Rebirth in Hinduism. Rebirth

It is enough to watch a few Bollywood films to understand: the concept of reincarnation is one of the foundations of Hinduism. However, India is not the only country that believes in the transmigration of souls. And not only because Hinduism is practiced by people in different parts of the world, but also because the very concept of reincarnation is characteristic of many religions. It is especially common in the beliefs of various traditional tribes around the globe.

What kind of thing is this, reincarnation? The term “reincarnation” itself comes from the Latin language and literally means “reincarnation.” In Hinduism this process is known as Punarjanma. You can learn more about the Hindu vision of reincarnation by reading various myths about how the god Vishnu reincarnated into various creatures to help people. In simple terms, reincarnation is the transmigration of the soul. People who believe in reincarnation position man not as a body with a soul, but as a soul with a body. After the death of the body, the soul can change it, just as we change clothes when they wear out. However, the soul cannot choose absolutely any body it “likes,” because each subsequent reincarnation depends on how a person lived his previous life - on his karma. So, if a person behaved unworthily, he can be reborn into a bird, animal or any other form of life.

How do people who believe in it see all this? Here are seven of the most interesting facts about reincarnation that you might want to know.

Unfinished business and unfulfilled desires

If the deceased has some unfinished business or unfulfilled desires, the soul cannot be reborn into a new body. She will continue to wander between two worlds until her desires are fulfilled and her affairs are completed.

Beating the Dead

This is exactly what the custom looks like from the outside, which is necessary in order to erase all the soul’s memories of the life of its deceased body. The fact is that, according to Hindu beliefs, the soul needs to be freed from memories of its past life. That is why, during one of the post-mortem rituals, Hindus hit the deceased hard on the head: it is necessary for the soul to forget its life. Memories of a soul's previous life can negatively affect its next life.

Memory is retained

Despite all efforts, memories cannot be completely erased: they are preserved, but remain in the subconscious of the new being. In general, Hindus believe that our subconscious mind stores information about all the events that happened to our soul during all its earthly lives. But, since our soul is not pure enough, we cannot connect with Brahma (the Hindu name of the main God) and remember all our lives. Only a few people who practice meditation and sadhana can remember their previous lives.

Cats aren't the only ones who have multiple lives.

According to Hinduism, every living creature has 7 lives. Throughout these seven lives, the soul will be reborn again and again, depending on its karma. After the seventh life, the soul gains freedom (in Hinduism this is called Moksha).

Wheel of Samsara

Birth, death and rebirth are natural stages of the soul's existence. As soon as she takes the form of a new body, she also takes on a new ego. If the soul abuses the good things that it received with the new body, it loses its purity. Thus, when the body dies, the immortal soul is left alone with its sins, which means it will need to be cleansed in the next life (this usually happens through suffering). This is why Hindus believe that all the blessings (or misfortunes) of this life are the result of their past lives.

Reincarnation is not instantaneous

The soul does not immediately find a new body. It may take a year or even tens of years before she can start a new life in a new body, because it must suit the soul according to its karmic parameters.

Third Eye

Hindu texts and illustrations suggest that we all have a third eye: we have simply failed to open it. Because of this, we cannot see our karma. The third eye is the eye of enlightenment. It can be “opened” through the practices of sadhana and dhyana, which can also help our soul rise to a new level. It was in this way that Gautama Buddha achieved enlightenment.


will help you understand not only what karma is
and how it is connected with your life, but we will also help you find out what exactly it is
Your personal karma is characterized and what can be done to improve it.





Repeated birth of a person in different bodies is called reincarnation.
This phenomenon means that some part of a person - namely his immortal Spirit and soul, after death can move into another body. There are many hypotheses about how many reincarnations the human Spirit and soul have. There is no need to list them. I will give you my point of view on this matter.
Reincarnations of the Spirit and soul of a person are not endless and have a limit.
They consist of twelve circles with twelve reincarnations in each circle. Collectively, the Spirit incarnates in different human bodies of different nationalities, in the male or female gender, in different geographical locations 144 times. During the incarnation of which, the human Spirit gains positive or negative life experience, fulfills the assigned karmic tasks or not, has the opportunity to be liberated from karma and enter the Divine Plan and not be born again on Earth. If the Spirit of a person, after passing through twelve circles, does not solve karmic problems, then, as is known from esoteric sources of knowledge, the prototypes of these Spirits are destroyed on the Divine plane.
Reincarnations can only be interrupted for two reasons.
A person himself can interrupt the course of reincarnation and remain indefinitely at the level of the Subtle Worlds (the Kingdom of Heaven), but this happens only if the person has solved all his problems on Earth and fully complies with all the requirements of the Higher Powers. A person must atone for karma, possess absolute wisdom (knowledge), master spiritual discipline and make efforts to achieve this goal.
The second condition for the impossibility of the Spirit’s incarnation on Earth is the unnatural or violent death of a person. Having studied the Holy Scripture for many years - the BIBLE and concentrating special attention on the chapter of “Revelation”, I came to this conclusion. Paying attention to chapter 6: verse 8 -11.
Quote: “And I looked, and behold, a pale horse, and on it was a rider whose name was death, and hell followed him, and power was given to him over the fourth part of the earth - to kill with the sword and with hunger and with pestilence and with the beasts of the earth.” There is no point in explaining the scale of unnatural violent death in our civilization - wars, alcoholism, drug addiction, crime, epidemics, death from difficult to treat diseases, natural disasters, accidents, suicides, a huge part of the world's population dies of hunger, etc. Quote: “And when he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they had.” The spirit, heading for the next reincarnation, has a life purpose.
Quote: “And they cried with a loud voice, saying: How long, O Lord, holy and true, do you not judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” These souls are not in heaven, not in hell, but in an intermediate state of lack of demand, eternal waiting and not in comfortable conditions.
Quote: “And white clothes were given to each of them, (this means that all the accumulated life experience acquired in previous reincarnations was erased from these Spirits) and they were told to calm down for a short time (as it seems to me, these Spirits are being prepared for a certain mission in future incarnations on Earth. Recently, the world of science has been discussing the so-called “INDIGO CHILDREN”, in whom the violet-blue color predominates in their aura. A distinctive feature of these children is their rejection of lies, injustice and other negative aspects of modern life. I have my own comments on this matter, which I will provide later.) Until their co-workers and their brothers who will be killed, just as they will complete the number.” (The number here means that the Creator created a certain number of Spirits, that is, a specific number. After the Apostle John was shown in vision one group consisting of 144,000 “marked ones,” he was shown another group. John describes the second group, as “a great multitude of people, which no one could count from all nations, tribes, peoples and languages.” This is the great multitude that will live in the 1000-year Earthly Paradise of Christ’s heavenly reign.
For many years, studying the Bible, studying esoteric and astrology, and creating my own concept in these directions, I came to the conclusion that reincarnation consists of twelve circles. Each circle consists of 12 incarnations. In total, the human Spirit incarnates on earth 144 times, with intervals ranging from a year to a hundred and millennia. The greater the merit created by the Spirit during life in moderation, before the Creator in relation to people and earth, the longer the Spirit can remain in the subtle worlds and, accordingly, the opposite, the less merit, the less rest. This is based on the fact that the eastern horoscope consists of twelve annual cycles, the cosmic energy of each year is determined by the animal and corresponds to the characteristic quality of energy - the year of the rat - aggressiveness, the year of the bull - perseverance, the year of the tiger - energy, the year of the cat - calm, the year of the dragon - power , the year of the snake - wisdom, the year of the horse - endurance, the year of the goat - criticism, the year of the monkey - ingenuity, the year of the rooster - idleness, the year of the dog - justice, the year of the boar - goodness - wealth. Each year of the eastern horoscope passes through 12 constellations of the zodiac - Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. You can calculate your reincarnation in this circle (in this life) by performing the following arithmetic operation.

Example No. 1. A person’s date of birth is 08/22/74.
22.08. - a person was born under the constellation Leo - No. 5 in the horizontal row of the table.
74 - under the auspices of the year of the Tiger - No. 3 in the vertical row of the table.


In this incarnation, the astrological indicators correspond to the year of the Tiger and the constellation Leo. This suggests that this person (i.e. his Spirit) is undergoing a test - the energy of the year of the Tiger (energy). This means that in his last birth he was also born in the year of the Tiger under the constellation Cancer, and in the future he will be born under the constellation Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces also in the year of the Tiger. After passing through the energy of the Tiger, the Spirit incarnates to the level of energy of the patron of the year, Cat (calm). If, for the two reasons stated above, the circle of reincarnation does not open. In astrology there are no bad or good signs of the Zodiac - they are all individual and endow a person with certain qualities. From the above it follows that people should be united and tolerant of each other, because we were born or will be born under the auspices of all years and constellations of the Zodiac.

Example No. 2.
Date of birth: 03/12/1971. Means the twelfth circle - the year of the Boar (good) under the constellation Pisces - 12th incarnation
12 x 12 = 144 reincarnation. The human soul lives its last incarnation on Earth in the human body.
The presence of circles and reincarnations does not affect the development of personality and does not give superiority over other people. What matters is only the amount of positive or negative experience gained by the Spirit in past incarnations, for the accumulation and processing of which, the Spirit is sent to the next reincarnation.

Special numbers that are mentioned in the Bible, in Astrology, Esotericism and in our time calculation:
These are the numbers -12 -24 -144
Bible: The Apostle John in revelation speaks of the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.
Quote: “And the twenty-four elders, sitting on their thrones before God, fell on their faces and worshiped God.”
Revelation verse 14.
“And I looked, and behold, a Lamb stood on Mount Zion, and with Him an hundred and forty-four thousand, having His Father’s name written on their foreheads.” Or in the same place in the Revelation about the Great City of Jerusalem: “And he measured its wall to be one hundred and forty-four cubits, with the measure of a man, which is the measure of an angel.”

Now let's look at the parallels in astrology.
12 years of the eastern horoscope.
12 constellations of the zodiac
12 + 12 = 24 - astrological indicators.
12 x 12 = 144 - combined astrological archetypes.
144,000 ******* - an infinite number of incarnations of Spirits through 144 astrological archetypes, which are essentially the gateways for the passage of Spirits into our Earthly space.

Now let's look at the parallels in esotericism.
Seven human energy centers.
When adding up all the petals of the chakras, mini-flows of energy, the following is obtained:
4+6+10+12+16+96=144 multiplied by 1000 = 144000. This means that a person is a LOTUS. consisting of ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FOUR THOUSAND PETALS. (consists of 144,000 streams of cosmic energy) The harmonious functions of the six lower chakras, which together make up 144 petals, provide a person with access to 1000-dimensional space, receive information from it and tranquilize their positive energy into it.

Let's consider parallels with the units of our time calculation.
60 are seconds in one minute.
60 minutes in one hour.
24 hours in a day.
By adding the time units we get 60 + 60 + 24 = 144 time units.
The above is explained as follows. Every second, minute, hour, day new Spirits (Souls of life) come into the next reincarnation. A new person is born - a future personality, and at every moment the Spirits are sent back from where they came. If you imagine Our Planet from the side, looking at it as if from Space, and the Spirits coming to us and leaving us in the form of points of flickering light, then this picture would resemble a shower of stars. And this Cosmic rain is continuous for the Universe, but not for the human Spirit.

Questions about what happens after his death have troubled humanity throughout its entire existence. In ancient times, the approach to theories about the transmigration of souls or the afterlife took place at a relatively primitive level - primitive people, worshiping totems and living nature, believed that higher powers would take care of them after their death.

They also believed in the ancestral transmigration of souls - when the soul wanders exclusively within a specific generation. Later, various ones arose, each of which has its own separate or similar vision of the afterlife. In this article we will look at what is reincarnation, how this concept is interpreted in different religions, how Christianity and the theory of reincarnation of the soul are connected.

Reincarnation call the process of transmigration of the soul, the spiritual being of a person into another form, which occurs after the death of a person. Such a concept exists only in Eastern religions - Christianity excludes reincarnation as such.

It is noteworthy that reincarnation is not the transmigration of the human soul into the body of just another person - in all Eastern religions there is a theory that in a past or future life a person was or will be anyone: a plant, an animal, an insect - but always an animate object. Who the spirit will move into and what status you will gain in a future life depends on the deeds done in the present - depending on what you earn, your position in the future will be determined.

Did you know? The origin of the concept of “reincarnation” dates back to the 6th century BC. e. - the names of Socrates and Pythagoras are associated with him. According to legend, it was Pythagoras who uttered his famous phrase that the soul moves in a cycle determined by necessity.

Some theologians carry out a more advanced decoding of the concept of “reincarnation of the soul” - this is not the transmigration of the soul as an energetic principle, but the transmigration of the Spirit - a material structure that exists outside of time and environmental conditions.

There is even a special science - the physics of reincarnation, which provides calculations and plans for exactly how the spirit leaves the body and moves to another object. For example, in such physics the percentage probability of gender change during relocation is calculated, split personality or the law of vitality - according to it, the reincarnation of a person into an object of lower rank - for example, an insect - is impossible.
However, many religious movements dispute this theory. How exactly do Eastern religions explain the transmigration of the soul after death? Let’s take a closer look.

Basic teachings of Eastern religions

The common principle that unites all Eastern religions is monism, the ability to see the Divine or higher powers in everything: in nature, celestial bodies, objects. For most Western religions, such a concept is heresy.

Important! Eastern religions are based on the theory of reincarnation and liberation, while Western religious movements produce a theory about the sole, earthly existence of the soul and spirit, which leads to post-mortem reward or punishment - this is their fundamental difference.

Rebirth of the soul is one of the key concepts on which the entire philosophy of this religious movement is based. The process of reincarnation is described in the Vedas, in these sacred texts the idea of ​​​​souls can be traced. Only the mortal body, the outer shell, dies - the spirit is immortal and is capable of moving and being reborn. Such a philosophy is inextricably linked with the concept.
It is precisely due to what karma a person has or what he earned in his current life that will determine who the person will ultimately transfer into in a future life.

According to the philosophy of Hinduism, the human soul is in constant wandering, and the fact that at the moment it lives in a specific person is only part of its journey, a kind of stop, preparation for the next rebirth. This cycle is called samsara. Chained people are characterized in the Vedas as ignorant and sinful beings who do not understand the true meaning of things. Those who have realized - those who have been conducting spiritual meditation for a long time - can leave the circle of samsara. In this case, the wanderings of the soul, its numerous births and deaths cease. This indicates that a person has achieved salvation (moksha).

The key difference between this movement and other Eastern religions is that the human soul can transmigrate into virgins- certain divine beings. In essence, a person can become a deity. However, this is only possible by accumulating enough exceptionally good karma. It is noteworthy that such reincarnation into a deity in Jainism is undesirable and even negative.
In order to earn good karma, the philosophy of Jainism has developed strict, even ascetic rules of morality and behavior (especially for priests). What is the value of just ahinsa - non-violence against any living creature (for example, sin happens even if you accidentally crushed an ant). Such strict rules mean that modern followers of Jainism today have mainly handicrafts. For the Jainism religion, the only way to get rid of the cycle of death is to achieve purity of spirit (by observing ascetic strict rules, constant meditation, suppression of passions). Ordinary people will not be able to get rid of samsara - to do this they need to become an ascetic.

The Sikh religion also teaches about immortality and rebirth of the soul. Unlike Jainism, family life and marriage are sacred to Sikhism- for them this is the basis of being, a way to glorify God - the only Creator of all things. Sikhism has no traditional concepts of karma, heaven and hell, or the afterlife. This religion is a synthesis of certain concepts of Hinduism and Islam, which has developed its own philosophy. preach love and friendly relations towards all living beings.
The philosophy of Sikhism is based on the theory that man did not appear in this world out of nowhere - he already existed before. It is his past life, his possible family that determines his uniqueness and difference from other people in the present. The subsequent rebirth of the soul depends entirely on the guru, or God - the deity’s decision about rebirth is based on the good deeds performed by a person in the present. Past life certainly influences present existence - but it does not predetermine the status of Sikhs and their position in society in present life.

Did you know? There are cases in history when Sikhs were freed from the reincarnation of the soul: the tenth guru Gobind Singh, after performing the sacrament over the Sikhs, freed them from connection with a past life - a past family, faith, predestination.

In the religious movement of Buddhism, the concept of the immutability of the soul is absent - on the contrary, spiritual state can change depending on the law of karma(who or what the spirit will move into in the next life depends on the person’s karma). If a Buddhist was able to achieve heavenly peace, bliss, nirvana, the soul will be like a heavenly creature. If life was filled with negative actions and deeds, the soul will experience hellish torment during reincarnation.
It is noteworthy that in Buddhism there is a threefold attitude towards the reincarnation of the soul: it exists, it does not exist, and it does not matter whether it exists or not.

The fact is that, according to one facet of Buddhist teaching, the spirit wanders within the 6 wheels of samsara (hell inhabitants, hungry ghosts, animals, people, asuras, gods), therefore, as a result of the state of karma, the soul will be imprisoned in one of these 6 states. Another aspect of Buddhism says that the soul as unchangeable, moving from one object to another, does not exist (however, the karmic tendencies of past existence remain, which affect our soul in the present life).

Buddha said that there is no past self traveling between time. At the same time, he taught his followers that they would still reap the results (or echoes) of actions from a past life.
It doesn’t matter whether there is rebirth or not - in a broad sense (as some followers of the Buddha taught), a person is a new being every day, not the same as he was last week or a month ago (experience accumulates, a person gets older) - but the person does not feel any difficulties or discomfort. Therefore, according to this concept, it is not at all burdensome for a person to receive future benefits from actions performed now, in the present.

Taoism is a Chinese religion based on the belief in immortality. It is noteworthy that gods as such are absent in this movement at all - their place is taken by various energies, so many are inclined to call Taoism more of a science than a religion. The theme of immortality is covered in many Chinese legends and myths, and recipes for longevity are kept in secret manuscripts to this day.

This belief in longevity also affected the Chinese: the immortality of the soul, according to Taoism, is possible in an exceptionally healthy and physically strong body, so recipes for youth have been selected over many centuries. In this regard, Taoism in its early stages came into conflict with Buddhism - the vague wandering of consciousness in the circles of samsara (Buddhism) contrasts with the theory of concrete work on immortality (Taoism).

However, later, under the influence of Buddhism, followers of Taoism also began to lean towards the theory of the relocation of the soul to other realities, worlds and periods of time, and the main goal - maintaining physical strength - gradually gave way to spiritual self-improvement, meditation and concentration.
However, this did not exclude the attempt of the minions of the Tao path to discover the “elixir of life” - the Chinese people are still famous for their medicine, and traditional Chinese medicine remains the most popular among alternative medical sciences.

Important! The main components of Chinese medicine are acupressure and acupuncture. However, it is strictly not recommended to practice such methods of treatment on your own - ignorance of human anatomy and incorrect technique of performing or acupuncture can lead to significant deterioration and even death.

This Japanese religious movement is distinguished by its peacefulness and a certain idealization: the world seems initially to be a good, bright home for souls- both living beings (people, animals) and dead ones. In accordance with this belief, the main feature of Shintoism is the desire to live in harmony with all living things - not only with animate beings, but also with stones, nature, etc. Such a concept as immortality also appears in Shintoism, but is considered that only the spirits of deceased ancestors can achieve immortality.
Shintoism combines both totemism and magic - amulets and sacred objects are widely used. There is no clear division between good and evil: if a person lives in harmony with everyone, then, most likely, he does good and follows the right path. The human soul, according to Shintoism, is also sinless and ideal - however, evil spirits can seduce and denigrate it.

Shintoists believe in reincarnation, but it is believed that the newly reborn soul does not carry any memories from a past existence. However, it can demonstrate certain talents, inclinations and skills in a person’s life in the present. In Shinto there is no place for divine influence on a person’s path - everyone can determine their place by their feelings, actions, actions and relationships with others.

Perhaps there are no more antagonistic concepts in religion than reincarnation, the cycle of the soul in Hinduism, the wandering of the spirit in the circles of samsara in Buddhism, the immortality of the soul in Taoism on the one hand, and Christianity on the other. According to Christianity, every person and his soul are created by God the Creator. With the death of a person, his spirit also dies - until God resurrects his faithful and obedient followers to life in paradise.
Christian theologians (both Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox) say that belief in reincarnation and karma helps a person explain why in this life he has problems, troubles in his personal life, etc.

Theologians say that it is easier for a person to blame his suffering on the law of karma, a past life - instead of repenting in the present, believing in the One God and leading a further sinless life. According to the Bible, reincarnation does not exist - this was preached by the followers of Jesus Christ, and they also argued that the spirits of the dead (as they believe in Shintoism) are not immortal.

Did you know?The Bible says: “The soul that sins shall die” (Ezek. 18:4). These words are the main arguments of Christians in opposition to the theory of reincarnation.

Christians, in their arguments about the impossibility of transmigration of the soul, rely on the words of God recorded in the Bible. They also cite simple statistics: if the majority of Eastern religions have been preaching since ancient times about the need for purification and the achievement of good karma, then enlightened, reborn people by today should make up more than 70% of the Earth's population. However, in practice, there is a global deterioration in the moral state of people, the emergence of more wars and, especially in recent decades.

The confrontation between Eastern religions and Christianity has been going on since the 1st century AD. e. (the time Christianity was separated into a separate branch of religion). According to statistics, in the modern world there are more than 33% Christians, and 23% are Islamists. The remaining 45% is divided between Eastern religions, atheists and various non-traditional beliefs. Thus, we see that the theory of reincarnation of the soul today is giving way to the belief in the absence of immortality, karma and samsara.

Reincarnation in Buddhism

Buddhism is one of the world religions. It appeared in Ancient India in the 6th–5th centuries. BC e. In the process of development, several religious and philosophical schools emerged from this religion. The founder of Buddhism is Prince Siddhartha Gautama, who later became known as Buddha, which means “awakened”, “enlightened”.

Buddhism arose in contrast to Brahmanism (Hinduism in its early stages of development), which found in the Vedas a call to perform animal sacrifices. The path of the Buddha was considered heterodox, despite the fact that it had much in common with Hinduism. Buddhism, like Hinduism, recognizes the existence of reincarnation. Only Buddhism attaches special importance to the doctrine of reincarnation of the soul. Thinkers of early Buddhism argued that the dominant thought a person has at the moment of death predetermines the image that he will have during a new life in another body. This interpretation of reincarnation passed into Buddhism from early Hinduism.

After observing himself for many years, Buddha came to the conclusion that asceticism and meditation help to achieve a high goal - nirvana (liberation from earthly life - the cycle of birth and death).

The Buddha's teaching on the soul and reincarnation has always caused much controversy. There was even a version that Buddha himself considered these concepts to be unfounded. One of the directions of Buddhism is the South Indian Theravada school. The followers of this school believe that living beings do not have an eternal soul (ana-anatman), therefore there are no prerequisites for a new birth. Since the Self does not exist, then there is nothing to be reborn. According to the teachings of the Theravada school, what is called the Self is a changeable combination of five elements (skandhas): matter, body sensations, perceptions, urges and emotions, consciousness. Adherents of this school also argue that an individual is more than a combination of these five elements at any time in his life. However, in the process of death, these elements disintegrate and the Self ceases to exist.

However, the Theravada school still believes that the disappearance of the Self is not absolute death, but rather the beginning of a new stage of life. Something karmic, after absorbing the five elements, moves to another body. With it, this karmic substance brings a new combination of the five elements and thus endows the body with new life experiences.

In some religious scriptures one can find indications that the “karma of the five elements” represents the germ of consciousness. The latter moves into the mother's womb. This can be perceived as an allegory about reincarnation.

According to historical data, the soul-denying teachings of the Theravada school appeared when the Buddha was still living on Earth. At the time it seemed original and had little support from the Holy Scriptures. When studying early Buddhist scriptures, it was proven that the teachings of the Theravada school did not correspond to the tenets of early Buddhism. However, among the Buddhists of that time there were those who shared the opinion that the eternal soul does not exist. This gave rise to much controversy regarding the Buddha's teachings on the soul and reincarnation. Upon careful study of this issue, texts were discovered in which the Buddha spoke about denying the existence of the soul.

In Buddhism, there is the idea of ​​reincarnation, since one cannot achieve enlightened consciousness in one life. This requires many thousands of years. Buddhism originally assumed the existence of the soul and its reincarnation. Some philosophers believe that the doctrine that denies the existence of the soul arose among the early Buddhists as the opposite of Hinduism only in order to make Buddhism a separate religion.

Researchers of the Buddhist religion have different opinions regarding how the Buddha treated the soul - he completely denied its existence or recognized it, but somewhat differently than in Hinduism. Most of these riddles can be found in the Buddhist Scriptures. At the same time, one should not give in to interpretations that are beneficial to politicians of different times. To find the correct meaning of these Scriptures, one must perceive the Buddha's teachings holistically.

At the core of Buddhism are the Four Noble Truths. They indicate the inherent desire of living entities, which leads to suffering in this material world. This directly resonates with the Laws of Karma and Reincarnation. According to early Buddhism, there are five levels of Existence: the inhabitants of hell, animals (gross creatures), spirits (ghosts), people, celestial beings. A living being is born at one of the five levels of Existence. The choice of birth level is determined, like Hinduism, by desire and karma.

Buddhism's position on reincarnation is similar to Hinduism. However, a person’s personality is considered not as something vague and holistic, but as a combination of five elements. Therefore, after death there is no transmigration of the soul or reincarnation, but a regrouping of the five elements. This is not a rebirth, but a change in personality. It also occurs under the influence of karma, but in this case a new person is born who cannot be considered guilty of the sins of his predecessor.

Given Buddhism's views on the individual, one might assume that the religion accepts suicide. After all, a person’s self completely disappears after death and with its help he can get rid of worldly suffering. However, Buddhism condemns suicide. This contradiction is not explained in any way in Buddhist literature.

Buddhism and Hinduism have similar teachings about samsara. In each of them there is no such concept as personality. There are only incarnations: in the first case of the five elements, in the second - of the soul. This is at odds with Christian concepts: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

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Method of supporting spells in Buddhism Fojiao chi zhou fa The word “spell” Zhou is given by dictionaries. In Russia (and not only) the word mantra has already been established. The meaning is the same: sound vibrations that actively influence the environment, changing it in the desired direction.

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THE PATH OF LIBERATION IN ZEN BUDDHISM Words can only express a small fragment of human knowledge, since what we say and think very closely reflects our experiences. The reason for this is not only that it is always possible to give several descriptions

From the book Temple Teachings. Instructions of the Teacher of the White Brotherhood. Part 2 author Samokhin N.

REINCARNATION The theme of reincarnation has been freely discussed in all possible forms of literature of recent years - to such an extent that there is hardly any justification for those who have not yet formed a definite opinion regarding the truth or falsity of the old as the world

From the book Personal Reality. Project coordination by Ananda Atma

Alternative reality in Buddhism “Empty - everything is empty!” “If you meet Buddha, kill Buddha!” If for Vedanta “everything is full,” then for Buddhism “everything is empty.” We examined their relationship in detail in the first part as two contrasting examples of the vision of Reality as such. Right here

From the book Secrets and mysteries of death author Daria Plotnova

Chapter 3 Death in Buddhism Many researchers (for example, G. Oldenberg) believe that “Buddhism refutes the existence of the body.” “In Buddhist divine books, the soul disappeared, dividing into 4 elements: sensations, ideas, desires and cognition (or understanding),” notes

From the book of Anapanasati. Breath Awareness Practice in the Theravada Tradition author Buddhadasa Ajahn

Appendix B Samadhi-bhavana in Buddhism Selected from the lecture of May 5, 1987 There are many different forms, types and systems of samadhi-bhavana (mental development through concentration; meditation). And today I would like to discuss samadhi-bhavana, which especially stood out and was

From the book Inner Light. Osho Meditation Calendar for 365 days author Rajneesh Bhagwan Shri

302 Reincarnation The Eastern concept of reincarnation is beautiful. The point is not whether it is true or not. She gives a very relaxed approach to life - that's what's most valuable. There is too much haste in the West because of the Christian concept of one life: with death you will disappear and never

From the book Magic for Every Day from A to Z. A detailed and inspiring guide to the world of natural magic by Blake Deborah

Reincarnation Most witches don't believe in heaven or hell (except maybe on Earth - like a good chocolate bar or a terrible date). These are predominantly Christian concepts. We believe in the continuous cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth. Many of us

From the book Cryptograms of the East (collection) author Roerich Elena Ivanovna

Quick Notes on Buddhism Mahayana and Hinayana are the two main schools of Buddhism. The literal translation is “Great Chariot” and “Small Chariot”. Mahayana, or the Great Vehicle, is widespread throughout the north, such as: in Tibet, in Mongolia among the Kalmyks, Buryats; Certainly,

From the book How dreams and handwriting can help correct the mistakes of the past by Entis Jack

About Buddhism Now regarding books on Buddhism. I must say that despite the vast literature on Buddhism available, there are very few books that can give satisfaction. Few translators and compilers have understood the spirit of this great Teaching. In addition, you must have

From the author's book

In Buddhism, Lama Ole Nydahl on dreams: “Night dreams contain special wisdom, because they allow us to understand the empty, conditioned or unreal nature of all phenomena. They also give direct access to the mind. If we are aware in a dream that we are dreaming and dreaming, and

Regenerate. Loss of former valuable properties, deterioration. Degeneration of wheat. Signs of physical degeneration. Degeneration of tissues.

3. trans. Loss of the former psychology, ideology, social appearance under the influence of the bourgeois environment (neo-ol. contempt). Ideological rebirth. Household rebirth. By the time of the war of 1914-18. there was a degeneration of the majority of parties of the Second International into open accomplices of the imperialist bourgeoisie.

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary.

D.N. Ushakov.:


    Synonyms See what “REBIRTH” is in other dictionaries:

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    REBIRTH, I, cf. 1. see reborn. 2. Loss of the previous worldview, social image under the influence of an alien environment, ideology. Spiritual item. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 …

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary Reincarnation in art Transmigration of souls, reincarnation (Latin re, “again” + in, “in” + caro/carnis, “flesh”, “reincarnation”), metempsychosis (Greek μετεμψύχωσις, “transmigration of souls”) religious philosophical doctrine, according to which immortal... ... Wikipedia rebirth

    - , iya, wed. == Communist degeneration of society. pathet. ◘ The matter of transforming the school into an instrument of the communist degeneration of society. Zhakovshchikov, 175 ... Explanatory dictionary of the language of the Council of Deputies

    See Dystrophy... Large medical dictionary

    - (Degeneratio) in a more general sense can refer to entire individuals or families presenting signs of degeneration: most often this is observed in the descendants of consanguineous marriages close to what is commonly called incest.… … Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

    Wed. 1. process of action according to Ch. to be reborn, to be reborn 2. state according to ch. to be reborn, to be reborn Explanatory Dictionary by Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    Rebirth, rebirth, rebirth, rebirth, rebirth, rebirth, rebirth, rebirth, rebirth, rebirth, rebirth, rebirth (Source: “Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary- rebirth, I... Russian spelling dictionary


  • Rebirth, Swami Dashi, “Rebirth” is an autobiographical book by Swami Dashi, or, as he calls himself, the Seeker of Truth. This is the first literary project of the winner of the 17th season of the TV show “Battle of Psychics” on TNT.… Category: Esoteric knowledge Series: Author's series by Swami Dashi Publisher: Eksmo,
  • Rebirth, Swami Dashi,  “Rebirth” is an autobiographical book by Swami Dashi, or, as he calls himself, the Seeker of Truth. This is the first literary project of the winner of the 17th season of the TV show “Battle of Psychics” on… Category: Esoteric knowledge Series: Books by Swami Dasha Publisher: