Su aircraft modifications. Military review and politics

Su-27 - was developed in the USSR as a fighter, which was tasked with gaining air superiority over similar machines of the NATO bloc.

The photo shows the Su-27 in flight.

The development of the Su-27 fighter was carried out in the USSR in order to gain superiority over the American F-15 fighter. In the United States, work on the development of the F-15 was very active, the first flight took place in 1972, and by 1974 the Americans had made significant progress in this matter. By this time, it became clear that it was the F-15, as the main competitor, that would have to be guided in the development of the Soviet fighter.

The first flight of the Su-27 fighter prototype took place in 1977, and in 1985 the aircraft began to operate in military units. At the moment, the Su-27 is the main combat aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces, its modifications are in service with many countries (China, India, Ukraine, Malaysia, etc.).

The Su-27 is an all-weather fighter, in terms of its characteristics it corresponds to a fourth-class fighter.

The Su-27 has become the base aircraft for a number of modifications developed on its basis. So the following were developed: an aircraft for air defense units Su-27P (interceptor) armed only with air-to-air weapons, carrier-based fighter Su-33, front-line bomber Su-34, multipurpose fighters Su-27M, Su-30, Su-35 ( commercial version of the Su-27), combat training aircraft Su-27UB, Su-33UB.

As of 2013, the Russian army is armed with 261 Su-27 fighters. Many machines have been upgraded to the level of the Su-27SM.

Su-27 is a heavy fighter, its analogue is the American F-15. It should not be compared with light fighters, which include, for example, the MiG-29 and F-16. Heavy fighters have powerful weapons and sophisticated on-board equipment, their takeoff weight is from 17 to 20 tons. Light fighters weigh up to 10 tons, are much cheaper, have less sophisticated avionics, and are armed only with short-range missiles and a cannon. But their advantage lies in high maneuverability.

China is in second place after Russia. He purchased 60 Su-27SK aircraft and 16 combat training modifications of the Su-27UBK. In addition, China has begun its own production of licensed and not very copies. Initially, the contract was signed for 200 fighters, and after the construction of these machines, it was planned to conclude another contract for the production of a new batch. But upon completion of the assembly of 100 fighters, the Chinese did not renew the contract, but began to independently assemble a copy of the aircraft under the symbol J-11.

After secession from the USSR, Ukraine received about 70 Su-27 and Su-27UB aircraft. A small part of them was sold, no more than five aircraft, some are operated in the army, about 20 machines, and the rest are in storage. To date, the exact number of Su-27 aircraft in the Ukrainian army is unknown.

Kazakhstan also received 52 fighter aircraft as a legacy from the USSR. Kazakhstan is upgrading its aircraft to the Su-27BM2 and Su-27UBM2 modifications.

In the USA, 2 Su-27 aircraft are in private use. These boards were bought from Ukraine.

The fifth-generation PAK FA fighter, also known as the Su-57, is currently being developed to replace the Su-27.

Comparing one or another domestic combat aircraft with its foreign counterpart, numerous aviation enthusiasts turn to the officially published tables of competitor performance characteristics. However, only a few of them know that such "comparison tables" are in fact of little use for making a correct comparative assessment.

After all, a modern combat aircraft is a complex means of armed struggle and is characterized by hundreds of different parameters. These include not only performance characteristics, but also indicators of on-board electronic systems and weapons systems, information on visibility and survivability, various operational and technological characteristics, data on the cost of production, operation and combat use. The effectiveness of the aviation complex as a whole depends on how successfully the combination of these parameters meets the specific conditions for the production and use of the aircraft. Therefore, the fastest, highest-altitude, or any other "most" aircraft very rarely turn out to be successful, because in order to improve a single indicator, the designers inevitably had to worsen many others. And the title of the best, as a rule, is won by cars with not the most outstanding performance characteristics for their time.

When studying tables, you should always remember that in modern world the plane is a commodity; and the numbers in the tables are his advertisement, so they always give a slightly more optimistic picture. Of course, there should be no doubts about the decency of respected aircraft manufacturing companies. These figures can be trusted one hundred percent. You just need to know what they mean. For example, the maximum speed of a fighter is indicated. But at the same time, it is silent that this speed was achieved by a specially made copy, piloted by a test pilot of the highest qualification, during a specially organized flight. And what speed will a combat vehicle of this type develop after 10 years of operation, with a tank on an external sling, under the control of a young lieutenant, if the engines have already undergone two repairs, and not the highest grade kerosene is poured into the tanks? There is no such figure in such tables. But it is the real performance characteristics that should interest us in the first place if we want to correctly compare two aircraft.

All these general remarks are only meant to give an idea of ​​how difficult the task of comparing aircraft according to their official characteristics is, and how little confidence can be given to the result. Another thing is to analyze real air battles involving competing aircraft during military conflicts. In this case, the picture is close to reality. But even here, factors not directly related to the aircraft, such as the qualifications of the pilots, the degree of their determination to fight, the quality of the support services, etc., play an important role.

Fortunately, recently it has become possible to compare various competing fighters in the air during friendly mutual visits by pilots from Russia, Ukraine, the USA, France and Canada. So, in August 1992, the Langley air base (Virginia), where the 1st tactical fighter wing of the US Air Force, armed with the F-15C / D, was based, was visited by pilots of the Lipetsk Center for Combat Use and Retraining of the Russian Air Force Flight Personnel: Major General N. Chaga, Colonel A. Kharchevsky and Major E. Karabasov. They arrived on two combatant Su-27UBs, the escort group arrived on an Il-76. After a friendly meeting and a short rest, E. Karabasov proposed to hold a demonstrative air battle between the Su-27 and F-15 directly above the Langley airfield in the presence of spectators. However, the Americans did not agree to this show, which, in their opinion, was too militaristic. In return, they proposed to conduct "joint maneuvering" in the pilot zone over the ocean (200 km from the coast). According to the scenario, first the F-15D- - was supposed to get away from the pursuit of the Su-27UB, then the planes should have changed places, and already the "Dry" was supposed to "throw off the tail" of the "Eagle". E Karabasov was in the front cockpit of the Su-27UB, and an American pilot was in the rear. An F-15C flew out to oversee the fight.


At the command to start joint maneuvering, the Eagle, turning on the full afterburner, immediately tried to break away from the Su-27UB, but this turned out to be impossible: using only the minimum afterburner mode and maximum afterburner thrust, E. Karabasov easily "hung on the tail" of the American. At the same time, the angle of attack of the Su-27UB has never exceeded 18 degrees (When the Su-27 is operated in combat units of the Air Force, the angle of attack is limited to 26 degrees. Although the aircraft allows maneuvering at significantly higher angles of attack (up to 120 degrees, when performing "Pugachev's Cobra" )).

After the planes changed places, E. Karabasov switched the throttle to full afterburner and began to move away from the F-15D with an energetic turn and climb. "Eagle" followed, but immediately fell behind. After one and a half full turns, the Su-27UB went into the tail of the F-15, but the Russian pilot made a mistake and "shot down" not the F-15D, but the F-15C observer flying behind. Realizing the mistake, he soon caught sight of the two-seater "Eagle". All further attempts by the American pilot to get rid of the persecution did not lead to anything. This "air battle" ended.

So, in close maneuvering combat, the Su-27 convincingly demonstrated its complete superiority over the F-15 due to smaller turning radii, higher roll and rate of climb, and better acceleration characteristics. Note that it was not the maximum speed and other similar parameters that provided these advantages, but other indicators that more deeply characterize the aircraft.


It is known that the degree of aircraft maneuverability is numerically expressed by the value of the available overload, i.e. the ratio of the aircraft's maximum lift to its current weight. Consequently, the higher the maneuverability, the larger the area involved in the creation of lift, the greater the specific lift of each square meter of this area, and the lower the weight of the aircraft. The characteristics of the power plant and aircraft control system have a significant impact on maneuverability.

First of all, let's estimate the weight of the fighters in that sortie. For F-15D: 13240 kgf - empty weight; plus 290 kgf - equipment weight, including two pilots; plus 6600 kgf - the weight of the fuel consumed (for a flight to the pilot area and back with a range reserve of 25%, maneuvering for half an hour, of which 5 minutes in full afterburner mode); plus 150 kgf - the weight of the external fuel tank (PTB) structure, because the required amount of fuel exceeds the capacity of the internal tanks; in total, without a combat load (shells for a cannon and missiles), the takeoff weight of the F-15D was approximately 20330 kgf. At the time of the start of "joint maneuvering", due to fuel consumption, the flight weight decreased to 19400 kgf. The determination of the corresponding values ​​for the Su-27UB is somewhat complicated by the fact that the empty weight of 17500 kgf given in KR No. 3 "93 seems to be overestimated. The most general analysis shows that if the training F-15D exceeds the weight of the empty F-15C by 360 kgf , then the Su-27UB, which has retained almost all the combat capabilities of a single-seat interceptor, may differ from it in this indicator by no more than 900 kgf. Therefore, the probable weight of the empty Su-27UB seems to be 16650 kgf. "24200 kgf, and the weight at the beginning of the" battle "is about 23100 kgf.

Comparative table of performance characteristics of the Su-27 and F-15

*According to the author

In view of the fact that for both aircraft under consideration the fuselage and empennage play a significant role in creating lift, the resulting weights will be referred to the entire area of ​​their planned projections. Areas can be determined from published fighter plans. We get that at the beginning of the duel, the load on the planned projection of the Su-27UB was 220 kgf / m2. and F-15D - 205 kgf / m2, that is, almost the same (difference of the order of the calculation error).

Thus, the best maneuvering characteristics of the Su-27 compared to the F-15 were achieved not by increasing the bearing area, but due to its more efficient use, i.e. the best aerodynamic layout of the aircraft. Unlike its competitor, the Su-27 is made according to the so-called integrated circuit, in which the fuselage and wing of the aircraft form a single supporting body, which ensures high values ​​of the lift coefficient during the maneuver and a low level of drag, especially at trans- and supersonic speeds. In addition, the integrated layout, characterized by a smooth transition of the fuselage to the wing, compared to the traditional layout with a separate fuselage, provides a significantly larger volume of internal fuel tanks and eliminates the use of PTB. This also has a positive effect on the weight and aerodynamic quality of the Su-27.

The positive aspects of the integrated layout of the "Dry" are significantly enhanced by its careful development. Thus, the pointed root burrs of the Su-27, in contrast to the blunt burrs of the F-15, not only create a positive increase in the bearing properties at angles of attack greater than 10 °, but “also provide a reduction in pressure pulsations on the upper surface of the wing, which cause aircraft shaking and limit its maneuverability.

An important feature of the Su-27 is the wing. with a deformed middle surface, giving it a characteristic "serpentine" appearance. This wing is "tuned" for maximum lift-to-drag ratio in the middle of the close combat maneuvering area. In these modes, the quality of the deformed wing is 1.5 times higher than the quality of the flat wing, and the gain takes place in a fairly wide range of angles of attack. Thus, the aerodynamic layout of the Su-27 provides not only an increase in lift, but also a decrease in drag, which has a positive effect on the acceleration characteristics of the aircraft.

After the "battle", E. Karabasov, noting the superiority of the "Dry" in this respect, explained it by the greater thrust-to-weight ratio of his fighter. However, this version does not stand up to criticism: it is easy to calculate that at the beginning of the duel, the thrust-to-weight ratio of the Su-27UB near the ground in full afterburner mode was 1.08, and the F-15D - 1.11. The thing is different - the thrust per 1 m2 of the midsection of the aircraft, the Su-27 is almost 20% more than the "Igla" (respectively 6330 kgf/m and 5300 kgf/m). In combination with the best throttle response of the AL-31F engine, this ensures the minimum acceleration time for the aircraft. According to David North, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine, who made a familiarization flight on the Su-27UB at the Farnborough-90 exhibition, the acceleration of the Russian fighter from 600 km / h to 1000 km / h in full afterburner takes only 10 seconds. D. North emphasizes the good throttle response of the engines.

Another most important characteristic, on which the horizontal maneuverability of a fighter depends, is the speed at which the aircraft enters the roll and the speed of its rotation about the longitudinal axis. The greater these speeds, determined by the effectiveness of the lateral controls and the mass-inertia characteristics of the machine, the faster the aircraft enters the turn and goes into the turn of the opposite rotation. The ability to quickly change the direction of the turn is the most important tactical advantage, because. allows you to effectively escape from the enemy’s blow and start the attack yourself. D. North, referring to Viktor Pugachev, claims that the angular rate of roll of the Su-27 is close to 270 deg/s. This value is higher than that of the F-15 and roughly corresponds to the F/A-18.

The positive aspects of the aerodynamic layout and the power plant of the Su-27 are fully manifested due to its static instability.

Unlike the stable F-15, Sukhoi, as it were, independently seeks to change the direction of flight, and only the constant operation of the fly-by-wire control system keeps it in an equilibrium position. The essence of controlling a statically unstable fighter is that the pilot does not "force" him to perform this or that maneuver, but "allows" the aircraft to perform it. Therefore, the time required to withdraw from any steady flight mode and start maneuvering is much shorter for the Su-27 than for the F-15, which was also one of the components of Sukhoi's success in the duel with Iglom.

Thus, the outstanding maneuverability of the Su-27, so convincingly demonstrated in the skies of Virginia, is a completely logical result of a set of design decisions that distinguish this fourth-generation fighter from the F-15. Discussing the merits of Sukhoi, along with its maneuverability, the Western press notes the unprecedented long range and duration of flight without PTB, a wide range of weapons, and the ability to be operated from poorly equipped airfields without numerous ground checks.

However, when it comes to the equipment of the Su-27, insufficient introduction of computer technology and a low level of integration of systems are necessarily noted. This puts the Sukhoi pilot in a worse position compared to his Western counterparts, in particular, in the so-called "situational certainty" - an accurate understanding of what is happening in and around the aircraft at any particular moment in time. Perhaps this is the most serious shortcoming of the Su-27, since in a difficult tactical environment it will inevitably lead to the loss of precious time and can negate the many advantages of this fighter.


1. V.E. Ilyin. "Needles" and "Flaikers". TsAGI, No. 18, 1992
2. M. Levin. "The Magnificent Seven". "Wings of the Motherland", No. 3, 1993
3. Fighter McDonell-Douglas F-15 "Eagle". Technical information TsAGI, No. 13, 1986
4. D.M. North. Flight of the editor of "Eviation Week" on the best Soviet fighter-interceptor. Aviation Week & Space Technology, Russian Edition, Spring 1991
5. M.P. Simonov and others. Some features of the aerodynamic layout of the Su-27 aircraft. Technique of the air fleet, No. 2, 1990
6. Jane's 1991/92.

The Su-27 aircraft is a multipurpose all-weather fighter of Soviet and later Russian production. It is a highly manoeuvrable fourth-generation aircraft designed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau for total air superiority. over a project in different time the following designers worked: N.S. Chernyakov, M.P. Simonov, A.I. Knyshev and A.A. Kolchin. The first OP took off in 1977, and five years later the Su-27 entered service with the country. This is the main military aircraft of the Russian Air Force.

Starting from the end of the 60s, a race to create multi-role fighters began in various advanced countries. The United States was the first to start, trying to create a continuation of the famous F-4C Phantom. They became the F-15 Eagle created by McDonnell Douglas. In the USSR, they did not want to retreat and decided to give a worthy answer in the form of PFI. Three design bureaus were admitted to the new competitive project, the Sukhoi Institute did not take part. Engineers were busy with ongoing projects: Su-15, Su-17, Su-24, Su-25, T-4 and stowaway aircraft. But, starting back in 1969, engineers from the Design Bureau were already faced with the development of an aircraft like a promising front-line fighter.

The project took into account many factors, not only gaining air superiority, but also the factor of a possible enemy - the F-15. Also included in the tactics was the maneuverable type of close combat recognized at that time. In 1972, two scientific and technical meetings took place with representatives of the Yakovlev Design Bureau, Sukhoi and Mikoyan. Representatives of the Mikoyan Design Bureau made a proposal to create two fighters: light and heavy. Each of them had to perform different tasks.

The construction of the first prototypes began. T-10-1 - OP with AL-21-F-ZAI engines made its first flight in May 77 with test pilot Vladimir Ilyushin. The aircraft was tested for stability, controllability and overall performance. The second prototype T-10-2, built a year later, did not fly long. Once in the longitudinal buildup, the structure collapsed due to huge overloads. Unfortunately, test pilot Yevgeny Solovyov died.

The T-10-3 was developed taking into account the installation of AL-31F engines, but their unavailability led to a late first flight - 1979. The fourth prototype had the same experimental Sword radar installed. At the end of 79, three copies were allowed for trial operation. The pilot batch was produced at the aircraft manufacturing plant in the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur. After some time, five Su-27 aircraft of the T-105 type were produced. On them, in addition to flight tests, they began to test weapons.

In parallel with the development of the Su-27, operational information about the American-made F-15 was received. According to the reports, it turned out that the Soviet fighter was significantly inferior to the foreign one. The experiments carried out showed that back in 1976, manufacturers of electronic equipment could not meet the weight and size limits outlined by him. The radar did not meet all the specified parameters. It was decided to design the aircraft from the very beginning, without bringing it to mass production.

In the shortest possible time, a new prototype was designed. T-10S-1, piloted by V.S. Ilyushin, took off in April 1981. Almost all nodes were designed anew. The same thing affected the fuselage, for example, initially the wing of the first samples was similar to the MiG-29, and in the new T-10S it was given a trapezoidal shape. The keels were mounted on the sides of the engines, the nose landing gear was pushed back three meters. The brake flaps were first located at the bottom of the fuselage, in the new design they were located behind the cockpit. The cockpit canopy began to open up. Changed the contours of the bow. The number of nodes for the suspension of missiles was increased from eight to ten.

The created new aircraft not only did not concede, but in some situations even exceeded the overseas competitor. But the designers did not stop there, as the fighter continued to undergo modernization.

The T-10S entered mass production in 1981. It also began to mass-produce AL-31F engines at the Salyut MMPP plants in Moscow and at the MPO in Ufa. In the Air Force Soviet Union aircraft began delivering in 1982. And officially, by government decree, the Su-27 entered service on August 23, 1990. At the time of acceptance into the Air Force, the aircraft was called the Su-27S, and in the air defense it was called the interceptor (Su-27P). It was not used as an attack aircraft.

The airframe is designed according to the integrated circuit of the aerodynamic type. The wings smoothly mate with the fuselage and form a single-piece carrier body. They are swept - 42 degrees. The aerodynamic characteristics have been improved due to the equipped root flows of large sweep and deflected socks. The influx helped increase aerodynamics at superspeed. On the wing itself there are flaperons responsible for the simultaneous performance of the functions of flaps and ailerons. The plumage of the horizontal type consists of an all-moving stabilizer. It, in turn, includes two deflectable consoles. In a symmetrical position, they perform the function of an elevator, and core control in a differential one.

The airframe consists of the nose, middle and tail sections of the fuselage. The bow is presented in the form of a semi-monocoque, the middle one includes two tank compartments, a garrotte, the right and left compartments of the center section. The tail section includes engine nacelles, central tank and tail booms.

The total weight is reduced due to the widespread use of titanium - about 30%. Composite materials are practically not used. In most modifications, the horizontal tail is often installed forward. This aircraft is the first serial aircraft of Soviet production with the presence of a fly-by-wire control system in the longitudinal channel. EDSU has maximum speed and high accuracy, which solves the problem of quick response during the flight.

Modifications of the Su-27 aircraft

    The Su-30 is a multirole fighter designed for a crew of two.

    Su-33 is a carrier-based fighter. It has a hook for emergency braking.

    Su-34 is a bomber used in assault operations.

    Su-35 is a fighter of wide military use.

    Su-27S - single-seat fighter-interceptor (AL-31F engines).

    Su-27SK is an export copy produced since 1991. Armament - R-27 and R-73.

    Su-27SM is a more advanced version of the aircraft. Available systems SUV-27E and SUV-VESH.

    Su-27SM3 - 12 machines were designed. Engine AL-31F-M1.

    Su-27SKM is an export version of the Su-27SM.

    The Su-27P is a single-pilot fighter-interceptor. Used exclusively for air defense.

    Su-27UB is a two-seat combat training fighter.

    Su-27UBK - export version.

    Su-33UB is a carrier-based fighter designed for combat exercises.

    Ukrainian-made modifications: Su-27UB1M, Su-27UP1M, Su-27S1M, Su-27P1M.

One of the main domestic front-line fighters, fully meets all the requirements for an aircraft of this class. The first flight on a fighter was made by test pilot V.S. Ilyushin on May 20, 1977. By 2000, 760 Su-27 aircraft were produced. Power plant: two AL-31F bypass turboprops with an afterburner, each with a thrust of 12,500 kg.

Tactical specifications front-line fighter Su-27

    Wingspan, m 14.7

    Wingspan with guided missiles R-73E on consoles, m 14.95

    Aircraft length (without receiver boom)

    air pressure), m 21.94

    Aircraft height, m ​​5.93

    The height of the Su-27UB, m 6.36

    Wing area, m2 62.04

    Takeoff weight, kg:maximum 28,000

    Takeoff weight, kg: normal 23,000

    Weight of empty aircraft, kg 16 300

    Mass of fuel in internal tanks, kg 9400

    Speed, maximum, km/h: Su-27 2500

    Speed, maximum, km/h: Su-27 UB 2125

    ground speed, maximum, km/h 1400

    Practical ceiling, m: 18 500

    Practical ceiling, m Su-27 UB: 17 250

    Dynamic ceiling, m 24 000

The SU-35 aircraft is known as a multi-role fighter that has the ability to show its best qualities in confrontation with an air enemy. It can also deliver powerful, high-precision strikes from long distances against targets on land, at sea, and in the air.

Fighter SU-35 (according to the NATO version of Flanker-E +) - possessing super-maneuverability. It was created on the basis of the T-10S platform of the Sukhoi Design Bureau. MIG-35 and SU-35 are 4++ generation aircraft. This is not the last word military equipment, but close to it.

The term "Generation 4++" shows that the performance characteristics of the SU-35 almost correspond to the level of the fifth generation. The absence of stealth characteristics and a phased active array did not give the aircraft a fifth generation.

The SU-35 aircraft appeared as a result of a deep modernization of the SU-27 - a machine with excellent flight parameters. Multilateral modernization led to the creation of a new fighter. Innovations touched the design, equipment, capabilities and goals.

The beginning of the way

The SU-35 Rossiya prototype made its first takeoff in the spring of 1985. The new aircraft retained its external resemblance to the SU-27, but significantly changed its aerodynamic characteristics.

It is possible to describe the weapons of the aircraft only in superlatives. This is a record number of missiles for fighters - 14. The total combat load of the vehicle is 8 tons.


2006 was the year of production of the pilot batch of machines. The first prototype was released in 2007. A year later, the first flights began. By March 2009, the novelty had already made one hundred flights.

At the MAKS-2009 air forum, the Air Force signed a contract with the manufacturer for 48 aircraft until 2015. According to the results of the contract, the country's military department plans to conclude a similar contract until 2020.

In 2010, information appeared on the results of preliminary tests, which proved that the machine met the required parameters for super-maneuverability and the availability of on-board equipment.

The Ministry of Defense received the first six SU-35S as part of the serial production in 2012. After 2 months, his state tests started.

Further arrivals of new items look like this:

  • 2013 - 12 pieces;
  • 2014 - 12 pieces.


As already mentioned, the SU-35 fighter is a modernized Su-27. The braking of the aircraft during landing is carried out by deflecting the rudders to the sides.

The SU-35S aircraft has AL-41F1S engines with thrust vector control. The engine was developed by the research and production company Saturn. The engines meet the conditions that must be met for the most modern fighters. Although the aircraft has an old control system, it allows it to move without afterburner at a speed above the speed of sound.

The resource of the aircraft is thirty years or 6000 flight hours.


The SU-35, whose technical characteristics of the airframe are similar in design to its predecessor SU-27, is rightfully proud of its flight characteristics.

Its difference from its predecessor is that its edge is processed with special materials. In addition, the cockpit canopy has a special conductive coating. In this case, there is no braking shield and horizontal tail.


Like other units, the power plant has undergone changes in the SU-35. The technical characteristics of the engines meet the requirements for the fifth generation of aircraft.

In addition to the main AL-41F1S aircraft, of which it has two, the SU-35 is equipped with an additional one with a capacity of 105 kilowatts, TA14-130-35. It is intended for use in applications that allow powering consumers up to 30 kVA with alternating current 200V and 115V and air conditioning the cabin and compartments.

Technical specifications

  • The crew is 1 person.
  • The area of ​​the wings reaches 62 m².
  • The sweep angle of the wings is 42 °.
  • Length, m - 21.90.
  • Height, m ​​- 5.90.
  • The wingspan is 14.75 m.
  • An empty aircraft has a weight of 19 tons, an operating take-off weight of 25 tons, a maximum weight of 34 tons, and a fuel load of 11 tons.
  • weighing 1520 kg, having an afterburner and a controlled thrust vector, AL-41F1S. Thrust: 2 × 8800 kgf; afterburner: 2 × 14,500 kgf.

Flight parameters

The designers ensured the super-maneuverability of the SU-35. The technical characteristics of the aircraft and its flight parameters are given below:

  • Max speed at low altitudes - 1400 km/h.
  • Speed ​​at high altitudes - 2500 km / h.
  • Flight range: at an altitude of 3.6 km - 4500 km, at an altitude of 200 m - 1580 km.
  • Run length: with a parachute for braking, normal take-off weight, brake application - 650 m, takeoff run with full afterburner - 450 m.
  • Ceiling - 20 kilometers.
  • Rate of climb - 280 m / s.
  • Wing loading: maximum takeoff weight - 611 kg / m², normal - 410 kg / m².

As we can see, the speed of the SU-35 is very decent.


  • 12 places for suspension of weapons.
  • The aircraft has several types of weapons:

    • rifle and cannon;
    • guided air-to-air missiles;
    • unguided rockets and bombs;
    • guided air-to-surface missiles.

    Of the small arms and cannon armament, the aircraft is equipped with a built-in automatic single-barreled gun GSh-301 of 30 mm caliber with increased rate of fire. The gun is located on the right half of the wing and has an ammunition load of 150 rounds.

    The SU-35 missile and bomb armament is located on launchers, ejection devices and beam holders.

    Places for suspension of weapons:

    • wing consoles - 6 pcs.;
    • wing tips - 2 pcs.;
    • engines - 2 pcs.;
    • center section - 2 pcs.

    From the air-to-air armament, the aircraft can carry 8 R-27 medium-range missiles with radar or thermal homing heads. You can still use up to 10 RVV-AE homing missiles with radar heads or up to 6 R-73 short-range missiles with thermal homing heads.

    The air-to-surface armament may include 6 homing and S-25LD with laser heads. In addition to missiles, the aircraft can be armed with adjustable bombs. To combat enemy ships, X-31A anti-ship missiles are used.

    Unguided air-to-surface weapons can reach 8 tons. The number of bombs can reach 16 pieces.


    The SU-35, whose technical characteristics of the radar provide it with air supremacy, is able to detect targets even at long ranges.

    Radar parameters:

    • The diameter of the phase antenna array, cm - 0.9.
    • Operates in the frequency range - 8-12 GHz.
    • Viewing angle - 240°.
    • The number of transceivers - 1772.
    • Working power - 5000 W.
    • Maximum power - 20000 watts.
    • Targets are detected for oncoming courses with scattering areas of 3 m² at a distance of 350-400 km, with an effective scattering area of ​​0.01 m² - a distance of 90 km.
    • 8 targets are fired at the same time.
    • At the same time, target designation and detection of 30 targets in the air or 4 on the ground are carried out.

    The N035 Irbis radar is capable of detecting targets with a scattering area of ​​3 m² at a distance of up to 400 km. The radar station is reinforced with an optical-electronic integrated system and an optical-location station.

    In addition to the electronic countermeasures already available on the SU-35, group electronic countermeasures stations can be used.

    The pilot's cabin has a holographic indicator, which is located on its windshield, and two displays operating in multi-screen mode.

    In addition, there is an L-150-35 complex that warns of exposure.

    The optical location station allows you to track 4 air targets at a distance of up to 80 kilometers. Infrared sensors carry out a warning of a missile attack.

    For the purposes of electronic warfare, the fighter is equipped with containers.

    Combat equipment

    The SU-35 is armed with guided air-to-air missiles. They can be different types by range and method of guidance. A pilot can hit ground and surface targets with television-guided missiles, guided and unguided aerial bombs.

    The aircraft's anti-jamming radar is especially impressive. It makes it possible to find air chains at a distance of 400 km. Ground detection range - 200 kilometers.

    Comparison with F-35

    The manufacturer defines the SU-35 as a 4++ machine, that is, it has a number of properties inherent in the fifth generation. The ability to shoot down stealth aircraft gives the fighter its super-maneuverability. The SU-35 has slightly different technical characteristics .

    The propulsion system of the aircraft makes it possible to make the most complex maneuvers. Piloting the SU-35 makes it possible to perform both the Pugachev Cobra and the Frolov Chakra.

    European experts are somewhat skeptical about super-maneuverability, believing that in a real battle, low visibility is much more important than increased maneuverability. Stealth is a characteristic that a fighter possesses initially. Many experts believe that compliance with stealth requirements was the main requirement of F-35 customers. Since it has low visibility, it does not need high maneuverability.

    However, on the other hand, despite great importance stealth technology for a fighter, it is not an invisibility cloak. Knowledge of air combat is constantly being updated. Military and post-war aircraft of the first generations used altitude, high speed, maneuverability and combat power as priorities. For the next generations, the requirements have changed somewhat: the speed of the SU-35 became the main one, followed by maneuverability.

    Experts highly appreciated the maneuvers performed by the SU-35 fighter at the Paris air show. Of course, they do not mean an unambiguous victory in the air, but an unpredictable flight path can cause failures in enemy missile guidance programs. At the same time, the SU-35 itself is capable of launching short-range missiles with a maximum probability of hitting an enemy aircraft.

    The F-35 is to the maximum extent dependent on its low visibility and tries to avoid collisions in close air combat (“stabbing” is contraindicated for it). Close combat gives significant advantages to the SU-35. The Russian machine has a large arsenal of weapons, a high flight range. But the main strong point of the SU-35 is its super-maneuverability, which is legendary. This characteristic has become a hallmark of these aircraft. The cost of the SU-35 for the Russian Armed Forces is approximately $40 million.

    Buyers of SU-35

    In the near future, an order from the Ministry of Defense for these fighters is possible. In addition, four more foreign customers are interested in aircraft.

    Aircraft can be supplied to China, Vietnam, Venezuela and Indonesia. 24 units can be delivered to China. Another 60 aircraft are expected by other countries.

    Until 2020, the number of cars produced can be increased to 96 units. Currently, the contract for 48 fighters for the Russian Air Force is being completed. The press reported that it was planned to order an additional batch of machines.


    Thus, we can conclude that the SU-35 is an unusually efficient machine. Perhaps the best created in Russia. At the same time, it is very difficult to assess the prospects of the SU-35 in the fight against the Raptor without their clash in a real battle, since it is not known what will outweigh, stealth and electronic filling or super-maneuverability.

    The latest best military aircraft of the Air Force of Russia and the world photos, pictures, videos about the value of a fighter aircraft as a combat weapon capable of providing "air supremacy" was recognized by the military circles of all states by the spring of 1916. This required the creation of a special combat aircraft that surpasses all others in terms of speed, maneuverability, altitude and the use of offensive small arms. In November 1915, Nieuport II Webe biplanes arrived at the front. This is the first aircraft built in France, which was intended for air combat.

    The most modern domestic military aircraft in Russia and the world owe their appearance to the popularization and development of aviation in Russia, which was facilitated by the flights of Russian pilots M. Efimov, N. Popov, G. Alekhnovich, A. Shiukov, B. Rossiysky, S. Utochkin. The first domestic machines of designers J. Gakkel, I. Sikorsky, D. Grigorovich, V. Slesarev, I. Steglau began to appear. In 1913, the heavy aircraft "Russian Knight" made its first flight. But one cannot fail to recall the first aircraft creator in the world - Captain 1st Rank Alexander Fedorovich Mozhaisky.

    Soviet military aircraft of the Great USSR Patriotic War sought to hit the enemy troops, his communications and other objects in the rear with air strikes, which led to the creation of bomber aircraft capable of carrying a large bomb load over considerable distances. The variety of combat missions to bombard enemy forces in the tactical and operational depth of the fronts led to the understanding of the fact that their performance should be commensurate with the tactical and technical capabilities of a particular aircraft. Therefore, the design teams had to resolve the issue of specialization of bomber aircraft, which led to the emergence of several classes of these machines.

    Types and classification, the latest models of military aircraft in Russia and the world. It was obvious that it would take time to create a specialized fighter aircraft, so the first step in this direction was to try to equip existing aircraft with small arms offensive weapons. Mobile machine-gun mounts, which began to equip the aircraft, required excessive efforts from the pilots, since the control of the machine in a maneuverable battle and the simultaneous firing of an unstable weapon reduced the effectiveness of firing. The use of a two-seat aircraft as a fighter, where one of the crew members played the role of a gunner, also created certain problems, because an increase in the weight and drag of the machine led to a decrease in its flight qualities.

    What are the planes. In our years, aviation has made a big qualitative leap, expressed in a significant increase in flight speed. This was facilitated by progress in the field of aerodynamics, the creation of new more powerful engines, structural materials, and electronic equipment. computerization of calculation methods, etc. Supersonic speeds have become the main modes of fighter flight. However, the race for speed also had its negative sides - the takeoff and landing characteristics and the maneuverability of aircraft deteriorated sharply. During these years, the level of aircraft construction reached such a level that it was possible to start creating aircraft with a variable sweep wing.

    In order to further increase the flight speeds of jet fighters exceeding the speed of sound, Russian combat aircraft required an increase in their power-to-weight ratio, an increase in the specific characteristics of turbojet engines, and also an improvement in the aerodynamic shape of the aircraft. For this purpose, engines with an axial compressor were developed, which had smaller frontal dimensions, higher efficiency and better weight characteristics. For a significant increase in thrust, and hence the flight speed, afterburners were introduced into the engine design. The improvement of the aerodynamic forms of aircraft consisted in the use of wings and empennage with large sweep angles (in the transition to thin delta wings), as well as supersonic air intakes.