A nasty horoscope about Aries. Swearing horoscope

Sexual horoscope gives happiness!

The dream of happiness is the driving force of human existence. It is not difficult to realize your dream if you thoughtfully choose your life partner and build relationships based on your sexual horoscope.

Sexual horoscopes of the zodiac signs make it possible to form an impression of a person even before a pound of salt is eaten together. But physical intimacy is not enough if there is no harmony in the souls! That is why we took the trouble to find out the possibilities of harmonizing relations, and the results of these studies are ready to present to your attention.

The sexual horoscopes we have compiled for women are focused on using the help of stones that decorate the house and its owner. As it turns out, the role of gems in a woman’s life is not limited to decorating outfits and the surrounding space. Precious stones - with a thoughtful selection of a set - are capable of modifying the character of a life partner to the mutual satisfaction of the parties.

Sexual horoscopes for men very often note the development of an individual’s temperament in the first decades of life, and no less often they recommend choosing women with an equally unbridled disposition as partners. But what if most young women are not as passionate about sex as their chosen ones?

And here stones chosen according to the horoscope can help! Even if there is a complete initial mismatch of temperaments, consistent exposure to suitable gems corrects the situation. Natural forces concentrated in minerals can influence a person in all aspects of his sensations, thoughts, feelings and actions. It is a sin to miss the opportunity to optimize life, since it is offered by Mother Nature!

Any contradictions in the principles that make up the human essence can be corrected with the help of precious stones. The meaning of the saying “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend!” deeper than it might seem at first glance. Visual, tactile and spiritual contacts with stone are an inexhaustible source of strength and possibilities!

Aries the Ram - he is the Ram. He's always right and doesn't lie. It’s easier to kill him right away than to start arguing with him, because it’s possible to out-argue Aries only in one case - if he is a deaf-blind, armless, and legless disabled person (and then, there is a huge chance that even in this case he will still show you nothing). But Aries are honest. Sometimes they are so honest that it hurts your teeth: he will answer very honestly if your haircut doesn’t suit you or your dress makes you look fat. There's nothing you can do about it, you'll have to put up with it (or kill it, as mentioned above). In household chores, Aries, as a rule, is useless - he only knows how to generate brilliant ideas, and tries not to defile the soles of his feet with the dust of existence. However, if you let Aries understand that Sagittarius washes the floors better than him, he will be a bone-chilling infection, but he will rosin your parquet every Saturday, because there is no thing in the world that Aries would give up to Sagittarius. There is never a dull moment with Aries - this sign has some kind of karmic talent to look for adventures in its beautiful rear. He knows how to make money easily and quickly, but as a proud and principled guy, he hates money, so he tries to get rid of it instantly. At the same time, he always has some kind of stash, which is actually much more appropriate for a Virgo to have. Because of the impenetrable chatter about the nest egg, he forgets, which is very beneficial to his dear friend Aries, especially if this friend is Gemini.


Taurus is a scribe and I have nothing more to say about this sign. Even more stubborn than Aries, but does not have his charming careless babbling. Plyushkin, capable of lovingly storing all sorts of unnecessary junk in the house for centuries, is very surprised when they try to put all these broken transistor radios, ball bearings, rags, waste paper and other crap in the trash. He is constant in his attachments, including to human junk, which is why he is unhappy in love, alas. Suspicious to the point of horror, jealous, never an innovator, so at first glance he may seem like a dull eccentric. Secret pervert. He loves sex until he loses his pulse. Distrustful of new people, but for old friends he will tear the last calico shirt on his chest and a hair on his butt. Why the hell should friends have a torn shirt? I’m basically incapable of thinking. Altruistic, although he constantly gets punched in the face for it.


Twins are very cool if there is one, and quite a paragraph if there are at least two of them. They can chatter non-stop for at least three days and never repeat themselves, which is generally funny, but sometimes tiring. Geminis are usually envied by everyone, because he is a reaper, a reader, and a player on the pipe, in other words, there is a plug in every hole. But no one realizes how difficult it really is for Geminis to survive and choose in this huge world of possibilities - it always seems to them that life is passing them by, even if they are up to their necks in events. Loves sex, eating and receiving new information - best at the same time. For this he is considered a pervert, although in reality he is simply saving time. He is phenomenally lazy, he does ninety percent of his hectic activities only so that they will finally get away from him and leave him alone. Gives the impression of a babble and a general washi, although in fact it’s not a fool to read Kant and Kierkegaard in between babbles (reading is often accompanied by idiotic laughter and interjections like “yyyy”, which looks very nice, because humor in Kierkegaard can really only be found Twin). Sentimental like the last port... mmm... girl of easy virtue, believes in romance, although he constantly denies it and defiantly bares his teeth at those who talk about it. In love, he is usually unhappy (one would like to say - because he believes in romance), because only Aries can endure the extravaganzas of idiotic fun and cheerful idiocy constantly organized by Gemini, and Aries is not enough for all Geminis.


Cancer is a hypochondriac schmuck, constantly annoying everyone with questions like: “what if I sit in the jacuzzi after Pedro-Francesco-Figozvondo? will definitely die of hunger, because he is physically unable to eat a product that is not wrapped in plastic, but lying, say, under a palm tree. He loves sex, but somehow without a spark. However, if he wants, he can give the heat, but then he will eat himself for that he tried so hard, in general, in vain. Cancer women are precisely those who watch porn with the hope that in the end everyone will certainly get married. They like to talk long and gloomily about their own illnesses and other failures in life, which scares them away themselves, everyone except Taurus - they are even more tedious in matters relating to their own body. Faithful, because they are afraid of chlamydia and trichomoniasis. Prone to drunkenness and philosophy, both of which usually do not lead to good for Cancers.

a lion

People are divided into two classes - the retinue, which is allowed to the body, and lackeys, about whom they sharpen their claws and teeth. An egoist, of course, but you forgive Leo’s egoism for his holy and unshakable belief in his own awesomeness. Fall for flattery, it’s an infection; with its help you can get anything out of Leo. He is generous and not a fool to laugh at himself. Everyone else should refrain from ridiculing Leo unless they want to spend the remaining hours of their painful existence in intensive care with a stake below their back. Rude, but elegant. He is capable of trampling anyone head over heels in poop, which he sometimes does out of pure curiosity and a childish desire to “poop.” Master in everything. It makes it clear to the partner how awesome happiness came to him in the form of Leo and demands appropriate treatment. I don’t mind if in everyday life he is simply called the Almighty. A faithful friend, however, he loves to give expensive and valuable gifts so that everyone will once again be imbued with his awesomeness. He loves to eat, sleep and talk, which is why he is often friends with Geminis. Unbearable in large quantities if you are Virgo, Cancer or Pisces.


What can I say about a sign when dry science has already said everything for me? Virgo is the most cruel and inhuman sign of the zodiac. According to international statistics, the majority of psychopathic maniacs come from Virgos. She is able to smile tenderly at you, and in her head draw a delightful picture of your intestines tied to a chandelier. I’ll tell you a secret - all the little Virgos in childhood plan to become the Black Lords of the Planet, and when they grow up and realize that they have been deceived, they become simply heartless monsters and poison them with their pedantry and love of law and order (and the roots, of course, still come from snotty desires to fuck Universe) existence for literally everyone who is lucky enough to live with Virgo in the same territory. A Virgo wife is the aunt who makes your bed when you get up to pee at three in the morning. The Virgo man is the scariest math teacher you can imagine. Control freaks, of course. They love on a schedule, because everything should be in order. He doesn’t explain the reasons for his actions to anyone, the reason for this is, again, delusions of grandeur brought out of childhood. However, he can also go to the other extreme - not to consider himself worth a penny and, in general, to pretend to be a victim and a lamb every day, which bores those around him to death. In general, by the way, she likes to play on the nerves of her loved ones and begin to suffer in public, and she herself usually believes in her suffering, which is why she begins to get sick and waste away. She’s useful in everyday life because she knows and can do a lot of tricks (I learned them while I was planning to become the Black Lord). In general, you can live with it if you completely abstract yourself and remove weapons from the house.


In short - an esthete of figs. Seven Fridays in a week - and there: Picasso, Gauguin-figurines, oh holy art, and he won’t even think of taking out the trash can with him. Not before. All his adult life he has been rushing around in search of a bright ideal, so he doesn’t find time to learn how to cook or sew on buttons. He loves to dress up, and at the same time pisses off everyone around him, choosing between this one with mother-of-pearl buttons and this one with silk stitching. It’s not a fool to go to the left, at the same time he can have a permanent partner and explain the betrayal by the fact that with his soul he is always faithful to the One, and his body is so, the essence of fetid dust. Chasing peace of mind, which is basically unattainable for Libra, because the wandering nature always outweighs highly spiritual ideals. Like all indecisive hoopoes, it often suffers from nervous diseases such as psoriasis and gastritis. Envious, but not malicious. It usually looks gentle and sad, awakening a dangerous desire to caress and take under wing, which should not be done under any circumstances, because Libra can endure the brain better than all other signs combined. He is in constant cognitive dissonance between reality and what he wants, because he is a sucker.


Lover-terrorist. When there is no one to love, the brain begins to love. As a rule, to yourself. He is constantly bursting with all sorts of crazy ideas, he is narcissistic to the point of horror, he is ready every day to stare in the mirror at his reflection and state with a touching smile that there is definitely nothing more beautiful in the world. He’s hysterical, and he’s not even shy about flaunting it. In life, he is only interested in sex and himself, and at least in people who are interested in him. Good-natured, if you don’t try to borrow money from him. By the way, he loves money almost as much as he loves himself and knows how to earn it. There are no hidden powers; getting information out of Scorpio that he does not want to disclose is almost as difficult as marrying off a fifty-year-old virgin. Two-faced, constantly rushing between high ideals and the desire to make someone a bastard. The desire and ability to break through a wall with his forehead can only be compared with Aries; he often chooses just as stupid goals, but does not give up on principle. He stoically endures all the trouble that constantly befalls him, because he knows he deserves it. In general, he gives the impression of a jabberwocky - scary, loud, infectious, menacing - but at heart he is a true shushpan.


Sagittarius is another zodiac scribe. Sagittarius' personal opinion must become the ultimate truth for everyone who happens to be nearby. He expresses it willingly, often, and even when he is strongly advised not to do so and generally threatens to break his face for it. He is sincerely perplexed if they are offended at him for this. In general, the infection is a very lucky sign in life, which somewhat compensates for his constant lack of money. Sagittarius, despite his penchant for accusatory verbal monologues, usually has many friends who, poor him, feed and warm him. And all because he cleverly knows how to pretend to be a pussy, especially when his mouth is busy with food. The main drawback is that he cannot shut up, telling everyone the truth about everyone, so he is able to blurt out unnecessary things, for which, again, he often gets beaten. Prone to all forms of drug addiction, as well as religious fanaticism, which is essentially the same thing. Kind, but you’ll understand this right away.


At first glance, it is a dull miracle. Capricorn's motto is this: no matter how bad I feel today, tomorrow will probably be even worse. The infection disguises itself as a cheerful person, so as not to rake you for the gloomy expression on your face, but it still rake you. Capricorn achieves happiness in only one way - by plowing like hell. An idle Capricorn is a dead Capricorn. If he is deprived of the opportunity to work, he will still come up with a bunch of strange activities for himself, because without work, Capricorn cannot achieve Zen, and a Capricorn who has not achieved Zen is Cancer. Do you need it? At first he seems meek and even tame, but at the first convenient opportunity he will hit your butt with his clumsy horns, and will do this with special pleasure if you are Gemini or Leo - these signs cannot stand for their playfulness inappropriate for their status. Sly-butt. Stingy - but not always. Feels best when hugging a money bag. He loves to tease, cannot stop even when the situation is heating up, but he does it so skillfully that he himself is shocked when he gets away with it. In general, he’s not a dirty trickster, although he looks like one. In choosing partners he is guided mainly by common sense and calculation, therefore in family life, he is happier than anyone.


Special signs - everyone, well, absolutely everyone likes them, like the notorious chervonets. In terms of chatting, it is a worthy competitor to Gemini, communicating, even in an unfamiliar company is eager, like a long-distance sailor to the red light district. He always looks a little fallen from the oak tree, and that’s what fascinates him. A slight flair of goofiness gives Aquarians an inexplicable charm that attracts stupid, enthusiastic fans to them. Even if everything in Aquarius’s life goes wrong, he manages to give advice to others that, by the way, works. With all the visible and tangible fluffiness and awesomeness, he is potentially a great criminal. Always a swindler, even if only in dreams. There is no Aquarius without criminal history in the dark past; he breaks the law completely without remorse and even, dare I say it, with pleasure. At the same time, he understands perfectly well, unlike the same Geminis who act unkosher, but he doesn’t care. Outwardly they look like a cross between the Mad Hatter and Marilyn Monroe.


Pisces come in two varieties: fiends of hell who are freaked out by their own unscrupulousness and faithful, truly kind angels with unshakable morality. Moreover, vile Pisces, as a rule, are forgiven everything in life, while the angelic Martyr Fish irritate ordinary people with their unattainable holiness. Walking to the left can be scary, and catching a Fish in fornication or making her confess to it is more difficult than seeing a wrinkled snork. Until the very end, you will look into her honest, tear-filled eyes and believe, believe. You are inclined to talk dirty, even when there seems to be no need, to create fog and generally mislead people, but you cannot be offended by Pisces for this, Hellish pangs of conscience are a common thing for them, and sometimes they suffer to the extreme for something they didn’t do. They tend to idealize people, and then take offense at them for turning out to be hoopoe hoopoes. They can, out of the blue, begin to take revenge on the world around them, in the abstract. They are touching in their illusions, and even when they turn out to be infectious, you still involuntarily forgive them for their global inability to live in our material world.

It's no secret that zodiac signs manifest themselves differently in bed and in love. Having understood what desires, habits and behavioral characteristics each constellation gives to those born under it, it is easy to diversify your sex life and achieve complete mutual understanding with your partner. What erotic fantasies do people hide, what to expect from them?

Erotic horoscope: Aries

If it exists, then it was invented by representatives of fire signs, primarily Aries. Impulsiveness, impressionability, a tendency to act rashly - all these qualities are clearly manifested at the beginning of a relationship. It is curious that a passion that arises instantly can evaporate overnight if the object disappoints the lover in some way.

These in bed are also capable of turning into real fire. However, this does not happen with casual partners, since Aries also need spiritual intimacy. Having a long-lasting relationship, they agree to experiment in sex; a portion of alcohol can simplify this task.

The erotic horoscope says that getting an Aries into bed is not so easy. A potential partner must have an attractive appearance, demonstrate a lively mind and high social status. The longer this zodiac sign experiences sexual attraction to the object of love, the more likely the relationship is to turn into a long-term one. Cooling down in the intimate sphere for Aries often means the end of a romance.

People influenced by this sign should not establish long-term relationships with Pisces and Capricorns. The ideal choice for them would be Sagittarius and Leo.

How do Taurus people behave?

Unlike Aries, described above, Taurus falls in love extremely slowly. It is necessary to give them time to discover their own feelings and accept them. The patient object of their love is rewarded by Taurus's loyalty, his penchant for tenderness and romance. It is interesting that all these qualities are demonstrated only in private with the chosen one, since people born under this constellation are not inclined to show their feelings “in public”.

The erotic horoscope says that Taurus perceives sex as a road at the end of which an orgasm awaits. They are unable to feel happy if they are deprived of stable sexual release. In bed, representatives of this sign behave like real experimenters, despite some conservatism in life. They cannot be denied intimacy - the main thing is that the partner must learn. A rejected Taurus will feel betrayed and may even suspect their chosen one of treason.

Sagittarius and Taurus are a couple in which agreement rarely reigns. The same can be said about the union of representatives of this constellation with Leo, Aquarius, and Scorpio. It is best for them to connect their lives with Cancers, Pisces, Virgos; relationships with Capricorns are also strong.

What to expect from Gemini

Superficial love, unfortunately, is typical for Geminis, so their lovers will not soon be able to relax and believe in the reliability of the relationship. They light up quickly and cool down even faster when they sense the first hint of boredom or spot a more attractive object nearby. Geminis also have advantages: caring, tenderness.

Dominance in bed plays an important role for them - this is what the horoscope says. Gemini men will never give up the opportunity to lead their partner. They gladly agree to any experiments, including the most exotic ones. It is the representatives of this sign who are easiest to lure into an “adult” store and convince them to include erotic toys in intimate games. You should not turn off the light when going to bed with such a person; he prefers to see his “victim”.

A long foreplay is required - this is what the horoscope teaches. Gemini women will never agree to miss the most favorite part for them. But such ladies are able to indulge in love in any environment, little things like candles, silk sheets do not play a special role for them. Gemini young ladies, like men, are open to experiments and are happy to learn new things. Women born under this constellation prefer to indulge in erotic games often, so cold partners are not for them.

Oddly enough, it is best for Gemini to pay attention to Capricorns and Cancers, who are capable of balancing and restraining them. Their alliances with representatives of the air and fire elements quickly disintegrate.

Cancers and sex

Dreaminess, romance, frivolity - qualities by which it is easy to recognize a Cancer. A person born under this constellation dreams of ideal love, but tends to hide feelings for a long time. The chosen one of Cancer will have to take the initiative into his own hands, and in return he can count on care and warmth.

Compliments are what these zodiac signs love to receive in bed with their lover. The more often a Cancer man is praised, the more he tries to please his partner. Such guys rarely try to persuade their chosen one to have sex when they come on the first date; they tend to be patient. In intimate games, they can show some aggressiveness and demonstrate a love of dominance. Women who find themselves in bed with them will do well to relax and trust them to guide them.

An intimate horoscope shows that Cancer ladies are prone to shyness in bed, and during the first intimacy they demonstrate stiffness, which passes over time. This does not prevent them from dreaming of achieving a violent orgasm, towards which they are gradually moving. Cancer women are no strangers to a certain selfishness; they primarily care about their own release, giving the pleasure of their partner secondary importance.

In bed with Leos

Pickiness is the word that best describes Leo's choice of sexual partner. Representatives of this sign are capable of being seriously carried away only by a bright personality; they want to see confidence and strength in their chosen one. Having fallen in love, Leo will not wait for initiative from the object of his passion. He will definitely woo him or her on his own, making romantic gestures with his weapon.

How do these zodiac signs behave in bed? Men want to constantly hear about how good they are as lovers. The partner should extol the experience, sensitivity, caring and other positive qualities of her chosen one. Such guys are sensitive to any hint of fiasco. Leos rarely cheat on their women; they prefer to only admire others, without going further than that.

Lionesses easily seduce men who attract their attention, as they have no equal in the art of flirting. Finding themselves in bed with such a young lady, her partners often feel disappointed. Women born under this sign are not able to surrender to feelings; for them, their appearance is always of paramount importance. Therefore, their chosen ones are forced to adapt to their desires, to have sex in positions in which they look as good as possible.

Capricorn and Leo are a union whose future is difficult to predict. Complete harmony will reign in the relations of representatives of this sign with Aries and Sagittarius. It is advisable to stay away from them.

How Virgos behave

Virgos are creatures in which sensuality surprisingly coexists with coldness. It is not surprising that people born under this sign often show insecurity on the love front, which is difficult for them to get rid of. What prevents them from giving in to their feelings is the voice of reason, which speaks appropriately and inappropriately. But a patient partner is able to awaken a burning fire in them, achieve reliability and fidelity.

How do zodiac signs behave in bed? Those who are counting on a short-term relationship should not get involved with Virgos. They go to bed only with a select few, respecting themselves too much to enter into fleeting relationships. Those who do not try to persuade them to have sex at the first meeting will have a reward at the end of the road.

Men and women born under this constellation seem to be conservative. In fact, they avoid standard poses and categorically reject scripts. They are the ones who are able to provide their partners with an unforgettable experience and welcome a non-standard approach on their part.

What to expect from Libra

The charm inherent in almost all Libras from birth provides them with a wide range of admirers. You should not expect that they will be carried away at first sight; representatives of this sign are not among the conquerors. In relationships, men and women ruled by this constellation expect equality rather than passion. They will have to be achieved, which can take a lot of time.

What will the horoscope tell about their sexual habits? Libra men charm their partners not with their developed muscles, but with their flexible mind. They are always ready to compromise. In intimate games, such guys value long foreplay and are ready to explore every centimeter of the “victim’s” body, getting rid of their “hunger.” They do not refuse any kind of caresses; they enthusiastically begin to realize the most exotic fantasies of their partner.

What does a horoscope tell about women's intimate preferences? Libra ladies also love love games. Counting on sexual contact, partners should definitely take time to decorate the bedroom. In men, they value experience and the ability to give pleasure above all else. Sophistication and sophistication help to win her; they evaluate everything, even the underwear that the chosen one is wearing. Conservatives should not seek the company of such ladies.

How do Scorpios express themselves?

Intense love - a typical state for this sign is not familiar with half measures; having fallen in love, they try to become the main thing for their partner, to subjugate all his thoughts and desires. Legibility, unfortunately, is not one of their best qualities. Scorpios are prone to fleeting romances. This does not mean that people who obey this constellation are not capable of loyalty. True love can motivate them to do this.

How do zodiac signs behave in bed? Once in bed with a Scorpio guy, any young lady will not soon want to leave her. These men put their partner’s orgasm above all else; they are unable to achieve release without hearing her moans and screams. Contacting them is recommended for those who want to take a free master class in the sensual sphere. It is interesting that every night spent with them is not similar to the past or subsequent ones.

How do zodiac signs act in sex when it comes to women? Passion, tirelessness - Scorpio young ladies possess all these qualities. They love to pre-heat themselves and their partner by exchanging intimate photos and messages containing erotic promises. Whatever fantasy the chosen one has, they are ready to turn it into reality with pleasure.

First of all, Scorpios should avoid representatives of their sign. Relationships with Pisces and Cancer promise them a wonderful future.

What is known about Sagittarius

Those who take love too seriously and are not ready to compare it with an adventure should not get involved with Sagittarius. Above all, they value the pleasure of the process of winning the person they like. Having achieved a goal, they are able to instantly become captivated by another object. There is no need to limit their freedom, no matter how long the relationship lasts. These people are primarily attracted to independence in partners.

What does the horoscope warn about? The Sagittarius man is someone who can be overwhelmed by excitement in any field. He himself rarely indulges in exotic fantasies, preferring proven techniques. However, he can be easily convinced to try something new sexually. It's easy to seduce him by wearing erotic stockings and stiletto heels. Long foreplay is welcome.

Life-loving Sagittarius ladies are rarely left without admiring fans. Their ability to enjoy life is clearly demonstrated in sex. Such young ladies, more than men born under this sign, are prone to experiments, love to invent new tricks and immediately use them. In intimate games, the result is most important to them, so long foreplay is not so necessary.

Sagittarius and Taurus will constantly conflict with each other, since the first strives for freedom, and the second loves to control others. Suitable choice - Leo, Aries, no prospects with Virgo, Gemini.

If your partner is Capricorn

When you first meet, Capricorns give the impression of being cold, impassive people. They do tend to struggle long and hard with the feelings that overwhelm them, so patience is expected from potential partners. What else does the horoscope signal? Capricorn is a person who is characterized by sensitivity and vulnerability, he experiences betrayal hard, and is afraid to show emotions.

Capricorn in bed turns into a hungry beast that finds it difficult to get enough. Such men love to control their partners, so you shouldn’t be surprised if they want to use ropes. Women who agree to have sex with them often have to agree to the positions they choose. It is interesting that guys born under this constellation love to cause discomfort and enjoy the contemplation of submission to their power.

What does the horoscope say about women? The Capricorn lady is also prone to dominance. She is always aware of her desires and tries to make them come true. Such a young lady expects tirelessness and obedience from a man; she should not be denied continuation if she insists on it. Posture does not matter for Capricorns; they are comfortable in almost any position. It is possible that a woman will want to cause physical pain to her partner.

Capricorn and Leo are a couple who will most likely have to separate. Alliances with Pisces and Libra are not recommended for such signs. Everything can work out in a relationship with Virgo and Taurus.

How do Aquarians behave?

The object of Aquarius' love is rarely a person who actually exists. They tend to idealize their real partner, which often makes them suffer and experience disappointment. A long-term relationship is something that is difficult for them to decide on. Aquarians prefer light affairs. Only those who first make friends with them will be able to awaken feelings in them.

What does an Aquarius man do in bed? Sexual compatibility is a point on which his relationships with women practically do not depend. Rather, such guys are captivated by the inner world of their chosen one, they want to understand her. You should not think that men born under this constellation are completely indifferent to sex. They are easily excited by offering to experience something unusual and new; they are a real find for experimenters. It is not for nothing that they say that the world owes the appearance of the Kama Sutra to this zodiac sign.

What does the horoscope say about the fair sex? An Aquarius woman cannot imagine foreplay without kissing. She needs to know that her partner is interested in her as a person. It is unlikely that she will turn into a ball of passion, tearing the clothes of her chosen one. But if they wish, such ladies are able to pretend to be real tigresses. Sex is not the weapon to keep them from leaving. Rather, what is important is community of interests and the absence of encroachments on freedom. What else will the horoscope tell you? An Aquarius woman, like a man, welcomes any experiments.

It’s great if they don’t get involved with Scorpios. Gemini and Libra are perfect for such signs.

Pisces - what kind of lovers they are

The beginning of a new relationship is the stage at which many Pisces stumble. Indecision prevents representatives of this sign from being the first to approach each other, so they often limit themselves to recognizing the love that has gripped them very simply by such signs as daydreaming and absent-mindedness. They easily yield leadership in relationships to their chosen ones.

What does the horoscope say? A man born under this constellation puts the satisfaction of the object of his passion above all else. Her orgasm is a prerequisite for his pleasure. It’s difficult to compete with such guys in the love game; they captivate with their tenderness and romance. Experiments are something that Pisces find difficult to undertake, preferring tried and tested techniques. It is curious that these men are prone to masochism and easily allow themselves to be tormented.

How do zodiac signs behave in sex when it comes to the fair sex? Intimacy for Pisces women plays a secondary role. They never allow strangers into their bedroom and hate discussing their relationships. Like men, ladies ruled by this sign love to “serve” in bed, fulfilling the slightest whims of the chosen one. They often choose the “cowgirl” position, which provides the partner with maximum relaxation. Personal pleasure is secondary for such young ladies.

They have no future relationship with Aries and Capricorns. Romances with Scorpios and Cancers are welcome.

What else do you need to know

Does the eastern horoscope affect zodiac signs? Does it matter what year your partner was born? Studies repeatedly conducted by astrologers show that intimate habits and desires are determined primarily by the constellation that controls a particular person. This allows us to assert that the eastern horoscope is secondary.

Should we believe the predictions of astrologers and break off relationships with “inappropriate” partners in advance? Or can true love overcome any obstacles that arise? Each person must search for the answer to these questions on their own.

Scorpio and Aries are the most vulgar zodiac signs.

The zodiac sign, no matter how many inhabitants of our planet deny it, has a huge influence on the fate and character of a person. The zodiac sign is the sign under which the Sun was located at the moment of birth of each of us. The second most influential factor on later life is the date of birth. This, so to speak, is what influenced the decision to single out two of the twelve zodiac signs and enter them into the category “The Most vulgar zodiac signs»

Astrologer's advice: By contemplating cosmic bodies late in the evening or at night, you can find out the answers to various dilemmas, even without having any special skills. Take advantage of this opportunity in confusing situations.

It would seem why Scorpio fell under the category “The Most vulgar zodiac signs"? Yes, all because, after a calm, a storm of passions comes. And here it is no longer clear whether the chosen one or the chosen one was lucky. That’s how Scorpios are, quiet at first, but once you cheer them up and that’s it... it’s not so easy to get rid of them. Personalities who were born under the sign of Scorpio incinerate their soulmate faster than they charm her. Scorpios are quite difficult, created specifically for those who are not looking for easy ways. But with all this, this applies to all Scorpio representatives; intimate relationships come first for them. The Scorpio woman loves to talk about all sorts of vulgar things. She also likes to remember past relationships, thereby causing jealousy in her current partner. Although it may not be possible to liberate her right away, if you do succeed, then she will love you for the rest of her life, and you will love her too. Another advantage of the zodiac sign is seriousness in relationships. From birth, at the cellular level, they have a certain goal to continue their kind. As you can understand, Scorpios are good companions for family life, you just have to reach out to their “cold” heart.

Astrologer's advice: Naturally, take into account that an individual horoscope from an astrologer provides maximum information that cannot be understood from general characteristics.

See Aries in the list of “Most vulgar zodiac signs"Not very surprising. After all, this is a sign of fire. And fire is associated with warmth and passion. But why weren't other fire signs included in this list? Most likely, because they are simply obsessed with intimacy. All vulgarity is embedded in their brains. In addition, the Aries personality is stubborn and likes to impose its opinion on others. The next trait of the sign is selfishness. Well, it's hard not to understand why. And conquering Aries is not so easy. For example, for an Aries woman it is necessary to show and convince her of your authority, strength and confidence. So weak, defenseless, slobs can avoid such women. With all this, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a man or a woman, Aries will be the main thing in the relationship. The disadvantages of this sign are that Aries are usually fickle and flighty. The reason for this may be monotony, simply put to them, it becomes boring. Therefore, if you decide to have a relationship with a woman of the Aries sign, be prepared to constantly surprise with something. And this applies, first of all, to actions rather than to the vulgar side of relationships. Like all people on Earth, even people like Aries, sometimes they want banal care, home warmth and comfort.

All people are different, so to say that Aries and Scorpio are the most vulgar zodiac signs, and to claim that such an opinion applies to all representatives is stupid. This is just a generalization. Although these conclusions are based on the results of experiments. But you must admit that those thousand people are not all and not even part of all.