Accounting statements: forms. Accounting statements: forms Download balance sheet form okud 0710001

The main form of financial statements (Form 1) is the Balance Sheet of the enterprise (form according to OKUD 0710001), approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 2, 2010 N 66n “On the forms of financial statements of organizations.” Let's look at the concept of a balance sheet, its structure and principle of construction, as well as the procedure for filling it out using an example.

Balance sheet concept

The balance sheet (French balance - scales) of an enterprise is a summary statement of the value of the property and liabilities of the enterprise presented in tabular form.

According to the balance sheet of an enterprise, it is possible to determine the financial condition of the enterprise and the obligations assumed by the enterprise.

The balance sheet of an enterprise is often analyzed by banks to assess the creditworthiness of the borrower (enterprise). The balance sheet is presented to the tax service and shareholders as financial statements for the past year of operation of the enterprise.

Construction principles

The structure of the enterprise’s balance sheet is a two-sided table for a certain date - at the end of the quarter or at the end of the year:

  • left side - Asset, which reflects economic assets by composition and placement;
  • the right side is the Passive, which reflects funds by source of education and intended purpose.

An important condition of the Balance is that the Asset must always be equal to the Liability. Since Liabilities represent the Capital and Liabilities of an enterprise, this equality can be presented as follows:

Assets = Capital + Liabilities

The Asset and Liability items of the Balance Sheet, based on economic homogeneity, are summarized in certain sections of the report.

The asset of the Balance Sheet reflects the property of the enterprise and consists of two sections:

  • Non-current assets: fixed assets; Construction in progress; intangible assets; profitable investments; long-term financial investments and so on;
  • Current assets: inventories and costs; cash; accounts receivable; short-term financial investments and so on.

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The liability side of the Balance Sheet is the source of formation of the enterprise’s property and consists of two sections:

  • Capital and reserves – equity capital: authorized, additional and reserve capital of the company; savings and social funds; targeted funding and revenues; retained earnings;
  • Borrowed capital – external liability: long-term loans; short-term loans and borrowings; accounts payable.

Each separate type of property or source of funds is called a “balance sheet item.”

Filling example

Let's look at an example of how to fill out the Balance Sheet form of an enterprise (OKUD 0710001) according to the general taxation system.

Let’s say that the enterprise Vesna LLC for the production of soft drinks, registered in 2016, keeps accounting records in full.

Balance as of December 31, 2016 Amount in rub.
Dt 01 850 000
Kt 02 30 000
Dt 04 130 000
Kt 05 5 000
Dt 10 47 000
Dt 19 8 400
Dt 43 78 500
Dt 50 24 000
Dt 51 356 100
Dt 58 (long-term investments) 100 000
Kt 60 180 000
Kt 62.02 505 000
Kt 69 94 000
Kt 70 230 000
Kt 80 150 000
Kt 82 50 000
Kt 84 (profit) 350 000

Let's fill out the balance sheet (form 1) according to the general taxation system:

  1. Let's cross out the lines of column 1, since the company does not draw up explanations for the financial statements for previous years;
  2. Let's fill out column 4, in which we will display the data as of December 31 of the reporting year 2016.
  • line indicator 1110 is equal to Dt 04 – Kt 05 = 125000 (130,000 – 5,000);
  • line indicator 1150 is equal to Dt 01 – Kt 02 = 820,000 (850,000 – 30,000);
  • line indicator 1170 is equal to Dt 58 = 100,000;
  • the total of line 1100 is 1,045,000 (125,000 + 820,000 + 100,000)
  • line indicator 1210 is equal to Dt 10 + Dt 43 = 125,500 (47,000 + 78,500)
  • line indicator 1220 is equal to Dt 19 = 8,400
  • line indicator 1250 is equal to Dt 50 + Dt 51 = 24,000 + 356,100 = 380,100;
  • the total of line 1200 is 514,000 (125,500 + 8,400 + 380,100);
  • line 1600 = 1,559,000 (1,045,000 + 514,000).
  • the indicator of line 1310 is equal to Kt 80 = 150,000;
  • the indicator of line 1360 is equal to Kt 82 = 50,000;
  • the indicator of line 1370 is equal to Kt 84 = 350,000;
  • the total of line 1300 is 550,000 (150,000 + 50,000 + 350,000);
  • line indicator 1520 is equal to Kt 60 + Kt 62 + Kt 69 + Kt 70 = 1,009,000 (180,000 + 505,000 + 94,000 + 230,000);
  • the total of line 1500 is 1,009,000 (since the lines of section V were not filled in);
  • line 1700 is equal to 1,559,000 (550,000 + 1,009,000)

Now we compare the indicators of line 1600 and line 1700. We see that the indicators of the lines are the same - 1,559,000. Therefore, the balance has converged and Form 1 can be considered completed.

Form 1 of the balance sheet is the main and, perhaps, the most important component of financial statements. It is used to judge the financial position of the organization. All companies fill it out without exception. Therefore, every self-respecting accountant should know how the balance sheet is filled out. In this article we will tell and show how to do it correctly.

Balance sheet of an enterprise - form 1 or 0710001?

Form 1 balance sheet was officially called until 2011, while the reporting forms approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 22, 2003 No. 67n were in effect.

In the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 2, 2010 No. 66n, which approved the accounting forms that are currently relevant, the concept of “form 1” is not used. Now the forms are coded according to OKUD - the All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation (OK 011-93), approved by Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated December 30, 1993 No. 299. And according to it the balance sheet code is 0710001.

However, most of us continue to call the balance sheet in the old way - out of tradition or for the sake of convenience. After all, any accountant understands what the one who requires form number 1 from him wants to receive.

Read about the features of filling out a simplified balance sheet form.

ATTENTION! From 06/01/2019, the balance sheet form is valid as amended by Order of the Ministry of Finance dated 04/19/2019 No. 61n.

The key changes to it (and other reporting) are:

  • now reporting can only be prepared in thousand rubles, millions can no longer be used as a unit of measurement;
  • OKVED in the header has been replaced by OKVED 2;
  • The balance sheet must contain information about the audit organization (auditor).

The auditor mark should only be given to those companies that are subject to mandatory audit. Tax authorities will use it both to impose a fine on the organization itself if it ignored the obligation to undergo an audit, and in order to know from which auditor they can request information on the organization in accordance with Art. 93 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

More significant changes have occurred in Form 2. For more details, see.

Balance Sheet Structure

The balance sheet (F-1) consists of assets and liabilities, including sections, in each of which there are lines containing data on certain types of property or liabilities.

The asset includes 2 sections:

I. Non-current assets

It contains information about fixed assets, intangible assets, R&D, long-term financial investments, i.e., about property that cannot be sold quickly.

II. Current assets

These are the so-called short-term (easily realizable) assets: inventories, accounts receivable with a maturity of up to 1 year, short-term financial investments, cash.

The passive has 3 sections:

III. Capital and reserves

It reflects information about the organization’s capital (authorized, reserve, additional) and retained earnings (uncovered loss).

IV. long term duties

These are obligations with a maturity of more than 12 months (borrowed, assessed, deferred).

V. Current liabilities

This section provides information on liabilities with a maturity of less than a year, including borrowed funds, accounts payable, estimated and other liabilities.

For more information about some of the nuances that require consideration when filling out individual balance lines, read this material .

Filling out Form 1 of the balance sheet in 2019 (sample)

All balance sheet indicators are given as of one of the dates:

  • reporting date (in mandatory cases, this is December 31 of the reporting year);
  • December 31 of the previous year;
  • December 31 of the year preceding the previous one.

Balance lines are coded. The code is taken from Appendix 4 to Order No. 66n. Taking into account these codes, a sample balance sheet form 1 will look like this:


Indicator name

On ____ 20__


Intangible assets

Research and development results

Intangible search assets

Material prospecting assets

Fixed assets

Profitable investments in material assets

Financial investments

Deferred tax assets

Other noncurrent assets

Total for Section I


Value added tax on purchased assets

Accounts receivable

Financial investments (excluding cash equivalents)

Cash and cash equivalents

Other current assets

Total for Section II


Authorized capital (share capital, authorized capital, contributions of partners)

Own shares purchased from shareholders

Revaluation of non-current assets

Additional capital (without revaluation)

Reserve capital

Retained earnings (uncovered loss)

Total for Section III


Borrowed funds

Deferred tax liabilities

Estimated liabilities

Other obligations

Total for Section IV


Borrowed funds

Accounts payable

revenue of the future periods

Estimated liabilities

Other obligations

Total for Section V

For a sample of filling out a full-form balance sheet, created using specific numbers, see the article “Procedure for drawing up a balance sheet (example)” .

Where can I download Form 1 (F-1) of the balance sheet?

You can download Form 1 of the balance sheet on the website of any of the legal reference systems. There are also examples and examples of filling out this document.

Templates for all forms of financial statements are also available on the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation in the “Tax and Accounting Reports” section.

In addition, the balance sheet form (officially existing in 2 versions) can be found on our website, in the material “Enterprise Balance Sheet Form (download)”.


The balance sheet is drawn up on a specific form approved for this purpose by the Ministry of Finance of Russia, and in compliance with certain rules for entering information into it. As of June 1, 2019, the balance sheet form has a new edition. Forms and examples of filling out the balance can be found on the Federal Tax Service website and on our website.

All organizations periodically prepare information about their financial position as of the reporting date, financial results of operations and cash flows for the reporting period in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law dated December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ. We are talking about accounting (financial) reporting. About the balance sheet and its form in 2018-2019. We'll tell you in our material.

Why do you need a balance sheet?

As part of the financial statements, the balance sheet form is the most important form to fill out. It characterizes the financial position of the organization as of the reporting date (clause 18 of PBU 4/99).

In the balance sheet, assets and liabilities are divided depending on their maturity (maturity) into short-term and long-term. Assets and liabilities are considered short-term if their circulation (repayment) period is no more than 12 months after the reporting date or the duration of the operating cycle, if it exceeds 12 months. All other assets and liabilities are shown on the balance sheet as non-current.

What form is the balance presented in?

The form of the balance sheet was approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 2, 2010 No. 66n. This Order has been in effect since the annual financial statements for 2011 and has not changed significantly over the past years.

When drawing up a balance sheet, the organization independently determines the detail of indicators by item, taking into account the level of materiality.

Form 1 “Balance Sheet”:

In Excel format, balance sheet 2018-2019 form:

At the same time, in the accounting reports submitted to the tax and statistical authorities, after the column “Name of the indicator”, the column “Code” is given, in which the codes of the indicators are indicated according to

All Russian organizations, as well as official representative offices of foreign companies in our country, are required to report on their financial and economic situation for the reporting year. This obligation is regulated by the Law “On Accounting” No. 402-FZ.

The law also provides “indulgences” for certain categories of economic entities that have the right to keep accounting records in a simplified form. However, regardless of the method of accounting, basic or simplified, Form No. 1 is mandatory for all economic entities: organizations, individual entrepreneurs and private individuals.

This year you will have to generate reports for 2018. The current form was approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. 66n dated 07/02/2010.

Form 1 “Balance Sheet”, download Word form

Download balance sheet form 2019, excel

Balance sheet with line codes, form, excel

How to fill out your balance

When filling out form No. 1, you should be guided by section 4 of the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated 07/06/1999 No. 43n (as amended on 11/08/2010). Let's define the key rules for filling out the reporting document:

  • fill out the report indicators in accordance with the actual account balances as of the reporting date, formed taking into account the requirements of PBU and the company’s accounting policies;
  • reflect the indicators in monetary terms in the currency of the Russian Federation - in rubles, in thousands of rubles or in millions of rubles;
  • Transactions made in foreign currency are recalculated at the exchange rate established on the day of the transaction;
  • if a company has a branch network, then at the end of the year a single balance sheet should be formed (parent company plus branches);
  • include indicators that exist for no more than 12 months as short-term assets and liabilities, and indicators that exist for more than one year as long-term assets;
  • property and fixed assets should be reflected at “net” value, that is, taking into account depreciation and other costs provided for by PBU.

We offer a simple cheat sheet for filling out form No. 1.

Example of a completed form

When and where to submit reports

For 2018, financial statements in Form No. 1 must be submitted to several organizations at once: the Federal Tax Service and Rosstat - for all organizations and individual entrepreneurs, to the Ministry of Justice and (or) to the Ministry of Finance of Russia - for non-profit organizations and public sector employees. Upon additional request, accounting records can be requested by the founder or owners of the company.

The balance sheet must be submitted to the Tax Inspectorate and Rosstat for 2018 no later than 90 calendar days from the first day of the year following the reporting period. That is, no later than 03/31/2019. However, in 2019, March 31st falls on a weekend, therefore, the transfer rule applies. This means that the deadline for submitting the balance sheet for 2018 is 04/01/2019.

For public sector organizations, other reporting deadlines may be set earlier. This information is communicated to institutions in the prescribed manner.

Reporting submitted to the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Justice or the founder does not cancel the obligation to report to the Federal Tax Service and Territorial Statistics Bodies within the specified time frame.

Deadlines for “special” cases

Please note that for newly formed, liquidated and reorganized enterprises the deadlines are somewhat different. Let's look at the reporting deadlines for the following companies:

  1. Creation. An organization that was formed before 09/30/2018 is required to report according to generally accepted rules, that is, before 04/01/2019. But those companies that were formed after September 30, 2018 must report not in 2019, but in 2020. That is, for the reporting period of 2019 plus the period of existence in 2018.
  2. Reorganization. The company is required to report three months after making the latest changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. This rule is established not only for companies that continued their activities, but also for “merged” companies that completed their activities.
  3. Liquidation. An institution that has officially completed its activities is required to provide reporting no later than three calendar months from the date of making the relevant entries in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

New form "Balance sheet" officially approved by document Appendix No. 1 to Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 2, 2010 No. 66n (as amended by Orders of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 5, 2011 No. 124n, dated April 6, 2015 No. 57n).

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