Proverbs about handicrafts and creativity. Quotes and statuses about hobbies, interests and creativity

Budgetary educational institution

additional education for children

municipal formation Dinskoy district

"House of children's creativity in the village of Plastunovskaya"

From work experience

additional education teacher

Usova Marina Leonidovna

Quotes from literary works,

Internet resources about handicrafts.

Open lesson for students, parents, teachers.


Art. Plastunovskaya


Talk about different types of needlework using quotes and excerpts from works.


Introduce excerpts from various works related to handicrafts;

Show reproductions of paintings about needlework;

Visual materials:

Reproductions of paintings;

Literature with quotations;

Interactive whiteboard for showing slides.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational point:

Greeting and introducing visitors to the event;

State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

2. Main part.

Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, and creativity.

(V. Sukhomlinsky)

Chichikov put a yarmulke embroidered with beads and beads on his head, and found himself like the Shah of Persia, full of dignity and grandeur.

(N.V. Gogol. “Dead Souls”)

I need a glass bead side with agromantic buttons.

Polenka says.

Do you have any glass bead bonbons to match this color?

I need some more glass bead lace.

Which ones do you like? Glass bead lace on tulle, black and colored - the most fashionable finish!

(A.P. Chekhov. “Polenka”)

The needle wanders along the canvas

Crosses lie in rows, I sew a dream for myself,

From the blue sky.

(M. Laneve)

The thread is laid on the canvas in a pattern

In your caring and gentle hands

your canvas is the canvas, and the paints are your threads, And the brush is your friend, the faithful needle.

(M. Nekrasova)

Handicrafts were divided into “white-handed” and “black”. The first included embroidery on canvas with silks, chenille and wool, knitting of wallets, belts, gold embroidery and beadwork.

(P.I. Melnikov-Pechersky. “Essays on priesthood”).

Kerchief criss-cross or knotted,

There are wax beads on the thin neck.

The outfit is simple; but in front of her window

After all, the Black Mustache guards rode...

(A.S. Pushkin. “House in Kolomna”)

There was another person in the Room, dressed in a long-skirted double-breasted frock coat, a short vest with a blue beaded watch chain... It was the poet Koltsov.

(I. Turgenev. “Literary evening at P. A. Pletnev”

Another boasted that it was a profitable business that he bought a thoroughbred stallion and a greyhound dog with the money received from the sale of old, in his opinion, worthless rubbish: grandmother’s tunics embroidered with pearls and gold beads, a shamsher made of drawn gold, a kick and a cassock with yahonts, lalas , with turquoise and emeralds.

(P.I. Melnikov-Pechersky. “On the Mountains”)

The serf craftswoman looked

To your embroidered homeland.

Only silver, only gold sparkles,

Tears are streaming down the sewing.

And only at night I remembered sadly,

That her life did not save her.

Where did your art come from?

Whose witchcraft is the needle marked with?

It came from the sun, from love...

From there, where an abyss of beauty opened up to her.

She threaded this miracle into a needle

Sent from heaven from above,

And there was no product at the fair

More skillful than Torzhok sewing.

She embroidered Hope for people

And your tears and despair!

(A. Dementyev)

1830 (I am 15 years old). I once (three years ago) stole from a girl who was seventeen years old,

and therefore, hopelessly beloved by me, the beaded blue cord, I still have it. Anyone who wants to know the girl's name should ask my cousin. How stupid I was!

(M.Yu. Lermontov. “Notebooks”)

He threw the letter into a beaded basket hanging on the wall, then took the third letter and began to read.

(I.A. Goncharov. “Ordinary History”)

What was the queen of beauty doing at this time? Most likely, she strung pearls or embroidered a motto with gold threads for the knight devoted to her.

(Cervantes. “The Cunning Hidalgo Don Quixote Lamanche”)

That icon was a family icon for Manefa - it came from his grandfathers and great-grandfathers. A lamp with beaded pendants glowed inextinguishably in front of her.

(P.I. Melnikov-Pechersky. “In the Forests”)

There was another person in the room. Dressed in a long-length double-breasted frock coat, a short vest with a blue beaded watch chain.It was the poet Koltsov.

(I.S. Turgenev. “Literary evening with P.A. Pletnev)

It was a wallet, embroidered with beads, gold and with the most excellent design: on one side there was a depiction of a deer, completely like a natural one, which ran extremely fast, and it looked so good! On the other side was a portrait of a famous general, also excellently and very similarly finished.

(F.M. Dostoevsky. The story “Weak Heart”)

Elegant white bag

It's an embroidered sachet.

And it smells like childhood and clover,

And it gives birth to thoughts in the soul.

Skillful hands are on it

Left a trace of the needle

Like a sign of a magic trick,

As a sign of everyday play.

(R. Naumova. “Gift”)

White carnations in a crystal vase

You are embroidering while sitting by the window.

The sun's glare plays so merrily

Clear water sparkles blue

Time has stopped at the threshold

And only the stitches count the minutes.

Cares and worries left behind

The needle creates a magical still life.

Gently bowed his head to the pattern

And the victorious march sounded in my soul.

One more stitch - and the miracle happened,

And the carnation in the crystal came to life.

(Z. Roy. “Embroiderer”)

From the terrace, a glass door led into the living room, and in the living room this is what appeared to the curious eye of the observer - two slides with porcelain and beaded toys from Catherine’s time.

(I.S. Turgenev. “Hamlet of Shchigrovsky district”)

Can't sleep at night. You took the hoop.

Thread a needle with thin fingers

They deftly insert, choose the color,

They begin to write letters with beads.

A drop of blood on white silk

She pricked her finger with a thin needle.

I wanted to embroider on white silk

My name is you, a thin needle.

(D. Bilan. “A Drop of Blood”)

Stitch to stitch, the needle draws

The most complex coloring of sewing,

And the embroiderer takes risks

Go beyond the boundaries of existence...

But the threads hold the heart tightly,

Creating harmony,

And like a lilac scherzo,
Those threads sound joyful.

(R. Naumova. “Embroiderer”)

The needle is thin, but reaches the heart

And the one who sews a wondrous pattern,

And the one who is from the work of a craftsman

The admiring gaze cannot look away

Centuries live in paintings and handkerchiefs

And in luxurious beaded necklaces,

Once given to granddaughters, daughters,

Imperishable features of simple needlework.

(T. Dorokhova)

Building your own plan for the universe.

I asked to embroider a pincushion,

To have everything at hand,

A playwright with a needle in his hoop,

You created a merging of worlds,

And in your wooden hoop

You sewed the star cover.

(R. Naumova)

When the storms of life become a wall

And you can’t get through them, you can’t break through,

Then a lifebuoy suddenly flashes above the wave -

This is an old embroidery hoop.

I rush there, drowning in trouble,

I clutch at straws in vain.

But the straw disappeared right in my hand,

The needle and thread remained in it.

(E. Krasnova)

Circles of beads and silk threads -

Of these, I want an icon of the suite.

I pray I will choose the colors.

I’ll pray and draw up an outline.

And before the needle goes,

I will seek words to the Lord.

I'm walking through a field of beads,

But not with a plow, but with a needle,

And like seeds of hope

I throw beads into the arable land of the canvas.

(E. Lukashenkov)

Beaded necklace, earrings

Decorate a woman's face.

And here are gerdans, bracelets, brooches,

Flowers, Easter egg...

What a sight to behold!

A miracle light emanates from them,

It’s no wonder that beadwork has been so popular for many years.

Tastes, style and fashion changed,

But the beads are still not forgotten.

It can become smooth with embroidery,

A beautiful flower and a cord.

And it remains a mystery – magical, fabulous at that.

(Z. Toropchina)

On a smooth canvas of different thread colors

The patterns are intricately intertwined.

According to the rise of inspirations and inspirations

Foliage, flowers and grapes were born.

Here in every tablecloth, napkin, towel

Talent, soul and skill are visible,

And women's hands, and the tenderness of the heart,

And the bright colors of life are a celebration.

Embroidery seduces with a wonderful palette,

They shine, breathe and live.

I am amazed. I look at the handicrafts

In one of his many interviews, Kurt Cobain once shared the following: “I was always an outcast, and it really bothered me. But there was no desire to communicate with classmates or peers. And only many years later I understood why this happened - they were indifferent to creativity.” And even today, most people perceive creativity as a kind of cultural element, and creators as superhumans or crazy. Using quotes about creativity, we will try to shed some light on this topic by talking about where creativity comes from, what it is and who they are

What is creativity?

Beautiful quotes can sometimes tell a lot about what creativity really is. For some, this is a true act of love. Some people are sure that creativity is an innate character trait that cannot be taught. To understand the full range of opinions, let’s present them in the form of quotes about creativity:

  • “To create means to make thoughts easy by inventing new life possibilities.”
  • “The ability to be creative is a natural gift. It is akin to beauty or a strong voice. An innate ability can be developed, but no amount of effort will help you gain it.”
  • “The ability to be creative is a divine gift. The act of creativity is a great sacrament of the soul.”
  • “Creativity is the moment of the present in which the future is created.”
  • “Creativity is a feat that does not come without sacrifice.”

It is not simple

Creativity can be created in many ways, but at its core there will certainly be something personal. Mysterious aspirations and desires, protest against everyday life, words that will never be spoken. And the one who says that creating is easy is wrong. In fact, as Baurzhan Toyshibekov said: “Creativity is created from one portion of ink and three portions of sweat.” To create something outstanding, you need to put in maximum effort every day. Constantly develop and work on yourself.

The difficulties in creating works of art are best described by quotes about the work of famous philosophers:

  • Socrates: “Every creator is obliged to express his state of mind.”
  • Plato: “Anyone can be a creator if he has something that inspires him.”
  • Aristotle: “Art never says what is, it always shows what should be.”
  • Voltaire: “Creation speaks of its creator.”
  • Diderot: “The highest task of any creativity is to find the unusual in the ordinary and the ordinary in the fantastic.”

The life of a creator in exile

As Remarque said, creativity is always hidden under an unprepossessing shell. On the pages of history it is not often possible to meet a creative person who was always first in everything, lived a long and happy life, loved and was loved. Often, creators were betrayed more than once, expelled from their native country, not recognized during life, but praised after death. But they never gave up creating their works.

Once I asked a rhetorical question: “Why do kind, decent, creative people always give in to the gray masses?” It has always been and will be: creators are innovators. But everything new brings with it changes that are inconvenient and irritating, and therefore unacceptable at a certain time. Aphorisms about creativity can say a lot about how different types of art are born in such harsh conditions: from music to folk art.

Music, literature, painting

You can often find quotes about creativity that focus on one type of art, rather than the entire process as a whole. But if you think about it, if you replace the word “sketch” with “creativity”, the meaning of the phrase will not change. For example, here are the most common quotes:

  • “It’s hard to part with someone you love. The melancholy of an ordinary breakup passes through several written songs, and the longing of a broken heart passes through several written albums.”
  • “Every sketch, still life or landscape, is essentially a self-portrait.”
  • “If a person thinks clearly, he will write the same way, and if his thought is valuable, then his writing will be valuable.”

What should a creator be like?

We can talk for a long time about what the meaning of creativity is, where it comes from in this world and how it affects people. But it is important to know what real creators should be like: interested, striving for perfection and not ready to admit their masterpieces are ideal. This is exactly what these quotes about creativity say:

  • “Creativity is a mystery that the creator asks himself.”
  • “Any creativity begins as a desire for self-improvement and holiness.”
  • “Creativity helps preserve personality.”
  • “To be the greatest master is to not recognize your perfection.”

What do celebrities say about creativity?

Celebrities also often talk about creativity. Most of their ideas are based on personal experience and observations. The most famous statements belong to designers, models, and actors. Their work is a little further from the stereotypical understanding, but nevertheless they know about it first-hand:

  • Igor Moiseev: “I am happy when success comes in creativity, because I am glad to do what I am naturally destined to do.”
  • Giorgio Armani: “You need to be bold in your ideas. When I experimented with cuts, no one recognized me, but over time, my crazy ideas became fashion.”
  • Bruce Lee: “The creator creates himself, and this is much more important than the established system.”
  • Tyra Banks: “No matter what you want to become, the most important thing is to pursue your passion, not the money.”
  • Barbara Palvin: “To achieve your dreams, you first need to be able to create.”

Folk art

Russian creators also brought a lot to the world. Russian creativity is distinguished by its originality and dissimilarity from the creations of foreign geniuses. And for this, their works are respected and perceived as a unique heritage of the Russian people, which reflects culture, mentality, basic life values ​​and priorities. As Fadeev said: “A person manifests himself best through work and creativity.” And in a society where there are people with a desire to improve themselves, sooner or later such a simple phenomenon as folk art will appear. Quotes about folk art have never taken a leading position in terms of quantity, but nevertheless, several apt statements can be found:

  • “Each type of creativity has its own joys, the main thing is to learn to take yours where it is.”
  • “In creativity it is much easier to stop the moment.”
  • “The highest recognition of a creator is when his work becomes popular.”
  • “Folk art is intended to ensure that the beauty of the world, the call to fight, the breadth of the human soul and reason prevail over darkness.”
  • “There is room for creativity in every job.”
  • “Creativity is all the joy in life. To create means to overcome death.”
  • “If the rooster had creative freedom, he would still continue to crow.”
  • “A person who does not create is worse than a plant that gives oxygen.”

Bottom line

Beautiful quotes about creativity can be summed up in one simple word - freedom. From all the examples presented, it can be noted that creativity does not imply submission to norms. It is an act of free thought and action. The creator notices a special charm in everyday life and tries to present it to people. And each of them always puts into their works the memory of what they love.

They say that anyone can become a creator. Every person has the power to bring something innovative, interesting, and complementary to the world. But if the person himself does not say: “Yes, I can do it. I will create, no matter what!” - nothing will work out for him. Creativity is freedom, which begins with self-confidence and an absolute willingness to go against the system, defending your position.

How much energy is wasted on weaknesses!...

Anna Akhmatova

Whoever has experienced the pleasure of creativity, for that all other pleasures no longer exist.

Anton Pavlovi Chekhov

Creativity is a manifestation of God in man. This suggests that there is not a single person in the world who is deprived of creativity. Creativity is our essence. Each of us, consciously or not, creates our own reality and the world around us. The world will change if all the people on the planet do what they love, not something with a big salary, but something that awakens the soul.

Ara Arush

Living means doing things, not acquiring them.


If you look closely at a truly happy person, you will find that he is building a boat, writing a symphony, educating his son, growing double dahlias in his garden, or looking for dinosaur eggs in the Gobi Desert. He will not look for happiness like a collar button that has rolled behind the radiator. He will not pursue it as an end in itself. He will feel happy, being in love with life all twenty-four intense hours of the day. U. Beran Fulf

Doing what you enjoy means being free.


Whatever you do, you do yourself.

Eastern wisdom

If you are crazy enough to do what you love, you are destined to live a life full of meaning.

Herbert Kelleher

Keep busy. This is the cheapest medicine on earth - and one of the most effective.

Dale Carnegie

Each of us has something that others don't have. You can do what others cannot. Look for it in yourself, find it, take care of it and develop it! You will never fail doing what you are meant to do.


Life is, first of all, creativity, but this does not mean that every person, in order to live, must be born an artist, ballerina or scientist. Creativity can also be done. You can simply create a good atmosphere around you.

Dmitry Likhachev

You must create, always and in everything. If you believe in something, you must act. Talking about what you're going to do is like bragging about paintings you haven't painted yet. This is not just bad form, it is an absolute loss of Face.

John Fowles "The Collector"

My inspiration in life is very simple: if you can't have the best, make the best of what you have.

Yogi Bhajan

Handmade things are a luxury, and not everyone needs to have them. Who wants to receive them - either pays the master for the work, or does it himself."
Coco Chanel.

Find something you like - and there will be no everyday life in your life...


The creator of poverty does not know.

Far from worldly bounties,

I am not busy with the extraction of wealth, -

He takes them out of their souls...

Lev Boleslavsky

The main thing is to do everything with PASSION: it terribly DECORATES LIFE!

Lev Landau

If you are passionate about what you love, you can even miss the apocalypse.

Max Fry

My friend, in the end, what you do is not needed by people anyway. Only you and God need this.

Mother Teresa

You don't have to do great things. You can do small ones, but with great love.

Mother Teresa

For twenty whole years a person does something, for example, reads Roman law, and on the twenty-first it suddenly turns out that Roman law has nothing to do with it, that he doesn’t even understand it and doesn’t like it, but in fact he is a subtle gardener and burns with love to the flowers. This happens, presumably, from the imperfection of our social system, in which very often people find their place only at the end of their lives.

Mikhail Bulgakov

The truth is this: each of us has our own gift - a talent, a skill, a craft - that gives us pleasure and inspires us. The path to happiness lies in using this gift.

Nick Vujicic. Life without limits

If you work on something constantly with your whole soul, it will happen, because that is the function of the mind - to make things happen.

Nisargadatta Maharaj

A person gets bored only from spiritual emptiness. And those who have a rich inner world will always find something interesting to do.

Oleg Roy

Create - only creativity and creation will give an incentive to further life!

Pavel Bronstein

Creativity comes when you are relaxed, happy and enjoying the present.

Robin Sharma

Or maybe a person’s soul lives in his hands? After all, everything we do with the world, we do with our hands...

Ray Bradbury. Golden apples of the sun

Sometimes life hits you over the head with a brick. Don't lose faith. I'm convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You need to find what you love. And this is as true for work as it is for relationships. Your work will fill most of your life and the only way to be completely satisfied is to do what you think is great work. And the only way to do great things is to love what you do.
Steve Jobs

If you are going to one day create something great, remember that one day is today.
Steven Spielberg

The more I want to do something, the less I call it work, it is pleasure for me...
Urren Buffett

An adult creative person is a child who survived...
Ursula Le Guin

A person finds time for everything he really wants.
Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Every person needs some kind of hobby - supposedly with the goal of “getting out of stress,” but you understand perfectly well that in fact people are simply trying to survive and not go crazy.
Frederic Beigbeder "99 francs"

You should do what makes you happy. Forget about money or other traps that are considered success. If you're happy working in a village store, work. You only have one life.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Put your love into everything you do.

Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you want, then you want what you imagined, and finally you create what you want.

A woman who does more of what she enjoys, achieves her goals, and embraces a healthier lifestyle begins to radiate femininity. A woman shining with happiness, confidence and self-love is an irresistible force!

Each person is given his own task, and each task has its own time.

Those who don't knock don't open. Those who don’t try will not succeed.

Don't be afraid to do what you don't know how to do. Remember, the ark was built by an amateur; professionals built the Titanic.

Don’t trust someone who speaks beautifully, there is always a game in his words. Trust the one who silently does beautiful things.

There is no need to think long about what happiness is! Just do what makes you feel happy!

The one who doesn’t do it is the one who doesn’t know how to do it.

The best job is a highly paid hobby.

Create a lot, a lot!! Often, often! Every day:)

You don't have to do what you love, love what you do.

A person finds time for everything he really wants.

It's okay to lose yourself for a while. In books, in music, in art. Let yourself get lost.

This collection contains poems about various types of needlework that I found on the Internet. I have used many of them in exhibit design, project development, or extracurricular activities. I hope that these wonderful lines will be useful to someone.



ON THE THRESHOLD OF AUTUMN... (Evgenia Krasnova)

On the threshold of autumn, we say goodbye warmly,
On the threshold of autumn I want spring,
And then, as in a fairy tale, we suddenly meet the past:
Light, spring dreams come to us.

Dreams so bright - about gardens shimmering
In the white and pink haze... you can’t hold them back!
But in the soul it is born as a fluttering butterfly
Warm desire: to embroider your dream.

Wide lace will be successful here,
To surround the edges with a graceful cloud,
The most delicate threads, pink-transparent,
My whole soul is filled with joy!

I carefully embroider the beautiful spring,
So that, looking at the embroidery, we smile,
Plunging mentally into the clear kingdom of light
Gloomy dark autumn and in the middle of winter.


Hoop, large scissors,
I'm back to work again.
I'm in my native element -
I'm starting to embroider.

Under the needle they appear
grape leaves,
The heart skips a beat
In anticipation of beauty.

On a smooth satin ribbon
With fringe and pearls
Bookmark for the Gospel
It appears before our eyes.

And what happiness is this:
Give it to friends
But even a hundred times more beautiful -
Take it to the nearest Temple!

NEEDLEWORKERS (Evgenia Krasnova)

Simple steel hook
And threads - once and twice! –
Needed to arise

All patterns are subject to
Hook or needle:
This is how they made their clothes
And before on earth.

Bride's dowry
And she sewed and weaved,
Worked with her
A hook and a needle.

Well then with patience
Mother taught daughters
Keep your skill
To pass it on.

So with a magic thread
I tied it up as best I could
All our generations
Regular needle.

Those connections will not be interrupted
And with that thread now
And they will intertwine into my pattern,
To please your eyes.

I made a full hole:
Threads, embroidery in every corner,
And there’s a decent amount of sets
I'll set it up on the floor for now...
The husband grumbles that he can’t do this anymore,
Walking around my machine along a curve,
But that doesn't bother me much -
I threw myself into work.
I wish I could grow two more pairs of arms,
Yes, I could stretch the day three times,
I would finish off a piece of guitar
And a little bit of those forget-me-nots,
Yes, I would finish the old cat,
I would like to start an autumn bouquet...
And like this, a little every day,
This is to suffer - I have no more strength!!
After all, I really want to embroider everything at once,
And then gain even more!
This is mania, this is an infection:
Embroider, embroider, embroider...
What kind of diagrams! What beauty!
I'll grab as much as I can!
Goodbye! Have a good hunting,
My dear hamsters!!!

(Author Anna Volkova)

Shreds of regrets and ribbons of grievances
I'll lay it out on the table of vibrations,
And the heavenly boat will be sewn by me,
Like a picture of memories.
I will weave lace from scraps of my soul,
Since there is no other material,
And taking someone’s evil words from my heart,
I will embroider a kind word with a cross.

(Author Natalia Ryabova)

What a delight for the soul,
When I sit in silence doing needlework!
It's long past midnight,
And sleep is at the door.
I'm sitting over the hoop, bending over it
With satin thread.

The flowers are blooming more and more brightly,
Let there be no such thing in nature.
I embroider with satin ribbon
An unfading bouquet.

On a smooth canvas of different thread colors
The patterns are intricately intertwined.
By the rise of inspiration and inspiration
Foliage, flowers and grapes were born.
Here in every tablecloth, napkin, towel
Talent, soul and skill are visible,
And the warmth of women's hands, and the tenderness of the heart,
And the bright colors of life are a celebration.
The embroideries are seductive with their wonderful palette.
They shine, breathe and live.
Like the notes of music that are on the sheets of music stands,
They suffer, they bring joy, and they call the soul upward.
I am amazed. I look at the handicrafts
And, numb, holding my breath.
No, this is not a lordly occupation of idleness,
And inspired work and joy of being.

I will tie your life
From fluffy mohair threads,
I'll tie your life together
I won't lie a single loop.
I'll tie your life together
Where there is a pattern across the field of prayer
Wishes of happiness
In the rays of true love.
I will tie your life
From cheerful melange yarn,
I will tie your life
And then I will give it from my heart.
Where do I get threads?
I will never confess to anyone.
To connect your life,
I'm secretly releasing my...
(author - Valentina Belyaeva)

Dedicated to the Master
Fantasy flight and handiwork
With delight I hold in my hands...
Fortunately, the beauty of aging does not know,
Love for beauty lives through the ages.
A craftsman can make it out of iron,
Made of stone and wood - masterpieces of beauty.
From multi-colored beads and fishing line,
Like in a fairy tale, you too create miracles.
I touch the brooch carefully
She enchants and caresses the eye.
It's hard to imagine how this is possible
Create a pattern of unprecedented beauty.
As a result of patience and skill -
Grace and purity of color,
And the perfection of form... There is no doubt,
Our world will be saved by talent and beauty!

L. Bozhko.
Ode to Beads
Beaded necklace, earrings
Decorate a woman's face
And here are gerdans, bracelets, brooches,
Flowers, Easter egg...
What a sight to behold!
A miracle light emanates from them,
No wonder beadwork
This has been popular for hundreds of years.
Beads were valued among the people,
He decorated the outfit and life.
Tastes, style and fashion changed,
But the beads are still not forgotten.
It can become smooth with embroidery,
A beautiful flower and a cord.
And he remains a mystery -
Magical, fabulous at that.
Interest in design has increased again
To beautiful things and words.
Let the beading secret
These hands will open to you.
Zinaida Mitrofanovna Toropchina
(From the book “Bead Products” by L. Bozhko)

The needle is thin, but reaches the heart
And the one who sews a wondrous pattern,
And the one who is from the work of a craftsman
The admiring gaze cannot look away.

Centuries live in paintings and handkerchiefs,
And in luxurious beaded necklaces,
Once given to grandchildren, daughters,
Imperishable features of simple needlework.

Soul and hands create masterpieces,
Yes, they simply decorate our lives.
For the miracle of creativity, frayed nerves
Bow down to your skillful hands.

Dorokhova Tamara Sergeevna, Ulyanovsk

What kind of beads are there? (Olga Akieva)

There is grated
And there is a transparent one,
There is a dear one and a plain one
There is round and cylindrical,
Bright and pastel colors,
And from two separate colors.
There is also a striped iris,
Poisonous, pale,
With shine, with a rainbow tint,
Khaki, plum,
Glass and ceramic,
With metal coating,
Hematite, gasoline
And lilac-raspberry.
Evenly shaped and not very
Fragile can be strong.
There is crystal and sparkling,
Gold and silver
With a thin shiny line
And from real bone
Just matte and with shine
With a thin hole for fishing line
In the shape of a circle and a square,
Large or small.
You can’t count everything here!
And there are bugles with a cutting.
Overall, the choice is endless.
Incredible beauty.
And new items come across,
After all, the range is changing!
Olga Akieva

May there always be beads and inspiration!

The magic of the patch

The hands of people can make any miracle:

And flowers can be woven across a white field,

And embroider a golden sun across the blue sky,

So that there is a little more beauty on earth.

I will pick up a thread and a simple rag,

And a little fantasy and magic,

And I’ll sew something that you won’t even dream of,

Only so that beauty can live in the world.

Poems by the Crimean poetess Zinaida Roy:

White carnations in a crystal vase
You are embroidering while sitting by the window.
The sun's glare plays so merrily,
Clear water sparkles blue.

Time has stopped at the threshold,
And only the stitches count the minutes.
Cares and worries are left behind,
The needle creates a magical still life.

The head gently bowed to the pattern,
And the victorious march sounded in my soul,
One more stitch - and the miracle happened,
And the carnation in the crystal came to life.


Among the crystal silence,
Surrounding me with pearl light,
Dreams come to me in reality:
I am embroidering the Mother of God.

I look into beautiful eyes
And I don’t dare ask for anything,
But just to help and advise,
After all, I embroider as best I can...

Dedicated to all needlewomen

Don't waste your life with idleness -
Do some handicrafts!
Shay, knit - don’t be discouraged,
Or embroider using satin stitch.
Here are the needles, threads, hoops
For our nimble fingers.
Fabrics, ribbons, borders -
Head is spinning!
Files, forum, internet (oops, I forgot about lunch!)...
We embroider what we love,
We arrange everything diligently.
The result is to our delight,
To our loved ones and friends.
And the work is finished,
This is a new concern
Choose stories again.
Embroider them, embroider them...

Where does embroidery begin?
From a large box with floss,
With spools, winders and seeds,
Or maybe from a hoop in general?

Or maybe it's starting
From the sets that they give you
“Runo”, “DMS”, Thea Gaverner,
Michael Powell and Lanarte?

Or maybe it's starting
With millions of wants?
From the Internet and schematic hamsters,
And from the plans of which car?

Where does it begin?
It's hard for me to say specifically.
But in general, what difference does it make to me -
I just love embroidering!

I will collect the pearls of my life,
I'll string them on a thin thread,
I’ll secure it at the ends - I’ll save you from losses,
I’ll be fiddling with the beads in my hands...

I will give each bead its name:
This one is Childhood, and this one is Love!
This is Mom's bead! How I love
Her light is so radiant!

This bead is Youth! She is not alone
A whole row goes one after another...
The string in this row is so ringing!
And they are waiting for the continuation!

And behind them, clinging brilliantly sideways,
My Maturity's pearls burn...
The largest, most desirable and brightest...then -
Break... thread not filled!

The pearl of my life cannot be interrupted!
I'll take one every day...
Stringed...(went to the cinema today)...
Stringed...(what lilac smells like)...

Stringed...(my son gave me a grandson!)...
Stringed...(my daughter has arrived!)...
Stringed... (my beloved called me)...
Stringed...strung...that's it...period...

No, it's not over yet, I continue, friends,
My granddaughter will pick up that thread!
He will repeat the name of each bead, lovingly...
I will continue to live in a bead.

Mastering my great-great-grandmother’s craft,
(And I’m proud of this skill)
I am for a white flap, as soon as it gets dark,
I sit down at the window to do some magic.

A needle pricks my finger until it bleeds -
I just ask myself for patience.
In the dark distances of the Middle Ages
I'm uncovering secret signs.

A magical circle before your eyes.
I won't dim the lamp.
But, washing away fatigue with tears,
I'm telling fortunes again, telling fortunes...

I'm not a witch, I'm just dreaming -
New house on green grass.
I embroider until the dawn star...
I embroider a dream on canvas.

Poems by Daria Gerasimova
I'm collecting for something
Nuts in a jar of compote,
Nails, cones and bark,
And pictures of kangaroos.
I collect in boxes
Stones, beads and buttons,
And the driftwood that I find,
I put it on my table.
I collect coins
And unnecessary items:
Stamps, light bulbs, shells,
Feathers, grains and shavings.
It might happen in life
That all this will be useful
The truth is it may not happen
And it turns out that it was stored in vain.
After all, you can’t guess
What not to collect!



All the days ahead we will not know the meaning.
The wave slowly hits the slope that is under the Kremlin,
But here, in the gray silence, the heart has no doubt:
Burning with a spiritual candle, we live.

Silk and pearls and gold flow from the needle,
Transforming the canvas into a delight for the eyes.
For the craftswomen the earthly price is valuable:
Fingers bleed - love,
for memory - the work of nights.

Let's come here again, throwing away the burden of vanities,
And choosing the path as the focus of creation.
We sew fate, knit time,
Learning the essence of life through handicrafts.

"Fairy of Dolls" (Larisa Rubalskaya)
The fairy knew her business
And flying in the skies
Day and night, every now and then,
She performed miracles.
The Fairy created dolls,
She crafted and conjured.
Everything she touched
It came to life, woke up.
And obediently in her hands
We found Soul Dolls.
After all, the Dolls of Fate too
Similar to humans...
And then your trophies
The Fairy gave it to people.
Because it's a means
To forever remember your childhood...

Budgetary educational institution

additional education for children

municipal formation Dinskoy district

"House of children's creativity in the village of Plastunovskaya"

From work experience

additional education teacher

Usova Marina Leonidovna

Quotes from literary works,

Internet resources about handicrafts.

Open lesson for students, parents, teachers.

Art. Plastunovskaya


Talk about different types of needlework using quotes and excerpts from works.


Introduce excerpts from various works related to handicrafts;

Show reproductions of paintings about needlework;

Visual materials:

Reproductions of paintings;

Literature with quotations;

Interactive whiteboard for showing slides.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational point:

Greeting and introducing visitors to the event;

State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

2. Main part.

Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, and creativity.

(V. Sukhomlinsky)

Chichikov put a yarmulke embroidered with beads and beads on his head, and found himself like the Shah of Persia, full of dignity and grandeur.

(N.V. Gogol. “Dead Souls”)

I need a glass bead side with agromantic buttons.

Polenka says.

Do you have any glass bead bonbons to match this color?

I need some more glass bead lace.

Which ones do you like? Glass bead lace on tulle, black and colored - the most fashionable finish!

(A.P. Chekhov. “Polenka”)

The needle wanders along the canvas

Crosses lie in rows, I sew a dream for myself,

From the blue sky.

(M. Laneve)

The thread is laid on the canvas in a pattern

In your caring and gentle hands

your canvas is the canvas, and the paints are your threads, And the brush is your friend, the faithful needle.

(M. Nekrasova)

Handicrafts were divided into “white-handed” and “black”. The first included embroidery on canvas with silks, chenille and wool, knitting of wallets, belts, gold embroidery and beadwork.

(P.I. Melnikov-Pechersky. “Essays on priesthood”).

Kerchief criss-cross or knotted,

There are wax beads on the thin neck.

The outfit is simple; but in front of her window

After all, the Black Mustache guards rode...

(A.S. Pushkin. “House in Kolomna”)

There was another person in the Room, dressed in a long-skirted double-breasted frock coat, a short vest with a blue beaded watch chain... It was the poet Koltsov.

(I. Turgenev. “Literary evening at P. A. Pletnev”

...Someone boasted that it was a profitable business that he bought a thoroughbred stallion and a greyhound dog with the money received from the sale of old, in his opinion, worthless trash: grandmother’s tunics embroidered with pearls and gold beads, a shamsher made of drawn gold, a kick and a cassock with yachts, lalami, with turquoise and emeralds.

(P.I. Melnikov-Pechersky. “On the Mountains”)

The serf craftswoman looked

To your embroidered homeland.

Only silver, only gold sparkles,

Tears are streaming down the sewing.

And only at night I remembered sadly,

That her life did not save her.

Where did your art come from?

Whose witchcraft is the needle marked with?

It came from the sun, from love...

From there, where an abyss of beauty opened up to her.

She threaded this miracle into a needle

Sent from heaven from above,

And there was no product at the fair

More skillful than Torzhok sewing.

She embroidered Hope for people

And your tears and despair!

(A. Dementyev)

... 1830. (I am 15 years old). I once (three years ago) stole from a girl who was seventeen years old,

and therefore, hopelessly beloved by me, the beaded blue cord, I still have it. Anyone who wants to know the girl's name should ask my cousin. How stupid I was!

(M.Yu. Lermontov. “Notebooks”)

... He threw the letter into a beaded basket hanging on the wall, then took the third letter and began to read.

(I.A. Goncharov. “Ordinary History”)

...What was the queen of beauty doing at that time? Most likely, she strung pearls or embroidered a motto with gold threads for the knight devoted to her.

(Cervantes. “The Cunning Hidalgo Don Quixote Lamanche”)

...That icon was a family icon for Manefa - it came from his grandfathers and great-grandfathers. A lamp with beaded pendants glowed inextinguishably in front of her.

(P.I. Melnikov-Pechersky. “In the Forests”)

...There was another person in the room. Dressed in a long-length double-breasted frock coat, a short vest with a blue beaded watch chain. It was the poet Koltsov.

(I.S. Turgenev. “Literary evening with P.A. Pletnev)

...It was a wallet, embroidered with beads, gold and with the most excellent design: on one side there was a depiction of a deer, completely like a natural one, which ran extremely fast, and it looked so good! On the other side was a portrait of a famous general, also excellently and very similarly finished.

(F.M. Dostoevsky. The story “Weak Heart”)

Elegant white bag

It's an embroidered sachet.

And it smells like childhood and clover,

And it gives birth to thoughts in the soul.

Skillful hands are on it

Left a trace of the needle

Like a sign of a magic trick,

As a sign of everyday play.

(R. Naumova. “Gift”)

White carnations in a crystal vase

You are embroidering while sitting by the window.

The sun's glare plays so merrily

Clear water sparkles blue

Time has stopped at the threshold

And only the stitches count the minutes.

Cares and worries left behind

The needle creates a magical still life.

Gently bowed his head to the pattern

And the victorious march sounded in my soul.

One more stitch - and the miracle happened,

And the carnation in the crystal came to life.

(Z. Roy. “Embroiderer”)

...From the terrace a glass door led into the living room, and in the living room this is what appeared to the curious eye of the observer - two slides with porcelain and beaded toys from Catherine’s time.

(I.S. Turgenev. “Hamlet of Shchigrovsky district”)

Can't sleep at night. You took the hoop.

Thread a needle with thin fingers

They deftly insert, choose the color,

They begin to write letters with beads.

A drop of blood on white silk

She pricked her finger with a thin needle.

I wanted to embroider on white silk

My name is you, a thin needle.

(D. Bilan. “A Drop of Blood”)

Stitch to stitch, the needle draws

The most complex coloring of sewing,

And the embroiderer takes risks

Go beyond the boundaries of existence...

But the threads hold the heart tightly,

Creating harmony,

And like a lilac scherzo,
Those threads sound joyful.

(R. Naumova. “Embroiderer”)

The needle is thin, but reaches the heart

And the one who sews a wondrous pattern,

And the one who is from the work of a craftsman

The admiring gaze cannot look away

Centuries live in paintings and handkerchiefs

And in luxurious beaded necklaces,

Once given to granddaughters, daughters,

Imperishable features of simple needlework.

(T. Dorokhova)

Building your own plan for the universe.

I asked to embroider a pincushion,

To have everything at hand,

A playwright with a needle in his hoop,

You created a merging of worlds,

And in your wooden hoop

You sewed the star cover.

(R. Naumova)

When the storms of life become a wall

And you can’t get through them, you can’t break through,

Then a lifebuoy suddenly flashes above the wave -

This is an old embroidery hoop.

I rush there, drowning in trouble,

I clutch at straws in vain.

But the straw disappeared right in my hand,

The needle and thread remained in it.

(E. Krasnova)

Circles of beads and silk threads -

Of these, I want an icon of the suite.

I pray I will choose the colors.

I’ll pray and draw up an outline.

And before the needle goes,

I will seek words to the Lord.

I'm walking through a field of beads,

But not with a plow, but with a needle,

And like seeds of hope

I throw beads into the arable land of the canvas.

(E. Lukashenkov)

Beaded necklace, earrings

Decorate a woman's face.

And here are gerdans, bracelets, brooches,

Flowers, Easter egg...

What a sight to behold!

A miracle light emanates from them,

It’s no wonder that beadwork has been so popular for many years.

Tastes, style and fashion changed,

But the beads are still not forgotten.

It can become smooth with embroidery,

A beautiful flower and a cord.

And it remains a mystery – magical, fabulous at that.

(Z. Toropchina)

On a smooth canvas of different thread colors

The patterns are intricately intertwined.

According to the rise of inspirations and inspirations

Foliage, flowers and grapes were born.

Here in every tablecloth, napkin, towel

Talent, soul and skill are visible,

And women's hands, and the tenderness of the heart,

And the bright colors of life are a celebration.

Embroidery seduces with a wonderful palette,

They shine, breathe and live.

I am amazed. I look at the handicrafts

And he held his breath, numb.

No, this is not a lordly occupation of idleness,

And inspired work and joy of being.

(V. Ganzhar)

The needle was in your hand

And the swan's chest shone,

The threads flowed lightly,

Having comprehended the fiery essence.

The needle strived for understanding,

The stitches paved the way.

Shades, as if for edification,

They glowed like living mercury.

And the swan swam like a dream,

And a clean, droplet-like pattern

Born like inspiration

Kindly caressing our gaze.

(R. Naumova. “Swan”)

Pictures, sayings about handicrafts (to lift your spirits).

Taken from Internet resources.

3. Final part

The teacher thanks the participants of the open lesson;

Questions and answers on the topic of the event.


1. P.I. Melnikov - Pechersky. Minsk; GLAVIZDAT, 1988

2. N.V. Gogol. Moscow; Publishing house "Presnya", 1984. Collected works.

3. A. P. Chekhov. Moscow; publishing house of the newspaper "Pravda". 1982 Collected works.

4. A.S. Pushkin. Moscow; Publishing house "Fiction", 2010. Collected works.

5. I.S. Turgenev. St. Petersburg; publishing house "VALERY SPB", 2012

6. M.Yu. Lermontov. Moscow; Publishing house "Vesti", 2013

7. M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Moscow; publishing house "Red Proletarian", 1988. Collected works.

9. Electronic resources:
