!! They say “love will suddenly come when you don’t expect it at all”, but how then is the opposite statement “thoughts materialize”?! What do you think?! Love when it comes

Love is like a huge clot of fire that grows and pulsates sweetly in your heart. No wonder the ancients called this state "divine ecstasy." At the same time, it creates the feeling that you have one heart for two and that personally your heart has increased in your chest 10 times. The state of love is like a kaleidoscope that shimmers with different colors, or like jazz with its endless improvisations. Deep love is different every day. Sometimes she sounds loud and bright, and sometimes she sings softly, and sometimes she cries. What a great happiness it is when two souls, whose energy amplitudes coincide, find each other in our crazy world, where everyone is not up to love! And you should not tell anyone about your feelings, neither friends, nor acquaintances, much less employees in the office. I guarantee that in addition to grins, envy and cruel jokes, you will not get anything in return. After all, love is like enlightenment. This is a special kind of inspiring energy, which is impossible to tell, you have to feel it yourself. Therefore, beware of telling your girlfriend or friend about what happened to you!

There are people who are not capable of love, they will immediately begin to unceremoniously criticize your precious state of mind and give you breathtaking advice, the essence of which boils down to one thing - go to a psychologist, switch, get a lover. Indeed, for many, sex and love are synonymous. I hasten to upset lovers of idle sexual relations and inform that love is born in the heart, and not in the genitals. And besides, where does the psychologist? - you ask. After all, this is love! The one! How can a psychologist help me? Is he able to cancel it, turn it off, cut it out of the heart? Yes, of course, the only thing he can do is devalue it in your eyes, out of envy, perhaps, because this has never happened to him that your feeling will shrink into a ball for a while. But, of course, love cannot be killed! If this happened to you, know that this is for a long time, if not forever. After all, it is not for nothing that love is called a disease, but I still recommend getting sick with it, because it is a great disease and useful - it cleanses the energy channels of life!

Much depends on the people who fell in love with each other. There is a condition called "loneliness together." This is a very painful love, when for some reason people cannot be together, but at the same time they are an absolute single whole, 100% kindred spirits! And if such a tragedy happened to you, try not to lose heart. After all, if you, for example, cannot live life next to each other, you can always go in parallel and continue to mentally send each other love, warmth and care. This is a very high level of awareness, when mature, wise, true love arises between people who often have families. The one that makes you want to fly, live, run barefoot in the dew at 5 in the morning, the one that you can earn only by going through an unimaginable number of trials so that the soul is ripe for its acceptance, but at the same time you cannot enjoy it to the fullest! It is forbidden! But why? Social games? Millions of useless fake marriages in which people lie to each other, but still in the morning they say fake: "Good morning dear, or dear!" Do they know the meaning of the word “dear”, “dear”, or have they forgotten how it is long ago? After all, this is when someone is so dear to you that you are ready to give your life for him! But no!! A lot of cowardly people live in these social boxes called "family", depriving themselves and others of the right to be happy. They are ready to torture themselves and others, and their children, and everyone around for years. They wear wedding rings, have dinner together and even go to resorts, but are they a family, are they dear to each other? Not for a long time....

And who needs a family in which a man and a woman no longer love each other? What is it, a social partnership or a small corporate party, where everything is tied to money, clothes, trips, and what is in the refrigerator? Perhaps it is so convenient to live, but why are people ready to rob themselves, to deprive them of the right to happiness?

What to do when love comes, and you are bound by unnecessary family ties? Chop them without a trace? Yes, only the brave can do that. It is the brave people who are capable of such radical steps. They get divorced for the sake of a moment of happiness, but in this minute you can live a whole life, which, sometimes, you will not live even in years. This is the minute or minutes that violate all the laws of physics, the laws of time and space. You seem to be moving into another dimension and you are different, just glow from the inside - this is your personal happiness! And when in our society the idea that divorce is a sin, it is bad, it is a shame (as it was in past centuries) is persistently imposed on people, the question arises whether it is necessary to continue to live together for people whose relationships have already become obsolete. Yes, imagine that "people cannot always be together." Each of us has our own destiny, our own program. Who needs two viciously lonely people, in their impotence breaking down on their children? What connects them? How useful it is sometimes to learn from the example of Western society, where people live for their own pleasure, and not for the sake of the ridiculous rules of society. Where children are happy and joyful when they see a radiant mother who is loved and a kind dad who is also loved, but at the same time everyone lives separately and remains friends! After all, people are not robots, if they do not have joy in life, they will not be able to raise a full-fledged generation, they will not be able to fill them with love if they do not have it in their lives! How wise are those people, both men and women, who managed to let each other go without reproach. How brave and happy are those who managed to build a new family, who wanted to live a new life with their loved one.

Do not be afraid to part with the unloved, with those who annoy you, do not hold on to each other, do not hurt. Divorce boldly and be ready for a new life, for a new love. After all, it so often happens that when you meet a person, you understand that it is with him that you want to live your whole life, it is from him that you want a child. This is a very deep inner awareness, something inside you just knows that only with him and forever. Someone wise said “You can get poisoned not only by food, but also by communication!”. So do not poison your life and the life of the person who is next to you! Look for true love, and when you meet it suddenly, as it usually happens, appreciate it with all your heart! Appreciate love, live it, saturate it, accept and give, thank that she chose you! And remember, Love is an island for two.

Why does love come when you don't expect it at all? and got the best answer

Answer from ZvvvvezdoChka)[expert]
You know) I have already met the person whom I fell in love with with all my heart) And he told me once ... Love is like a butterfly ... You never guess at what moment it will sit on your shoulder ..) Same here. . . She will come when we least expect her.

Answer from Galina Boyko[guru]
Love is a gift from God!! ! She doesn't ask when she should come.... If you haven't met her yet, it's just not time yet! And she will come! Necessarily!!! Remember how the song says: "Love will suddenly come when you don't expect it at all..."

Answer from Anastasia Ves[guru]
Pseudo-love is a disease that occurs when a person is in a critical state of sexual dependence, when the concentrations of certain neurotransmitters reach a critical level. For example, Phenylletamine. This substance is always present in the brain in the smallest concentrations, and performs useful functions. When a person suffers from pseudo-love, the concentration of this substance increases hundreds of times. In such quantities, this substance is a weak drug. A person becomes addicted to pseudo-love, like a gambling addiction. Pseudo-love in society is present with many rituals, such as kissing, marriage, romantic gifts. In most cases, these rituals serve as support for the necessary level of weak drugs in the blood, since consciousness begins to perceive this, too, as a manifestation of pseudo-love in another person.
Love - This is a state of consciousness that is not a lower feeling, because it does not have a basis of neurotransmitters. This state of consciousness manifests itself as kindness to all living objects in general and as a desire to preserve objects that are necessary for the life of any life forms. This condition is associated with the absence of any neurotransmitters and therefore is not a disease, unlike pseudo-love.
Sex addiction - This is an addiction that occurs during sexual intercourse, as a result of the manifestation of weak drugs that are produced in the body during sexual intercourse. Sexual addiction usually occurs after two or three sexual intercourses.

Answer from Sergey Mischuk[guru]
Because we get a pleasant buzz from the piercing love in its uncontrollability and unexpectedness. Accordingly, what is controlled cannot be love. So accepted.
The accomplished expected does not deliver a buzz. Try to expect love without wanting it! Will not work. And it already looks like management. Well, "wait without desire" - this is "do not wait."

Answer from Alice Lalala[master]
I can't wait, can't think. . despair, of course, sets in already at certain moments, and you want to forget about everything and not bother, but in the end you still wait .. but it still doesn’t exist.

Answer from Nickaletti[guru]
Love comes when you expect it. There is a feeling of love. And then she came...

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Why does love come when you do not expect it at all?

What should I do if I am very lonely? I really want to cry, lately the attacks of loneliness are becoming more frequent, deeper and harder
This is what is happening to many people right now. The whole problem is that people do not know what the true meaning is

read Ukrainian

Never wondered why it happens

Hello everyone, my name is Natasha. I want to tell you my story. Once I was a beautiful young girl, full of hope and great prospects. But there was no most important thing in my life - there was no love. No, of course, there were boys, but as they say, all this is not right. While studying, while looking for a job - there was not enough time for this. At 25, I had everything - a good job, my own apartment and no personal life.

It was at this time that my classmate Dima began to look after me, with whom we sat at the same desk for 10 years. My parents liked him very much, he was not too demanding, he fulfilled any of my whims - he said that he libit me. After we began to live together, I became pregnant and we went to the registry office.

Then my daughter Nastenka was born, time passed, we lived together, went on vacation together, built a house together in the country, lay together in the evenings in the same bed. But I didn't love him, I know that for sure. Recently I caught myself thinking that in all 15 years of my life together, I never once said I love him, I never worried if he was suddenly late and did not come home.

A year ago, I went with a friend to Egypt and met a man there. His name is Sasha. For a whole year now I have been living like in a fairy tale, without it I cannot live even three days. On dates I run like an eighteen-year-old girl. In general, everything is fine with us, recently he proposed to me.

Everything would be fine, but I don't know how to tell Dima about this. I see how he looks at me, I see that I am his guiding thread that leads him through this life. You know, that's how he loves me, the same way I love Sasha. What to do? How to cut this knot. My loved one invites me to meet my husband and talk about us, as it is said in a manly way, as modnica.ru reports.

A girl named Sophia was very fond of dreaming. When it rained outside, she wrapped herself in a warm blanket and for so long she loved to sit on the terrace and listen to the music of the rain. Sophia is a romantic at heart, she reads a lot, writes interesting stories about her life. She manages everything: at work from morning to evening, she puts her little daughter on her feet herself.

Her fate did not work out. She lost her husband a long time ago. So he lives with his daughter, helping and supporting each other.

Sophia did not want to let anyone into her life, since she could not let go of her husband for a very long time. Both relatives and friends carefully advised her to change her life, but she was unshakable. Sophia no longer believed that she could love, truly love.

So the years went by ... And he appears handsome, smart, kind.

The love story of Sofia and Dmitry is a story of joy and sadness, happiness and parting ... There are thousands of kilometers between them. Dmitry managed to find the key to Sofia's soul. He gradually opened up to her another world, a world of beauty, a world of joy, a world of happiness, there are no tears, and if they do, then only tears from love and happiness. This love at a distance brings a lot of suffering to Sophia. Live and constantly wait for a meeting, a long-awaited meeting.

Then after a while there is silence. Dmitry left without explaining anything to Sophia. Left in English. She is still waiting, waiting for her beloved to come to her.

Then Vitaly appears in her life. He knew Sophia for a very long time, but did not dare to approach her, as he knew her husband. Purely by chance, they ran into each other on the street, a casual conversation, then a date, courtship. Everything started very well. Vitaly was very caring towards both Sophia and her daughter. He did not rush Sophia, because he understood and felt that she was not ready for drastic changes in her life. Sofia met with Vitaly, and in her thoughts she constantly thought and thinks about Dmitry.

After all, you can not force the heart to love two people at once. She loves Dmitry, and she has only friendly, warm feelings for Vitaly. Vitaly made an offer to Sofia, and said that he was ready to wait as long as necessary, and Sofia could not answer him in return with the same love and reciprocity. She told Vitaly that she loves another, she cannot forget, love for him lives in her soul and heart.

Vitaly promised Sofia that he would help find Dmitry so that Sofia would put everything in its place. After all, it is also impossible to live in anticipation of happiness, if it is next to you. Vitaly connected all his connections, he was an influential man, and after a while the news came, only very sad news for Sofia. Vitaly did not dare to tell Sophia what had happened, but he could not not tell, he loved Sophia so much, and wanted her not to suffer from uncertainty. Dmitry stopped communicating with Sophia, as he fell ill, and the disease was terrible, chronic blood leukemia. He did not want to cause her suffering, and decided to fight the disease alone. Dmitry was in the hospital for treatment in one of the hospitals.

But before telling everything to Sophia, he himself went on a long business trip. So he said to Sophia, in order to figure everything out for himself. So Dmitry and Vitaly met. Vitaly immediately realized that Dmitry's feelings for Sofia are so tender, so alive, that he decided to do something that not everyone is given in life. He transferred a considerable amount for the treatment of Dmitry, without saying anything to either him or Sofia. He decided so for himself, if love is alive, you need to give it a chance to live.

Time has passed ... Vitaly and Sofia are going to this city. Sofia said to get some rest. And there the long-awaited meeting of Dmitry and Sofia takes place. Vitaly did everything to make his beloved Sofia happy.

A meeting of two men, eye to eye, a man's handshake... Tears, joy, gratitude...

Vitaly said: "Take care of my Sophia, she loves you."


"If only you knew from what rubbish love grows, knowing no shame" - probably, Anna Akhmatova would start writing about it like that.

Why is born - or not born - love? Where does she come from and why does she leave?

In order for love to be born, some prerequisites are needed: they can be sexual attraction or social stereotypes that say that it is necessary and time to fall in love. Once upon a time, craving for another person arises from a general life longing, from a desire to occupy oneself with at least something, to entertain oneself with something, or to give oneself at least an illusion of the meaning of life, or to distract oneself from mental pain. For many, the game of love is a status game. There are also much more beautiful options when a person carries in advance in his soul the image of the Beloved or Beloved as the one he (she) prepares himself to meet in order to make that person truly happy.

One way or another, for the birth of love, you need, albeit small, but -.

There are always some conditions around us that help us - or hinder us. No matter how common stories are about how girls fall in love with star actors, we more often really fall in love with those who live next to us, with whom we intersect in life. A schoolgirl is more likely to fall in love with a guy from her school, a student is more likely to be carried away by a girl from her class, people are often brought together by common hobbies or joint work, leaders are often interested in girls who become their secretaries ... Friendship often contributes to future love, and it is good friendship turns out to be a reliable foundation for future happy love.

When there are prerequisites for love in the soul of a person, love can be born. But will it arise and what does it depend on? Sometimes love is born suddenly when natural anchoring (imprinting, imprinting) occurs, in some cases a person simply finds a suitable option for himself and makes an internal choice: "This suits me." In the first case, love is born, in the second - just a relationship.

What is better, what is worse? One thing can definitely be said here: one thing cannot be praised here. And relationships, sometimes, become the beginning of true love, and love, as you know, sometimes goes out, not growing to love.

They say that sometimes love is born as a result of a love spell, but more often it is more practical to use the male and female military arsenal...

What awaits love after it was born? There are many options here, a lot determines what is happening one way or another, once conscious, sometimes not - a calculation that usually has in mind worldly benefits and conveniences. If the relationship developed successfully and became established, gratitude arises between people, in any case, over time, attachment occurs between people - both worldly and spiritual. Love that has grown only out of flared feelings naturally goes out on its own, but if people want to maintain relationships that are dear to them and maintain the fire of love, this is quite real. And quite over time, love in many ways turns into a habit and lives as a habit, sometimes growing into a way of life ...

How do you like this perspective: love as a way of life?

What love grows from what

What kind of love - it largely depends on what underlies it: physiology or social stereotypes, feelings or mind, a healthy and rich soul - or lonely and sick ... Love based