Scheme of a collector beam heating system. Radiant heating system (collector)

Space heating is one of the most important elements in the construction of residential buildings. When choosing a suitable heating system and wiring diagram, it is necessary to take into account the number of floors, area, number of rooms, installation features. Let's pay attention to radiant heating of the house.

Principle of operation

The beam system works quite simply. The liquid (water) heated in the boiler moves through the pipes, giving off heat to radiators and other heating devices, the heated pipes fill the room with heat, first the top, then the bottom. Thus, the process is repeated again and again, and the room becomes warm in a short time.
Today, heating is usually divided into:

  • systems with forced circulation;
  • natural circulation systems.

General implementation scheme.

The radiant type of heating refers to systems with forced circulation, since a pump is involved in the process, which provides the operating pressure and the required speed of the coolant (sometimes this scheme is called a collector). Like any heating with forced circulation, the beam scheme has its pros and cons.


The main advantages of a radiant heating system are as follows:

  • simple heat flow control;
  • simple regulation of circulation;
  • resource consumption savings;
  • relatively inexpensive cost.

Pluses are those properties that improve or simplify the control or operation of the heat flow. Temperature control in each room is not only convenient, but also economical in terms of resource consumption. You save a lot of time, as the whole scheme is very simple.

Also, the advantage of this method is to highlight the possibility of using polypropylene and metal-plastic pipes, instead of steel. This significantly reduces the cost of materials and allows you to choose any design finish, as you can often hide behind the walls.

An important advantage of using beam wiring of the heating system is compatibility with the arrangement of underfloor heating.

Metal pipes.

The radiant heating system allows you to completely avoid water hammer, which is important for expensive plumbing that does not tolerate high pressure.


In addition to all the above advantages, there are some disadvantages. A significant disadvantage is that the operation of the entire system will be completely dependent on the mains, since the circulation pump is powered by electricity. If there is no power supply at home, then it will not work to heat such a room. And this is a significant problem at the construction stage of the building.

Installation steps

There is a misconception that a radiant heating system can only be installed by professionals. In fact, you can make a quality installation yourself. The only thing that will be required from you is more time than from a professional.

An example of planning a system in an apartment.


The first stage is planning. At this stage, it should be designed taking into account all the subtleties. If you perform installation work in the winter, you may encounter a problem, since not all pipes are able to function at sub-zero temperatures. And to install, for example, polypropylene pipes, the premises will need to be preheated to positive temperatures.

Often a valve is installed on the node through which the system can be drained and filled. Its fastening is carried out with the help of special brackets.

Proper installation of radiant heating avoids common problems that may manifest themselves during operation.

Option to connect the system to the boiler.

Types of wiring

The radiant system is very efficient and inexpensive compared to other heating options. You can install it yourself.

The collector-beam system can be divided into two types: one-pipe and two-pipe. Single-pipe wiring is a universal option for any home, as it is profitable and easy to implement. A two-pipe one is somewhat more expensive, but it is more productive.

Two pipe system.

Also, the beam system can be divided into two more subtypes: vertical and horizontal wiring. Vertical wiring is mounted in buildings with several floors and makes it possible to repair or replace one of the risers without turning off all the others. The horizontal type is used when there is one main riser and horizontal branches on each floor, both in one-pipe and two-pipe versions.

Wiring in a two-story building

The radiant heating system of a two-story house allows you to take into account the features of the layout of each floor. Its task is to ensure a similar temperature regime in all rooms.

The difference from the piping of a one-story building is that the beam type provides an individual supply of coolant to each radiator on each floor.

If we separate the heating circuit of living rooms into a separate beam, then a two-pipe scheme and vertical wiring, subject to the slope of the pipelines between the boiler and the collectors, will ensure the operation of heating with natural circulation. This is true in two-story suburban buildings, as well as in buildings where power outages occur.
The heating system in a two-story building is demanding for the first start. It is necessary to properly balance, adjust the flow of liquids. This will contribute to the most economical and efficient operation.

The efficiency of the heating system depends on many factors. These include materials for the manufacture of pipes and appliances, a properly selected boiler and a professionally drawn up scheme for laying the main line. The latter affects not only the quality of work, but also safety and durability. For country cottages with a large area, a do-it-yourself radiant heating system of a private house is most often used. What is its feature and why is it more efficient than standard piping?

Beam heating scheme

Traditionally, pipes are laid along the walls. However, this technique is unacceptable for houses with a large area and several floors. The main disadvantage is the rapid cooling of the coolant. A radiant heating system for a two-story house with hot water distribution in separate circuits can solve this problem. But first you need to find out what a radiant heating system is - photos and videos will help with this.

The design principle is to create separate circuits, each of which is connected to one or more devices (radiator, underfloor heating, etc.). In this case, the wiring of pipelines is not done along the wall, but along the floor. A properly installed do-it-yourself radiant heating system has several advantages:

  • Uniform distribution of the coolant across all devices. In fact, there is no temperature difference, as with a serial connection - the farther the radiator is from the boiler, the lower the water temperature in it;
  • The ability to adjust the level of heating in each individual circuit. To do this, it is necessary to install a two-way (three-way) valve;
  • Radiant heating distribution makes it possible to carry out repair or maintenance work without shutting down the entire system;
  • Reduction of hydraulic losses. This is due to the fact that pipes are laid with a minimum number of corner joints.

However, the beam wiring of radiator heating also has disadvantages. Firstly, it can only be two-pipe. The cooled coolant is required for mixing with a hot stream in order to minimize the cost of heating water and automatically control its temperature. If the return pipes run separately from the main pipes, it will be almost impossible to install a mixing unit.

The opinion about the greatly increased consumption of materials for installation is erroneous. If you correctly draw up a pipe laying scheme, then it turns out that the radial wiring of the heating system will in some cases be more economical.

To do this, you need to correctly approach the issue of creating preliminary design documentation.

Do-it-yourself radiant heating

Is it possible to make a professional drawing of a radiant heating system for a two-story house? This is quite realistic if we apply an integrated approach to solving this problem. This will require initial design skills (creation of elementary drawings), knowledge of the basics of heating. If there is no self-confidence, it is recommended to contact specialized design companies.

For those who want to make a radiant heating system for a private house with their own hands, the work should be divided into several stages:

The last point is very important, since for standard piping it is enough to install one air vent. In our case, their number should be equal to the number of circuits in the system. This is necessary in order for the radiant heating system of a private house to work normally, without the occurrence of air jams. The Mayevsky crane is installed at the highest point of the circuit. Usually this is the top radiator hose.

Collector or radial piping

The main element of the system, without which radiant heating at home is impossible, is the collector. It is designed to distribute the coolant from the central line to separate circuits. Externally, the collector is a hollow cylinder with a branch pipe for the inlet (outlet) of water and connecting elements to which the system circuits are connected.

In order for a two-pipe radiant heating system to function normally, two types of collectors are required:

  • Input. For optimal performance, it is equipped with a pump and a two-way (three-way) control valve. For the latter to function, you will need a thermometer installed in the collector housing. Receiving from it the values ​​of the current water temperature in the heating radiant distribution, the valve mixes the hot and cooled coolant. Thus, automatic regulation of heat in the pipes takes place.
  • Day off. After the liquid has gone through a full cycle through the circuits, it must again return to the boiler for further heating. To collect it, an output manifold is installed. On its nozzles, you can put additional control devices - balancing flow meters. With their help, the water temperature of each circuit in the radial distribution of radiator heating can be changed by adjusting the throughput of the pipes.

At first glance, when designing a system, you can do without a collector, simply by making distribution using tees. However, in this case, the beam wiring of the heating system will experience malfunctions. Without pumps, distribution and control mechanisms, there is a possibility of “idle” of some circuits - the coolant simply will not circulate in them.

Pipes: material requirements

What pipes are recommended to be selected when installing a radiant heating system with your own hands? There are several criteria that determine the operational and technical qualities of the future highway. The starting point can be considered the installation conditions - the pipes are mounted in a cement screed or under a decorative wooden floor.

The specificity of laying such a line lies in the need to bend the pipes, the angles of which are most often not equal to the standard ones. Therefore, it is recommended to use a sufficiently flexible material to avoid a large number of joints. Cross-linked polyethylene is best suited for the radiant heating system of a private house.

The construction of the XLPE pipe must have an airtight layer.

This is a prerequisite, since without it, polyethylene will pass air molecules that enrich the coolant. As a result, the rusting process will progress on the inner surface of the radiators and the boiler heat exchanger. The material of manufacture must be indicated on the radiant heating scheme.

In addition, when choosing pipes, you need to pay attention to such factors:

  • For collector wiring, it is typical to use pipes for circuits of a smaller diameter than the cross section of a common inlet pipe. The optimal size would be 32 or 24 mm;
  • Providing protection against mechanical influences. The radiant heating pipes of the house, laid on the floor, are poured with a cement screed. During this, you need to make sure that there is no squeezing of the line.

When installing the radiant heating system of a private house, only on its own, the integrity and correctness of the pipe connection are checked before pouring the screed. To do this, after installing all the elements, the heating boiler is started. In the process of circulating fluid through the lines, there should be no leaks. Only after such a check can be equipped with a decorative floor.

Unlike the standard installation scheme, the installation of a radiant heating system for a two-story house has a number of nuances. First of all, this concerns the mounting location of the control manifolds. The common distribution unit should be located immediately after the coolant exits the boiler. Most often this is a specially equipped boiler room.

If the house is large enough, then there may be several distribution manifolds. For a two-pipe heating system with a beam configuration, it is important that the user has free access to each of them. Therefore, they are installed in a special closed box.

Do not leave the collector in a cement screed or hide it behind fixed decorative panels.

To ensure the control of the operation of the radiant distribution of heat supply, sensors and valves are installed:

  • Manometers and thermometers. At least one pair of these devices must be located at the outlet of the hot coolant from the boiler. It is also recommended to install them on each manifold. In this way, you can visually control the level of water heating in the radiant heating distribution for each radiator (or group) separately. This is one of the basic rules for organizing a radiant heating system on your own;
  • Protective fittings. It includes Mayevsky air cocks and safety valves for pressure stabilization;
  • Shut-off valves. Installed in front of the boiler inlet and for each manifold separately. With their help, it is possible to carry out repair or maintenance work with radiant heating distribution without turning off all circuits. It is enough to limit the flow of coolant into a certain of them.

Heating is one of the most expensive items in any construction budget. That is why, regardless of which building requires the arrangement of the heating system (it is a frequent house or an industrial building), it is important to carefully consider each step, paying attention to even the smallest details.

In particular, it is necessary to correctly select the piping option and do it in such a way as to ensure the most efficient, productive and trouble-free heating operation. One of the most modern methods of distributing pipes from a heat generator through a building is a beam scheme or its variation - combined - beam.

Radial piping layout: features

The most optimal beam distribution of the heating system is suitable for cases where the house has several floors or there are a large number of rooms. Thus, it is possible to significantly increase the efficiency of all equipment, guarantee high-quality heat transfer, and eliminate unnecessary heat losses.

The principle of operation of the heating circuit, made according to the collector circuit, is quite simple, but at the same time, there are some features in it. So, for example, a radiant heating scheme involves the installation of several collectors on each floor of a building, and from them the organization of piping, direct and reverse supply of coolant. As a rule, the instruction for such a wiring diagram implies the installation of all elements in a cement screed.

Elements of the heating pipe wiring diagram

Modern radiant heating is a whole structure, which consists of several main elements:

  • Boiler. Starting point, the unit from which the coolant is supplied to pipelines and radiators. The power of the equipment must necessarily correspond to the amount of heat consumed by heating;

Advice. Unlike other schemes for distributing heating pipes, radiation implies a slightly larger heat loss. This is important to take into account when calculating the power of the heat generator.

  • Circulation pump. The radiant distribution of heating according to its design is closed and requires forced circulation of the coolant. It is for these purposes that a special pump is used, which, creating a certain pressure, pumps the coolant, providing the most optimal temperature conditions, guaranteeing work efficiency.

When choosing a circulation pump for a collector piping scheme (this is also required by the instructions), it is imperative to take into account a lot of parameters, ranging from the height and length of the pipelines (these elements create hydraulic resistance) to the materials of the radiators.

The power of the pump is not the main parameters (it only determines the amount of energy consumed) - attention should be paid to the speed of pumping the liquid. This parameter shows how much coolant the circulation pump can transfer in a certain unit of time;

Important. Circulation pumps for underfloor heating collector circuits should be selected more carefully. In particular, it should be remembered that in such heating it is necessary to use more powerful devices for pumping the coolant.

  • Collector (comb). No less important component of the system than the same boiler or pump, which gives it "radiance". The collector (and this can be seen in the photo and video) is a kind of distributor, a device that is designed to centrally provide coolant to all heating devices.

Collectors for such systems can additionally be equipped with a variety of thermostatic or shut-off and control elements, thanks to which it is possible to provide a certain coolant flow in each of the branches (beams) of the system. In addition, the additional installation of automatic air vents and thermometers allows you to set up a more efficient operation of the system at no extra cost.

The selection of one or another type of collectors (and they are presented on the domestic market in a large assortment) is made according to the number of connected radiators or heating circuits. In addition, all combs also differ in the materials from which they are made - these can be polymeric materials, steel or brass;

  • Cabinets. Beam wiring of the heating system requires hiding all elements (distribution manifold, pipelines, valves) in special collector cabinets. Such designs are quite simple, but at the same time functional and practical. They can be both external and built into the walls.

Selection of inlet and outlet pipes

Before starting any work on the arrangement of the heating system, it is important to determine the main parameters of the pipes. To begin with, it should be noted that the outlets at the boiler, the supply line, as well as the entrance at the collector must have the same dimensions. Based on these properties, pipe diameters are also selected, and, if necessary, special adapters are used.

The materials of the pipes for supplying and discharging the coolant can be very different, but it is best to use plastic products. It's all about their practicality, ease of installation work and accessibility.

Advice. When choosing plastic pipes for a heating system, it is important to take into account their resistance to the negative effects of high temperatures and various aggressive environments.

Arrangement of a collector heating circuit with a floor heating system

The beam heating scheme can work effectively with underfloor heating systems. But before starting to do some work with your own hands, it is important to know the main features of the design of such heating:

  • Collectors on all circuits must be equipped with thermostatic valves and coolant flow controllers;
  • In the underfloor heating system, when piping, it is necessary to use electrothermal drives and thermostatic heads. Thus, the warm floor will be able to quickly respond to changes in temperature conditions, maintain a comfortable atmosphere in every room;

  • Choice of distribution system options. It can be both typical (made according to a certain standard scheme), and individual. It is best to pay attention to individual systems, because in them the boiler operates in normal mode, there are no large temperature differences, fuel is used sparingly. It should be noted that such underfloor heating with an individual beam wiring diagram can be installed in any building.

Advantages of a radial (collector) piping layout

If we compare the radiant heating system with more classical ones (one- and two-pipe), then it simply has a lot of advantages.

Among the most significant advantages are:

  • The possibility of hidden laying of pipes and all the constituent elements of heating the object;
  • Lack of connections (and hence weak points) between the heaters and the comb;
  • Ease of installation of all elements, do-it-yourself work, even without certain skills. The minimum number of connections is used, and therefore the assembly of all components is extremely fast;

  • System stability. When using a beam wiring scheme, there is no likelihood of water hammer. It is especially important when using expensive imported plumbing with a boundary pressure of 3 atm;
  • Fast and efficient replacement of damaged sections of the pipeline without complex installation work, destruction of the concrete screed structure. It is enough just to turn off any of the beams of the circuit and defects can be easily eliminated without disrupting the operation of the entire system;
  • Affordable price of equipment and all components;
  • Simplification of the design and installation of the heating system through the use of pipes of the same size, divorced from the "comb".


A radiant heating system is an efficient, productive and very inexpensive (not to mention safety and comfort) piping of all that are only available on the domestic market. You can apply such a scheme in any building, from a private house to a large office center, as it is universal, practical and easy to install.

After choosing the materials for building a house, as well as the layout of the house, the question arises not only of choosing the type of fuel for the heating system, but also the method of wiring the system. Let's look at one of the wiring methods today - a radiant heating system.

Comparison with other heating wiring diagrams

Heating systems have been improved over the decades and, according to the wiring diagram, they are no longer at all like their predecessors. In modern homes, we have long since moved away from classic wood-burning stoves - a modern person needs automation and does not need extra worries about heating a house.

Single pipe system

In this type of wiring, one pipe is used, which goes in series to the heating radiators, from one to the other and returns to the heating boiler. A circulation pump can be used to move the coolant through the heating pipes.

Two-pipe system

Unlike a single-pipe system, in a two-pipe system, heating radiators are connected in parallel. A pipe with a hot coolant goes to each heating radiator and a pipe with a cooled one leaves. A circulation pump can be used to move the coolant through the heating pipes.

Radiation system

In the beam heating wiring diagram, parallel connection of devices to the heating manifold is used. At the same time, two separate, independent pipes go to each node of the heating network - for supplying the coolant and a return pipe. In fact, the beam distribution system is a two-pipe. But if in a classic two-pipe system heating pipes and with a reverse flow of coolant can be grouped with each other (pipes diverge from one pipe to different radiators), then in a beam system there is only a separate pair of pipes for each finite element.


This is a rather large knot in which up to dozens of pipes converge. In order to have constant access to the collector and at the same time not to spoil the view of the house or apartment with pipes, it is mounted either in a collector cabinet, or the collector is removed to the basement or boiler room.

Advantages of a radiant heating system

  • Turn off the desired beam. If suddenly there is a breakthrough in heat supply, or a heating radiator needs to be replaced during the heating season, then you will cut off the coolant supply to a specific radiator or other heating device without any special consequences. During this time, the rest of the heating units will work, thereby preventing the room from freezing.
  • Temperature regulation. Unlike a single-pipe heating system, it is possible to install thermal heads on radiators - thereby obtaining a comfortable temperature separately in each room.
  • Possibility of installing a heat meter. In many apartments, through vertical heating is used along risers, which does not allow the installation of heat meters (since several risers are used), but if you use a collector from which the heating of the entire apartment is "powered", then it becomes possible to install an individual heat meter.

Cons of a radiant heating system

The beam system can only have 2 minuses: a larger number of pipes (and, accordingly, a greater cost) and a collector for which space will need to be allocated.

But despite the disadvantages, it is the beam wiring that is preferred for use.

Do not forget that our company "Plumber Stepanych" will always help you in choosing a heating system, materials, radiators and will make a high-quality installation of all components of the heating system. Having a staff of professional employees, we calculate an estimate, in excess of which you will not need to pay and give a guarantee for the work performed.

Being a variety of methods for laying heating pipes of two-pipe horizontal systems of modern apartment buildings and private houses, beam wiring of the heating system has a number of undeniable advantages. Each circuit of the system with such piping is separately connected to the heating manifold, which allows you to set an individual operating mode for it that meets the criterion of comfort for a person in a particular area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

Heating pipes laid in the thickness of a concrete screed or under a wooden floor on logs must be reliable, excluding (or minimizing) the likelihood of leaks, deterioration in throughput and other malfunctions.

Wiring diagrams of modern horizontal heating systems

Modern multi-apartment residential buildings and private cottages of any number of storeys are increasingly equipped with horizontal heating systems. A necessary element of such a scheme is one or more (in an apartment building - in each entrance) vertical two-pipe risers with branches / inputs to separate rooms / apartments on each floor. Further laying of pipelines is carried out in a "horizontal" way.

Arranging such systems, builders invariably face the problem of the difficulty of laying heating pipes to radiators. The pipelines of vertical systems, laid along the walls from top to bottom, did not particularly interfere with the residents. Horizontal pipes laid openly along the walls become a factor hindering the normal operation of the premises, they do not fit well into their interiors. Therefore, various methods of horizontal hidden laying are used.

Branched dead-end wiring diagram with pipes in the screed

The minimum pipe lengths and hydraulic resistances of the circuit are leveled by the mutual crossing of pipelines, leading to an increase in the thickness of the screed (each centimeter of it costs from 40 rubles / m2).

Perimeter wiring of the heating system

  • Dead-end scheme with pipelines in the screed or under the plinth.

The absence of crossing pipes in the scheme is leveled by the need to make holes in the walls (in the above scheme, you need to drill five holes).

  • Piping layout according to the scheme with associated water movement (Tichelman scheme).

Here, the first radiator of the heating circuit has the shortest length of the "supply" and the largest length of the "return", the last radiator - vice versa. The hydraulic resistance experienced by the coolant when flowing around the devices of the circuit is constant, which makes it possible to balance any number of radiators in a branch.

Collector-beam wiring of the heating system

The prevalence of this scheme is constantly growing. The pipes here are laid in the floor screed in pairs (“supply” plus “return”), approaching each radiator from the collectors (respectively, “supply” and “return”). The advantage of the scheme is ease of installation (no crossing of pipes and wall holes). The disadvantage is the increased costs due to the large consumption of pipes and additional costs for collectors.

An additional advantage of the beam scheme is the use of pipes of small diameters. An apartment (floor of a private house) will require the use of pipes d = 25 and d = 32 mm for the perimeter wiring diagram. Accordingly, the thickness of the screed, the diameter of the tees that connect the radiators will increase. The cost of such an element is commensurate with the price of a pipe.

The use of beam wiring, which increases the length of the pipes, gives the ultimate benefit by reducing their diameter.

General requirements for the installation of beam wiring

With collector-beam wiring, the method of laying pipes in the floor in a screed is common, the thickness of which is 50-80 mm. Plywood is laid on top, covered with a finishing floor covering (parquet, linoleum). Such a thickness of the screed is quite sufficient for the free "embedding" of the intra-apartment (intra-house) radiant wiring of the heating system. It is possible to lay pipes outside along the walls under decorative plinths, which inevitably increases the length of the pipelines. Known options for laying pipes for beam wiring in the space of a false (suspended) ceiling, in strobes.

Metal-plastic or cross-linked polyethylene pipes (PEX-pipes) are used, laid in a corrugated pipe or in thermal insulation. PEX pipes have an undoubted advantage here. According to SNiP, only inextricable joints can be “embedded” in concrete. PEX-pipes are connected by means of tension fittings related to inextricable connections. Metal-plastic pipes use compression fittings with union nuts. To “monolichize” them means to violate the SNiP. Each detachable pipe connection must be accessible for maintenance (tightening).

Even without fittings, not every metal-plastic pipe is unambiguously suitable for laying in a floor screed. Manufacturers' products suffer from a serious defect: layers of aluminum and polyethylene delaminate under the influence of repeatedly changing coolant temperature. After all, metal and plastic have different coefficients of volumetric expansion. Therefore, the adhesive connecting them should be:

  • internally strong (cohesive);
  • adhesive to aluminum and polyethylene;
  • flexible;
  • elastic;
  • heat resistant.

Not all adhesive compositions of even well-known European manufacturers of metal-plastic pipes satisfy these requirements, which delaminate over time, the inner layer of polyethylene in such a pipe “collapses”, reducing its cross section. The normal operation of the system is disrupted, and the location of the malfunction is almost impossible to find - they usually “sin” for malfunctions of thermostats, pumps and other products with moving parts.

In the light of the foregoing, we recommend that readers pay attention to VALTEC metal-plastic pipes, which use the American DSM adhesive, which ensures the strength of the metal / plastic connection, adhesion and the complete absence of delaminations.

Collector cabinets and blocks

In an apartment with horizontal radiant heating distribution (on the floors of private houses), distribution manifolds (supply and "return") are arranged, collecting all supply and return pipelines at their outlets. They are placed in metal cabinets of a special design, often built into the partitions of bathrooms and opening inside them. It is also possible to install distribution manifolds in specially arranged wall niches. Often, the collector unit is combined with the heat metering unit in one collector cabinet.

Collectors can be complete, which are sections of thick pipes with outgoing nozzles, or assembled on tees. These devices can be:

  • plastic;
  • nickel-plated brass;
  • copper;
  • stainless steel.

Many well-known manufacturers of heating equipment (VALTEC, etc.) produce ready-made manifold blocks that combine supply and return manifolds, manual adjustment valves (on the supply manifold), thermostatic valves (on the return manifold), automatic air vents, drain valves and mounting brackets.

The task of individual adjustment of the thermal regime of each single-radiator branch of the collector-beam heating system is solved by tuning valves with built-in flow meters. The branches are obtained in different lengths, and the coolant tends to flow in the shortest way with minimal hydraulic resistance. It flows around short branches more intensively, warming up the radiators installed there more strongly.

Adjustment valves on the supply manifold change the flow rate of water (antifreeze), narrowing their conditional passages in short circuits, and expanding in long ones. Setting is a painstaking process, and the setting valve is not designed to quickly shut off or open the coolant flow along the circuits. This function is performed by thermostatic valves.

Thermal valves on the manifold - "return" - these are valves that smoothly shut off the flow manually or automatically. The radiant heating system is easily hydraulically balanced.

Combined heating piping layout

Often, not only one heating device is installed in the room, but several. It is irrational to bring a separate two-pipe loop-branch to each radiator with a collector-beam wiring. It is better to lay a separate branch to each room, which will bypass several heating devices indoors, implementing a dead-end or passing scheme.

Such a system is calculated as a beam system. Branches supplying several radiators with coolant are subjected to a separate calculation as dead-end or passing ones. In modern systems, radiators are equipped with thermal valves (thermostats), which are adjusted by users to different temperatures, based on the current requirements for comfort in the room. The stability of the temperature regime in the room becomes difficult to maintain.

It turns out that it is possible to get rid of instability while simultaneously reducing the cost of connecting radiators by connecting them according to the so-called. "through circuit".

The thermal valve is installed only on the first radiator in the circuit, regulating the coolant flow for all heaters connected in series. They are perceived as one radiator. Difficulties in balancing will arise with multi-section devices (10 or more sections each).

Automatic collector-beam system

The supply of coolant to radiators connected by beam wiring can be made automatically adjustable. In this case, a small electromechanical servomotor is installed on the return manifold thermal valves (item 2 in the figure "Complete manifold block") instead of the plastic cover for manual control (position 4 in the figure "Complete manifold block"), connected by a cable to an analog thermostat or controller. Radiators are connected to heating pipes without fittings at all (ball valves can be installed).

Such a scheme has an increased capital cost, while providing an increased level of comfort. the air temperature desired by the user can be set from the control panel of the room thermostat, the signals of which are processed by servomotors on the thermal valves of the “return” collector. The system can be controlled by the so-called chronothermostat, which provides the user with the opportunity to set a temperature control program for a week with differentiation by day of the week and time of day.


The heating system with collector-beam piping provides the user with the possibility of hydraulic balancing and individual adjustment of the operating modes of heating devices. Some increase in the length of the pipes with beam wiring is obviously compensated by a decrease in their diameter and ease of installation.