How to customize the xvm mod for yourself. XCTuner - convenient XVM config setup

In this article I will try to answer all the most FAQ about the most popular fashion world of Tanks - he is also a reindeer. This article was created for lazy people who have no idea that the mod's config, namely the XVM.xvmconf file, contains all the settings with developer comments in Russian. For all more or less competent users, the previous sentence is enough to set everything up yourself. For everyone else... well, read on.

At the end of the article, watch a great video about the XVM mod!

This article is more about manually setting up the XVM mod. If you don’t want to do this, you don’t want to understand the structure of the config, then you can use . It is very convenient and will allow you to customize the reindeer gauge to your needs and immediately see the result without having to start the game.

By the way, even if you create your config manually, I recommend loading it first into the visual editor to check the display of all elements.

To begin with, a small educational program for everyone who does not understand the essence of the mod.

XVM is an abbreviation for e x tended v visualisation m od, it is also called the extended combat interface mod. Essentially, it combines several modifications included in one large assembly, controlled by one config.

The mod stemmed from another, no less popular modification - OTM, also known as over target markers. This mod allowed you to create your own tank markers and was notable for showing damage dealt to tanks. Then, in one of the patches, such an opportunity was introduced into the game client, and many players no longer needed to cancel.

However, the mod continued its development and eventually turned into something more than just a mod.

To date, XVM combines the following features:

  • combat statistics and player rating, also known as deer meter (function is available only with xvm-stat);
  • displaying the chances of winning;
  • markers over tanks (OTM mentioned above);
  • disable the death panel;
  • control of mirroring of equipment icons;
  • icons of players and clans;
  • clock on the battle loading screen;
  • equipment icon sets;
  • ear control - transparency, width, content;
  • extended minimap with vehicle names and last light memory function;
  • alternative swath;
  • log of damage dealt to you.

Tweaking XVM

Next, we proceed to the answers to the most frequent questions of tankers. In order to enable or disable any option of the mod, you need to learn how to understand and edit the configuration files. For editing, you can use the standard notepad that comes with Windows, but I recommend you a professional and free program.

All configuration files are located here: World_of_Tanks\res_mods\xvm\configs\@Default

You must rename the file for the changes to take effect. xvm.xc.sample in xvm.xc. This file is located here: World_of_Tanks\res_mods\xvm

How to turn on the chance to win?

Important, this option works in full version reindeer when the game is launched via xvm-stat.exe. In battleLoading.xc we are looking for the text:


And we change wherever we find the parameter from false to true, so that it turns out like this:

"showChances": true

How to turn on the damage log?

All in the same hitLog.xc we are looking for the line:


You will need to edit what is between the curly braces ( ). Below is a description of some of the damage log settings:

  • "visible": true, - switch to enable or disable the log. false - disabled.
  • "x": - numeric value, indicates the horizontal position of the log. Negative values ​​will bind to right side screen. I recommend the value "285".
  • "y": - the same as the previous item, but vertically. I recommend the value "6".
  • "w": - block width in pixels.
  • "h": - block height.
  • "lines": - number of lines. Outdated data is pushed out.
  • "direction": - is either down or up. Specifies the direction in which the data is pushed.
  • "insertOrder": - end or begin, defines where new lines appear.
  • "groupHitsByPlayer": - combine data by player's nickname.

Below are the substitution macros that are responsible for the appearance of the log. You can customize element colors, text, size, and more.

For clarity, here is a piece of the hit log config, which is used in the modo assembly from our site:

// Hit log (counter of own hits)
"hitlog" :(
"x": 285
"formatHeader": " Damage: ((dmg-total)) Penetration: ((n)) Last: ((dmg)) (((vehicle)))",
"y": 6
"formatHistory": " ×((n-player)):((dmg-player)) (((vehicle))) - ((name)) ((clan)) ((dead))",
"visible": true
"direction": "down",
lines: 6
shadow: (
size: 1.6
"color": "0x000000",
"strength": 100
distance: 0
angle: 45
alpha: 100
"h": 300
"insertOrder": "begin",
"groupHitsByPlayer": true,
"deadMarker": " N",
"blowupMarker": " M",
w: 500
"defaultHeader": " Haven't hit yet"

How to enable extended minimap?

The expanded XVM minimap displays tank models right on the map. This will allow you to better assess the situation of the battle. Another feature is that such a card remembers last place where the enemy was seen and marks it on the map. Something like this:

To enable such a map, look in the minimap.xc file:


A little lower, look for the line "enabled": and change the value to true so that it turns out like this:

"enabled": true

How to disable mirroring of tank icons?

In battle.xc file:


Change it to false so it looks like this:

"mirroredVehicleIcons": false,

How to remove the ear mode switch with a mouse?

In the file battle.xc we are looking for "removePanelsModeSwitcher": and change to true:

"removePanelsModeSwitcher": true,

How to use standard client tokens?

As you know, XVM uses its own tank markers, which, for their own reasons, are not liked by many tankers. So, in order to cut them down, you need to find a line in the battle.xc file:

"useStandard Markers":

And change the value to true. If you do everything right, it will look like this:

"useStandardMarkers": true,

Video about mod XVM

The first video is an interview with one of the developers of the mod. We already somehow published it, but I decided to post it here.

We published the second video in our public VKontakte. If you haven't subscribed yet, we recommend that you do so.

5 years ago Comments: 3

On the site, I saw a lot of people who asked: "How to enable and configure?" Typical problem. Setting up a deer gauge for the ignorant may seem like a real hell, but without it on the battlefield, well, nothing. After the release of this program, the life of ordinary tankers has become much easier, here's what she can set up:

  • statistics display
  • full customization of the combat interface from the account panel to the display of HP in the ears
  • setting up a login to the game (remembering the server, skipping the intro, etc.)
  • customization of information displayed in the hangar (platoon window, after combat statistics, achievements window, etc.)
  • minimap setting
  • and all other XVM features
The interface here is extremely clear and understandable.

After starting the program, you need to do the following:

Specify the path to the folder with the config where the xvm.xc file is located (exactly the folder in which this file is directly located). Look for it somewhere here: WOT\res_mods\xvm\configs\.
Set the desired options and click save.

In pure XVM, from the official site, the xvm.xc file is called xvm.xc.sample by default, so the program does not see it. Before pointing it to the folder with the file, make sure that it is there and that it has the name "xvm.xc", and not something else.

A new World Of Tanks patch has been released, or you reinstall the XVM mod separately or as part of a modpack, or all the statistics just disappeared, what to do? After all, if you start using this glorious mod once, then you don’t want to play without it, but here it’s such a misfortune - the deer gauge does not work. How to turn on the display of statistics?

The XVM mod, also known as the reindeer meter, is a very useful mod. Who does not understand all its significance is constantly whining, they say, a useless mod, squanders fps, etc. Of course, there is practically no benefit from showing the supposed chance of winning, it’s just a show-off for shkolota, who often see a high percentage and write in the chat something like “You’re finished”, “We’ll beat everyone up” and the like, who has a brain enough. BUT. Experienced fighters This statistic will tell a lot. Take the same bot growers, for example, seeing the statistics of a person with 12k-14k fights behind the shoulders, and the efficiency is below the plinth ( 100 -300 ) you can immediately draw conclusions about his style of play. Or does a person go into battle on MS-1 With 30k fighting and efficiency in the area 1700-1900 , the difference is obvious. Anyway, let's leave the debate about the importance and necessity of the XVM mod to other people. If you have come to this site, then you

reindeer gauge not working

XVM Mod (Reindeer Meter) may not work for several reasons.

1. Outdated version of the mod.

2. The mod is not activated.

3. Statistics not activated.

Let's start in order:

The installed version of the mod can be viewed in the configuration file. I'm on my way :your drive:\Games\WorldOfTanks\res_mods\client version\xvm\configs and open in our familiar and beloved notepad++ file xvm.xc and looking for lines "modMinVersion": "5.4.2"(I have line 69). We remember and go to the XVM mod site to compare your version and the latest version. If they differ, then we go to reinstall the reindeer gauge.

If the versions are the same, then most likely the mod is simply not activated, or the activation time has ended and it needs to be activated again. Again, we go to the official website of the XVM mod, we enter under our account and activate services. How to do this step by step is described in detail in

Well, the last probable reason why the deer meter does not work is not included XVM services. Well, again, go to the official website of the XVM mod, log into your account and check the boxes for XVM services:

Most likely, all the methods listed here will help you restore the display of game statistics in the World Of Tanks game. And if you have tried all this and the statistics are still not displayed, you can try reinstalling the XVM mod on a clean client (without any mods). Perhaps it conflicts with some mod installed earlier. Well, if this didn’t help, then most likely the problem is on the server side of the mod and the services of the reindeer are temporarily unavailable (yes, yes, and this happens). Here you should just wait a couple of hours before updating the mod on the official website.

Previously, only those players who were at least a little versed in editing configuration files could configure the XVM config, and for most players it was already very problematic to enable simply .

And so, to make life easier for ordinary players and help them edit the XVM config, the XCTuner program was created. Now, with the help of this program, you can make any settings and for this you will not need any additional knowledge.

You will be able to set up the following XVM configurations:

  • Statistics output
  • Customize the minimap to your liking
  • Setting up various modifications displayed in the hangar (your achievements, after combat statistics and much more)
  • Loading screen customization (remembering the server where you had your last fight)
  • Customize the combat interface (light indicators in the ears, damage panel, damage log and much more)

You can easily configure all this in the XCTuner program, which has a very simple and understandable interface for everyone.

When you open the program, to the right of you there will be a list of possible settings for each element, by clicking on any element you have selected, you will see a list of its possible settings.

As soon as you start XCTuner, you will need to specify the path to the folder where the xvm.xc file is located (exactly the folder where this file is located). This folder is usually located WOT\res_mods\xvm\configs\. After that, you can make the settings you need, just do not forget them save.

If you downloaded XVM from the official site, then the xvm.xc file is called xvm.xc.sample in it, and for this reason the program does not recognize it. So before you start, don't forget to find the file and check its name.

Installing XCTuner

unzip to a location convenient for you and run XCTuner.exe

download XCTuner for World of Tanks 0.9.17

  • Displaying tank statistics in a carousel (without XVM)…

If during the battles you used only the built-in statistics in the game, which does not shine with its indicators, but you want to see detailed statistics, installing the XVM mod, or as it is popularly called "Olenemer", will help you. Now we will tell you how to install xvm for World of Tanks.

With this useful add-on, you can easily calculate your chances of winning

So, in order to install the reindeer gauge, you need to download it from the ModXVM official site. We go to the site and see the archive with current version mod, download it, it takes up little space, so the download will be fast. After unpacking the archive, we see the res_mods folder, which must be copied to the folder with world game of tanks. We need the xvm.xc.sample file, we need to rename it to xvm.xc.

If such a file is not present in the archive, then the standard configuration without the possibility of editing will be applied. You can change the mod settings yourself using a text editor.

But if you do not want to bother with the settings, then the XVM forum will help you with ready-made templates from players that can be freely downloaded. But the easiest way is to use the online configurator and adjust the settings to your liking.

Then you need to log in to the xvm system, if you are not registered, go through registration, first do not forget to specify your username and password from WoT games. The server uses a secure connection, so you don't have to worry about someone stealing your data.

In the XVM statistics settings, you can select any parameters: the number of players in a battle, achievement statistics, recruitment statistics for a clan/team, comments, dynamic and static chance of winning.

After we figured out how to install xvm for World of Tanks, you can start playing

At the same time, you may notice that some changes have taken place in the game, statistics and various calculators have begun to be shown. But now it is relevant to use only two calculators EFF (efficiency calculator) and WN8 (damage calculator), the accumulated points affect the overall rating in battles and the rating.

At the same time, the main advantage of installing such a mod into the game is that now you do not need to access online calculators on third-party sites, statistics are displayed directly in the interface.

Installing the XVM-mod (reindeer gauge) will allow you to calculate the best possible chance for a successful battle, with the help of statistics you will learn how approximately you need to improve your military equipment in the hangar, so that there are as few defeats as possible. After all, the more targets you hit, the more currency and experience you earn, which can then be spent on premium tanks and weapons.