Institute of Psychology in Ufa. Psychological universities in Ufa What is it and why is it important

The Faculty of Psychology provides admission to full-time and part-time departments in the direction of 030300-Psychology.

The faculty prepares psychologists for professional activities in three main areas:

1) area of ​​scientific research,

2) practical psychology,

3) teaching psychology.

1. Research work in the field of fundamental and applied psychology is one of the most common and prestigious activities of professional psychologists. Psychologists working in the field of scientific psychology conduct scientific research. Research is aimed at finding new psychological knowledge. Scientists - psychologists develop scientific theories that help explain and predict certain mental phenomena. Psychologists-researchers work in research institutes and centers, in psychological laboratories of universities, in departments of applied psychology of industrial research institutes as research assistants.

2. Practical psychology. The main goal of practical psychology is direct psychological assistance to people who need it. Practical psychologists help in solving psychological problems that arise in the field of education, medicine, industrial activity, social and personal life of people. The main activities of a psychologist in the field of practical psychology:

1)psychological diagnostics,

2) psychological counseling,

3) psychological correction and development,

4) psychological education.

The main tasks of practical psychology include:

Identification of psychological causes that cause difficulties in everyday life;

Providing psychological assistance in overcoming these difficulties, in solving various psychological problems by the client;

Assisting state, public, and business organizations in the effective use of the psychological factor in solving practical problems, etc.

As an example of the place of work and the main function of a practical psychologist, we can offer the following:

In the healthcare system a medical psychologist studies: psychological factors influencing the development of diseases, their prevention and treatment, the influence of certain diseases on the psyche; mental development disorders; the nature of the patient’s relationship with medical personnel and the microenvironment around him, etc.

In the education system a psychologist is called upon to provide psychological support and assistance to students experiencing learning difficulties and poorly adapting to the social environment. The main goal of the educational psychological service is to ensure the mental and personal development of students. Among the tasks that an educational psychologist can solve: identify the psychological readiness of children for school; develop and implement, together with teachers and parents, developmental programs taking into account the individual characteristics of children; contribute to the creation of a favorable psychological climate, identify and eliminate the causes of violations of interpersonal relationships in the learning process, with peers, with parents and other people; consult school administration, teachers, parents on psychological problems of education and upbringing, etc.

Psychological work in the legal field. Legal psychology deals with the application of psychological knowledge to the investigative, judicial and correctional fields.

A psychologist in the field of criminal psychology studies a complex of psychological problems associated with crime, the personality of the criminal, and the motives for criminal behavior. In the field of forensic psychology, he studies the psychological factors of interrogation, the characteristics of the behavior of the accused, the psychological characteristics of witness testimony, and conducts a forensic psychological examination. Correctional psychology studies the psychological aspects of punishment and correctional work in the sphere of convicts, etc.

3. Teaching psychology as a type of professional activity of a psychologist. The range of educational institutions, institutions, organizations in which psychological knowledge needs to be taught is quite wide (universities, colleges, gymnasiums, psychological centers, etc.). This provides ample opportunities for psychologists to work as teachers and trainers teaching psychological knowledge, skills and abilities.

The curriculum for training a psychologist provides for 2 types of practice: pedagogical and industrial. Pedagogical practice is carried out in secondary specialized professional institutions (colleges, technical schools) as a teacher of psychology. Industrial practice is aimed at mastering skills and abilities in the field of practical psychology. Industrial practice bases: educational and healthcare institutions, social protection of the population; psychological assistance centers, employment services, Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc.

The Faculty of Psychology has also announced admission to master's programs in 030300-"Psychology"(profile “Clinical Psychology”). Admission to the university's master's program is carried out only for full-time study from June 20 to June 30. Entrance exams - from July 1 to July 9:

1. General psychology.

2. Foreign language (oral).

Entrance tests


Based on general education

1. Russian language (USE)

2. Biology (USE)

3.Mathematics (USE)

At the correspondence department

Based on general education

1. Russian language (test)

2. Biology (test)

3.Mathematics (test)

On the base higher vocational education with a shortened training period

· Interview

On the base average vocational education with a shortened period of study (medical colleges and pedagogical colleges)

· interview

Beginning: 14000 ⃏ per month

Experienced: 21000 ⃏ per month

Professional: 35000 ⃏ per month

* - information on salaries is given approximately based on vacancies on profiling sites. Salaries in a specific region or company may differ from those shown. Your income is greatly influenced by how you can apply yourself in your chosen field of activity. Income is not always limited only to what vacancies are offered to you on the labor market.

Demand for the profession

In our country, the level of psychological literacy of the population is below par, people simply have little idea who a psychologist is, they are embarrassed to ask for help, they simply do not know who to go to. But the situation is gradually changing.

Prospects for the profession:

  • Work in the field of education, including preschool
  • Recruitment, development and training of personnel - very popular among employers
  • Advertising psychology - development, implementation and evaluation of advertising campaigns
  • Actually psychological counseling (HEALTHY people who have problems in relationships or attitude towards themselves and their lives)
  • Conducting group trainings aimed at personal development, acquisition of new skills (both in the field of communication and professional)
  • Psychological support for patients in “ordinary” hospitals with body diseases (it’s not for nothing that they say that all diseases are caused by nerves)
  • and etc.

Who is the profession suitable for?

There are not many qualities needed; everything else is professional skills that can be mastered. Psychologists believe that professionals need interest and respect for people. They are sincerely interested in how the inner world of a person works; they sincerely want to understand the intricacies of the human psyche.

Another important quality is tolerance. This is tolerance for the other, the different, the willingness to accept different human manifestations without aggression and irritation. This quality is, perhaps, more amenable to development, but still, if it already exists as a given, it will be easier.

The third is flexibility, openness to change. If you easily adapt to new conditions, know how to admit your mistakes and quickly change your behavior, then you have one of the professionally important qualities for a psychologist.

The future psychologist also needs sensitivity, in other words, sensitivity. If you feel the mood of another person well, know how to guess his needs, feel the pain and joy of loved ones as your own, then you have another important quality. It is developable, but the initial level also matters.

Also important are the ability to clearly express one's thoughts, the ability to hear and understand others, and the ability to manage one's own emotions.


The profession of a psychologist is not a careerist one. However, at the beginning of his career, a specialist can work in psychological centers, private psychological counseling offices, in educational and medical institutions, as a manager for organizing trainings and seminars. Then you can build a career in a specialized psychological service, engage in private consulting, or open your own company.


The psychologist performs the following job responsibilities:

  • Studies the influence of psychological, economic and organizational factors of production on the labor activity of enterprise employees in order to develop measures to improve their working conditions and increase work efficiency.
  • Identifies the most pressing issues and problems that require solutions (staff turnover, violations of labor discipline, ineffective work), determines ways to eliminate the causes that cause them.
  • Develops professiograms and detailed psychological characteristics of workers' professions and office positions, determined by the influence of the production environment on the neuropsychic stress of the worker, gives recommendations regarding the conditions for the optimal use of a person's personal labor capabilities, taking into account the prospects for the development of his professional abilities.
  • Prepares proposals to management and participates in the implementation of activities aimed at increasing labor productivity and job satisfaction.
  • Participates in the implementation of measures for industrial and professional adaptation of young specialists and workers.
  • Develops and puts into practice methods for assessing organizational culture, moral and psychological climate and management styles in the company and provides management with systematic information and recommendations based on the results of the study.
  • Participates in the implementation of activities to form and transmit corporate culture and improve the socio-psychological climate in the team.
  • Consults department heads on issues of management psychology, advertising, negotiations, working with staff and clients.
  • Selects methods and techniques for personnel diagnostics that are adequate to the assigned tasks and conducts diagnostics, provides a high-quality analysis and interpretation of diagnostic results and recommendations to department heads.
  • Conducts interviews with applicants and resigning employees.
  • Systematically analyzes feedback based on the results of the implementation of ongoing activities and makes changes to ongoing activities.
  • Performs individual official assignments from his immediate superior.

Institute of Psychology is one of the best training companies for comprehensive and high-quality training in psychological counseling according to modern world standards in Ufa.

The Institute of Psychology trains future psychologists, and also provides consultations and training to leading practicing psychologists in Russia, such as:

  • Psychologist, personal growth coach - Pavel Fedorovich Lebedko (Moscow, Institute of Group and Family Psychology and Psychotherapy (IGISP));
  • Leading psychologists and personal growth coaches of Ufa and Bashkortostan are Andrey Ivanovich Semenov, Alisa Khakimovna Kuramshina.

The basic principle of the Institute in all areas of its activities- this is cooperation with the best professionals in their field, expert practitioners who can pass on their skills to our students during training, or as specialists who will quickly and effectively assist clients at a personal appointment or in the process of education or training.

What exactly does studying at the Institute of Psychology provide:

  • Knowledge of a wide range of individual and family psychological counseling strategies according to modern standards, with which you will quickly and effectively help your clients with their life difficulties.
  • Also, a good result of your training will be your personal growth in all areas of life (health, relationships, self-realization) as you practice tasks and exercises with your fellow students.

The annual training course in practical counseling begins on September 20, 2015 and will be held on a convenient schedule on Sundays.

We, teaching psychologists at our Institute, believe that every person can be healthy, happy and successful. Modern psychology and its technologies make it possible to make people’s lives better, brighter, more joyful, and help people enjoy self-realization.

The main areas of consulting specialists from the Institute of Psychology:

  • Difficulties in family life (conflicts, quarrels, jealousy, divorce, etc.);
  • Help in starting a family;
  • Diagnostics of psychological compatibility;
  • Liberation from tobacco, alcohol, food addiction, Internet addiction;
  • Help with weight loss or gain;
  • Resolving difficulties at work;
  • Correction of psychosomatic diseases;
  • Elimination of phobias;
  • Normalization of relationships between adults and their parents;
  • Increased confidence and self-esteem, self-belief;
  • Help with choosing a profession, your calling, your life mission;
  • Ending unnecessary relationships;
  • Help in achieving goals, increasing motivation;
  • Removing the inferiority complex regarding appearance, age, gender, etc.;
  • Conclusion from a stressful situation in cases of loss of a loved one.

Welcome to our Institute of Psychology to learn and solve your life difficulties!

Please call with all your questions at the numbers below.

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The “Passing Score” column indicates the average passing score for one exam (the minimum total passing score divided by the number of exams).

What is it and why is it important?

Admission to a university is based on the results of the Unified State Exam (for each exam you can score a maximum of 100 points). When enrolling, individual achievements are also taken into account, such as the final school essay (gives a maximum of 10 points), an excellent student certificate (6 points) and the GTO badge (4 points). In addition, some universities are allowed to take an additional exam in a core subject for the chosen specialty. Some specialties also require passing a professional or creative exam. You can also score a maximum of 100 points for each additional exam.

Passing score for any specialty at a particular university - this is the minimum total score with which the applicant was admitted during the last admissions campaign.

In fact, we know what scores you could get in last year. But, unfortunately, no one knows with what score you will be able to enter this or next year. This will depend on how many applicants and with what scores will apply for this specialty, as well as on how many budget places will be allocated. Nevertheless, knowing the passing scores allows you to assess your chances of admission with a high degree of probability, so you should focus on them, this is important.