What can you pick up through a kiss? What diseases are transmitted through human saliva list

Many people know that sexually transmitted diseases are most often transmitted sexually. However, despite this, the question of whether there is a chance of getting syphilis through a kiss remains relevant, especially among teenagers. To understand this issue, you need to study the main routes of infection with this disease.

The routes of infection can be different, and the danger of infection lies in the fact that syphilis does not have pronounced signs noticeable at the first stage of the disease. There are such ways of transmitting this disease:

Most medical literature states that there is a possibility of contracting syphilis through physiological secretions, but does not give an exact answer to the question of whether syphilis is transmitted through a kiss. Venereologists are inclined to believe that not every kiss causes syphilis. The causative agent of the disease lives in a liquid medium, for example, in saliva, so there is a chance of contracting this disease through a kiss. Infection occurs through microcracks in the oral cavity or during any dental diseases.

Syphilis may not be transmitted with every kiss. If it is friendly and only the skin of the lips touches, then the percentage of infection entering the blood is minimal. But when the mucous membrane of the mouth is connected during the kiss, the chance of infection increases. A moist and warm oral cavity is a favorable environment for the pathogen of syphilis to live. Infected saliva that gets on the skin quickly loses its activity, and within 30–40 minutes it becomes absolutely safe if it does not get into the area of ​​scratches and or cracks existing on the skin.

In the process of close kissing, not only the skin is involved, but also the saliva of an infected person, so such contact becomes a direct cause of infection with syphilis through a kiss.

When comparing infection through saliva from a close kiss and sexual intercourse, the likelihood of acquiring the disease in the first way is much lower. But under certain conditions, it is still possible to become infected with a disease through a kiss, since the slightest microcrack in the oral cavity will become a conductor of infection into the body of a healthy person.

Signs of infection

Many people naively believe that if they rinse their mouth with an antibiotic, they will protect themselves from infection. This is actually not true. If the causative agent of the disease enters the body, it will not be possible to get rid of it in this way. To protect yourself, you need to stop close contact with a carrier of syphilis. You should be attentive to yourself, as symptoms of infection may be as follows:

If these signs appear, you should consult a venereologist.

Treatment options

If you contracted syphilis through a kiss, it is extremely important to begin treatment at the initial stage, since advanced syphilis will have serious consequences. The drugs used for therapy at the primary stage are antibiotics of such groups as:

  • penicillins;
  • macrolites;
  • tetracyclines.

Together with them, the following are prescribed for treatment:

  • immunomodulators;
  • antifungal drugs;
  • multivitamins;
  • probiotics

At the initial stage of development, syphilis is treated in a hospital setting by administering penicillin injections every 4 hours for 24 days. Patients with an early latent type of disease are treated for 20 days, after which they can continue with outpatient treatment.

The duration of therapeutic effect depends on the stage of syphilis and the severity of its manifestations.

In case of an allergic reaction to penicillin, the patient is administered macrolites, tetracyclines or fluoroquinolones, as well as drugs based on iodine and bismuth. This complex of medications enhances the effect of the antibiotic. If one person is diagnosed with syphilis, both partners must undergo treatment.

The danger of HIV infection lies in the fact that after infection it is contained in human fluids (sperm, vaginal discharge, blood). Therefore, many people who are worried about their health are concerned about the possibility of infection through saliva. When diagnosing a virus, a specialist must find out the source of infection, since it is necessary to understand further preventive measures.

To begin with, we should distinguish between the concepts of HIV infection and AIDS. In theory, there is an assumption that a viral infection can directly be transmitted from a carrier to a healthy person. However, no such cases have been recorded in medicine. If we talk about AIDS, then it cannot be contracted either during a kiss or under other circumstances, since this is the last stage of HIV. To the extent that average people are unaware, the fear of a possible fatal infection is growing.

There are cases when in a couple one of the partners is a carrier of HIV, and the second is a completely healthy person. By using barrier contraception in the form of condoms, you can prevent infection of another person. It is also important to monitor for injuries that are associated with blood. If you follow fairly simple safety measures, the carrier of the virus is completely safe for a healthy person. If the virus was transmitted through saliva, then it is likely that only a few would remain healthy.

Arguments confirming that HIV cannot be acquired through a kiss:

  1. The virus must be in sufficient concentration to infect another person; on the contrary, there is not enough of it in saliva. To activate the pathological process, a lot of altered biological material is required, while saliva contains a minimum of HIV cells. That is why infection in this way is considered impossible. However, the theory does not exclude transmission of infection through saliva.
  2. For normal division of viral cells, an appropriate environment is required, which can be vaginal secretions, blood, sperm, or mother's milk. It is in such human fluids that the danger of the virus lurks. A kiss in this case remains safe and does not transmit infection if there has been no contact with the above liquids.
  3. World statistics confirm that to date there has not been a single case of HIV infection being contracted directly through a kiss. Therefore, kissing is considered potentially harmless.
  4. Kissing the body also remains a completely safe phenomenon, since the virus cannot exist in an already dried secret. The pathological flora dies after a few minutes.

Note! Insufficient knowledge about the immunodeficiency virus and the routes of its transmission allow the idea of ​​possible infection through a kiss, but scientists have proven the opposite fact. Therefore, fear of an unreasonable route of infection only increases nervous tension. It has been established that with a sufficiently strong immune system, when the virus enters the body with saliva, its cells die and the danger of infection disappears.

When can you become infected through a kiss?

In any case, there may be exceptions, so it cannot be reliably stated that one cannot become infected through a kiss. Do not forget that if a kiss occurred, and both partners had wounds in their mouths that were bleeding, then there is a high probability of the virus entering the bloodstream. However, a sane person will not allow a kiss when there are obvious problems in the oral cavity. In addition, medicine has not recorded cases in which HIV was acquired through airborne droplets or a kiss.

The second point allows infection if a person’s immune system functions are reduced to a minimum due to an autoimmune disease. When the body is weakened, even the entry of a minimal amount of viral cells can activate a fatal disease. But there is a counter fact here - people with practically no immunity could not survive for long, so death would occur earlier than the likelihood of becoming infected with HIV.

It is important! Despite controversial arguments, the issue of the likelihood of infection through saliva has been resolved, and kissing poses virtually no danger. Therefore, if there is no direct contact with the blood, semen, or vaginal secretions of the virus carrier, then it remains safe for others.

How can you become infected with HIV?

Routes of infectionShort description
Sex without using a condomIt has been determined that this method of infection remains the most common in the world. At the same time, you need to pay attention that the risk of infection during anal sex is very high. This is explained by possible damage to the rectum. Oral sex also does not exclude the possibility of acquiring HIV infection, but in this case, infection will occur if the sperm of a virus carrier enters the oral cavity, where there are bleeding wounds
InjectionsIn second place remains the injection route, when the virus is transmitted to a healthy person through poorly sterilized medical instruments or needles (using one needle is very often practiced among drug addicts)
From mother to childA viral infection can be transmitted to a child during pregnancy, during feeding, or when the baby passes through the birth canal. But, if preventive measures are taken in a timely manner, the risk of infection of the child will be reduced to a minimum (carrying out a cesarean section, artificial feeding)
Consequences of the professionWhen a healthcare worker, having abrasions or other injuries, carelessly handles infected blood
Organ transplantationIn case of internal organ transplant or blood transfusion from a carrier

Attention! If you use condoms with untested partners and carefully carry out all manipulations that may involve blood, then you don’t have to worry about acquiring HIV infection.

You can learn how to avoid getting infected with HIV from a specialist by watching the video.

Video - How to avoid getting infected with HIV

When is HIV not transmitted?

There are supposed ways of infection with a pathologically dangerous virus, but they have not been confirmed by science, so infection is excluded:

  1. By everyday means. When using shared things (towels, shared bed linen, dishes), infection is impossible.
  2. By airborne droplets. The virus is not able to survive in the air, so this method also has no right to exist.
  3. Handshake. The human skin is designed in such a way that viruses are not able to penetrate through into the body, provided that it is intact. However, a risk is acceptable if both people (healthy and carrier) have bleeding wounds on their hands. But in this case, a handshake is excluded.
  4. Insect bites. When a blood-sucking insect bites both a healthy person and a virus carrier, infection does not occur, since the insect absorbs the infected blood, but does not release it when biting another individual. The possibility of infection through contact with animals is also excluded, since the virus is not able to multiply in their bodies.
  5. When visiting the swimming pools. The immunodeficiency virus is not able to survive in water, therefore, if there was a carrier of the virus there before visiting a healthy person, then nothing will happen.
  6. Through needle injections in transport. Not long ago, the public was alarmed by the phenomenon of AIDS terrorism, when healthy people were stabbed with a contaminated needle in public places. However, medicine has not confirmed a single case of infection in this way.

To prevent HIV infection, parents should teach their children from an early age about the rules of sexual activity and protection. Do not neglect using a condom with an untested partner. It is best not to kiss an infected person unless you are sure that the oral cavity is completely healthy (without fistulas, bleeding wounds, damage from a toothbrush, etc.). If a kiss occurs, it is recommended to visit a doctor and do the necessary tests. In general, every sexually active person needs to be tested for HIV every six months. Thus, if a destructive virus is identified, the quality of the virus can be preserved by taking special therapy, and the premature development of AIDS can be prevented.

Quite a lot of diseases can be transmitted through saliva. This primarily applies to the relatively harmless influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, but this route of transmission can cause infection with much more dangerous diseases.

The same meningococcus, if the carrier of the bacteria does not fall ill with meningitis, but with meningococcal nasopharyngitis, may well be transmitted through saliva and cause damage to the meninges or meningococcemia in the infected person.

There are quite widespread misconceptions about the possibility of contracting sexually transmitted diseases through saliva (for example, through kissing). However, in reality, sexually transmitted diseases, except in extremely rare cases, are not spread through this type of transmission.

Bacterial diseases that can be transmitted through saliva

There are quite a few infections of bacterial etiology that can be transmitted through saliva.

Among them are the following microbes:

  • Staphylococci and streptococci (special mention should be made of group A beta hemolytic streptococcus).
  • Helicobacter pylori.
  • Meningococcus.

And this is not a complete list. Meningococcus is especially dangerous. The carrier of the bacteria does not necessarily suffer from meningitis; often those who unknowingly spread this disease suffer from meningococcal nasopharyngitis, and confusing it with a common cold, they are in no hurry to get examined and treat it.

It is believed that in addition to the fecal-oral route of transmission, Helicobacter pylori can also spread through saliva. Experts have mixed opinions about this bacterium.

On the one hand, a connection has been proven between the bacterium and peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, on the other hand, in a large number of people, Helicobacter is detected in the stomach, but no diseases develop.

Staphylococci and streptococci can also spread with saliva. Thus, microflora resistant to the effects of antibacterial drugs can pass from one person to another.

In addition, group A beta hemolytic streptococcus can spread in the same way, which can cause the development of autoimmune as well as immune complex diseases.

Viral diseases that can be transmitted through saliva

Among the viruses there are also quite a few that can be transmitted with this body fluid.

Quite often this is how infection occurs with the following pathogens:

  • Herpes, chicken pox.
  • Infectious mononucleosis.
  • Cytomegalovirus.
  • Influenza and acute respiratory viral infections.
  • The possibility of transmitting the hepatitis B virus in this way cannot be ruled out.

Herpes and chickenpox are quite easily transmitted through saliva. Although these diseases can hardly be called dangerous, it is believed that the herpes virus increases the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's disease, while both chickenpox and a common herpetic rash on the lips, under unfavorable circumstances, may well result in severe brain damage.

Infectious mononucleosis caused by the Abshaine-Barr virus (also called kissing disease), as well as cytomegalovirus infection, are caused by representatives of the group of herpes viruses (types four and five, respectively). Cytomegalovirus is dangerous primarily for pregnant women, children, and patients with immunodeficiencies.

Influenza and acute respiratory viral infections can also be transmitted through saliva. Almost all diseases transmitted by airborne droplets are also easily transmitted through saliva.

And although the main routes of transmission of the hepatitis B virus are parenteral and sexual, it is not excluded, given the fairly high contagiousness of the virus and the possibility of its transmission along with saliva. This probability increases many times over in cases where both an infected and a healthy person have diseases of the oral cavity, accompanied by damage to the mucous membrane and bleeding.

Possibility of infection with sexually transmitted diseases through saliva

Sexually transmitted diseases are not transmitted through saliva. Infection is possible with almost any type of sex, including oral sex. As an exception, syphilis can be mentioned, but such an infection is quite unlikely. First of all, because such a transmission route requires a very advanced disease, which is quite rare nowadays.

You can only get sick in this way if you have chancre, or rashes in the oral cavity characteristic of secondary syphilis. In general, the possibility of household infection with most sexually transmitted infections is significantly exaggerated.

Prevention of infection with various infections transmitted through saliva consists of oral hygiene and maintaining its health (timely treatment of diseases of the teeth, gums and mucous membranes); the risk of infection with some of the diseases can be reduced by wearing, as well as timely replacement of a mask (primarily this concerns influenza, acute respiratory viral infections and chickenpox).

A fairly large number of diseases can be transmitted with saliva, from a relatively harmless acute respiratory viral infection to a deadly meningococcal infection.

You can get many infections through saliva. However, contrary to popular misconceptions, sexually transmitted diseases are not transmitted this way (except for a few exceptional cases such as advanced syphilis).

But in any case, if you identify any symptoms of infectious, respiratory, viral or sexually transmitted diseases, you should definitely see a doctor and, if necessary, take all the tests and undergo the appropriate examinations.

Remember that timely detection of the disease and its proper treatment will speed up the recovery process and prevent the disease from becoming chronic.

Diseases transmitted through saliva, the danger of infection with infectious mononucleosis - look at the video:

Before this, I thought that kissing was a completely harmless thing. Now I understand that by kissing, you can pick up some kind of infectious disease. Hence the conclusion: girls and boys, kiss only those in whom you are firmly confident that they are healthy and do not suffer from any kind of syphilis and chickenpox.

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Re: Diseases transmitted through saliva, or the dangers of kissing

The article turned out to be very useful for me, I didn’t even know that so many diseases were possible with a kiss. Now the most important thing is to act wisely to take care of your health.

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A kiss is a sign of great and pure love, a way of expressing the most tender and sincere feelings. But according to doctors, kissing is not such a harmless activity. What infections are transmitted with it and what can you get infected through saliva.

By kissing, loving people, in addition to the well-known herpes, can transmit a lot of different infections to each other.

Infection occurs only if there is damage to the mucous membrane in the oral cavity of kissing people. These may be bleeding gums, cracks on the lips, jams in the corners of the mouth, ulcers or inflammation. In addition to herpes, there is a risk of becoming infected with streptococcal, candidal, respiratory infections of the nasopharynx and even HIV. Can you get an STD through a kiss? Unfortunately yes. Contact between oral mucous membranes and oral sex increases the risk of contracting any disease that can be sexually transmitted. What can you get infected through a kiss: syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, mycoplasma.

Fleeting or closed social kisses, when contact occurs exclusively with closed lips, completely eliminate the risk of infection. And the so-called French ones, when people come into contact with their mouths open, are considered the most dangerous from an epidemiological point of view.

Most pathologies transmitted through saliva are often similar to a respiratory infection, and often even a specialist cannot identify them at the initial stage.

Cytomegalovirus infection

The causative agent is Cytomegalovirus hominids, which belongs to the group of herpetic viruses. It is transmitted through kissing through saliva.

At the initial stage, almost 70% of infected people are asymptomatic. In other cases, cytomegaly begins with a sharp increase in temperature, sore throat, and nasal congestion. On the second or third day from the moment of infection, the lymph nodes in the neck become enlarged. Unlike acute respiratory viral infection, cytomegaly is characterized by a long course: from two weeks to a month. The second special sign of the disease is that in men there is no further manifestation, but in women the organs of the genitourinary system are involved in the inflammatory process.

Risk group for infection:

  • Pregnant women.
  • Newborns.
  • Infants.
  • People with chronic diseases.

Infectious mononucleosis

One of the most common hidden viral infections in humans.

The source becomes a person infected with the Epstein-Barr virus. It is transmitted by airborne droplets through the saliva of an infected person.

The clinical manifestations of the disease are similar to acute respiratory viral infection.

  • Fever.
  • Nasal congestion.
  • A sore throat.
  • Swelling and hyperemia of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

Afterwards, the patient develops distinctive and defining symptoms:

Disease risk group:

  • Children.
  • Adults weakened by stress and protracted illnesses.
  • Patients after surgery.
  1. To prevent infection or transmission of the virus, parents should not kiss their children on the lips. The baby should have separate dishes and all other personal hygiene items.
  2. Adults recovering from viral and bacterial infections should avoid kissing.

Peptic ulcer

The source of infection is a carrier of Helicobacter pylori. This type of bacteria belongs to the group of anaerobes: it dies in the air, but lives, spreads and is transmitted with particles of saliva and mucus.

People become infected with Helicobacter pylori most often in family circles or in closely communicating groups. This happens when using common utensils and not following basic hygiene rules.

Transmission of the virus can occur from mother to child through particles of saliva on a pacifier, spoon or other objects.

You can become infected with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori through kissing.

  • People with reduced immune defenses.
  • Suffering from dysbacteriosis.

The main method of preventing the disease is strengthening the body by hardening, a balanced diet and, as prescribed by a doctor, taking drugs from the group of immunomodulators: Amiksin, Groprinosin, Kagocel, Viferon, Derinat.


There are 8 known types of herpeviruses. They are transmitted by airborne droplets, birth and sexual contact, and household contact (handshakes, kisses, sharing common objects).

A person is most often affected by two of them:

  • Type I (oral, labial) is transmitted through a kiss.
  • Type II (genital, anogenital) is transmitted through anal, genital, and oral sex.

The disease may not manifest itself for a long time, and only against the background of a weakened immune system after hypothermia, overheating, alcohol or general intoxication, stress, or previous illnesses, it manifests itself as rashes on the lips, nasal mucosa and oral cavity.

It is dangerous if rashes occur more than five times a year and affect not only the mucous membranes of the lips, but also other parts of the body. In this case, it is better to contact an immunologist and undergo a full examination.

Other diseases

Infections transmitted through kissing also include:

  1. Syphilis. After contact with the saliva of a sick person, after a month (this is exactly how long the incubation period lasts), a small ulceration appears in the mouth - a chancre. Afterwards, the sublingual and submandibular lymph nodes begin to enlarge. The disease is entering an advanced stage.
  2. Flu and acute respiratory infections.
  3. HIV. Numerous studies have proven that viral components accumulate in the salivary glands of the carrier and are transmitted through a kiss from partner to partner. But this only happens if the people kissing have bleeding wounds on their mucous membranes.
  4. Caries can be passed on from an adult parent to a child. Babies have not yet developed antibodies to this disease. Cariogenic bacteria transmitted through kissing increase the risk of developing the disease by 70%.

There are many benefits from kisses between loving people: from activating metabolic processes, normalizing the acidity of the oral cavity to the production of the hormone of happiness and the full functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Kissing is good for you. The main thing: avoid accidental contacts, observe basic hygiene rules, and be attentive to your health and the health of others.

Most philematologists - scientists who study the physiology and psychology of kissing - agree that kissing is healthy. Scientists have discovered that a passionate kiss leads to the same reactions in the body that occur during a parachute jump or shooting a pistol. It is also believed that constant kissing prolongs the life of those who are married.

Kissing reduces the risk of heart attack

During a kiss, breathing increases approximately three times, this enriches the blood with oxygen and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart. In addition, kissing reduces the production of cortisol, a hormone that provokes stress, and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. All this reduces the risk of developing myocardial infarction.

Kissing strengthens the immune system

More than 250 types of bacteria are transmitted to people by kissing. The Austrian doctor Ulf Beming claims that this makes it possible to equate the effect of a kiss with the effect of vaccination. The fact is that a fifth of bacteria are individual, and new microorganisms activate the immune system and increase the body’s protective properties.

Kisses save you from depression

During a kiss, the “hormone of joy” is produced - endorphin. It improves mood and helps overcome depression.

Kissing as a cure for wrinkles

During a kiss, about 30 facial muscles are involved. This kind of facial gymnastics prevents the formation of wrinkles.

Kissing prevents the development of dental caries

Some dentists believe that kissing is good for your teeth. During kissing, more saliva is produced than usual. It removes plaque and, due to the phosphorus and calcium contained in it, strengthens tooth enamel.

Kissing with lipstick

Over the course of a lifetime, a man eats about four kilograms of lipstick. In theory, lipstick can only contain substances that have passed clinical trials. Therefore, lipstick is considered conditionally safe. But! If the lipstick contains petroleum products (mineral oils, crystalline paraffins and microcrystalline wax), then it is harmful: these substances accumulate in the kidneys, liver and lymph nodes and do not have the best effect on the functioning of these organs. In addition, lipstick eats away tooth enamel. However, cheap lipstick is the most harmful - it uses synthetic products that have an allergenic effect.

How can you get infected during a kiss?

Don't forget that kissing poses a health hazard. According to some studies, kissing transmits the human papillomavirus, which is considered the main cause of cervical cancer. But most often, by kissing, you can catch ARVI and herpes.

If everything is clear with ARVI, then with herpes the situation is a little more complicated. If only because the flu comes and goes, but herpes stays with a person forever. But herpes is different from herpes.

The most common is the herpes virus types 1 and 2 - herpes simplex. This is what everyone considers to be “the same” herpes, it is about this that they say “a cold has sprung up on the lips.” Meanwhile, it “jumps up” not only on the lips. It can easily appear on any place where a healthy person comes into contact with the “bubbles” of a patient. Herpes easily catches on even with a fleeting kiss on the cheek, and during sexual contact, a “cold on the lips” can move to the genitals and acquire the status of genital herpes.

Having appeared once, herpes remains in the body forever, periodically exacerbating. Usually it does not cause much trouble, although it does undermine the immune system.

“Kissing disease” is also called infectious mononucleosis or Epstein-Barr disease, which is caused by the herpes virus type 4 (aka Epstein-Barr virus).

The disease most often occurs in young people under 35 years of age. Usually the virus does not cause concern, although sometimes it can cause cancer - lymphoma.

Kissing can spread cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection. It causes herpes type 5. CMV is most dangerous for women. It can occur hidden, being detected only during laboratory diagnostics. And during pregnancy it is impossible to activate and lead to miscarriages, missed abortions and fetal development defects.

Elena Rtishcheva

Doctor Peter

A symptom of infection when kissing is the appearance of a chancre (ulcer) in the mouth. But within a month after a romantic meeting, you may not feel that your health is deteriorating: that’s how long the incubation period of the virus lasts. Then the lymph nodes become enlarged (if the infection occurred through a kiss, then the submandibular nodes).

If syphilis is not treated, the consequences can be very serious. These are severe damage to the nervous system, bones and internal organs, mental disorders, including dementia.

Hepatitis A

It can be contracted through a kiss if the partner is just beginning to develop this disease (in the incubation period). The disease affects the liver.

The risk of death from hepatitis A is 0.3% in adults under 40 and 2.1% in those older. But usually the disease, if treated correctly, lasts about 40 days.

Stomach ulcer

Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium that lives in the gastrointestinal tract. If the body is weakened, Helicobacter can easily be caught by kissing. This bacterium causes diseases such as stomach ulcers, pancreatitis and even cancer.

Cervical cancer

The human papillomavirus, which can be transmitted through kissing, causes cervical cancer. The incubation period can last several years, so it will not be possible to immediately understand that you have become infected.


Herpes is a viral disease that often causes blisters with liquid to appear on or near the lips. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. In fact, herpes greatly affects health - but often becomes signs of other diseases, for example, angina, pleurisy, renal colic.

If such a virus enters the body, it remains there forever. Moreover, if it is treated, it will be in a passive stage. When kissing, it is transmitted only if it is active.

kissing disease." It is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (belongs to the herpesvirus family). It is difficult to understand that you have this virus. For the first 2-3 weeks it does not manifest itself in any way, then chills, high fever appear, enlarged lymph nodes, maybe a severe sore throat may seem like a common cold, but this is not the case: the virus can remain in the body in a chronic form.

Possible consequences are fatigue, weakness, decreased iron levels in the blood. Rarely - splenic rupture, airway obstruction.


Acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) and influenza are also transmitted through a kiss. So it’s better to wait until your partner recovers.

The benefits of kissing

But if you and your chosen one do not have infections, kissing, on the contrary, will only improve your health.

You will lose weight: A kiss that lasts longer than a minute is equivalent to a 500-meter run.

You will receive painkillers: when kissing, the hormone endorphin is produced - this reduces headaches and even toothaches.

You will get rid of caries: Scientists from Chicago have found that more saliva is produced when kissing. And phosphorus and calcium, which are contained in its composition, reduce acidity in the mouth and prevent the development of caries.

Get rid of wrinkles too: During a passionate kiss, 39 facial muscles are involved. This is great gymnastics for the face.

Improve your skin condition:“During a kiss, breathing increases three times,” says dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist at K+31 clinicNino Gogiberidze. - That's why the blood is enriched with oxygen and flows better to the skin.

As a result, she says, the skin condition improves, stress is relieved and mood improves.