Interpretation of hexagrams. I Ching: interpretation of hexagrams Here the opposite vibration is dominant! that is, the development of the situation will go towards strengthening the power of yin

A man whose fate is now passing under sign "Qian"

, is seen as a full and responsible creator of his own destiny. Each of us experiences periods in our development when we can actively influence the events of our lives, as well as stages when the events themselves direct the course of a person’s life (in this case, no matter how hard you fight, very little depends on your active will).
hexagram "Qian"expresses the idea of ​​​​the advantage of active being over passive. First of all, a person must understand himself and understand which direction, which aspect of life is optimal for him now. Without a doubt, this will require a significant concentration of strength from a person, both mental and mental. But do not be afraid to waste yourself: the more seriously and responsibly you approach this task, the more significant the results of the work you have done will be.
Thus, the first thing you have to do now is to focus on yourself, your life and your problems and try to honestly answer the following questions: are you satisfied with the current state of affairs in your destiny? Do you have any serious goal in life that requires tireless creative development and constant movement forward? And if there is such a goal, then do you devote all of yourself, all your strength and abilities to its realization? Is there true mutual understanding between you and your loved ones, and are there any serious problems in your relationships with friends?
Take the time to think carefully about these questions: after all, real creativity, the creation of something new, is simply impossible when chaos and anxiety reign in our thoughts and feelings. First, build an internal line of behavior, and only when it becomes absolutely clear to you how and in what sequence you need to act, only then begin active activities outside.
If you follow all the recommendations accurately and thoughtfullyhexagram "Qian", you can count not only on the fruits of your efforts, but also on the significant help of fate - after all, you will act according to its rules.

Yours relationships with others still leaves much to be desired. Moreover, this applies both to your friends and relatives, as well as to work colleagues and just casual acquaintances. There is a certain constraint in your interactions with people, which, of course, cannot but affect the sincerity and warmth of communication. Try to calm down and relax internally - this will immediately give good results and lead to a “warming” of the climate in your relationships with people. Needless to say, such a transformation is especially necessary when it comes to people close to you.

A skillful combination is very important for this period of life. work and rest . Be very careful and circumspect: it is possible that your bosses or colleagues will want to take advantage of your responsiveness without proper reason. Try to politely explain to them that a good relationship is one thing, but work responsibilities are another. Do not allow yourself to be exploited: this will only lower your authority in the eyes of others.

At fulfillment of your desire Unforeseen difficulties may arise. This will be due to the fact that the implementation of your plans is directly related to other people - their desire to help or refuse you.
To a large extent, everything will depend on your tact and ability to correctly recognize people. Treat these difficulties as a test of fate: are you up to this task and can you purposefully move forward despite the obstacles?
We would like to warn you: in addition to the expected results, the fulfillment of a desire will lead to changes in your personal life - be prepared for an unexpected, but very pleasant surprise. And don’t be afraid of difficulties: they are just an indicator that you deserve more than what you expect. Look forward to your dreams coming true soon!



1.Qian. Creation. (The force that develops the situation)
A good hexagram, a symbol of hope. However, be careful: someone is opposing the fulfillment of your desires. However, if you show the will, success is guaranteed. Try to understand yourself, your life and decide for yourself the question of its goal and how to achieve it. This time is very favorable for you; changes will occur no later than in half a year. Now you should eliminate uncertainty in your personal life. If your wishes are reasonable and modest, they will certainly come true, although serious difficulties may arise. To a large extent, success will depend on your tact and ability to understand people.


The symbol consists of six yang traits. A good sign. This is a masculine hexagram, meaning the month of April and spring hopes. But be careful! You are at the top of the mountain, and you have no way to go down. So be vigilant and smart while you're up there. Expect major changes no later than six months later. Time favors your endeavors. There is a certain amount of uncertainty in your personal life; it is necessary to clarify it. If your desire is reasonable and modest, it will certainly come true. Someone is opposing you, but if you are determined and adamant, success awaits you. You will pass the test. This is the primary spiritual force that creates and destroys. You see it in the sunlight that allows everything to grow and develop, in the fertilizing streams of rain, in the shape-changing energy of the dragon. You face many obstacles. Get started and persist with it. Be dynamic, strong, tireless and persistent. Great power makes things happen: you can use it to continue what you start without a hitch. The end always contains a new beginning. The path of power lies through the transformation of things. Power brings out the original spirit of all things. Use your power to create ideas that inspire people. In creation lies the source of constant creative renewal.


Force. It manifests itself both inside you and outside, in your environment and environment. This situation was the result of tireless activity in the direction of the issue and high responsibility for the consequences. 9/10 percent of talent consists of work, and only a truly talented person can maintain the creative impulse. However, the best results can be expected from the pursuit of universal, imperishable values. All actions must be consistent with the traditions of society, personal ethics and the ethics of the cause to which you are selflessly devoted.


If this hexagram appears, you can count on success. Serious achievement is possible, provided that you have worthwhile and not too selfish goals. The time has come when it is necessary to act decisively. Take the initiative to implement plans. Those around you will see you as a leader. Confidence in your actions will give you strength. Use your energy for the benefit of others. You can solve problems creatively and realize ambitious plans. Be forward-thinking and prudent. Manage your time wisely. You should not act prematurely. Avoiding thoughtless waste of energy on insignificant events will strengthen your position. Clearly define your goals, don’t get carried away with the little things. This is the most favorable time for you. Make the most of it.

Opportunity for personal growth.

If high energy is not used wisely, it can become destructive. The more energy you have, the more attention it takes to cope with it. In the current situation, you have significant influence. Direct it towards noble goals and you will become a source of inspiration for others. Use it negatively and create chaos around you. Take responsibility for your actions. Support others. Don't let pride get the better of you. Be extremely sensitive to the opinions and moods of others. Be kind and tolerant. If things don't go quite according to plan, be patient. Beware of arrogance and look for opportunities for development.



Nine at the beginning. Be patient. It's not time to act yet. You don't quite understand what you're getting into yet. Wait until the circumstances are clarified, and in the meantime, do not try to demonstrate force.

Nine three. You have received new opportunities. Guided by your main goals, make informed decisions based on intuition. Don't try to impress anyone or try to satisfy other people's interests. Remember your priorities and don't let yourself be led astray, but don't be overly ambitious.

The symbol consists of six yang traits. This is a masculine hexagram, meaning the month of April and spring hopes.

But be careful. You are at the top of the mountain, and you have no way to go down. So be vigilant and smart while you're up there.

In no later than six months, expect major changes.

Time favors your endeavors.

There is a certain amount of uncertainty in your personal life; it is necessary to clarify it. If your desire is reasonable and modest, it will certainly come true.

Someone is opposing you, but if you are determined and adamant, success awaits you. You will pass the test.

Here creativity is seen in its purest form. This is, first of all, an accident of the sky as the personification of the creative force that lies at the beginning of everything that exists. It, as a universal force, in principle cannot have any obstacles in its development, which is favored by the fact that this force is completely stable. A perfect person can fully demonstrate in his activities such creativity, which has a beneficial effect on his entire environment. That's why the text says:

Creation. Persistence is favored in initial development.

In general, active activity is given preference over simple, passive being. Therefore, special vigilance is needed to ensure that this activity leads to a positive result. The moment it begins is one of the most crucial moments. Activity is still inappropriate in it, but only closed and concentrated preparation is needed. A person may be full of strength, but the time is still unfavorable for his activities. Such a person is depicted in the image of a diving dragon, that is, a powerful creature that has hidden and is not yet acting. It should not be thought that this can apply only to some special people, for it is not at all in the spirit of the Book to limit the warnings given in it to their suitability only for certain people. Therefore, about the first moment of all creativity it is said:

The beginning is a strong trait. Diving dragon, don't act.

The next moment, expressed by the second feature, which in symbolism is called the field, i.e. the surface of the earth, is characterized by the fact that a person, full of creative power, encrypted in the image of a dragon, can already emerge from his solitude: he, having appeared, is already in the field . His creativity can already manifest itself, he is visible to everyone, and this situation is favorable for everyone to meet such a great man.

In addition, in the system of graphic relationships between the symbols of the Books, it is generally accepted that there is a certain resonance, “correspondence” between the features of the symbols, namely: the first feature corresponds to the fourth, the second to the fifth, the third to the sixth. But in the symbolism of the social hierarchy, the fifth line designates the sovereign. Therefore, in the second position, which is in accordance with the fifth, a meeting with a great person is favorable. That's why the text of this trait reads:

The strong point comes in second place. The dragon that appears is on the field. A meeting with a great man is favorable.

The first wave of the creative act in the second position has already reached its highest point. But all this still exists only internally, for the first three features denote the inner world, and the second three - the outer world. All this has not yet been realized externally. You need to get out of yourself for this realization. It is symbolized by the third line. With such a transition, a certain crisis naturally arises, making this situation dangerous even for a noble person, who throughout the entire first period of creativity - “all day” - devoted himself to continuous creation. Only full vigilance at the end of this period - “in the evening” - can lead to the fact that there will be no blasphemy. This is what the text says about it:

The strong point is in third place. A noble person creates continuously until the end of the day. In the evening he is alert. Danger. But there will be no blasphemy.

When entering active activity outside, a person who has prepared it internally has the ground pulled out from under his feet, but it is precisely this preliminary preparedness that makes a favorable outcome possible. This is expressed quite clearly in the image of the text:

The strong point is in fourth place. Just like a leap into the abyss. There will be no blasphemy.

Only in the fifth position does the creative process appear in its full strength. He has fully manifested himself outside and, having sufficient power within himself, does not need any support. He, like a dragon full of strength, flies in the sky. From such a height, the creator can easily notice a great man, no matter where he is. But he himself is a great man, who has developed his activities to such an extent that it is not difficult for anyone to see him. This is how it is expressed in the text:

The strong point is in fifth place. A flying dragon is in the sky. A meeting with a great man is favorable.

This, in fact, ends the creative process. Everything further is just unnecessary overdevelopment. Since creativity has already reached its fullest manifestation and nothing more can be created, then anyone who in this situation would still want to “create” even further would only show his excessive pride, as a result of which he would have to repent. This is what this text says:

There is a strong feature at the top. Proud dragon. There will be repentance.

The entire creative process is expressed by strong light features. These are, of course, beneficial forces, but for a truly good result it is necessary to completely control them and not allow them to dominate. Only then can activity proceed in harmonious relation to the entire world happening and be happy. Therefore, in the text where the forces of light are expressed in the image of dragons, it is said:

When acting with strong traits, make sure that all dragons do not dominate. Then there will be happiness.

The first hexagram is a symbol of Heaven, the creative, driving force. All trigrams, both primary and nuclear, symbolize Heaven. Thus, this hexagram means the peak of the “Yang” force - masculine, active and positive. It is extremely powerful and influential and involves action and persistence.

Thanks to the accompanying inspiration, energy and desire, this time is extremely favorable for achieving your goals. That is why during this period of time you should direct your energy towards achieving important and noble goals. Let go of all the insignificant and petty things that may be attracting you. It is extremely important to understand when to act and when not to act.

Personal relationships will be focused on you; you will find yourself in the center of activity. Therefore, in accordance with the cosmic development trend, be bold and take the initiative. But be careful! Since this hexagram represents the peak of yang energy, it is sure to be followed by yin energy. When any phenomenon in space reaches its peak, it, as fate dictates, begins to decrease. At this moment, spiritual energy will increase greatly. In order not to go astray, adhere to moral principles and noble goals. Be honest and fair. In fortune telling, this hexagram shows that, by and large, the situation will develop according to your expectations; now is the very moment to implement ideas, achieve happiness and prosperity.

In its static form, that is, without changing features, Creativity means that the current circumstances are truly important. Whatever direction you go, this situation will be the basis for long-term achievements.


Be open and decisive, but within reasonable limits. Take the initiative, act persistently, and everything will work out.


Success is possible. However, if both parties are selfish and insist on their rights, separation is inevitable.


If a woman gets this hexagram, it means there is a great chance for a harmonious marriage. On the other hand, this hexagram is unfavorable for men, because the woman, in this case, will be assertive, with a clear tendency to manage the house.

Pregnancy, childbirth

A boy will be born, without any problems.

Health status

You are in a state of stress, so this reason negatively affects the nervous system, the disease causes pain in the head and chest. You need peace. Then your condition will improve.

Negotiations, disputes, litigation

Rely on the mediator, but at the same time make sure you are able to keep yourself under control. If you can do this, the outcome will be favorable.


Favorably. The journey will be safe. However, you should not treat this with disdain, despite the fact that you will have just such a tendency.

Exam, test

Overcome laziness, don't waste time on trifles, and you will get a good grade.

Work, business, specialization

This is an extremely favorable situation, whether you want to maintain the status quo or start a new project.



lucky color
Bright scarlet and red.

Lucky numbers
1, 4, 9.

Changing Traits


You had the opportunity to complete serious tasks, but you succumbed to temptation and began to brag. You have gone off the right path. Your desires and ambitions have far exceeded your abilities. Because of your hustle and bustle, you will do things that you will regret. For example, you will point out to others their shortcomings, instead of thinking about your own, and you will be involved in disputes. Take this as a warning.

Fifth (dominant)

Your situation is favorable, and your decision, no matter what, is consistent with cosmic movements. You are at the center of activity, and others see you through the lens of the extraordinary significance of your work. The highest ideals of humanity resonate with you, so that people who identify with those ideals recognize your worth as you recognize theirs. Constant luck.


You can choose both the method and the area of ​​growth: either you will be the center of attention, or you will choose loneliness and develop your creative abilities. You must take this step now. No matter what decision you make, it will be the right one if you follow your heart.


New unexpected opportunities begin to open up to you. The choice is yours on which path to continue moving. Your plan begins to come to fruition. Others will try to take advantage of you for their own benefit. Don't mind the platitudes. This means, on the one hand, don't get upset or worried, and on the other hand, don't brag about how powerful you are. Keep the goal in mind.


Circumstances and relationships become clearer. It's time to act. Look for an influential person in the field you are inquiring about. Build a relationship with this person. In order for him to accept you, you must be completely and completely devoted to your goal.


Although you have the necessary energy to achieve your goal, know that the time has not yet come. Everything has its time.