DIY paper leaves diagrams and templates. DIY autumn leaves made from paper

Useful tips

In autumn, nature provides a huge selection of materials from which you can make various crafts, paintings and applications.

In this article you will learn how to make beautiful flowers from leaves, a vase from yellow autumn leaves, and many other crafts, including crafts that you can do with your children.

On our website you will also find:

  • Beautiful and simple applications for those who love autumn
  • Beautiful DIY crafts made from natural materials

Crafts from autumn leaves: bowl

You will need:

Colorful leaves

PVA glue

Sponge or sponge brush


1. Inflate the balloon.

2. Mix water and PVA glue in a 1:1 ratio.

3. Use a sponge to apply PVA glue to the ball.

4. Carefully begin gluing the leaves to the ball one by one.

* Trim if necessaryscissorsleaves or twigs attached to them.

5. Apply glue over the glued leaves to secure them in place.

6. Continue gluing leaves until the entire bottom half of the balloon is covered.

*You may need to glue more leaves to the bottom of the ball to ensure the bottom of the future vase is strong.

7. Leave to dry for 24 hours, after which you can pop the balloon and you're done!

Table decoration made from maple leaves

You will need:

Multi-colored leaves (if you use artificial ones, the decoration will last a long time)

Strong thread or fishing line


Superglue or hot glue

Baking paper

Masking tape


1. Using a centimeter, measure the distance between the chandelier and the table so that you know how long to cut the thread and baking paper.

2. Cut the paper to the desired length.

3. Cut the thread, the length of which should be 15-20 cm longer than the baking paper.

4. Using masking tape, secure the thread at the top and bottom of the paper, leaving 15-20 cm hanging from one end of the paper. You will use this end of the thread to tie the craft to the chandelier above the table.

5. Starting with the top piece of masking tape, begin laying out the leaves (face down and from largest to smallest), leaving a few centimeters (5-7 cm) between them. Continue adding leaves all the way to the bottom.

6. Once you have everything laid out and are happy with how the piece looks, use glue to glue the leaves to the string.

7. Make several of these strips with leaves and tie them to the chandelier above the table.

Roses from autumn leaves

You will need:

10 leaves of different sizes (for one flower)

Short branches


Duct tape or floral tape.

1. Take a small leaf, place it face down and bend the ends. After this, start rolling the leaf on one side to create a bud.

2. Take the second sheet, turn it face down and fold the top end towards the center.

3. Place the first leaf in the center of the second leaf, fold the outer ends of the second leaf and wrap both ends around the first bud.

4. Continue adding leaves, getting larger and larger leaves.

5. Once you've added all the leaves (or not all of them, but you've got the flower to the desired size), hold the bottom of the flower and begin wrapping it with duct tape while securing the flower around the branch. Trim off any excess parts.

6. Make several similar flowers for a bouquet.

Bouquet of roses from leaves (photo instructions)

Bouquet of roses from leaves (video)

DIY Leaf Crafts for Kids: Turkey

You will need:

Cardboard (for 5-6 circles)



Leaves (about 20 pieces)

Toy (plastic) eyes.

1. Cut out 5-6 circles of different sizes from cardboard. You can use cups, saucers, plates and other small round objects as auxiliary tools.

2. Remove stems from leaves. Leave two leaves with stems, because... these stems will act as turkey legs.

3. Glue each piece of paper to its own cardboard circle.

4. Stack the circles one on top of the other. They can be attached with glue or a stapler. If you use a stapler, it is better to attach each circle separately to the adjacent circle.

5. Glue a large brown leaf to the back of the large circle.

*If necessaryscissorstrimextra parts.

6. Take one loose sheet and cut out a small triangle from it - this will be the turkey's beak. Glue it to the center of the first leaf.

7. All you have to do is glue on the eyes and the turkey is ready!

Children's crafts from leaves (photo)

Here are some interesting examples of how you can make beautiful children’s crafts from simple leaves:

Applications from autumn leaves: animals

Leaf Crafts for Kids: Alphabet

You can make an alphabet from autumn leaves.

Crafts from dry leaves: paintings

Very beautiful paintings can be made from fallen leaves. These paintings can decorate any interior.

Autumn compositions from leaves

While in the forest, you can make beautiful patterns from leaves on the ground and photograph them as a souvenir.

Crafts from maple leaves: large autumn leaf

You will need:

Plywood or thick cardboard

Simple pencil

Many leaves

PVA glue

Sponge or sponge brush

1. On a large piece of plywood or cardboard, draw a large maple leaf with a pencil.

2. Find fallen leaves in a park or forest and dry them on baking paper.

3. Lay out the leaves in a pattern on the plywood, take a brush and PVA glue, apply glue to all the leaves and leave to dry.

After the glue dries, all the leaves will harden. You can trim off excess parts if necessary.

4. Glue the leaf blank to plywood or cardboard. For better adhesion, use superglue.

5. Use a straight branch as the trunk of your large leaf. It can also be glued with superglue.


DIY crafts from autumn leaves: mask

You will need:

Leaves of different sizes

Cardboard (can be from under a box of cereal, for example)


Hot glue or PVA glue.

1. Draw a simple mask shape on cardboard and cut it out.

2. Check where on the mask you need to make holes for the eyes.

3. Make holes for the eyes and insert an elastic band into the sides of the mask so that the mask can be put on.

4. Using PVA glue or hot glue, begin gluing the leaves to the cardboard mask, starting from the outside and working towards the center.

Bouquet of flowers from leaves

You will need:

Autumn leaves of different colors (30-35 pieces)

Floral wire

Green adhesive tape (scotch tape) or floral tape


1. Place your leaves on a flat surface in order, from small to large. Clean them from dust and dry them.

2. Use scissors to cut off the leaf stems.

3. Take the wire and cut it into small pieces, about 10 cm long. Each piece will be used for a separate sheet.

4. Take floral tape or regular adhesive tape (scotch tape) and cut or tear off several 5 cm pieces.

5. Take the second largest sheet and wire make a hole in it 0.5 cm from the edge. After this, bend the wire and twist it. This must be done carefully so as not to tear the sheet.

Back view:

6. Use duct tape to wrap the wire. You need to attach the tape to the edge of the leaf and begin to carefully wrap the wire.

7. To attach the wire to the smallest sheet, you need to twist it and only then insert the lower part of the wire into it.

Make a stem out of wire to form the core of the flower.

Wrap the wire with duct tape.

The core and petals are ready and can be connected.

8. Wrap the second leaf around the core and add a second leaf, a third, etc.

My daughter Katya, wearing this wreath, became the “Queen of Autumn” in 2007!

In my deep conviction, our education, starting from Soviet times, has been built on the following principle:

“If you didn’t complete the teacher’s assignment as a child, you will still do it when you help your child” :-).

So, dear mothers, since we met on this page, it means your child has been given the task of bringing an autumn craft. Did you guess right?

I have no doubt that you will now breathe a sigh of relief! I've collected a bunch of ideas, and your fall leaf craft will definitely delight your teacher! 🙂

In order not to confuse the entire experience of mankind in this matter, I tried to combine collages and applications that were similar in meaning.

Let's begin!

Portrait of autumn leaves

I didn't find many examples of people using natural materials, but there are enough for inspiration. The face can be glued together from several fragments and an oval of the desired shape can be cut out.

For a hairstyle or a hat, we choose coarser plants. You can use spikelets or stems of dried herbs.

Here are some more very cute characters with “mood.” Mommies. Don't try to find the right shape of leaves. To make the head, simply cut out a circle or oval from any sheet of paper. If you don't have dried narrow blades of grass for your hair, cut a large leaf into thin strips.

I also found babies for them, though not from leaves, but from acorns. To make them quickly, you will need a glue gun and a permanent marker. The scarf can be made from scraps of felt or any other bright fabric. Incomparable kids!


This is the most common type of autumn creativity. We make cute animals and insects from dry leaves of different colors and shapes. The hardest part to find is leaves in contrasting colors, as almost everything turns yellowish-brown once they dry out.

To have a choice, dry not only autumn ones, but also green leaves too, then the color palette will be much wider and you will definitely get something from this. By the way, dry rose petals look great on a peacock's tail, take note:

Here are simple and expressive birds. By the way, leaves with small flaws look quite harmonious; there are always many unexpected spots in the plumage of birds. a couple of lines with a pen, and the beak becomes like a beak. Chickens are made in a minute, you can make a whole brood.

Impossibly handsome... He bit off an apple :-). This collage is made using colored cardboard pieces. My version of the hedgehog is on the right in the frame. We also sprinkled semolina porridge on PVA glue here and there. I hope the teacher likes it...

Here is another option for those who can draw these simple drawings. Draw the lion's head and fish large - on the entire landscape sheet. Cardboard is preferable. The rest is clear from the illustration!

Information for educators and teachers! , there is a lot of useful and accessible stuff there!

More from ash seeds...

Here's our latest craft. This is a beautiful owl in a frame of autumn leaves. Leaves were glued onto a sheet of A3 cardboard around the perimeter with an overlap using PVA. They didn’t try very hard, because then the excess was cut off along the edge, and another sheet was glued to the inside with an owl applique made from ash seeds, so there’s no need to try too hard along the line. Our beak is made from half an acorn. I think it's good...

From these seeds you can come up with a lot of interesting things (application) - roofs of houses, a field of dry grass, animal skin or bird feathers. The work is long and painstaking, but if you did not have time to collect and dry the leaves, there is a way out. They tore it from the tree and immediately glued it on.

Here are some more examples for inspiration.

A mosaic of dried leaves and flowers can be used to complement the design. This looks very nice:

Dry leaf hairstyle

In these pictures of their leaves, lips, eyes and even eyelashes are cut out, but the face can simply be drawn, without laying out thin twigs, but we make a mop of hair not just from individual leaves, but from whole twigs with dry leaves. The fact that they are dried not in one plane, but in volume, gives our work a special charm. Well, what a beauty... I found it on my favorite social networks and decided to post it here so that the idea wouldn’t get lost.

Cutting figures from fallen leaves

I highlighted these collages separately because autumn leaves are used a little differently - they are just material for cutting out simple shapes and letters. This needs to be done BEFORE the sheet dries, otherwise it will crumble . First we cut it out, then dry it in the usual way in an old book or between sheets of newspaper. This way you can cut out entire words and phrases.

To ensure that the letters are neat, print them on a printer of the desired size.

Now we put copy paper on the autumn sheet, with your printout on top. We outline so that the drawing remains on the yellow sheet. All that's left to do is cut!

This way you can make not only letters of the alphabet, but also simple silhouettes (animals, houses, clouds).

Interesting examples of paintings from autumn leaves:

Thuja twigs are used here, and the desired shape for the applique is cut out of dry leaves. For the house you will need thin dry twigs, but you can also assemble them from matches.

You can get an idea from this picture. The woman's profile is simply drawn, but the leaves in her hair could be not paper ones, but real ones ! Is it difficult to find them in different sizes and shapes to make such a beauty?

Here are some cute owls. A silhouette is cut out of paper, then we glue the leaves, as shown in the figure, and at the end of the work, we trim all the protruding excess along the contour of the cardboard blank. We make the eyes from paper of a contrasting color.

Multicolored collages

Autumn leaves are so beautiful on their own that they look great framed and without any plot. Look how beautiful it is! The first layer is dark leaves, then put the contrasting and most beautiful ones, so you will feel the volume. Everything is framed.

I also liked the idea: on a collage of leaves we put a sheet of thick cardboard, in which a letter or a simple figure is cut out with a stationery knife.

Another unusual technique, which for some reason is called "iris folding" , I discovered on the “Country of Masters” website. A detailed master class is here:

Photo frame

For the autumn exhibition, you can make frames for photographs and for the design of essays and poems on the theme of autumn. Here are the options I found. In my opinion, it is very simple and effective.

Interior decoration

Crafts made from autumn leaves can be very romantic.

To get such a tree, you need to dry the leaves in advance, and then reattach them to a beautiful branch with transparent adhesive tape.

We work with a hammer...

Unusual technique. I saw it on an American website, translation and . The idea is that fallen leaves are placed between watercolor paper and a napkin and carefully tapped over the entire surface with a hammer so that the coloring pigment remains on the paper.

Roses from autumn leaves - master class

The article presents a variety of paper accordion leaves, templates and step-by-step instructions for creating a particular leaf. Such leaves can be in very different colors, for example, if they are dedicated to autumn events, it is better to use colored paper in yellow, orange and red colors; for spring events, leaves of light green and light green shades would be a good option. Even for winter celebrations, you can make leaves from silver or white paper.

For work you will need the following materials:

  • Colored paper of various colors suitable for leaves;
  • Scissors, glue stick, simple pencil.

Paper accordion leaves step by step: 8 options with templates

Option 1. Accordion paper maple leaf

You will need yellow or green colored paper. Cut an arbitrary rectangle from it.

Fold it in half.

Draw or print the template for yourself. Cut it out and attach it to the colored paper folded in half, taking into account that the straight long side on the template falls on the fold.

Trace with a pencil. In the photo the fold is on the left. And in the future, all stages presented with paper folded in half will be folded on the left.

Cut out the workpiece, carefully cutting off all wavy lines.

Now open it. You should end up with a similar piece, with symmetrical edges.

At this stage, it's time to make a paper accordion. It is better to start from the bottom, widest side. Fold a small fold, no more than 7 mm wide, but extending over the entire area of ​​the sheet. Press carefully and then fold the same fold in the other direction. Repeat this process until all the paper has turned into an accordion.

For convenience, turn the accordion over with the long side up.

Find the middle and fold it in half. Press well, especially in the area of ​​the bottom fold, and glue the inside sides together. In the photo this area is shown with arrows.

Depending on the structure of the paper, sometimes it becomes necessary to glue the bottom two or three folds of the sheet. Most often they come apart in very thin paper. Dense holds all the folds together well without glue.

The accordion paper maple leaf is ready, straighten its folds and glue a thin stem.

Option 2. Autumn leaf made of accordion paper

Of course, it can be not only autumn. If you make it from green paper, the leaf will look like spring or summer.

To create it you also need a rectangular piece of paper.

As in the first option, the paper needs to be folded in half.

Then you should use a template or draw a simple zigzag line, reminiscent of one part of a Christmas tree.

This line should start from the fold of the paper and end at the bottom.

Cut out the drawing obtained using a template or your own efforts.

Open the sides.

Make small folds, length from one side to the other, and width of 5-7 mm. If the sheet is large or the children are small, the folds may be larger.

The accordion is made; for convenience, turn it wide side up.

Mark the middle and carefully fold it in half. Press down, especially at the very bottom.

Apply glue to one of the inner sides and glue them together. In the photo this area is shown with arrows. If necessary, glue a few folds at the very bottom of the leaf.

At the end, straighten the accordion sheet a little and glue the petiole, which is a thin strip of colored paper from which the sheet itself is made. But such a stem is not strong, it can only complement the leaf, and, for example, gluing leaves to a homemade tree will not work. It is better for these purposes to use colored cardboard, or colored paper, twisted into a flagellum and threaded through a hole in the bottom of the sheet.

Option 3. Oak sheet of accordion paper

The outline of this leaf is similar to that of an oak leaf, only the longitudinal folds slightly worsen this definition. But for variety, this version of the leaf will also come in handy, especially in those jobs or events where you need a lot of leaves of various shapes.

Cut out a square from paper.

Fold it in half, the fold is on my left.

Use a template or draw large waves yourself, starting from the fold side and reaching the bottom side.

Cut the part through two sides at once, but without touching the left one. She must be whole.

Open the paper.

And, as always, make thin folds, starting with the widest part of the paper. Carefully fold all the paper into an accordion, one fold in one direction, the next in the other. For convenience, the paper can be turned over during operation. As a last resort, draw light longitudinal lines with a simple pencil and fold the leaf along them.

Place the resulting accordion with the longest side facing up.

Find the middle and fold the accordion in half. Glue the inside sides together.

Straighten the folds, glue the petiole and the accordion-shaped oak leaf is ready.

4 version of accordion paper sheet

This species looks like a hornbeam or beech leaf. And on the leaves of many other trees. The main thing is that it does not require any templates; it is extremely simple to make.

To make this oblong leaf, you need triangular shaped paper. You can first cut a square out of paper.

Fold in half, connecting opposite corners.

Cut in half and you get two triangles.

You will need one triangle per sheet. Turn it wide side down and start making folds there, like an accordion.

Turn the entire triangle into an accordion.

For convenience, turn it over with the longest side facing up.

Find the middle and fold exactly in half, bringing the ends together. In the middle, apply glue to one side and glue the side parts together.

Straighten it a little and glue the stem. The sheet is ready.

5 version of accordion paper sheet

The most common type, the shape resembles the leaves of poplar, linden, and birch. For variety, let it be green, although the leaf in the autumn, yellow-orange version is no less interesting.

It requires a not very wide paper rectangle.

Fold the rectangle in half, the fold in the photo on the left.

Use a template or draw a convex line yourself, the beginning of which is from the side of the fold, and the sloping slope reaches the bottom side of the sheet folded in half.

There are no exact proportions or markings here. If you want a more prominent narrow tip, the indentation on the line can be made more pronounced.

Cut out the design without touching the left side.

Open the paper.

Make an accordion, starting with the straight, longest side. As usual, the width of the folds is ideal in the region of 5-7 mm.

Turn the accordion over with the straight side facing up.

Fold in half and glue the inside sides together. If necessary, glue the bottom folds.

Spread the leaf and glue the stem.

Option 6. Another maple leaf made from accordion paper

There are quite a few varieties of maple leaves made from folded paper. It all depends on the template. There are very simple ones that can be drawn almost arbitrarily, and more complex patterns that it is still advisable to follow as accurately as possible. In the second case, the maple leaves are more perfect, closer to the original.

Despite the fact that I was the first to show one type of maple leaf, I still can’t resist and show you another one that I really liked.

For this you will need square colored paper.

This square then needs to be folded in half.

Print the template and carefully reproduce its lines on colored paper, taking into account that the fold is on the left.

Then everything is as usual. Unfold the paper piece.

Make narrow folds, starting from the straight, wide side and up to the very top.

Find the middle and fold the accordion-folded paper in half. Here you can see that this yellow paper is thinner than the previous ones; at the very bottom the folds are not held together. Therefore, they need to be forced to do this with glue. You can safely apply glue at the fold on the three lower folds. And, of course, glue the inner two sides together, where shown by the arrows.

Straighten the folds a little, glue the stem and the beautiful, accordion-style autumn maple leaf in this version is ready.

7 version of accordion leaves

A simple round shaped leaf. There can be a variety of colors inherent in the leaves.

You will need a rectangular piece.

Fold it in half.

Using a compass or something suitable round, draw a rounded line connecting the sides of the paper. The fold is in the photo on the left.

Cut along the outline.

Open it up and you will have an even semicircle.

Make small folds, starting from the straight side of the semicircle and to the very top.

Turn the accordion piece over so the long, straight side is facing up.

Fold in half and glue the inside sides together.

Carefully straighten and glue the stem. The round sheet is ready.

Option 8. Thin oblong accordion leaves

The shape is inherent in the leaves of willow, olive and some others.

To make such a sheet, you need a rectangular, rather narrow strip of paper. The narrower it is, the thinner the leaf, although it is more difficult to make very thin ones.

Fold the strip in half.

Draw a slanting line. Please note that in the photo the fold of the paper is on the left.

Cut along the line to create a double triangle.

Reveal its parts.

Fold into a shallow fold. As you can see, it is problematic to make even folds on very narrow paper, but this will not appear on the sheet.

Turn the long side up and bend the accordion in half. Glue the middle.

You will get this narrow sheet of accordion paper.

It’s very sad to watch how autumn comes after a sunny summer: the leaves on the trees turn yellow, it almost always rains, it becomes cold outside, you have to take warm things out of the closets.

Despite this, autumn can also become beautiful and full of colors during the onset of sunny days. Cheerful children run through city parks, play, and collect colorful bouquets from fallen leaves.

At home I start collecting various crafts for school and kindergarten, and sometimes just for myself. There are a huge number of exciting ideas, and our article will be about them.

Leaf crafts for kindergarten

The child loves to take part in creating various crafts. Show him what can be made from the colorful leaves that filled all the streets of your yard, and he will be incredibly happy to take part in it.

Creating crafts is not only fun; thanks to such activities, children can get wonderful, exciting lessons in getting to know the world around them, develop thinking and creativity. The presented options for working in kindergarten will help you with this.

What is needed for crafts from autumn leaves:

  • The leaves themselves, of different colors, sizes and types;
  • Stationery (Glue, pencil, scissors, paper, white and colored cardboard);
  • Threads;
  • Wish.

Possible options for crafts made from leaves

Applique of autumn leaves

It is considered the simplest type of crafts made from leaves. You and your child can easily make an applique in the form of animals or birds.

You can create a lot with dry leaves, PVA glue and paper. To make your work more vibrant, use leaves of different colors.

Crafts from leaves and cardboard

Making a craft from cardboard and leaves is not difficult. You just need to cut out the base from cardboard and glue dry leaves to it.


One of the most exciting and common types of crafts for children is an amateur herbarium. You can collect many types of natural material, which will help your child to study with interest the variety of plants growing in your area. Include as many plant species as possible to create a beautiful herbarium.

Garland of autumn leaves

Dry the leaves, then dip each of them in yellow paint to give the leaves a brighter color. Then we hang the leaves to dry in the form of an elegant garland.

You need to take maple leaves of different sizes and colors, then cover them with transparent varnish. After the leaves have dried well, you need to hang them on strings, decorate them with beads or beads and hang them. The resulting pendant will be an excellent decoration both outdoors and indoors.

Bouquet of flowers from autumn leaves

Flowers created from maple leaves look very impressive.

Vase of leaves

You can use any leaves you like. For one vase you can use several types of leaves, different in color and shape, or you can make them from the same ones.

Instructions on how to make crafts from leaves Applique First, you should prepare all the necessary materials and cover the table with oilcloth.

To create an overlay applique, you should draw the picture itself on cardboard, then put leaves on the drawing, there is no need to cut the leaves, they are used entirely. Anything that is not enough can be painted on with paints or made from other materials.

Silhouette applique is created from cut leaves. The leaves are cut to realize the intended design with their help.

The most difficult way is to create a modular application. It is made from leaves of the same size. Fish scales or bird feathers are made in this way.

To obtain a symmetrical application, it is necessary to select paired leaves that are identical in all respects.


Tape - with its help, many details are created in one drawing.


It is better to collect leaves for the herbarium in dry weather, since wet leaves require additional processing. Each part of the herbarium must be straightened with a cold iron; before this, all creases in the sheet must be carefully removed.

If there is constant dampness outside and there is no time to wait for dry weather, then they should be given the opportunity to dry on their own. After the leaves have dried, they are ironed with a warm iron, placing them between two sheets of paper. There is no need to press the leaves with an iron, just press a little so as not to flatten them.

The prepared elements are placed on a sheet of paper, which will serve as a background and at the same time a frame. Fix the leaves with threads or glue.

Bouquet of flowers/rose

In order to get neat and beautiful flowers, the leaves must be even and clean. Place the piece of paper directly in front of you and fold it in half. Then you need to twist half the leaf into a tube, but do not twist it very tightly, the flower should be voluminous.

The result is the core of the flower; we make the petals from the remaining leaves. The core is placed in the second maple leaf. Take turns folding the edges of the sheet to form petals. The sheet can be secured with thread so that it does not fall apart later.


To make the flower voluminous, you should twist at least six or seven maple leaves in this way, each of which is secured with a thread. To create a bouquet you need several of these flowers.


To make this craft you will need:

  • PVA glue;
  • Leaves of different colors;
  • An ordinary balloon.

You need to inflate the balloon to the desired size of the vase. Take glue diluted half and half with water. Lubricate one half of the ball with adhesive solution.

Each sheet must be properly glued and lubricated with another layer of solution on top so that the upper layers of the sheets adhere just as well. When you have glued the top layer, it should also be lubricated with glue.

After this, remove the ball for several days until it hardens completely. When our fake is completely dry, you will need to burst the balloon. A vase of leaves is suitable for use. Making such work is not difficult, but it is very interesting, so it is good to do it with children.

Photos of crafts made from leaves


Nature is an excellent artist. She paints her creations so talentedly that even such a trifle as a bright red maple leaf has become a symbol for the flag of an entire state. Looking at the samples that autumn presents to us, you can learn how to create autumn leaves with your own hands from man-made materials.

There are many such materials, and this article presents schemes for working with the most popular of them.

paper art

The origami paper folding technique is an oriental art that will help in simulating autumn leaves. Below is a diagram of how to fold a maple leaf.

From a combination of autumn leaves folded using this technique, you can create collages and appliqués, but even one carefully executed leaf can become a masterpiece.

Another art that allows you to depict an autumn leaf more voluminously is quilling.

The leaves obtained using this technique are delicate and delicate. To create a maple leaf you need to prepare:

  • thinly sliced ​​strips of equal width in yellow, red and orange;
  • sheet of cardboard;
  • album sheet;
  • toothpick;
  • PVA or silicate glue;
  • a sheet template printed or drawn on paper;
  • pins.

The template must be placed on a sheet of cardboard and protected from gluing with transparent polyethylene and (or) tape. Along the contour of the lines on the template, use pins to secure the frame of the future sheet of red strips of paper.

Roll yellow and orange strips of paper into rolls, gluing the end of the strip with glue. The rolls will need to be modified, giving them the shape of a “drop,” “eye,” or “triangle.” This is necessary in order to fill the template shape in the corners, making the pattern dense, after lubricating the figures with glue.

Attach the tail and reinforce the entire work along the contour by covering it with red flat paper.

You can use only yellow stripes for the main color, and convey the play of tones using red blush, treating the edges of the sheet with a cotton pad.

An interesting option for using paper to make leaves is the accordion folding technique, imitating corrugated paper. This also gives the sheet additional volume.

The difference is that by folding the paper manually, as if corrugating it, the sheet turns out to be quite rigid. Factory-made corrugated paper has a slightly different purpose. It is very delicate and is used not for leaves, but for flowers.

Therefore, if we make leaves from corrugated paper, then we corrugate the colored paper ourselves.

Universal plastic

Sometimes it becomes necessary to make autumn leaves of different shapes yourself, since the necessary elements are not available for sale or they are too expensive. You can make them yourself from modern material - from foamiran. This is a relatively new decorative material used for jewelry, floristry, wedding arrangements and other areas. It is environmentally friendly, easy to paint, flexible and comes in a variety of colors.

Leaves made from it are distinguished by their naturalness, compared to other materials. They look like real ones.

To make such leaves, you need:

  1. Several sheets of foamiran to match the color of autumn leaves.

Templates of leaves of various trees from paper, so that blanks can be made from them.

  1. Using toothpicks, draw outlines according to the templates on the selected sheets. Cut out the blanks.

  1. In nature, leaves are rarely completely intact, so to give the leaves a natural look, use a toothpick to make holes in them.

  1. Using acrylic or oil paints, use a piece of sponge to apply paint along the edges and along the petioles.

  1. Using a lighter, lightly burn the edges of some leaves to “age” them.

  1. Use an old toothbrush to brush the leaves, spraying paint.

  1. Using a special template-mold, which has the texture of a natural leaf, give the blanks a mesh pattern, like real leaves. To do this, you need to heat the workpiece on an iron and immediately apply it to the mold so that the imprint has time to form.

  1. To stiffen the leaf, apply glue to the pre-prepared floral wire with a toothpick and press it onto each leaf so that petioles are formed (Seconda glue).

When working with kids, you can make beautiful autumn leaves from plasticine.

They will enjoy laying out and kneading pieces of plasticine of different colors on a template cut out of paper. Using a toothpick you will need to draw veins and smooth out the sheet. Place plasticine insects on them. The result will be a bright and colorful work.

Knitted autumn

Autumn motifs inspire you to transfer bright and multi-colored images to clothing and textiles. Images of leaves look very romantic, being made in the form of a pattern with knitting needles. All that remains is to choose the color of yarn that suits you.