The neighbors are noisy, what to do: the delights of life in an apartment building. Why does the brownie get angry in the kitchen when the source of the sounds is the heating system

28.02.2015 15:50

Probably everyone has heard about such a phenomenon as brownies. But how much do you know about these creatures?

In this article you will read who, in fact, they are, why they are needed and how to behave with them. The article is compiled on the basis of Russian beliefs.

Who is a brownie?

As ancient beliefs say, brownies are the spirits of sinners.

Once upon a time, God expelled their souls from the Heavenly Kingdom, and the souls began to fall down to earth. Those who committed a lot of evil deeds during their lifetime fell into the ground, into hell. The souls of those whose sins were not so grave remained on earth and became brownies.

To earn the Lord's forgiveness, each brownie must guard the house for 70 years. Thus, the brownie is the guardian of your home, and he guards your house conscientiously - after all, this is necessary not only for the owners of the house, but also for the brownie himself.

The brownie lives in every home, and there is no need to be afraid of him. No matter how strange it may sound, a brownie is a good representative of evil spirits. If you have never discovered the presence of something supernatural in your house, this does not mean that there is no watchman in your house. Do not forget that the brownie was also once a person, and therefore brownies, like people, also have different characters - someone can be quiet and inconspicuous, while others have a tough, unyielding disposition.

Why does a house have a watchman?

The brownie is called upon to protect your home from any evil; this good spirit scares away and also protects your home from thieves and evil people. The brownie strives to ensure that prosperity reigns in your home, but not everything in the house depends on him, after all, you are the owner of the house. Therefore, in order for your brownie to serve you faithfully, you also need to try to make him like it in your house.

How to appease a brownie?

To make your brownie feel good, try to avoid quarrels and disagreements. In other words, there should be a warm, friendly atmosphere in the house. Agree, you need this too. In addition, the brownie does not like mess, so do not forget to clean it on time. If there is always clouds of dust in your home and the sink is always filled with dirty dishes, your spirit may become angry.

Don’t forget that it is important for a brownie to feel needed in the home. As a sign of respect, you can sometimes leave a saucer of milk and a piece of bread in a secluded corner. In addition, do not forget to sometimes talk to the brownie, addressing him politely and affectionately - he will appreciate it.

Illustration from the site

What can't you do?

As follows from what was described above, keep the house clean and harmonious relationships in the family, do not allow chaos and scandals. If your spirit feels bad for you, it may eventually despair and stop protecting you, and then expect trouble. By the way, you should also pay attention to what kind of people you invite to your house - do not forget that the brownie does not like evil people.

And, of course, never drive the brownie away! Don’t even jokingly ask him to leave - left without protection, your home will become vulnerable to misfortunes and the influence of evil spirits.

Why is the brownie making noise?

Some owners sometimes complain that their brownies behave noisily - they rattle dishes, throw objects off shelves, stomp and make other sounds that cause fear and even anger in the household. Why is this happening?

Firstly, the brownie can demonstrate his dissatisfaction with you by making noise. If noise constantly bothers you, then first, clean the house properly, and then put a saucer of milk for the brownie and ask him not to frighten you. But if everything is in order in your house, and your watchman still makes himself known, then this may mean that he just wanted to misbehave. Don’t forget that the brownie is still the soul of a sinner, and therefore you need to understand that this is his nature - sometimes he wants to have fun, be mischievous, or even deliberately scare you.

Well, in this case, you can swear at your spirit a little out loud, calling it to order. At the end of the day, it is your home and your house guard needs to remember that. The beliefs of our ancestors say that in such cases you can say something like: “Aren't you ashamed? An old, wise grandfather, but you behave like a child!” Some say that after such words, the brownie will feel ashamed, and he will immediately begin not only to behave decently, but even to help you - for example, to find the thing you lost.

Just don't overdo it with swearing! Remember that your dissatisfaction should not sound like you want to get rid of your protector forever.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to be friends with a brownie - it is enough just to watch your house and demonstrate goodwill towards the spirit. Take care of your brownie, and then he will serve you faithfully and will take care of you.

And if you are going to move, then call your spirit with you - if he is devoted to you, then he will follow you. And if the brownie does not receive an invitation from you, then the spirit abandoned by everyone will greatly yearn in the abandoned apartment. But he didn't deserve it, did he?

I prepared the article for you

Anastasia Cherkasova

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If you live in an apartment building, then there is a great chance of becoming a victim of noisy neighbors who drill, chisel something, listen to music loudly, swear, or simply live in such a way that peace is only a dream to others. This problem is as old as the world. Neighbors make noise what to do - this is the main question with which people often turn to lawyers or ask for help on Internet forums. First of all, it must be remembered that if the neighbors are noisy day and night, you should not stoop to their level and go into open conflict. Try to deal with the problem using legal methods.

There is a special law that regulates the possibility of creating noise. In principle, each region has its own nuances and its own laws regarding the solution of this issue. But basically, almost everywhere you can’t make noise from 11 pm to 7 am, meaning a loud TV, blaring music, radio, loud screams or chants and other irritants that regularly deprive neighbors of rest and sleep throughout the country.

The fact is that if your neighbors make noise at night, then this is one thing, but if they mock you during the day, then the legislation says that they can create noise no higher than certain values. Unfortunately, such laws almost never work, that is, they are absolutely ineffective in the fight against troublemakers. And the question “the neighbors are making noise, what should I do” remains open. The fact is that the fines provided for such violations are simply ridiculous. Few people are afraid of a warning or maximum deprivation. Moreover, you still need to try to achieve the imposition of this fine. It turns out that calling the police every time is simply stupid, and they don’t respond to such calls. If you are very lucky and the squad does arrive, noisy neighbors have every right not to open the door to the police, since they are in their own apartment.

If you are still interested in the answer to the question “the neighbors are making noise, what should I do?” try to find an assistant in the person of a local police officer. You can write a statement about disturbing public peace and even enlist the support of your neighbors. Surely, the noise and commotion got to you not only. After this, you can count on the initiation of a case of administrative violation. For this, a sufficient basis is the very fact that you called the police and have the support of other residents of the house. The problem is that our local police officers are usually very reluctant to tackle such issues. After all, it is not so easy to prove that neighbors really made noise, and therefore they are punished extremely rarely.

The whole joke is that even if you can be classified as lucky, because you managed to open a case, as a result of which the hated neighbor will pay a simply “giant” fine, this is quite possibly not the end. After all, he can simply continue his terror further. We can only hope that the noisy neighbors will be afraid of the police or will simply become conscientious.

In general, if the police cannot provide you with adequate assistance, then you should go to court yourself. To do this, you need to draw up an act about those people who are troublemakers and involve other neighbors in the process. After this, you need to take a certificate about who exactly lives in that very problem apartment and go to court with all the documents. Make sure you have some evidence; it could be video or audio recordings of noise, or at least a police report. Of course, the trial can take a long time and the results do not always meet the plaintiff’s expectations. But let it reassure you that there have been cases when violent neighbors were even forcibly evicted from their apartment.

If your neighbors are making noise, the law will not always tell you what to do. Sometimes you have to talk to them yourself. There is a risk of running into outright rudeness, then there will certainly be no other choice but to turn to the local police officer, police or court for help.

If things go missing in your apartment, and at night you hear noise, the sound of pouring water or falling objects, most likely you have a Brownie, and he is clearly dissatisfied with something. To make your stay at home comfortable, you need to take measures.

Who is Brownie

Brownie is the spirit of the hearth. Brownies have long lived in the huts of our ancestors. They kept order in the home and protected it from evil forces: no evil spirit appeared in the house where Domovoy settled, because this house already had an owner. Often they called him that - Master, and sometimes they affectionately called him Father.

All this suggests that Domovoi can be classified as good spirits who help people and protect their homes from the influence of evil forces. However, sometimes Domovoy seems to lose his temper - he makes noise at night, steals things or even breaks dishes, giving the owners of the apartment fear and stories about the mysterious drummer. But popular wisdom says that Domovoy never gets angry for nothing - there is a reason for everything.

Why Domovoi can be evil

A brownie can be evil if the house has unfavorable feng shui. Yes, despite the fact that our ancestors, of course, did not know about such a practice, they also intuitively figured out the rules for comfortable living in harmony. First of all, Domovoy needs order. It is known that in a cluttered apartment filled with old things, the situation is energetically unfavorable. Along with last year's newspapers, last year's memories accumulate, not allowing anything new into the lives of the owners. Because of this, Domovoy is often indignant. It is enough to put things in order in the house, dismantle the balcony and thoroughly shake up the mezzanine, and the long-awaited cozy silence comes, and then the life of the apartment’s inhabitants changes for the better.

But sometimes simple cleaning is not enough. If you have already cleared out the pantry, and at night you still hear footsteps in the kitchen, Brownie is still unhappy. This means that it was not the mess in the house that made him angry, but you yourself. In this case, Domovoi needs to be liked and made friends with him.

How to appease the Brownie

To make peace with the spirit of the house, you can do without complex conspiracies and difficult rituals. First, try loudly and clearly apologizing to Domovoy. It is better to do this in the kitchen, since that is where he usually settles. There is no special rule, and general recommendations include respectful address, for example Father Brownie, and a request for forgiveness and peaceful living.

Next, you can leave an offering to the Brownie. Milk in a regular white or ceramic clay saucer is suitable as a treat. Place cookies or other sweets on the edge. Leave a small slice of black bread. Brownies do not disdain vodka; she is treated in a simple glass, without patterns and images.

Brownies love to relax during the day in secluded nooks, for example, where you keep a broom or store mops. Therefore, such places must be kept clean.

If all the measures taken did not help, there is another possibility. Since the Brownie is making noise, he may not be angry at you at all. Sometimes Brownies fight powerful negative energy directed at the shelter under which they live. In comfortable conditions, Brownie is always an assistant and protector. So be sure to have protective talismans in your apartment to help your Brownie win and stay in your apartment. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

25.08.2015 00:40

It is believed that the house in which the brownie lives is protected from evil people, damage and the evil eye. From time immemorial this creature settled...

It was 2 years ago. You go to bed, you're already dozing. And then it begins... The apartment seems to come to life: quiet rustles, sounds, knocks, falls. Everything seems to have calmed down, and again something blurted out in the opposite corner. It is impossible to fall asleep, the tension does not weaken. Mommies, what is this? Scary. Our psyche is structured in such a way that until we understand what is happening, anxiety will not let us go. This is a survival mechanism developed over millions of years of evolution. Even babies have it. We react to incomprehensible sounds in the apartment with our whole body; giving up and not paying attention will not work. Worst of all, without getting enough sleep and not resting at night, we accumulate fatigue. Such, at first glance, frivolous stress can affect the immune system. Our mood worsens, chronic diseases worsen, we get involved in conflicts more often, and we make mistakes more often. It's a shame if the cause of the noise is banal, and fantasy draws hordes of monsters. What is the noise in the apartment at night?

1. Insects

One guy told me. The boy was very inquisitive and intelligent. Despite his young age, he did not believe in mysticism. So one day he began to hear strange sounds in his room. I began to study the “phenomenon”. And what do you think? Found! Wood-boring beetle in a bookshelf.

A couple of years ago I was looking for a noise source in my bedroom. Something was fluttering and clapping. A strange sound, unlike anything else, either a chattering or a buzzing sound. And not mechanical, but as if alive. Not all the time, but from time to time when the room is dark. It is enough for sleep to disappear, and a person begins to listen nervously with fear. I finally found him. It was some kind of large insect, sitting somewhere during the day and roaming along the ceiling at night. Some kind of creature with its wings clack-bang-bang at night. Moths are very large.

2. Electrical appliances

In my corner where the refrigerator is, something was also actively rustling. At first I thought it was a mouse. I tried to somehow get rid of it from there. Then it turned out that it was the old refrigerator that made such sounds when turned on. He moved it a few centimeters. And all - silence).

Either in the bathroom or in the toilet, I began to hear the sounds of dripping water. I was puzzled for a long time: there were no drops visible anywhere, but there was sound. And somehow, at the next moment of a fit of curiosity, I rummaged around the walls with my ear, like the sound from a ceiling light on a thin wall in a bathroom where there couldn’t be any pipes. I pressed the lamp, and the sound of drops became more frequent, turning into a creaking sound. It was the lampshade that creaked so much from the heat from the lamps.

When you go to bed, about ten minutes later there will be a crackling sound. I didn’t believe in evil spirits, so I slept peacefully. Then I figured it out, the chandelier was cooling down.

We listened to strange sounds all summer. It was scary. It turned out that everything is very simple. These walls are cracking due to temperature changes. During the heat of the day they heat up, but at night they cool down and begin to crack. Now it also happens, but rarely, the sun hardly warms up anymore.

There was a strange sound in our apartment. There was a click in the corridor, as if the neighbors had flicked a switch with a flourish. Sometimes quiet, sometimes loud. And there was no way to catch him. While you are standing in the corridor and waiting, he is not there. You leave, and after a while - click! Repairs began in the corridor, and I decided to figure out what it was at the same time. I checked through which channels in the panels sound could come from the neighbors, stuffed rags into them, and sealed them with construction foam. There's no point. Then I realized that the sound was not from the neighbors. In the end it turned out that it was a lamp. It has a stamped metal base onto which a glued wooden rim is glued. When the light in the corridor was turned on, the lamp became hot, and when it was turned off and cooled down, after a while it made clicking noises at certain intervals. The wood clicked, as I understand it, and the base resonated. When I came up to listen, the light was on (why stand in a dark corridor?). He left, turned off the light, and it began. 3 years of suffering. Now there is silence, the lamp has been changed.

My neighbor at my previous address, a very religious woman, told me that she was being affected by vibration, most likely, this was the work of some special services. Several times a week, after 23.00, her kitchen window began to vibrate, at first slightly, then more and more, then gradually died down. And so several times with an interval of 7-10 minutes. Sometimes this was repeated twice with an interval of about 2 hours. Some kind of beam or something else was directed at her window. For what, she did not know. She lived in a 1-room apartment, I lived nearby in a 3-room apartment. My family did not feel any vibrations or extraneous noise. We sympathized with the woman, understanding that the person had problems with nerves.After some time, my mother died, and my father and I moved into exactly the same house, into exactly the same apartments, that is, a 3-room apartment and a 1-room apartment next to each other. I was sitting in the kitchen of a 1-room apartment at about 10 am, drinking some coffee, and suddenly it started, that same vibration! Slowly at first, then stronger and stronger. It feels like a helicopter is flying out the window. I look out the window in panic, but I don’t see anything like a helicopter. And the vibration keeps growing, the windows are rattling, they’re about to fly out, and I’m seized with horror, my legs are weak, I can’t move. And only the realization that the glass was about to crack, fall on me, and chop me up at the Olivier, made me jump from the chair and run out into the corridor. Gradually the vibration subsided and then died down. After a while, everything is new again. But the second time I caught something familiar in the duration of the increase in vibration, in the duration of the climax, I don’t know how to explain, but, in general, something familiar. And I rushed into a 3-room apartment. And there my quiet washing machine rustles, works almost silently, only from time to time there are light splashes, very pleasant to the ear. I did laundry very often after 11 at night, it didn’t disturb anyone’s sleep, I’ll hang up the laundry in the morning, and that’s it. And so I ran from apartment to apartment several times: in the 3-room apartment where she works, you can’t hear her, but in the 1-room apartment, the helicopter and the glass can barely hold on. The horror began in the spin mode. This is how the ceilings in these houses are made, why does sound travel like that?! I drove the poor woman to madness at least once a night, and when my mother was lying paralyzed, there were 2-3 washes! It never occurred to me that with such a quiet machine this could happen. Now I only do laundry in the 1st half of the day, in case someone else has helicopters flying through their windows. By the way, sometimes I hear my neighbors’ washing machines. I don’t know where, from what floor, but they “sound” very quietly, nothing in common with the nightmare that happened to me.

My friend comes to work in the morning, all out of her mind, angry and not getting enough sleep... All night some kind of hum kept her from sleeping. She built the entire entrance, went to everyone to check, did not sleep for three nights, but still got to the cause of the strange hum! The neighbors (either upstairs or downstairs) had a refrigerator leaning against the pipe. They rearranged it and my friend listened to the refrigerator work all night. But during the day it was not heard (at 6 o’clock in the morning this disgrace stopped), no one except her heard it. She was already beginning to worry that the entire entrance of the 9-story building would consider her insane...

3. Mice

We lived with my mother for 5 months this year. I heard a strange noise several times at night, and so did my husband! One night I got up to visit the children and heard something scratching. I went into the room where the washer and dryer are, and I saw that a mouse had gotten out! I told my parents, they set mousetraps. In a couple of weeks I got 3 pieces! It turned out that there was a hole somewhere, and dad later repaired it.

4. Birds

Last year, my husband got a new shift job. And for the first time he went into the night. At about 12 o'clock I got ready to go to bed, turned off the TV, turned off the lights, and then it started! In the kitchen I hear some incomprehensible noise: either the wall is being hammered, or the ceiling... But the house is private, there is no one but a hooligan to hammer. Scary. I don't turn on the light. I remember there’s a tool in a drawer under the bed, I take the ax from there and head into the kitchen. Noise from the ceiling, scary as hell! I didn’t even have time to think: why are they breaking through the roof, after all, it’s easier to break a window and get in. Well, there were no thoughts of fear at all. I grip the axe. “Something” is already bursting in the chimney... Noise, some strange echo... And then suddenly “crack!” kar!”, some kind of clap and silence. Then it dawned on me that only a crow had gotten into the chimney (out of curiosity, probably), but had already gotten out. I laughed and went to bed.

4. Sounds from the street

Some time ago, in our room there were sounds at night, as if water was dripping. And the water is nowhere to be seen. After some time, it turned out that it was the roof that started leaking after repairs (we live on the top floor). It became noticeable in the spring, when the snow began to melt. In the room, the linoleum on the floor was already swollen, and the wallpaper had moved away from the wall along which this same water was flowing. And during the day we didn’t hear any sounds.

A friend of mine also searched the whole house looking for the source of the noise. In general, you need to go out onto the roof and look at the wires. In the case of a friend of mine, the wires of a regular radio (which is plugged into an outlet) were stretched to a neighboring house about a hundred meters away. According to his assurances: it was buzzing like a string, and it depended on everything - the wind, the temperature. It probably resonated with passing cars. He called the radio, they loosened the wires. And everything became quiet.

I had this happen, the constant sound of dripping water. I listened to all the walls. It turned out that the sound was most audible in one of them. They already wanted to call a plumber, since the wall was hollow inside. But it turned out to be trivial - the wall transmitted the sound of the neighbors' visor)))) the rain was dripping on it. It's an air conditioner.

I had this happen in one of my rooms, and for several days I was wondering why it could make noise. And I only heard sounds when I was alone at home. Probably because it's getting quiet. And then I figured it out: the sound was coming from the window. The door was ajar.One night I woke up from a clear and strange sound in the stairwell. It feels like a heavy bag is being dragged up the steps. There was a thought to get up and look through the door peephole, you never know? Maybe someone is being pulled out of the entrance, and the cops need to be called on fresh tracks. The sound continued for too long, no ladder would be enough, and I fell asleep listening to the sound. In the morning I heard him again. I went to the window in the other room and found out that it was the rain that was making so much noise, falling on the neighbors’ new canopy.

5. Neighbors

We often woke up at night from someone's hissing. It was terribly scary. As a result, it turned out that the dead of night is the ideal time for a neighbor to vacuum.

I once lived in a very big house. And one night I was left alone. I'm lying down, reading, very late. Some sounds, rustling sounds. Then I turned off the light, I fell asleep and listened: ding-ding, shork-shork... I think, wow, there’s an evil spirit walking around the house. And in the morning it turned out that we had been robbed. And it wasn’t ghosts running around the house, but thieves!

At night sounds are better heard. Everyone is sleeping, and the creaking can even be heard through more than one wall. For example, in our room (and only in this one, in others there is no such thing) there is something like a sound well. For example, I can hear the neighbors upstairs talking on the phone, very well. But you just can’t hear conversations, you can hardly hear people walking, TV, etc. Apparently, in some “lucky” place there is a telephone, they have a landline phone, and also, apparently, a fax machine. And when I was younger, my friend’s mother (she lived across the wall, but on the 1st floor, and we were on the 3rd!) often wondered where I got the notes of this or that melody that I played on the piano during the day. There is no doubt that she heard me exactly: the “repertoire”, the timing of performance, the manner (mostly with one hand), and other subtleties coincided.

I'll tell you what happened in our house recently. There are only 9 apartments in the entrance. Each apartment occupies one and a half floors. Our bedroom is located at a level corresponding to half the wall of the neighbor's living room. Almost every night for a year we heard strange conversations of people, not stopping for a minute. It was impossible to make out the words, but there was such a buzz! And you can hear what people are saying. Another neighbor heard it too. Thoughts were running through my head. And I somehow go out onto the terrace-balcony at night and what do I see and hear? The neighbor who has a living room on half of our wall... The TV is on at full power, and the lights are on in the living room. I go out to the entrance, go to the apartment and call! But she doesn't hear.We wrote a letter to her, because we could not find her. Oh miracle! For a while, the nightly conversations stopped. After a while again. Then the husband went down to the cellar and turned off the electricity. Our sleep improved, but masters began to run to the neighbor to fix it. When everything turned out, it turned out that this lady was afraid to fall asleep in silence. She turned on the TV and lights at full power and went into the bedroom. She could hear it muffled. And we were tormented by the unknown.

My story with strange sounds also ended quite prosaically. The husband set a mousetrap and caught a mouse and two mice within a week. They gnawed a hole out of the basement and ran around at night. Since then, the apartment has been quiet.

Maria Polina’s new book “The Secret is You,” written based on the real stories of blog readers: where the money disappears, why the brownies come, who knocks in the closet, and more. We reveal the real background of mystical events. READ BY LINK.

Traditionally, the brownie lives in the kitchen, because it was there that in the huts there was a warm stove, near which it was so pleasant to warm up. In addition, this room has a lot of delicious food. However, if you notice that vases with jam or other sweets have begun to tip over, dishes often fall and break, food disappears, equipment breaks, and loud noises are heard at night, you are probably seriously offended by something.

If a cat lives in the house, it can cause some damage. However, it is important to pay attention to its behavior: if the animal hisses at someone, regularly starts “wars” in the room, perhaps the problem is the brownie.

The most unpleasant, but also the most common type of brownie pranks is situations when at night the owners feel like someone is pressing hard on their chest, not allowing them to rise.

Why brownies can get angry

One of the common reasons for a house spirit’s bad attitude towards its owners is a mess in the house. The kitchen is especially important in this matter: if you often leave piles of unwashed dishes at night, don’t sweep the floor, don’t put things in their places and don’t keep appliances and furniture clean, this can make the brownie angry, because this creature loves order very much.

When you clean the house, be sure to leave a saucer of milk and cookies overnight near the stove or in a corner on the floor. You can also cook sweet porridge and add some bread.

Another reason why a brownie may be angry with you is due to frequent scandals and quarrels in the house. It is believed that such creatures see the people living in the house as their family, so if they often have conflicts, this can cause serious resentment. The same applies to cases when people bring their problems home: they return from work or from a walk angry, ready to take their anger out on others. The more often this happened, the higher the risk that it was negative energy that caused the brownie’s kitchen mischief. Appease the creature with sweets, and then try to stop quarrels and learn to calm down and get rid of stress before returning home.

Finally, the brownie may become angry because spiritualistic séances were held in the rooms, or because people posing as