Zodiac sign Leo: dates of birth. Monthly horoscope for the sign Leo Horoscope for the whole month Leo

Birthday and characteristics

Leo's birthday and characteristics of the sign

The zodiac bestows its traits if their birth falls between July 23 and August 22.

  • In nature, he is the king of the entire animal kingdom. Man also takes over the reins of power, but among his own kind. Of course, this is not entirely true, but they see the picture this way and it is better not to convince them otherwise. Pleasure tactics will turn even the most formidable predator into a purring kitten. If you want to get acquainted with the character of the zodiac, visit his luxurious abode. Does not like darkness and boredom. It is difficult to make him blush or confuse him.
  • The Zodiac feels responsible for managing the lives of family, friends, and sometimes strangers. One must have the courage to argue about something they have an interest in or advocate for. He becomes softer with age, but never loses his sense of pride. The sign is always ready to attack and will release its claws in a dangerous situation (especially women).
  • There is grace and majesty in the movement of Leo. It will not escape your notice that they have a strong personality and style. They are not characterized by a fast pace of walking or speaking. They attract attention even among a crowd. But he can choose between two states: to become the main one at the party or to remain invisible. The zodiac does not know the middle.
  • No matter what Month of birth, they know how to influence others. There are notes of condescension in their tone, and they love to instruct, give advice, and, in general, share worldly wisdom. And you can give them credit, because they really know a lot. But a certain chaos reigns in their lives. Although they have a big ego, they are easily offended and hurt. Sometimes one sidelong glance is enough to hurt him. They are especially offended if you do not appreciate their generosity.
  • Flattery will help smooth out the conflict. The fact is that their weakness is vanity, so compliments will become a balm. But try not to show your disrespect, otherwise the zodiac will go crazy with rage.
  • Due to the existence of two extremes, it is difficult for Leo to make sober decisions. They simply cannot avoid showing their superiority, which can offend other signs. In turn, he notices the advantages, he is a wonderful host who knows how to satisfy all your needs.

General monthly horoscope for Leo

Despite the many holidays at the beginning of May, Leos are unlikely to have any fun during this period. Communication in friendly companies can be noisy and may involve conflict situations. The likelihood of this is especially high if you decide to invite your loved one to a group of friends. In this case, a conflict may arise between your passion and one of your friends. This is also not the best time to attend entertainment events, concerts, dance floors, or festive theatrical performances. The remaining days of May will shift your attention to business activity and make your behavior more purposeful. This is a great time to connect with influential people. They may notice you and start promoting you up the career ladder. In general, you will be able to excel in something these days. The most successful days in May: 3, 9, 10, 11, 14, 21. Busy days: 5, 6, 7, 24, 25, 30.

Monthly love horoscope for Leo

Leo lovers are favored by the 1st half of May. If you are looking for love away from home, or correspond with a person from a different culture, the stars advise establishing contact in the first days of the month. The second half of May will bring changes, however, the whole month will be rich in them. In a new situation, there is a risk of getting nervous and making a mistake. If something goes wrong, postpone the explanation until the last week of May.

Monthly financial horoscope for Leo

At the beginning of May, Leos are not recommended to conduct experiments and test new techniques. Looking for ways to improve your work can be a waste of time and effort. The stars advise giving preference to traditional types of work, where you have extensive experience and know the specifics of the work well. Participating in creative competitions and castings can be frustrating. The rest of the month will bring you good luck in your career. The results of your work will become more noticeable to your superiors and you may be offered a promotion. The likelihood of career growth is higher if you yourself hold a leadership position - in this case, you can be promoted a step higher on the career ladder, or you can be entrusted with more responsible work.

Favorable days for Leo in March 2017 – 2, 3, 20, 25, 26, 29

Unfavorable days for Leo in March 2017 – 10, 11, 16, 17, 23

Leo's career and finances in March

March 2017 for Lviv in the field of career activities, it is favorable for negotiating and concluding contracts. The stars advise entrepreneurs to think about expanding their business or launching a new project. With proper planning of your time during this period, you can significantly increase your income. This month you may be offered a part-time job, which will soon become a solid contribution to your personal budget. At the end of March 2017, your role in the current project will increase. Management will understand that only you, with your commitment and efficiency, can achieve the desired result. A reward in the form of career advancement or financial incentives will not be long in coming. In the financial sector, in March 2017, the fortune and financial capabilities of Lviv will grow. You will have a clear vision of the prospects for events affecting trade, industry and production.

Personal life of Leo in March

In the sphere of personal life March 2017 will be held for Lviv in a romantic atmosphere of sublime feelings and boundless tenderness. Those representatives of the sign who are already in a relationship will experience an increased attraction to their other half. Lonely representatives of the sign need to be more open to communication. At the beginning - middle of the month you will find yourself in a new company, where you will probably make a very pleasant acquaintance. At the end of the month, your excessive desire for personal independence may become a reason for quarrels with your loved one. To prevent this, tell your partner everything in advance - where you are going, what major purchase you are going to make. It’s bad if he finds out about everything after the fact.

Leo health in March

In the first days March 2017 Lions may feel a slight malaise, which will be psychosomatic in nature. To restore strength and replenish vital resources, do yoga or visit a spa. If you don't have time for this, drink soothing mint teas before bed for a week. In the middle of the month, an exacerbation of a chronic disease is possible. The immune system will also be weakened, and therefore it is advisable to take a vitamin complex after consulting with your doctor. In the second half of the month you will become too fussy, restless and irritable. Try to pull yourself together so as not to make mistakes in your work and not to quarrel with your relatives. The end of March 2017 is a favorable time to visit a cosmetologist or nutritionist.

Each Zodiac Sign begins and ends at the same time year after year. One of the brightest Signs is the summer Leo, who has an extremely violent temperament.

We wrote earlier. Read this information to better understand these people, what to expect from them, and how to interact with them. Each of us is unique, so astrology helps to unravel the mysteries of any person only by his date of birth.

When does Leo's action begin?

The period when the Zodiac Sign Leo comes into its legal force - from July 23 to August 23. The whole year is divided into 12 equal parts, so you can track the action of the Signs by month. In the summer, Cancer comes before Leo, and after – Virgo. This is an unchanging order that was established many hundreds of years ago.

Any person born between July 23 and August 23 is considered a Leo. The stars give him a certain energy, which determines his character and preferences in life.

Leo character

Zodiac Signs have 4 elements that are repeated three times. Fire, earth, air and water. They go strictly in this order every month, from year to year. Aries is fire, Taurus is earth, Gemini is air, Cancer is water, and then the cycle repeats. So Leo is a representative of the fire element.

Such people are hot; circumstances and environment can extinguish them or, conversely, rekindle them. Even within the same element, Signs still differ greatly. Leos are the quintessence, the brightest representative of fire. Those born under these stars have a violent temperament, although they often hide it. They have a very strong influence on the people around them, making them either nervous or blissful. Usually, if it is difficult to communicate with a Leo, it means that he does not like you, since your interests differ. Leos do not allow themselves to be controlled, so it is difficult to find a common language with them. It is best not to grovel before them, but to look for a diplomatic way out of any situation. You need to think about how to keep everything in balance. Leos rarely resort to hypocrisy or manipulation, so their emotions are always clear and understandable.

Many people mistakenly believe that it is impossible to find a common language with Leos, but this is not true, because they are sociable, affectionate and caring. If something threatens their loved one, they will rush at the offender in rage. And this is not ostentatious indignation: Leos always fiercely protect everything that belongs to them. You need to be careful with them, but not because they are kings or want to be, but because they cannot stand being led.

When they are in the company of people or in a friendly company, everyone pays attention to them. Nobody knows why, but it is so. When you talk to them, they get a little worried. Sometimes people are annoyed by their habit of giving advice, but you can live with this calmly, especially since this advice is not always useless, since it comes from the heart. If Leos don’t like you, then they simply won’t communicate with you, so don’t think that Leo will discuss you behind your back.

How to communicate with Leos

Those born between July 23 and August 23 are very demanding. You can talk to them on an equal basis, but putting yourself above them is useless. Leos have pride and a little permanent egoism about their status. They believe that their rules cannot be rewritten. If your Leo wife does not like daily cleaning, then she will never scrub the apartment out of love for art, although only circumstances can force her. For example, the appearance of guests in front of whom your Lioness will want to look impeccable.

People are often concerned about the love compatibility of Zodiac Signs. Previously, we wrote about which Signs harmonize well and poorly. Many people mistakenly think that life together with Leos is equal to hell on earth, but this is not so. Even such seemingly different people as Virgo and Leo can get along together, so don’t lose hope that Lioness or Leo will like you.

Leo men and Leo women are incredibly similar, although there are, of course, some differences. It is much easier to communicate with men, since they simply do not think about themselves and their ego. Women constantly analyze the people around them, singling out those who can encroach on their greatness.

Astrology looks for patterns, but not a 100% panacea for any quarrel. So you can get to know a person completely only through communication with him. However, you can trace, for example, what the Zodiac Signs hate. This article will help you see the world through the eyes of another person, so as not to accidentally offend or alienate him. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

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Your planet is the Sun. You can also be called the sun. For everyone around you you shine, shine, warm with your warmth, which, like the Sun, you have enough for everyone. Nobility and generosity are your second nature, dear Leo. And the first, by the way, is self-esteem. You are the king of beasts and the king of the entire Zodiac. Life for you is a throne room, and in it you are a fair and kind ruler. And there is no need for unnecessary modesty, you yourself know very well that your subjects adore you. You love luxury and feel uncomfortable without it. Perhaps you can only be reproached for being somewhat susceptible to flattery, but this small flaw, in any case, overshadows your many advantages.


Leo is the healthiest sign of the zodiac, so you are unlikely to have serious health problems. However, take care of your heart and spine. Astrostar recommends: sometimes you tend to royally overestimate your own strengths, so get more rest and don’t overwork, although this is quite difficult for you. Never miss a vacation. And it’s better to devote it to doing nothing in some exotic country (just don’t rush to get acquainted with the local cuisine - who knows how your stomach might react to it). Your healthy foods and supplements: apples, cheese, seafood.


Your loved one should be an ideal in your eyes. And if you have fallen in love, you are ready for anything. You do not skimp on gifts and tokens of attention, literally blinding the object of passion with your radiance. This is wonderful, but still you, like a true king, sometimes tend to listen only to yourself. Astrostar astrologers recommend to you: just listen more often to the opinion of your loved one; human warmth can never be replaced by the most expensive jewelry.

Work and career

You definitely strive to realize yourself in your professional activities, and, it should be noted, you will almost certainly succeed. You feel great, first of all, in leadership positions, but you also reveal your potential in any creative professions, because the real fire of creation burns within you! You are often willing to take risks, which usually pay off.


Our call to Leo - don’t hesitate! Everyone loves you, how can you not love the sun? But still, your rays can make someone wear sunglasses. You are sometimes too demanding of people close to you - remember to be merciful! With another Leo, with Scorpio and Aquarius, you constantly compete in everything possible; relationships can go off scale, but if you are ready for this, so much the better! Aries, Sagittarius and Gemini will be excellent companions for you: you are tuned in to the same wavelength and live by the same emotions. With Virgo and Libra, you are able to create long-term creative and business alliances. Capricorns and Taurus are not close to you; they think too down to earth for you. You yourself are wary of Pisces and Cancer - who can understand them, these water signs?


It is not appropriate for a Leo to dress modestly; you should shine both in the throne room and on the tram. You like bright colors, custom cuts, designer shoes. Why not, after all? Our only wish: in your desire to stand out from the crowd, do not overdo it, choose an outfit according to the occasion.


Your home is your palace, in which you create your own little world with great pleasure. The latest achievements of Italian design, fashionable Japanese motifs, African decorations - all this can be perfectly combined in the interior of one room, in which, by the way, you really like to receive guests. And for your guests, visiting your home is a real holiday.