Quail egg omelette. Fried quail eggs How to cook quail omelette from egg whites

A tasty and tender omelette can be prepared not only from chicken eggs, but also from quail eggs. Quail egg omelette is very nutritious and healthy.

Moreover, it is quite suitable for a child’s diet.

From the article you will learn about the benefits of this hearty dish, as well as the secrets of its preparation.

Features and benefits of the dish

Many people prefer to prepare an omelet from quail eggs, since they contain many useful substances. This product is especially suitable for feeding children. For example, it is quite possible to prepare a dish with quail eggs for a one-year-old baby. The main thing is to choose the right recipe for this.

In many countries around the world, quail eggs are given to children in kindergarten without fail. And this is not a mere coincidence, because this type of egg is recognized as a product that affects the full development of a child.

Their main feature is that they are hypoallergenic, and this is especially important for a child’s body.

These eggs are also very useful for adults and older people. Quail eggs contain many times more B vitamins than regular chicken eggs. This group of vitamins has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system. These eggs also contain large amounts of potassium, iron, calcium and other useful elements, vitamins and amino acids.

In addition, thanks to a substance such as lecithin, consumption of the product helps reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and has a beneficial effect on blood vessels.

It is also worth mentioning that a properly prepared dish of this type of egg has a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland, helps eliminate calcium deficiency, increases attention, helps fight fatigue and stress, and helps restore strength after active physical activity.

Best Recipes

Quail egg omelet can be prepared in a variety of ways. You can traditionally fry it in a frying pan or bake it in the oven, or you can steam a protein omelet. You can also make the dish without milk or with vegetables. We offer several interesting recipes, thanks to which you can prepare an omelet for an adult or children's breakfast.

It’s worth starting with a recipe for the little ones. Take two quail eggs, break them into a bowl and add one tablespoon of milk. Lightly beat with a fork and add a little salt.

Remember that if you are cooking for a one-year-old baby, it is better to avoid salt.

Take a small baking dish (for example, a ceramic muffin pan), grease it with butter and pour in the egg mixture. Place it in the microwave for one and a half minutes. The power should be 400 W. The result is a tender and dietary dish that will only benefit your baby.

For older children who already eat adult food, you can prepare the omelet in a different way. Take eight quail eggs, break them into a bowl, add forty milliliters of milk and a little salt. Thoroughly beat the omelette mixture and pour it into the multicooker bowl, which should first be lightly greased with butter. Immediately pour one hundred grams of any grated cheese on top and cook for ten minutes. This dish can easily be prepared in the “Baking” or “Stewing” mode.

By the way, this recipe can become a basic one, and if you wish, you can add various vegetables to its composition, which are very beneficial for children’s health.

For an adult breakfast, a dish containing delicious ham is quite suitable. Take exactly sixteen quail eggs, add one hundred and fifty milliliters of milk to them and beat thoroughly with a fork. Then we will need fifty grams of ham and several arrows of green onions. Chop the onion, cut the ham into small cubes, fry them together in a heated frying pan with vegetable oil. After five minutes, add one medium-sized tomato, which should also be cut into cubes.

Simmer everything together for three to four minutes, and then put it in a prepared baking dish. The mold should be greased with oil in advance. Pour the omelette mixture over the vegetables and place in the oven for twenty minutes. The dish should be baked at 200°C. You can serve with fresh herbs or grated cheese.

To prepare a bright and healthy omelet, you can use the following recipe. Take one red or yellow bell pepper and cut it into rings. Thus, you get a kind of molds in which the omelet will be prepared. In a separate bowl, beat fifteen quail eggs and fifty milliliters of milk, add spices.

Place bell pepper rings on a heated frying pan and pour the omelette mixture inside.

It is more convenient to do this with a large spoon in order to evenly distribute the mass throughout all the “molds”.

As soon as the egg mixture “sets” a little on top, add chopped herbs and a little grated cheese, cover with a lid and bring to readiness. If desired, you can add a little ham or mushrooms to this omelette mixture, which should be cut into small cubes. The result is an unusual and very tasty dish.

Scrambled eggs from quail eggs are fried faster than from chicken eggs: it only takes 2-3 minutes instead of 5-6. But if you don’t want to maintain serving sizes, take at least 10 eggs per serving. They are sold in packs of 20. in the tray - exactly 2 servings. There is no particular difference in taste with chicken eggs, but such scrambled eggs look more attractive and tempting.


  • 10 quail eggs
  • 20 ml vegetable oil
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste


1. Quail eggs are small, but they are very difficult to break: the shell tends to break, so first break all the eggs into a container, simultaneously removing any accidentally broken shells (it’s more difficult to do this in a frying pan).

2. Immediately salt and pepper the eggs in the container; you can add other spices or herbs to taste.

3. Warm up the pan on the stove, turning on medium heat. Pour in the vegetable oil and heat for just another minute, reducing the heat to minimum. Carefully pour the broken quail eggs from the container into the frying pan.

4. Fry on low heat without covering the pan for about 2-3 minutes. During this time, the whites will be completely fried, but the yolk will remain runny.

The dish is practically indistinguishable from a similar one made from chicken eggs. The real difference lies in the low calorie content of an omelet prepared with quail eggs.

Quail egg omelette in a slow cooker

The tightness of the device allows you to create an airy omelet suitable for children to eat.

Fluffy quail egg omelette

For cooking 2 servings needed:

  • 9 quail eggs;
  • 100 ml milk;
  • 100 grams of cheese;
  • Salt and butter.

The cooking time will be 12 minutes. Omelette recipe:

  1. Break the eggs into a deep plate. Salt, pour in milk.
  2. Mix the mixture thoroughly.
  3. Grate the cheese.
  4. Lubricate the bowl of the device.
  5. Pour the omelette base into a bowl. Sprinkle cheese on top.
  6. Bake for 10 minutes with the lid closed.

Quail egg omelette in the oven

A nutritious omelette with vegetables and meat will feed several people. The oven used for cooking will preserve the beneficial properties of the ingredients, completely cooking the dish.

For cooking 4 servings you will need:

  • 16 quail eggs;
  • 200 ml milk;
  • A couple of tomatoes;
  • Bulb;
  • 100 grams of cheese;
  • Ham to taste;
  • Butter;
  • Salt, depending on the cheese.

The cooking time will be 40 minutes. Oven omelet recipe:

  1. Break the eggs. Mix them with milk and stir.
  2. Cut the tomatoes and onions into cubes, ham - if desired.
  3. Fry the ham and onions in a frying pan for about 5 minutes. Add tomatoes to them and cook for another 3 minutes.
  4. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  5. Transfer fried foods to a greased baking dish. Fill them with the egg mixture.
  6. Bake the omelet for 20 minutes.
  7. Sprinkle the dish with cheese and bake for another 10 minutes.

Quail egg omelette in a frying pan

The dish rarely rises when cooked in a frying pan. To get an airy omelette, you need to carefully and slowly mix the eggs - first the whites, then the yolks.

Quail egg omelette from a frying pan

For cooking 3 servings needed:

  • A dozen eggs;
  • Bell pepper;
  • A pair of garlic teeth;
  • 7 cherry tomatoes;
  • Vegetable oil, herbs and salt to taste.

Preparation will take 15 minutes. Recipe:

  1. Chop the garlic. Cut the peppers into strips and the tomatoes in half.
  2. Sauté vegetables in oil for about 4 minutes until juice forms.
  3. Break the eggs into a deep plate. Add salt and stir.
  4. Pour the egg mixture over the vegetables and fry, covered, for about 8 minutes.
  5. Before serving, sprinkle the dish with herbs.

Quail egg omelette in the microwave

The recipe for making an omelette with quail eggs in the microwave is suitable for children aged one year and older. Instead of cow's milk, you can use goat's or powdered milk.

For cooking 1 serving you will need:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 30 ml milk;
  • 10 grams of butter.

Cooking time is 5 minutes. Recipe:

  1. Beat the whites. Separately, beat the yolks mixed with milk.
  2. Stir the second mixture into the first.
  3. Grease a baking dish with oil.
  4. Pour the mixture into the mold.
  5. Microwave the omelet for 75 seconds at 400 watts.

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Quail eggs came to Europe from China, whose traditional medicine widely used the valuable product for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. Its consumption reduced the symptoms of anemia, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, nervous system disorders, and had a positive effect on the condition of hair and skin. It is known that after the statement of scientists about the positive effect of eggs on mental abilities, the Japanese government at the legislative level established the need for their daily introduction into the diet (2-3 pieces) in schools and kindergartens . Thus, scrambled quail eggs for a child were recognized as the most important dish for a child’s development.

The obvious advantage of the product is its long shelf life - up to 60 days (in the refrigerator). You can eat quail eggs fried, boiled, or baked. You can drink them raw only if you are confident in their quality - in this case, the body will absorb up to 100% of all microelements. Quail eggs are used to prepare scrambled eggs, omelettes, and also as an integral ingredient in salads, soups and mayonnaise.

Benefits of quail eggs

The benefits of scrambled eggs from quail eggs are obvious. Compared to chicken, they contain almost 3 times more B vitamins, 4 times more iron and five times more potassium. This product contains significantly more essential amino acids, vitamin A, silicon, copper, phosphorus, zinc, and nicotinic acid. However, the main feature of quail eggs is that they are hypoallergenic. Due to the property of the product to suppress allergic reactions, it is widely distributed in children's menus.

In addition, quail eggs:

  • are a valuable source of calcium. It is known that their shell consists of almost 100% calcium carbonate and is widely used in shell therapy - the use of powder from a crushed shell, which is especially useful for children, the elderly and pregnant women. For better absorption, it is recommended to add a few drops of lemon juice or fish oil to the shell;
  • reduce cholesterol. Lecithin contained in yolks neutralizes the negative effect of cholesterol in the blood vessels and removes it from the body;
  • increase potency. In Germany, they are used in the preparation of a tincture that stimulates libido: 10 g of vodka, infused with walnuts, poured over four raw eggs and taken on an empty stomach;
  • treat gastritis. In case of increased stomach acidity, it is recommended to drink 1 raw quail egg 30 minutes before meals or prepare an enveloping infusion (4 separately beaten yolks and whites, mixed with 30 g of cognac and one teaspoon of sugar) ;
  • remove radionuclides and carcinogenic substances. For a cleansing effect, children are recommended to consume at least 5-6 pieces per day, adults - 7-10.

A quail egg cooks faster than a chicken egg. It will take two minutes to soft-boil it, and five minutes to hard-boil it.

Children's recipes

In a micro-warmhouse

To prepare an omelet from quail eggs for a one-year-old child, the simplest ingredients are enough. The optimal number of eggs per day for a child 1-3 years old is two. If you are introducing a dish to the menu for the first time, start with a few spoons. In preparation, it is advisable to use milk adapted for children, but if you use whole cow’s unpasteurized milk, then it is better to boil it.

You will need:

  • quail eggs - 2 pieces;
  • milk - 1 tablespoon;
  • butter - ½ teaspoon;
  • salt (optional and to taste).


  • Pour milk into the whites and yolks, add salt on the tip of a knife and stir.
  • Grease the dishes with butter, pour in the omelette mixture.
  • Bake the omelette in the microwave at 400 W for 1-1.5 minutes.
  • An omelette made from quail eggs in a microwave oven is prepared quickly, it turns out to be dietary and without a fried crust. It is important not to overdo it with salt; at the discretion of the parent, it can be completely excluded from the recipe. To feed a child with sensitive digestion (to avoid the fat content of the dish), it is recommended to prepare the omelette mixture in 3-4 tablespoons of water brought to a boil in an enamel bowl.

    In a slow cooker with raw

    In a multicooker, an omelet made from quail eggs, due to the tightness of the unit, turns out airy and tender, which is especially important for a child’s nutrition. With the addition of cheese, the dish acquires a pronounced creamy taste. For adults, unleavened cheese can be replaced with salty or spicy cheese - so the omelette will become more original and piquant.

    You will need:

    • eggs - 8 pieces;
    • milk - half a hundred can-;
    • cheese - 100 g;
    • butter - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • salt.


  • Mix the whites and yolks with salt and milk.
  • Grind the cheese on a grated surface.
  • Grease the multicooker bowl with oil, pour in the omelette mixture. Sprinkle the top with cheese.
  • Cook in the “Baking” or “Stewing” mode for 10 minutes.
  • Sprinkle the finished dish well with chopped fresh or dried herbs. Taking the recipe as a basis, you can combine meat and vegetable ingredients (steamed broccoli, bell peppers, zucchini, carrots) in an omelet. For splendor, add soda to the casserole at the tip of a knife.

    Recipes for adults

    In the oven with ham

    An omelette made from quail eggs in the oven takes much longer to prepare, but it turns out to be as fluffy and tender as possible. If the dish has already acquired a golden brown crust, but the inside is still raw, chefs recommend covering it with parchment paper and baking further. In order for the omelette to rise well and not fall off on the plate, the milk for preparing it should be at room temperature, or better yet, heated. In this recipe for an omelette made from quail eggs, it is not prohibited to replace milk with cream, sour cream or kefir.

    You will need:

    • eggs - 16 pieces;
    • milk - 1 cup;
    • ham - 2 pieces;
    • tomato - 2 pieces;
    • onion - 1 piece;
    • cheese - 70 g;
    • butter - 1 tbsp. l;
    • salt.


  • Mix quail eggs with salt and milk.
  • Cut the onion and ham into small cubes and fry in a pan for 5-7 minutes.
  • After scalding with boiling water, peel the tomato, cut it and send it to the onion and ham. Simmer the omelette filling for another 3-4 minutes and place in a greased form.
  • Pour the omelette mixture over the fried ingredients and place in the oven preheated to 200°. After 25 minutes, sprinkle the dish with cheese and bake for another 5 minutes.
  • The omelette mass can also be flavored with a pinch of ground pepper or aromatic herbs (thyme, basil). Cooks do not recommend removing the omelette from the oven right away - by letting the dish sit for 5-8 minutes, you can preserve its airiness and aroma.

    If you need to cook scrambled eggs from quail eggs with tomatoes and other ingredients, exclude dairy products from the recipe.

    It is believed that drinking 2-3 quail eggs with one teaspoon of honey before bed will relieve insomnia.

    Scrambled eggs with vegetables

    In the recipe for scrambled quail eggs, you can use either whole or beaten eggs. To prepare the fried egg, prick the shell with a sharp knife, carefully remove the top and pour the contents into a bowl. When frying, the mixture must be added to an already heated (but not hot) frying pan so that the protein rises and becomes airy.

    You will need:

    • quail eggs - 9 pieces;
    • bell pepper (red) - 1 piece;
    • garlic - 2 cloves;
    • chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
    • vegetable oil 3-4 tbsp. l.;
    • cherry tomatoes - 7 pieces;
    • greens, salt


  • Chop the garlic and pepper (finely), cherry tomatoes (in half).
  • Stirring constantly, simmer the vegetables in vegetable oil until they release juice.
  • In a separate bowl, without stirring, break the eggs. Please, please.
  • Pour the mixture into a frying pan. Cook, covered, over low heat for 5-7 minutes. Sprinkle the hot dish with chopped herbs.
  • Fried quail eggs can include any vegetables, mushrooms, meat and even baked goods (crackers and toast). When preparing scrambled quail eggs with bacon, you do not need to add oil to the dish.

    The low calorie content of an omelet made from quail eggs (168 kcal) allows you to include the dish in the diet menu as a lunch or morning meal. Having prepared it, any housewife can be sure that she will feed her family satisfyingly and with maximum benefit for the body and figure.

    Quail eggs have unique properties and, despite their size, combine almost the entire periodic table. Smart, caring, loving mothers introduce these eggs into the diet of their children. One small quail egg will never be inferior in the amount of nutrients to a chicken egg. The main thing here is not to overdo it with the number of eggs you eat per day. A one-year-old baby needs one, preschool children – two a day, schoolchildren – three or four eggs.

    Quail eggs help improve mental abilities, strengthen the nervous system, improve vision, and improve appetite. And most importantly, you need to eat very little, but systematically. Quail eggs do not cause food allergies; they are given without fear to children who have already noticed signs of diathesis.

    You can drink quail eggs raw without fear, but pediatricians still recommend boiling them for a little while. Children really like small eggs and eat them with pleasure. But if you still need variety, you can make an omelet. And if you steam it, it will not only be just as healthy, but also tender, airy and tasty.


    • quail eggs
    • milk
    • sugar or salt
    • vegetable oil


    Every housewife and mother already has silicone molds with her child’s favorite characters or play objects. Now there is such a large selection of them - trains, trucks, dolls, hares, squirrels, flowers. Thanks to such wisdom, even capricious children can be easily fed healthy food. The main thing is to involve the child in the game.