Personality orientation: three main vectors of life. Formation of personality orientation What constitutes a personality’s life direction

Each person has his own views on life, aspirations, ideals, interests, desires and goals, and in psychology the totality of this has a name - personality orientation.

Orientation is formed depending on upbringing and environment, because any person is influenced by society to some extent. Personality orientation is an important characteristic of a person; in psychology it is also replaced by the term “dynamic tendency”, which affects his character and activity.

Directional forms

A person’s main life orientation is expressed in his goals for life, priorities, hobbies, worldview, and beliefs. Let's consider all forms of directionality:

  • Wish

This form implies not only the desired object, but also the methods of obtaining it. Also, the desires of the individual give rise to the formation of goals.

  • Pursuit

It is a desire with a deliberate choice and a plan to achieve what you want.

  • Interest

This is a focus on learning new information, a manifestation of a person’s cognitive needs.

  • Addiction

It is expressed in a person’s desire to engage in any particular activity. As a result, he improves his skills in his chosen field to achieve success.

  • Worldview

Includes views on life, as well as a person’s place in it.

  • Belief

A form of direction that encourages a person to act in accordance with his views on life.

  • Ideal

An ideal image for a person, which he strives to embody.

  • Installation

The attitude can be: positive, negative, neutral and consists of a person’s outlook on life and values.

  • Position

Includes the motives and desires of a person that guide him in life.

The result that a person wants to achieve in his activities.

Types of directionality

In psychology, the presence of several types of orientation is noted. It can be determined by a person’s behavior in various situations. Main types of focus:


People with this orientation consider self-realization to be the main thing in life and are always busy achieving their own goals. They are often called selfish, because they do not care about the problems of others. Such people have character traits such as determination, confidence, responsibility, and independence. They do not ask for help from others, but prefer to deal with all problems on their own.


It is focused on communication and mutual actions; such people are usually sociable. For such individuals, communication is extremely important, and they do everything to maintain good relationships with others. They participate in collective work, but do not take a leadership position and avoid responsibility. Such a person depends on the opinions of the people around him, does everything to gain approval and usually does not express his own opinion.


Such people are extremely demanding of themselves and others and are always looking for benefits for themselves and their team. They prefer to lead, while always providing help and support to their subordinates. Such people love society, communicate a lot with people, but at the same time they love freedom and always express and prove their point of view.


Such people often worry, even without reason, and are not indifferent to the problems of others. They have a well-developed sense of compassion, so they can always listen and support. People often turn to them for advice, because such people are relatable and inspire trust. Also, mostly these are creative individuals who love music, literature and painting. They are able to live the life of a hero, experiencing all his experiences.


Such individuals cannot live without society and always lead active social activities. They are always aware of all events and love communication. People with a socially oriented personality can be both bosses and subordinates, but their work must be connected with society.

Professional orientation

Each profession requires the possession of specific character traits that are necessary to achieve success in that field. In psychology, several personality types are defined:

  • Realistic type

They prefer physical labor and working with real objects. The following professions suit them most: builder, technician, mechanic.

  • Conventional type

The personality is attentive, focused and calm in nature. Such people are responsible and always complete their work on time. Preferred professions: librarian, merchandiser.

  • Intelligent type

These people love to think and learn new information. They love to do research work. The most suitable professions: teacher, writer.

  • Enterprising type

Such individuals have leadership qualities and are excellent at managing. The following professions are suitable: manager, businessman.

  • Social type

People with a well-developed sense of empathy who strive to help others. The following professions are suitable: doctor, social worker.

  • Artistic type

Such individuals do not like to work according to a schedule and put themselves into any kind of framework. They are unpredictable and creative. Best professions: artist, poet.

Focus and motivation

The result of an individual’s activity depends on motivation, which can be external and internal. Extrinsic motivation may involve gaining approval from others. Intrinsic motivation lies in the interest of the individual himself to complete a specific task. Internal motivation has a much better effect on a person, because in this way he develops himself. The better motivated a person is, the more he believes in his own abilities and the more desire he has to work to achieve his goal.

It is extremely important that a person understands why he is doing his work, only in this case he will do it efficiently. If work does not provide any benefits and does not bring you closer to the goal, then any person will quickly get bored with it.

Correct goal setting and self-confidence

In order to achieve success, a person needs to decide on his desires and goals. It is also important to come up with a plan to achieve them. To improve your work efficiency, you should present the result of your work and the achievement of your goal.

Also, in order to achieve success, you need to be confident in your abilities. Only a self-confident person can take concrete steps towards achieving a goal. Self-confidence can be developed, because it is also necessary for building relationships with others.

The orientation of the individual is formed from childhood during training and upbringing. Each personality develops in society and is influenced by it, while some later develop independence from the opinions of others. Personality orientation is the motives, desires and goals of a person that influence his activities and behavior. Therefore, the orientation of a person determines how successful he will be and how he will achieve his goals.

Personality orientation is considered to be one of the most important properties of the human psyche, expressing. The concept of personality orientation includes all the basic tendencies of behavior characteristic of a particular person, that totality of his basic psychological properties that motivate him to various activities.

Psychology occupies an increasingly important place in our lives every day. What yesterday was the lot of a specialist with a narrow profile, today becomes available to everyone who strives to know themselves and understand. One of the main tools in the difficult task of creating harmony with oneself can be considered the determination of such a quality as personality orientation.

Psychologists about the personal: definitions

Psychologists, speaking about the method of determining the orientation of a person, usually understand by this term the orientation of a person’s consciousness towards certain spheres of life. Especially on those of them that have a certain value in the human consciousness, those areas in which the forms of activity are leading. Without them, the individual would not be capable of full, harmonious development, of what is called personal growth. The concept of personality orientation is also relevant today for large modern corporations.

Man, as a primarily social being, manifests the direction of his personality, its needs and motives in a variety of aspects. These include moral values, sympathies, affections, tastes and inclinations. This psychological characteristic of a person’s orientation determines almost all spheres of existence for a person - from his political beliefs to the characteristics of family life. It also leaves its mark on the choice of profession. It also affects a person’s relationship with the reality around him. The positive orientation of a personality determines for an individual such important qualities in social interaction as hard work and the ability to achieve goals.

Experts today consider direction to be one of the most important leading characteristics of a person. Many famous scientists and psychologists have studied it. There are several concepts from various scientific works that reflect different interpretations and approaches to describing this personality trait: researchers call it both the “meaning-forming motive” of the individual (Soviet psychologist and teacher A. N. Leontyev) and the “main life orientation” (the scientist who created the modern the concept of the Faculty of Psychology at St. Petersburg University - B. G. Ananyev), and “the dynamic organization of the essential forces of man” (Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor A. S. Prangishvili). Briefly, all these approaches characterize orientation as a general property of a person, which in total determines its psychological qualities.

Despite the fact that the definitions of this concept differ in some details, the opinions of scientists agree on the statement that orientation is the basis of a person’s value system, its psychological manifestations; it is the leading characteristic in drawing up a psychological portrait. Thus, it is the orientation that expresses the goals in the name of which a person acts, determines the motives of his actions and the tasks that he sets for himself.

A person’s temperament, resistance to stress, and the specifics of many other psychological processes and mental states depend on this aspect. Direction can be considered the main vector along which a person will move in the process of achieving his goals. At the same time, direction is not only the choice of direction, the goal of movement, but also the path that - consciously or unconsciously - a person chooses for himself.

Basic forms of personality orientation

Those stable motives that determine this psychological model in human psychology do not depend on specific particular situations. They are formed mainly through education. Thus, the direction is always determined by the environment in which the formation of a person’s personality took place. That system of values, those priorities that the parents emphasized for the child as the most important, he will, in one form or another, implement in his life as an adult.

The structure of orientation, psychologists say, is complex and multifaceted and includes several layers. The scheme of their construction is as follows. The most primitive of them is attraction, which is often instinctive and unconscious. It is followed by desire - at this stage the need is already recognized by the person as something definite. The next stage is aspiration. At this level, it connects to desire. A person is ready to make certain efforts to ensure that the desired goal is achieved.

When listing the types of personality orientation, psychologists consider interest to be its cognitive form. When we connect the volitional component to the interest, we get an inclination. In total, the entire system of a person’s inclinations and aspirations becomes what is called a worldview: a clear life-determining complex of philosophical, ethical views and aesthetic preferences.

According to experts, the highest form of personality orientation is conviction. It is beliefs that enter into a person’s worldview system, correlating it with his views, values ​​and principles. Conviction is the psychological attitude that underlies a patriotic, religious feat; it is that unshakable thing that a person is ready to defend and defend at almost any cost.

Motives can either be conscious of the individual or remain at the unconscious level. But even without being conscious, they still encourage a person to act in a certain way, although often he may not be aware of this.

More significant, of course, are the conscious motives that give direction to an individual’s specific activity, ultimately ensuring its implementation. Indicators of the goal-setting functions of a motive can be considered the formation of specific meanings: answers to the question “why perform this or that action.” In the absence of a conscious answer to such a question, the action itself loses its meaning. Such formation of meaning becomes the basis for the goals and objectives that a person sets for himself.
That is why psychological research aimed at studying personality type and its orientation will help not only to determine the conscious motives of our actions, but also to open the door to the unconscious, to everything that remains “behind the scenes” for us.

Values ​​and needs

A person’s attitude to reality is determined primarily by those needs that he considers necessary for himself. Needs create specific desires and requests, and this, in turn, adds up to the general psychological orientation of the individual. Its main components are value-semantic formations based on the needs and aspirations of a person in accordance with his standard of living, demands and relationships with others. This may include the desire for power and influence, the need for a certain social status, the values ​​that a person wants to have as a result of his efforts and efforts. This also includes self-esteem - a person’s ability to adequately evaluate himself in relation to the surrounding reality.

In addition to the goals that a person sets for himself, the ways of realizing them are also important. We have all been able to observe this in practice many times. For some, “the end justifies the means,” but for others, specific methods will be unacceptable from an ethical point of view. This difference is primarily a consequence of parental attitudes. Parents pass on the lion's share of their value system to their children, showing by example. Although sometimes they do it unconsciously. Therefore, many well-known psychologists advise paying maximum attention to the peculiarities of child psychology, child-parent relationships and pedagogical issues.
Psychologists V. A. Slastenin and V. P. Kashirin consider, for example, problems such as personal psychology, theoretical and methodological aspects of raising and teaching children, general issues of pedagogy, maintaining mental health, and regulating interpersonal relationships. Scientists pay special attention to professional child psychology.

Education as the basis for personality formation

Raising a child should be a purposeful and methodically organized process. When raising a child, parents give him certain moral guidelines, instill a certain system of values ​​- most often using for these purposes the same model that is dominant for them. The main task of parents in this situation is to adequately reflect reality and measure the relationship between the “ideal” educational model and the strengths, capabilities, character and inclinations of their child. After all, the main thing that a family can give to a new person is a sense of security, self-confidence, encouragement (that feedback that will give the child the opportunity to grow up as a self-confident, purposeful person, capable of achieving the tasks assigned to him without entering into an “ethical conflict” with the surrounding world).

The culture of relationships with others and with oneself, the general culture of the individual, is primarily the task of family education. This is why researchers today pay special attention to childhood psychology, since it is child psychology that lays down the basic forms of future behavior and shapes a person’s psychotype.

Characteristics of personality orientation

When determining the types of personality orientation in psychology, experts take into account various groups of characteristics: the person’s main activity, goals that are important to him, the motives that guide him, ways to achieve his goals, the subjective needs of the individual and, of course, his psychological state.

Depending on the area in which the orientation is manifested, it is divided into professional, moral, everyday, political, creative, etc.

The characteristics of those goals and motives that prompt a person to action primarily take into account what is called the level of maturity of the individual. The level of maturity shows how significant a person’s aspirations are from a social and ideological point of view. The breadth of the range of those areas in which the aspirations of a person’s desires are directed is also important. One of the important aspects is the intensity of the efforts that a person is willing to expend to achieve his goals. An infantile and unpurposeful person, even having a wide range of needs, is not able to spend a long and methodical effort in order to achieve his goals. And a clearly expressed focus and striving towards a goal can give impetus to precisely such methodical efforts.

Forms of personality orientation can manifest themselves in various spheres of a person’s life. Depending on exactly how they manifest themselves, they are divided into everyday, creative, moral and other various types. But for each type it has a defining meaning.

All efforts expended by a person to achieve his goals are motivated to varying degrees by his psychological state. They may be different for different people. Motives can either be conscious of the individual or remain at the unconscious level. But even without being conscious, they still encourage a person to act in a certain way, although often he may not be aware of this. That is why psychological research aimed at studying personality type and its orientation will help not only to determine the conscious motives of our actions, but also to open the door to the unconscious, to everything that remains “behind the scenes” for us.

Determination of personality orientation

In modern psychology, there is an already developed methodology for determining the social orientation of an individual. Most often, in order to determine a person’s personal aspirations, experts use a questionnaire, which was first created by psychologist B. Brass in 1967. This orientation questionnaire has 27 points, for each of which the respondent must choose 1 of 3 answer options that are closest to him in terms of the nature of the judgment, and 1, on the contrary, is the most distant. An answer that is “close” to the thoughts of the respondent receives a mark of 2 points, and a dissimilar answer receives 0 points. For each type of answer, points are summed up separately.
Thanks to this technique, the orientation is quite easily determined by specialists, allowing them to draw a conclusion about what type of activity will be more comfortable for a person.

Here are the 3 most common types.

  1. Ego-orientation can be considered its lowest form, since it is dictated by egocentric motives in human behavior. Ego-orientation is characterized by an individual’s interest in satisfying his own needs and desires, which often allows for aggression towards others in any competitive situation.
  2. Focus on communication: the mood and state of the team will be in 1st place for a person, often even to the detriment of the task he is performing. A quality that is not always optimal for working in a large company, but irreplaceable in the family. Such a person will be ready to sacrifice his interests in order to maintain a favorable environment in the team, because this will also provide him with psychological comfort.
  3. Goal orientation: the most clearly formed motive structure determines the level of human activity. The main task for a person with this personality orientation will be the solution of business problems, the ability to defend interests, if necessary for the benefit of the business. Excellent quality for professionals who are ready to devote themselves to their favorite work. Orientation towards achieving a goal characterizes a strong, strong-willed person who is capable of achieving his goal, but unlike an individual with an egocentric personal position, this goal is not of a personal nature - it may well be dictated by beliefs and high ideals. This is behavior that will seem incomprehensible to an ego-oriented individual, but will not be of particular value to a person focused on communication.

Meaning and significance:

In the modern world, it is necessary to take into account the psychological characteristics of a person’s personality orientation. In large corporations, for example, such phenomena have already become quite frequent - a psychological portrait of an employee is compiled and studied by specialists.

Determining the orientation of the individual, the psychotype of a person, his inclinations, goals, temperament - all this is extremely important, since it allows the psychologist or personnel selection specialist to form an understanding of the orientation of the personality and motivation of the employee with whom he works. This approach allows you to find suitable motivation that ensures comfortable work and maximum productivity in any field. But even outside the professional sphere, a modern person must strive to understand himself, determine for himself those qualities, solve those problems that will allow him to develop harmoniously in any aspect of his life.

Personality orientation is a term denoting a person’s system of motivations that consistently characterize him. This includes what he wants, what he strives for, how he understands the world and society, what he considers unacceptable, and much more. The topic of personality orientation is interesting and multifaceted, so now the most interesting and important aspects of it will be considered.

Briefly about the concept

So, in essence, the orientation of a personality is its “core”. Aspirations and values ​​that are so close to him that they have already become a support in life and an integral part of him.

This is a complex property. But if you study it deeply, you can understand the motives of behavior and goals of a particular person, and even predict how he will act in certain situations. At the same time, having observed him in life, seeing him in specific circumstances, it will be possible to approximately understand his characteristic personal orientation.

This system of incentives is always socially conditioned. First, the orientation is formed in the process of education. Then, at a more conscious age, a person begins to engage in self-education. Be that as it may, the orientation of a person is always assessed from the point of view of morality and morality.

Attraction and desire

Personality orientation consists of many structural components. And first of all, I would like to draw attention to the two concepts indicated in the subtitle.

Attraction is a primitive, biological form of orientation. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it, as a need, is not recognized. But desire is something else. This term implies a conscious need for something very specific. Desire helps clarify purpose and motivates action. Subsequently, the ways to achieve the result are determined.

Desires are good. It is on their basis that a person determines his goals and makes plans. And if desires are strong, then they develop into desire, reinforced by volitional effort. This is what demonstrates a person’s ability to overcome obstacles, adversity and difficulties on the way to the goal.

It is important to note that desire is associated with subjective feelings. If a person confidently moves towards a goal and sees the result, he experiences satisfaction and positive emotions. In the absence of success, he is overcome by negativity and pessimism.


This is not even a structural component of a person’s orientation, but an entire cognitive form and a separate motivational state.

So, interest is a person’s emotional orientation towards certain objects. They have a special sustainable significance, as they are associated with his individual needs.

Interests can be spiritual and material, versatile and limited, stable and short-term. How deep and wide they are determines the fullness of a person’s life. After all, it is with interests that his inclinations, passions and desires are connected.

You could even say that they determine a person’s lifestyle. This is easy to prove. Is the person interested in business, career, making big money, different business sectors and the secrets of successful entrepreneurship? This means that for him the main thing in life is success and material well-being. And he will do everything to achieve this goal, acting in accordance with his interests.

One more thing. By the breadth, significance and globality of interests, one can determine the orientation of a person. This is studied separately in psychology.

A person who embraces different aspects of life, develops himself in several directions, is interested in many industries, and has an expanded view of this world. He knows a lot, can consider opportunities and problems from several angles at once, and is characterized by high erudition and developed intelligence. Such people are capable of more than others. They even have a stronger desire.

But people with small interests, as a rule, are mediocre, boring and unsuccessful. Why? Because they are not interested in anything other than satisfying natural needs. Food, drink, sleep, Friday night at the bar, home, work, sex, and all over again. There is no intellectual burden in their interests. They don't develop.


This concept has many synonyms. Some equate it with predisposition. Others say that inclination is an interest with a volitional component. It is also generally accepted that this term refers to the manifestation of the motivational-need sphere. And this is considered the most correct definition in the psychology of personality orientation.

An inclination is manifested in a person’s preference for a particular value or type of activity. It is always based on emotions, subjective feelings and sympathy.

A person may enjoy traveling. He notes that most of all in life he is looking forward to another trip somewhere. He understands that the most vivid emotions and impressions are brought to him by new places. And the opportunity to get acquainted with another culture or tradition is the greatest joy you can imagine. And he understands that life on the road is comfortable for him. It is this existence that brings him pleasure and satisfaction.

What does it mean? That he is inclined to such a life. A striking example of the motivational-need sphere! And it's hard to argue with that. After all, the most important need of each of us is to experience pleasure from life. And here everyone determines for himself what style of existence he is inclined to, focusing on his values.

A simpler example is choosing a profession. It is also influenced by the formation of personality orientation and inclination. And this is also one of the needs - to feel satisfaction from doing the work of life, to realize the benefits that one’s activities bring, one’s own professional significance.

It’s good when a person understands what he is inclined to and decides to devote himself to it. And it’s even better if interest in the activity first arises. It creates a desire to engage in it, and in the future the person improves the skills and abilities associated with it. By the way, addiction is often accompanied by the development of abilities. Many musicians and artists who showed interest in their profession as children are an example of this.

Worldview, belief and ideal

When considering the definition of personality orientation, one cannot help but touch upon these three important concepts.

Worldview is a conscious system of views and ideas about the world, as well as a person’s attitude towards himself and what surrounds him. It gives his activities a purposeful, meaningful character. And it is the worldview that determines the principles, values, positions, ideals and beliefs of a person.

Anyone who has such a stable belief system is a mature person. Such a person has something that guides him in everyday life. In fact, worldview is manifested in literally everything - from everyday life to interpersonal relationships.

What is belief? This is a concept that is directly related to worldview. This term is understood as the highest form of personality orientation, which encourages it to act in accordance with established ideals and principles. It is worth mentioning that a person who is confident in his views, knowledge and assessments of reality also strives to convey them to other people. But! The key word here is “convey” - he does not impose anything, because he is in harmony with himself and this world.

And finally, the ideal. This is a certain image that a person tries to follow in his behavior and activities. It is thanks to him that each of us has the opportunity to reflect and change the world in accordance with ideals. They can be real (people from real life, idols), fictional (characters from books, films) and collective. In simple terms, an ideal is the highest example of a moral personality. The main thing is that it is not illusory. Otherwise, following it, a person will not come to what he wanted.


Every person is probably familiar with this ambiguous concept. The motives of a person’s orientation are what controls a person’s behavior. Often this term refers to the factors that determine the choice he makes.

In the structure of personality orientation, motives occupy a significant place. After all, how successfully a person solves the task assigned to him largely depends on his motivation for a good result.

There is also a small classification here. Motives can be external and internal. The first ones are very weak. Situation: a person at work needs to submit a project in a week. And he does it in order to meet the deadline, otherwise there is a risk of losing his bonus and being summoned to a serious conversation with his boss. This is extrinsic motivation. A person does business only because it is necessary.

At the same time, his colleague, having the same task, almost spends the night at work, putting all his strength, time and soul into the project. He is interested in the matter, he acts in the name of a quality result. This is internal motivation. It is based on desire and personal interest. It encourages a person to self-development, discoveries and new achievements.

Also, when talking about the development of personality orientation, it is necessary to note such a concept as awareness. The fact is that people do not always understand why they do this or that business. This is sad, because in such cases, monotonous work is simply performed, devoid of meaning and meaning.

But if there is a clear understanding of why a person carries out certain tasks, efficiency increases significantly. To the same question, which sounds like “Why do I go to work?” you can answer in different ways. Someone will say: “Because everyone is working. Everyone needs money." And the other will answer: “I want to improve in my business, build a career, achieve new heights, receive more substantial compensation and feel gratitude for dedication.” And you don’t even need to specify which answer shows obvious awareness.

Personal focus

Now we can talk about her. This is one of the main types of personality orientation. A person who is close to this particular option strives to satisfy his own needs, self-realization and achieve individual goals. In simple terms, it is directed towards oneself.

Such people are distinguished by organization, responsibility and determination. They rely only on themselves. Their life consists of constructive thoughts, thinking through various plans and achieving goals. But, at the same time, they are active and constantly diversify their existence, since pleasure means as much to them as success and productive work.

These are the main features of personality orientation. It is also worth mentioning that such people are often considered selfish and self-confident. But in reality they are simply focused on personal happiness. Although they often face the problem of inability to delegate authority and ask others for help. Knowing that they have the power to decide everything on their own, many such people strive for loneliness.

For people who are close to her, the main need is communication with others. They are generally distinguished by their integrity and courtesy. They are not confrontational, they are always ready to help, listen, and sympathize. They are also very interactive - they focus on others, listen to different opinions, and wait for approval.

This is a social focus. Individuals who have this characteristic become excellent reliable partners who easily get along with other people, both in the family and in the team.

But they often run into problems. It is difficult for them to express their opinions, resist manipulation, and even fight for their happiness. They also don’t know how to plan anything, are afraid to take responsibility, and have absolutely no idea how to define personal goals.

Those people who are closest to her are business-oriented. For them, the most important thing is to combine their own benefit with the benefit of society.

They are distinguished by seriousness and reliability, self-demandingness and independence, love of freedom and goodwill. They like to constantly learn something new, study, and try themselves in different fields of activity.

Such people make excellent leaders. Their behavior reflects the predominance of motives that are associated with the team achieving its goal. These people are happy to take matters into their own hands, and the result is usually impressive. They always easily justify their point of view, and literally lay everything out on the shelves so that each member of the team understands why these specific actions will lead to the fastest completion of the task.

Such people collaborate successfully with others and achieve maximum productivity. They not only manage to lead - they do it with pleasure.

How to find out your type?

There is a test for this. The orientation of a person can be found out in 5-7 minutes; completing the questionnaire will not take more time. In total, it includes 30 items with three answer options. These are not questions, but proposals that are proposed to be continued. You need to mark two options out of three: one is “most of all”, and the other is “least of all”. Here are examples:

  • Question: “What gives me satisfaction in life...” How can I answer: most of all - the realization that the work has been completed successfully. Least of all is the assessment of my work. The third option, which remained unmarked, sounds like this: “The consciousness that you are among friends.”
  • Question: “I’m glad when my friends...” How can I answer: most of all - when they are true and reliable. Least of all, they help outsiders when possible. The third option, left unchecked, sounds like this: “They are intelligent, have broad interests.”
  • Question: “If I could become any of the options offered, I would like to be...” How can I answer: most of all - an experienced pilot. Least of all - the head of the department. The third option, which remained unmarked, sounds like this: a scientist.

Also, the personality orientation test includes the following questions: “When I was a child, I loved...”, “I don’t like it when I...”, “I don’t like groups in which...”, etc.

Based on the test results, the person will know the result. It is recommended to answer without thinking, since the first answer that comes to mind usually reflects the true thoughts.

Emotional orientation of the individual

Within the framework of the topic under discussion, I would like to briefly talk about it. Emotional orientation is a characteristic of a personality, manifested in its value attitude towards certain experiences and the desire for them. A clear classification was proposed by the scientist Boris Ignatievich Dodonov. He distinguished ten emotions:

  • Altruistic. They are based on a person’s need to help and assist others.
  • Communicative. They arise from the need for communication and, as a rule, are a reaction to satisfaction in emotional intimacy or lack thereof. Does a person have a heart friend? He is happy and enjoys it. No friend? He feels dissatisfied and sad.
  • Gloric. The basis of these emotions is the need for success, fame and self-affirmation. A person experiences them when he is the center of attention or if he is admired.
  • Praxic. These emotions arise when a person is engaged in some activity. He worries about the success of the business, faces difficulties on the way to the result, is afraid of failure, etc.
  • Pugnetic. The basis of these emotions is the need to overcome a danger or problem. Can be compared to passion.
  • Romantic. These emotions mean a desire for everything mysterious, unusual, enigmatic and extraordinary.
  • Gnostic. Emotions, the basis of which is the need for everything that is out of the ordinary, to find something familiar, familiar and understandable.
  • Aesthetic. Emotions that arise at the moment when a person receives pleasure from something higher - art, nature, beauty.
  • Hedonistic. Emotions experienced by a person in connection with the satisfaction of his needs for comfort and pleasure.
  • Active. The basis of these emotions is the interest shown by a person in collecting and accumulating.

In accordance with this classification, the emotional and psychological orientation of the individual is determined. It can be altruistic, communicative, gloric, etc.

By the way, there is one more concept that deserves attention. Everyone knows it as empathy. This term refers to the emotional responsiveness exhibited by a person in response to the experiences of someone else. This is probably familiar to many. When a person perceives the experiences of another as strongly as their own. This valuable quality of orientation speaks of the high morality of the individual and his inherent moral principles.

The leading component of the personality structure, the main system-forming quality of the personality is personality orientation – a system of stable motives (dominant needs, interests, inclinations, beliefs, ideals, worldview), which determines the behavior of an individual in changing external conditions.

Orientation has an organizing influence not only on the components of the personality structure (for example, on undesirable traits of temperament), but also on mental states and cognitive, emotional, and volitional mental processes.

Direction, along with dominant motives, also has other forms of occurrence: value orientations, attachments, likes (antipathies), tastes, inclinations. It manifests itself not only in various forms, but also in various spheres of human life.

Personality orientation is characterized by the level of maturity, breadth, intensity, stability and reality.

Features of personality orientation.

    Social significance of relationships personality, the level of their social value - the morality of its everyday behavior.

    The diversity of the individual’s needs, the breadth of his interests and the certainty of the central core interests - determination personality.

    The degree of stability of relationships - the consistency and integrity of the individual, or integrity personality.

Among the values, there are basic values, fundamental for a given group of people, and there are also super values. Freedom of the individual, freedom of the people, the lives of loved ones, honor and dignity - super values ​​that for many people mean more than their own lives.

But people sometimes underestimate objectively significant values ​​or, on the contrary, attach increased importance to opportunistic, prestigious, and fashionable values. There are also imaginary super values. When a supervalue, for example, love or prestige, collapses, what in psychiatry is called a “depressive block” easily arises, and the sense of the meaning of life is lost.

Because of their focus, people are able to overcome obstacles, show effort, and stay the course. But this course always lies within certain social relations and social values.

So, the behavior of an individual is determined by its orientation. The orientation of a person determines the entire system of her motivations, the system of her strategic and tactical goals.

The activity of the individual is directed by these goals. But there is a goal - the basis of activity, then the basis of the thing itself lies outside of activity - in the system of human needs.


Motivation is the stimulation of certain nervous structures (functional systems) caused by the actualized need, causing the directed activity of the body.

All motivational states are modifications of need states. Motivational states of a person include: interests, desires, aspirations, intentions, drives, passions, attitudes.

Interests – emotionally rich focus on objects associated with stable human needs. Interest is manifested in increased interest in an object that has lasting significance. Interest as a mental state significantly influences mental processes and activates them. According to needs, interests are divided into content (material and spiritual), latitude (limited and versatile) and sustainability (short-term and sustainable).

The breadth and depth of a person’s interests determine the fullness of his life. A person's desires, passions, and inclinations are closely related to a person's interests.

Desires – a motivational state in which needs are correlated with a specific subject for their satisfaction. Desire represents a certain stage in the maturation of a need, its correlation with a goal and an action plan. Epicurus divided all human desires into three groups: 1) natural and necessary (the desire for food, drink, sleep, rest); 2) natural, but not necessary (special food, sexual desires); 3) desires are neither natural nor necessary (desires associated with ambition, thirst for fame, power). The first two groups of desires can be hypertrophied, knowing no limits to their satisfaction.

Passion – a very persistent affective desire for a certain object, the need for which dominates over all other needs and gives a corresponding direction to all human life.

Passion can be positive or negative depending on the social value of what the person is striving for. Many negative passions (for gambling) lead to personality degradation. Positive passions mobilize a person’s strength to achieve socially significant goals (passion for art, science). Science and art owe discoveries to passions, and nobility to the soul.

The state of obsessive attraction to a certain group of objects is called attraction . Attractions can be natural and formed in social conditions. Natural inclinations are not always realized. They are associated with organic processes and can only be slightly regulated by consciousness. Instinctive organic drives: 1) indicative reactions; 2) sexual attraction; 3) hunger (food craving); 4) thirst; 5) the attraction of motherhood.

A person's motivation can be conscious and subconscious. Conscious motivation is associated with intention. Intention is a consciously made decision to achieve a certain goal with a clear idea of ​​the means and methods of action.

Intentions have dynamic properties - strength, tension. The conscious justification of intention is motive. Motive - this is a conscious motivation to achieve a specific goal, understood by the individual as a personal necessity.

All little-conscious impulsive actions are performed on the basis of an attitude. Installation - a state of readiness for a certain way of behavior in certain situations.