Skyscrapers of the future projects. Skyscrapers-giants of the future

Edgar Street Tower - a new skyscraper from America.

Edgar Street Towers is a future skyscraper project designed by architects from IwamotoScott. The new skyscraper is planned to be built in Lower Manhattan. This hybrid is a model for the construction of such buildings. Also, this tower promises to become a benchmark for combining historically established city streets and cutting-edge building innovations.

The new skyscraper in its architectural design is not much different from other skyscrapers in Manhattan, but the building is environmentally friendly and relatively light. This lightness and environmental friendliness is achieved by constructing the tower from lightweight composite materials that retain their strength much longer than traditional materials such as concrete and hardened steel.

The multi-storey complex of the new skyscraper includes office space, public institutions, a shopping center and residential hotel rooms, a huge aquarium that is capable of automatically feeding fish and cleaning the water inside, as well as a huge library.

At night, this tower glows with all the colors of the rainbow, which gives the building a more spectacular look. The energy for all this lighting is delivered from batteries, which are charged during the daytime from solar panels, which are quietly located at the very top of the skyscraper.

Harmoniously adapting to the urban landscape and not wasting electricity from city networks, this skyscraper promises to become the standard of high-rise construction for the whole world. The interesting design of the building will certainly not go unnoticed!

Absolute Towers is a skyscraper project in Canada

Canada is the northernmost country on the North American continent. By the end of this year, one of the Canadian cities of Toronto is due to complete the construction of two amazing towers, which are built in such a way that their architectural design resembles the northern lights. The Korean team of architects MAD Architects was engaged in the development of the high-rise project.

Back in 2006, MAD Architect won a skyscraper design competition for Toronto, which was held by the city authorities. At the moment, the construction of these towers is almost completed, it remains only to bring the little things to mind. The city of Toronto has said that Absolute Towers could become the most beautiful skyscrapers in North America and an international "magnet" for tourists. The high-rise project turned out to be very interesting - continuous ribbons of balconies, completely encircling the towers from all sides, indicate the level of each floor of the building and create a unique modern aesthetic. Free from stereotypes, the manner of building new generation residential buildings allows you to raise the architectural level of Canada to a new level, and interesting design will attract new tourists to the city. Let this building be located in the suburbs, but the whole world already knows about it, at least those who have the Internet.

The innovative design, hovering above the yet unbuilt horizon, promises to provide all apartments with panoramic views of the entire city, the lake and the green planting preserved in the region. Surely, there will be a huge number of people who want to visit this residential building, designed in the form of northern lights.

Chicago Spire - New Chicago Skyscraper

America, a country where everything is based on technology. That is why in Chicago they decided to build a huge skyscraper that resembles an ordinary self-tapping screw. The developer of this daring project was the famous architect from Spain - Santiago Calatrava.

It is no coincidence that Chicago was chosen for construction, because today this metropolis is, as it were, in the center, and concurrently a living textbook of architecture. This city is the leader in the number of high-rise buildings. The world-famous Chicago Seats Tower is also located here.

The new giant tower will consist of 150 floors and, as previously reported, will be in the form of a self-tapping screw or a drill (as you like). When completed, this skyscraper promises to be the tallest building in the United States. It is planned to locate 2,000 apartments, an entertainment center, a beauty salon and even a private theater in this Drill. Surprisingly, because the Chicago Spire on the ground will occupy an area of ​​​​only 0.9 hectares on the ground. The most important distinguishing feature of the new Chicago skyscraper is the difference between all rooms from each other, that is, there will not be a single identical room, all rooms, apartments and even huge halls of the entertainment center and theater will have completely different shapes.

As the chief architect of this building, Santiago Calatrava, said: "The highlight of this building will be its unusual shape, reminiscent of a drill." With the rise to the floor, the "rotation" of the tower will be noticed, and the angle between the previous floor will be 2.5 degrees. As a result, the top of the tower will be rotated 360 degrees from its foundation. This is the first time such an experiment has been encountered in construction. As all the architects of the planet have said: "This is quite a bold move." American builders are confident that they will be able to build the Chicago Spire on time. The new Chicago skyscraper promises to be a great addition to Chicago and its new highlight. This project of the future skyscraper will certainly interest tourists from all over the world!

Tower Russia - a new miracle of architecture

Moscow has recently been distinguished by a huge pace of high-rise construction in the city itself, and this pace is constantly increasing. The new project from Russian architects "Russia Tower" will cost about 4 billion US dollars and will be built in a new district of Moscow - Moscow-City.

Many of Moscow's urban planners approve of the design of this tower, which by 2014 will be located 4 kilometers from the Kremlin on the Nagatinskiy peninsula. The mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin, also praised the design of this skyscraper, arguing that the design of the Russia Tower architecture is fundamentally different from the cubes and spheres of foreign architects.

Foster (the manufacturer of the tower) said that the "Tower of Russia" will become a real landmark of Moscow, because there is no similar building to this anywhere in the world. Also, according to the same Foster, the project of the future architectural structure is the most successful combination of compactness, modern design and new technologies.

The Rossiya Tower will be equipped with a smart roof that will allow as much light as possible to penetrate deep into the building. A small park will be formed with special panels that slide out in summer and hide in winter to keep warm and plant greenery in the city of Moscow.

The tower will house 2 theatres, an Imax cinema, offices, a museum, 2 viewing platforms and a 14,000-space car park. The Russian tower promises to become a symbol of Moscow in the 21st century. This project of the future is really grand!

Tallest skyscraper Burj Dubai

Dubai is growing faster than any other city in the world. Thousands of cranes and armies of builders are working around the clock, making Dubai a place that the whole world will admire. The centerpiece of this grandiose plan is the Burj Dubai skyscraper, the tallest skyscraper in the world, which has a grandiose, unique and interesting design. This is the result of the latest historical leap in building engineering. This is the project of the future!

To understand how the Burj Dubai skyscraper can reach such a huge height, you need to go back in time and see how the history of skyscrapers began. The first breakthrough came in the 19th century when a building only 43 meters high was built.

So, the first breakthrough is displacement.

The first obstacle on the way to the skyscrapers is the stairs. People were reluctant to go upstairs. The stairs were long and dark. Those wishing to rise above 2-3 floors were few. This problem has an obvious solution - an elevator, but the first elevators had one deadly flaw. They fell when the cable broke and nothing could stop them. Later, a device was created that could almost instantly stop a falling elevator. Elevators have changed the urban landscape beyond recognition. It started on a busy street corner in downtown New York.

In the Burj Dubai skyscraper, the idea of ​​an elevator takes extreme forms. With over 160 floors, the height and scale of the skyscraper require the engineers who design elevators to do the almost impossible. Burj Dubai will be able to accommodate 35,000 people at the same time - the population of a small city. Masses of people will continuously enter and exit the building, putting enormous strain on the elevators. To cope with this gigantic flow, 53 elevators have been designed at Burj Dubai, some of which are capable of speeds in excess of 35 km/h and rise to a height of 120 floors in less than 50 seconds, the largest of which can accommodate up to 46 passengers. Stopping such a colossus in the event of an accident is an incredibly difficult task. As soon as the elevator in Burj Dubai exceeds the set speed limit, emergency brakes are activated.

So, the second breakthrough is materials.

The frame of the Burj Dubai skyscraper combines all the best that can be in steel and stone. Its design includes more than 30,000 tons of steel. The metal is embedded in an artificial stone - concrete. The skeleton of the building thus strengthened is irradiated with high-tech curtains made of glass and metal. The walls are attached to the Burj Dubai frame in sections up to 2 floors high. The wall panels are rigid, and the connections between them are movable. The curtain wall for the Burj Dubai is worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Therefore, before strengthening it in place, engineers test the strengthits sections.

The construction of the Burj Dubai is one step closer to completion. Now the engineers face a new challenge - how to prevent the scorching desert sun from turning this enchanting glass tower into a giant furnace.

Breakthrough 3rd - temperature.

Air conditioning has made skyscrapers like the Burj Dubai possible in some of the hottest places on the planet. There is probably no place on earth where air conditioning has meant more than it does in Dubai. The temperature in the shade here easily reaches 400C and the average humidity is 90%. These are truly extreme conditions for a skyscraper. The key to shielding the Burj Dubai from the scorching desert sun is to “dress” the building in a glass skin. The outer glass is covered with a thin layer of metal. This layer reflects the ultraviolet that would otherwise heat the building, but this protection is powerless against the infrared rays that the sun sends out in abundance. To cope with them, a thin layer of silver is applied to the inner layer of glass. Over 30,000 glass panels. This amount would be enough to cover 17 football fields, will protect the Burj Dubai from the scorching sun.

And now, the construction of the Burj Dubai skyscraper is completed, and it has become the highest structure ever created by man on earth. The Burj Dubai is the world's greatest skyscraper until someone builds an even bigger one.

London Bridge Tower

London has always been famous for its chic architecture. Majestic castles, famous bridges - all this, together with modern construction, gives the city a special status. And in connection with the future Olympics in 2012 in London, the British began to rapidly build new stadiums, hotels and skyscrapers. One of these high-rise buildings will be the London Bridge Tower.

Tower London Bridge Tower promises to be the tallest building in Europe and have a height of more than three hundred meters. Londoners are well aware that the building will become a tourist center of the city, so the designers conceived a fully functional center in the building. It will house modern hotel rooms, office space, and huge supermarkets. And on the upper floors there will be excellent apartments. Rumor has it that some apartments will be so large that they will have one apartment per floor.

The chief architect of the project - the Italian Renzo Piano thought out the appearance of the building to the smallest detail. The London Bridge Tower will be clad in thick frosted white glass that changes color depending on the light. Among other things, beautiful patterns will be applied to the glass to make the building more refined.

Also, shopping centers will be located between the floors separating the functional areas. Therefore, the London Bridge Tower will in any case become the main attraction of London. And if you are thinking of going to the London Olympics, then London Bridge Tower would be the best option.

Opened in 2010, the 828-meter Burj Khalifa in Dubai has become the tallest building on the planet, a symbol of the triumph of engineering genius. But not for long she was destined to be a champion. In different parts of the Earth, preparations are already in full swing for the construction of even more tall and complex skyscrapers, each of which has a height at least a kilometer.

skycity. China

The Sky City Tower, although it will be a little less than a kilometer in height, but this project is likely to be the first to break the Burj Khalifa record with its 828 meters from the base to the top of the spire. The project involves the construction of a stepped 838-meter tower in the Chinese city of Changsha, on 202 floors of which there will be residential apartments, hotels, educational institutions, hospitals, offices, shops.

But it is not so much the record height of Sky City that is interesting, but the incredibly fast pace of construction of this building. The company Broad Sustainable Building, which will build it, is known throughout the world for the fact that in just a few days. So she plans to build this skyscraper in just 90 days plus 120 days of preparing the site for construction.

The construction of this skyscraper was supposed to begin in the summer of 2013, but so far has been delayed. True, preparatory work on the site at the site where Sky City will grow is gradually going on.

Azerbaijan Tower. Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan also wants to build the highest skyscraper in the world. Growing revenues from the sale of oil and gas make it possible to implement very large social and infrastructure projects in this country, for example, the construction of the Khazar Islands artificial archipelago, the high-altitude dominant of which will be a 1050-meter tower.

The construction of the archipelago began a few years ago. Now the first public, residential and office buildings have grown on it, and the construction of the Azerbaijan Tower itself will begin, as expected, in 2015.

The project investors promise to commission the Azerbaijan Tower building in 2019, and to complete the entire artificial archipelago by 2020.

kingdom tower. Saudi Arabia

But still, most of the ultra-tall building projects are planned to be implemented in rich Arab countries. For example, Saudi Arabia is living with the idea of ​​building the tallest building in the world - the Burj Khalifa in the neighboring United Arab Emirates does not give them rest.

The construction of the Kingdom Tower skyscraper began in 2013 in the city of Jeddah. The height of this 167-storey building will be just over 1000 meters. The exact data is still unknown - they will appear only after the commissioning of the facility. Investors are afraid to announce them, fearing that someone will build a structure just a few meters higher and break the record.

The Kingdom Tower will be the centerpiece of the multi-use Kingdom Center, a $20 billion residential, office, hotel, retail and entertainment city.

Madinat al-Hareer. Kuwait

They also want to build a kilometer-long skyscraper in Kuwait. In June 2014, the project for a building called Madinat al-Hareer, which will be 1001 meters high, was finally approved there.

The name "Madinat al-Hareer" translates as "Silk City", which alludes to the glorious history of Kuwait in the days when it was one of the world's centers of silk trade. It was originally planned that this skyscraper would be erected by 2016, but, apparently, this period will be postponed by at least two years.

Dubai City Tower. United Arab Emirates

Dubai looks at the projects listed above with apprehension - in the very near future they can break the high-altitude record of the Burj Dubai skyscraper. But, on the other hand, in this city they don't sit with their hands folded. There, work is in full swing on the creation of a project for the world's first two-kilometer building.

The Eiffel Tower is taken as the basis for the design of the Dubai City Tower. But the size of this Arab skyscraper will be seven and a half times larger than the French prototype. The height of the future tower will be 2400 meters.

The 400 floors of the Dubai City Tower skyscraper will be interconnected not only by elevators, but also by a vertical train that can travel at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour and deliver people from the lower floor to the upper one in a matter of seconds.

Investors and authors of the Dubai City Tower skyscraper project expect it to be put into operation in 2025. The construction estimate has not been disclosed.

Skyscrapers are designed for people to live and work, but one day this may change, and then high-rise buildings can help solve problems such as air pollution, fire fighting and collecting recreation. Evolo magazine held a competition, according to which, from more than 600 entries from 43 countries, the craziest and craziest skyscraper projects of the future were selected.

While most of the concepts have been developed for construction in cities, some projects have been created with the specifics of more remote areas in mind. For example, the Guardian of the Rainforest by Chinese architects is proposed to be placed on the edge of the Amazon to collect water during the rainy season, which will later help fight fires during the drought season. In addition, the project can also be used as a laboratory for scientists studying the field.

Most of these ideas are currently unfeasible, but with 100 percent certainty it can be said that these kinds of "provocations" can ultimately stimulate real change.


This skyscraper project uses a vertical electromagnetic booster that serves to launch aircraft, and, as a result, saves fuel during takeoff. At the same time, it should be noted that only renewable sources of electrical energy are used during the launch.


This design invites suburban Detroiters to move into a huge skyscraper, within which dozens of houses fit into a vertical grid, and new roads run through the entire building.


This giant bubble is a research center to study and observe the urban environment, measure data such as air pollution, and further inform the city's residents. A very controversial point, but the authors of the project claim that the tower is also able to control the weather.


The filters on the sides of this design suck in carbon dioxide and other harmful gases from city air and release concentrated oxygen. The collected contaminants are stored for use in the chemical industry.


A skyscraper can not only eliminate pollution, but also create new fuel for cars.


This skyscraper not only absorbs smog, but uses it for further growth. The idea of ​​an environmentally friendly project is based on the use of carbon dioxide in construction.


According to the concept of the project, the skyscraper could be built from sand using a solar-powered 3D printer.


In New York and other metropolitan areas, there is almost no room left for new buildings, but people still need new skyscrapers for living, entertainment and work. Similar structures are proposed to be erected at the intersection of railway lines.


Bamboo scaffolding is being proposed as a permanent part of buildings in Asia, which offers the added bonus of being able to create vertical gardens.


This floating skyscraper is designed to collect plastic waste, while on top of it there will be houses, offices and gardens, as well as a recycling plant for the collected garbage. Everything runs on renewable energy sources generated by the sun, the ocean and the plastic itself.

To solve the problem of housing shortages for the ever-growing population of cities, people from time immemorial built more and more new houses - and the higher the building, the more opportunities for employment and living space it provided.

Burj Mubarak al Kabir, Subia, Kuwait
The design height of this skyscraper will reach 1001 meters and will become the main decoration of the Silk City in Kuwait. The building will house stadiums, hotels, retail stores and more. Completion of the construction of Burj Mubarak is scheduled for 2016.

Sky City, Changsha, Hunan Province, China
It is expected that the construction of the Sky City skyscraper will be completed in June this year. The skyscraper has every chance of becoming the tallest tower in the world, overtaking its competitor - Dubai's Burj Khalifa in the United Arab Emirates.

China Zun, Beijing, China
China zun or China zun will be completed in 2016. The height of the 108-storey tower will be 528 meters. It will be the tallest building in Beijing and the second tallest building in China, only 50 meters behind the Goldin Finance 117 skyscraper in Tianjin.

Royal Tower, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
The King's Tower will be the centerpiece of an urban area in Jeddah near the Red Sea. This skyscraper will rise up to 1 kilometer and have 200 floors. Builders are working hard to complete the construction of the tallest skyscraper in the world by 2018.

Pingan International Financial Center, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
The construction of one of the tallest buildings in China will be completed by 2016. The 115-story skyscraper will reach 660 meters in height.

Goldin Finance 117, Tianjin, China
Upon completion of construction in 2015, the height of the tower will be 597 meters, and the number of floors will be 117 floors. The skyscraper will consist of offices, a shopping center and a hotel.

World Trade Center 1, New York, USA
The World Trade Center is set to open its doors to visitors in 2014. It will be the tallest building in America at 544 meters and will house office space, luxury restaurants and an observation deck.

GIFT Diamond Tower, Gandhinagar, India
The Gujarat International City of Finance and Technology (or the GIFT Diamond Tower) will be built in the business district of Gujarat in India. The main goal of this project is to provide the population with high quality physical infrastructure (electricity, water, gas, telecommunications, and much more). The complex will include offices, schools, residential areas, hotels, conference centers and retail space.

Buenos Aires Forum, Buenos Aires, Argentina
This 1,000-meter-high spiral-shaped tower will stand in the center of Buenos Aires as early as 2016. The cost of the entire skyscraper project is estimated at $3.33 billion. If the construction of the tower is not frozen, it will become the tallest skyscraper in the world.

Shanghai Tower, Shanghai, China
The fame of this tower was brought by two Russian daredevils who climbed to the very top of the 632-meter building. We will be able to see the Shanghai Tower in a year. It promises to be the tallest building in China and the second tallest building in the world.

World One, Mumbai, India
World One is a 117-metre-long luxury residential tower under construction that will house 117 luxury apartments. The skyscraper is to become the tallest residential building in the world. Completion of construction is scheduled for 2014.

Peruri 88, Jakarta, Indonesia
Jakarta has long been an overcrowded city that lacks either greenery or living space. The Peruri 88 tower will be a 400-meter multi-level city with green roofs, living quarters, hotels, offices, shops and entertainment centers. The construction of the skyscraper will be completed in 2017.

Lotte World Tower, Seoul, South Korea
The 123-story ultra-tall skyscraper currently under construction in Seoul's Lotte World Entertainment Complex will be commissioned in 2015. The building, 555 meters high, will include offices, shops, hotels and an observation deck.

Signature Tower, Jakarta, Indonesia
The construction of this tower is scheduled to begin this year and finish in 2020. It will be a 111-story building with a height of 638 meters, which will house an observatory, a luxury hotel, office space and a shopping center.

Okhta-center, St. Petersburg, Russia
The Okhta Center will be the first ultra-tall skyscraper in the city of St. Petersburg, and its construction is scheduled to be completed by 2018. It will include scientific, sports and entertainment complexes, an observation deck, a planetarium in the form of a ball and a hotel complex.

Wuhan Greenland Center, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China
The specific, aerodynamic design of the tower will help reduce the wind resistance and eddy currents that usually form around high-rise buildings. The energy from the wind will be used to heat or cool the air entering the building. This 606-meter skyscraper is expected to be built in 2016.

We begin our review of skyscraper projects with a truly historic event. 42 years after the construction of the last high-rise building - the Montparnasse Tower - Paris will receive a new skyscraper (the business district of La Defense is not formally included in the boundaries of the city). According to the design of Herzog and de Meuron, a 180-meter triangle tower will be built. The skyscraper project became possible after the city lifted height restrictions on the construction of buildings above 32 meters in 2010.

However, even with the abolition of these restrictions, the Swiss project was a big question. A year ago, at the first discussion of the skyscraper, the city council members rejected the project: 78 people voted "for" and 83 "against". Only a year later, it was possible to fulfill all the requirements of officials and obtain a building permit.

The 42 floors of the new building will house a hotel with 130 rooms, a restaurant and 70 thousand square meters. m of office space. According to the architects, the triangular shape of the building is due to the desire to minimize the shadow falling on the surrounding buildings. Also, one of the key features of the project will be fully glazed facades, which, according to the architects, will literally dissolve the building in the skyline of the city.

Tower53W53VNew- York. Ateliers Jean Nouvel

Jean Nouvel, who has not been as lucky in his homeland lately as Herzog and de Meuron (the Frenchman with the Paris Philharmonic scandal), is close to realizing his first skyscraper in New York. The 53W53 tower project was first presented to the public back in 2007, but due to the financial crisis, it had to be postponed.

The new 320-meter skyscraper will be located next to the MoMA Museum of Contemporary Art, which will receive three floors of the tower at its disposal. In total, the building is planned to accommodate 139 apartments ranging in price from 3 to 70 million dollars, including duplexes with private elevators and penthouses the size of an entire floor.

The main feature of the skyscraper will be a zigzag load-bearing frame. Due to the narrowing of the shape of the building at the top, each apartment will have its own unique dimensions. Special ones will be installed on the inclined surfaces of the facades.

2 World Trade CenterVNew- York. BIG

Another skyscraper project for New York, unlike the previous one, literally appeared out of nowhere. The last of the four towers on the site of the World Trade Center was supposed to be built by Norman Foster's bureau - a foundation had already been erected under the building. However, judging by the rumors, one of the main developers of the project, Larry Silverstein, who clearly did not like the British skyscraper, intervened in the matter.

As a result, after a month of behind-the-scenes discussions, it was officially announced that BIG would erect the last building in the complex instead of Norman Foster. The project of the Danish bureau consists of seven parallelepipeds stacked on top of each other, the size of which gradually decreases from bottom to top. The project was presented by Bjarke Ingels himself through an animated video:

June was a very successful month for BIG. A few weeks after receiving the project in New York, it became known about the company's victory in the competition for a 185-meter skyscraper in Frankfurt.

The form is based on the volume of a parallelepiped, in which the architects begin to move the individual levels. So, in the middle of the tower, where offices are replaced by housing, the levels are shifted towards the south, thereby forming open terraces. And on the first floors, the shifts in levels are connected with the desire to break the volume of a skyscraper into elements comparable to a person.

Turm mit TailleVVienna. MVRDV

Another skyscraper in Europe, which deserves special attention, was proposed by the Dutch bureau MVRDV. Like their Danish colleagues, architects from a simple parallelepiped, through unpretentious transformations, receive a new independent form. In this case, the architects twisted the volume around its axis, obtaining a shape resembling an hourglass.

However, the seemingly random silhouette is dictated solely by the complexities of the site. Since there is a metro station in the neighborhood, the regulations (in order to ensure sufficient illumination and minimize the shadow from the new building) were clearly spelled out: a 75-meter trapezoidal tower.

The architects also proposed to increase the height of the building to 110 meters, but narrowed the building area, thereby reducing the shadow cast by the skyscraper. And the twisting of the first 10 floors not only reduced the shading time to two hours a day, but also opened up views of the famous Vienna Gasholders.

Read about how to completely get rid of the falling shadow of skyscrapers.

Goldcoast towersVaustralia.

Jenga TowerVVancouver. Buro Ole Scheeren

In the sense of experimenting with form, the German architect Ole Scheren went further than his colleagues in the project for Vancouver. The project proposed by him is positioned as “the future vision of vertical housing”, and the building itself rearranges a system of modules shifted in different horizontal directions in order to enliven the space of the city and diversify the silhouette clogged with strict verticals of other skyscrapers.

However, there is no talk of any specific implementation dates yet, and it is quite possible that the project will join the "dream skyscrapers" that are exhibited every year at the eVolo competition for high-rise housing of the future. By the way, this year a student from Russia also entered the competition. Egor Orlov proposed a project called “Cyberotopia. Death of analogue cities.

SkycityVChina. Broad Sustainable Building

While other architects were working with the form and coming up with future typologies of high-rise construction, the Chinese company Broad Sustainable Building improved existing construction technologies. We are already talking about how the company managed to build a skyscraper with a height of 57 floors in 19 days. Now, company founder Zhang Yue is setting a more ambitious goal. Already in early 2016, construction of the 838-meter Sky City tower should begin, which the builders promise to build in just 7 months. In order to meet the deadline, it will be necessary to build 4 floors per day. And judging by Zhang Yue's past successes, he is quite capable of it.