Programming consciousness using a clear example. Conscious programming of the subconscious

We continue the conversation about the influence on the consciousness of man and society, life scenarios and algorithms for controlling one’s own destiny.

The article is a thematic continuation of the post “ Freedom or predetermination?”, and also echoes the articles “ Memes are the weapon of the 21st century!», « Infection of mass consciousness», « How to change habits?», « Procrastination: why are you still in trouble?», « Internal conflicts - paradise lost».

Warning! This article can destroy precious illusions about yourself and the world in which we live. “Natives in kindergarten” are strictly prohibited from reading!

Inevitable programming

“Those who rule the symbols rule us!”

A. Kozybski

To answer the question of how people are programmed, you need to understand a simple thing. Me, you, every person has been programmed since childhood. Parents, kindergarten, school, media and so on. They did this so that we could be controlled. So that we obey directly and indirectly. We obeyed even when no one was watching us. The worst thing is that 99% of what we consider ourselves (our beliefs, habits and tastes) is invested in us.

Fortunately, we were programmed in an illiterate and contradictory manner. Otherwise, humanity would be no different from a termite mound.

The essence of programming is to impose behavioral frameworks and patterns of choice.

The first point is all bad. The aberrations of our behavior in society are based on instincts. It is simply impossible to block them 100%. Society has to compromise, practically legitimizing double standards and creating institutions for the sublimation of instincts.

You and society

This is worth illustrating. In any society, people break written and unspoken taboos. Moreover, violators are divided into two approximately equal groups. Some become outsiders, others become leaders who rise to the very top of the social pyramid.

Geniuses, criminals, the electorate and the elite

In the diagram, criminals, madmen and geniuses overlap the areas of the electorate and elites. This is because they are present in any layer:

If we trace the path of these people, we will see a striking picture - the principle of mirror morality. The morals of the elite (at least part of it) are no different from the morals of part of the very bottom of society. The same disregard for people, social standards and conventions. It’s just that the elite acts on a large scale or hidden, but the lower classes cannot do this.

Moreover, the criminal environment is more honest - it does not proclaim values ​​that it does not share. The elites are sanctimoniously imposing them on the electorate. Moreover, it does not matter what time or ethnic group we are talking about. Ancient Rome, Zulu tribes, USA or Russia.

Opposites transform into each other - this is true. Innovators become retrogrades. Criminals are respected people. Those who are persecuted are persecutors.

This is the projection of Karpman's triangle onto large communities.

I have already repeatedly referred to one of the fundamental laws of our world - the Gaussian distribution. Many physical, biological and social processes are subject to it. Even card games - poker theorists know about this.

The mechanism for modeling behavioral frameworks is the same everywhere. It is built on power, deception, hypocrisy and taboo. They are worth mentioning separately.

Force- coercion through the army and police. The beginning of forceful coercion is the introduction of the image of an enemy - external or internal. The electorate, lifestyle, achievements, freedoms and similar abstractions begin to save.

Using force, in 90% of cases social contradictions are not resolved. They are thrown into the future. The saddest thing is that in the required 10%, coercion is replaced by various kinds of firecrackers. In this way, contradictions are frozen for several years, giving the elites time to replay the situation or model new social values.

Fooling– coercion through false promises and misinformation.

The most striking example of recent history is Boris Yeltsin. Not one of his many oath promises was fulfilled! I repeat - not a single one!

There was no need to go to the rails because the energy of the collapse and consumption of what had been accumulated was used to form a new social consciousness. But fortunately, it was not possible to do even this. The simulacrum lasted about 8–10 years.

In principle, interested parties could record it, but then they would have to solve the notorious four Russian questions, which we will talk about in another article.

Hypocrisy– proclamation of values ​​and behavior patterns that do not correspond to those shared. This is a policy of double standards.

There is not a single society on the planet where the elite shares the proclaimed values. The reason is that these values ​​limit ego and passion.

Taboo- ban. Most often, prohibitions are based on curbing the energy of two primary circuits - survival and sexual. By deforming the energy flows of these circuits, you can imprint any behavior you need.

Many restrictions are prescribed so strongly, and their compliance is so burdensome, that it causes acute dissonance with the instilled ideals. I had to come up with religious institutions of forgiveness. In some countries they have reached the point of insanity, for example, indulgences for future sins, etc.

The meaning of any taboo, so different in ancient cultures, is to keep the crowd from anarchy.

Societies built on raw power and not based on tradition quickly fell apart. Traditional societies maintained their integrity even with the destruction and reform of political institutions.

By the way, this is the main reason why some forces are pouring billions of dollars into breaking up traditional societies. It all starts with cultural memes, goes totaboos and values, ends with language as an expression of identity. That's all. There are no people. In its place is a herd governed by new imperatives.

Structure of society

Very briefly about the social pyramid. For thousands of years nothing new has been invented. Elements change, sectors shift, but the structure remains the same.

Here is an interesting drawing on the topic of social hierarchy:

The arrows of money and commodity flows resemble a DNA helix. The author of the picture placed clergy below investors, pop divas and screen stars. Usually there is a different division in cartoons and ideological posters.

I’m not a populist or an ideologist, so I’m not going to stir up emotions with pathetic statements or humor.

At the moment, the economic world is like this pyramid:

3 billion beggars, 1 billion poor, 2 billion conditionally middle class and 0.5 billion conditionally rich.

Beggars – income less than $2,000 per year.

Poor – income from 2000 to 3000 dollars per year.

Middle class – income from 3,000 to 20,000 dollars per year.

Rich – from $20,000 per year to an unknown amount with many zeros.

In relation to knowledge about the world, otherwise awareness, the pyramid looks like this:

Crowd knows little, her knowledge is scattered and drawn from the media.

Pro They know how to sift through information and present it themselves. However, they do not have access to a large body of classified and highly specialized knowledge.

Elites have the completeness of the incoming data. However, they themselves fall into the trap of misinformation created by professional moderators. It's unavoidable.

The trap has two properties. First, the pros bend to the vision of the world of the elites, and deviation of the information sample is inevitable.

Secondly, the elite is also under the influence of media viruses and cultural memes. This is especially noticeable in the statements and behavior of national political, new financial and industrial elites.

Groups influencers have complete information and algorithms for processing it. This is a very narrow stratum of elites that has concentrated the greatest capital and influence in its hands.

This is only possible within closed groups and family clans with the hereditary transfer of knowledge and tools for active and passive increase of funds. The second tool plays a critical role.

In principle, neutral Switzerland with its banking system was created as a guarantor of the smooth operation of compound interest. Don't forget the Vatican. In the 20th century, the monopoly of the dollar and stock market speculation served as an inexhaustible source of enrichment.

Influence groups are also communities within the nomenclatures and secret services of the richest countries. However, these are unstable groups primarily due to the lack of continuity.

Populists on the topic of manipulation of public consciousness and conspiracy theories talk a lot about the world government, putting Satanists, reptilians, and Atlanteans at its head. J I hasten to reassure the reader: by all indications, a world government does not yet exist. There are groups claiming this and not reaching full consensus.

People in any designated stratum are in one of the following positions in relation to society. Take a look at the diagram:

Most people are not satisfied with the situation in society, or the society itself in which they live. In 90% of cases, society is bad because the situation does not correspond to the aspirations. Give them money, power or fame and their attitude will change dramatically. However, this attitude does not interfere with living, striving for something, dreaming and even sometimes being happy. These people come to terms with what is and their situation. Their dissatisfaction does not go beyond washing the bones of those in power and kitchen battles.

The small part, marked in red, is rebelling. The form in which protest is expressed depends on intelligence, energy and temperament. History shows that rebels who gain power build the same or even more imperfect society. The most active of them are concerned primarily with their personal situation. Having made their way into parliaments, congresses and councils, they calm down and can even bring benefits to people.

A slightly larger part (circle shaded in black) runs away from society wherever they look. To a monastery, hermitage, virtual reality, creativity or sect.

These people should not be confused with an even larger group that does not have its own position. I marked them gray. Most often these are lumpen people, alcoholics and drug addicts, or workers who are exhausted by life. They have no time to think about the world and their place in it. Those who live to old age turn into an appendage of a TV or a yard bench:

The interesting group is indicated in blue. These are individualists to the core. No matter what they say, they are satisfied with absolutely any society. These people use any system to their advantage, and the system is very favorable towards them. These are pragmatists who accept the world as it is at the moment and do not miss their chance to sail to where it is more satisfying.

And finally, the second largest group (green circle) are those who are satisfied with everything. Due to position, indifference or mental laziness, innate tolerance or wisdom. Someone like.

Impact on consciousness

“There are no “absolute” truths; all truths are half made up of lies. If you treat them as “absolute” truths, everything will go down the drain.”

Alfred North Whitehead

With the development of technology and the globalization of society, powerful levers for modeling choice have emerged - propaganda, advertising and mass culture. The latter has been shaping the choice of entire civilizations since the end of the 20th century. Japan is the clearest example of this. It’s not for nothing that one Frenchman called Hollywood products death rays.

We are not just forced to behave one way or another, everything is much more serious. We desire what we have been given to desire and we think about what we have been forced to think about. No threats or direct violence.

Since the world elite still (!) clings to the model of monetary capitalism, the corresponding values, aspirations and fears will be instilled. A huge variety of new forms of “well-being” and new threats have emerged. The quality and strength of such threats have increased so much that doctors have noted a colossal increase in calls with symptoms sociodemic. (Not to mention the “rehabilitation” of many forms of psychopathology, etc.)

Over the past 20 years, a gentle and imperceptible at first glance dismantling of monetary capitalism has been taking place. The world is moving into the stage of a distribution economy. Geopolitical segmentation will occur, where islands of a civilized, prosperous society will rest on the buffer zones of dictatorships, protecting these enclaves from the chaos of societies of the third type.

A futurological analysis of the world situation will be presented at .

Sociodemia is a disease of a psychogenic nature, induced by mass rumors.

Naturally, increasing the subtlety and accuracy of regulatory mechanisms creates resistance - both direct and crude, at the level of imperatives, and indirect - at the level of modeling.

There is practically nothing to counter the attack on consciousness. People with sound values, high ideals and an analytical mind are dying out like mammoths. Parents are unable to convey their view of the world to the next generation. Their voice is the voice of one crying in the wilderness.

People have always been between a rock and a hard place. In a rigidly traditional society, freedom and the value of human life die. With the growth of freedom and humanity of society, it necessarily crosses the line of degeneration. Human life is worth nothing again. The reality maps of ethnic groups and cultural enclaves are mixed. From this moment on, there is an attack on traditional values ​​and, if it is successful, the society dies out.

Influence on human consciousness through choice modeling

Returning to the individual, let's try to identify the factors that shape our choices and the factors that hinder the implementation of the latter. First, let's consider the scenario of life within the framework of natural and imposed needs.

Let me remind you of the model of human needs A . Maslow:

For some reason, Abraham believed that each subsequent stage arises with complete satisfaction of the previous one. Dissidents, seekers of all stripes and the impoverished Russian intelligentsia will not agree with him.

K. Alderfer simplified the scheme a little and went against Maslow, insisting that in order to actualize high needs it is not at all necessary to be satisfied in simple ones. The diagram below shows his model:

It's hard to disagree with the obvious. However, both models are extremely primitive. Kaverin divided the needs into three groups and included several points in each. However, this is just horizontal growth.

To add the missing vertical, we need to figure out whether we all have the same needs above the basic ones and which contours of the psyche are responsible for what. Human history shows that beyond the basic, our needs are very different. Moreover, they do not depend on upbringing, level of culture and intelligence. And most importantly, they are not acquired, but are initially present from the cradle.

Those who wrote the laws of Manu several thousand years ago understood this well. Those who build unnatural needs and desires into us also understand this. We just have to figure it out on our own. Knowing your capabilities and true priorities will allow you to free yourself from many inspired illusions.

K. Marx argued that we are toys in the hands of circumstances. A. Maurois said the opposite. According to his calculations, there are about 7 life-changing opportunities per day. If both statements are taken as exaggerations that reflect the truth, the latter sounds like this - every day we are given a chance to change our lives, but we are distracted by current circumstances.

Level of development and level of needs

Psychology speaks of three levels of personality development: presocial, social and suprasocial. The table shows their characteristics:



Psychological statuses


An unsocialized person is an infant, a marginal, etc. Ignores social norms. Exists due to the help of relatives, inheritance, the state, alms or crime

Big child. A man who has not found his place, is lost and


Antisocial type - criminal, maniac


A person plays his roles in the system of social relations - husband/wife, employee, and so on.

An adult is a public person. Follows the rules of society


Hermitage, external or internal. Disidentification with social roles

An established individual in an active search for meaning

Each level has its own needs. Moreover, the presence or absence of some of them determines the final level of human development.

The needs of the first two levels, considered quite high, are reduced to a banal triangle of motives chewed up by psychoanalysis. Here is a diagram of these motives:

Based on disciplines such as psychoanalysis and transactional analysis, the strength of a motive depends on situations in early childhood. Failure to recognize strength will make you strive for achievement. Lack of importance will make you crave power. Lack of love will push you on the thorny path of gaining fame.

We will consider high needs and the ladder of spiritual development in a separate article. This topic does not quite correlate with the manipulation of the consciousness of society and the programming of your personality.

We'll stop here. One of these days I will post a continuation. The conversation will be about the life scenario and manipulations of the first and second levels. You will learn what social golems and advertising simulacra are, the secrets of marketing and promotion, the properties of vertical and horizontal induction.

Even worse than biorobots programmed for certain behavioral stereotypes are those who have already completely degraded and have lost even the ability to act freely. These are those who are popularly called “possessed” by an evil spirit or zombie. These are those who have already completely lost even the ability to control their own body and are just a puppet in the hands of dark entities from a parallel world.

However, the difference from them to an ordinary average person, subject to all weaknesses, is not very great. He is also controlled, but only more “subtly”, while giving the illusion of freedom. It seems to a person that it is his own thoughts and beliefs that force him to act during emotional outbursts and violent manifestations of feelings. In fact, he himself often cannot rationally explain the nature of his actions, because, losing his inner balance, he temporarily loses control over his body and becomes a “zombie.”

Thus, the difference between the average person and a “zombie” is that he is not a “zombie” all the time, but from time to time. In all other cases (with rare exceptions), he is a “biorobot”, possessing a certain degree of freedom, within the framework of generally accepted dogmas and restrictions imposed on him.

This illusory freedom makes us dependent on the opinions of other people and on everything that they consider right or wrong, bad or good. This is a “game” of stupidity, stupidity and limited perception, which is imposed on us from childhood and obliges us to play by someone else’s rules.

But those who set these rules are not the people around us. Most other people, no matter how great and infallible they may seem, are the same submissive and weak victims of circumstances, whom the dark entities of other worlds use as stupid and brainless “cash cows” in terms of feeding them with energy.

This is precisely why all the quarrels, squabbles, hatred, enmity, contempt and mistrust are needed - since, losing internal balance, a person “spills out” his life energy into the surrounding space, which immediately becomes food for other entities.

It was for this purpose that they “gifted” us a certain foreign device, which in fact has nothing in common with ourselves - a sense of self-importance that can be compared to a kind of “milking machine” that deprives us of vital energy. And this energy is the basis of our health, our abilities, our undistorted perception of reality and our true freedom.

And everyone is free to make their own choice: whether to be a “zombie,” remain a “biorobot,” or achieve real freedom. But only the latter will open for him the whole range of parapsychological phenomena and paranormal abilities, right down to the art of longevity and preservation of youth.

All this talk about “zombies” and “biorobots” may seem like just scary fairy tales to a mind fooled by materialistic propaganda, but modern scientific achievements indicate that these are not fairy tales at all, but a reality that has become the scourge of humanity.

Thus, studies have shown that not only psychotropic devices, but also ordinary advertising is a way of “programming” certain human behavior. After all, almost all commercials contain an obvious or hidden element of eroticism, influencing a person’s subconscious. Here's how researcher I. Shlionskaya explains it:

“Research has found that for most people, information containing certain stimuli causes subconscious tension and anxiety. Now imagine that there is an advertisement on TV in which a man and a woman drink a soft drink while making love. A vague anxiety arises in the subconscious of the audience, and the advertisement inspires them - buy this product and you will be happy! And in order to get rid of obsessive thoughts about sex, from the desire caused by advertising of the drink, they buy it.”

Films program our behavior in a similar way: action films and thrillers program for murder and cruelty, porn films for sexual promiscuity, melodramas for a certain stereotype of “suffering” love. At the same time, unbeknownst to himself, a person begins to imitate the heroes of his favorite programs, films, books, acting according to the “program” of behavior they propose.

In the same way, behavioral stereotypes are imposed on us by parents, teachers and other people around us. This can be called the first level of “programming” of a person, when he, thinking that he is free in his actions, actually subconsciously repeats the actions and mistakes of others. Therefore, he is no longer a free person.

But there is a second, stronger level of programming our behavior, which is called information coding. The essence of this method is that the human consciousness is capable of perceiving only 24 frames per second, and if you use the 25th frame for certain information, then the consciousness will no longer perceive this information. It will be perceived only by the subconscious, which takes any suggestion on faith (remember the experiments of hypnotists). In this case, not only visual information is used, but also sound information, which is also beyond the threshold of perception of consciousness.

Such tricks are widely used for advertising purposes and for quickly learning foreign languages. If in one case a person quickly masters a foreign language, then in another, for some unknown reason, he begins to trust certain goods and give preference only to them.

In the same way, you can program a person’s behavior towards certain individuals. If you are “pulled” to one person for no reason and “repulsed” away from another, if for no reason at all you trust one person and do not believe anything in another, then you have become a victim of someone’s evil machinations associated with manipulation of your subconscious. Love spells used in magic are also methods of encoding the subconscious. However, it is technical coding methods that pose the greatest danger.

A person can be coded for obesity, alcoholism, smoking. However, intelligence services in many countries use coding for less harmless purposes. Thus, while watching films, television shows or psychotherapeutic sessions, a person can be coded to self-destruct from a code phrase or word, as well as to commit murder. Moreover, after the code phrase, a person completely loses control over his mind and body. He becomes a real “zombie” and after completing the program of actions and actions laid down in the subconscious (if he remains alive), he remembers absolutely nothing about them.

According to Doctor of Medical Sciences L.P. Grimak, a hypnologist with 40 years of experience, after appropriate hypnosis sessions, a person begins to carry out any programs embedded in him, completely without realizing it. This is called mild zombification. The next level of zombification is associated with programming using strong drugs and hypnosis. In this case, the person resembles a wound-up mechanism or a wind-up toy, acting in accordance with the program embedded in it. Moreover, the number of programs embedded in one person is almost unlimited. Such programming is often used by both intelligence services and religious sects.

All this fully explains many inexplicable suicides of political figures and religious sectarians. After all, suicide is the best way to eliminate unwanted witnesses. On the other hand, intelligence agencies actively use programmed killers, in whose subconscious there may sometimes be several different “programs” with their own triggering “keys.”

It is the human subconscious that is a biological computer, and therefore subject to programming. Therefore, only through the development of our consciousness and conscious efforts can we free ourselves from all the programs and stereotypes imposed on us. To do this, it is necessary that consciousness ceases to be an appendage of the biocomputer (ego-system) and begins to manage its own biocomputer, and not vice versa, as is the case with most people. Then no one except you yourself will be able to influence the subconscious (biocomputer) and determine your behavior.

Few doubt that thoughts are material. Not all, of course, and not always. And not everyone does. Spontaneously, it happens sometimes.

But there are special techniques on how to realize your desires. Simple hypnotic techniques that are not difficult to learn. It is impossible to teach the techniques in this article; special classes are needed. But the principle itself, how it works, is quite possible to tell.

Of course, the materialization of thoughts is a metaphor. “Thinking up” a cup of coffee with a bun and treating your girlfriend just like that won’t work right away. But you can enjoy aromatic coffee yourself. Right now.

And you don’t need much work. It is enough to imagine the whole process, starting with preparation. You will feel the taste, smell, slight increase in heart rate and mood. Just start reading a little slower, following the wishes and recommendations in the text. Calmly immersing yourself in your thoughts, feelings, sensations. Smoothly, slowly imagining yourself in warmth, comfort, coziness. You may want to close your eyes and enjoy your imagination on your own, without text. Trust your desires at any moment. Relax and enjoy

In your hands is a cup of aromatic, steaming coffee. It doesn't matter what it looks like, what size or color. Let her be exactly the way you imagined her. Hold it in your hands, feel the warmth. Bring it to your lips and enjoy the aroma. You can often feel the taste of your favorite drink on your lips before you take your first sip. Do not hurry. Extend the wait for the meeting. Pay attention to what surrounds you. What kind of interior? Just imagine it, look carefully. Let everything be the way you want it. Perhaps you are surrounded by other people, or you are enjoying yourself alone. It doesn't matter. Pay attention to the time of day. Perhaps it is day or morning, evening, night. There is always a certain time of day. Like the weather, which is always present. It doesn’t matter what day of the week or day, month, year it is. Perhaps you are remembering the past, or imagining the future. It doesn't matter what time you are here and now. The past gives way to the future, crossing the tiny present. You forget something, you remember something again. A kaleidoscope of fantasies and memories gives rise to thoughts in the present. The present in which you enjoy a cup of coffee in your hands. > Amazing aroma of freshly ground coffee. Pleasant bitterness, sourness. The smell of warmth and home comfort. Anticipation of bliss. The attractive power of calm and confidence. They don't drink coffee, they enjoy it. The crunch of grinding grains, still hot, just from roasting, is like the chatter of cicadas on a warm southern night. The rustling of waves, a refreshing breeze, outlines in halftones. And the first, not even a sip, but the anticipation of a sip, resolves all issues in favor of - To be! Be warm, kind and perfect. Victory, joy and happiness. Trembling foam, a graceful stream of steam. In your hands is a piece of the universe. And here comes the first, slightly burning half-sip. The whole aroma on the tongue is bliss. For a moment everything is forgotten, there is no gravity of the earth. There is only you and him. Or is she, you're not alone? The taste of coffee with a hint of bliss.

This is the materialization of feelings and sensations. I just helped you create the image, and everything turned out in the best possible way. The image created in the mind caused quite tangible changes in the body. Sensations, feelings. Quite concrete and tangible.

Anything created in the mind the image strives for realization. Changes the direction of thoughts and, as a result, actions. A smile is microdynamics. Scientific ideodynamics.

Changing thoughts in itself corrects actions. Different actions - different results.

With a small example I demonstrated how an image can be created and how it changes thoughts. Automatically, on an unconscious level, facial expressions change. These are manifestations of microdynamics. But macrodynamics also operates on the same principle. The unconscious, trying to realize the created image, adjusts actions in the direction of implementation. This is how our psyche works.

This principle underlies hypnosis and was first described by Chevreul in the middle of the last century. Then hypnosis appeared, in its modern understanding. Although hypnotic effect was known even in the ancient world.

Using the same principle, you can imagine everything you want to get. If a competently created image is placed in the subconscious, then it will also strive for realization. Thoughts and actions will change. You will begin to pay attention to things you didn’t notice before. Otherwise, you will begin to perceive everyday information. A chain of “accidents” will begin that will lead you to your goal. You will feel that the entire Universe is helping you to realize your plans.

Almost all of us have experienced a similar state in our lives. When you really want something, incredible things happen.

There is one more important point. We don't know how to wait. It takes the right amount of time to implement anything significant. We are in a hurry, without waiting for what is planned, we change the image. We leave no time for implementation.

Here are, perhaps, two key points. A bright, rich image and time for implementation. This time can be significantly reduced by following the “tips” of your subconscious, your intuition, feelings, and recording indirect signs of changes taking place. But this is a separate topic.

Sometimes it's called programming consciousness- one of the goals

That's all the wisdom. All that remains is to start taking action. First, create an image of what you want. Here are the instructions.

Give it a try. You will definitely succeed. If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them, ask right here and now. Button on the left. You can just call me on the phone and ask for advice.

The easiest way to succeed, become rich and get what you really want is to learn program the subconscious. In fact, subconscious programming techniques are accessible and very easy to understand for absolutely every person. And in order for this to work for you, the most important thing here is to understand the principle of operation of a subtle substance called the subconscious, not to be lazy, to be persistent and to believe in the result.

Good day, blog reader Today, as part of the “” section, we will talk a little about consciousness and subconsciousness. By whom and how our subconscious is formed. And also about how reprogram the subconscious so that as a result your life develops the way you want it.

Speaking about the subconscious, here we can safely say “Everything is in our mind”

After all, who we are in this world primarily and directly depends on what and how we think. And the result is what we do and have in the future.

If a person thinks about poverty, he will live his life in poverty and misery.

If a person thinks about wealth and success, wealth and success will eventually come into his life.

But, in order for this to be exactly the way we need it, it is necessary to understand how and by whom our subconscious and mind are programmed.

Whether you are aware of it or not is your choice, but the subconscious directly influences our desires, goals, thoughts and actions, as well as the path to achieving them.

The subconscious is a kind of program that is not conscious of us, which is located inside us.

The unconscious formation of which begins from the moment of birth and continues throughout our lives.

First, it happens in the family. The actions, deeds and words of parents are perceived by the child as truth, an axiom that does not require proof, and are recorded in our subconscious as a program for perceiving the world.

It is in very early childhood that our attitude to the surrounding reality, an optimistic or distrustful attitude towards people, our views on life, certain behavioral stereotypes, habits and actions are formed.

It is precisely at the beginning of our life that the adjustment and real unconscious programming of our subconscious takes place.

And, therefore, our further actions, actions and, in general, our way of life will depend on these attitudes.

Without fully realizing the mental processes previously created by external sources, over time begin to be embodied in our lives.

And something happens to us that we don’t want, but for some reason, we are not able to control these processes.

Why is this happening?

This is the work of our programs, so to speak, recorded by parents, kindergarten, school, etc., which manifest themselves in the image of our unconscious thoughts, actions and deeds.

It is these subconscious programs that give invisible orders and control our lives and us. They force us to act one way or another in certain situations, direct us in one direction or another in life, and are completely responsible for wealth, success and the construction of our entire life.

Here it is also worth saying that the essence lies not only in the programmed belief in our subconscious.

But whether you like it or not, there is also a flow of everyday information. We are constantly surrounded by ideas, thoughts, and words that affect our well-being, success and wealth.

After all, everything that surrounds us in our daily lives directly affects us not only consciously, but subconsciously.


If we consciously receive a stream of negative destructive information. Our subconscious will eventually translate this into our reality.


If you read good, kind books, you have happy thoughts.

If you read books about horror, nine times out of ten negative events will happen in your life.

When you focus on some news, your brain records this news as a fact. And this news will affect you, in good or bad ways.

Remember one thing.

How you live, what you have, what you do or don't do, what relationships you have, whether you are lonely or happy, every part of your existence is the result of your thoughts in the past.

And it has the most direct relation to what is recorded in your subconscious from the moment of your birth until the present moment.

This is important to understand and remember.

Our every action was programmed earlier. Every word you heard someone say, you took it and consciously placed it in your subconscious for processing. Which in turn was processed as a fact, then created a reaction, and was subsequently transferred to consciousness for subsequent execution.

Programming of the subconscious occurs every day with the flow of information that you receive.

And here it is important to realize, or ask the question, what type of program did we receive previously and continue to receive every day?

If we receive good positive thinking in early childhood, we will eventually become a good creative person, with a strong character and correct moral principles.

But, if from birth a person receives negative emotions and thinking. Such a person will have low self-esteem and will not be able to show his true abilities. As a result, as a rule, he becomes a juvenile delinquent, a drug addict, an alcoholic, and ultimately his life is completely ruined.

Let's take this scenario for example:

The child was born into a very rich and influential family.
This child will be programmed from childhood that money is the most important thing in this world.

The most important thing in life is to have a lot of money. This child is programmed to rule all the laws of life, for him it is centered only around money. Money will always play the most important role in his life.

From birth he was programmed to value, respect and use money as a means to achieve any goals in life.

He will surely look down on those who do not have money, as his family does.

As a rule, such families include those people who achieved their wealth through dirty and dishonest means.

Such a program will bring a lot of misfortune to a person, because it leads the child to the concept that rich people are better than everyone else in the world.

There can be many examples, such as this one, or completely opposite ones.

How many people, so many lives and programs.

But here it is simply important to understand that our thinking is not always OUR thinking, often it is not sown by us from birth.

Moreover, you may not even realize it, because this information is laid in such a way that we do not even know that we have received it.

Programming of our subconscious occurs at an unconscious subconscious level.

That is why it is extremely important to control your thoughts, and external information, every day.

And be able to cut off your attention from those aspects that bring irritation and discomfort into your life.

If you want to live happily in the future, take care of your reality.

It can be compared to a garden.
If you plant roses but don't take care of them and leave the garden unattended, what will happen in it?

That's right, weeds will grow among the roses in the garden, and beautiful roses will become shrubs. Weeds will grow along with the plants and perhaps even choke them out, absorbing more and more nutrients from the soil.

To prevent this from happening, the garden needs to be maintained on a regular basis. A garden that is well cared for will produce fruits and berries in abundance, and will always be fragrant with beautiful roses rather than weeds.

This applies to consciousness and subconscious.
If your conscious mind is dominated by negative thoughts, these thoughts will be processed in your subconscious mind. In turn, they will be used as a setting for further reality in order to be embodied at a certain time.

Therefore, feed your mind only with conscious, creative and good thoughts. These thoughts will be processed in the subconscious and remain in memory to bring beauty into your life.

The main thing to remember is one principle.

The subconscious mind does not know what is right or wrong.
It doesn't know what is good or bad.
It only processes what it receives.
And that's all it does.

You must be able to control all the subconscious processes of your mind.

Because it is your vigilance and control that can prevent bad thoughts from entering your mind. And save you from disappointment and pain in the future.

To reprogram the subconscious, you will have to completely change your beliefs, that is, rewrite your attitudes and habits.

Completely change negative thinking into positive, creative and productive thinking, with the help of which you will know in advance what you need to do to become who you want to be. And then wealth and prosperity will enter your life forever.

By the way, this can be done very simply. To do this, you just need to learn to work on yourself and remove all negativity from your life.

The best way to change previous already recorded programs and attitudes embedded in our subconscious is to replace, that is, to reprogram the subconscious using 3 accessible, simple and effective methods.

All that is needed for this is diligence and the desire to put your subconscious at your service.

Completely change all previously recorded programs.

Develop new habits and program your life, your worldview, according to your personal desire.

Surely you have already come across many available technologies, techniques, methods and methods with which you can reprogram your subconscious.

For the purposes of this article, I will simply list 3 methods that anyone can apply and still quickly get the desired result.

1. Visualization.

You must lose, see what you would really like to have or achieve. To do this, you just need to create various plausible, realistic and highly desirable vivid life stories or situations. And try to give this picture a positive emotion. And the stronger this emotion and your faith in the plausibility of this picture or image, the faster you will be able to make changes in the old program and write into the subconscious a program to implement this task.

2. Self-hypnosis.

This method is aimed primarily at increasing your own self-esteem. This is done by repeating the same positive qualities and statements written down earlier.


Every day, morning and evening, you say to yourself:

I am rich, successful, smart, slim, healthy, handsome, strong, etc..

In short, you really have to believe it, and speak with the affirmation that you are already what you want to be.

After 40 days, the subconscious will add these statements to its archive and enter this thought into its algorithm to complete the task.

3. Meditation.

This is the most effective way of programming the subconscious, and gives the best and fastest results.

But to complete it you will need the ability to concentrate your thoughts and a certain diligence.

The meditation technique really works wonders and, if desired, anyone can master it.

During the period of meditation, you can not only make adjustments to the program of the subconscious, but also make reality correspond to your desires.

Meditation allows you not only to rewrite the program code of the subconscious and make the necessary changes, but also helps to reveal your true talents.

Also, with the help of meditation, you can become calm, balanced, healthy, increase vital energy, and direct all mental processes in the direction you need.

Of course, these are not all methods; in fact, there are many of them. But here it is important to understand that the essence is not in the method, but in patience, perseverance, and the systematic implementation of techniques, plus time.

But I want to say whatever method you choose for reprogramming the subconscious, it will definitely bring results.

Subject to your firm determination to make these changes.

If you feel despair and reluctance, internal compulsion, or discomfort from the fact that you need to change something, or change.

This approach will lead to nowhere or produce disastrous results. It's better not to try to make changes if you don't want to change anything and make changes.

But if you firmly decide that changes are necessary, then you will begin to act right now. In this case reprogramming the subconscious will bring you the desired result, and your life will include happiness, joy, wealth, success, and everything you need to enjoy life and get everything you want from life.

I wish you success and prosperity!
Sincerely, Natalia Butenko!

You've probably noticed this phenomenon: smart, talented people vegetate, while dullards and mediocrities make a dizzying career, earn an incredible amount of money and are generally successful and enjoy life.

They don't know that this is impossible. “If I had known that this was impossible, I would never have undertaken it,” said the great German scientist Max Planck, one of the founders of quantum physics.

People gather near the beer stalls and listen to them - every second of them is smarter than the president, and every first is smarter than the entire government. And often they really are far from fools. But for some reason they continue to gather at the stalls. And the decisions of the authorities and the government are not always the best possible.

It happens that a person likes a person of the opposite sex, but he does not dare to attract her attention, he comes up with explanations why he cannot approach her. It happens that a person comes up with an idea about some direction of business, but he thinks, doubts - and then finds out that someone else did not hesitate and has already successfully implemented this idea.

Why do many people prefer to be in the shadows, afraid to act and make decisions?

Very often we are not aware of the reasons for our actions. We simultaneously obey two powerful forces of our psyche: the conscious mind and the subconscious.

And when, by order of the subconscious, we act absolutely illogically from the point of view of the mind, we then try to explain our actions to ourselves. And every time we find reasons and reasons that justify our illogical behavior.

But in fact, in the overwhelming majority of cases, we act in obedience to internal unconscious impulses. Some of these impulses are inherent in us initially, and some are nurtured by upbringing.

Whether we like it or not, we live in captivity of myths that other people have invented for us. I call these myths programs. They are instilled in us by our parents, school, and society. These programs are hardwired into our brains. They dictate behavior, they determine what is not allowed and what is necessary.

We had to be born. Then - learn to obey your elders. By a certain age, you will develop certain health problems. Reach a certain stage of career growth - and begin to be disappointed. Everything we have been taught is designed to keep us stagnant and not move forward.

A European or Russian man has been under the yoke of female authoritarianism since childhood. At home, he mainly spends time in the company of his mother or grandmother. Kindergarten teachers and school teachers are mostly women, and women are not rich, not successful, do not have a lot of lovers (and often without a husband), do not travel in a good vehicle, do not vacation a couple of times a year with warm sea.

These women want humility, obedience and a complete lack of initiative from their students. The purpose of female authoritarianism is to lower the child’s self-esteem. They say to him: “Are you the smartest?”, “Are you the best?”, implying that he is neither one nor the other, and he must agree with this. I remember that at the age of five I cried and shouted to the teacher in kindergarten that I was the smartest, and they could not dissuade me of this. Only when I entered graduate school did I agree that I was not the smartest, that there were others, and they were no more stupid than me.

All of us have been programmed to fail since childhood. We were taught to develop certain qualities, but in life we ​​need completely different ones. What is in demand is precisely what has been suppressed in us since childhood.

Remember the proverbs and sayings that we subconsciously perceive as truth.

“Every cricket know its nest.” Which pole is yours - the one with “First Deputy Prime Minister” or “Chairman of the Board” written on it? No, the proverb speaks of a different pole - with the inscription “turner”, “baker”, “nut sharpener” and the like. No other six is ​​implied.

"Seven times measure cut once". Yes, by the time you measure it for the third time, someone will already cut it off and run away with what they cut off.

“Don’t get in your own sleigh.” But the question is who exactly will decide which sled is yours.

There are children who are submissive and obedient; they are patted on the head and praised. Adults like them, but they, as a rule, achieve nothing in life. There are children who are stubborn, arrogant, stupid and persistent. And they usually achieve a lot when they grow up.