circle divided into nine parts, which make up the central core and eight houses of the world order, each of which corresponds to cardinal points and certain colors.

Where is the best place for a feng shui nursery?

It is important that the nursery is oriented to the east. At the same time, the eastern direction will be favorable for boys, and the eastern and southeastern directions for girls.

The East is the direction of progressive development and growth. For the successful development, intensive movement, the energy of yang is responsible, which is concentrated in that part of the apartment that is located closer to the front door. In this case, it would be best if the child's bedroom is located next to the parents' room.

Children's baby should be of medium size. If it is excessively small, the walls will, as it were, limit the actions of the child, and the low ceiling will put pressure on the psyche. A nursery that is too large, with a high ceiling can cause fear. In the child's room, positive energies circulating in space must necessarily be a little more than in the rest of the apartment. To draw these energies into the nursery, open the curtains as early as possible in the morning so that the first rays of the sun illuminate and warm every corner of it.

The health zone highlighted in yellow on the "magic shell" is considered the heart of each room. An unoccupied center allows energy to move freely from one zone to another. This explains the fact that in almost all residential premises, furniture usually stands along the walls, and the center is free.

An invariable part of the center of the room is the ceiling lamp. Feng Shui experts recommend choosing chandeliers made of transparent materials that will let in not only electric light, but also sunlight, thereby increasing positive energy. Burnt out light bulbs should be replaced immediately, because, according to the followers of Feng Shui, the energy seems to close on a dry source. In such a situation, physical discomfort arises, health deteriorates sharply, and health problems may even arise. Greenish or yellowish light has a beneficial effect on the psyche of the child. They are recommended for plafonds and lampshades. Lighting directed at the table should be neutral. To do this, choose a table lamp with an opaque shade and a colorless lamp.

A variety of furnishings can have an overwhelming effect on the human body. Children are unusually sensitive to this.

What furniture to choose for the nursery. feng shui tips

When choosing furniture for a nursery, consider the size of the room, as well as the age and physical characteristics of the child. It is better to immediately give up oppressive heavy objects - voluminous lamps, huge wardrobes and massive tables. Furniture should not be too much. Leave only the essentials in the room: a small desk, neat cabinets and shelves, containers for toys, a bed and a bedside table.

The bed of the child should change as he grows. It is very bad if the baby has sharp corners. Traditionally, in Feng Shui philosophy, corners are considered an obstacle to the flow of energy. Therefore, choose beds and furniture in general with rounded corners and round sections.

An unsuccessful option for organizing a bed is a children's bunk bed (unfortunately, in many small apartments they are a way out of a difficult situation when several children need to be placed in a small area). Feng Shui experts and psychologists say that a child sleeping from below will constantly feel the pressure of the plane hanging over him. It is possible that a child who slept on the top bunk will become stronger psychologically and will build relationships with a brother or sister from this position. So, if the size of the room allows, it is better to provide a separate bed for each child. There should be enough space between the beds of children so that they can calmly get ready for bed without disturbing each other.

Teach your child to put all toys at night in cabinets or in containers specially designed for this. The child’s sleep will be calm if the desktop and toys are not visible from his bed. This is especially true for large toys depicting animals, remove them from the child’s field of vision during sleep, as there is a danger that, upon waking up, the baby will be frightened of them. But in no case do not forbid the baby to fall asleep with his favorite toy: saturated with children's positive, it will protect his sweet dreams.

Various moving objects are called upon to attract positive energy that helps the child develop. It can be toy trains, clockwork toys in the form of animals, watches. Hang a melodious bell or "wind music" over the door.

This will serve not only as a protection against negative energies, but will also allow you to warn the child that someone is entering the room.

Do you need indoor flowers in the nursery?

As objects symbolizing development, it is recommended to use houseplants, they are a wonderful conductor of yang energy. Plant with your child and place a large indoor flower in the middle of the children's room, place it under a chandelier that will symbolize the sun. Both the child and the flower will grow, gradually developing and changing.

Plants in principle always play a positive role in human life. They ennoble the space around a small creature, not only saturating the air with oxygen, but also decorating the room.

Teach your child how to care for plants, this will help him better understand the structure of this world, its beauty and fragility. To increase the energy of movement and development in an older child's room, you can put an aquarium with colorful fish, one of which, according to Feng Shui, should be black.

How to develop the creative inclinations of a child?

Children love to engage in various kinds of creativity. The drawings of the baby, his crafts, if placed in a conspicuous place, will help to attract the energy of creation. To direct the development of the child in the right direction, you can place an object or image by the baby’s bed that would symbolize his interests and future occupation.

It is time to think about the workplace for the baby. The question arises: how to properly position the desk? Firstly, the child should not sit with his back to the door, as his attention will be scattered. Secondly, the window should be on the side of the person sitting so that the child’s eyes do not rest on it.

The child will be distracted by what is happening outside the window, and this will lead to excessive daydreaming. The student will be unassembled, and this can contribute to academic failure.

The best option is when the child sits with his back to the wall, while not losing sight of the surrounding space. The ideal position of the desk would be such that the face of the working child would be turned towards the door. If the workplace cannot be organized according to these recommendations and if the child sits with his back to the door, hang a mirror on the wall next to the table - it will help control the space behind. It is better to put a desk or a table for creative work in the knowledge zone. It corresponds to the blue color, so the accessories that decorate the work area should be of the appropriate shades.

Feng Shui children's color scheme

Speaking of room color schemes, we have already mentioned that light colors are suitable for a nursery. But feng shui calls for two more factors to be taken into account. First, it is the temperament of the child. Apathetic, unhurried, passive children will be pleased, conducive to vigorous activity, concentrated colors and colorful patterns. In the room of restless, lively Children, solid colors should dominate, and colorful drawings and multi-colored complex patterns on furniture upholstery, wallpaper, and curtains should be avoided.

Secondly, when designing the interior, it is necessary to take into account the so-called cycle of the birth of the elements. In order to match the scale in accordance with this statement of the followers of Feng Shui, you can add accessories to the interior of the room in the main color that patronizes your child.

Try to put these simple tips into practice, and you will see that your efforts will not be in vain, because feng shui is an excellent assistant in the spiritual and physical education of a child. When the baby grows up, he will be grateful to you for giving him a bright childhood in a harmonious and comfortable world.

Today, the fascination with the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui is becoming more and more popular, most often people want to equip their bedroom or bathroom according to its laws. However, in this article we will talk about the basic laws children's feng shui, since the energy flows have the greatest impact on children. And if you are interested in feng shui a little more, then for you

Children's Feng Shui

And now the main Feng Shui rules for the children's room, adhering to which you will help your child grow and develop in harmony with yourself and with the world around you.

Feng Shui rules for a child's room

1. Feng Shui nursery is located in the East

It is believed that the children's room should be located in the eastern part of the house, because. it is here that the energies responsible for the health, development and creative abilities of children dominate. If it is impossible to locate a room in this part due to the technical characteristics of the house, then in the room where the child lives, at least a few oriental symbols should be used. These can be Chinese fans, compositions from sakura branches, paintings of the rising sun and other accessories associated with the East.

Another photo of the nursery according to Feng Shui

In addition, the children's room, according to Feng Shui, should not be located opposite the parent's bedroom, bathroom or kitchen, because. the energies of these rooms are much stronger than children's energy, because of which the baby may feel depressed, tired or anxious. If the baby's room is opposite the above-mentioned premises, and you cannot change the situation, hang "wind music" above the entrance to the children's room, which normalizes the circulation of Yin-Yang energies.

2. The lamp is a symbol of health

Children's feng shui in green colors

The health sector is located in the very center of the children's room. To enhance the favorable energy of this sphere in the East, it is customary to hang a large and bright lamp in the center of the ceiling. At the same time, spot lighting can also be used in a particular sector, however, the brightest and largest chandelier should be located in the center.

Feng Shui for children in white colors

3. Restful sleep is the basis of well-being

Feng Shui teaching puts forward several requirements for the process of organizing a child's bed.

Firstly, the children's bed should not stand close to the floor, because. it is necessary that favorable energies of Qi circulate freely under it.

Feng Shui of a nursery for a boy

Secondly, in the East they have a negative attitude towards bunk beds and sleeping modules with large decorative hills, as well as training or play areas. The fact is that the child must be open to the world, and if during sleep someone or something rises above him, this weakens his natural energy.

Thirdly, you do not need to put a baby bed in front of the front door, under the window or in the very center of the room, because. this will break the harmony of the elements, because of which the child will feel sleep problems. Ideally, the baby's bed should be located in such a way that the child, lying on it, sees all areas of his room.

4. Convenient study area

The energies responsible for knowledge and the desire to learn are located in the northwestern sector of the children's room. It is here that a desk should be placed, but it should be located so that while studying, the child can see the front door.

Feng Shui for a child for a girl

If the study place is located in such a way that the child sits with his back to the door, a mirror or some accessory with a reflective surface should be hung above the table.

In the East, it is believed that no household appliances or technical devices should be installed in the study area, because. because of their influence, the natural elements lose their power. But modern children often learn with the help of computers, so Feng Shui experts advise supplementing the study area with a living plant, the influence of which will reduce the disharmony that has arisen.

5. Games and creativity

Feng Shui nursery for preschoolers

According to Feng Shui, the play area in the nursery is at the same time the area of ​​his creative development. To help your baby show their creative inclinations, it is recommended to decorate the play corner with some homemade crafts or accessories. For example, here you can hang drawings of a child, arrange casts of his hands, put plasticine figures, etc.

Feng Shui laws in a preschool child

In addition, games and creativity belong to Yang energy, so this area should be decorated with bright and cheerful colors.

As for the overall color design, in general, Feng Shui recommends adhering to the principles of moderation and tranquility. But given that children symbolize activity and vigor, then in the interior of a children's room, according to the laws of Feng Shui, there must be bright details and accents.

For children allocate bright, spacious and warm rooms. In the nursery, the child sleeps, plays, does homework and spends time with friends. Recently, parents have been striving to furnish the children's room according to the rules of the popular Chinese teaching Feng Shui.

The best feng shui nursery location

The room should be oriented to the east or be located in the eastern part of the house. The southeast direction is suitable for girls, the east direction for boys. If there is no place for a nursery in the east, you can place a room in the zone of children and creativity - in the west.

In China, it is believed that a very small child does not yet have his direction and his room may be next to the parents' bedroom, regardless of the date of birth and the number of Gua. When choosing a room for teenagers, you already need to take into account the personal trigram.

The nursery should be located at a distance from the bath, toilet, hallway, kitchen and other utility rooms.

In private homes, sometimes a child is assigned an attic - a room under a roof with a sloping ceiling. In such a room, the normal flow of energy is disturbed, which negatively affects the health of the offspring.

If there is no other place for the child than the attic, a well-cut rock crystal should be hung under its ceiling in the center of the room. This mineral contributes to the uniform dissipation of energy throughout the volume of the room.

room shape

The ideal shape for a nursery is square or slightly rectangular. The size of the room should be appropriate for the age of the child. Quite still, the baby will feel uncomfortable in a huge room, and the teenager will feel cramped in a small room.

Light and mirrors

The nursery should be bright - not only the presence of Qi depends on this, but also the vision of the baby. It is better if there are several light sources:

  • chandelier on the ceiling;
  • sconce on the wall by the bed;
  • lamp on the desk.

There should not be a single dark, gloomy corner in the nursery. It is necessary to immediately change the burnt out light bulbs - otherwise the child's health will deteriorate.

A large mirror in the nursery will do more harm than good. This accessory symbolizes water. If you hang it over the baby's bed, the baby will be sick. A small mirror in an older child's room can be positioned so that it does not reflect the door to the room and the bed.


Children's room should be colorful. Colors should not be too bright. It is enough that the palette is varied. All colors for decorating the walls and floor of the room should be in their warm version.

To paint the walls, you can choose calm tones, for example, greenish, bleached apricot or gray-blue. But purple, red and gold are banned. These paints excite the nervous system of the child. White is cold and impractical.

It is better to choose a color scheme depending on the type of temperament of your child. Slow, calm children rely on brighter colors. An aggressive, easily excitable baby will become calmer in a room whose walls are painted in pastel shades.

Babies under 2 years old, regardless of gender, should see only soft, desaturated colors around them. When the child grows up, the room for him can be decorated in accordance with the Feng Shui recommendations for boys and girls.

For boy

Optimal for a boy's room is a combination of neutral blues combined with a warmer yellow. It creates a feeling of comfort and optimism. If the son is phlegmatic, you can add a little red to the interior by placing 1-2 accessories of this color.

For schoolchildren and students, a very light shade of purple is suitable. This color enhances the creative impulse and mental activity.

For girl

For the girl's room, warmer colors are used. Delicate shades of pink look beautiful - they pleasantly lull and reduce the excitement of the child. Walls can be decorated with bright drawings or colorful toys can be hung from the ceiling. In addition to pinkish, soft peach, light green or greenish-yellowish shades are suitable for a girl's room.


Windows and doors belong to the Yang area. There are many high-profile events outside of them. If you want your baby to sleep well at night, the bed should be placed in the Yin area. In other words, against a wall with no windows or doors. It is quiet and dark, so the baby will have more opportunity to sleep well.

You can’t sleep next to protruding sharp corners, under the ceiling beams - they send bad energy to the sleeping person. Corners need to be closed with something or hidden behind a curtain. The same rule applies to the landscape outside the window. If the windows overlook a busy street or ugly buildings, it is worth hanging blackout curtains.

The place under the bed must be left free. Do not turn it into a warehouse of old toys or things.

You can not buy a bed that will stand on the floor with the whole body. It is better if she has well-defined legs. This is important not only in terms of Feng Shui but also hygiene. Dust will not accumulate under such a bed and Qi energy will not stagnate.

If the child is small and sleeps in a crib with slatted sides, it must be placed so that the baby can clearly see everyone who enters his room.

It is very important to never sleep with your feet to the door. This is very bad Feng Shui. This is how the bodies of the dead are taken out of the house. If the bed is short side to the door, just shift the pillow to the other end and sleep with your head towards the exit.

If several children with a small difference in age share a room, parents usually get them a bunk bed. But few parents know that a child resting below is in a better position, since Qi does not have to climb stairs to him, which makes it difficult for her to flow.

Beds that are unsuitable for Feng Shui:

  • bunk and pedestals, to which you need to climb the stairs;
  • on wheels;
  • houses;
  • hanging hammocks.

On such beds, energy does not accumulate, but rather is lost, so the child does not recover well in a dream, becomes nervous and whiny.


It is better to immediately divide the room into zones. In one the child will sleep, and in the other he will play, and then, when he grows up, he will work. The sleeping area should be located in the back of the room, and the play or work area should be closer to the entrance. It is highly desirable that the child lying on the bed does not see the desk.

It is worth separating one zone from another. If there is a lot of space, it is best to put a partition made of durable material. A small room can be delimited using different color schemes. For the design of the play area, brighter colors are used than for the bedroom.

In the children's room, talismans helpers will be useful:

  • globe;
  • wall maps;
  • products made of rock crystal and amethyst;
  • natural crystals without cutting.

Crystals, like children, grow, so any of them can become your child's talisman. A "living" stone will protect the offspring and strengthen his health.

What should not be in the room

When decorating a nursery, it is better to do without special Chinese mascots. Children do not understand their meaning, and many are even annoyed by them. Feng Shui can be European when Qi is influenced by colors and light patterns.

There should be no stuffed animals and other hunting trophies in the children's room. Even decorative scarecrows that imitate real products made from the skins of dead animals are very unfavorable.

It is better if the bookshelves and other shelves in the children's room are closed with doors. Shelves with open shelves cut Qi into many beams, turning useful energy into harmful. It is especially dangerous when open shelves are directed towards the child's bed. Energy rushes from sharp edges directly to the baby, “attacking” his body, which makes sleep restless, and further leads to diseases.

The ceiling should be plain, light, even and smooth. Children's room is not the place for multi-colored design masterpieces and multi-level hanging structures. The ceiling should not have ledges, beams or slopes. A massive lamp or other heavy and voluminous objects should not hang above the bed.

In a room decorated according to the rules of Feng Shui, the child will always have good health and mood.

In this article you will learn:

The main task of this ancient philosophical system is the harmonization of the surrounding space with the help of properly directed Qi energy. In order for a Feng Shui children's room to be comfortable for a child to live, many factors must be taken into account.

The location of the room when planning

According to the rules of the system, the eastern zone of the dwelling is responsible for the development, growth and formation of the personality. Therefore, the followers of this philosophy recommend planning the location of the accommodation for the younger family members in this part of the apartment.

The position of the nursery in relation to the adults' room is also important. The location of the bedroom for the little ones opposite the parent's bedroom is considered unfavorable, as this interferes with the active flow of Qi energy. However, if the wall of the nursery is combined with the parent's room, this will help the child receive enough energy from the father and mother, but at the same time will not feel overprotective on their part.

It is not recommended to arrange a nursery in the center of the apartment, so as not to provoke the development of egocentricity in a child, and also to place it opposite the kitchen and sanitary facilities - this leads to a leak of positive energy, which is important for the full development of children.

Optimal room shape

It is recommended to offer the child a room with a simple shape - square or close to this geometric solution. The nursery should not have stucco on the ceiling, ledges, niches, columns, multi-level floors. All these architectural excesses hinder the free flow of Qi energy.

It is desirable that the room has at least 1, and preferably 2 windows facing different parts of the world - this contributes to the expansion of horizons.

To create a favorable atmosphere, it is important to allow sunlight to freely penetrate the nursery throughout the daylight hours.

The color of the walls and the general palette of the room

For decorating the interior of a nursery, it is recommended to use calm, soft colors that are characteristic of Qi energy. The shades of the color scheme should be beige, sand, peach, pale pink, pale blue and light green. When choosing the gender of the child, you can not take into account, because. in Chinese philosophy it doesn't matter.

At the same time, it is believed that the color of the flooring does not really matter, so much attention should be paid to the coloring of the walls and ceiling. To enhance the influx of Yang energy, bright color spots can be placed on them - carpets, paintings, applications made by one's own hands. Many experts in the philosophical system recommend placing images of the rising sun and a young tree in the nursery, symbolizing the beginning of the day and the awakening of life.

feng shui baby room areas

Most often, according to Feng Shui, a nursery is divided into 3 zones - a play area, a study area (if a student grows up in a family) and a bedroom:

  1. In the play area, which is best located in the southwestern part of the room, you can put small shelving made of natural materials (wooden or made of durable glass). Here the child can place, at his discretion, sets for games, crafts, drawings, favorite toys. In this area, it is appropriate to place an aquarium and provide a place for care products for the aquatic world. Useful here is a small sports corner, safe and matched by age. It is important that the youngest member of the family independently maintain order in the play area.
  2. In the study area (it should be organized on the northwest side of the room) you need to put a table. Moreover, it should be opposite the front door, there must be a wall behind the back of the person sitting - so, the child has a feeling of security and comfort. Contrary to popular belief, a Feng Shui study table should not be placed directly next to a window, as the Chi energy does not linger there. It is advisable to place the table as far away from the bed as possible. The negative impact of the computer can be mitigated by a small living plant.

The arrangement of furniture in the children's room should exactly match its purpose. An interesting way of zoning is offered by some followers of Feng Shui - to paint the zones in different colors. For example, paint a sleeping corner in blue, which promotes fast falling asleep, in the play area it can be brighter colors - orange, yellow, and in the study part of the room - neutral pastel shades.

Lighting is important. In addition to natural light coming through the window, you need to provide additional artificial lighting. First of all, this is a chandelier with bright light in the center of the room, a lamp with fluorescent lamps in the study area and a sconce or night light near the bed.

The windows should have both light daytime curtains that do not interfere with the penetration of sunlight, and thick curtains that allow you to create comfortable conditions for a night's sleep.

Parents need to pay close attention to the arrangement of the child's sleeping area, since in the philosophy of Feng Shui the process of night rest is of great importance.

Organization of a sleep zone for a child

The sleeping area must meet certain requirements so that the child develops harmoniously.

It is better for him to sleep not on the couch, but in a comfortable bed that matches his height and is made of natural materials. That is, as they grow older, the sleeping bed should be changed regularly. It is advisable to place it diagonally to the front door and headboard against the wall - this is an additional protection for the energy of the growing organism. It is believed that it is better to place the bed away from the window so that the energy actively circulating in this place does not interfere with the child.

There should be free space under the bed so as not to interfere with the circulation of energy, this place should not be littered with unnecessary things. For the same reason, shelves, mirror surfaces, and paintings should not be hung near the bed and above it. For small children, you can hang an air curtain made of tulle - under it a closed space is created in which the child feels safe and falls asleep quickly.

Feng Shui for a nursery stipulates that if two or more children live in a room, then each should have a separate place to sleep. Bunk beds are not welcome, because a child on the 2nd tier will not receive enough positive energy, and the one on the 1st tier will suffer from its excess. If the area of ​​the room allows, you can delimit the beds with a light portable screen in the Chinese style, so that if you wish, the children can be alone with themselves before going to bed.

Often, parents have a question, which side of the world is better to put a headboard on? It is believed that the child himself can intuitively feel how he should sleep better - in a dream he can involuntarily take a comfortable position. Parents should consider this factor.

If adults want to strengthen some traits of a child's character, they can put a sleeping bed with a headboard to the south - this way, a stable psyche will be formed. Sleeping with the head towards the east promotes complete relaxation and good rest. A headboard oriented to the north leads to the development of intuition, to the west - to health.

It is important that the place to sleep at any time of the year can be ventilated - this contributes to the renewal of energy.

You can’t put a TV in the sleeping area, but it’s useful to hang chinese bellsattracting positive energy.