Cool school games online. School games

Education is very important for every person. Every sane girl will eventually need the ability to teach someone something - otherwise how will she prepare her children for adulthood? And if a person masters the basics of teaching, then his students will become more than diligent, right? That is why teacher flash games are useful for every girl. They develop a person, give him excellent mental food and completely prepare him for more responsible times. So why don't you, dear ladies, play flash? teacher games for girls online and free?

Some of you will probably truly become excellent teachers and educators. You will teach children the most important sciences - mathematics, languages, science and other subjects. And you will certainly need certain skills in this regard, which you cannot do without in the difficult profession of a teacher. Where can you buy them? Exactly in flash games! Here you can catch up on your experience, become smarter and begin to understand how you can educate a student well. And if someday you have to put on a school uniform again, go back to school and teach children, you will probably remember with kind words the times when you could flash games teacher for girls to play online and for free.

Again, in these games you are not only teaching someone, you are basically learning how to learn. If this works out well, it will be much easier for you to communicate with other people in life - you will be able to easily find a common language with them. As a loving mother, you will educate your children, give them the first knowledge in their lives. And therefore the first learning experience is more than important. If you go through multi-level flash games, where there is a built-in system of bonuses, where it is very interesting and fun, you will be able to continue teaching children and adults everything they need. And this is the real truth.

Teacher play online for free:

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It happens that teachers' patience runs out abruptly. At first the teacher speaks in a calm voice. Then he starts to raise it a little. When school students...

You graduated from a pedagogical university. We studied there for five years and graduated as a mathematics teacher. So you sat all summer in front of a mountain of advertisements in search of...

Today you have a good opportunity to be in the teacher’s shoes! No, the teacher will not take the place of the student, but this is the only way you can get one. Looking at...

Learning is light, but so is lots of fun time spent in schools. Children have time to have fun both during breaks and right in class. Some even...

The young girl finished her studies at the university and is now returning to her school. No, she won’t study here again in the second round, she completed her training as a teacher and...

We know how sometimes (or rather, very often) you don’t want to go to school. But some aspects of life are integral and there are reasons for this. How to turn studying into an exciting activity, rather than a depressing process? The answer is to play flash games “School” to have a fun and productive time.

In this section, we have combined several different game genres that are suitable for both schoolchildren and schoolgirls. Each flash is unique in its own way, which means that any user can find a game to their liking. But despite the differences in genre, each of them has a colorful style, interesting characters, sound and exciting gameplay.

Here you can find games of both educational and entertaining nature, as well as simple and entertaining ones. Let's give an example. Many girls love the dress-up genre. After all, selecting looks from a collection of stylish items and creating fashionable images is in our blood. Now you can choose a simple outfit for school for Disney princesses. They also gnaw on the granite of science, but they do it lightly.

If we talk about games of a cognitive and educational nature, we note the flash game Learn English Words with Pictures. It allows you to expand your vocabulary of foreign words. Here you will have training in spelling mode, learning new words and pronunciation. And the entire gameplay takes place on a positive note, which brings joy from learning.

No matter how trivial it may sound, learning something new is really interesting. This way you become wiser, interesting and relaxed individuals and more prepared for life, plus keep your brain in shape. Such qualities will always come in handy in life.

Here you will find thousands of games that you are sure to enjoy! Our games about embellishment, dress up and makeup games will help awaken the stylist in you, and horse games and others animal games will allow you to get to know nature better! On full free games for girls! Princess games will make you feel like royalty, cooking games– improve culinary skills, and music games will develop creative abilities! Play with your friends online to beat their records and show each other your work! If you are looking funny games for girls, website– what you need, because new free games appear on girls go daily!

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the site always offers the widest selection of free online games. New games are added every day!

These are the games that always come in handy. After all, in addition to the game itself, the child learns to concentrate his attention. But the most important thing is still to diversify the learning process and keep the child occupied. There are games for every taste, some are more dynamic, others are calmer, this is due to the fact that they require different tasks to complete, and that the child’s mood is also important.

School is a place where you experience both good and bad moments. A place that in 10 years becomes familiar, with many emotions associated with it, moments that will always be pleasant to remember. School is a place where many people meet their first love and friends. Where each of us laid the foundation of our future profession. I experienced difficult moments that prepared me for adulthood.
A school is not just a school and a building, it is something more. A temple in which a person’s worldview is formed, shaping him as a person. This is why games with a school theme are very popular. There we can learn anything we want: create a design, master an interesting profession, or play a reckless joke on a teacher. And forward, many victories and knowledge await us!

What school games teach:

Most people believe that at school they only teach how to write and count correctly, but the majority are mistaken. In addition to division and multiplication, children read books that teach them to think. Think about the actions of the main characters, drawing the right conclusions for yourself, expressing your point of view in essays.
A very important point in school education is the search for information. It is impossible to learn everything, all the rules, all the facts, but you can learn how to quickly find it all. The ability to work with a reference book, encyclopedia, database or encyclopedia - all this develops potential, because in modern society the ability to work with large volumes of information is very important. Quickly find what you need and filter out unnecessary data.
Don't think that school is just about learning. These are active games with friends, competitions, cooking and labor lessons, all this was available to an ordinary student. And if you would like to remember for a moment that wonderful time - a carefree childhood. Then feel free to choose school games on our website. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of plunging into that magical time, at least for a short time.

Classification of online games about school for boys and girls:

Conventionally, several types of categories are distinguished, depending on the gameplay and tasks.

Social games about school.

First of all, approach this game with humor and a smile. The game involves the development of social connections among the player. Resolving social situations and conflicts. For example, you will need to calm down naughty first-graders, you will be able to choose your own classmates, or even take part in a school fight.

Free maze games at school.

You have to find a way out of simple labyrinths. For example, finding a way out of school from an unfamiliar place. You won't be alone, your company will range from classmates to aliens and ghosts.

Arcade games about school online.

Games of this genre involve collecting various bonuses and items. The more missions you complete, the more game points you get. The missions are very interesting and varied. You can hold an interesting casting among teachers, choose your own wardrobe and collect your briefcase.

Games in the classroom

1. Path

This game can be played both indoors and outdoors. All participants stand up and stand behind the leader. Participants walk like a snake along a path behind each other, with the leader crossing imaginary obstacles, jumping over imaginary ditches, and the rest repeating his movements. The leader can change (he can be at the end of the snake), then everyone has the opportunity to play this role. Who was the most original presenter?

An interesting version of the game is when all participants, with their eyes closed, follow the leader in a chain (holding hands). In this case, the obstacles must be real - fallen trees, holes, trees, etc. The players are given the task of not breaking the chain and not losing their neighbor. During the game, the participants develop trust in each other, and a desire to help the comrade following you appears.

It is good for the presenter to have two assistants who will help him ensure the safety of the players.

2. Late mirror

Attention! Make yourself comfortable. First on the right, imagine that you are sitting in front of a mirror and slowly preening yourself. We made one movement - pause for a second, look in the mirror. Another movement is a pause, the third is a pause again. Neighbor on the left, you repeat the movement of the first leader only when he starts the second movement, the third on the left will repeat the leader’s movement when his right neighbor begins to reproduce the second movement of the leader, and the leader himself has already made the third.

Thus, the leader’s movements will be repeated by everyone sitting in the semicircle with a lag of one movement. Who copies the movements most carefully?

3. Pacer (relay competition)

The participants of the game are divided into two teams and stand at the back of each other’s heads. Teams need to walk only a few meters at an unusual pace. The participant goes the distance and returns to the team, followed by the next one and so on. The step is this: bring your right leg back behind your left and place it as far forward as possible. Then bring your left leg behind your right and so on, whoever is faster. The team whose members complete the race the fastest and with the fewest falls wins.

4. Telegraph pantomime

Participants are divided into two teams and face each other. The leader quietly says a noun to one team, after which the players depict this word with facial expressions and gestures for the players of the opposite team until a partner from the opposite team guesses your word. Who depicted the word more interestingly?

Who guessed it faster?

5. Verbal volleyball

Everyone stands in a circle. Throw the ball through the center of the circle. At the same time we call a word, a noun. The one who catches the ball simultaneously adds a verb that has a suitable meaning. For example, a “cloud” floats, a “bonfire” burns, and whoever calls nonsense leaves the game. The smartest ones remain.

Games at the table

1. One letter

Who can name the most objects in the room starting with a certain letter?

2. Film

The presenter announces the name of the film that will now be created. The first participant repeats the name of the film and names the next word (necessarily a noun), which defines the picture that presented itself to his imagination. For example: "Hunters, forest..."

The second team member repeats what was said and adds his own word, developing the plot. For example: “Hunters, forest, fire...” This is how words and frames accumulate. Each participant repeats all the words spoken before him and adds new ones. After a certain limited number of circles in the scenario, the logical end must come (for example, after two circles).

So, let's make a film. If there are many participants, you can split into teams.

3. Group story

One of the participants begins the story, for example: “The rain was lashing...” The second player continues: “The rain was lashing, the hunters were wet to the skin in their hut...”. The next player says the previous one and adds his own phrase. This makes for an intriguing story.

4. Damaged phone

The leader whispers a word in Russian or a foreign language into the ear of the person sitting on the edge of each team. The next player whispers this word to his neighbor, and so on in each team. The floor must be passed to the team's end player as quickly as possible. The winner is the team that quickly passed the word to the last player of the team without distortion. As soon as the turn reaches the last player, he calls this word out loud. The speed of message transmission and its quality are assessed.

5. Mixedness

Each participant takes a strip of paper and bends each strip into three equal parts. In the upper third, on command, we begin to draw the head of an animal. After the head is finished, we wrap this third so that only the very bottom part of the drawing is visible, and pass it to the neighbor on the left. Now, on new pieces of paper, we add the body of some other animal to the “unknown head” and again bend the piece of paper so that only the beginning of the drawing is visible. We pass the rmsunok to the left. And then we add legs to the next body. We unfold the stripes - and we have the funniest zoo in the world. Which animal is the funniest?

6. Song football

a) The first participant sings one verse from a song. The second should continue the verse of the other song without a pause between them. Condition: all subsequent verses must contain at least one word from the previous song. And so on.

b) Participants are divided into two teams. One of the teams (by lot) begins the game by singing an excerpt of a song that contains a question (for example, “What are you looking for, tramp boy?”) The second team must remember in a minute and sing in chorus an excerpt from any other famous song, in which contains the answer to the question asked (for example, in this case you can answer: “Three pieces of sausage...”). The game continues until one of the teams runs out, i.e. will not be able to come up with a song answer or question.

7. The most affectionate

Only the male half of the players take part in the game, and the fair sex is the jury of this competition. At the command "Start!" the men will take turns (clockwise) to say kind words to the beautiful ladies present here. You can't repeat yourself! After each spoken word, the ladies evaluate whether it is truly affectionate. The one who can no longer come up with an affectionate word (2 seconds are given to think), or the one whose word is not accepted by the excellent jury, is eliminated, and the game continues further in a circle until there is only one winner of the competition left. Who is our most gallant man?

Outdoor games

1. Centipede run

Participants in the game are divided into two teams and ranked according to height. (The taller one is in front.) The first participant puts his left hand between his legs. The one standing behind takes this hand with his right hand. The rest continue this chain in the same way. This creates two teams of centipedes. Each team, at the “start” signal, begins its movement towards the finish. The team that reaches the finish line first wins.

2. Terminator (game for 4-20 people)

The driver is selected. The game consists of the following: at a signal, all players scatter in different directions, and the driver rushes after one of them. His task: to insult someone, but this is not so easy to do, because he does not have the right to insult a player who is squatting (you cannot squat for more than 15 seconds), as well as a player who is frozen in a motionless position. The only thing the driver can do with a “frozen” player is to make him move or laugh. In this case, you are not allowed to touch the “frozen” one with your hands, but you can tickle it with a blade of grass or something similar. Salted or “thawed” becomes a driver.


All participants in the game receive cards on which fairy-tale or literary characters are written. Five characters from the same work must find each other and dramatize a fragment from a fairy tale or short story.


The "postman" brings telegrams and hands them to the presenter. The presenter reads out the text, and the players need to find out who sent the telegrams.





Participants take turns naming different animals. Whatever letter one name ends with, another must begin with the same letter. For example: "WOLF-BOAR-RHINO-JAW-..." Having named the animal, the player counts loudly and quickly to five. If during this time his neighbor does not name another animal, he says: “We moved on.” The latecomer misses the turn and puts down a forfeit. To redeem the forfeit, you must complete the squad's task.


Each player writes 10-12 animals (any) in a column. Then the presenter suggests writing the characteristic features of each animal on the back of the sheet. Now look what you got.


The presenter reads loudly from a list of 12 words, for example: lesson, hunting, evening, winter, circus, vacation, game, holiday, hike, meeting, market, vegetable garden. After each word he pauses, slowly counting to himself to five. To remember the words that the presenter will pronounce is the task of the players. To complete it, during pauses you can make drawings, which are symbols for the children, by which they can remember the words. Let's say, for example, you read "spring". One player draws a flower, the other a birdhouse. The game is played as a competition, so everyone must complete the task independently.


Guys, I have a chest in my hands. This chest is not easy. It contains things that were lost from various books. Help me guys put things back where they belong.

1. What strange green glasses. Through them everything seems emerald. What book are these glasses from?

2. And here is the glass slipper. So tiny. Fits in your hand. Who lost her, remember?

3. How many nuts are there! Wow, so many! Yes, not simple, all the shells are golden, the cores are pure emerald. Whose nuts are these? From what fairy tale?

4. What a beautiful apple! All the grains in it glow. But it's better not to touch it, it's poisonous. Who brought it to whom? In what work?


Having chosen the driver and asked him to leave the room, the participants in the game sit in a circle: by agreement, they come up with some object. The driver returns to the room and approaches the game participants one by one. everyone names one quality of the intended object. One, for example, says: “round”. “Oval,” says another. “White”... “Striped”... “Sweet”... “Juicy” - “Watermelon” - the driver guesses from these seemingly contradictory signs.


Each player has a sheet of paper and a pencil. Within 1-2 minutes you need to write as many names of animals, birds, fish and other inhabitants of the zoo as possible. It is best to write names in a column. Then everyone takes turns reading out their words. If someone has the word being read, he says: “Yes!” Everyone who wrote it down crosses out this word. After everyone has read the notes, everyone counts the number of uncrossed out words. The one who has the most of them wins.


A game for two large teams who have gathered, for example, at a summer camp stage.

To play you will need cards with pictures of birds. For one team they are: bullfinch, stork, hoopoe, sparrow, penguin, seagull and magpie. And for the other - a pigeon, a woodpecker, an owl, a cuckoo, an ostrich, a siskin and a crow.

These birds are easily recognizable. And among them two are flightless - the penguin and the ostrich. During the game, the presenter should pay attention to them with the question: does this bird fly? (Not at the very beginning of the game, but when the card with this bird hits.)

The game begins with the host addressing the players:

Tell me, is a tit a bird? (united response from the guys)

And the penguin? If there is a discrepancy in the answers, the presenter corrects the answer with a smile and continues:

Now let's see which team recognizes more birds. You are ready? Then let's start:

Not a magpie, not a crow or a seagull. What kind of bird is this? Answer me!

At this time, the presenter has already approached any of the players of the first team and shows him the first card. The player’s answer must be complete - it begins with the words: “Not a magpie, not a crow,” and then the name of the bird shown in the picture, for example:

Not a magpie, not a crow, but a bullfinch!

Not a magpie, not a crow, but an owl!

Name the bird correctly - point for the team.

If you don’t recognize the bird, ask for help from your team: silently take the hand of the one who must answer for you. If you don’t have time to take his hand, half a point is lost. If you have time and your neighbor answers for you, the team wins half a point.

For the second team of players, the leader’s words are different:

Not a magpie, not a crow, not a siskin. What kind of bird is this - why are you silent?

It is best for the leader to turn to one or the other team in turn and play the game at a brisk pace. And it’s good if he has two assistants: one has cards for one team, the other for another. Despite the fact that for one of the commands the words sound:

Not a magpie, not a crow or a seagull - during the course of the game they will still come across both a seagull and a magpie. Test your attention and intelligence! How will they behave in this situation? You can't answer like this, for example:

Not a magpie, not a crow, but a magpie...