Download the deer meter mod from the protanka. Olenemer (XVM mod) - Extended visualization mod for WOT

Hello guys! In this article, we will tell everyone about the benefits of a single mod in the game. World of Tanks, which is uniquely named XVM. And this modification is not in vain considered one of the best, because the development team did their best and created a simply excellent thing, which was called the "reindeer". What does this mean? Everything is very simple, thanks to the deer meter during the battle, each player can see what percentage of wins all gamers have and, moreover, find out whether their team will win or not. After all, even before the start of the battle, the add-on shows what percentage of the victory in the allied teams, and this helps a lot, because it shows what strategy is better to use in battle. In addition, the mod contains a lot of all sorts of cookies that you can’t help but try out and everyone wants to install.

Modification Olenemer

As for the operation of the modification itself, it is impossible not to talk about the fact that its interface is quite pleasant and convenient, which not only does not interfere during the battle, but also all the necessary information is in plain sight. The indicators are colored in colors that directly depend on the win rate, which helps to visually assess the situation even before the start of the battle, in which you will have to play in a few seconds. It is impossible not to notice that the percentage showing the probability of winning a battle is quite accurate and can be wrong only in some cases. Therefore, if before the start of the battle he shows 30%, then it immediately becomes clear that everyone will have to drag, and only in this case victory is possible.

In addition to the reindeer gauge, you can also find such useful things in the mod as a variety of game markers above the tanks. There are a very large number of them and each player will be able to choose what he likes. Very useful in combat is the log of damage dealt to opponents, which will show you how effectively you play right in battle. Another useful bonus will be for everyone the log of the damage received, from which you can find out who pierced you and how many units of strength. In addition to this information, you can see the type of projectile that dealt damage there, which also gives an additional advantage in each battle. Definitely, the players will be happy with the new light bulbs, which can replace the already boring standard ones. Thus, the game will become more beautiful, attractive and pleasing to the human eye. And another useful, but not the last feature in this mod, will be the display of player markers on the map and the direction of each gun.

Mod "User"– shows the statistics of the players in the battle with three indicators: the percentage of the player's wins and his rounded efficiency rating, the total number of player's battles. The percentage of victories is displayed across the player's armored vehicles. The efficiency rating is a qualitative characteristic that determines the effectiveness of the player's actions in battle. You can calculate the rating on. The data is displayed on the battle loading screen, when you press the Tab button, in the middle and long list of commands ("ears"). Table of efficiency rating values:

less than 600 - Bad player (~6%)
600 – 900 - Below average player (~25%)
900-1200 - Average player (~43%)
1200-1500 - Good player (~22%)
1500-1800 - Great player (~3%)
over 1800 - Unique (~0.5%)

In parentheses is the approximate percentage of players with this rating.

Attention: If you change the config manually, use Notepad (notepad), DO NOT use word, wordpad and similar editors)

How to install the User mod (aka Olenemer) in World of tanks:


  1. Move the res_mods folder from the "Olenemer" folder (in the archive) to the World of Tanks root folder (confirming the merge and replace)
  2. Activate statistics collection on the modxvm website

How to activate statistics in XVM Olenemere:

4 months and a week ago Comments: 303

Updated (13-05-2019, 10:31): official version XVM-7.9.0 for WOT 1.5

Popular tank simulator. Technique selected. The fight begins. The distribution of forces in some cases is clearly unfair. It is immediately clear from the tanks that the chances of the Allied team are not great. Not like the enemy. But in addition to visual inspection, you can learn about your opponents, and a lot of interesting things about your allies. "The deer rushed to merge". In order not to fall into their ranks, you need to know what and from whom you can expect. To do this, you need to install a mod (a special subroutine), which gives out a lot of information and is called deermeter for world of tanks 1.5.

* World of Tanks

* adaptation for the battle mode "Front Line"
* updated sections:

* removed macros: ((v.rankCount)), ((v.rankSteps)), ((v.rankStepsTotal))

This addition is very important. With it, you can find out:

  • Red - bad;
  • Orange - below average;
  • Yellow - medium;
  • Green - good;
  • Turquoise - very good;
  • Purple is the master.
Thus, in battle, you can quickly determine how well the enemy plays in World of Tanks.

How are these ratings deciphered?

  • Winrate - percentage of wins;
  • EFF - efficiency rating;
  • WN8 - one of the wot-news ratings;
  • XVM - two-digit performance rating;
  • WN6 - another kind of rating from wot-news;
  • WGR - player's personal rating from Wargaming.

What else is included in the XVM mod

Improved mini-map, which are very fond of such watermakers as Jove, AntiNoob, ProTanki, Amway921 for their functionality. Its advantages:
  • It indicates the places where enemy armored vehicles were last seen. Using this, you can arrange a hot pursuit, if, of course, your team is winning.
  • Technology names.
  • The overview of your tank is indicated in the form of a circle.
All the numbers that the program gives out, of course, relative. But in order to understand the big picture, this is quite enough. You can even develop your own behavior model, depending on the type of equipment that you have chosen for the battle.

In what cases is a reindeer gauge useful?

Example. You entered the battle on a tank destroyer. Press the magic key, the XVM mod turns on (this is the official abbreviated name, which in English sounds like “Advanced visualization mod”. Analyze the situation. Find a serious ally on the top tank. And follow him. In battle, he will be your cover. And you for him - a good support.No one forces you to "tank", but to "surprise" the enemy with a good cuff in the viewing slot will be quite good.

If you have chosen heavy tank, and " " threw you into the top, urgently look for allies from among the medium tanks and "petashki" for cover. In a couple of phrases, indicate your intended actions, for reliability, indicate the square where you are going to break through.

From gaming observations. Very often players like to blame everyone but themselves. “Where did everyone go? Why didn't anyone cover me?" And who asked for this at the beginning of the battle? Only wizards who live in Allods can read the thoughts of other people (but that's another story).

How to properly install the Olenometer

Run a convenient installer and follow the prompts.

How to activate the deer gauge XVM?

So, your decision to install the add-on is made, deer meter for world of tanks downloaded and installed. The next step may be difficult. To activate it, you need to go to the XVM website, log in via WG id and turn on the activation button. Activation is valid for 14 days, after which you will need to repeat the steps.

More than three million players use the XVM modification for World of Tanks, according to data published by the official XVM website. The love for this mod is also evidenced by the many names given to it by the players - Olenemer, Polzomer, HVM. Therefore, the question of how to download and where to download Olenemer is still relevant for many gamers.

How and where to download the XVM mod for World of Tanks?

The easiest way is to download XVM from . That's where you can find latest fashion for current version game World of Tanks. In the same place, after installing the program, you can also "User".

To do this, go to, find the "Download" section in the site menu and select and download there latest version Deer gauge. It is on this site that the original XVM Mod is located, which will work as it should. This is a clean version of the mod, which is used by the developers of various mods and modpacks. Such as Jove, ProTanki, Amway 921.

After clicking on the link with the selected version, the computer will start downloading Olenemer. The file size is small, the download is fast and completely free. The site has the ability to choose the download option - an exe file or an archive. Each file is signed in the form XVM-N.N.N, where the numbers indicate the current version of the program. After downloading the exe file, you can immediately install it, and the zipped file must first be unpacked and only then proceed with the installation.

Installation is done in the \res-mods folder in the main game directory. The system will most likely find this folder on its own and put it in the mod installation path by default. But still, you should know where the program is installed - it is possible that you will have to enter this manually. No further intervention is required, everything will be done automatically. Mod installation time up to 30 seconds. Upon completion of the installer, the mod is ready to go and can be customized to your requirements.

It should be remembered that by default, tracking and displaying statistics after you have finished downloading XVM is disabled. It will need to be enabled, and to do this, go to the official XVM website.

In addition to official clean mods, you can download various ready-made configurations, or you can search for different versions or builds of mods made by other players and download XVM there. The XVM community does not recommend the use of third-party builds, but on the official game forum there are many ready-made builds from well-known players, tested for stability and security. Therefore, the decision where to download XVM is at the discretion of the player. But it's better, of course, to download XVM Deer Meter from trusted and safe sources.

The site provides the player with the opportunity to install and use not only the latest version of Olenemer, but also the so-called "Nightly builds". But each player does this at their own peril and risk. Because, such assemblies performed by the robot from all available versions of the program, the resulting result is not checked for stability and the absence of errors. Such mods work in test mode and are sent after the player has signed up for the Night Build tests. Each player becomes a beta tester, prepares and submits reports on found errors and failures. Such reports are then used by mod developers to improve the stability of the program and improve the quality of the game.

In the section where you can download the XVM (latest version) from the official site, there is also a link to download the Overwolf utility - a program that informs the player about the release of new versions of the mod. Allows you to use the in-game browser, make streams and record videos during the game, chat with friends. This program is not necessary or an addition to the mod, but only helps and expands the functionality of the game.

Olenemer from the Protanka Canal.

All famous watermakers produce their own assemblies.

Protanki- this is a popular channel on YouTube, on which an assembly of mods is released, which includes the XVM modification, which provides player statistics, that is, in other words, a deer meter. According to Yusha himself (the author of the channel), one of the goals of the team working on the modpack is to develop and add such mods that do not squander FPS in the game.

The assembly comes in two types: basic and advanced, which are constantly updated with the release of new game patches.

How to install a deer gauge from Protanki?

Installation must be performed on a clean client, remove old mods, as they may conflict with the assembly and the game may not work.

In order to install a deer meter from pro tanks, you need to follow simple steps:

  1. Download and run .
  2. In the installer menu, you will be asked which specific mods you want to add to the game. To install a reindeer gauge, you must select the XVM mod in the third installation step :

Everything here is extremely simple and clear - check off what you want to activate, while hovering over a certain element, a screenshot and a preview will be displayed on the left.

Be careful! Activating a large number of reindeer meter functions can lead to loss of performance! We advise you to get by with the necessary minimum, especially if you have a weak PC.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to download a deer gauge from PROtanka separately for several reasons:

  • The reindeer has a very large config, consisting of several dozen files that can be easily edited through Yusha's installer. Theoretically, and practically, it is possible to achieve the same interface as the Protanka manually, but it will take much more time.
  • Modpack allows you not only to install mods once, but also to reinstall them, changing the previously saved settings.

What does the deer give?

The mod gained its popularity thanks to the function of displaying the statistics of WOT players right in the battle. In other words, it shows how well this or that tanker plays, how much your allies are able to pull out the battle, or how much this or that enemy is dangerous for you.

The mod includes such metrics and additions as:

  • displaying the player's efficiency (efficiency and rating);
  • percentage of wins;
  • overall chance of the team winning;
  • improved vehicle markers that can display useful data;
  • extended minimap options;
  • HP tanks in the ears;
  • damage log (it's always useful to know about damage when evaluating your effectiveness);
  • extended information in the hangar about tanks and players;
  • as well as other changes to the combat interface.

XVM for World of Tanks, or as it is also called by most players - “reindeer”. This is a game modification with a huge number of possibilities and settings, it is one of the most popular, just think, more than three million players around the world use the mod, downloading and installing it with each new patch release! So what is a “reindeer gauge”, what capabilities does it have and how to install this modification - we will talk about this now.

Features of the XVM mod
As mentioned above, this modification for the game World of Tanks is very popular, because so many players use it. So let's look at the main features of the "reindeer gauge" in order to understand why it is so in demand:

  • Statistics is the first and most important feature of XVM for World of Tanks. After installing and activating the mod, you get the opportunity to monitor your own statistics, as well as the same parameters of your allies and opponents. Among the values ​​when loading a battle, the number of battles played by the player on all vehicles is displayed, the statistics of victories in the game on a certain tank and all vehicles in general, and the level of utility of the player is calculated according to a particular rating, which each user can choose himself (efficiency, WN6\ 7/8, etc.)
  • Customization of markers over tanks is another major element of the interface change. With it, you can configure the information in the markers above the enemy and allied vehicles so that the numbers of the damage done, information about the ammo explosion, the display of the vehicle icon, the tank level, its type (ST, TT, LT, PT and SPG), the name of the tank and player nickname and so on, this list is great.
  • Map - changes to the map are also very important, because after installing XVM, circles appear on the minimap, enemy tanks are marked in the place of the last light, the minimap can be zoomed in and out, etc.
  • Damage log - the “deer meter” is able to keep "live" statistics of the damage you have caused. This means that when you hit a target, the damage you have dealt will be recorded in a small tablet, as well as all the damage will be summed up so that you always know how much damage you have dealt at the current moment.
  • Base capture - now the base capture bar displayed at the top calculates the approximate time it will take to capture and the number of invaders, which allows you to more accurately assess the situation in battle.
  • Among other features of Olenemer, one can note a change in the appearance of the "sixth sense" light bulb, disable the introductory video at startup Tanks World of Tanks, make two rows of tanks in the hangar instead of one, monitor ping, server load, etc.
In other words, we can say that this modification has incredibly wide possibilities, you can even change the files in the root folder after installing the “reindeer gauge” in such a way as to configure the display of absolutely all configurations exactly the way you want, but for this you will need to dig online, it's not easy.

XVM installation process
So, we have already figured out what opportunities this mod for World of Tanks has, so it's time to talk about how to install XVM and fully experience all its advantages in practice. For a more detailed consideration of the installation process, in addition to the text, several screenshots will be attached, and the entire process will be described in steps.

First of all, you need to download the deer gauge for World of Tanks, that is, the one that is needed specifically for the latest patch. This can be done directly on our website or by going to the official XVM page.

Immediately after you have downloaded the mod, we find its installation file in the download folder and double-click on it, after which you need to select the desired language, although the choice is obvious.

Now we press the button "OK", and then several times we press the button "Next" and we see the installation path in front of us, it must be the folder in which world game of tanks.

Completing the installation
The next step, this is another window in which you will be prompted to make a backup copy of the mods folder, which is located in the root folders of World of Tanks, you can check the box, just in case something does not suit you and you want to return the standard game settings without reinstalling it.

And the whole process ends with the usual click of the "Install" button. However, that's not all, the mod itself will prompt you to go to the official website for subsequent activation. No need to be scared, this is a mandatory procedure, only after that XVM will work fully.

XVM activation
Activating xvm is also very easy, find the "Login" button in the upper right corner of the site, select the "Russia" region and you will be transferred to the official Wargaming website, where you must enter your personal account.

After entering personal data (e-mail and password), click the "Confirm" button, as shown in the screenshot.

After these simple manipulations, you will automatically be redirected to the XVM website, at which the activation of the deermeter will be completed. As you can see, there is nothing complicated here, the main thing is to perform all the steps in sequence, it will not take even five minutes. Good luck to everyone in the battles and let Olenemer for World of Tanks be a good helper for you.