I’m not answering questions yet, my husband came and household chores continued until the evening.

I will duplicate an exciting topic

Second, money. I don’t work, my daughter, we haven’t been to kindergarten for 4 years, there’s no one to sit with her except me, that’s why I’m at home. I work part-time, but it’s quite a small amount, I physically don’t have time for more, my daughter requires attention + household chores (my earnings are usually about 2-3,000 per month). My husband works at a normal job and gets paid normally, but there is always not enough money, especially after we bought a car.
Our upbringing and attitude towards money are completely different, I was brought up modestly and economically, my husband was also modest, but he is a terrible spender, in everything.

No matter how much I plan the family budget, nothing works out; at the end of the month we are always in debt. I can control myself, but he is completely absent.
I tried to write down my expenses, it lasted for a week, then he freaked out on me. I tried all possible methods, put what I needed into envelopes, and as a result, in the middle of the month I was again without money. I gave him all the money, again in debt, took all the money for myself, and by the middle of the month he took it all away. He buys a lot of things that are unnecessary in my opinion, unacceptable in our situation... All my words fell on deaf ears, in the end he generally said that I took it out and filed it away, but I have no idea what to do.
In fact, I felt calmer when he had all the money, but we were still in debt, even more terrible than usual, given the fact that I was already denying myself everything.
Those. I'm freaking out too.
I'll tell you a few situations. Which basically pissed me off.

I want sushi. Well, I want it and that’s it, I’ve been on a diet all month, I eat little, not expensive (kefir, fruits, vegetables) and I really wanted sushi! Especially on my hungry evenings. My husband “has no money” for this (there are many other situations of the same kind, I want to go to the cinema, to the theater, to a museum - I haven’t been everywhere for years (and the sums are not great), there is “no money" for everything. Well, here’s sushi, for two weeks I was whining about this topic, “well, let’s order it,” but “there’s no money,” and on the day when I wanted it especially badly, but it was the end of the month and there was no money, he brought a bag of ready-made dumplings + all sorts of tea , tonics, energy drinks (which he drinks daily), for an amount equivalent to sushi... Although dinner was ready, and he knew about it. I was offended, puffed and finally told him “it’s not fair, it means what I want. there is no money, but for what you want to eat money, it turns out?”, he replied, “but these are dumplings and they are enough for 2 times for the whole family, and dinner is not food,” then I said “but pilaf is what I am! I prepared it for free and it’s enough for 2 times too,” to which he said something incomprehensible to me.

Another situation. I was going to visit my brother in a neighboring city, I had been planning for a very long time, but again he told me “there is no money for this,” and I “I don’t even need it, I’m just visiting, I won’t go anywhere,” in the end, “you’re welcome.” I’m screwed now,” I, “yes, we’ve been dragging this on for 2 years already, much longer, if not now, then it will drag on again until next summer, because it’s already cold.” In short, unexpectedly (even though he doesn’t have contact with my brother), my husband wanted to go with us. Let's go, he grumbled all day, he didn't like everything and spent much more there than planned, and somehow even I was to blame for this “there was no need to go there at all.” But that’s not really what we’re talking about. We were going to visit and I really wanted to buy a new jacket, because... My old one is already 6 years old (I wear it all the time all spring and autumn), it has completely lost its appearance, and in addition it has become narrow. Of course, the answer is “come on later, there’s no money right now,” but I’m bored now, that’s the point, I’m going to visit, I didn’t go and probably wouldn’t buy it (I generally very rarely buy things for myself). In short, I got rowdy and said, let’s borrow from my grandmother, with the salary, and give it back. Still grumbled, they borrowed money. Bought. A couple of days later he received his salary, they paid it right away... and around the same day, quite by accident, I find out that he bought a new alarm system for the car (i.e. before payday, around the same days that I bought the jacket, it seems like even after it. The alarm system is of course more expensive than the jacket, he didn’t tell me about the purchase and didn’t even hint what he was planning, I just saw it myself... That is, he had the money, but he wanted to spend it on a car, so it turns out. ...And I took it upon myself...

In fact, he doesn’t refuse me anything, if you want, we’ll buy it, but when it comes, there’s always “no money”... They paid off last month’s debts, and it turned out that I had 2000 rubles left for food for a month and for everything, the rest is for my daughter's mugs, for parking, for utilities... I say, we have food in reserve, let's take the minimum this month, bread, milk... We live, don't buy anything, eat what we have, invent all sorts of things soups, borscht, my husband also comes home with an energy drink (which means I have money for it, but I can’t take kefir for my child, I’m saving), every other day he buys smoked chicken breasts (and I spent the whole day making dumplings with potatoes, coming up with an economical menu, like make sure the meat is tasty and doesn’t waste money, the child is without kefir)... A day later he brought a nail clipper for the cat, food for the cat, and a day later, bedding for the cat. During these days I bought 2 packs of milk, 4 apples and 2 bananas, a loaf of bread. I don’t know how to react to all this, I talked to him a million times, then she said she cut him down...

In fact, it’s always like this, I constantly feel a lack of money, I save on myself and the child, I feel disadvantaged. I want sushi, juice, a movie, clothes for my child that are more expensive, not on sale - but I don’t buy anything, because... The money I have lying around for the house is always not enough at the end of the month. And at the same time, my husband buys all sorts of junk, juices for himself every day, orders some crap on the Internet (stickers for the car, for the car, etc.), although I approached him with requests to order something, the answer was always the same " there is no money on the card."

I asked to order a gymnastics suit for my daughter, she was alone at gymnastics without a leotard, he said there was no money, let’s do it later. The next day I bought expensive fabrics to cover the cat’s house... I don’t understand where the logic is... It feels like he has money, but he doesn’t give it to us and spends it on his own desires and needs. I want to go to the cinema, again “how much money” and that same evening I came with beer and chips (at the cost of a movie) - he has football on TV.

At the same time, it does not seem to prohibit anything, i.e. Now I can easily go buy it with the 2000 rubles I have, which I put aside for food, some clothes, etc. Then say the same, there is no money. He’ll say borrow it, I’ll borrow it, and at the end of the month it’ll be, “Why give so much money???”

In short, I no longer know how and what to plan. I know for sure that he gets money from some kind of illegal work, but there is no way to influence him. I tried to take the entire salary for myself, I’m sure that he doesn’t give it all to me, what I give him for a month (including gas, lunch + a little more for unforeseen expenses), he runs out within a week and then comes the daily “give me money” and no matter how much you give him (and he always demands a lot), they immediately swim away... He can’t even say where.

Sooner or later, every family is faced with the issue of managing a family budget.

Unfortunately, they begin to do this only when, a week before the date of receipt of wages, the family realizes that there is actually no money. And there is nothing to buy bread and milk with, not to mention more significant purchases. And God forbid that someone from the family gets sick at this time. There is no money for medicine either.

The situation is completely different if there is actually not enough money even for basic needs, and you have to come up with various ways to get money in order to somehow close the hole in your family budget.

What do most people do in this case? That’s right, they go and ask to borrow money, or, even worse, they turn to a microfinance organization for a loan, thereby aggravating an already deplorable situation.

Today’s article will discuss what to do if you don’t have enough money to live on, and what ways to get out of this situation.

Studying your family budget under a magnifying glass

The first thing you need to do to get out of the current situation of complete lack of money is a full and honest analysis of your family budget.

Does your family have at least some source of money? For example, one of the parents works and receives a salary, albeit a small one, or you receive disability benefits, or receive child benefits.

If the answer to this question is positive, we analyze where the incoming money goes.

As a rule, the answer is standard - to pay for housing, for food, for repaying a loan... Actually, in most cases, everything is limited to payments for housing and food.

If there are other expenses, we look for ways to minimize them.

In the end, if there is no work, register with the employment service - they will transfer you some money, albeit small. And they will help with finding a job. And then, you will have the opportunity to find a more interesting and highly paid job.

What to do if there is not enough money for anything? Prices are rising faster than you can make money, and you have to choose whether to pay for utilities or buy a jacket for your child. Planning becomes more and more difficult, and a feeling of hopelessness gradually sets in. It seems that you will never get out of.

The only way to change the situation is to take control of your emotions and take action.

Step 1: Use your time and energy wisely

Finding themselves in a stressful situation, many begin to fuss: “we need to do at least something so as not to think about the bad.” However, as a result of such activities, energy and time that could have been spent on solving the problem are wasted. And by trying to distract yourself and not think about the problem, you move further and further from reality.

Positive changes will only appear when you focus on the problem at hand.

Step 2. Avoid impulse purchases

During a financial crisis, money simply disappears from your wallet. You don’t even have time to keep track of what they were spent on. To clearly control your expenses, eliminate sources of “easy” spending: leave credit cards and most of your cash at home, do not use or turn off online banks. Of course, such measures will only reduce costs for a while, but it will be enough for you to come up with a new solution.

Step 3. Use accumulated reserves

Despite financial difficulties, no one has canceled regular expenses: you will still need to buy groceries, dress, pay for utilities and rent if you live in rented housing. However, you can reduce your spending by using the resources you have accumulated. Inspect the kitchen: often the food you bought earlier can last for a week, so you don’t need to buy anything else.

And after digging around in your closet a little, you will probably find a lot of decent clothes and shoes there that you simply forgot about. By the way, during such excavations, perhaps you will find something that can be sold. Before you worry, look for money at home!

Step 4: Develop your rescue plan

Sudden dismissal, health problems, additional loans, moving - the reasons for your lack of money can be very different. But believe me, you are not the only one who finds yourself in such a situation: similar situations have probably happened before, which means there is already a proven mechanism for correcting it.

You just need to collect the accumulated advice and solutions, and then, based on them, you can create your own program for overcoming the crisis. Having a clear plan will not only reduce stress and fear, but will also help you take action.

Step 5: Do Something Every Day

No matter how great your plan is, it won't change anything if you don't act. So, having drawn up a program, start implementing it. At the same time, direct each step towards solving the main problem. For example, by selling an unnecessary item, pay off part of the loan debt. Every time, check your plan and think about what you can do right now. This needs to be done every day!

Step 6. Tell us about the problem

The best thoughts often come to us when we start talking about our problems to someone else. A financial crisis is just one of the situations that happen in life. So having a heart-to-heart talk, telling about your difficulties to a person you trust will be very useful: by explaining the situation to the smallest detail, you can look at it from the outside.

If you are not in the mood to discuss your problems with someone, describe them on paper. At first, you can just write whatever comes to mind, and then try to structure your notes. The subconscious will definitely tell you an unexpected decision.

Step 7: Don't hide anything from your partner

According to statistics, most marriages fail when they encounter financial problems. Money issues in themselves are often the cause of quarrels, and if there are already other cracks in your union, then a financial crisis will accelerate the breakup.

The only way out is to be honest with your partner. If you expect reciprocity and support, set an example.