Christmas reading activity plan at school. Plan of events for the thirteenth Moscow regional Christmas educational readings

Plan of events within the framework of the Thirteenth Moscow Regional Christmas educational readings in the MDOU kindergarten No. 5 of the general developmental type of the Istra municipal district.

the date of the

Event theme


Holiday: “Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia”

1. Conversation: “Family is a small Church”

2. Presentations “Traditions of Orthodox education in the family.”

Parents of all age groups

3. Folk games: “Orthodox worldview in folklore”

Holiday: “Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary”

1. Message: “Spiritual roots of Russian classical musical culture”

Safronova Nina Mikhailovna (musical director)

2. Presentation: “The role of parents in raising the spiritual and moral culture of children.”

3. Business game: “Methodological approaches to raising the spiritual character of a child.”

Folk games (together with parents)

Naumova Natalya Nikolaevna (Deputy Head for SMR)

Holiday: "World Children's Day"

1. Message: “The role of the teacher in the development of the spiritual and moral culture of the child’s personality”

Zhukova Olga Sergeevna (teacher)

2. Presentation: “Spiritual roots of Russian fiction of the 19th-20th centuries. (Pushkin, Gogol, Dostoevsky, Shmelev, etc.).”

Naumova Natalya Nikolaevna (Deputy Head for SMR)

3. Conversation: “Christian culture in raising children.”

Representative of the Church of St. George the Victorious

Holiday "Mother's Day"

1. Compiling a descriptive story on the topic: “This is what my mother is like”

Naumova Natalya Nikolaevna (deputy head of medical and medical research);

Pankova Svetlana Viktorovna, Egorova Elena Vasilievna, Manetkina Irina Vitalievna (teachers); Safronova Nina Mikhailovna (musical director)

2. Exhibition of portraits “Mom is the best in the world”

3. A joint event with parents in the form of leisure.

4. Making gifts for mom and grandma.

Holiday: “International Day of Human Solidarity”

1. Message: “The civilized origins of the Russian state.”

Zhukova Olga Sergeevna (teacher)

2. Presentation: “Spiritual traditions of Orthodoxy.”

Naumova Natalya Nikolaevna (Deputy Head for SMR)

3. Conversation: “History of Orthodox education in Russia”

Cleric of the Church of St. George Pavel Malkin

Spiritual traditions of Orthodoxy and symbols of the Russian state

1. Open GCD

"Bell Ringing"

Naumova Natalya Nikolaevna (Deputy Head for SMR)

2. Presentation master class “Bells in the style of Ailis-price”

Compiled by: Naumova Natalya Nikolaevna, deputy head for educational and methodological work of the MDOU kindergarten No. 5 of the general developmental type of the Istrinsky municipal district.

Municipal action plan,

held within the framework of the Thirteenth Moscow Regional

Christmas educational readings

Korolev urban district, Moscow region

(name of the municipality of the Moscow region)

Event name

Venue (name of institution, address)


Responsible for the event (Last name, initials, position)

Number of participants

Age of participants

Permanent seminar for teaching staff and parents “Spiritual education based on Orthodoxy”

Church of the Holy Trinity

Korolev, st. Gorkogo, 77

October, November, December

Lyubeznova L.V., methodologist, MBOU DO "UMOC"

AboutTraining Seminar “Active forms of work with students to study spiritual literature. Discussion of the book by I.S. Shmelev "Summer of the Lord"

MBOU "Lyceum No. 4"

Shmatova E.V., director, Kalmykova E.M., DCT teacher

Training seminar “Means of literary and musical composition in the appropriation of spiritual values ​​using the example of a book by an arch. Tikhon Shevkunova “Unholy Saints”

MBOU gymnasium No. 17

Korolev st. Sacco and Vanzetti, no. 28

Gerasimova V.A., director, Goryacheva O.E., DCT teacher, Novikova N.V., DCT teacher

Thirteenth Moscow Regional

Christmas educational readings

Korolev, Kosmonavtov Avenue, 37b

Cherkashina O.M., Director of MBOU DO "UMOC"

School educational Christmas readings “Traditions and innovations: culture, society, personality”

Municipal educational institution "Gymnasium No. 5"


microdistrict Yubileiny, st. A. I. Sokolova, 3

Zaborskaya A.P., DCT teacher

Deanery interaction and schools in solving the problems of spiritual and moral education and upbringing. A series of conversations with the priest of the St. Nicholas-Golutvin Church of the Moscow Diocese

by Father Alexey on the topic “Christian Family”

MBOU BSOSH No. 6 Korolev, st. Committee Forest, 14

October December

Kudinova E.V. teacher-organizer

Conversation priest of the Church of St. Matrona of Moscow with students on the topic “Christian culture in raising children”

MBOU secondary school No. 22

A series of conversations “Slavophiles and Westerners in literature”, “Civilizational origins of the Russian state”

October 2015

Teachers of Russian language and literature

A series of conversations “The first metropolitans of Ancient Rus'”, “Russian Patriarchs”

MBOU gymnasium No. 18 named after I.Ya. Ilyushin,

October November

Uralova L.K., history teacher Vasilyeva I.V.,

a history teacher

A series of conversations “Temple architecture of Kievan Rus. Spiritual meaning and architectural features"

MBOU gymnasium No. 18 named after I.Ya. Ilyushin
Korolev, Kosmonavtov Avenue, 37b

Nozdryakova E.V. MHC teacher

Course of studies (a series of video lectures) on the patriotic education of schoolchildren using the example of the feat of saints and heroes of the Fatherland “I have the honor”

Municipal educational institution "Gymnasium No. 5"


October December

Kotyasheva N.G., teacher of Russian language and literature

Pedagogical Council “The role of the teacher in the development of the spiritual and moral culture of the child’s personality”

MBOU "Secondary School No. 1"

Korolev microdistrict. Anniversary.

st. Shkolny proezd, 2

Mezhueva O.A., teacher of physics and computer science


Pedagogical Council

MBOU Gymnasium No. 17 Korolev, st. Sacco and Vanzetti, no. 28

Smirnova Z.B., Deputy Director for HR

Pedagogical readings “State-church relations in the field of education”

MBOU B MBOU Secondary School No. 6

Korolev, st. Committee Forest, 14

Simakova T.N., social studies teacher:


“The family is a small Church. What does it mean?"

"Gymnasium No. 3"

Korolev, microdistrict. Anniversary,

st. Lesnaya, 22

Fedorina E.V. a history teacher

Ivanichenko S.V. a history teacher

Integrated lesson

MBOU SKOSHI for blind and visually impaired children, Korolev, microdistrict. Pervomaisky, st. Kirova, 40/4

Zhuravleva N.I., additional education teacher

Thematic lessons “Lessons History of Orthodox Education in Russia”

MAOU "Lyceum 19",


st. Stroiteley 13A

Osipova E.M.,

a history teacher

Thematic lessons "Spiritual origins of Russian classical music"

Municipal educational institution "Gymnasium No. 5"


microdistrict Yubileiny st. A. I. Sokolova, 3

October December

Zaborskaya A.P., DCT teacher

Kosenko M.I., music teacher

Thematic lessons“Spiritual roots of Russian culture. Orthodox worldview in Russian literature" (A.S. Pushkin, N.V. Gogol, F.M. Dostoevsky, I.S. Shmelev)

Municipal educational institution "Gymnasium No. 5"


microdistrict Yubileiny st. A. I. Sokolova, 3

October December

Pankrashkina A.B., teacher of Russian language and literature

Sokurenko L.S., teacher of Russian language and literature

Thematic lessons at the elementary school “Family - small Church”

Municipal educational institution "Gymnasium No. 5", Korolev,

microdistrict Yubileiny st. A. I. Sokolova, 3

October December

Kienko O.V.

Sizonenko N.V., primary school teacher

Thematic lesson “History of the Moscow Region” - “Spiritual Traditions of Orthodoxy”

MBOU secondary school No. 10


st. Dzerzhinsky 5

Sukhareva N.V.

Orthodox readings “Orthodox worldview in works of folklore (fairy tales, legends, etc.)”

MBOU secondary school No. 3


st. Michurina, 9b

Antipova E.A., deputy Director of VR

Romanova R.V., head of the library

Round table “Civilizational and formational approaches to the formation of the Russian state”

MBOU secondary school No. 10

Korolev, st. Dzerzhinsky 5

Sukhareva N.V.

history and social studies teacher

Round table “Spiritual roots of Russian fiction of the 19th-20th centuries. (based on the works of V. Shukshin)"


Korolev, st. Sovetskaya, 5

Yurchenko L.N., teacher of Russian language and literature

Conference “Prince Vladimir. Adoption of Christianity"

MBOU secondary school No. 20

Batova V.V., history teacher

Conference "Ideals of Russian culture"

MBOU Secondary School No. 2 named after V.N. Mikhailova

Korolev, st. Stadionnaya, 4-a

Denisyuk V.M., teacher of Russian language and literature

Lecture hall “Spiritual traditions of Orthodoxy and the formation of the Russian state”

MBOU secondary school No. 12

Popova E.V.

history and social studies teacher

Ryabchikova I.P.

DCT teacher

Lecture hall “Orthodox worldview in works of folklore”

MBOU secondary school No. 12

Korolev, st. Komsomolskaya, 10

Ryabchikova I.P.

DCT teacher

Lecture hall “Traditions of Orthodox upbringing of children in the family”

MBOU secondary school No. 12

Korolev, st. Komsomolskaya, 10

Ryabchikova I.P.

DCT teacher,



30-40 (parent community)

Seminar “The role of religion in the development of culture and morality”

MBOU secondary school No. 20

Korolev, Kosmonavtov Avenue, 5-a

Amosov S.N., history teacher

Literary hour "Spiritual roots of Russian fiction of the 19th - 20th centuries."

MBOU secondary school No. 3


st. Michurina, 9b

Borisova S.G., teacher of Russian language and literature

Romanova R.V., head of the library

Concert "Piano Trio"

"Spiritual Origins of Classical Musical Culture"

AOU Gymnasium "Russian School"

Levashova N.B., Deputy Director for HR

Musical living room

“Spiritual images of the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky and S.S. Rachmaninov"

MBOU secondary school No. 16

Korolev, st. Sacco and Vanzetti, 12a

Frolova S.A.

music teacher and DCT

Musical living room

"Spiritual roots of Russian fiction and Russian classical musical culture of the 19th - 20th centuries."

MBOU secondary school No. 12

Korolev, st. Komsomolskaya, 10

Ryabchikova I.P.

music teacher,

Sokalskaya N.V.

teacher of Russian language and literature

Musical and literary composition “History of Orthodox education in Russia”

MBOU secondary school No. 20

Korolev, Kosmonavtov Avenue, 5-a

Kalinkina A.V., Deputy Director for HR;

Class hour “The family is like a small Church. Moral laws"

MBOU Secondary School No. 2 named after V.N. Mikhailova

Korolev, st. Stadionnaya, 4-a

Class teachers

Cool watch for the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland

“Holy Heroes of the Fatherland. Routes of spiritual local history of the Moscow region"

MBOU "Secondary School No. 1"

Korolev microdistrict. Anniversary

st. Shkolny proezd, 2

November December

Class teachers

Class hour “Raising children using the example of the feat of saints and heroes of the Fatherland”

MBOU Secondary School No. 2 named after V.N. Mikhailova

Korolev, st. Stadionnaya, 4-a

October December

Class teachers

Cool watch “Feats of saints and heroes of the Fatherland in history and in our lives”

MBOU "Lyceum No. 4"

Korolev, microdistrict. Yubileiny, st. Komitetskaya 31

Class teachers

Cool watch “Christian themes in the works of great Russian poets, composers, artists, writers”

MBOU gymnasium No. 18 named after I.Ya. Ilyushin

Kosmonavtov prospect, 37b

Ustimova N.V.

Murashova O.A., teacher of Russian language and literature

Essay competition "In the beginning was the word"

MBOU Gymnasium No. 9

Postnova E.O. - Deputy Director for HR

A series of illustrated books
“Spiritual and moral quests of man”

MBOU "Lyceum No. 4"

Korolev, microdistrict. Yubileiny, st. Komitetskaya 31

Ruchenkova A.F.,

library manager

Illustration competition based on the works of I.S. Shmelev

AOU DOD School of Arts, Korolev, st. Pionerskaya, 41 a

Raev A.A., head of structural unit

Drawing competition "The Night Before Christmas"

MBOU "Secondary School No. 2"

Korolev, Yubileiny microdistrict, st. Tikhonravova, 24/1

7.11.15 - 21.11.15

Sorokina Y.S., deputy for HR Soboleva R.S., art teacher

Project competition. Virtual excursion “Routes of spiritual local history of the Moscow region”

Municipal educational institution "Gymnasium No. 3"

Korolev, microdistrict. Anniversary,

st. Lesnaya, 22

November December

Zubkova O.P., Deputy Director for Educational Management, Methodological Association of History Teachers

Festival "Christmas Carols"

MBOU "Lyceum No. 4"

Korolev, microdistrict. Yubileiny, st. Komitetskaya 31

Dorozhkina M.A.
Serdyuk N.A., music teacher

Creative works competition students
"The Light of the Christmas Star"

MBOU "Lyceum No. 4"

Korolev, microdistrict. Yubileiny, st. Komitetskaya 31

Kozlova N.G., technology teacher

primary school teachers

Protection of creative projects "Ideals of Christian Life"

Municipal educational institution "Gymnasium No. 5", Korolev,

microdistrict Yubileiny st. A. I. Sokolova, 3

October December

Kotyasheva N.G., DCT teacher

Photo exhibition "Holy places of the Moscow region"

MAO DO "Center Harmony" Korolev, Makarenko Ave., 4

Shulga O.A., head of structural unit

Parent-Child Project “Traditions of Orthodox upbringing of children in the family”

November December

Gerchikova A.A., head of structural unit

Project activities Non-profit educational institution “First steps into science”»

“Civilizational origins of the Russian state”, “Spiritual traditions of Orthodoxy and the formation of the Russian state”

MAO DO "Center Harmony", Korolev, Makarenko Ave., 4

November December

Danshina I.S. additional education teacher

Club meeting "Springs"».

Topic: “Routes of spiritual local history. Christian culture in the moral education of children"


Korolev, microdistrict. Yubileiny, st. Tikhonravova, 32 A

Guseva I.V., Deputy Director for Water Resources Management;

Sharonova T.I., teacher of additional education

theatrical performance "Christmas tale"

MBOU secondary school No. 22

Korolev, st. Tarasovskaya, 6

Teryokhina I.N. History and DCT teacher

Promotion "Christmas gift for a friend"

MBOU "Lyceum No. 4"

Korolev, microdistrict. Yubileiny, st. Komitetskaya 31

Solovyova E.S.,

Deputy Director for HR,

Gusarova S.S.,

Kozlova N.G.,

technology teachers

Promotion "The Christmas Angel Gives a Dream"

MBOU secondary school No. 20

Korolev, Kosmonavtov Avenue, 5-a

Prokofieva E.N., art teacher

Promotion “Know how to do good” within the framework of the Second International Forum “Mercy”

MAODO "Center Harmony" Korolev, Makarenko Ave., 4

City squares and parks

Kovtun E.V., Deputy Director for Water Resources Management

Questionnaire “The problem of personal freedom and the possibility of developing individuality in Orthodoxy”

AOU Gymnasium "Russian School",

Korolev, st. Shkolnaya, 19

Levashova N.B. Deputy Director for HR

Excursion in the city of Alexandrov Museum-Reserve "Alexandrovskaya Sloboda"

MBOU "Secondary School No. 1"

Korolev, microdistrict. Anniversary

st. Shkolny proezd, 2


Mezhueva O.A., Fedosova A.N., Trifonova E.A., class teachers

Excursion "The Road to Trinity. Fragments of the history of Yaroslavl highway."

MBOU secondary school No. 20

Korolev, Kosmonavtov Avenue, 5-a

October December

Arzumanova E.S., history teacher

Virtual tour

"Religious painting"

MBOU Gymnasium No. 9

Korolev, st. Kooperativnaya, 1

Lavrova T.E., art teacher

School-wide parent meeting “The role of parents in the spiritual and moral education of children”

MBOU "Secondary School No. 1"

Korolev, microdistrict. Anniversary

st. Shkolny proezd, 2

Orlova E.V., educational psychologist

Parents, teachers

Parent meeting . “The problem of education and spiritual upbringing in a modern school”

MBOU secondary school No. 3

Korolev, st. Michurina, 9b

October November

Sazonenkova L.A.,

Deputy Director for HR

Meeting with the parent community “Christian culture in raising children”

MBOU "Lyceum No. 4"

Korolev, microdistrict. Yubileiny, st. Komitetskaya 31

Class teachers,

Solovyova E.S., Deputy Director for VR


Parent meeting “Traditions of Orthodox upbringing of children in the family”

MAOU "Lyceum19"

Korolev, Makarenko proezd, 10A

Kuzmina N.V., teacher - organizer

Father Victor, minister of the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Parent meeting “Family traditions in the spiritual and moral development of children”

AOU Gymnasium "Russian School", Korolev, st. Shkolnaya, 19

October November

Levashova N.B., Deputy Director for HR,

class teachers


On January 24, 2017, on the eve of the opening of the XXV International Christmas Readings, the round table “Dialogue with History: We and the Russian Revolution of 1917” will begin events in the direction of “Church Activities in the Field of Education and Catechesis,” headed by the Chairman, Head of the Organizing Committee of the Readings.

The round table meeting will be held in and will become a platform for an open discussion of the causes and consequences of the revolutionary events of 1917. The event will be attended by representatives of scientific institutes and historical departments of educational organizations of higher professional education, clergy and church historians.

On the same day, the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of Moscow Pedagogical State University will host a conference “Orthodox Pedagogy and Pedagogy of Orthodoxy,” during which participants will discuss the history of Orthodox pedagogy in Russia and its state in the modern educational space.

Further events will be held at the sites of educational organizations, which will present their experience in implementing the Orthodox component of education at the preschool and secondary levels of education, including as part of open lessons. Guests will be received by the gymnasium of the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian and the State Budgetary Educational Institution “School No. 56 named after Academician V.A. Legasov."

On January 26, as part of the “Future Heritage” project, the State Budgetary Educational Institution “School No. 1329” will host a seminar “Continuity and consistency in the implementation of the subject areas “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” and “Fundamentals of the Spiritual and Moral Culture of the Peoples of Russia in Secondary School” (plenary a meeting on this project will take place on January 24, the platform will be provided by the Perervin Seminary for Moscow teachers). The preschool level will be presented on January 26 on the basis of the innovative platform of the Synodal Department of Religious Education and Catechesis (OROiK) - a non-profit educational private institution “Orthodox Center for Continuing Education in the name of St. Seraphim of Sarov."

This year, Christmas Readings celebrates its 25th anniversary. In this regard, on January 26, in the Hall of Church Councils of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, a section will be held on the topic “Those who stood at the origins of the Readings,” dedicated to the memory of the deceased archpastors, pastors and teachers who were the founders and active participants of the Christmas Readings in the first years of their existence. The conference will begin with a lithium at 11.30.

On January 26, in the first half of the day, the conference “Preschool education is a basic stage in personality formation” will be held. Experience in the regions will also be presented - the Central Federal District, Nizhny Novgorod, Crimea, Lithuania, Kuban, Rostov-on-Don. At the end, the main section of the defense industry sector of the Synodal Department of Religious Education and Catechesis will take place - “Orthodox culture in school: educational results and development prospects.”

With the participation of the head of the sector of the Synodal OroiK, together with the Department of Religious Education and Catechesis and the TV channel “My Joy”, a conference dedicated to multimedia support of sociocultural practices will be held in the Hall of Church Councils, which will end with a concert.

Philologists, teachers of Russian language and literature and everyone interested in Russian literature will be able to take part in the section, the first meeting of which will be held in the format of a round table “Russian literature after 1917”, the second - in the format of the section “Causes and consequences of the historical upheavals of 1917 in the reflection of Russian literature."

On January 27, several events will take place for the heads of the diocesan departments of religious education and catechesis: together with the heads and teachers of Sunday schools, they will gather for the section “Sunday schools: certification results, development prospects”, after which at a joint meeting with the heads and confessors of Orthodox preschool educational institutions, schools and gymnasiums “The Mission of the Orthodox School in the Cultural and Educational Space” will consider issues of interaction between diocesan departments of religious education and Orthodox educational organizations. In the afternoon, the heads of the diocesan departments of religious education will gather for a traditional seminar with the chairman and specialists of the Synodal OroiK, where they will continue to consider issues of interaction between the dioceses and the Synodal Department.

For directors and teachers of Sunday schools, on the same day there will be a section “Methodological aspects of organizing educational activities in Sunday schools”, within which a discussion on the forms and methods of work of Sunday schools in the context of the updated regulatory framework is planned, moderated by specialists of the Synodal OroiK.

On January 27, in the Hall of Church Councils of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, a joint conference of two directions “The activity of the Church in the field of education and catechesis” and “The life of the Church and the patristic heritage” will take place. The event will be led by the chairman and chairman of the Synodal OroiK, Metropolitan of Rostov and Novocherkassk Mercury. The main theme of the forum is to familiarize children with the lives of saints in the history of the Church in the twentieth century, which requires a special approach. The authors of the textbooks will talk about how such programs are implemented in the regions.

On the same day, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior will host events organized with the participation of specialists from the Synodal OroiK - a conference “The Loss and Revival of the Church Slavonic Tradition in the History of Russian Literature,” to which teachers, philologists, teachers of the Church Slavonic language, Russian language and literature, and a section are invited “Orthodox local history and education”, during which reports will be given by local historians, teachers and researchers of the history of their small homeland from different parts of Russia and abroad. This year the section is dedicated to the general theme of the readings and is organized as part of the conference “Bow to those who have preserved shrines, traditions, and faith.”

On January 27, as part of the Christmas readings, the regional experience of interaction between the authorities of the Ulyanovsk region and.

Traditionally, within the framework of the direction, events of the “Orthodox Initiative” competition are held. This year, on January 26, the section “School of the Regional Coordinator” will be held, and on the 27th there will be a dialogue-presentation “In a century. Understanding historical memory in the projects of the "Orthodox Initiative", during which there will be a discussion of the preservation and popularization of the cultural and spiritual heritage of the small Motherland, including through the glorification of the feat of the new martyrs and confessors of the Russian Church and their reflection in projects that have been carried out with the support for more than ten years competition "Orthodox Initiative".

The full program of the destination, as well as the addresses and times of events, can be found on the website of the International Christmas Readings. News and materials from events will also be published here.

For other questions please contact by email [email protected](executive secretary of the direction, specialist of the Synodal OroiK E.G. Balashova).

I bring to your attention a plan for holding Christmas readings at the Lyceum. This is an experience that has developed over several years. My colleagues and I appreciate these lessons and the event for the amazing atmosphere of spirituality that reigns at this time in the lyceum.



Christmas readings at the Lyceum.

Dear Colleagues!

I bring to your attention a plan for holding Christmas readings in our lyceum. This is an experience that has developed year after year over several years. I will be glad if someone finds it interesting.

Christmas readings in our lyceum are held in the last 10 days of December. Before the readings begin, the entire second floor (humanities) of the lyceum is decorated and the Christmas tree is decorated. A drawing competition is organized for everyone (this year it is “The Life of Sergius of Radonezh”), a photography competition, a reading competition and an essay competition “A Christmas Tale”. Master classes for children are held. Training sessions are conducted according to the following plan. The plan is approximate, the main thing is that every year the students replenish their knowledge and do not lose interest in Orthodox culture.


5th grade.

  1. Lesson-presentation “Christmas” (schoolchildren will learn the history of the holiday and its traditions).
  2. Christmas story genre. F.M. Dostoevsky “The Boy at Christ’s Christmas Tree” (2 lessons);
  3. A. I. Kuprin “Wonderful Doctor” (2 lessons)
  4. Essay about Christmas.

6th grade.

  1. 1. L. Andreev “Angel” and A. Blok “Angel”.
  2. Magic in the story by N.V. Gogol's "The Night Before Christmas".
  3. Poetic living room for children and parents “The Miracle of Christmas.”

7th grade.

  1. About Henry "The Gift of the Magi".
  2. Kenning. Description of the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God.

Essay “Thoughts inspired by an icon.”

  1. “Christmas Star” by B. Pasternak and I. Brodsky.

8th grade.

  1. M. Voloshin “Our Lady of Vladimir”.
  2. The icon “Trinity” and the poem “Garden of Gethsemane” by B. Pasternak. Composition.

9th grade.

Christmas themed photo competition.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Christmas concert for grades 2-6 “MerryChristmas” as part of the methodological week of foreign languages

We prepare and conduct this extra-curricular event for primary schools dedicated to the celebration of Christmas and New Year “MerryChristmas” every year with the students of our gymnasium...

Extracurricular reading lesson in 6th grade using level differentiation technology "A Christmas Story"

Extracurricular reading lesson in 6th grade using several pedagogical technologies: multi-level differentiation. game, group, where educational, developmental and...

"A Christmas Story" - a script for the Yuletide action in the faces (interpretation).

The script of the play is a methodological supplement to the program “Traditional Russian festive and ritual culture.” In the work on this program, holidays are planned by the teacher according to traditional...

"Moral values ​​and the future of Russia." Open class hour in 5th grade as part of Christmas readings

The class hour is held with the aim of familiarizing students with the biblical history of Christmas, expanding knowledge about the origins of the Christmas holiday, getting to know the value guidelines in human life,...

On January 25-26, 2018, events in the direction “Christian family - home church” of the XXVI International Christmas educational readings “Moral Values ​​and the Future of Humanity” were held in Moscow, organized by the Patriarchal Commission on Family Issues, Protection of Motherhood and Childhood, reports

On January 25, at the Orthodox Educational Center of the Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Petrovsky Park, under the chairmanship of the head of the Patriarchal Commission on Family Issues, Archpriest Dimitry Smirnov, meetings of the “Protection of Life” section were held, during which reports were presented by representatives of the scientific and medical community on demographic problems in modern Russian society, as well as issues of bioethics and reproductive health of the nation.

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, chief freelance specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on reproductive health, director of the Research Institute of Urology and Interventional Radiology named after. ON THE. Lopatkina O.I. Apolikhin made a report “Protecting the reproductive health of the population of the Russian Federation,” in which, based on scientific data, he presented the prospects for the demographic crisis of modern Russia. According to the speaker, the construction of perinatal centers equipped with modern devices will not help in overcoming the crisis, since in general people are not focused on having children, but on having fun, which entails deterioration of health and infertility. The scientist believes that it is necessary to change the paradigm in society, to shift the emphasis in medicine from reproductive losses to the reproductive health of the family, so that the indicators are not a decrease in maternal and infant mortality, which is currently reported by the Ministry of Health, but an increase in the birth rate and the comprehensive promotion of a healthy family. O.I. Apolikhin said that in the system of providing reproductive care it is more effective to create family and marriage centers, rather than rely on expensive high-tech medical care, which is useless in solving demographic problems.

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Chairman of the Ethics Committee of the Medical Genetic Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, member of the Problem Commission “Morphogenesis of Cells, Tissues and Organisms” of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on Human Morphology, Professor L.F. Kurilo spoke in detail about the ethical and legal problems of the status of the human embryo, which are currently becoming especially acute in connection with the development of reproductive technologies.

Co-chairman of the working group of the World Russian People's Council on healthcare and protection of life, chairman of the All-Russian Council of Orthodox Associations for the Protection of Life, Priest Feodor Lukyanov, in his report touched upon the spiritual and bioethical aspects of modern fatherhood and motherhood.

V.Yu. Albitsky, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Chief Researcher of the Laboratory of Social Pediatrics of the Federal State Institution "National Medical Research Center for Children's Health" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, delivered a message "The rights of the human fetus and their medical support."

Bioengineering specialist E.S. Molchanova in her report dwelt in detail on the ethical problems of modern medicine.

Scientific director of the specialization “Parochial Family Counseling” of the Department of Education and Catechesis of the St. Petersburg Diocese N.A. At the seminar “Parish family counseling: theoretical and practical experience of St. Petersburg,” Moskvicheva-Gitelson presented an educational program that included the main areas of activity of a parish family consultant.

On the same day, Archpriest Dimitry Smirnov met with employees of the diocesan departments for family protection and discussed with them the results of the departments’ activities.

On January 26, at the section “Christian education in a Christian family,” held in the Sergius Hall of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, chaired by Archpriest Dimitry Smirnov, a discussion took place of the basic principles of raising a Christian and the social dangers of the modern world.

The Chairman of the Patriarchal Commission on Family Issues in his speech outlined the main guidelines for Christian education in the family. Child psychologist T.V. Vorobyova spoke about the difficulties and features of raising children in an Orthodox family.

Head of the Department of Biomedical Ethics, Russian State Medical University. N.I. Pirogova, professor, Doctor of Philosophy I.V. Siluyanova, in her report “Metamorphoses of motherhood: from holiness to surrogacy,” focused on the substitution of the concept of motherhood that is happening in modern Russian society.

Priest Theodore Lukyanov, in his message “The moral role of the father as a legislator in the family,” drew the attention of those gathered to the peculiarities of raising children under seven years of age.

CitizenGO Russia Campaign Coordinator A.V. Mashkova made a presentation about the opportunities the CitizenGO Internet platform provides for the protection of family, marriage, family and Christian values ​​and called for more intensive use of these opportunities so that the voice of Orthodox Christians can be heard louder in public life and the dialogue between society and the state.

Head of the Youth Center of the World Russian People's Council A.L. Maltsan presented the work of the center to support traditional family values.

Advisor on the development of home education to the Chairman of the Patriarchal Commission on Family Issues, Protection of Motherhood and Childhood I.V. Shamolina, Director of the Center for Support of Family Education “Parent Associations in Support of the Educational Functionality of the Family” G.R. Gurdus and the head of the family education program “Classical Conversations” A.Yu. Komov presented the prospects and advantages of family education in the field of Christian upbringing of children.

President of the All-Russian Union of Public Organizations for Work with Large Families M.A. Semenova shared her experience in helping large families.

Deputy Chairman of the Board of the All-Russian State Public Organization “Orthodox Family Center “Lestvitsa”” M.L. Filina shared her experience of educational, cultural and leisure work with families based on the activities of the family center.

Chairman of the Non-Profit Partnership “Parents Committee” lawyer L.O. Pavlova spoke about the features of modern Russian legislation, noting with regret that it increasingly limits the rights of parents.

A number of reports from the direction “Christian family - home church” will be posted on the website of the Patriarchal Commission on Family Issues, Protection of Motherhood and Childhood and on the video blog of Archpriest Dimitry Smirnov.