Tatyana Markova personal life children. Tatyana Markova (singer) - biography, information, personal life

Tatyana Mikhailovna MARKOVA (nee Agunovich, born June 8, 1956, Volgograd, RSFSR, USSR) - Soviet / Russian singer, composer, lyricist.

A bright and memorable image, powerful stage energy, colorful, expressive and always recognizable vocals - these are the qualities that helped Tatyana Markova survive many one-day stars on the domestic stage.

From an early age I loved to sing. At the age of eighteen she entered the professional stage and was accepted into the Astrakhan Philharmonic.

In 1977, Alexander Zatsepin and Leonid Derbenev bring Tatyana to the Six Young People VIA, where Alexander Rosembaum, Nikolai Rastorguev, Valery Kipelov and others began their careers.

In 1979 - soloist of VIA "Vityaz" from the Ryazan Philharmonic.

In 1980, the team came to Grodno to deliver a new program. There Tatyana Agunovich meets Viktor Markov, gets married, and a year later their son Sasha was born. Soon she was invited to Moscow and accepted into Rosconcert.

But these joyful events in Tatyana’s creative biography coincided with a difficult period in her personal life - Markova became seriously ill, and for seven whole years she had to fight an illness that almost took her life. The birth of her second child, daughter Valeria, helped overcome the disease.

The 80s did not bring Markova fame or hits, but they shaped her tastes, style preferences and stage manner: Tatyana fell in love with jazz, pop music and dashing songs.

In many ways, her first fame was facilitated by an unexpected episode: the Alpha group, where in recent years (after Sergei Sarychev retired) her husband, Viktor Markov, was the producer, faced a shortage of new songs. And when Victor and the leading soloist of “Alfa” in recent years, Eduard Prediger, admitted this to each other, Tatyana unexpectedly tried to come to their aid: “Let me write something for you?!” At first, the men did not take this idea seriously, but Tatyana soon released her first two hits, “If you love - you don’t love” and “Hello,” which became the basis for the album of the revived “Alpha.” The work of the singer and composer was celebrated at the International Festival “Sopot-90”.

In 1991, together with E. Prediger, she made her debut in the song “Wine of Love”, and for the group itself she wrote the hit “Flood”.

This became a new stage not only in the singer’s biography, but also in her career - Tatyana Markova seriously took up solo activities. In addition, she began to perform songs of her own composition. Her first appearance on television in front of a wide audience was sensational. There was no doubt that a new star had risen in the pop sky, unlike any other.

Success inspired Markova to create new songs, which were included in her first Manito album “Everything is so simple”, released in 1992 (in 1991 it was published as a magnetic album, but consisted of only six songs), and soon she received an offer from the Melodiya company. for the release of a giant disc, which was a resounding success (the disc was released, but already on the Russian Disc company).

Markova's songs are simple, unpretentious, but at the same time quite melodic and memorable - from pop flair to tavern revelry.

However, not everything went so smoothly. For example, if you turn to the then popular “Sound Track” of the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper, you can see that in the 1992 hit parade, Markova’s debut song “Remember” was named “Worst Song of the Year” by readers, and in a 1995 poll recognized as “The most vulgar star on our stage” after her song “What have I done in my life.”

Although, if we compare it, it is unlikely that Mrs. Markova could be called more vulgar than the star of the same years, Masha Rasputina.

And subsequently, an album was released every year: in 1993 - “I Hate, I Love”, in 1994 - “What Have I Done in My Life” (the second title is “Someone else’s Wife”), in 1995 - “I Got Sick of You” , in 1996 - “Mistress”,

In 1996, Markova again composed for the once again revived (again under the production of Viktor Markov) “Alpha”.

1997 – solo album “Completely Different”, 1999 – “Love Story”.

Then Tatyana disappears from the scene for some time - in 1997-98 she was busy building and furnishing her country house.

Markova returned only in 1999, preparing to present her new songs. This is again a riotous pop show - without pretensions, with a lot of familiar words about love and lyrical and melodramatic melodies traditional for the genre. However, Markova’s characteristically rough and colorfully expressive vocals make it impossible to confuse them with anyone else.

Then the singer disappeared from view for several years. When people came to their senses and started searching, the main addressee, then known to everyone - the singer’s husband and her producer Viktor Markov - answered the phone briefly and clearly: “The project is closed”...

To the questions: “Project? What project?.. Oh, closed? How is it closed?”, instead of explanations, short beeps were heard in response. The earth, as usual, was full of rumors. Some people gossiped that she had become completely bad. Like, the beauty is not young, so she fell apart. Others clarified: they said she had lost her mind - either from stardom, or because of the divorce.

For a long time no one knew anything about the divorce, but then it was confirmed. The former husband and producer was carefully encrypted and made the news public only when he got a new wife.

T. Markova: “All these years I have not been hungry at all, and my, so to speak, “return” is not at all connected with mercantile interests. In my “past life,” I was a very well-paid singer and managed to manage my earnings wisely. I have my own profitable business, which has nothing to do with music, and in this sense I feel absolutely confident and protected. This time. Secondly, my silence is not at all connected with divorce and other troubles in my personal life. Nobody closed any “projects”. I have never been a “project”. I am a living person and, I dare to hope, talented...”

In addition to writing songs, she also wrote diaries.

T. Markova: “I almost abandoned the diaries when I gave up on the big stage. But sometimes I re-read... May 92000 I was cut off the air again... That's why I left. I've had enough. And that incident became one of the last straws in the cup of patience. I had a song “In Memory of Sons”, which was born after a severe shock. I saw a program about Chechnya, how mothers move coffins in Rostov. Not only were their sons killed, but they also had to look through several coffins to see if her son was lying there. Kirichenko was like that on Channel Six. He filmed it, for which he was later persecuted. There was a concert in the Rossiya hall for veterans on Victory Day. I came out with this song. She sang about hope, which is so important for any mother whose son is at war. It was very topical back then.

The mother has grown quite old, her eyes have dimmed,
photograph of a son in his mother's tears,
She sets the table, as always, for three,
and a glass of vodka covered with bread stands...

And the mother stands, not knowing where to look
your dear baby, your little blood...
She doesn’t believe the reports that her son died...

And one morning, when the whole city was asleep,
she felt as if someone had knocked on the door,
She opened the door with a chilling hand.
– Hello, dear mother, I’m back alive.

The whole hall was crying, behind the scenes they were crying, the hosts were crying, I was crying. The ending was amazing due to the emotional intensity. And now I’m watching the broadcast on May 9th. I was cut out. Again... An interesting thing, by the way, is that the television filming of this song was simply destroyed. I tried to find them and couldn’t...”

In her interviews, Tatyana likes to indulge in detailed and lengthy memories of how she “was called very much everywhere, invited, insisted,” but then was mercilessly cut out from everywhere with censor’s scissors. They were invited by ministers, police officers, intelligence officers, border guards, oil workers, land reclamation workers, deputies... But the TV bosses and editors cut her out “in collusion,” as Markova is absolutely sure, with her eminent and more thieves colleagues on the stage, for whom her popularity and independence “have always been a bone” in the throat".

T. Markova: “When a teddy bear, a symbol of childhood for every person, jerks off, or, to put it mildly, masturbates on all channels, I have a question: is this a culture that can be shown? And Markova, then, is not culture and is not formatted? Let them then explain to me the criteria of this format, the concept of “culture” and the reasons why, for example, they called me vulgar... and where I am with my bare tits, and where “we have AIDS from Markova”, and all these years I have been collecting spectators notes..."

One of them: “Dear, charming Tanya! The young team of teachers is delighted with your outfits and asks for patterns for the proms of the 96-97 academic year, so as not to lose face in front of the students...”

Although Tatyana was a welcome guest at absolutely all professional holidays, from some lumberjack’s day to, say, a driller’s day, “where the president was, I was never allowed to perform.”

T. Markova: “No, I didn’t kill them with “vulgarity.” I killed them with my creativity. They were afraid that when the president heard me, he would start taking back everyone’s orders and titles. Others sang songs, and they were given medals. And they definitely won’t give me the “Silver Galosh” for plagiarism or anything else. You can think, cry, and laugh over my songs. That's why I'm not here. And if I were like many others, the same passer-by, no one would touch me.”

In 2000, Tatyana Markova left the big stage, tired of fighting with “TV bosses” and unscrupulous colleagues in the shop.

In general, offended and tired of the “persecution,” she plunged into “oblivion,” which she whiled away “between Spain and rubles.” But the outback did not forget the artist. And from time to time, at the request of old friends, she appeared either in gas fields or in oil wells.

T. Markova: “ I rhymed everything that didn’t rhyme - “Tyumentransgaz”, “Gazprom” and so on. Most often out of friendship, but sometimes also for fees. In my story there is a song that I wrote at the request of one person and received 50 thousand dollars for it.”

And she once went to the Ugra Valley for an amateur art competition - to sit on the jury, where Svyatoslav Belza himself was the chairman. I sat. I was stunned by the Siberian talents: “What voices this amateur performance has! I wish they were here - on the stage. And from here everyone goes, to hell, to the North, to the pipe...” While I was sitting on the jury, they asked me to sing. Sang.

T. Markova: “A man stood up in the hall: “Tanya, who did you leave us with? Now we have nothing to listen to, no one.” And everyone claps and encores: “Sing again!” Are you crazy, I say, try twitching here in high heels for two hours. And they: “Take it off!” Hairpins, they say. I took it off. I jumped barefoot for a few more songs, tore my tights... And somehow I began to feel like a hero. Because they haven’t forgotten me, because everyone has one question: “Well, where? Well, how? When?” I thought and thought, and it dawned on me. It turns out that I disappeared to the delight of only my competitors and colleagues. And the people are crying. And I thought to myself: “Don’t all of you go to hell!” And if I was once on the blacklist and was very worried about this, now I’m sure that it’s enough for me to simply say: “People, I’m with you!” - and I don’t give a damn, don’t let them show you. I don’t need, like some girl from the “Star Factory,” to bomb from scratch. I just need to remind you. That I exist and that I didn’t just go out for a walk, but, as the late Leonid Petrovich Derbenev said (back in “Sharks of the Pen”), “Markova walked and walked and found her niche, which belongs only to her.” He was such a perspicacious guy...”

In 2006, the singer released two discs: “Runway”, with new amazing songs and the collection “In the Mood for Love” with remixes of old hits.

“Sound Track,” which dubbed this event “The Return of the Year,” then wrote: “Runway” with Alexander Dedyushko in the video is, of course, a knight move with lethal force, but just a seed. Five years of leisurely writing “for myself” in the silence of oblivion gave birth to such powerful and rollicking compositions, like “Wounded Bird”, that, having listened to them, “ZD”, to tell the truth, is now very worried about the tranquility of a whole galaxy of active pop singers who until they even suspect what kind of bomb will explode under their noses..."

T. Markova: “And even if I find myself on the black list again or they call me “unformatted,” no one will forbid me to release an album. And then we'll see. I will not slap everyone on the cheeks and faces with envy or revenge, but only with creativity!”

Unfortunately, there was no furor - the event went unnoticed.

Since 2010, Tatyana Markova has been participating in the projects of the channel “Chanson TV”, “Eh, Razgulyay!”, “Stars of Chanson at the Slavic Bazaar”.

In 2012, she learned that her son Alexander was sick and he had very little time to live. After the death of her son, Tatyana Markova’s husband Victor left the family after twenty-five years of living together (according to another version, they divorced before this tragic event). Perhaps the death of their thirty-one-year-old son only pushed their already damaged relationship towards collapse. However, after the divorce they were able to remain friends.

During that difficult time, Tatyana was provided with great support by her daughter Valeria. Only a few years after the death of her son, the singer was able to return to the stage, and she did this in her native Volgograd. Her first concerts were sold out - those who remembered her old hits came to the performance of her favorite artist, so she included them in her program.

During the time that Tatyana Markova was not performing, she tried to start a business - building and selling houses in the Moscow region, but it didn’t work out, and the singer realized that it was better to do only what you know how to do. Tatyana is not going to return to the capital - she says that in her hometown, where she has many relatives and friends, she feels much more comfortable.

In 2014, the singer held a benefit performance as part of “Project 130” on Taganka of the Chanson TV channel.

In 2016, for her anniversary, Tatyana Markova planned to release a new album with rearranged hits from previous years, and also recorded a number of new songs: “Three Candles”, “Lanterns”, “Yaroslavna”, “My Friends”, “The Time Has Come”, “Husband” my dear”, “Nadezhda”, etc.

(Based on materials from the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets”, the website “Who is the husband” (Husbands of famous women) and the official VKONTAKTE group)


1. Crimson sunset
2. Remember
3. It's so simple
4. Give me flowers
5. There, beyond the blue river
6. The roses were blazing
7. Ah, lilac - dope-flowers!
8. Wine of love
9. Blue-eyed
10. Weeping willow
11. Forget it
12. Failure
13. White dress
14. What have I done in my life!
15. 300 days
16. Boots
17. Sea, sea
18. Cherry branch
19. I hate, I love
20. On the planet of love
21. Whether you love or not
22. Hello, night girl
23. Earthly love

Music: T. Markova
Words: B. Dubrovin, T. Markova

DOWNLOAD LINK: https://yadi.sk/d/6SczJyv-3JYPvM

Archive size: 146.2 MB
Quality: MP 3 (256 kb/s)
Total playing time: 79 min. 34 sec.


1. I'm crying
2. Doll
3. I got sick of you
4. Engagement ring
5. First kiss
6. Don't break the roses
7. River
8. I thank fate
9. Daisies
10. Cheated
11. Invisible thread
12. Geese-swans
13. Love story
14. Not a married wife
15. White rose
16. Bewitched
17. Your eyes
18. I haven’t loved you for a long time
19. My soul
20. Years without you
21. Runway

Music and lyrics: T. Markova,
(10) – music. E. Prediger, lyrics. T. Markova,
(11) – music. E. Prediger, lyrics. T. Baranova,
(14) – music. A. Dobronravov, lyrics. V. Pelenyagre,
(17) – music. T. Markova, lyrics. L. Derbenev.

Records 1993-2006

Archive size: 145.2 MB
Quality: MP 3 (256 kb/s)
Total playing time: 79 min. 30 sec.

The performer of popular hits, author of music and lyrics was popular in the nineties, and then suddenly disappeared from the sight of fans. As often happens, a few years later she was about to return to the stage to delight listeners with her new creations, but the tragic events that happened in the singer’s personal life in 2012 changed the artist’s plans. At that time, she learned that her son Alexander was sick, and he had very little time to live. After the death of her son, Tatyana Markova’s husband, Victor, left the family after twenty-five years of living together. Perhaps the death of their thirty-one-year-old son only pushed their already damaged relationship towards collapse. However, after the divorce they were able to remain friends.

Viktor Markov was the singer’s producer, and the relationship between them had long been tense, so divorce was their logical conclusion. During that difficult time, Tatiana was greatly supported by her daughter Valeria. Only a few years after the death of her son, the singer was able to return to the stage, and she did this in her native Volgograd. Her first concerts were sold out - those who remembered her old hits came to the performance of her favorite artist, so she included them in her program.

During the time that Tatyana Markova was not performing, she tried to start a business - building and selling houses in the Moscow region, but it didn’t work out, and the singer realized that it was better to do only what you know how to do. Tatyana is not going to return to the capital - she says that in her hometown, where she has many family and friends, she feels much more comfortable.

Markova was born in Volgograd in 1953, and from an early age she fell in love with singing. At eighteen she entered the professional stage and was accepted into the Astrakhan Philharmonic. Viktor Markov became the singer’s husband in 1980, and a year later their son Sasha was born. After Tatyana Markova joined the vocal and instrumental ensemble “Six Young”, she was invited to Moscow and accepted into Rosconcert. But these joyful events in Tatyana’s creative biography coincided with a difficult period in her personal life - Markova became seriously ill, and for seven whole years she had to fight an illness that almost took her life. The birth of her second child, daughter Valeria, helped overcome the disease.

This became a new stage not only in the singer’s biography, but also in her career - Tatyana Markova seriously took up her solo career. In addition, she began to perform songs of her own composition. The work of the singer and composer was noted at the International Festival “Sopot-90”, where the group “Alfa” performed her song, the producer of which was Tatyana Markova’s husband Viktor. Tatyana’s songs “Hello, girl of the night” and “If you love, you don’t love” were included in the album “Alpha” and helped the group experience a new birth.

Success inspired Markova to create new songs, which were included in her first Manito album, “It’s So Simple,” released in 1992, and soon she received an offer from the Melodiya company to release a giant disc, which was a resounding success. She wrote many more hits, including for Alpha, and then disappeared from the sight of fans for three years - Tatyana Markova reappeared only in 2000 and immediately released a new album, Love Story. And a few years later, after tragic events in the family, she disappeared again, and only now the singer reminds of herself again with her concerts.

Late at night from Tuesday to Wednesday, pop diva and sex bomb of the 90s Tatyana Markova unexpectedly entered the homes of many late-night TV viewers along the “Runway” of her new video. All in black, mysterious and proud, of course, not young, but mature and sexy. It’s as if she never left! She entered not with anyone, but together with the sex symbol of the current moment, the movie hero Alexander Dedyushko. The Internet is already buzzing. Some because of Dedushko, some because of Markova, and some because of both at once. For their Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, Rus' found its own Mr. and Mrs. Smith, two, you know, heterosexual super agents with a complex romantic background in their fate...

Why, however, did Madame Markova suddenly alarm the public with her unannounced return?

Unlike Carlson, who “flew away but promised to return,” the scandalous pop diva of the 90s Tatyana Markova simply disappeared one day about five years ago. Without any ceremonial shuffling. No long wires. No extra tears. Fuck, and no! And she didn’t promise to return. When people came to their senses and started searching, the main addressee, then known to everyone - the singer’s husband and her producer Viktor Markov - answered the phone briefly and clearly: “The project is closed”...

Project? What project?.. Oh, closed? Where is it closed? How is it closed? But instead of explanations, short beeps were heard in response.

The earth, as usual, was full of rumors. Some people gossiped that she had become completely bad. Like, the beauty is not young, so she fell apart. Others clarified: they said she had lost her mind - either from stardom, or because of the divorce.

For a long time no one knew anything about the divorce, but then it was confirmed. The sweet couple divorced after 24 stormy years of marriage. The former husband and producer, Mr. Markov, was carefully encrypted and made the news public only when he got a new wife.

And what about Tatyana?..

* * *

And here she sits before the clear eyes of “ZD”, with an unclouded and equally clear gaze, fresh and cheerful, paradoxically combining, as before, a slender figure and splendor of form, cheerful, laughing and a little imposing. Why not lounge around in your cozy little mansion near the Rublevsky tract? The purchaser is terribly happy, because a new life also requires a new home. She moved out of her old life with her previous husband a long time ago, as well as from her old life.

Let’s immediately dot the “i’s” a few times. Yes, I got divorced. With this theme - “Love has passed by” - the new album begins, after which “the theme is closed and will not open again.” Because the ocean has already flown under the bridge, and new love with another person has long refreshed life with the charm of mutual feelings.

All these years I have not been hungry at all, and my, so to speak, “return” is not at all connected with mercantile interests. In my “past life” I was a very well-paid singer and managed to manage my earnings wisely. I have my own profitable business, which has nothing to do with music, and in this sense I feel absolutely confident and protected. This time. Secondly, my silence is not at all connected with divorce and other troubles in my personal life. Nobody closed any “projects”. I have never been a “project”. I am a living person and, I dare to hope, talented...

You can see how Tanya suffers so as not to sing a couple of enthusiastic praises to herself, her beloved. In order not to make the lady look like an immodest braggart in the eyes of others, I scrape off all the past memories in my memory and begin to list them myself: singer, composer, poetess... And after a slight pause with a little doubt - writer. And what? I remember she once showed fragments of her diaries. Read up!

I almost abandoned the diaries when I gave up on the big stage. But sometimes I re-read...

Tatyana rummages through some piles for a long time - she was not prepared, you know, for the meeting: “I haven’t given an interview for 150 years.” He pulls out one of the notebooks, leafs through it, and squints. Here, yeah! “May 9, 2000. I was cut off the air again...”

* * *

It seems we've gotten to the point.

That's why I left. I've had enough. And that incident became one of the last straws in the cup of patience. I had a song “In Memory of Sons,” which was born after a severe shock. I saw a program about Chechnya, how mothers move coffins in Rostov. Not only were their sons killed, but they also had to look through several coffins to see if her son was lying there. Understand? Kirichenko was like that on Channel Six. He filmed it, for which he was later persecuted. And I wrote the song “In Memory of Sons.” There was a concert in the Rossiya hall for veterans. For Victory Day. I came out with this song. She sang about hope, which is so important for any mother whose son is at war. It was very topical back then. Listen: “The mother has grown quite old, her eyes have dimmed, there is a photograph of her son in maternal tears, she sets the table, as always, for three, and a glass of vodka, covered with bread, stands... And the mother stands, not knowing in which region to look for her dear child , her little blood... She doesn’t believe the news that her son died...” And further - the most important thing for which I wrote this song is the hope that every mother lives by: “And one morning, when the whole city was asleep, it seemed to her that someone knocked on the door, she opened the door with a chilling hand. Hello, dear mother, I’m back alive.” The whole hall was crying, behind the scenes they were crying, the hosts were crying, I was crying. The ending was amazing due to the emotional intensity. And now I’m watching the broadcast on May 9th. I was cut out. Again... An interesting thing, by the way, is that the television footage of this song was simply destroyed. I tried to find them and couldn't...

Tatyana launches into detailed and long memories of how “everywhere they called her, they invited her, they insisted on her,” but then from everywhere, except, perhaps, the television versions of “Sound Track,” she was mercilessly cut out with censor’s scissors. They were invited by ministers, police officers, intelligence officers, border guards, oil workers, land reclamation workers, deputies... But the TV bosses and editors cut them out “in collusion,” as Tatyana is absolutely sure, with her eminent and more thieves colleagues on the stage, for whom her popularity and independence “have always been a bone” in the throat". In general, the pop diva and star found herself in a global vicious circle paradox. Out of despair, I even scribbled a poem: “When the children of their most famous mothers take the place of real artists”...

* * *

Conspiracy theories have never appealed to Soundtrack. And to spite Tanya, I shook the 1992 “ZD” hit parade in front of her neat little nose, in which her debut song “Remember” was named “Worst Song of the Year” by MK readers. And then - and a newspaper in 1995, where, according to a ZD poll, Ms. Markova was recognized as “The most vulgar star on our stage” after her song “What have I done in my life.”

For us, her unbridled rollickingness and colorful stoles, before which the colors of the Sorochinsky fairs faded, were always a thrill. That is why “ZD” gladly welcomed Markova at its gala performances - to the delight of itself and the people. But perhaps, after all, the refined aestheticism of culture-cartoon television editors sincerely did not allow them to overstep their own ideas about beauty?

Tatyana Mikhailovna, hearing this assumption, stared at me as if I were looking at a new gate.

When a teddy bear, a symbol of childhood for every person, jerks off, or, to put it mildly, masturbates on all channels, I have a question: is this a culture that can be shown? And Markova, then, is not culture and is not formatted? Then let them explain to me the criteria of this format, the concept of “culture” and the reasons why, for example, they called me vulgar... You laid out these articles for me, where I am the most vulgar, and where I am with my bare tits, and where “AIDS we have from Markova,” and all these years I’ve been collecting viewers’ notes...

And already in front of my nose T.M. waved a fan of papers. I read: “Dear, charming Tanya! The young team of teachers is delighted with your outfits and asks for patterns for the proms of the 96-97 academic year, so as not to lose face in front of the students...”

No, I didn’t kill them with “vulgarity.” I killed them with my creativity.

Although Tatyana was a welcome guest at absolutely all professional holidays, from some lumberjack’s day to, say, a driller’s day, “where the president was, I was never allowed to perform.”

They were afraid that when he heard me, he would start taking back everyone’s orders and titles. Others sang songs, and they were given medals. And they definitely won’t give me the “Silver Galosh” for plagiarism or anything else. You can think, cry, and laugh over my songs. That's why I'm not here. And if I were like many others, the same passer-by, no one would touch me.

* * *

Here, of course, it’s worth refreshing your memory that artists of the widest spectrum did not shy away from singing Markov’s songs - from Vadim Kazachenko to Joseph Kobzon and Alexander Abdulov. At one time, Sofia Rotaru lavished praise on her “amazing voice and gift as a composer” and asked him to write “a couple of songs” for her. Tanya wrote, but “those who were with Sonya were different composers, then they simply hid her from me…”. I remember that even Kirkorov, who was greedy for picturesque women of the “diva” category, always spoke extremely flatteringly about Markova.

Yes, it happened. Moreover, we even wrote a song for a duet. “You and I, you and I, like seagulls at the stern, we, like swans, together we will preserve our fidelity...” Hmmm... It was not long before their wedding. Where the hell is there to “preserve loyalty”...

* * *

In general, Markova, offended and tired of the “persecution,” plunged into “oblivion,” which she whiled away “between Spain and rubles.” But the outback did not forget the artist. And from time to time, at the request of old friends, she appeared either in gas fields or in oil wells.

I rhymed everything that didn’t rhyme - “Tyumentransgaz”, “Gazprom” and so on. Most often out of friendship, but sometimes also for fees. In my story there is a song that I wrote at the request of one person and received 50 thousand dollars for it.

And she once went to the Ugra Valley for an amateur art competition - to sit on the jury, where Svyatoslav Belza himself was the chairman. I sat. I was stunned by the Siberian talents: “What voices this amateur performance has! I wish they were here - on the stage. And from here everyone goes, to hell, to the North, to the pipe...” While I was sitting on the jury, they asked me to sing. Sang.

A man stood up in the hall: “Tanya, who did you leave us with? Now we have nothing to listen to, no one.” And everyone claps and encores: “Sing again.” Are you crazy, I say, try twitching here in high heels for two hours. And they: “Take it off.” Hairpins, they say. I took it off. I jumped barefoot for a few more songs, tore my tights... And somehow I began to feel like a hero. Because they haven’t forgotten me, because everyone has the same question: “Well, where? Well, how? When?” I thought and thought, and it dawned on me. It turns out that I disappeared to the delight of only my competitors and colleagues. And the people are crying. And I thought to myself: “Don’t all of you go to hell!” And if I was once blacklisted and was very worried about this, now I’m sure that it’s enough for me to simply say: “People, I’m with you!” - and I don’t give a damn, don’t let them show you. I don’t need, like some girl from the “Star Factory,” to bomb from scratch. I just need to remind you. That I exist and that I didn’t just go out for a walk, but, as the late Leonid Petrovich Derbenev said (back in “Sharks of the Pen”), “Markova walked and walked and found her niche, which belongs only to her.” He was such a perspicacious guy...

* * *

Markova has now created her own website on the Internet, written an entire album and is now thinking about what to do with it. “Runway” with Alexander Dedyushko in the video is, of course, a knight move with lethal force, but just a seed. Five years of leisurely writing “for myself” in the silence of oblivion gave birth to such powerful and rollicking compositions, like “Wounded Bird”, that after listening to them, “ZD”, to tell the truth, is now very worried about the tranquility of a whole galaxy of active pop singers who until they even suspect what a bomb will explode under their noses...

And even if I find myself on the black list again or they call me “unformatted,” no one will forbid me to release an album. “And then we’ll see,” Tatyana threatens. - I will not slap everyone on the cheeks and faces with envy or revenge, but only with creativity...

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Biography, life story of Tatyana Mikhailovna Markova

Markova Tatyana Mikhailovna is a Soviet and Russian singer and songwriter.

early years

Tatyana Markova was born in Stalingrad (Volgograd) on June 8, 1953. Since childhood, Tanya was fond of music - she sang and played musical instruments. Already at the age of fifteen, the girl performed at concert venues in her hometown. Markova received the appropriate education - she graduated from the vocal department of the Volgograd College of Arts.


At the age of 18, Tatyana Markova was already a professional singer. In 1974, she was offered a position as a soloist in the Astrakhan Philharmonic. Tatyana worked there for some time, and then she began performing with the vocal and instrumental ensemble “Veter”.

In the 1980s, Markova went to Moscow and became a soloist of the vocal and instrumental ensemble “Six Young People”. At first, it was not easy for a provincial girl in the capital. Moscow show business turned out to be completely different from what she imagined it to be. Tanya was sure that it was easy for a talented person to make his way to the heights of fame, however, as it turned out, the more gifted a person, the more difficult it was for him to overcome obstacles in the form of rivals and enemies. Fortunately, hardworking Tatyana was able to continue to work hard despite all the difficulties.

In 1987, Markova finally moved to Moscow, got a job at Rosconcert, and also began performing with the rock group “”. While working at "" Tatyana began writing her songs. One of the compositions she wrote, “Hello, Night Girl,” won a prize at the international music festival in Sopot. A little later, Tatyana’s song “Hello” was performed at the “Song of the Year” competition.

In 1991, Tatyana Mikhailovna released her first solo album, “It’s So Simple.” One of the songs in the collection, “Remember,” became Tanya Markova’s calling card. The singer gained her first admirers of her talent. Cold and harsh show business has finally opened its arms to her. The artist often appeared on television - she participated in the programs “Morning Mail”, “Morning Star”, the same “Song of the Year”, in “Muzoboz”... Tatyana Markova also performed on the radio. At the same time, the artist actively toured. She gave her concerts in the CIS countries and abroad, including in the United States of America.


In 1997, Tatyana Markova released the album “Completely Different.” The singer’s next collection was released in 2000. Its title is “Love Story.” After its release, Tatyana began to gradually disappear from public view. In her own words, they simply began to block her access to the big stage. Markova continued to work as best she could, performed as a private artist, and eventually left the stage altogether. She left Moscow and started a business completely unrelated to music and art.

In 2014, after many years of creative oblivion, Tatyana Mikhailovna returned to the stage. She gave a solo concert in her native Volgograd. Two years later, Markova settled in Moscow again. In 2017, the artist began touring with musical programs to the delight of her fans who missed her.


In 1980, Tatyana married Viktor Aleksandrovich Markov, a musician, producer of the group “”, and subsequently her own producer. In 1981, the couple had a son, Alexander. In 1985 - daughter Valeria. The couple got Lera not out of a desire to become parents for the second time, but as prescribed by doctors. Doctors found that Markova had some ailment, which she could cure only if she carried and gave birth to a child. Tatyana and Alexander decided to take this step. And they were right - Tatyana’s health really improved, and their daughter turned out to be simply wonderful.

In 2005, Tatyana and Victor divorced. The producer got another woman. For a long time, Tatyana could not forgive her once close person for betrayal. She made a lot of efforts to establish relations with her ex-husband and become friends.

In 2012, grief happened in the Markov family - Alexander died of lymph node cancer. Her daughter helped Tatyana cope with misfortune. And in 2017, Valeria made her mother happy by making her the grandmother of her lovely granddaughter.