Leeks in spring. Leek - planting and care in the open field

Leeks are grown for the sake of the false bleached stem - the so-called stalk (it is white inside, and the outside is wrapped in 1-2 film scales from the leaves).
You can also eat early greens, they are still tender and also very healthy. In general, this crop is grown as an annual plant, but if you leave a few leeks of mid-season varieties in the winter, you can get fresh greens in early spring, in May. The most delicate greens in early ripening varieties. Greens with experience acquires an unpleasant taste and coarsens. In the first year of life, leaves and a false stem are formed; in the second year, a tall, up to 1m50cm thick stem is formed at the end of which is an umbrella, consisting of a large number of flowers, from which seeds are formed.
But in our climate, the seeds do not have time to form, and this makes no sense. Leeks, with their powerful root system, are an excellent natural soil fertilizer and therefore very good as a predecessor plant!
In Siberia, it is necessary to choose only early and mid-ripening varieties, since late-ripening varieties have slow development and do not have time to ripen.
Varieties differences:
  1. Early ripe varieties are intended for harvesting in August or early September. They are distinguished by a straight, high (more than 25 cm) false stem, light green leaves with a faint waxy coating. The leaves are loosely arranged. Plants are not resistant to cold.
  2. Mid-season. They are characterized by thick, cylindrical and slightly thickened false stems at the bottom of an average size of 15-22 cm. The leaves are powerful, green or gray-green in color. Cleaning takes place in early October. Many varieties winter successfully in Siberia!
  3. Late (winter) varieties are characterized by slow growth and high cold resistance. The false stem is short, often thickened at the bottom, the leaves are bluish-green, covered with a strong waxy coating. The weight of the plants is inferior to mid-season varieties. These varieties are not relevant to us at all, in Siberia.

In our climate, leeks need to be planted only in seedlings, since their growing season is on average 180 days. Seedlings are planted in the ground at the age of 60 days.
I sow the seeds on March 15–25, and in the ground on May 20–25. Young leek shoots are afraid of frost! And an adult plant can withstand ground temperatures down to –17 degrees in winter. In autumn frosts – up to –7 degrees


Seedlings must be grown without picking, often ventilated (if it is stuffy, it will begin to stretch out strongly).
  1. I take land, preferably purchased, universal.
  2. I fill the container with loose soil to 10 cm. I level the top layer and compact it a little.
  3. I pour a small layer of fresh snow on top, about 3 cm.
  4. Place the seeds on the snow at a distance of 1 cm from each other. Or then carefully thin out. But it’s better not to touch it, but to lay everything out right away. I also sprinkle with AVA fertilizer. I cover it with film.
  5. When the snow melts, cover the seeds with earth by 0.5 cm, no more !!!
  6. Under a closed film, at a temperature of 20-22 degrees, i.e. room, seedlings appear on the 6th - 8th day after sowing the seeds. But if they didn’t sprout, then it means that the seeds were overdried in the warehouse. And you have to wait a few more days for shoots.
  7. Remove the film and put the seedlings closer to the light.
  8. I feed the seedlings with complex fertilizer twice when the cotyledon leaf withers. If the seedlings outgrow and become very elongated, then they need to be trimmed (greens) and fed again.
  9. On May 20-25, on the finished beds (I make one strip along different beds and single plantings in those places where there is room), I make furrows 10 - 12 deep, if very elongated, then 14-15 cm. And several times during the summer I spud it to get a well-bleached leg.
  10. I sort the seedlings, taking them out of the container. Small seedlings, stunted, I do not use. Leek tolerates transplanting very well!
  11. I cut off the roots of each by 13 - for sure !!! I cut off all the leaves to the first young leaf - for sure !!!
  12. I spread the seedlings slightly to one side !!! into the groove. If this is a row, then between plants it is necessary to maintain 8 - 10 cm in all directions.
  13. I pour plenty of water into the groove. When the water is absorbed, I sprinkle the roots with soil and level the plant, giving it a vertical position.
  14. During the summer it is good to feed it with mullein (diluted cow pats infused in water - 1:4 per 10 liters of water and at the rate of 10 liters per 40 plants). I do it at the following times: 1st time - 3 weeks after planting; 2nd time - somewhere in mid-June; 3rd time - mid-July.
Don't forget that he loves watering!!!

Many people also advise steaming the seeds, for better germination, in a thermos with water, the temperature of which is about +50 degrees, but it seems to me that this is a big hassle and there is a risk of simply steaming them. I replace this procedure with snow.

For several years we have been growing TANGO leeks. It produces a very thick bleached part. Frost-resistant - I left a few pieces in the winter to check, so that there would be greenery in the spring. This is a mid-season variety. I removed it in September. Last year we also tried the KARANTANSKY variety. Although it is considered to be late-ripening, its growing season is 180 days. I also liked it - the leg height is long, about 25-30cm. We store it in a vegetable store, stuck in a box with sand. It also lasts a long time in the refrigerator, in a bag. Or you can freeze it, marinate it, etc. We love to eat it in salads and fried with meat. And Leeks along with parsley and a clove of garlic for flavor - so yummy! Add this mixture to boiled rice or buckwheat and you get a very spicy side dish - either for meat or fish.

Leeks have this trick. If you don’t pull it out when harvesting, but dig it up to the root and cut it off like a mushroom and sprinkle it with soil, then next year you can get very tasty (sweet and sour) numerous, but not large, PEARL onions from this root. The shape is similar to a regular bow. Actually, leeks are pearl onions, only modified.

The most difficult thing in this culture is hilling, because it’s lazy!

This bow is versatile. It is used fresh, many delicious dishes are prepared from it, salted, pickled, dried, frozen. It acts both as an independent product and as a seasoning and additive to vegetable preparations. The plant easily adapts to different environmental conditions: therefore, it is widely cultivated throughout the world, mainly in the temperate climate zone. Leeks are very popular in Western European countries and are valued there as an important supplier of vitamin C.

"Asparagus for the Poor Man"

So christened the leek writer Anatole France in the story “Krenkebil” (1901). Indeed, dishes with these onions can be even tastier than with asparagus!

Leeks are grown for the sake of the bleached false stem - the “leg”. Plants can be eaten at any stage of development. Tender young leaves with a mildly pungent taste are great for salads. Due to its high potassium content (up to 250 mg/100 g wet weight), leek helps to activate metabolism and is recommended to be included in the diet of overweight people. The low content of pungent essential oils allows the use of leek in dietary nutrition.

Grow heroes

Leeks are grown by direct sowing of seeds in the ground and through seedlings. To obtain marketable products (stem diameter ≥1.5 cm) a growing season of 6-7 months is required, so in our area it is better to grow leeks through seedlings. The seed crop is used mainly to produce bunches of greenery, which are harvested in July. The sowing date (several dates) is chosen depending on the harvest date.

Leeks develop well in many types of soil, provided they have a loose texture and high fertility. Medium loams are best suited. When preparing a site in the fall, be sure to dig up the soil to the depth of the arable layer.

Leeks are responsive to organic fertilizers, but manure or compost is applied under the previous crop. The best predecessors are cucumbers, cabbage, legumes, and early potatoes. Mineral fertilizers are applied in the spring.

Leeks are very sensitive to lack of moisture in the soil. During drought, plant growth stops, but after watering (at least 20 liters of water per 1 m2) it quickly resumes. Furrow irrigation is most effective.

Leeks are unpretentious: care comes down to weeding, loosening the soil, and hilling. It is also practiced to mulch plantings with peat, chopped dry straw or plant tops. This helps retain moisture and prevents the development of weeds. Leek plants develop slowly in the first half of the growing season, so in private gardens leeks are often grown in combined plantings, alternating with rows of radishes, lettuce and other green crops, as well as beets and even cucumbers.

Recruitment to the "guard"

Onions are harvested as needed until late autumn. Plants are dug up with a shovel or pitchfork, shaken off the ground and placed in boxes in an upright position or tied in bunches. It is advisable that during these operations the false stem does not become clogged with soil particles. Damaged and contaminated leaves are removed from the collected plants, the roots are cut to 1 cm in length and the leaves are trimmed by about one third. If necessary, leeks are washed and dried, after which they are packaged in nets, plastic bags or plastic boxes.

Due to their high dry matter content, leeks are an excellent drying material. Both the false stem, cut into rings, and the leaves are dried. At home, this can be done in a moderately heated oven or in a ventilated area at room temperature. Leeks are also canned and frozen.

To protect our health

Leeks, especially late varieties, are well stored, this is facilitated by the high dry matter content in the plants. When stored for up to three months, the chemical composition of the products remains virtually unchanged due to the outflow of nutrients from the leaves. Leeks have long been buried in river sand in cellars, where they were stored until the end of winter at a temperature close to 0 ° C and a relative humidity of about 80%. Such storage conditions help to avoid the regrowth of roots and leaves, as well as the stretching of plants.

One of the best ways to store leeks for a short time is in the refrigerator in plastic wrap. Before storing, the plants are sorted, cooled to storage temperature, then packed in perforated plastic bags of 5-7 pieces. (up to 1.5 kg). The optimal storage temperature is from - 2 to 2 °C, with a relative humidity of about 80%. It is advisable to maintain the temperature at a constant level. Leeks can be stored on the balcony for a short time. At temperatures down to -5 °C, plants do not freeze, but frozen leeks are also quite suitable for culinary processing. However, it is better to prevent thawing and re-icing of products.

Leeks are the oldest vegetable crop, which was cultivated by our ancestors. The plant matures over 2 years. At the beginning, in the first year, a false stem sprouts and a root system is formed. In the second year - a flower-bearing arrow with seeds.

An important difference between this crop and onions is the absence of a bulb. The leaves and white stem are suitable for consumption. The vegetable will be an excellent addition to first and second courses, salads. It is recommended to fry it, marinate it, and add it fresh. The best varieties of leeks are presented in the photo and supplemented with a description in our article. Detailed descriptions of some species can be found in the video at the end of the article.

Useful properties of leek

The composition of this vegetable crop is rich in vitamins C, B2, B, PP, B and various minerals. Calcium, potassium, magnesium salts, ascorbic acid and essential oils make this product unique and very useful for increasing immunity, improving metabolic processes in the body and treating a large number of diseases.

If you eat leek every day, you can cope with such serious diseases as:

  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Gout;
  • Excess weight;
  • Stones in internal organs;
  • Salt deposits.

The plant is very demanding on soil quality. You can get a rich harvest of leeks on fertile soil with a good organic composition. It is strictly forbidden to use oxidized soil for growing leeks.

It takes root well in an area where legumes or cabbage, as well as plants of the nightshade family, have been grown for several years.

It is best to plant leeks in a well-lit area with sun. Because lack of light and being in the shade negatively affects the growth of vegetables.

Methods for growing leeks

You can plant leeks in the ground:

  • Sowing seeds into the soil;
  • By seedling method.

The seedling method is suitable for other regions of central Russia and Siberia; already strong seedlings, which are less susceptible to adverse factors, are planted in open ground.

Watch the video! Growing leeks

Growing leeks through seedlings

It is necessary to sow onion seedlings at a certain time. For varieties that ripen early, late sowing dates are recommended - mid or late March. Species that ripen later are best planted in mid-February.

Before sowing seeds, it is necessary to prepare a special nutrient mixture for the soil. The soil must contain the following elements:

  1. Organic
  • Clean wood ash;
  • Egg shells;
  • Peat;
  • Remains of leaf decomposition;
  • Rotted sawdust;
  • Soddy soil without pests and larvae.

2 Inorganic:

If the soil that will be used for planting the leek is acidic, then you can add a little ash to it. It is recommended to treat alkaline soil with dolomite flour. A good harvest can be obtained if you use for fertilizer:

  • composts;
  • superphosphates;
  • potassium salt;
  • urea

Heavy and clayey soil is not suitable for growing this crop. The seeds may not sprout or produce weak shoots. The soil for growing can be purchased ready-made, the soil is suitable for peppers, cucumbers and eggplants.

Seedlings sown from seeds must be tightly covered with a film and slightly opened every 2 days for 15 minutes. The temperature in the room where the seeds are sown should not be below 20 degrees. The seedlings must receive sufficient light. The recommended temperature when sprouts appear is from 15˚С during the daytime, to 10˚С at night. Subsequently - from 17˚C during the day and 10˚C at night.

Seedlings need moderate watering and spraying from a sprayer, constant fertilizer and ventilation of the room in which they are located.

It is important to know! Seedlings need constant lighting throughout the day. At home, a lack of light and an excess of heat and moisture lead to the gradual death of seedlings.

Sowing leek seeds in open ground

This method is best used for growing onions in greenhouses or in hot areas.

Seeds are planted in the soil in early May, less often at the end of April. The beds are covered with a special agrofiber or film cover that will help keep warm. If the ripening process is delayed and the plant does not ripen until the first frost, then it can be transplanted into a container or box and continue to grow warm. Seeds are scattered at a distance of 5 centimeters from each other in a shallow furrow up to 1.5 centimeters.

Watch the video! Leek Seed Review

Pre-winter sowing

It is better to start sowing at the beginning of December or at the end of November. The seeds are laid out in recesses, about 12 centimeters, covered with a 2 cm layer of earth and covered with mulch.

With the onset of spring, the mulch is opened to better warm the soil and pour more soil.

Caring for leek seedlings

The first seedlings appear 10-20 days after sowing.

Important! The yield of leeks depends on the moisture content of the soil in which they are grown. The soil should not be dry, but you should not water it abundantly.

Seedlings need to be watered with lukewarm water, trying not to hurt the fragile stem. The seedlings will grow stronger faster if, in addition to watering, you also feed them.

To strengthen the root system and thicken the stem, you need to trim the leaves, leaving up to 10 cm.

It is not advisable to transplant the sprouts into the soil immediately. It is necessary to carry out the hardening procedure in advance, within several weeks. To do this, you need to take the plants outside, reducing watering. After six weeks, you can plant the sprouts in open ground.


When the plant is planted, it is deepened by 6-7 centimeters and soil is added. During growth, it is also necessary to pour soil closer to the stem, since such conditions help the formation of a strong and thick stem.

The distance between planted sprouts should not be less than 12-15 cm. The width between rows should not be less than 50 cm. It is advisable to trim the roots and leaves, and feed the soil with fertilizers.

Growing leek seedlings from seeds allows you to harvest a mature harvest in September.

Caring for leek beds

The agricultural technology for growing this vegetable crop is not difficult. It is necessary to loosen and water the soil, hill up and feed the plant. Beds with leeks are mulched for greater convenience.

The plant needs constant moderate soil moisture. At the beginning of summer, you need to water the plant abundantly and not very often - every 7-10 days, then much less often. When there is a lack of water, the plant stops growing and the leaves become rough and hard. After irrigation, the plant quickly recovers. Excessive humidity is also harmful for this crop. Because the risk of infection with neck rot, black mold and downy mildew increases.

The plant should be fertilized 2.5-3 weeks after planting the seedlings. For this purpose, you can use a solution of bird droppings taken in a ratio of 1:20, potassium-nitrogen fertilizers (15-20 g of potassium salt and ammonium nitrate per 10 liters of water) and ash, which should be added closer to the stem.

Advice! Feeding is carried out at least 3-4 times during the entire growth period. Also, do not forget about hilling. It is necessary to loosen the soil once every 1-2 weeks to improve oxygen exchange.

Diseases and pests

Leeks are often affected by the following types of diseases:

  • Onion fly;
  • Black mold;
  • Onion rust;
  • Cervical rot;
  • Downy mildew.

Growing a healthy and mature plant from seedlings is not easy. Because it is necessary to constantly maintain a certain temperature regime and water the sprouts on time. Neglecting these rules can lead to the development of diseases in the plant.

The best way to prevent illness is timely and constant care. Another precaution: storing seeds. It is recommended to plant seeds in the ground that have been lying around for 2-3 years before sowing. During this time, all viruses and microbes that could have infected the seeds will die.

Onion fly

The 5-6 mm long insect is very similar to the common fly. It is dangerous because it lays its larvae in the soil. The first sign that a plant has become a victim of an insect is the wilting of the leaves. You can get rid of the pest using a saline solution, which is diluted in a ratio of 350 grams per 10 liters of water. Seeds are recommended to be briefly soaked in the resulting liquid.

Onion rust

Volumetric pad spots on the leaves of the plant indicate infection with onion rust. This disease can be controlled by treating onion feathers with a fungicide solution. Infected leaves must be removed.

Powdery mildew

If the color of the plant changes from green to gray, with a whitish tint, and the tip becomes dry and dies, this all indicates a powdery mildew infection. The affected leaves of the plant must be removed, the rest should be treated with anti-virus drugs, for example Fitosporin or copper oxychloride.

Features of growing various varieties

Some varieties of leeks, which have a fairly long maturity period, do not have time to ripen before the first frost. The growing season of onions lasts 6 months and during this time the plant does not have time to fully develop. It is recommended to leave such plants to ripen in greenhouses or special rooms. This option for growing onions is relevant for the following late varieties:

  • "Bulgarian";
  • "Winter Giant";
  • "Autumn Giant";
  • "Karantai";
  • "Sizokryl";
  • "Mercury";
  • "Akreok."

The ripening period of early varieties of leek is less, it is only 4 months. Early maturing species include:

  • "Gulliver";
  • "Vesta";
  • "Kilima";
  • "Goliath";
  • "Columbus".

And also the “Karantansky” variety, which is characterized by excellent resistance to diseases and viruses.

Harvesting and storing leeks

Leeks are grown in open ground until the first frost. At this time, the length of the plant is 40-50 centimeters and the thickness is 7 centimeters.

It is better to dig up the plant and pull out the feathers. Remove the root system and ends of the leaves.

Onions can be left in the ground throughout the winter; they will sprout in the spring. To ensure safety from frost, leeks are covered with peat and hilled. The top is covered with tree ropes.

At zero temperatures, the plant is stored in the basement all winter; just dig it lightly into the sand.

Healthy! During storage, leek does not lose its beneficial properties, but rather increases it. For example, the content of ascorbic acid increases significantly. This process occurs due to the influx of vitamins from the leaves to the stem.


Leeks are a unique cultivated plant that not only has excellent taste, but is also a healthy product. Getting a rich harvest of leeks on your plot is not at all difficult; you just need to follow the rules and know some growing secrets.

Watch the video! Leek from a to z: sowing, picking, planting in the garden

Leeks are not as popular as regular leeks, and they are not so easy to find in the country garden.

However, its lovers have long realized that planting this plant on their own is much cheaper and easier.

Moreover, the process of growing leeks is practically no different from the usual cultivation of all garden plants, and also brings a lot of pleasure.

Thus, our article will be entirely devoted to a detailed description of how to prepare for planting and carry it out yourself in your own garden.

Let’s not forget to talk about how to provide leeks with adequate care throughout the growing season.

What are the features and secrets of planting leeks: let’s get acquainted with all the nuances in order

Leek has another very beautiful name - pearl onion. Despite the fact that in our country it is not very widespread as a house plant that can be grown directly in your own garden.

However, this plant is a very ancient and useful crop, which is why modern gardeners pay attention to leeks. After all, you can eat not only the stems, but also its tender leaves.

Leeks are usually propagated using seeds, which can be purchased at any specialty store, but direct planting is carried out using seedlings. However, there is the possibility of planting this plant without seedlings, if climatic conditions allow it.

What growth conditions must be provided for leeks or requirements for your garden?

As for the conditions for growing leeks, this plant can be called more heat-loving, since its seedlings are usually planted closer to summer. For his growth need a lot of sunshine and warmth. For this reason, in the vicinity of the leek, and especially on the south and southwest sides of it, it is better not to plant any vigorous plants.

In a shaded place, the leek leaves will not be as rich green, and the taste of the onion may also suffer.

Special temperature conditions are needed for seedlings. When growing it in boxes with soil, it is very important that the temperature is not too high. The reason lies in the fact that with a large abundance of heat, seedlings can start a flower arrow immediately in the first year, and not in the second, as it should be normal.

When sowing seeds, it is best to use peat-perhumous pots, and peat tablets. They will give the onion seeds a lot of nutrients and will promote excellent seedling growth.

Don’t forget about watering the seedlings with a compost solution. The plant needs them throughout the entire period of growth in a closed space, which, unlike an open garden bed, does not receive nutrients from the external environment.

When planting seedlings in the garden, there will be no special requirements for the soil, although fertilizing must be done in any case and it is recommended to do this regularly. The only important thing is that the soil should be light, allowing moisture to pass through without problems and not retaining it for very long periods of time.

Under no circumstances should you plant leeks in beds where groundwater can rise to the level of the plant’s roots. This can cause serious harm to the plant.

It is best that the predecessors of this plant in the garden are potatoes, tomatoes with cucumbers, legumes or white cabbage.

Peculiarities of leek planting dates: discussing air and soil temperature requirements

We have already talked above about the fact that leeks can be planted in different ways and at different times, which directly depends on the climatic conditions of your region. So, if you sow seeds without seedlings in the south of our country, it is recommended to do this no earlier than May 15.

With good soil moisture and a temperature not lower than 12ºC, the seeds will sprout and grow very soon.

In more northern regions, it is better to choose the seedling method for growing leeks. The fact is that the growing season of this onion is quite long and if seeds are planted in conditions with a short period of heat, it will not have time to ripen to the desired size and condition.

But before you plant the seedlings, you still need to sow them:

  • If you sow seeds in boxes on the windowsill, the best time for this will be the middle or last days of February. In such conditions, leeks will not grow and develop very intensively, but by the time the time is right for transplanting, the seedlings will be quite mature and will be able to easily adapt to new conditions. Another note about this method of growing seedlings is that the length of daylight for leeks should be at least 10 hours. Since this is practically impossible in February and the first month of spring, the plant will have to be artificially illuminated.
  • If your garden has a glass greenhouse, feel free to sow leeks in it already in mid-April. In such conditions, the seeds will sprout very quickly and the growth of seedlings will be quite intense.
  • Leek seeds can also be sown directly on the breast at the end of April, however, until stable warmth arrives, it is recommended to keep the entire bed under film. However, you will have to be very attentive to the germinating grains and the seedlings that emerge from them, so that they do not get stuck under the film and receive a sufficient amount of oxygen and sunlight.

You can plant seedlings in the garden bed as early as May, when the soil has warmed up well. Keep in mind that its growth is slow and it will be ready for transplanting only after 6-8 weeks from the moment the seeds are sown. Readiness for planting will be indicated by the diameter of the seedling stems - 5-8 millimeters, as well as the appearance of 2-3 leaves on it.

What is the preparation and sowing of leek seeds?

The seeds of this onion cannot be thrown directly from the bag into the ground. Before this, they must be pickled, that is, disinfected. This is done very simply and quickly: first, they need to be placed in water heated to 40-45ºC for a very short period of time, and then immediately cooled by filling with cold water.

After this procedure, leek seeds should be poured in a thin layer onto a wet and warm cloth, covered with it and left in a warm place for them to germinate. It is optimal that the temperature does not drop below 25ºС, then literally after 2-3 they will begin to germinate a little.

Then you can dry them a little so that they do not grow together and seem to crumble. After this, you can immediately begin sowing them in the soil. But this preparation technology is more suitable for actually grown seeds, because purchased ones can be immediately sent into the soil, since they are usually sold already processed and germinate easily.

As for the required temperature for seedlings, immediately after sowing the seeds in pots, they must be kept at an air temperature of 22 to 25ºC with appropriate soil temperature and humidity.

Also, the soil is kept under a film, which must be removed after the disappearances appear. Next, the temperature should be lowered slightly to 17ºС during the daytime and to 12 ºС. After one week, the temperature conditions need to be slightly increased, which will provoke more intense growth: during the day from 17 to 20ºС, and at night - from 10 to 14 ºС.

Also, to improve the growth efficiency of future leeks and to ensure that the seedlings thicken, a month after germination it should be thinned out, leaving a distance of 2-3 centimeters between the stems.

Also, it is very important to constantly monitor the length of the leaves of the seedlings, leaving it at approximately 8-10 centimeters. This procedure will have a good effect on root growth and stem thickening.

Seeds are sown in open ground only in the southern regions, but in the middle zone it is better to send them either to boxes with soil or to glass or film greenhouses.

Leek seeds can be stored for a long time. They are able to produce good seedlings even after three years. The main thing is to keep them in a dry and warm place, to avoid changes in temperature and air humidity.

We are preparing beds for planting leeks

The preparation of the beds also cannot be ignored, since the size and quality of the future harvest will depend on it. In particular, in the fall, about 6 kilograms of compost are added per 1 m2, which by spring will have time to partially decompose and significantly increase the level of soil fertility.

In the spring, you can also sprinkle humus or the same compost on top of the bed, calculating the cost of 3 kilograms of fertilizer per 1 m2. At the same time, before planting, there is no need to dig up the bed with fertilizers laid out on it; they will be dug in during planting of the seedlings themselves.

Preparing leek seedlings for planting in open soil

Already at 6-7 weeks of seedling growth, it needs to be gradually prepared for transplanting. In particular, plants need to be hardened off a little so that it begins to get used not to room conditions, but to natural growth conditions. To do this, during the daytime, boxes with seedlings are taken outside if weather conditions permit.

Before planting, the seedlings are pulled out from the previous soil, after watering it. It is recommended to trim its roots and leaves a little, reducing their length by 1/3.

Gardener's advice: in order for leek seedlings to take root better and faster in a new place, before planting, its roots should be dipped in mash. The composition of the mash should include clay and cow dung taken in equal quantities, slightly diluted with water.

Rules and scheme for planting leek seedlings: how to provide the plant with optimal nutritional area?

Leek seedlings are planted in specially prepared holes. They need to be deep enough so that a sufficient amount of rotted humus or compost can be placed at the bottom. For this, 10-13 centimeters will be enough.

Only one plant is planted in one hole, since leeks do not grow in bushes. After this, the seedlings are covered with earth up to half the hole and compacted well.

To ensure that the soil settles as densely as possible, it should be watered abundantly after planting. The most important thing is that there are no air cushions left near the roots that can dry them out.

As for the planting scheme for leek seedlings, this plant can be planted in the following ways:

  • Planting leek seedlings in two rows, which assumes a distance of 15-20 centimeters between plants in one row. At the same time, you need to leave a distance of at least 30-35 centimeters between the rows. This planting is very uneconomical in relation to the distribution of space in the entire garden, but it allows you to grow very large bulbs.
  • With multi-row planting, the onion itself may not reach very large sizes, but the yield still remains high due to the closer planting of the seedlings. In particular, the distance between two plants in one row can be reduced to 10-15 centimeters, and between rows - to 20-30 centimeters.

Gardener tips:

  • Most garden plants, and leeks are no exception, are best grown in narrow beds. This will not only make it easier to care for plants, but will also increase their productivity.
  • If you have chosen a two-row leek planting scheme, then the wide row spacing does not have to be left empty. You can sow either dill or carrots on them, with which leeks have excellent compatibility. Also, a good combination can be achieved with celery, beets, regular onions and even strawberries.

What is the proper care of leeks: we talk in detail about the most important aspects

Only wild plants are capable of growing, developing and bearing fruit well, but those that have been developed by humans require mandatory care. This statement undoubtedly applies to leeks, the thickness and size of which directly depend on the nutritional value of the soil and the regularity of watering.

Loosening the soil around the leek: why and how often should it be done?

Loosening the soil of the bed on which leeks grow is necessary. After all, this procedure not only saturates the soil with oxygen, but also promotes faster penetration of moisture into it, and also facilitates the growth of roots. Loosening is carried out regularly, preferably every 1-2 weeks.

While loosening the soil, it is also important to constantly pour soil into the hole near the leek stem (this is done once the plant stem reaches the diameter of a pencil).

After the hole is level with the soil level, the leeks are hilled every two weeks. This allows you to grow a longer stem with a large white part. This procedure is carried out at least 4 times in one season after watering.

We provide onions with moisture: frequency and volume of watering

Moisture is the basis for the growth of young leeks.

After all, this plant requires frequent and regular attention from the gardener, which would be aimed at determining the state of soil moisture.

In particular, regular and abundant watering of this plant should be carried out, starting from the moment it enters the growing season until mid-summer.

Of course, you shouldn’t overdo it with moisture, which will also negatively affect the growth of the plant.

Do leeks need fertilizing and what fertilizers should be used for this?

In principle, leeks do not need to be fed. But, in this case, it may not be possible to achieve high results. So it’s better to work a little and spend your efforts on feeding this plant.

This procedure should be carried out in the same way as watering, only in the first half of the plant’s growing season. Onions are fed exclusively with solutions that are prepared from bird and cow droppings. The concentration of the first in water should be 1:20, and the second – 1:8. The regularity of such fertilizing will help level out the shortcomings of even the most infertile soil.

How to effectively control weeds in leek beds?

The most effective way to control weeds is weeding the beds. Of course, modern gardeners are familiar with the existence of various chemicals that can prevent the appearance of weeds. However, if you are going to grow onions in your own garden, then it is better to grow an environmentally friendly product and walk through the garden bed, removing all the weeds. After all, with a large number of them, the thickness of the onion stems will significantly decrease.

This can also cause an increase in soil moisture. To prevent the garden bed from becoming overgrown with unnecessary plants, you need to weed it regularly.

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Amateur gardeners call leeks large-sized and beautiful. This non-standard culture is becoming increasingly popular. And there are objective reasons for this: leeks practically do not get sick, they are rarely attacked by harmful insects, they are characterized by increased frost resistance, as well as a long shelf life. Housewives use it in preparing a variety of dishes, because the content of carotene and vitamin C in it adds value to it.

Leeks are a tasty and healthy product

The main difference between leeks and regular onions, besides their size, is the large amount of vitamins that do not disappear after long-term winter storage, but rather accumulate. In addition, leeks do not taste as bitter as regular onions and do not cause watery eyes. Growing and caring for leeks is quite simple. And by observing the conditions for its development and growth, you can get not only a tasty, but also a fairly high harvest.

Botanical features

Leek is a biennial plant. However, it is grown as an annual, because in the second year it blooms and loses its valuable qualities. The diameter of the white, slightly swollen bulb is approximately 2-7 cm. At the top it turns into a light green false stem, forming long leaves that adhere tightly to each other. The length of the stem can vary depending on the variety - from 10 to 75 cm, and its diameter - from 2 to 5 cm.

Each plant has 6-15 leaves, the length of which is 45-65 cm. The departure of the leaf blades from the stem is fan-shaped, resembling an opposite arrangement. The flat leaves of leeks are folded in half from the central vein and have a waxy coating. The development of the flower arrow occurs only in the second year of growth.

Its height can reach a meter or more, and it carries an inflorescence in the form of a ball - an umbrella. In plants that are well developed, the umbrella is quite large. It can reach 15-20 cm in diameter, and the number of small flowers in it, which are usually dark purple or lilac in color, is up to 1000. Very often, the formation of aerial bulbs is observed in the inflorescences, which can be used for propagation.

Growing technology

Many amateur gardeners today are interested in the question - how to grow leeks? This is done in two ways: seedlings and non-seedlings. The latter is used mainly in the southern regions, where air and soil temperatures enable plants to normally form a root system.

The seedling method is used in the Far Eastern and Siberian regions, the middle zone, as well as in northern regions where there is not enough heat and light for leeks to fully ripen.

There are no special secrets to growing leeks using the seedless method. Planting leeks in the ground usually begins in the second half of May. It is first necessary to prepare the beds. To do this, the soil needs to be fertilized with organic matter and covered with black plastic film in the fall. Sowing of disinfected and germinated seeds is carried out according to the scheme - 12-15x15-20cm. After sowing the seeds, the beds should be well watered and covered with film or polycarbonate.

Seeds for seedlings should begin to be sown in the second half of February. If you have heated greenhouses, you can sow early varieties in late March-early April. For this procedure, it is good to use small boxes or cassettes filled with peat. The gap between seeds should be at least 5 cm, and the distance between rows should be 2 cm.

Until the seedlings appear, you need to water moderately every day. After four weeks, it is necessary to pick the seedlings. To do this, you can use pots with a diameter of about 5 cm. It is very important to adhere to the temperature regime and not overheat the soil and air. The temperature should not exceed 20 degrees during the day, and 14 at night. Until the beginning of May, seedlings need to be illuminated with phytolamps.

How to plant seedlings?

Since this culture is not afraid of a possible decrease in temperature, it can be planted on a plot in the garden in early May. Preparation for planting requires hardening off the plants. To do this, containers with seedlings are left in the open air, choosing for this a place without drafts and sufficiently illuminated by the sun's rays. The area where leeks will be grown in open ground should be well lit.

Very good yields of this crop can be obtained on light loamy soils. The best time for planting is considered to be the period when the soil warms up to 8-10 ° C at a depth of 12-15 cm. When planting seedlings, grooves are cut at this depth into which the plants are placed. At this depth, it will be convenient to hill up grown sprouts. Before starting work, for each seedling plant, the leaves and root should be shortened by a third.

Tip: In order for leeks to take root better, you can make a mash from an equal amount of clay and mullein, and then dip the roots of plants into it. Planting density – 23-30 plants per 1 square meter.

The most common are double-row and multi-row planting schemes. With two rows, the distance between seedlings is 25 cm, and between rows - 35 cm; with multi-row plants are planted every 15 cm, the row spacing is about 30 cm. At the end of the work, the furrows must be watered. It should be noted that intact plants with intact roots, as a rule, take root well.

The space between the onion rows can be used rationally: for example, to sow beets or carrots. In the event that the leek is too densely planted, you need to start thinning it out in July. It is desirable to perform this work in a timely manner in order to avoid a thin false stem. Young greens left after weeding can be useful in making salads.

Features of care

Agrotechnics for growing leeks consists of a set of measures, including:

  1. Regular watering. It must be done at least three times a week. In order to moisten the soil 8-10 cm deep, watering should be plentiful enough. This crop responds very well to moisture during the first half of the growing season.
  2. Fertilizing, which is best done simultaneously with watering twice a month. In order to provide the plants with nutrition, you need to know how to feed the leeks. You can use a remedy common among summer residents, which includes mullein or chicken droppings, which is diluted with water.
  3. Hilling, which is recommended to be done at least 4 times in one season. The ideal option is 2 times a month. This operation increases the chances of growing a plant with a powerful white stem. Hilling up is best done some time after watering.

Otherwise, growing leeks consists of the necessary weeding, as well as mulching the soil between the rows with peat or rotted manure.

How to preserve the grown crop?

The formation of a powerful stem in plants occurs in September. At this time, the plant can already be used in the preparation of various dishes, as well as consumed raw. Late varieties of onions can be stored for a very long time. For this purpose, in mid-autumn, the plants should be buried in the sand, having previously cut their roots to a length of 2-5 cm.

They should be placed tightly and vertically in the sand. The row spacing should be filled with wet and clean sand. During such storage, the temperature should be 0 ° C, and the humidity in the air should be approximately 80%. Such conditions allow leeks to be stored for 6-7 months. At the same time, its stem becomes lighter and its size becomes larger. In February, the amount of vitamin C in onions increases.

Important! When soil moisture is higher than recommended, activation of nematodes or mites may occur. Therefore, humidity and storage temperature are very important parameters when storing this crop. But it is worth remembering that while observing a favorable regime, you cannot be sure that pests will not appear. However, in this case their development will be very slow.

In order for the harvested crop to be used for food all winter, you need to know how to store leeks correctly. Many people prefer the method of keeping it in the refrigerator. To do this, you need to select good plants, clean and trim their roots and leaves, and cool them to 0+1°C. Then they should be packed in 7-9 pieces using plastic bags. They can be kept in the refrigerator for 4-5 months without any loss of quality. But with any type of storage, plants need to be inspected from time to time, because they can dry out, get sick or rot. Spoiled leeks should be thrown away immediately.

Interesting information about growing leeks can be gleaned from the video: