When to plant Brussels sprouts for seedlings. Growing and caring for Brussels sprouts in the garden How to grow Brussels sprouts seeds

Brussels sprouts are a unique vegetable and not familiar to everyone, but in terms of their taste and healing properties they are not inferior to other types of cabbage, and in some ways they are superior to them. Many amateur gardeners are interested in the question of growing this vegetable in their beds.

As you know, to obtain good seedlings and harvest a rich harvest, it is necessary to provide the plant with the right conditions for full growth and development and appropriate care. Not every gardener decides to grow Brussels sprouts, since they are quite capricious, but this is where their special interest lies. Having taken a risk one day and grown a rich vitamin harvest of this garden crop, you will be proud of the results of your work and will continue to develop this crop in our country.

Description of Brussels sprouts and the best varieties

When ripe, Brussels sprouts are a stem about 50-80 cm high, with small fruits in the form of miniature heads formed at the base of the petiole leaves, only the size of a walnut.

The Franklin variety is early ripening. Its ripening period is about 4 months. The mid-season variety is Diablo, which ripens in the 5th month. But later varieties include the Boxer hybrid. Its maturation occurs only after six months.

Brussels sprouts are grown using seedlings. To do this, seeds are planted in mid-April. A balcony or window sill on the south side of the apartment is ideal for this. The main thing is that the growing place should be well lit and have comfortable conditions: during the day, cabbage will need 15-17 degrees of heat, and at night 5-7 will be enough. But it is necessary to remember about the level of air humidity; it should not be higher than 80%.

The seeds are planted with a distance of 4-5 cm from each other and a depth of about 2 cm. The seeds of this vitamin vegetable begin to sprout very quickly, usually this happens already on the 5-6th day. As soon as fresh leaves appear, they need to be picked. Seedlings are planted in open ground no earlier than after 1.5–2 months.

Keep in mind that this variety of cabbage grows very intensively, which means it takes up quite a lot of space, so you need to plant the plant according to a 50x50 cm pattern.

Caring for Brussels sprouts will require a competent approach; they should be provided with regular and timely watering. The seedlings are watered with cool, settled water. It is also advisable to feed the plant. This is done with the help of mineral fertilizers or weed infusions, alternating them with each other. In general, you can use any fertilizer, the main thing is that the content of potassium and nitrogen in them is in equal proportions. Also make sure that the phosphorus content in such fertilizers is half that of nitrogen.

Brussels sprouts can grow successfully in slightly acidic soil. Resistance to clubroot disease distinguishes it favorably from many other varieties. For the full growth of this garden vegetable, fertile soil is necessary, so before planting seedlings, care should be taken to fertilize the area of ​​soil on which it will grow with organic fertilizers. For one hole you will need 1/3 teaspoon of any fertilizer. It should be used in the future as the vegetable crop grows.

The vegetable needs to be hilled several times, since it grows quite tall - up to 80 cm. It is necessary to loosen the soil more often, this will ensure excellent air exchange, which has a positive effect on the development of the root system and the growth of cabbage.

Diseases and pests

Brussels sprouts, like any other cabbage crop, are affected by various pests and diseases, but they have one significant advantage over others: they are not susceptible to the cabbage fly. The stems and fruits of the plant contain a large amount of mustard oils, which repels these pathogenic insects. But Brussels sprouts are very popular with insects such as cabbage whites and moths. To get rid of them, special chemicals are used.

A feature of this vegetable crop is the intensive growth of leaves on the trunk. Some inexperienced gardeners believe that cabbage lacks phosphorus, but this is a mistaken opinion. During the growth of Brussels sprouts, small heads will form in the petiole axils of the leaves. Their number can reach up to 60-70 pieces.

When the growth of the lower cabbages intensifies, the upper part of the plant must be torn off. This procedure is usually performed in early or mid-September. In this case, the growth of the plant itself slows down, which contributes to the full development of the fruit.

There are cases when the pumpkins have not yet begun to set at this time. This may indicate unfavorable weather conditions or poor quality care of the plant, but do not panic, let the plant continue to grow and develop. This vegetable can grow until frost. The fruits may well set in October.

Harvesting and processing

When the small heads of cabbage become plump, you can prepare for harvest. The fruits are cut and deep frozen. With this storage method, all their valuable properties and taste are preserved for a long time. You can also dig up a plant with rhizomes and bury it lightly in the cellar. Many gardeners do this because it will keep the fruits fresh longer. And some craftsmen store the entire cut plant (stem along with fruits) on the balcony.

The whole process of growing Brussels sprouts will not require any large expenses from you, but will give you a tasty and vitamin-rich harvest.

Brussels sprouts: growing, planting and care (video)

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​For this I said goodbye to her after a short acquaintance.​

Features of a greenhouse for Brussels sprouts

​For Brussels sprouts, growing seedlings is similar to late-ripening white cabbage. Seeds are sown in greenhouses or under film cover in early April; in early May, 30-35-day-old seedlings with 4-6 true leaves are planted in the ground, according to the 60x60 or 70x70 cm pattern. ​, mid-season, high-yielding (1.8-2.0 kg/m2), forms up to 60-70 heads of cabbage, high taste;​Biennial vegetable plant. In the first year of vegetation, it forms a thickened stem 20-60 cm, sometimes up to 1 m in height. Leaves with thin petioles 15-30 cm long, green or gray-green with a waxy coating, with smooth or slightly curved edges. In the axils, on shortened stems, heads of 3-4 cm in diameter are formed, 20 - 60 pieces each. on one plant. In the second year it blooms with yellowish flowers and forms pods with seeds, small, spherical, black or dark brown. 1 g contains up to 300 seeds, germination lasts 5 years.​

​– Brussels sprouts (Brassica oleracea L. var. Gemmifera), belongs to the cabbage family, one of the types of kale.​

​Brussels sprouts are a rare vegetable in Russian garden beds. There are not many amateurs growing it on their plots. Meanwhile, growing Brussels sprouts is not at all difficult not only in the south, but also in central Russia.​

​Before sowing cabbage for seedlings, gardeners decide on the method of growing seedlings (with or without subsequent picking). When using the method of growing seedlings with subsequent picking, the boxes are filled with a mixture for sowing. The optimal height of the box is 5 cm. The soil is well moistened and divided into grooves. The depth of each groove is approximately 1 cm. Sowing of seeds is carried out in increments (distance between planting material) of 1.5 cm. After sowing, the seeds are sprinkled with soil, which is then slightly compacted.​

Caring for Brussels sprouts

Kohlrabi is planted at the age of 35 days.

​Seeds are carefully sorted, selecting only healthy, high-quality material for planting.​

​The transparency of the greenhouse can be impaired by moisture condensation, which forms upon contact with the coating. At the same time, the agricultural technology of Brussels sprouts can suffer from a lack of sunlight and excess humidity and it will be difficult to grow healthy plants. It is recommended to use two layers of film, which helps to retain heat, as well as regularly ventilate the greenhouse.​

Brussels sprouts are usually grown using seedlings. To grow as many healthy and strong seedlings as possible, you need to use a greenhouse or a semi-dark greenhouse. Seeds are sown between late March and mid-April, but it is better to start sowing Brussels sprouts in mid-March. Pots with a fertile, structured soil mixture are well suited for this. Seedlings are planted in open ground at the end of May. If seeds are sown in boxes, then the distance between plants should be 3-4 cm, and between the grooves - at least 6 cm. The boxes are placed in a closed greenhouse with a temperature of at least 15 degrees. Shoots are formed already on the 4-5th day. There is no need to water them at first. When the first leaves appear on the Brussels sprouts seedlings, they can be plucked.

Brussels sprouts are the longest growing ones.

Care has much in common with other types of cabbage. The plant is moisture-loving, but thanks to its powerful root system, it tolerates a lack of water more easily than other representatives of cabbage plants. Requires fertilizing, the first - 10 days after planting in the ground, the second - at the beginning of crop formation. Feed with a solution of complex mineral or organic fertilizer, 1-2 liters per plant. Excess nitrogen causes an increase in vegetative mass, while the formation of heads of cabbage is delayed and the quality deteriorates, and nitrates accumulate.​

​German Rosella​

​It is a bud mutation of kale; it appeared in Belgium presumably in the 16th century, from where it spread to other European countries. It was first described by Carl Linnaeus, who coined the name “Brussels sprouts”. The photo shows that in appearance it is very different from other plants in the family. Fully ripened heads of cabbage are used for food. The vegetable is popular in Western Europe, especially in England, France, and Holland. It has been known in Russia since the 19th century, but due to the cold climate it has not become widespread, and is currently cultivated infrequently, mainly in the non-chernozem zone.​



How and when are different types of cabbage planted?

​What is the reason for failure in growing Brussels sprouts?​ Cabbage is a very demanding crop in terms of light and temperature. Therefore, if you provide the sown seeds with an optimal temperature regime (+20 degrees), seedlings will appear very quickly - literally on the 4th day after sowing.​

Preparing cabbage seeds for sowing

​Savoy cabbage seedlings - from 35 to 50 days.​

  • ​After sorting, it is necessary to disinfect the seeds. To do this, they are placed for 15 (but no more than 20) minutes in very warm water (+50 C), and then cooled sharply in cold water (2 minutes, no more).​
  • ​The area of ​​the ventilation holes should be 18-25% of the total area of ​​the structure. To increase the efficiency of air exchange, the openings in the greenhouse should be located in the direction of the prevailing winds, which will provide the best care for the plants.​
  • In order for the cabbage harvest to be large and healthy, its seedlings must be grown in a greenhouse or semi-dark greenhouse.

Seedlings must be grown at the same time as early cabbage,

​Features of care include pinching the top of the stem or removing the apical rosette a month to a month and a half before harvesting, which helps speed up the ripening of the crop. Also, this species does not require hilling, since the first heads of cabbage form at the base of the stem.​

​, early, with a yield of 1.1-1.7 kg/m2, friendly ripening;​

When to sow cabbage for seedlings, depending on the type?

Heads of cabbage contain up to 17.5% dry matter, up to 5.5% protein, about 6% sugars, 1.2-1.7% fiber. The presence of protein and more than a dozen amino acids determine the nutritional value of Brussels sprouts. The beneficial properties of the vegetable are also caused by the presence of vitamins C, PP, B1, B5, B6, B9, potassium salts, magnesium, sodium, calcium, iron and iodine.​

  • ​– Belgium.​
    Many people try to grow Brussels sprouts like regular white cabbage and use the same methods. But there is one significant difference, without which success is impossible. Sowing seeds and planting seedlings on ridges have their own specific period. Brussels sprouts have a longer development period. From the time of sowing the seeds to the day of harvesting, 155-165 days pass. Only modern varieties have a slightly shorter development period, 140-150 days.​
  • But after germination, the container is transferred to a cooler room, the air temperature in which becomes no more than +10 degrees. The seedlings are kept at this temperature for 7 days. Such measures are taken to prevent the seedlings from being pulled out.
  • ​Taking into account these features on which planting depends, you can calculate when to sow the plant for seedlings. In the middle zone, this is approximately the following time frame:
  • At the end of this procedure, the seeds are dried until they flow (but without overdrying them).​

​Various devices help maintain a favorable microclimate in greenhouses. These can be containers with pebbles, gravel or any other material that can accumulate heat on sunny days and then release it. You can also use containers of water. During the day, water absorbs solar heat and prevents the air from overheating, and at night it keeps the air warm. But such painstaking care is practically not needed for Brussels sprouts. Brussels sprouts have a long growing season, which allows them to be grown until the coldest weather. Harvesting can begin in late October or early November.​

When to plant cabbage seedlings, and how to grow seedlings?


​When should I sow Brussels sprouts seeds for seedlings?​

When the seedlings reach 14 days of age, they are transplanted into individual containers. But these containers also need to be selected correctly. Thus, early ripening varieties are picked in containers measuring 8x8 cm. And for picking later varieties, containers measuring 6x6 cm can be used. After picking, the containers are placed in a room with a temperature of 18 degrees for several days. And then they lower the air temperature again to +14 during daylight hours and to +12 at night. This is called the process of seedling hardening. If all the steps were carried out correctly, the cabbage seedlings will not stretch, they will be hardened, healthy and of high quality for planting in the ground in the garden. This method is often used to force cauliflower.​

​Seeds of early white and red cabbage, as well as hybrid varieties, are sown between March 10 and March 25. But middle and late varieties of these types of cabbage are sown for seedlings from April 10 to April 15.​

​Such measures are carried out only with seeds of white cabbage, cauliflower and other types of cabbage produced in-house. Most gardeners prefer to buy planting material in the store. Purchased seeds do not need to be warmed up before planting, since this type of processing is carried out by the manufacturer.​

​Growing cabbage requires constant watering and maintaining moisture.​

​To grow Brussels sprouts, you can build either a glass or film greenhouse without using any means of heating other than solar heat. It is necessary to choose its location correctly.​

​Grow on a windowsill​

Beds rich in organic matter are suitable for growing Brussels sprouts. Brussels sprouts are the record holder among vegetables for the content of phosphorus, potassium, and iron. (​

​, late variety of Czech selection, very productive (2.4 kg/m2), frost-resistant, produces 30-35 heads of cabbage;

​Potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron salts make Brussels sprouts beneficial for the cardiovascular system, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve the functioning of the heart muscle, and help with arrhythmias and hypertension.​

- neutral or slightly acidic, loamy, well fertilized.

​Seedlings are grown for about 35-40 days. This means that the seeds must be sown in early March. Any delays or omissions in terms of sowing seeds will reduce the success of growing Brussels.​


If the seedlings stretch out during forcing and look weak, but the temperature conditions were maintained correctly, the reason for this may be that the seeds are sowed too thickly or there is insufficient daylight.

Broccoli and cauliflower seeds are sown in several crops, between which an interval of 15-20 days is maintained. The first sowing is carried out in mid-March, and the last - at the end of May.​

To increase the germination rate, as well as the frost resistance of plants, the seeds are soaked in a light solution of potassium permanganate immediately before planting. The container with the seeds soaked in it is placed in the refrigerator (or taken outside) so that the ambient temperature is within 1-2 C. At this temperature, the planting material is kept for about a day.

Brussels sprouts should be watered correctly in the morning. With the appearance of several leaves, watering can be increased. The frames in the greenhouse are opened first during the day, and then, when it gets warmer, at night. This is done a few days before selecting cabbage seedlings. Before sampling, the seedlings need to be watered especially thoroughly. Ready Brussels sprouts seedlings should have 3-4 leaves and a well-developed root system. Brussels sprouts need to be grown under constant watering conditions so as not to reduce the yield. It is very moisture-loving and demanding of soil fertility. It is useless to grow it on poor soils, since the buds ripen late or do not ripen at all. It is also impossible to grow Brussels sprouts in fresh manure. Cabbage in such soil immediately gets clubroot and dies.

​The greenhouse should be placed in an area that is protected from the wind and receives maximum sunlight to make caring for the plants easier. The transparent side of a lean-to greenhouse should be in the south, and the gable and arched side should be in the east and west. In addition, a lean-to greenhouse must be closed from the wind from the north side. Growing cabbage can be done behind such excellent cover as green bushes or a fence.​

​High-quality seedlings of any cabbage are rarely possible.​

​discussion of the peculiarities of growing vegetable crops​



Growing Brussels sprouts | Grow a garden!

Growing Brussels sprouts in the garden

The vegetable contains many glucosylates, which give the heads a bitter taste; they prevent the growth of damaged and mutating cells in the body, and therefore prevent the development of cancer. The plant promotes the healing of damaged tissues, and also has a beneficial effect on the pancreas.​


​What are the features of growing seedlings?​​If you decide to plant cabbage seedlings using a no-picking method, for this purpose you do not use pre-prepared soil, but special peat tablets. Some gardeners use special cassette containers for this purpose, in which 2 seeds are sown in each separate container. The conditions and temperature conditions in this case are observed, as with the picking method of distillation.​

​Brussels sprouts planting material is sown from April 15 to April 30.​​Today there are so-called inlaid (colored) seeds on sale. Such seeds cost a little more than regular seeds, because they have already undergone full pre-planting preparation. They are sown dry in previously prepared soil.​

The agricultural technology of Brussels sprouts is similar to the agricultural technology of medium white cabbage varieties, but Brussels sprouts are more demanding on growing conditions. Seedlings are planted on day 50-60 according to the 70x40 pattern. When the buds reach a size of 1 cm, the tops of the plants are pinched. Brussels sprouts are very cold-resistant. Some of its varieties tolerate light frosts, but cannot withstand piercing winds. Therefore, for its cultivation, they always choose an area protected from the wind. Caring for Brussels sprouts requires plenty of light, as the plant slows down its growth at the slightest shade. Seedlings for planting should have 3-4 petals for further fruit development.

​There is not enough light, air humidity.​​)​

​, early, high-yielding, resistant to low temperatures, remains on the stem for a long time, excellent taste.​ ​In addition to numerous beneficial properties, Brussels sprouts are low in calories (100 g contains only 35 kcal), therefore they are widely used in dietary nutrition for obesity , diabetes, cardiovascular diseases.​

- moisture-loving. Brussels sprouts are sensitive to any transplants. When growing seedlings, it is important to preserve the root ball and not injure it. Therefore, it is better to sow the seeds directly into cassettes or pots, without picking. By the time of planting on the beds, the seedlings have from 4 to 6 leaves. It should be hardened the day before (within 10-12 days). Brussels sprouts are planted in the garden beds in the last week of April or early May.​

Description of Brussels sprouts

​When growing white cabbage, cauliflower, and other types of cabbage, it is important to control the degree of substrate moisture. After all, if the soil is not sufficiently moistened, the seedlings will significantly slow down their growth. And with excessive watering, the roots can rot, which can lead to the death of seedlings.​

In order to get an early harvest of kohlrabi, seeds for seedlings must be sown between March 10 and March 20. Planting material for this type of cabbage can be sown in several stages, the last of which is the end of June. If all conditions are selected correctly, then the seeds can be sown in open ground.​

Useful properties of Brussels sprouts

Sowing cabbage seeds for seedlings, as well as planting seedlings in the soil, is carried out during a period that depends on the climatic conditions of the region and on the specific type of cabbage. The age of seedlings completely ready for planting in the ground is different for each species. At this stage it is important to do the right thing:​

A necessary condition for growing Brussels sprouts is mulching. In September, the tops of the plants are removed to enhance the growth of buds. With this approach, the frost resistance of cabbage is reduced. When using fertilizers, it must be taken into account that a lack of nitrogen leads to yellowing of the foliage, and an abundance of mineral fertilizers makes the buds loose and unsuitable for consumption. To stop cabbage leaves from turning yellow, you can add a small amount of horn flour to the soil. Also, the agricultural technology of Brussels sprouts implies the presence of a special mesh that protects the plants from pests, for example, from the cabbage fly.​

​The interior of the greenhouse is painted white to reduce solar heat absorption and provide the best care for the Brussels sprouts. Since white color effectively reflects sunlight, the air in the greenhouse heats up as much as possible. Growing seedlings in such a greenhouse is easy and convenient. Thermal insulating materials in the design are used at the joints of frames and transoms in the form of strips, for example, roofing felt, to prevent cold air from entering from the outside. Such agricultural technology helps to grow cabbage without diseases and pests.​

​It is difficult to create the correct temperature regime.​

​I grow Brussels sprouts every year. I like her very much. I sow seedlings in a polycarbonate greenhouse in mid-April, at the same time I sow both white and colored ones. When planting seedlings, I sprinkle ash into the holes. The care is usual - at first on dry days I water it. And in mid-August I break off the tops so that heads of cabbage form. I remove it from the garden last. Good luck to you!​

​There are a number of hybrids that are productive and characterized by uniform ripening. These are mid-late Boxer F1 and early Dolmik F1 from the Netherlands, mid-early Frigate F1, Explorer F1.​

​Common varieties of Brussels sprouts are rolled oats and others.​


There are a number of modern varieties on the market:

​Brussels sprouts are significantly different from the cabbage family. She is not afraid of spring frosts and frosts down to -6-7°C are not scary for her. Seedlings are planted in beds in open ground in mid-May. Don't be afraid of possible frosts.​

​For early Savoy cabbage, sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out in the second ten days of March. For mid-season varieties of this cabbage, the sowing period is mid-April. Late-ripening varieties of Savoy cabbage are sown in early April. Seedlings of early white and red cabbage, as well as hybrid varieties, are planted in open ground at the age of 45 to 60 days. Seedlings of late varieties are planted at the age of 35 days.​

​Cabbage is one of the few crops, different varieties of which are characterized by different ripening periods.​ ​The greenhouse is laid out already in March-April. It is advisable to use energetically valuable compost from organic waste or rotted manure, in other words, biological fuel. It is transferred to a loose stack with holes filled with hot water. The earlier the greenhouse is laid, the higher the layer of compost should be, which is a necessary condition for the successful cultivation of cabbage. The layer height can be 40-70 cm. The compost is sprinkled with wood ash on top, covered with an opaque film and left for three days. Then they fill it with peat or sawdust soil and level the surface with a rake. After this, mineral fertilizers are added, the amount of which depends on the presence/absence of nutrients in the soil and on the crop that is planned to be grown.​

I plant all the cabbage seedlings in April, in a container from under the refrigerator. And the Brussels one too.​​I planted, seedlings can be planted in early April, they grow like any cabbage, only small heads of cabbage begin to form in late summer, closer to September. This is normal. Perhaps earlier ripening varieties appeared, but nevertheless, I still had them and there were a lot of them. The main difficulty is the fight against cabbage white caterpillars.​

The plant is cold-resistant, seeds germinate at 2-3 °C, adult specimens can withstand frosts down to -8-10 °C. It has a long growing season and develops better in conditions of low temperatures and long, warm autumns. The optimal temperature is around 20-22°C. Since it is difficult to grow Brussels sprouts at temperatures above 25°C, since the yield and quality of the product are reduced, in England and Holland the vegetable is often cultivated in winter.​

Agricultural technology for growing Brussels sprouts

​On the territory of Russia, the culture has a limited distribution, the number of cultivated varieties is small.​

​– legumes, potatoes, tomatoes, onions, root vegetables.​

​Brussels cabbage was bred from the leaf at the beginning of the 19th century and is widespread in many countries of Western Europe. It appeared in Russia in the middle of the 19th century.​

Properly grown cabbage seedlings can withstand temperature drops down to -5 degrees.

To get high-quality seedlings and a good harvest from seeds, you need to choose the right soil for planting. Cabbage is one of the few garden crops that is very demanding on the composition of the soil. Thus, the soil for sowing seeds must be light and loose, so one of its main components is peat. As for the optimal composition of the substrate, the opinions of gardeners are divided. Most gardeners prefer to prepare a substrate from 75% peat, 20% turf soil and 5% coarse sand. However, in order to properly prepare the soil using this formula, the proportions must be strictly observed.​

Broccoli seedlings are planted at the age of 35 to 45 days.

​That is why gardeners, in order to get a good harvest of this crop, need to know when to plant cabbage seedlings and strictly follow the rules and timing of sowing seeds and planting seedlings in open ground.​

​Brussels sprouts are a fairly cold-blooded plant.​​I can only say that at home we do not grow seedlings of just any cabbage: they sprout, but for some reason they grow very poorly, so for several years now we have been sowing them in a greenhouse in the garden on April 20th, on at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other and there it grows very quickly, we feed it during growth, then at the end of May or beginning of June we plant it in open ground and everything grows successfully.​ ​Its most important feature is that it grows all season long ,​


Has anyone grown Brussels sprouts? When to plant seedlings? Advice on care is recommended.


The area for planting Brussels sprouts has been prepared since the fall. The soil is dug up, mineral fertilizers are applied (superphosphate, 20-30 g, potassium sulfate 15-20 g), 5-8 kg of compost per 1 m2, and lime if necessary. Organic fertilizers are used in the fall, fresh manure is used for previous crops. They are grown in one place for 2-3 years, after which, in order to avoid the accumulation of pests and pathogens in the soil, they are returned to their original place after 3-4 years. In spring, 20-25 g/m2 of urea or ammonium nitrate is added to the ridges.​

Olga Borisovna

​The most famous variety of domestic selection, used in the country since 1950, is Brussels sprouts Hercules. Late-ripening, 40-60 cm tall, forms 20-30 medium-loose heads. It is resistant to low temperatures, in terms of yield (0.4-0.6 kg/m2), significantly inferior to modern varieties. The variety Hercules 1342 is currently being grown.​

Zhanna S

This variety of the extensive family of cabbage plants forms small heads of cabbage in the axils of the leaves, 2-5 cm in size. On one stem there are from 30 to 70 pieces with a total weight of 300-800 g. The height of the stem can be from 30 cm to 1 m and above. What are the features of growing Brussels sprouts? A good harvest can be obtained on light and medium loams with good soil filling with organic matter. This cabbage does not like acidic soils. After reading that it is recommended to place Brussels sprouts after onions, legumes, potatoes, cucumbers, beets and tomatoes, I found an empty space where I had grown beets the previous season. And although in the spring the “first harvest” in this place was white cabbage seedlings, I took the risk of planting Brussels sprouts, but filled the holes with humus - a bucket for 3-4 holes. Like all types of cabbage, Brussels sprouts seedlings are ready for planting in a permanent place at the age of 35-45 days. Since my seedlings grew very sparse, I was in no hurry to transplant. The place for it was ready by June 15, and it so happened that 60-day-old seedlings were planted. The plants had already begun to rise up and had 8-9 leaves. When I transplant my seedlings, I try to take a larger ball of earth around the root so that the root system suffers less during this procedure. At the same time, the seedlings are less sick than when planting plants purchased at the market (they, as a rule, have bare roots). And although cabbage lowers its leaves during the day, by evening they cheerfully rush towards the sky. I made the holes in two rows according to a 70x60 cm pattern on a flat surface. But you can plant Brussels sprouts on ridges and ridges, since excess moisture can lead to rotting of the emerging heads. However, this cabbage tolerates short-term drought painlessly, since its powerful root system helps the plant “wait out” the heat. When planting, I deepen the seedlings a little, tearing off 1-2 lower leaves. Subsequently, I do not hill up the plants, but only loosen them and feed them. After transplanting, I watered the cabbage with a solution of “Fitosporin”, and two weeks later, when the plants clearly started to grow, I fed it with complex fertilizer “Kemira-Lux”. By the beginning of September, the apical bud of well-developed plants was pinched to stop the growth of the stem. This obligatory technique “spurs” the formation of heads of cabbage from the buds in the axils of the leaves. During this growth phase, Brussels sprouts require a higher content of phosphorus and potassium, which improve the density of the resulting fruit. In 10 liters of water you need to dissolve 25-30 g of superphosphate and potassium sulfate and pour (after watering) a liter of liquid fertilizer under each plant. For feeding, you can also use mullein, bird droppings, diluted with water 8-10 times. When harvesting, you should keep in mind that the taste of the heads of cabbage intensifies after slight frosts. The lower heads are removed first, and the upper ones are left to ripen.
Holes for planting bushes are placed at a distance of 40 cm from each other. Immediately before planting, approximately 1 liter of ordinary water is poured into each hole. Cabbage seedlings are planted directly into the dirt formed in the hole. The young seedling is sprinkled with dry soil to the level of the lower leaf and compacted a little. This technique will protect the roots of the plant from possible loss of moisture, and will also prevent the formation of an earthen crust around the young plant.​

Brussels sprouts first became known in Belgium, from where they later spread to Germany, Holland and France, after which they spread throughout Western Europe. Today, Brussels sprouts are grown in almost all corners of the world, and this trend is largely explained not only by the unpretentiousness of this crop, but also by the delicious taste of its fruits, and the amazing range of vitamins and minerals they contain. So, how to grow Brussels sprouts and what recommendations should you use to get an excellent harvest?


The following varieties have become particularly widespread and popular among modern summer residents:

Rosella is a mid-season and fairly productive variety (up to 50 heads on one stem);

Dallik is a mid-late hybrid with good yield and high resistance to clubroot;

Cassio is another mid-season and high-yielding variety (up to 60 heads per specimen);

Hercules 1342 is a late-ripening variety that is resistant to diseases.

It is quite simple to distinguish this plant from other crops: unlike other representatives of the Cabbage family, it grows not in breadth, but upward, reaching a height of 1-1.2 meters or more. On its long stem in the axils there are small, walnut-sized heads of cabbage with a diameter of 2.5-7 cm. Because of their resemblance to rose buds, this crop in Holland and Germany is often called “rosenkol” - pink cabbage.

One specimen can contain from 30 to 90 of these spherical fruits weighing from 8 to 20 g. The top of the plant is usually crowned with a lush rosette of green or gray-green leaves with slightly jagged or smooth edges. In the first year of cultivation, Brussels sprouts form the already mentioned heads, in the second year they are covered with flowering shoots, after which they bloom and produce seeds.

Brussels sprouts: growing and caring for them

The described culture is quite demanding on the soil and area of ​​its growth. The best place for it is considered to be fertile cultivated loams with low acidity or neutral pH. Just like for white cabbage and other representatives of this family, this plant is given a well-lit place on the site (due to lack of light, cabbages often do not have time to fully develop before frost).

The best predecessors are legumes, root vegetables, pumpkin crops, and early tomatoes. The worst are all cruciferous vegetables (due to the increased risk of transmitting common diseases and pests). Taking into account the fact that the duration of the growing season for Brussels sprouts is 160-180 days (about six months), they are grown exclusively by seedlings.

How to grow Brussels sprouts from seeds: obtaining seedlings

Seeds are planted at a depth of 1-2 cm. Shoots appear 3-4 (less often 8-10) days after sowing. The optimal temperature for seed germination is +18...+20°C, for the growth and formation of young plants - +15...+18°C.

During development, seedlings are watered as needed, making sure that the soil in the boxes does not dry out, but is not overly flooded with water.

Transplantation to a permanent place

When the bushes get stronger and have 4-7 true leaves, the young plants are planted in the soil - usually this is done from May 15 to June 5.

In advance, in the fall, taking into account the layout of the garden plot, a separate, spacious and well-lit place is allocated for them (do not forget that for the full development of each bush, at least 1 sq.m of feeding area is required).

Next, instructions on how to how to grow brussels sprouts, provides a standard list of recommendations for the autumn preparation of a site for planting seedlings, namely the fulfillment of such conditions as:

Deep digging of the site;

Application of mineral fertilizers to the soil: 5-6 kg of peat compost are applied per 1 sq.m of land, 1-2 tbsp. spoons of ammonium nitrate and superphosphate, 1 tbsp. l. potassium chloride. Additionally, it is necessary to add ash or lime in the fall, based on the calculation: 200 g of any of the specified components per 1 sq.m.

In the spring, the site is dug up again, but no organic fertilizers are applied, so as not to provoke a delay in the formation of heads of cabbage or their painful deformation. Young plants with a lump of earth on their roots are planted in rows, maintaining a distance between them of 60-70 cm in each direction. When planting, the soil around the stems is carefully compacted so that the growing shoots are securely fixed in the ground. It is important to note here that cassette and potted seedlings, whose root system does not suffer during transplantation, take root best in a new location.

Caring for Brussels sprouts is almost no different from the rules for growing white cabbage - with the only exception that “Belgian” is slightly less demanding on watering due to its strong and well-developed root system.

During cultivation in open ground, watering is carried out approximately 8-10 times, based on the norm of 350-400 liters of water per 10 square meters. meters per watering before the formation of heads of cabbage, and 400-450 liters after their appearance.

Twice a season, young plants are fed with mineral (not organic!) fertilizers, to which this crop is very responsive. The first fertilizing is done a week after planting the seedlings in the ground. In this case, use nitroammophoska at the rate of 1 tsp. for 2 holes. The second time the elongated bushes are fed during the period of setting the first heads of cabbage. Here the following composition is prepared: 25 g of double superphosphate and potassium sulfate + nitroammophosphate are dissolved in a bucket of water. About 1.5 liters of this solution is poured under each plant.

With the onset of September days, i.e. approximately 3-3.5 weeks before harvest, the top of each plant will need to be pinched and the rosette leaves trimmed. Thanks to this method (the so-called “decapitation”), the fruits formed on the stem will be larger. The signal for harvesting is the yellowish color of the leaves at the base of the heads (the leaves first turn yellow and then fall off), as well as the appearance of a waxy sheen on the fruits themselves.

The harvest can be harvested at once by simply cutting off the stems, or the harvesting process can be divided into 2-3 stages. In the latter case, the collection of heads of cabbage begins from the bottom of the plants, breaking out the formed fruits with your fingers. You can also resort to growing by simply transplanting the cabbage into a greenhouse or moving it to the basement, planting it in boxes or ditches with well-moistened soil. Growing is carried out at a temperature of +3…+6°С. For long-term storage, the fruits are not removed from the stems.

It is recommended to store separated fruits in a cool place without peeling or washing off the protective coating from them. Before eating or cooking, it is advisable to immerse Brussels sprouts in boiling water for a few minutes.


Brussels sprouts seedlings are grown by many gardeners in our country. This biennial crop is one of the most frost-resistant and unpretentious plants. In addition, the vegetable is one of the long-ripening species. How to grow previously sown seedlings - let's look at the propagation process in detail.

To obtain and grow vegetable seedlings, you need to plant seeds. The best time for this will be the period from the second ten days of March to the first ten days of April. The main problem that gardeners face is the need to provide seedlings with a suitable night temperature. At night, it should be 6–7 °C, while during the day the optimal temperature is 15–16 °C. In this regard, a heated greenhouse or glazed balcony would be a suitable place for young seedlings. Avoid sudden changes in air humidity. Keep this figure at 70%.

Harvesting Brussels sprouts

Before planting the seeds, warm them in hot water for 20 minutes. After this, the seed is dipped in cold water, and then kept in a solution of potassium permanganate for about 10 hours. After this, rinse the seeds and place them in a refrigerator drawer for 24 hours. Finally, dry the seeds. Brussels sprouts should be sown in a container with soil to a depth of no more than 2 cm. A mixture of the following components is suitable as a soil for sowing:

  • 1 part wood ash;
  • 1 part sand;
  • 1 part of turf land;
  • 1 part peat;
  • 100 g of mineral fertilizers.

Before planting, be sure to spray the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate. When sowing, maintain distance between seeds. The distance should not be less than 5 cm. After sowing, cover the container with glass. The first shoots, as a rule, appear already on the fifth day. Immediately after this, the glass must be removed and the temperature regime described above must be adhered to.

In order for Brussels sprouts to grow quickly, they need to be watered regularly and loosen the soil. The soil with seedlings must be kept moist at all times. At the same time, the soil should not be over-moistened so that the seedlings do not get sick with blackleg. There is no need to water the soil for the first 15 days after emergence. After this, moisten the seedlings as needed.

In the soil previously prepared for sowing, the crop is grown until two cotyledon leaves appear on the stems. As soon as they are formed, you can start picking seedlings. This is a very important stage in the cultivation of Brussels sprouts - it gives the plant roots the opportunity to grow and develop before transplanting into open soil.

Young cabbage seedlings before planting

Immediately before planting into separate containers, treat the soil with seedlings with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. As soon as the soil absorbs the product, carefully take the seedling at the base of the stem and carefully remove it along with the earthen lump. After this, place the plants in a separate pot. If there is such a need, then you can shorten the central root. After transplantation, plants need feeding. Fertilizers should be applied no earlier than two true leaves appear on the stem. For fertilizer, prepare a solution from:

  • 30 g superphosphate;
  • 15 g of potassium sulfate;
  • 25 g ammonium nitrate;
  • 9 liters of water.

After 15 days, fertilization must be repeated. To do this, 65 g of superphosphate, 25 g of potassium sulfate and 40 g of ammonium nitrate are diluted in 10 liters of water. After each fertilizing, the soil should be watered with settled warm water. About 15 days before planting in open soil, the plants begin to harden off. To do this, pots with seedlings must be taken outside. First keep them outside for an hour, after 2-3 days increase the time spent outside to 90 minutes.

Many beginning gardeners think: “I’ve been growing crops for a long time. When will the time come to replant it in open soil? The answer is very simple - vegetables are planted when they reach 5 true leaves. This typically occurs between late May and mid-June, although timing may vary depending on the specific region. Brussels sprouts “adore” sunny areas in the southern part of the garden. It is very good if carrots, potatoes or green manure have sprouted in the garden before. At the same time, if beets, tomatoes and daikon were grown on the site, then the seedlings can be planted here no earlier than after 3 years.

Planting Brussels sprouts in the ground

A week before planting plants in open ground, you need to stop watering them. Immediately before picking, moisten the seedlings generously.

The soil for seedlings should be loamy. The area for picking must be prepared in the fall. To do this, the soil is dug up to the depth of a shovel. If the soil is too acidic, then lime must be added to it. In spring, the soil needs to be fertilized. To do this, add a bucket of humus or compost for each m2. When transplanting, you need to add a teaspoon of urea, superphosphate and 1 cup of wood ash into each hole.

For picking this crop, as well as for, it is best to choose cloudy days, or do the procedure in the evening, immediately after sunset. When working, maintain a distance between holes of 50 cm. The row spacing should be at least 60 cm. The depth of the holes should be slightly greater than the length of the roots of the seedlings.

It is very important to adhere to several rules. Firstly, the garden bed should be regularly sprinkled with wood ash - this will protect the bushes from the cruciferous flea beetle. There is a step-by-step algorithm for depositing funds. The first time this is done a month after diving into open soil. Sprinkle the soil a second time after another 4 weeks. The third stage is completed a month later. Plants do not need to be hilled, as this will damage the side heads. 2 weeks before harvesting, pinch the tops of the stems and cut off the rosette leaves. This will help the cabbages gain the desired weight.

Feeding Brussels sprouts seedlings

This crop requires regular watering. During the growing season, the bushes need to be watered at least 10 times. In this case, the water consumption should be 20–30 liters per m2. If it often rains outside, then watering should be reduced or stopped for a while. Also pay great attention to fertilizing. The first time mineral fertilizers are applied a week after planting in open ground. In this case, you should spend 1 tablespoon of nitrophoska for every two bushes. The second time, fertilizing is applied after heads of cabbage appear on the stems. To do this, dissolve 30 g of potassium sulfate, 40 g of superphosphate in a bucket of water and add 1 tablespoon of nitroammophosphate. When feeding, use 100 ml of solution for each bush.

Vegetable pests - how to protect your garden bed?

Almost all cruciferous crops have common enemies. Among the latter, it is necessary to highlight the cruciferous flea fly, the sprout and cabbage fly, the babanuka fly and the cabbage white fly. These insects are considered the most dangerous due to their number and effect on the bushes. Thus, a flea beetle can destroy half the crop from a garden bed in a matter of days, eating leaves suitable for human consumption.

To protect your garden, you first need to take preventive measures. These include strict adherence to all rules for planting and growing vegetables, timely removal of weeds and loosening of the soil. Also, for preventive purposes, we recommend planting coriander, potatoes, dill or tomatoes around the perimeter of the garden bed. They will help repel insects. If this does not help prevent the appearance of pests, then you need to try to cope with them using folk remedies. Hazardous chemicals are used only as a last resort.

Among the folk remedies are ground pepper, wood ash and slaked lime. By pouring them into the rows, you can scare away pests from your garden bed for a long time. We also recommend using naphthalene in an amount of 50 mg per 5 m2. Remember that cabbage pests do not tolerate watering. Therefore, do not allow the bed to dry out and moisten the soil in a timely manner.

Brussels sprouts are a very interesting plant, not very similar to the types of cabbage we are familiar with from childhood. Its tiny heads of cabbage are located on one stem, and all this together resembles a New Year tree. Growing Brussels sprouts is not difficult, but they are rarely planted in summer cottages and garden plots, since the total yield per unit area is small. However, it is a very nutritious, tasty and healthy vegetable.

Description of culture

Brussels sprouts have a thick stem from 30 to 70 cm high, bearing spirally arranged sparse long-petioled leaves, in the axils of which by autumn small heads (2–6 cm in diameter) and weight are formed in quantities of up to 40–60 pieces. On the stem they sit quite tightly to each other, but the lower ones are much larger than the upper ones, so the impression of a cone-shaped plant is created. The leaves are green, less often purple, with a weak or medium waxy coating.

When ripe, Brussels sprouts resemble either pyramids or palm trees

Brussels sprouts have excellent taste, the ability to withstand frosts down to -10 o C without damage and retain their original qualities for a long time. Small but dense heads of cabbage are convenient for canning and pickling in jars of any capacity, as well as for serving dishes.

High taste and nutritional qualities are due to the high protein content (up to 6.5%), which in terms of amino acids is not inferior to meat and milk protein. In terms of the content of vitamins and minerals, Brussels sprouts are significantly superior to other types of cabbage.

This crop is low in calories, which is useful for those who are on a diet. Negative qualities: it is low-yielding, demanding on highly nutritious soils with moderate constant moisture.

This cabbage is most popular in Western Europe, especially in Holland and Great Britain. In Russia, it is grown relatively little, and in amateur gardens it is very rare.

Popular varieties of Brussels sprouts

A couple of decades ago it could be said that there were few varieties of this type of cabbage, and there were no early ones at all. Times have changed, and through the efforts of breeders, varieties and hybrids of Brussels sprouts have been developed that differ in terms of ripening and consumer properties.

Between varieties and hybrids, it is better to choose hybrid options: they are more protected from diseases and pests. Most varieties were bred in Holland and Germany, but there is also cabbage of Russian selection.

Late and mid-late varieties

In Russia, rather late varieties, known since the last century, are most often planted:

  • since the 1950s The Hercules variety is grown, bred at the All-Russian Research Institute for Selection and Seed Production of Vegetable Crops. From the emergence of seedlings to the start of harvesting, Hercules takes 5 months. The total height of the plant can be from 40 to 70 cm. There are several varieties of the variety. Currently, the most popular is Hercules 1342, its bush is low, up to 60 cm. Up to 30 oval heads of cabbage grow on the stem with a diameter of up to 5 cm and weighing about 12 g each. The leaves are green or gray-green. The yield is low, but the variety is famous for its excellent taste; the fruits are consumed both processed and fresh; they are distinguished by a high content of ascorbic acid;
  • Brussels sprouts Komandor have approximately the same ripening period; on a small stem, up to 40 dense heads of very good taste grow with a diameter of no more than 4 cm. The overall yield is slightly higher than that of Hercules. Cabbage is consumed mainly after cooking. Withstands freezing well without losing nutritional qualities, the vitamin content is balanced;
  • The late-ripening Czech variety Zavitka is one of the best for growing in the middle zone, but it is planted in many regions of Russia, as well as in neighboring republics. From germination to harvest it takes from 160 to 190 days. The plant is very tall: the stem is slightly less than 1 m. It grows up to 30–35 large dense heads with a diameter of about 6 cm and weighing up to 15 g, their shape can be either round or oval. The total yield reaches about 2.5 kg/m2, which is quite a lot for Brussels sprouts. The leaves are green with a gray tint, the fruits inside are yellow-green. High yields require increased doses of fertilizers and water. The product has a universal purpose: it can be used both raw and in the form of various dishes, suitable for canning and long-term storage;
  • Dutch hybrid Boxer F1 - medium late, ripens in 5 months. It has been grown in Russia since the mid-1990s. Suitable for all regions, including the Urals and Siberia. It has increased resistance to frost, as well as diseases and pests. The height of the plant is up to 70 cm, the leaves are green or blue-green, with a strong waxy coating. Green heads of cabbage are round or oval, medium in size, dense, low yield. The taste of the product is characterized as good, universal use, long shelf life;
  • Perfection cabbage has an excellent taste. This is one of the best mid-late varieties for the middle zone and the Siberian region. A universal-purpose, high-yielding variety. The bush is compact and strong. The fruits are small, round-oval. Productivity is high. The variety is frost-resistant, disease-resistant;
  • The Czech variety Casio has been grown in our country since the end of the twentieth century, has increased frost resistance, and the growing season is almost 6 months. The leaves are green, bubbly, with a slight waxy coating. The heads of cabbage are small, no larger than 2–3 cm, dense, green with a blue tint; there can be up to 80 of them on one stem up to 1 m high. The yield is not bad, up to 3 kg per 1 m2. The taste is excellent, the purpose is universal, they store well;
  • A fairly new variety, Grüninger, is distinguished by the unusual orange-green color of its ripe heads. Ripening later, the yield is high, since each plant bears up to 80 relatively large fruits. It is used mainly after culinary processing: the taste of finished dishes is characterized as magnificent and delicate. Consumer qualities improve somewhat after slight frosts;
  • The late Russian variety Sapphire bears fruit in small heads of 2–4 cm in size, round in shape and of medium density. Since there are no more than 30 of them on each plant, the overall yield is low. The variety is famous for its excellent taste and dietary properties. Recommended both for preparing various side dishes and soups, and for fresh consumption, suitable for canning;
  • the Sanda variety belongs to the late group. The stem grows up to 1 m, bears about 40 medium-sized green heads. They are dense, round in shape, weighing from 10 to 15 g. The variety has a very long shelf life, the taste does not deteriorate at all from freezing. Resistant to various diseases and extreme cold.

Photo gallery: late and mid-late varieties of Brussels sprouts

Hercules is a variety of Brussels sprouts, the very first to take root in our country Brussels sprouts Commander is a good competitor to Hercules
Brussels sprouts Boxer F1 suitable for all climate conditions Casio Brussels sprouts taste great
Brussels sprouts Sapphire is one of the most delicious varieties Brussels sprouts Sanda is a variety whose taste is not spoiled by frost

Early varieties

There are no truly early varieties of Brussels sprouts. The growing season of the crop is long: first a powerful stem must grow, then numerous heads of cabbage are tied on it. Even varieties considered early require at least 5 months before the harvest ripens.:

  • Dolmik F1 is one of the best early hybrids, bred in Holland. Known in Russia since 1994. The height is relatively small, just over 0.5 m. The leaves are gray to gray-green, slightly concave, bubbly, with a medium waxy coating. The fruits are green or light green in color, relatively large, weighing from 15 g. Productivity is above average. The hybrid is especially popular in the Urals and Siberia;
  • The German variety Rosella is considered mid-early; the heads of cabbage are cut 160 days after the plants emerge. There are about 50 of them on each plant, medium in size, round to oval in shape, blue-green in color. The stem length reaches 90 cm. Productivity and taste are average. The advantages of the variety are the simultaneous ripening of all heads on the plant and their good preservation;
  • The mid-early Dutch frost-resistant hybrid Diablo F1 bears medium-sized fruits of emerald color. Their total weight on one plant can reach up to 1 kg, and their number can reach 55–60 pieces. Resistant to fusarium. Productivity is good and does not depend on the climate zone. The harvest can be stored for a long time and is used in different forms.

Photo gallery: early varieties of Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts Dolmik - one of the best among the earliest varieties
Rosella Brussels sprouts can be cut off all the heads at once Brussels sprout variety Diablo is resistant to fusarium

How to Plant Brussels Sprouts

The agricultural technology of Brussels sprouts is similar to late varieties of white cabbage. The best soils are fertile loams. She most loves organic fertilizers applied during autumn digging. An even more correct option is to add them when growing previous crops.

It is not advisable to apply fresh manure immediately before planting during spring preparation of beds. This leads to a decrease in the quality of the crop.

Since the growing season for Brussels sprouts is long, always, except for the southernmost regions, seedling cultivation is required, which is usually carried out in greenhouse conditions. It is difficult to grow high-quality seedlings in an apartment: they do not like high temperatures and need a lot of sunlight.

Do you need to soak Brussels sprouts seeds?

In some manuals you can read that Brussels sprouts seeds must be soaked, otherwise they will take a long time to germinate. Seeing such lines, one is immediately overcome, as the hero of one of the famous comedies said, with “vague doubts” about the author’s qualifications. Yes, sometimes cabbage seeds are soaked, but this has nothing to do with the desire to get quick shoots. Brussels sprouts seeds, like any other, unless they are very expired, sprout perfectly after a few days when sown dry, even at low positive temperatures. And if “wet” treatment for cabbage seeds is needed, it is for other purposes.

It is unlikely that you will get Brussels sprout seeds of unknown origin from somewhere. No one here specifically grows them in their garden: cabbage is a biennial plant and produces seeds in the second year. A Russian gardener, even if he plants this crop on his plot, will eat the entire harvest, and next year he will simply buy the seeds in the store.

If you have any doubts, you can go full circle. Some fans who have a lot of free time even soak cabbage seeds in water for several days. True, it is not known whether they sprout after this. Many people disinfect seeds in hot water or a solution of potassium permanganate. This operation is useful if the seeds are from a not very worthy company. Soaking in fertilizer solutions (nitrophoska, urea, boric acid) and even growth stimulants is also described. Well, as they say, if you have an irresistible desire... You can also read about hardening wet seeds in the refrigerator. But cabbage doesn’t need this, it’s not tomatoes, cabbage is a frost-resistant crop.

So: you can, of course, soak the seeds, but there’s not much point in it. If this is done, before sowing the seeds must be dried until they flow. But don’t overdo it, otherwise they will refuse to sprout because of excessive care over them.

Growing seedlings at home

Although Brussels sprouts are an exceptionally cold-resistant crop, the timing of sowing seeds for seedlings must be determined based on the expected date of planting them in open ground. Since this can be done no earlier than May (focusing on the climate of the middle zone), and the seedlings should be approximately 35–45 days old, it turns out that the time for sowing seeds falls on the end of March or the beginning of April. In the southern regions, seedlings can be started to be grown even earlier.

Of course, in the south it would be possible to sow the seeds directly into open ground. Sometimes they do this, but this is not entirely advisable, since immediately, already in March, you need to have a large ready-made bed, where 2-3 seeds should be sown in holes at a distance of about 60–70 cm. It is more rational to use a small nursery (and, if necessary, a greenhouse), and then plant the cabbage in a permanent place; She is quite loyal to the transplant. In the middle zone, you can sow in open ground no earlier than mid-April.

Like all types of cabbage, the Brussels variety does not like excessive heat when growing seedlings, but is demanding on lighting. Therefore, it is almost impossible to grow good seedlings in a city apartment with hot radiators; this must be done in a greenhouse or greenhouse. Throughout its life in a box or pots, seedlings need a daytime temperature of 14–16°C, and at night only 8–10°C (immediately after emergence it is lowered). Sometimes glazed balconies or loggias help out, but even there you need to constantly monitor the temperature. But there is enough light on the balcony, unlike in the room, for the cabbage.

The leaves of young Brussels sprouts differ little from the leaves of other cabbage plants.

Sowing seeds

You can sow the seeds directly into separate pots, preferably peat ones, but it is better to sow them in a common box and then plant them in separate containers. The box can be of any size, but the soil layer must be at least 5–6 cm. It is better to take soil that is water- and breathable, for example, turf soil mixed with sand. If there is good humus, you can also add it, and if not, at least wood ash. In regions rich in peat, soil mixtures are prepared based on it.

Step by step sowing process:

  1. In a box with soil, grooves are marked at a distance of about 5–6 cm from each other; prepared seeds are sown in them at intervals of 2.5–3 cm. The planting depth is about 1 cm.
  2. Water with settled water or a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. It is better to cover the box with glass or transparent film after sowing, but if the room is not very dry, the seeds will sprout just like that (in a week or earlier).
  4. You must immediately move the box to a bright, cool place: for the first few days the temperature should not exceed 10 o C during the day and 6 o C at night.
  5. Watering the seedlings should be very moderate: the slightest stagnation of water threatens the most dangerous disease - blackleg.

Picking seedlings

After 10–12 days, the first true leaves will begin to appear on the seedlings. Without waiting for them to grow, the seedlings must be picked. For this you need medium-sized pots, approximately 200 cm3 in volume. You can even plant them in a large common box, especially if the space in the apartment is limited.

When picking, cabbage seedlings are planted in separate containers

The picking is usual: we make holes in cups with a sharp object like a pencil, carefully select seedlings from a common box in which we water them well a few hours before, lightly pinch the roots and lower the seedlings into the holes up to the cotyledon leaves. We gently squeeze the roots with soil, water them and place the seedlings in a warmer place (about 18–20 o C) for 2–3 days, covering them from bright sunlight.

Seedling care

In a few days, the seedlings will take root in the new place, and the temperature must again be lowered and the maximum light given. Caring for seedlings consists of periodic moderate watering and 1-2 feedings. It is necessary to water carefully, at the root, the easiest way is from a small teapot. A week after picking and 7–10 days before planting seedlings in the garden, a small dose of complex mineral fertilizer should be added to the irrigation water. Better - special for cabbage, maybe something like azofoska. The standards are written on the packaging; It would be better to leave them a little short than to overdo them.

A week before planting, seedlings are hardened off by opening windows and doors or simply taking the pots out into the fresh air for a while. The finished seedlings should have no less than 4 and no more than 6 true leaves and be about 20 cm high.

Ready seedlings must have at least 4 and no more than 6 true leaves and be about 20 cm high

Planting Brussels sprouts in open ground

The garden bed, as for most vegetables, is best prepared in the fall, when it is much easier to do. When digging, you need to add manure or compost (at least a bucket per 1 m2), phosphorus and potassium fertilizers (30–40 g each) or a liter jar of wood ash. The best soil should have a slightly alkaline reaction, therefore, on acidic soils, preliminary liming with chalk or slaked lime is necessary. In the spring, the bed only needs to be loosened with a rake; repeated digging is not necessary.

The most convenient scheme for planting Brussels sprouts is 70 x 60 cm. The planting technique is usual. We make deep holes, add fertilizers to them (1 tbsp of ash is enough), mix them with soil and water them. We plant the seedlings, removing them from the pots with a clod of earth if possible. If it has managed to stretch out, we deepen it almost to the leaves; if the seedlings are of high quality, they are at the same level as they grew before transplanting.

Water well, mulch with dry soil or humus. If the sun is shining brightly, cover it with grass or paper shades for a couple of days.


Caring for cabbage in open ground consists of loosening the soil, accompanied by slight hilling of the plants, as well as watering and fertilizing.


Watering, unlike growing seedlings, requires frequent and abundant watering. There should not be stagnation of water, but most often it does not happen: this cabbage consumes a lot of water, especially during growth. It is better to water at the root, but in hot weather sprinkling can also be useful. Afterwards, loosening is necessary, as long as the size of the plants allows. Weeds must be removed systematically.


Frequent fertilizing is not necessary: ​​it is enough to apply additional fertilizers only twice during the entire summer. The first time this should be done 7–10 days after planting in the ground, using azofoska. Dose - about 0.5 tsp. per plant (dilute in water and distribute between plants in moist soil). After half an hour, water the bed again.

Azofoska is convenient because the three main nutrients are in the most convenient ratio

The second feeding is given at the beginning of the formation of heads. At this point, you don’t need a lot of nitrogen anymore, so take 1 tbsp per bucket of water. l. azophosphate, superphosphate and potassium sulfate: this will give you a little nitrogen, but more potassium and phosphorus. If the bed has been well stocked with organic matter since the fall, no more fertilizer is required: with the slightest excess, the cabbage becomes flabby and tasteless.


A month before harvesting, pinch (cut off) the tops of plants. This technique accelerates the ripening of heads of cabbage and increases the yield. Brussels sprouts are harvested with the onset of the first autumn frosts, while on plants selected for winter storage, the leaves are preserved along with the heads. In this form, in the basement or cellar it is installed obliquely in rows and sprinkled with sand, where it can be stored until February.

Video: Brussels sprouts from sowing seeds to harvesting

Features of growing Brussels sprouts in the regions

Now Brussels sprouts are grown in large quantities in many countries in Europe and America. In Russia, the most favorable climatic conditions are in the Central region. But they also plant it in the northern and southern regions of our country.

Central Russia

Central Russia is best suited for growing Brussels sprouts: there is almost no extreme heat here (except for 2010), and the amount of rain sometimes allows you to do without watering. Everything written above mainly applies specifically to the conditions of the middle zone. Here cabbage is cultivated exclusively through seedlings, which they try to grow in greenhouses. Enthusiasts also sometimes try direct sowing of seeds into a garden bed in a permanent place, but this must be done in mid-April, and the weather at this time is still unstable.

Moscow region

The Moscow region is part of a part of Russia that is considered to be the middle zone, but agricultural experts often classify it as a separate line. The climate of the Moscow region is famous for its unpredictability, which, to some extent, is due to the high urbanization of the territory. In winter, severe frosts and unexpected prolonged thaws occur here. This prevents the cultivation of some crops, the roots of which react painfully to such alternation. However, this does not apply to cabbage.

Previously, it was believed that only one variety was zoned in the Moscow region - Hercules, but now the choice of varieties is extremely large. However, it is better to plant not the latest varieties and hybrids here. Brussels sprouts are grown in the Moscow region only through the seedling stage. Plants almost never spud. The top bud is cut off at the very beginning of autumn, and after another month the entire top is removed. Harvesting is carried out in mid-October in several stages, cutting out the heads as they ripen.


It is generally accepted that the climate in Siberia is harsh. But, firstly, Siberia is large, and the climate there is different. And secondly, the severity applies to the winter months, and in the summer in Krasnoyarsk it can reach temperatures above 30 o C. But the summer is quite short, and this is precisely the main problem with growing Brussels sprouts, which should grow for about six months. Therefore, you have to choose the earliest varieties and, of course, grow them only through seedlings. Seeds are sown in greenhouses from late February to April, and planted in open ground no earlier than mid-May. By this time, the February plantings are already outgrowing, so they can also be grown in greenhouses, under light cover.

Ural region

In summer, the weather in the regions of the Urals is very similar to Siberian, so the cultivation of Brussels sprouts here is also limited both by timing and by the correct selection of varieties. Sowing seeds in a greenhouse begins with the arrival of calendar spring, at the very beginning of March. Rosella is considered one of the varieties suitable for the Urals, and the best is Dolmik F1. In addition, mid-season Perfection, Boxer and Diablo are popular. If the apical bud on cabbage is not removed at the end of summer, you may not get a harvest in the Urals: autumn does not fall, and severe cold may come too early.


In the southern regions of our country, such as Kuban, Stavropol, Astrakhan region, Brussels sprouts can be planted with seeds directly into open ground. This is possible already in mid-March, and only those gardeners who do not want to plow large areas at this time grow seedlings first. Those who want to receive products earlier sow seeds in a greenhouse in winter. For the usual ripening period, you can sow the seeds in a small bed right in the garden in March, and by the May holidays, plant the cabbage in the usual way in a permanent place.

Here you can grow any varieties and hybrids, and failure can only occur if the weather is too hot. It must be said frankly that the southern climate is not very suitable for growing any types of cabbage; this vegetable does not like high temperatures. But in most seasons in Kuban, good harvests are still obtained.