And what happens if you scan the mirror. What happens if you scan a mirror - myths and reality

In this article, we will consider the results of the experiment and compare them with the supposed theoretical concepts of what will happen when the mirror is scanned.

Modern man is not used to sitting still. He strives to develop, enrich himself with new information and experiment, which is what modernity requires. BUT the latest technology break into our lives with rapid and continuous steps. And the combination of these two faces is of insane interest. Therefore, in this material we will consider how the mirror and scanner will behave during the scanning process, and also learn about the possible results of the experiment.

If the mirror is scanned, what happens: alleged versions

A mirror is a primordially mystical object that has absorbed many secrets and conjectures. Many rituals and various experiments were often carried out with him. We suggest recalling the stories around two parallel mirrors. We will not delve into such a topic. We just want to remind you that the mirror has always caused fear to some extent. Even with one thought.

Important: All legends and assumptions around mirrors are elementary imagination. In those distant times, when the first mirror surfaces arose, it was difficult for a person to understand the whole secret of manufacturing technology. Therefore, its reflection caused fear and panic, spreading various fears.

  • Not every person will dare to scan a mirror. Buying a new scanner every day is very expensive. Experts, without verification in reality, put forward a number of theories. Here are the most common versions of what will happen if you scan a mirror:
    • the scanner is broken;
    • we will see a dark spot;
    • get a real image of the mirror;
    • a “window” to another world will open on a piece of paper;
    • the scanner will appear from the middle;
    • a display of people who looked in the mirror will be displayed;
    • the output is a blank sheet of paper.

As you can see, human imagination is limitless. And most importantly, that each idea is justified by its supporters. Let us characterize each of the theories from the real positions of its representatives.

  • The scanner is broken. This is related to the operation of the device. The scanner is a very sensitive device. The scanning process is designed in such a way that a running laser lamp illuminates the element aimed at scanning and recreates it on the sheet.
    • During the fixation process itself, the light from the device, hitting the mirror, is reflected back into the middle of the scanner. Accordingly, the equipment will break through the oncoming illumination of a foreign object. After all, illumination by the rays of a mirror is not an inherent functional feature of all components of the scanner.
  • We will see a dark spot. The supporters of this theory are physicists, who explain their vision as follows. During the operation of the scanner, the main role is played by a device with a lamp, which illuminates the scanned object. In our case, a mirror.
    • When we press the "start" button on the scanner, the device illuminates the required area that needs to be transferred onto paper. Next, the resulting image is transmitted to the sensing matrix. And through the functional mirrors of the device, the image is combined and reflected on paper or a computer screen.
    • Since we have a clean mirror surface to be scanned, where the surrounding objects are reflected, the running roller itself will illuminate the mirror with rays. And those, in turn, will be combined into a whole picture. And the more light there is, the more pixels there will be in the image.
    • As a result of this process, we get an overexposed image, which will appear on paper as a dark spot.
  • Let's get a real image of the mirror. The scanning device is made from very sensitive organisms. It is thanks to them that we can translate existing objects or images onto paper.
    • The scanner sensor will transfer the surface to be scanned onto the sheet of paper. Since this is precisely the functional feature of the device itself. When scanning a mirror, it is this mirror that will be displayed in the picture.
  • And now let's add a little mysticism - on a piece of paper opens a window to another world.
    People very often believe in otherworldly phenomena. And the mirror has always been considered a mystical object. We will neither refute nor defend this position - even scientists have not come to a common opinion regarding this attribute.
    • But still, supporters consider the mirror to be a carrier of otherworldly energy, which hides many secrets. Therefore, if you scan the mirror, you can see in its reflection a parallel and otherworldly world.

  • The scanner from the middle will be displayed. When scanning, the roller, moving along a horizontal plane, illuminates the element to be reproduced in the picture. The practical purpose of a mirror is precisely to reflect the object that is in front of it through a smooth mirror surface.
    • Accordingly, the entire plane will become light, and the middle of the scanner behind the glass surface will be reflected in the mirror. That is, the scanning head, lamp and carriage will be visible. All this design will be transferred to a piece of paper.
    • But prerequisite in this theory is that the distance from the scanner to the scanned mirror must be sufficient to reproduce the image. However, nowhere is this “sufficient distance” specified. Therefore, the determination of the necessary distance for this process can only be assumed, and not stated for sure.
  • Displays of people who looked in the mirror will be displayed. This version similar to the same otherworldly theory that with a “window” to another world. By scanning the mirror, you can easily touch the unknown and secret world.
    • The magic of the mirror entails memories and absorbed energy. environment. Therefore, it is believed that in the captured image it is quite possible to see the reflection of people who looked in the mirror the day before and left part of their energy there.
  • The output is a blank sheet of paper.. Another theory, reminiscent of the version of physicists. Or this is the physicists, whose opinion is divided.
    • After the scanned object is transferred to a sensitive matrix of specially equipped glass, the rays reflected in the primary mirror will light up the entire surface of the scanner. That is, we will get a clean surface, which the scanner will transfer to paper.

Scanned small mirror

We have offered you general theories. But the most interesting thing is that individuals or groups of individuals dynamically develop their positions. And just as actively send them to the broad masses of the population, without testing their guesses in practice. But only adhering to some unverified information.

What will actually happen if a mirror is scanned?

We are so arranged by nature that we are not accustomed to trusting written information on paper. And we are persistently looking for it and checking it. Yes, not everyone will take responsibility for possible outcomes. Recall that there is even a theory about a broken scanner. Therefore, before such experiments, it is necessary to weigh the possible consequences. Or rather, the price of repairs or new equipment.

What is needed for work:

  • presence of the scanner. The main and expensive component;
  • a mirror with approximately the same dimensions as the scanner panel. It is very important that there are no frames and wide back walls;
  • skillful hands or theoretical knowledge of how to use the scanner.

Action algorithm

  • If there are rims or some kind of metal fasteners on the mirror itself, try to get rid of them before starting the experiment. This is not so much a precaution as for your own convenience. It will also help to avoid possible scratches on the scanner surface.
  • Lay the mirror “face down” on the scanner and close everything neatly with a lid.
  • Let's make a reservation right away that scanners are different. Therefore, there are various settings. If necessary, select the appropriate parameters. If you plan to make multiple instances for comparison, be sure to properly specify the number of operations.
  • It remains only to click on the green "Start" button.

This is what a photo of a scanned mirror with fingerprints looks like

Compare results

During a mirror scan, three results can occur, which depend on various factors influencing outside. Or rather, on the features of the mirror itself and its wear.

  • If the mirror was new, clean and without scuffs, then we get white paper with a dark image of the outline of the frame (if any) and the mirror. It will turn out in the form of a smeared and darkened spot.
  • If the test object is worn, with fingerprints and scratches on the glass, then we will get the corresponding result. That is, there will be a dark spot with all the defects on it.
  • Now the number one problem in such cases will rise - if the scanner lid is open. Yes, sometimes a bulky mirror, or rather its back, causes this. The shape of the reflection, in principle, will not change, but the color scheme will be lighter. Because more light will hit the subject than from the scanning roller.

The result is interesting and partly unexpected. Analyzing the scanning process itself, the operation of the scanner and its structure, it could be stated with accuracy that the result would be a blank or almost blank sheet of paper.

According to the theory of physicists, this is due to the fact that the object is illuminated and reflects its rays. As a result, the surface shines brightly. But we see that the theory exists only on paper. In practice, it turns out a black square or circle. Depending on what shape the mirror is at your fingertips.

Video: What happens if you scan a mirror?

Photo: / Glovatskiy

Curious Internet users are wondering: "What happens if you scan the mirror"? Getting the answer is quite simple if you do the experiment yourself. It does not require any effort and does not take much time. It is not difficult to find a mirror; many people have a scanner at home or at work. But not everyone decides to find the answer to this unusual question empirically - there is a version that as a result of scanning the mirror, the device may fail.

What other versions are there?

There are at least three more, at first glance, plausible versions of what can be obtained as a result of mirror scanning:

1. image of the internal parts of the scanner, for example, carriages and lamps, which will be reflected by the mirror;

2. a light spot, which is formed due to the reflection of the glow of the scanner lamp;

3. dark spot.

And what actually happens?

In fact, if you scan a mirror, its image on a computer or on a sheet of paper will be represented by a black spot. If there were scratches on the mirror, light lines or spots will correspond to them in the scanned image.

Why is this happening?

This is due to the principle of the scanner. During scanning, a carriage with a lamp moves along the working area, which illuminates the object. The reflected rays of light are recorded by a special device - their pixel value is transmitted to the computer. The more light is reflected (and a lot of it is when scanning a mirror), the brighter the scanned areas are.

In our dynamic time, when scientific and technological progress almost daily leads to the emergence of new gadgets, the most unexpected questions often arise in the head about the non-standard use of this equipment. These questions include: “What happens if you scan the mirror?” Let's try to figure it out! Indeed, it is curious to know what happens as a result of such an experiment! No wonder mirrors have always been considered mysterious and even magical objects - just remember how many fortune-telling and rituals are carried out using them ...


Our ancestors believed that the mirror surface is a mediator between the past, present and future, a guide to the world of shadows and demons, a kind of accumulator of bioenergy flows of the family to which the mirror belongs. It is able to take us to mysterious worlds and keeps the imprint of the personality of everyone who has looked into it at least once. While some daredevil did not dare to post the results of a real experiment, the worldwide network was full of a wide variety of speculation and fantastic assumptions.

All assumptions about the scanning procedure are based on the mystical reputation of the mirror

Personalities inclined to believe in paranormal phenomena had their own opinions. They believed that scanning the mirror would transfer all the information contained in it to paper - which means that images of everyone who looked at their reflection would appear on the scan. Fantasists reported that such manipulation could open the way to mirror worlds and parallel universes, while skeptics and pragmatists simply said that absolutely nothing would happen, we just get the image of a mirror. But is it really that simple?

Experimental results

Well, let's tell you about the results of scanning mirrors. First, we immediately note that the mirror surface is able to display only those objects that are in front of it. In this case, the distance should be sufficient to obtain an image, and the object itself should be illuminated. The reader might think that everything is clear here: an image of the scanner carriage and lamp will appear. And here it is not.

If the mirror covers the scanner field, you will get ... just a black square, rectangle, circle or oval - in general, a dark figure that repeats the shape of your mirror. At good quality images of a scanning unit and a bad one - a mirror, the only thing that may appear is scratches, stains or scuffs that were once left on a smooth mirror surface. They will look like highlights in the photo.

The scanner will display only the dark figure of the mirror on the monitor screen.

Now that you know that nothing bad will happen, you can safely experiment with home mirrors:

  1. take a mirror that does not exceed the size of A4;
  2. open the scanner;
  3. put the mirror with the reflective surface down;
  4. close the scanner;
  5. press the buttons and admire the result.

How to explain the results of the experiment?

Why is the image black? Everything is explained by the laws of physics, which govern the mirror surface and the apparatus for scanning images. What happens during the scanning of any image? Each of us had the opportunity to observe how, when the button for the start of the operation was pressed, the carriage with the lamp began to move under the glass. The carriage is equipped with a mirror, the lamp helps the closed scanner to illuminate the image of the object that is placed in it.

This image is transmitted to the second stationary mirror, which, in turn, transmits the image to a sensitive matrix. The matrix displays the image on the monitor screen. The carriage moves in steps, for each of which one part of the scanned image is transferred to the matrix, and at the very end all these parts are combined to create a whole picture. The higher the illumination of the object that we scan, the better the picture is.

Modern scanners transmit not black and white, but color images, so the matrix has three color filters (red, blue and green), each of which measures the quality of “its own” color. A mirrored surface placed in the scanner will reflect all the light that is directed at it from the lamp, so all 100% of red, green and blue will be subtracted from the scan. This explains the final image of a simple black square or oval. And the illuminated spots in the places of scratches are explained by the fact that in these areas the mirror will be able to absorb a small amount of light from the lamp.

Many Internet users are interested in the question of what will happen if a mirror is scanned. Lots of guesses. Since the mirror has the property of reflecting, some believe that it is possible to see the mechanism of the scanning device. There is also an opinion that there will be a white light on the sheet, corresponding to the glow of the scanner lamp, or there will be nothing at all.

Here are some more interesting comments:

  • The lamp with the scanner carriage will be visible;
  • As a result of scanning the reflecting side of the mirror, a blurry, highly overexposed photograph of the scanner carriage with its optical system will be obtained, as if taken with a long exposure. Therefore, the photograph itself will consist of small bands with separating brightness. Due to the strong exposure to the naked eye, it will be perceived simply as a white spot;
  • , so if you scan a mirror, you can see the people who were once reflected in this mirror. Also, the scanned image may appear creatures that fill the world on the other side of the mirror;
  • If you scan a mirror, the scanner will break;
  • Through the Looking Glass;
  • Alice in Wonderland).

In order not to guess, you can conduct a small experiment and find out what the result will actually be. This experiment will not take much time and certainly does not require any effort from you.

So what happens if you scan the mirror

Let's take an ordinary mirror (it is better to take a mirror that is close in size to A4 format). Let's put it on an open flatbed scanner. The scanner cover cannot be closed if the mirror is attached to the wooden base. It remains only to scan and see the result.

Our experiment shows that if you scan a mirror, there will be no scanner mechanism at all, and not even white light, but a black sheet. Where the mirror has been soiled, or there are fasteners, whitish spots will be visible.
If you do not have the opportunity to conduct this experiment yourself, you can watch this video:

How can such a result be explained?

Well, firstly, a mirror is the most ordinary thing that does not have any magical mysteries under it, so none of them will be displayed in the mirror when it is scanned. But why a black spot is printed on paper when scanning a mirror is simply explained.

The fact is that modern flatbed scanners work according to the following principle: a carriage moves along the scanning field, on which there is a lamp that illuminates the object being scanned. The reflected light beams are captured by a charge-coupled device (CCD). The more light reflected, the more current this device will create and transmit the pixel value to the computer. Greater value pixel corresponds to more illumination.