The material from which the figurines are made. Aquarium fish and feng shui Fish talisman which means

Fish in Feng Shui, as a rule, means wealth and. This is easy to remember if you mentally associate such a figurine with the image of the Golden Fish, as well as with a catch that brings money.

It should be borne in mind that such a figurine, unlike some others, usually does not give amazing luck that can quickly make a person fabulously rich. But on the other hand, it helps those who are ready to work.

There are different options for decorating figurines in the form of fish, and each of them has its own meaning. The same principle applies to the creation of figurines of animals. For example, carp means stamina, determination, the ability to overcome any obstacles, just as this fish overcomes stones and river rapids, stubbornly moving against the current. Also, a figurine of a carp means good luck, spiritual achievements, wisdom. Two carps will symbolize harmony in love, successful family affairs, happiness in the house. If there are nine of them, it will become a symbol of prosperity, wealth, generosity.

One of the brightest and most important elements of the interior, according to Feng Shui, is Arowana, which is also called the Dragon Fish. In nature, it is extremely rare and extremely expensive. A figurine depicting such a fish means great wealth. She, like a magnet, is in the house, moreover, the more a person tries to work, the more successful his affairs are with the help of this figurine. However, you need to be careful: an even number of Arowanas in the house symbolizes quarrels and problems over money.

How to choose a fish figurine and where to install it

Since fish in Feng Shui serve to activate and enhance the energy of water, it is recommended to install them in the northern part of the house, since the water element is associated with this particular direction. In this case, the fish will denote career growth, good ideas, good undertakings, new opportunities.

It is also recommended to place figurines in the southeastern part of the house, since this is where the zone of wealth is located. The fish installed there symbolize good luck in money matters, material well-being.

If you want to bring happiness and harmony to your home, as well as get some support in money matters, choose a carp figurine. It should be installed in the southeastern part of the house, because in this case it will symbolize the ability to manage money wisely, capital accumulation, material well-being. To get a lot of money, it is better to choose Arovana. This figurine is recommended to be installed in the northern zone.

There are many modern dwellings in which pets and pets live, and the inhabitants of the water world are no exception.

How to choose a feng shui aquarium if you decide to have fish in the house, as well as what shape it should be, where to put it - answers to questions and practical advice you will find below.

Let's also discuss another important nuance - the inhabitants of the water element themselves, in order to choose the right number of them and harmoniously arrange a living corner in the house.

Water - as you know, symbolizes wealth and abundance in Chinese practice. In order for an aquarium to not only enliven your living space, but also help increase profits and promise steady growth in financial affairs, it is important to take its purchase seriously.

Simple geometric shapes are the best solution in Chinese feng shui, and this rule applies to both the interior and shape of living rooms, interior furniture and decoration, and decorative elements. It is better to immediately abandon complex and strange designs that are far from the principles of the golden section. So, triangular and pentagonal aquariums for fish, convex or concave, models with different sizes of sides and the like will be completely inappropriate.

Most often, feng shui experts advise paying attention to the classic rectangular options. They look stylish and expensive, fit perfectly into any interior, they are easy to care for, and such aquariums also contribute well to cash flow. In this case, the size of the aquarium can be any - large, medium or even very small. However, it is important not to forget that the harmonious arrangement of the internal space in Chinese traditions is the main criterion for the flow of invisible Qi power. Therefore, it is worth buying a small aquarium in a small room, but if you have a huge room, then you can choose a larger option.

A round aquarium is also an excellent solution, because it will promise the absence of financial problems and difficulties. It is believed that corners can act as an obstacle to the positive energy of Qi, especially if you did not equip the room according to the principles of Feng Shui. Most often, round aquariums are installed in small rooms where it is difficult to find a place for a full-sized rectangular version.

Square is another geometric figure favored by Chinese Feng Shui. While round and rectangular fish tanks are most common, a square one also works well.

Where to put the aquarium in the house

The symbol of water is a powerful tool in order to gain material well-being. The basics of feng shui dictate to us that a harmoniously furnished living space helps to zone individual rooms, dividing them according to their intended purpose. So, spouses are supposed to rest in the bedroom, and therefore there is no place for a desktop, TV or family sofa. Installing an aquarium in the bedroom is not the best idea. Although it is believed that the sight of water and live fish calms the nervous system and normalizes the psychological background, this element of decor will be completely out of place in the sleeping area.

The most harmonious place for an aquarium is a study. It is here that money, a career soar in the atmosphere, here a person spends time thinking about future plans, thinking about work or even doing it. It is better to place the aquarium so that it does not block the passage and is not located right in the middle of the office. However, remember that placing fish opposite the front door is also not the best. best idea, because your financial luck can simply flow away from the premises.

It is best that the ceiling above the aquarium is flat, without protrusions, moldings and complex structures. The easier interior cabinet - the better, the easier it will be for Qi to abound around a living island with water. If we talk about specific sides where the aquarium fits favorably with the Feng Shui of the house, then they are:

  • North - this zone personifies the element of water, and therefore will enhance the effect of the aquarium;
  • East, which allows you to maintain harmony and love in the family, which is ideal for married couples;
  • Southeast, which is also closely associated with prosperity and prosperity, which will improve money matters.

It is forbidden to place the fish in the kitchen, because the element of fire dominates in this room, with which the aquarium will strongly conflict - the fish can start to get sick and even die. Also not the most suitable place would be a dining or dining area.

feng shui aquarium design

After you have chosen an aquarium and found a suitable place for it, it is time to take care of its appearance, as well as the internal arrangement for future aquatic residents.

Almost any large aquarium is installed on a special cabinet or pedestal - this is convenient, it saves space in the room. However, make sure that the size and shape of the cabinet blends perfectly with the aquarium. It is unacceptable that the borders and edges of the furniture protrude further than the glass box itself or have a smaller size than it. It is best to order the design of this piece of furniture from the masters so that it turns out like a cast.

Another important rule is the streamlining of the cabinet. Do not choose those options that have carvings on doors and drawers, stucco, convex or, conversely, concave elements. All this slows down the flow of Qi and significantly impedes their circulation. The smoother and more uniform the surface of the cabinet under the aquarium, the better.

The color of the cabinet and the future home for the fish also has the same essential. If you don't want to have trouble in your career or conflict with your family members, then don't tint the glass of the aquarium and don't buy colored options. The best choice- a simple glass box or sphere, without any additional elements or engravings, with completely transparent glasses.

The color of the cabinet should be chosen based on the direction of the world in which you plan to install it. Thus, an aquarium in the North will not tolerate the presence of a fiery palette - red, orange and yellow. Therefore, for this option, it is worth buying a cabinet of steel, gray, white, dark blue, shades of black and muted blue are also suitable.

Inside the aquarium itself should be everything you need for the fish. The better you equip their home, the greater success you will achieve in financial matters. In this matter, Feng Shui experts suggest using your imagination: imagine that your family is also a fish. What do you need for a comfortable existence? What definitely needs to be installed in the aquarium so that the fish are comfortable and good? Of course, it's not just about decor. The most important element is the water purification and filtration system, as well as the oxygen supply. The water of the fish should always be clean, clear, without an unpleasant odor and silty deposits at the bottom of the glass box.

Although it is not recommended to litter the fish house with unnecessary things and go overboard with its arrangement, you will need live algae, suitable pebbles, and a secluded place where the inhabitants of the aquarium can hide. The more the bottom of the aquarium will resemble a natural habitat, the better. The fish should feel completely safe, they should have enough light, clean air, and green plants.

Which fish are best

In this matter, you will have to listen to your inner voice and intuition. It is believed that it is best to choose those fish that you like best and that you visually like. Before going to the aquarium, try to mentally form your secret needs. What do you want from life? What exactly are you dreaming about? What is most important for you or what goal would you like to achieve as soon as possible?

To achieve love harmony and happiness in the family, warm-colored fish are recommended - golden, yellow, red. Also, the golden inhabitants of the aquarium will bring good luck in business and success in business, which is why they are considered the most versatile. If, when looking at the inhabitants of the sea, you feel that they are created for your home aquarium, then you can immediately buy these particular fish.

How many fish should I choose for a feng shui aquarium? First, do not forget about the size and capacity of your glass "house". Each fish needs enough space to feel happy, not get sick and have enough food and space to move. If you densely populate a small aquarium, then the fish will quickly start to get sick, and therefore you should not do this. However, leaving a large aquarium half empty is also not a good idea, because any space in your home should work for you, providing an influx of positive Qi.

Feng Shui experts advise buying an odd number of fish to attract good luck and bring success into your life. So, for a very small round aquarium, only one fish is suitable, for a larger glass “house” - three, and for an impressive one - five, seven, and so on. But if possible, it is better not to start just one inhabitant of the seas, so as not to be left alone and the owner of the house. Therefore, it is worth buying an aquarium in which three fish would easily fit.

Of course, a lot depends on the size of your cold-blooded pets. If the glass box does not stand out at all in size, it is better to focus on small fish. And if you want big ones, you will have to allocate enough space for an impressive aquarium. In fact, the size itself marine life is of no significant importance. Here it is worth starting from the parameters of their home and your financial capabilities - it is always more difficult to care for large fish, and they also dirty the aquarium faster and require more food.

Traditionally, in Feng Shui, they buy one fish of a contrasting shade in order to neutralize the negative energy in an apartment or house. It is believed that such a noticeable inhabitant of the depths will carry away all the bad things from the house and block bad luck. For example, if you have four light or golden fish in your aquarium, then it is better to choose a dark fifth.

That's all the simple advice. Now you know how to choose a feng shui aquarium so that it attracts favorable energy and improves your love and money affairs. And do not forget that the meaning of such decor in the house always comes down to its inhabitants - the healthier your fish look, the more use there will be from the aquarium itself. It is impossible to buy a beautiful glass box, make it with pebbles and launch it inside the inhabitants of the depths, forgetting about their well-being. Clean the aquarium in time and change the water in it, feed the fish with suitable food - and soon you will notice how your own life is changing for the better.

Aquarium with goldfish is one of the most strong elements feng shui aimed at the financial well-being of the house. If well maintained, it will bring success, abundance and wealth to your home.

In China, fish has always been considered a symbol of abundance, because. the word "fish" in Chinese and the word "abundance" are equal in meaning. Also in China, fish has become an emblem of marital happiness and harmony. In order for the “fish” symbol to bring good luck, happiness and prosperity to your home, you can put an aquarium at home and run fish there.

Why you need to launch goldfish.

Of course, you can keep absolutely any fish you like in the aquarium. But now we are talking about a feng shui aquarium, that is, aimed at the success and financial wealth of your home. Remember that goldfish were bred in China, they used to cost fabulously expensive and were considered an indicator of wealth, and the scales of large fish could even be used as coins. Today, goldfish are no longer so rare, but the glory remains. In addition, goldfish are very easy to maintain and feed, which is also important.

About the number of fish.

The number "9", according to the philosophy of Feng Shui, symbolizes the harmony between heaven and earth, so eight gold (as well as red, silver-red) and one black fish should be kept in the aquarium. This combination of fish in an aquarium will provide you with prosperity, happiness and comfort in life, as well as provide protection from losses! (If you plan to have more than 9 fish in your aquarium, then their number should be a multiple of nine).

Aquarium size.

According to Feng Shui, the fish in the aquarium should be comfortable to live and swim, and you and your family should look at them. If the aquarium is too small, the fish will feel bad, and they are unlikely to be able to help you with money matters. On the contrary, too large an aquarium will lead to the fact that the fish will scatter in all directions, and the effect is again unlikely. Therefore, before buying an aquarium, immediately tell the seller in the store how many and what kind of fish you are going to keep, and take the aquarium that is needed for this purpose.

Where to put the aquarium.

Why do you need an aquarium with goldfish? To act as a powerful money symbol. Therefore, he should stand in a conspicuous place, so that when you pass by, you remember why he is here, and your thoughts increase the monetary attractiveness of all the inhabitants of the house. Therefore, putting the aquarium somewhere in a dark place, in a corner, because it is necessary, simply does not make sense.

Place the aquarium in a well-lit place, so that the sun's rays fall on it only in the morning or evening, otherwise the water will bloom. According to Feng Shui, the most the best place for the location of the aquarium - the southeastern part of the house, where the wealth zone is located.

If the fish is dead.

If any fish in the aquarium dies, replace it immediately with a new one and carry out a preventive course of treatment for your fish, clean the bottom, add fresh water, change the filter. According to legend, the dead fish helped you avoid misfortune, took with it a possible problem.

Marina Tsoi All rights reserved

Fish in feng shui are considered very popular talismans. Most often they are found in the form of carps, less often arowans and even more rarely - goldfish.

There are three types of figurines:

Placement of figurines

Since water is the element of the north, fish figurines are perfect for activating the northern zone of the career.

The Flower Horn fish can be placed in the southeast or north of the living room to activate good luck. In the north, she helps in moving up the career ladder, in the east in the well-being of the family.

If you have real fish, it will not be superfluous to put a figurine next to the aquarium to enhance the positive effect.

It is forbidden to place figurines in the bedroom, since the water symbol can provoke the infidelity of one of the partners, it is also necessary to refrain from placing fish during pregnancy.

The material from which the figurines are made

Fish figurines can be iron with various coatings, porcelain, and also wooden.

It is best to purchase an iron figurine of golden color, then the effect will not keep you waiting and prosperity, wealth and material well-being will settle in the house.

Porcelain figurines will not bring good luck or prosperity, they are usually bought just for beauty. Also, the weight and size of the figurine affects the positive effect: the larger the figurine, the faster it will bring prosperity and good luck.

Alexander , November 8, 2014 .

Aquarium fish are difficult to consider as pets. Still, do not touch them, do not stroke them. On the other hand, aquarium fish do not require constant attention. Caring for them is easy. Unlike cats and dogs, they will not do dirty tricks in your absence, missing their owners and not knowing where to put themselves.

But you can watch their movement in the aquarium for hours, renouncing everyday life and plunging into the mysterious world of underwater inhabitants. Aquarium fish harmonize your space, and, in addition, according to Feng Shui, they attract money and good luck to the house, since the word "fish" and "abundance" in Chinese are denoted by the same word, and the fish itself in China - a symbol of wealth.

But it is very important to meet three conditions: buy a certain number of fish, choose the right aquarium and place it in the right place. How to do this, I will tell you the recommendations of experts in feng shui.

In order for the aquarium to bring you well-being and wealth, you need to choose the appropriate size. For a small aquarium, this is 38 cm long, 38 cm high and 26 cm wide. Why 26 and 38 cm? The size of 26 cm falls into the fourth part of the fifth segment called "Power", and means prosperity, power and honor for the whole family. The size of 38 cm falls into the first part of the eighth segment called "State" and means: a large influx of money. As for the shape of the aquarium, Feng Shui recommends using the correct shapes: square, rectangle, circle, octagon.

And now it remains to choose the right place for the aquarium. If you install an aquarium to the left of the front door (from the side of the room), then it will bring positive energy into your life. An aquarium of a round, square or rectangular shape, installed in the southeast of the room, will bring you well-being and success in material affairs.

An aquarium installed in the eastern sector of the room will help ensure the flow of energy into the sphere of health and family. By the way, in this sector, according to Feng Shui, it is better to concentrate everything related to water: aquariums and fountains, water landscapes, blue and black colors in decoration.

If your aquarium is in the shape of a ball, then by placing it on the north side of the room, you will succeed in your career. But Feng Shui does not recommend installing aquariums in the kitchen, in the bedroom or in the southern sector of your room.

How many feng shui fish should you have in your aquarium? It's up to you, but the number of fish in must be a multiple of three. The best option is three fish. Three is a number that symbolizes Yang energy. For example, two veiltails (classic goldfish) and one black (for a symbolic removal of misfortunes) - this combination activates the Qi energy.

The number "9" symbolizes the harmony between heaven and earth, so you can get eight gold (red, silver-red) and one black fish. This combination will provide you with prosperity, happiness and comfort, as well as protecting your home and family from loss and betrayal.

But, before setting up an aquarium and buying fish, read the rules for keeping aquarium fish, since each type and number of fish requires a certain amount of water, appropriate food and aquarium plants.

If, nevertheless, a few fish in your aquarium have died, replace them immediately with new ones and clean the aquarium and preventive treatment of the remaining ones. According to legend, the dead fish helped you avoid misfortune.