Eat pray love quotes about italy. Quotes from the movie Eat, Pray, Love

The collection includes quotes and phrases from the film “Eat, Pray, Love”:

  • I chose happiness over suffering, making room in my soul for an as yet unknown future that will fill my life with amazing events!
  • You have the potential to one day love the whole world!
  • She has the strongest psyche in the world: the word “depression” is unknown to her at all, and she has never even heard that self-esteem can also be low.
  • I pressed my palms tightly to my eyes, trying to push the tears back...
  • I'll be back in a week: penniless and with dysentery.
  • Guilt is what America is all about.
  • You are the only person who has fallen asleep during meditation.
  • Hamster, you have the potential to one day love the whole world.
  • Every Italian word is like a truffle.
  • You're leaving, who will compost my brains?
  • When you study, you have to love yourself.
  • It was scary to endure, but leaving was even worse.
  • Stand firmly on the ground, as if on four legs.
  • Your moral duty is to eat it with gusto.
  • I find it easier to be with God than with my peers.
  • The sweetness of doing nothing, we are masters at this.
  • Maybe it’s not my life that is chaotic, but the world itself?
  • Ruins are the path to transformation.
  • At other people's weddings you remember yourself.
  • Losing balance from happiness is an important part of the balance of life!
  • Don’t whine, don’t get hung up, use repellent and... there was something else, I wrote it down.
  • Be careful with your prayers. They come true.
  • Come on, Richard, get out of my head! Close the door.
  • Don't look at the world through your head, look through your heart.
  • Soul mate - people think this is the perfect match, and everyone wants to find her. But a real soul mate is like a mirror, it shows everything that you lack, draws your attention to yourself so that you change your life. Your soulmate is the most important person in your life because he is the one who breaks down all barriers and makes you awaken.
  • Tell me, is there anything skinnier in the world than an Indian teenager?
  • A real writer in the house.
  • Broken heart - good sign. A sign that you've at least tried to love someone.
  • Silence is a powerful spiritual force.
  • Maybe you and Rome have different words...
  • What happened was that I fell out of the marriage and into David's arms.
  • It makes me a little nervous that a stranger understands me better than I do myself.
  • You don't need a man, you need a champion.
  • When, after a black streak, you begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel, you need to grab it with all your hands and feet and not let go until it pulls you face up from the swamp.
  • You are slender and graceful from a distance. And up close it's damn seductive.
  • Each city can be described in one word.
  • Learn to choose your thoughts the same way you choose clothes for every day in your closet.
  • Hello God! Nice to meet you.
  • To wash the most important things, a kettle is enough.
  • My whole life fit into one container.
  • I'm fat, I'm in a trance, I can't hold anything in my head. I'm like Liza Minnelli.
  • After all, we loved each other. No one ever doubted this. We just haven't figured out how to live together without causing each other unbearable, acute, heartbreaking pain.
  • I don't have to love you to prove my love for myself.
  • What if we admit the relationship is a failure but stay together?

The selection includes phrases and quotes from the film Eat, Pray, Love - a feature film directed by Ryan Murphy, based on the book by Elizabeth Gilbert and starring Julia Roberts. The film was released in 2010, genres: drama and romance.

Hello, lovers of quotes and aphorisms!

Today I bring to your attention a selection of quotes from the book “Eat, Pray, Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert. This is the autobiography of a writer who, after divorcing her husband, traveled for a whole year in search of happiness and love.

I think that these quotes will appeal to both those who have already read the book and its future readers :).

Quotes from the book “Eat, Pray, Love”

It is better to live your destiny imperfectly than to live by imitating others and achieve perfection in this matter.

All the sadness and troubles in this world are created by unhappy people.

It is easy to pray when life is not going smoothly, but not to stop praying even when the crisis has passed is a kind of final phase of the process during which the soul gains the ability to retain the accumulated benefits.

Just as smoking is harmful to the lungs, resentment is destructive to the soul: even one puff causes harm.

Marriage is like an operation where two people are stitched together, but divorce is an amputation that takes a long time to heal. The longer you were married, the more difficult the amputation is, the harder it is to recover.

God answers the sacred prayers and efforts of a person, no matter how he performs a religious ritual, as long as the prayer comes from the heart.

You must learn to select your thoughts the same way you select the clothes you will wear today. This ability needs to be cultivated in oneself. If you like being in control of your life so much, work on your thoughts. Thoughts are the only thing really worth holding back. You don't have to worry about the rest. Because if you don’t become the master of your own mind, you are guaranteed eternal troubles.

Find someone you could love. Wait as long as it takes to heal the wounds, but then still let someone into your heart. Don't make your life a memorial to David or your ex-husband.

A person is never present where he actually is. He is always delving into the past or looking into the future, but simply being calm in the present is such a rarity.

The art of living for pleasure - in Italy, spiritual practices - in India and the ability to balance these two extremes - in Indonesia.

After all, we are what we think. Our emotions are slaves to our thoughts, and we, in turn, are slaves to emotions.

The prospect of leaving him seemed unthinkable, but even more unbearable was the prospect of staying.

When you get lost in the wilds, sometimes you don’t immediately realize that you are lost. You can convince yourself for a very long time that you just took a couple of steps away from the path and you will find your way back at any moment. But day after day darkness covers you, and you still have no idea where you are, and then it’s time to admit that you have wandered so far that you don’t even know in which direction the sun rises.

Thoughts are the only thing really worth holding back. You don't have to worry about the rest. Because if you don’t become the master of your own mind, you are guaranteed eternal troubles.

After seven months, which were very difficult for me, I finally left my husband. Having made my decision, I thought the worst was over. As it turned out, I knew little about divorce.

God is a state of unconditional love.

When, after a black streak, you begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel, you need to grab it with all your hands and feet and not let go until it pulls you face up from the swamp.

I chose happiness over suffering, making room in my soul for an as yet unknown future that will fill my life with amazing events!

After all, we loved each other. No one ever doubted this. We just haven’t figured out how to live together without causing each other unbearable, acute, heartbreaking pain...

If I love, then I give everything without reserve. Your time, devotion, body, money, family, dog, my dog’s money, dog’s time: everything means everything. If I love, then I am ready to take on other people’s pain, other people’s debts (in every sense of the word) and protect my beloved from his own complexes, as well as endow him with imaginary good qualities, which he had no trace of.

If our time on earth is so short, we must make every effort to live right now. That's why I traveled so much, fell in love, made a career, ate tons of pasta.

Solve the problems now - otherwise you will have to suffer again in the future, the next time you step on the same rake. And repetition of suffering is hell. Freeing yourself from the cycle of endless repetition and reaching a new level of understanding is the only way to get to heaven.

A broken heart is a good sign. A sign that you've at least tried to love someone.

This relationship has expired.

- This is amazing! - As are you! Do you know who you are?! You are a folsa magra. Do you know what this is? - What? - You are slender and graceful from a distance, and damn seductive up close! - Wow! Thank God for the Brazilians!

Hamster! Believe in love again!

- Let's go to the best restaurant in the city... - I agree. - To my home. - Graceful...

It all starts with your lover giving you an intoxicating, maddening dose of something you never dared dream of - an emotional speedball of overwhelming love and excitement. Soon you begin to crave that attention with the morbid obsession of an addict. When this is taken away from you, you feel bad, you go crazy, not to mention the resentment towards the dealer who initially encouraged you to become addicted, and now refuses to give away this high. Damn him! But he used to give it to you for free. And then you shake bloodless in the corner and know that you would sell your soul to get this one more time. Meanwhile, the object of your adoration begins to disgust you. He looks at you as if he is seeing you for the first time. And the funny thing is, you can’t blame him for it. Then you look at yourself from the outside, you look terrible, you don’t even recognize yourself! Then you reach, of course, the point of passionate love, complete and ruthless self-destruction.

At other people's weddings you remember yourself.

You haven’t had sex for a very long time... I can feel it in my knees. The cartilage is quite dry. From sex, hormones lubricate your joints.

Waiting for him to forgive is a waste of time. Forgive yourself.

- Come on, Richard, get out of my head! - Close the door! (- You are leaving. Who will delve into my thoughts? - And you close the door.)

Learn to choose your thoughts like you choose clothes in your closet every day.

Be careful with your prayers, they do come true. My prayers are standard: I pray, Lord, open my heart, send me a sign, because we both know that I am stupid in life.

What if we admit the relationship is a failure but stay together? Well, yes, you and I often quarrel, we rarely make love, but we cannot live without each other. Our whole life will go like this - it’s hard, but at least we won’t be alone.

Here's what he doesn't know: I lose myself in the one I love. I am a permeable shell. If I love you, everything is yours: my money, my time, my body, my dog, my dog's money. I will assume your debts, I will attribute to you the highest virtues that you did not even know in yourself. I'll give you all this and more until I'm empty. Then the only salvation is to get carried away by someone else.

- If you are beautiful, you will find a husband! Ketut will arrange everything! - I didn’t come for this! I don't need a husband. - No! Everyone needs a husband!

When you remember me, send me a ray of warmth and light, and then immediately forget...

If you are brave enough to throw away everything familiar and comfortable, and this can be anything: home, old grievances, and go on a journey for the truth, look for the truth in yourself or the world around you. If you are sincerely ready to take everything that happens along the way as a clue. If you accept everyone you meet as a teacher. And most importantly, if you are ready to accept and forgive the difficult truth about yourself, then the truth will be revealed to you.

I don't have to love you to prove my love for myself.

When you go out into the world to help yourself, you help everyone.

You had a divorce, and a difficult one, you loved her, and the wound did not heal, now you are afraid to open your heart. You are afraid to experience pain again. Healing is trust.

I am grateful for the fear because for the first time in my life I am afraid that the person who is next to me might leave me. Enduring is scary, but leaving was even worse.

But I looked around, imagined how these places managed to be reborn from complete chaos, and I calmed down. Maybe it’s not my life that is chaotic, it’s the world itself that is. And the main trap is to become attached to something in it. Ruins are a gift, ruins are a path to transformation. We must always be prepared for the endless waves of change.

Until I answer, our conversation is not over. I'm stalling for time.

Americans, you know a lot about entertainment, but not about pleasure.

Having a child is like getting a tattoo on your face. Seriously and for a long time.

- He's talented. - Sexy. These are different things.

- It suits you. - Why does everyone think that I need a man?! - No, you don't need a man. You need a champion.

- You have three children. - Two, it's a nuisance.

We want everything to remain as it was. We put up with pain because we are afraid of change, afraid that everything will fall apart... We both deserve a better fate than staying together only out of fear of self-destruction. Ruins promote rebirth.

Losing balance from happiness is an important part of the balance of life.


*** I owe nothing except what the Lord created me for, and that’s what I do. *** Your soul? Is there anything in your soul that would not make it prefer to move for centuries above the incomprehensible stars, instead of existing for just a few?

*** For beauty is a place where the eye rests. *** At night in unfamiliar lands, infinity begins with the last lantern. *** It seems that happiness is a moment when you encounter the elements of your own composition in a free state. *** Love, in general, comes at the speed of light; gap - with

*** Even in moments of complete sincerity, even when I tried my best to give myself to him the way he gave all of himself to me, even then I kept something from him. *** I then began to do what inevitably happens to older children when they grow up: I began to judge him. ***

*** This is the worst fear This silence is terrible You agree until the morning You agree *** You are afraid of the dark But you can’t sleep in the light You agree to sleep with anyone Who will answer You dream of love But it’s dangerous to dream alone You agree to sleep with anyone You agree

*** Appreciate friendship, because everything a man needs When they sing behind your back, a friend, not a puddle Don’t lose hope for better times, After all, having lost her, you will lose yourself And remember love, give love, go to love Follow your soul and love from the heart And let the door be slammed in front of you again, Hope against everything, love

*** So I lay my head back down And I lift my hands And pray to be only Yours I pray to be only Yours I know now You"re my only hope And now before You I bow and ask Only Yours I want to be After all Now I know for sure Only You are my path.

*** I"m gonna ask you to look away I love my hands, but it hurts to pray Life I have isn"t what I"ve seen The sky is not blue and the field"s not green I ask you to look away. I love my hands, but I find it difficult to pray. Life was not given to me to see. The sky is not blue and the grass is not green.

*** You think love is to pray But I"m sorry I don"t pray that way Once I ran to you Now I"ll run from you This tainted love you"ve given. You think that loving means begging. Sorry, but I won't do this. Once I ran to you, And now I will run away from you And from your vicious love. ***

*** Love is the answer and you know that for sure Love is a flower you got to let it grow Love is the answer, and you know it for sure, Love is a flower that you need to grow.

*** Pray to your God, open your heart Whatever you do, don"t be afraid of the dark Cover your eyes, the devil"s inside. Pray to your God, open your heart Whatever you do, don't be afraid of the dark Close your eyes, the devil is inside.

***Love is betrayal. Love is anguish. Love is sin. Love is selfish. Love is hope. Love is pain. Love is death. What is love? Love"s a bitch. Love is betrayal. Love is melancholy. Love is sin. Love is selfishness. Love is hope. Love is pain. Love is death. What

*** In order to see a bright tomorrow, you must first survive the darkness of the night. *** When a bank goes bankrupt, it is not the bankers who go hungry. *** I entrust my soul to any god who can find it. *** - And now you have the last word to say. - Actually, I didn't intend to die. - Great, that's what we're here for.

*** - I know what will happen next. I'll stay here for a long time. Great environment, relaxing, calming. This clock, stopped at seven o'clock, makes you believe that you are not welcome anywhere as much as here. The interior is not rich, but it looks exactly like the interior with four yellow sofas.

Everything that causes the transition from non-existence to being is creativity. *** A good start is half the battle. *** Hopes are the dreams of those who are awake. *** There is no surer sign of the bad structure of cities than the abundance of lawyers and doctors in them. *** Time takes away everything; a long series of years can change both name and appearance, and

He who most often has the Lord on his tongue has the devil on his heart. *** Those who can, rob, those who cannot, steal. *** Don’t lie about everything you know. *** Thank God there are no duties on lies! After all, there would be ruin for everyone. *** Bribes cannot be prohibited. How can you solve a case for nothing, just for your salary? ***

  • - This is amazing!
    - As are you! Do you know who you are?! You are a folsa magra. Do you know what this is?
    - What?
    - You are slender and graceful from a distance, and damn seductive up close!
    - Wow! Thank God for the Brazilians!
  • - You are leaving. Who will delve into my thoughts?
    - Close the door.
  • Hamster! Believe in love again!
  • It all starts with your lover giving you an intoxicating, maddening dose of something you never dared dream of - an emotional speedball of overwhelming love and excitement.
    Soon you begin to crave that attention with the morbid obsession of an addict.
    When this is taken away from you, you feel bad, you go crazy, not to mention the resentment towards the dealer who initially encouraged you to become addicted, and now refuses to give away this high. Damn him!
  • - Let's go to the best restaurant in the city...
    - Agree.
    - To my home.
    - Gracefully...
  • Waiting for him to forgive is a waste of time. Forgive yourself.
  • You haven’t had sex for a very long time... I can feel it in my knees. The cartilage is quite dry. From sex, hormones lubricate your joints.
  • E: Come on, Richard, get out of my head!
    R: Close the door!
  • At other people's weddings you remember yourself.
  • Learn to choose your thoughts like you choose clothes in your closet every day.
  • My prayers are standard: I pray, Lord, open my heart, send me a sign, because we both know that I am stupid in life.
  • Be careful with your prayers, they do come true.
  • - If you are beautiful, you will find a husband! Ketut will arrange everything!
    - I didn’t come for this! I don't need a husband.
    - No! Everyone needs a husband
  • What if we admit the relationship is a failure but stay together? Well, yes, you and I often quarrel, we rarely make love, but we cannot live without each other. Our whole life will go like this - it’s hard, but at least we won’t be alone.
  • Here's what he doesn't know: I lose myself in the one I love. I am a permeable shell. If I love you, everything is yours: my money, my time, my body, my dog, my dog's money. I will assume your debts, I will attribute to you the highest virtues that you did not even know in yourself. I'll give you all this and more until I'm empty. Then the only salvation is to get carried away by someone else.
  • When you remember about me, send me a ray of warmth and light, and then immediately forget...
  • I don't have to love you to prove my love for myself.
  • If you are brave enough to throw away everything familiar and comfortable, and this can be anything: home, old grievances, and go on a journey for the truth, look for the truth in yourself or the world around you. If you are sincerely ready to take everything that happens along the way as a clue. If you accept everyone you meet as a teacher. And most importantly, if you are ready to accept and forgive the difficult truth about yourself, then the truth will be revealed to you.
  • You had a divorce, and a difficult one, you loved her, and the wound did not heal, now you are afraid to open your heart. You are afraid to experience pain again. Healing is trust.
  • When you go out into the world to help yourself, you help everyone.
  • But I looked around, imagined how these places managed to be reborn from complete chaos, and I calmed down. Maybe it’s not my life that is chaotic, it’s the world itself that is. And the main trap is to become attached to something in it. Ruins are a gift, ruins are a path to transformation. We must always be prepared for the endless waves of change.
  • Enduring is scary, but leaving was even worse.
  • I am grateful for the fear because for the first time in my life I am afraid that the person who is next to me might leave me.
  • Americans, you know a lot about entertainment, but not about pleasure.