What is maternity capital spent on? Maternity capital - everything you need to know about it

To increase the birth rate and regulate the demographic crisis in Russia, the state creates various types of material incentives for citizens. One of these measures is the introduction of maternity capital.

Maternity capital can be used for one or more purposes. In this article we will tell you in detail how to use maternity capital within the limits of the law.

The purposes for which maternity capital is permitted to be used are defined in Federal Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006 (Part 3, Article 7):

  • For children to receive education.
  • To improve living conditions in Russia.
  • To form a funded pension for the mother or adoptive mother.
  • For social adaptation and integration into society of disabled children (purchase of appropriate goods, for example, wheelchairs, prostheses and payment for the services of medical specialists in accordance with the relevant List of Goods and Services).

A peculiarity of the use of maternity capital is that the start of its use may not be earlier than three years have passed since the birth of the child, whose birth gave the right to receive maternity (family) capital.

However, there are exceptions to this rule. If maternity capital funds are used to repay the principal debt and pay interest on a mortgage loan, to pay a down payment on a mortgage, or to purchase goods and services for the social adaptation of a disabled child, maternity capital in accordance with Law No. 256-FZ (Part 6, 6.1 art. 7) can be used immediately upon receipt of the right to it.

The review approved by the Presidium of the RF Armed Forces on June 22, 2016 (clause 4) makes a reservation according to which the use of maternity capital to repay the principal debt under a housing purchase and sale agreement is not allowed until the child is three years old.

These are the only restrictions on the use of maternity capital funds. Otherwise, maternity capital can be spent at the discretion of the parents, including for several purposes at the same time. Law No. 256-FZ (Part 4, Article 7) allows the use of part of maternity capital for the child’s education, and the other part for improving living conditions.

Important: Upon divorce, maternity capital funds, as a measure of state support for the family with a targeted nature of use, cannot be considered as part of the joint property of the spouses and, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 34, art. 38 of the RF IC and clause 1 of FNP Letter No. 2305/03-16-3 dated July 1, 2016, are not subject to division.

Let's consider an example: a certificate for maternity capital on the occasion of the birth of a second child was received by the mother during marriage. The children's parents divorce and a court decision determines the children's future place of residence with their father. In this case, the certificate for maternity capital remains with the mother, since the law does not provide for the division of the certificate in the event of a divorce.

Procedure for managing maternity capital

1. Submission of documents to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in accordance with the list specified in clauses 6, 7 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 862 of December 12, 2007:

  1. Application for disposal of maternity capital, drawn up in writing.
  2. Insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance.
  3. Documents proving the identity of the certificate owner. If documents are submitted through a representative - the representative’s passport and a notarized power of attorney with the appropriate powers.

2. Also in some cases, a document (passport) of the spouse of the certificate holder, a marriage certificate, birth certificates of children with a mark on citizenship are required, and, if the application is submitted by a guardian (trustee) or adoptive parents, permission from the guardianship authority to spend maternity capital funds on selected goals.

Documents confirming the chosen purposes of using maternity capital are presented separately.

The methods for submitting an application for the disposal of maternity capital are specified in paragraphs 2, 3, 3.1, 3.2 of the Rules approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 779 n dated December 26, 2008. Thus, you can submit an application to the Pension Fund office at the place of residence, residence or stay in person or through your representative. You can also send documents by mail with a list of attachments and receipt of receipt.

A method of submitting documents through the MFC is available. Finally, you can use the website of state and municipal services and submit documents and applications electronically.

Electronic submission of documents and applications is also implemented through the personal account of the insured person in the PFR information system. When the Pension Fund official receives your documents, he will send you an electronic notification of receipt of the application, which will indicate the deadline within which you must submit to the Pension Fund all the necessary documents in the form of originals. This period is five working days from the date of receipt of your application by the Pension Fund.

The period for consideration of an application for disposal of maternity capital by the Pension Fund of Russia is 30 days from the date of receipt of all documents. During this period, the Pension Fund makes either a decision to approve your application or a reasoned decision to refuse. You will be notified of the decision within five days of the decision being made. If your application is satisfied, then in accordance with Federal Law No. 256-FZ (Part 1, 3 Article 8), Rules No. 862 (Clause 17) and Clause 9 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of Russia No. 926 of December 24, 2007 g., the funds will be transferred to your chosen purpose within 10 days.

Illegal use of maternity capital funds is prosecuted by law. Thus, if maternity capital is used for the purpose of cashing out with further misuse of funds, this will lead to the Pension Fund of Russia demanding the return of amounts cashed out through illegal schemes. In this case, the actions of the certificate holder may be regarded as fraud, which will entail criminal liability.

Penalties include a fine, mandatory correctional labor and arrest. If signs of criminal article 159.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation are found in the actions of the violator, restriction or imprisonment may be applied. Exemption from criminal liability is possible only under existing conditions and actions of the offender that create the possibility of applying Art. 76.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for using maternity capital funds to improve housing conditions

According to Art. 10 of Law No. 256-FZ and clauses 8-13 of Rules No. 862, maternity capital can be used to improve housing conditions if this improvement manifests itself in the forms of:

  1. Purchasing residential premises.
  2. Construction of a residential building with the involvement of a contractor.
  3. Construction (reconstruction) of a residential building on your own, without the involvement of a construction organization.
  4. Payments for participation in shared housing construction.
  5. Payment of a down payment for the purchase or construction of housing when receiving a target or mortgage loan.
  6. Compensation for costs incurred for the construction or reconstruction of a residential building.
  7. Repayment of the principal debt and payment of interest on a mortgage loan or a loan for the construction or purchase of finished housing.
  8. Payment of a fee to join a housing or housing construction cooperative, etc.

Housing purchased, as well as built or reconstructed using maternity capital funds, is registered in the common shared ownership of all family members, including the certificate holder, his spouse and all children. The size of the shares is determined by agreement. If housing purchased using maternity capital funds is registered exclusively in the name of children, according to Letter of the Federal Tax Service No. 216/06-11 dated February 7, 2013, the legitimacy of such a transaction will be called into question.

Conditioned by the use of maternal certificate funds during the construction of housing, registration of shared ownership in the hands of spouses and their children does not depend on the period of commissioning of the building. Even an unfinished house can be registered as shared ownership of family members, according to clause 5 of the Review approved by the Presidium of the RF Armed Forces on July 6, 2016.

Registration of the use of maternity capital funds for the purpose of improving housing conditions involves submitting to the Pension Fund, in addition to the set of documents that we reviewed just above, additional documents, the list of which will depend on the type of improvement of housing conditions (see paragraphs 8-10, 10( 2) – 10(4), 11-13 Regulations No. 862).

The procedure for using maternity capital for children's education

The education of children, including the first, second, third and all subsequent ones, is one of the legitimate purposes for which maternity capital is provided. To pay for children's education using maternity capital, educational institutions must have the appropriate license and state accreditation. According to the requirements of Law No. 256-FZ (Parts 2, 3, Article 11), the age of the child at the time of starting education at an educational institution should not exceed 25 years.

In addition to paying for higher education, according to Rule No. 926 (clause 8(1)), maternity capital can also be used to pay for the maintenance and care of a child in an educational organization of preschool education (kindergarten), as well as in an educational institution of primary general, basic general and secondary general education.

In addition, according to clause 6 of Rule No. 926, maternity capital funds are allowed to be used to pay for accommodation and utilities in dormitories for students from other cities.

Depending on the chosen type of educational services, payment for which is planned to be made from maternity capital, the territorial branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, in addition to the standard set of documents, will need to submit additional documents:

  • Agreement between the educational institution and the certificate holder. The contract, in accordance with clause 8(2) of Rules No. 926, must contain the calculation of tuition fees and the obligations of the educational institution in relation to the child. Also, according to Letter No. LCh-28-24/843 of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. MD-36/03, the agreement may indicate the amount sent by the Pension Fund of Russia to pay for the maintenance of a child in an educational institution, indicate the deadline for sending funds and stipulate the possibility of returning unused funds upon expiration of the contract or upon its termination.
  • Documents, in accordance with clause 7 of Rules No. 926, confirming that maternity capital funds are used to pay for the child’s stay in a hostel for non-residents and to pay for utilities.

The procedure for using maternity capital funds to form a funded pension

For mothers and adoptive mothers, Law No. 256-FZ (Part 1, Article 12) established the possibility of directing maternity capital funds to form a funded pension. To do this, the owner of the certificate for maternity capital must write an application to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, in which he indicates the purpose of using maternity capital to form a funded pension.

Mothers and adoptive parents have the right, until the moment they are assigned a funded pension, to abandon this purpose of using maternal capital and direct the funds to other purposes provided for by law, in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 12 of Law No. 256-FZ. The law (Part 5, Article 12) allows the use of maternity capital funds as part of the pension savings of the mother (adoptive parent) when assigning her a funded pension, if she has not yet disposed of the maternity capital funds up to this point.

Maternity capital funds are significant material assistance for Russian families with children. This is not surprising, because the amount of the certificate at the beginning of 2018 is 453,026 rubles. Families in which a second child was born or adopted since 2007 have the right to receive this type of support.

Maternity capital is allowed to be spent for strictly defined purposes, and the spending of money is under careful control of the state. Other directions and options for disposing of the certificate are illegal. How can you manage maternity capital, how can you invest it successfully? Where to apply and what is the correct procedure for registration?

For what purposes can MSC funds be used?

You can spend maternity capital for the following purposes:

Spending the amount of the family certificate in other ways is not allowed. They can be used in parts for different tasks permitted by law, or only for one of them. The owner can apply to dispose of this money an unlimited number of times within the required amount.

Regardless of how the family plans to use maternity capital, it is necessary to obtain permission from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. He will first examine the documents provided and make a decision regarding the intended use of funds.

Purchase of residential real estate (house, apartment, room)

This is the most popular way for Russians to manage maternity capital funds. Purchasing residential real estate using maternity capital involves two options:

  • paying the cost of housing in whole or in part using existing savings;
  • purchase of real estate using a mortgage loan.

To obtain the consent of the Pension Fund for the purchase of real estate, it is necessary to comply with the rules of the transaction by which the state regulates the actions of the certificate holder:

  • the residential premises are located on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • the purchase and sale agreement (mortgage) does not contradict current legislation;
  • the subject of the transaction is the entire property or a share in the ownership of it;
  • The amount of money is transferred by bank transfer, receiving cash in hand is not allowed;
  • minor family members and both parents are allocated a share in the purchased apartment or house, and its size can be independently determined by the certificate holder.

In the application for the transfer of money, it is necessary to set out the characteristics of the property, indicate where it is located and what its value is. It is allowed to spend maternity capital on:

It should be remembered that there are some restrictions on the purchase and sale of housing. For example, you cannot purchase a share in the ownership of a room or one-room apartment. The object of the contract can only be a separate premises.

Requirements for residential buildings purchased or constructed with the help of state support:

  • the building must be permanent and suitable for living in, and be listed in the documents as a residential building;
  • the category and purpose of the land plot on which construction is taking place must allow the registration of a residential building and subsequent registration in it;
  • construction can be carried out on your own or with the involvement of a contractor.

You can claim compensation for an already erected structure of an individual residential building, which is registered and registered as the property of the family. This only applies to properties built since 2007.

At a cost equal to the amount of maternity capital

Purchasing residential premises using maternal capital occurs in exactly the same way as a regular purchase and sale transaction. When concluding a contract, the seller must be notified of the planned attraction of family capital to pay for housing. The purchased property must necessarily comply with the requirements of the Pension Fund.

The text of the agreement should indicate that part or the full cost of housing will be paid from family capital, specify the details for the transfer and its terms. It will take about 2 months for the money to be transferred to the seller's account. This time is given to consider the application to the Pension Fund and transfer funds from the budget. The transaction is considered completed after the seller receives the full cost of the residential premises.

This method of using maternity capital funds can only be used after the child reaches 3 years of age. It will not be possible to carry out a transaction before this deadline under any circumstances.

On a mortgage or loan

Before the child reaches 3 years of age, you can use funds from maternity capital to make a down payment on a mortgage or to repay an existing housing loan - they will be distributed to pay the principal and interest on the loan. If you have debts or penalties, the certificate funds will not be used to pay them off.

The amount of maternity capital allows you to make a down payment on the mortgage (10–30%) and receive a loan. This government support measure is of great importance for young Russian families who want to have their own housing.

There are a number of banks that offer special preferential lending conditions for family certificate holders. In this case, borrowers must formalize a notarized obligation to allocate shares in the purchased real estate to family members (parents and children). This requirement must be fulfilled within six months after the mortgage is fully repaid and the encumbrance on the property is removed.

Children's education

The second popular area for spending maternity capital is education for children. A family can compensate for their expenses for their education at any stage - from preschool to higher professional (kindergarten, school, college, college, university, additional courses and sections).

In this case, you can pay for the education of not only the baby after whose birth the family received a subsidy, but also the rest of the children. The state has special requirements for spending family capital on education:

Before concluding a training agreement, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the educational institution to defer payment for the 3-month period required for the transfer of money. A family can use public funds for:

  • accommodation in a dormitory provided by the educational organization for the duration of study;
  • payment of utilities in the hostel;
  • various additional clubs, advanced training courses and sections.

If a family intends to use maternity capital to pay for the child’s stay in kindergarten, it should be taken into account that additional educational services cannot be paid for with these funds. You can only pay for babysitting and childcare services. The certificate can be used for educational purposes only after the child reaches 3 years of age, thanks to which the family has the right to it. An exception is preschool education, for which funds can be allocated immediately after receiving the document.

Mother's pension

The family certificate can also be used to increase the mother’s funded pension. She can deposit funds into her account in a state or non-state pension fund. This can be done in advance or immediately upon retirement.

There are several options for receiving a pension, which is formed using maternity capital:

  • urgent payment (the payment period is determined by the woman herself, but it cannot exceed 10 years);
  • one-time payment of the entire amount (in cases specified by law);
  • lifelong increased pension.

If, after the funds are credited, the mother changes her mind and decides to use the money for other tasks, she can withdraw it from the Pension Fund. If the holder of maternal capital passes away without having time to take advantage of her increased pension, the funds will not be lost, but will be inherited by her spouse or children.

Considering that most often the owner of the certificate will not receive a pension very soon, this use of the subsidy is the least popular among citizens. Only 1 out of 100 maternity capital recipients use it. In addition, at the time of retirement, this amount may significantly depreciate, so parents prefer to use it for current purposes.

Rehabilitation of a disabled child

Maternity capital can be spent on the rehabilitation and adaptation to life in society of a disabled child, as well as on the acquisition of technical means for these purposes (installation of ramps, purchase of a wheelchair, etc.). Parents should collect cash receipts for these purchases and provide them to the Pension Fund.

After reviewing the application, the Pension Fund will transfer monetary compensation for purchased medical goods and services. Additionally, it is necessary to attach special acts from the state body for social protection of the population.

It is not necessary to wait until the child reaches the age of three for such expenditure of maternity capital. Any child in a family who has received a certificate for maternal capital can be helped with rehabilitation and integration into society, and the list of permitted goods and services is constantly being updated by government agencies.

Procedure for using MSC funds

The first thing the family has to do is decide on the intended use of maternity capital. Having learned in detail what maternity capital can be spent on, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons and evaluate the consequences of the decision made, because after using the certificate it is impossible to return the funds.

When the decision is made, you need to collect documents. A PFR specialist will tell you what their list is. It is better to do this in advance, and at the same time clarify the details of the planned use of the certificate.

Having provided all the papers to the Pension Fund, you will need to fill out an application. If it does not meet with objections, money from the state budget will be transferred to the account of the creditor bank, real estate seller or educational institution - depending on what type of use has been chosen.

Where to contact?

To apply for the transfer of maternity capital, you must appear at the Pension Fund at your place of residence (permanent or temporary registration). The request must come only from the certificate holder or his authorized representative. Sometimes it is allowed to accept an application from a guardian or a minor citizen himself who is recognized as legally competent.

Sample power of attorney for disposal of maternal capital:

In addition to the traditional filing of an application with the Pension Fund, a family can use other methods:

  • through the MFC;
  • through Russian Post;
  • through the State Services portal.

No matter how the application is submitted, the procedure for its consideration will be the same. The advantage of visiting the Pension Fund in person is the opportunity to receive advice from a qualified specialist.

What documents do I need to provide?

For each direction of funds, different documentation is collected. Basic documents that will be required:

  • original certificate;
  • passport of the subsidy recipient;
  • birth certificates of all children;
  • marriage certificate;
  • SNILS (pension insurance certificate);
  • certificate of family composition;
  • mortgage agreement;
  • agreement on the provision of paid educational services;
  • residential purchase and sale agreement;
  • notarial obligation to allocate shares to all family members in the purchased premises.

When submitting an application, copies and originals of documents are provided. After checking them, the originals will be returned.

To provide a complete set of papers in order to avoid refusal, you should first consult with a representative of the Pension Fund and clarify all the important points. To transfer funds you need to fill out an application:

This is a standard form. Usually it is filled out by a representative of the Pension Fund and given to the person who applied for the transfer for signature and verification.

Deadline for resolving the issue of disposal of funds

Consideration of the application and the package of documents attached to it does not exceed 1 month. If during this period, before receiving a positive decision and transferring the money, the applicant changes his mind and decides to withdraw the application, he must contact the same branch of the Pension Fund and write a corresponding application.

If a positive decision is made on the application, Pension Fund employees will report this within 5 days. 10 working days are given for the actual transfer of money, but the applicant is not notified about the receipt of money in the appropriate account. It is better to keep constant contact with the educational institution, the seller of the residential premises or the bank that issued the mortgage to make sure that the transfer of money went as planned and the obligations under the contract were fulfilled.

Responsibility for violation of the statutory conditions for the use of MSK

Nowadays you can find many advertisements offering to cash out maternity capital. You shouldn't do this. Receiving MSC funds in cash is prohibited; they are transferred only by non-cash means, from account to account.

Schemes for the misuse of a family certificate fall under the article on fraud; such actions are criminally punishable. At the same time, the owners of maternal capital who entered into an illegal transaction become accomplices in the crime.

The most humane court decision in this case provides for a full refund of the funds spent and exemption from criminal liability. If the fact of a fraudulent transaction is recognized, its participants will face punishment in the form of:

  • fine;
  • correctional or forced labor;
  • arrest;
  • restrictions or imprisonment.

The current state maternity capital program has been extended for four years - the new law began to work on January 1, 2018. In December, the Russian government decided that it was not going to index the MSC until the end of 2019, its amount remains the same - 453,026 rubles. If you have already received a certificate, but still have not decided where to invest your maternity capital, hurry up. The sooner you write an application to pay for the destinations you have chosen, the less you will lose due to the inevitable rise in prices. Moreover, since the new year there have been more ways to manage maternity capital and there is even one option with cashing out.

How best to invest maternity capital

Important! Matcapital is not a wad of money, but a state certificate giving the right to spend it. You write an application to the Pension Fund - it directs finances to the goals you choose.

Maternal family capital (MCC) can be invested - in whole or in parts - only in the following options:

  1. improve living conditions;
  2. give children an education;
  3. use it to pay monthly benefits - an option in which MSC can be cashed out; it is intended only for low-income families;
  4. buy products for the adaptation and socialization of children with disabilities;
  5. transfer to the funded part of the future pension for the mother.

1. How to invest maternity capital in improving the quality of housing

Important to remember! If you have a mortgage, you can use the money right away - pay off the principal debt or pay the down payment. In other situations related to improving the quality of housing, you will have to wait until the youngest child reaches the age of 3 years.

If you are going to invest MSC to acquire an apartment or house, you must submit a purchase and sale agreement and an extract from the Unified State Register to the Pension Fund of Russia. Money can also be invested in the construction or reconstruction of the so-called individual housing construction project. Individual housing construction is a separate building no higher than 3 floors, intended for one family. You will need papers giving the right to use the land and a building permit.

To build/renovate a home, you hire builders or do everything yourself. In the second option, the money will be issued in 2 stages - half at once, and the rest in six months, when you prove that the work has been done. If the housing was built earlier, maternity capital will allow you to compensate for the costs, but you must provide an agreement confirming the work performed.

After receiving the certificate, parents are faced with the main question - how to wisely invest maternity capital, with the greatest benefit for the family?

In this article, we will look at the main provisions of the program, find out what the law allows for targeted funds to be spent on, and how best to use them.

Maternal (family) capital has become a real financial assistance to Russian families with children. The payment is targeted, provided to families for the birth of a second or subsequent children, and can be received once.

Where can I spend it?

A special feature of the program is the exclusively targeted use of funds - money cannot be received in cash or deposited at interest in a bank, but can be spent on priority areas in the state’s social policy.

Despite the fact that disputes regarding the permitted use of capital funds do not subside, new proposals and illegal cash-out schemes are emerging, the law clearly provides for the following areas for spending maternity capital:

The housing issue is relevant for the vast majority of Russian families with children. It is not surprising that over 92% of applications received by the Pension Fund from certificate holders contain a request for improvement of living conditions.

The main steps of buying a home using maternity capital :

    decide on the property. It must be suitable for habitation and meet certain requirements - location on the territory of the Russian Federation, availability of connected communications, wear and tear of less than 50%, status of an individual residential property;

    conclude a purchase and sale agreement according to established rules, indicating a deferred payment;

    fill out an application at the Pension Fund, requesting the transfer of money to the seller’s details, attaching a set of documents at the request of the Fund. After consideration, the Pension Fund will transfer the money upon request within 1.5 - 2 months;

    transfer to the seller the difference between the cost of the object and the provision of the certificate from the personal budget.

    After full settlement with the seller, the purchased object must be registered as ownership no later than six months.

The second most popular area for using maternity capital is the cost of educating a child.

1) Parents can pay for the services of a public or private kindergarten with targeted funds, subject to the following conditions: the kindergarten is located on the territory of the Russian Federation and has a permit license confirming the right carry out preschool educational activities. The certificate covers only basic childcare and supervision services.

2) The law allows you to pay with a certificate for the education of any of the family’s children (including adopted children) in a private school, technical school or university, but here there are also certain requirements:

    paid training is carried out according to a program that has received state accreditation;

    the educational institution is located on territory of Russiaysk Federation;

    At the time of admission, the child must be less than 25 years old.

Payment for classes in sports sections, music, art and language schools is not prohibited.

At the legislative level, the opportunity is provided and actively used by parents to direct maternity capital funds to, in the following areas:

    down payment;

    payment of the maindebt;

    interest repayment.

Starting from 2015, it is possible to direct money using a certificate for mortgage purposes without waiting for the child to turn three years old - this innovation was positively received by parents burdened with a mortgage.

The law provides for the opportunity to invest maternity capital in construction - this can be either individual housing construction (in this case, the object being built must be capital and suitable for permanent residence) or shared construction.

Important! Since it is legally prohibited to use maternal capital to purchase land, by the time the funds are disposed of under the certificate, it is necessary to register ownership of the land.

Construction work can be carried out on your own, keeping all sales receipts and payment documents, or with the assistance of contractor under the contract.

The law allows for the opportunity to buy out a share in an apartment. The share can be purchased from strangers and relatives. But you cannot formalize a deal between husband and wife. It is important to make sure that the former owner has signed out of the house register if you are purchasing the whole apartment.

If there is a question about buying out a room in a dormitory, then this is possible if the dormitory is given the status of a residential building and the room is privatized.

The legislation provides for three possibilities for receiving funds for the mother’s pension in the future:

    immediate pension payment;

    one-time payment;

    unlimited lifetime payments.

This area is the least in demand (less than 1% of all applications), people are distrustful of the long term and are afraid of the depreciation of money.

A relatively new opportunity - from the beginning of 2016, maternity capital (or part of it) can be spent by parents on the treatment of a disabled child. It is allowed to reimburse costs for the purchase of specialized goods and services necessary for the adaptation and social integration of disabled children, both relatives and adopted children. It is important for parents to remember the need to confirm all allowed expenses with cash or sales receipts, or other payment documents.

Is it possible to increase the nominal value of maternity capital? Yes! By investing money in real estate, wisely, and calculating in advance the necessary expenses and potential income, you can not only provide your child with their own living space in the future, but also receive another source of family income.

Most families who have received but have not yet used their maternity capital explain this by saying that the amount under the certificate is not enough to buy liquid housing, and taking out a loan is expensive, risky, and you simply don’t want to. But maternity capital is money. And money, as we know, must work.

Let's consider in practice the profitability of investing a purchase certificate. The question immediately arises - where to buy? Recently, the trend of moving to the south has intensified: a favorable mild climate, proximity to the sea and mountain resorts, natural food - these are the main reasons for Russians moving to warmer climes.

Therefore, for comparison, we took 2 southern cities: Stavropol, which has repeatedly received the title of the most comfortable city, and Mikhailovsk, its satellite, which was included in the top ten leading cities in terms of population growth.

So, let's count...

The average price tag for a one-room apartment in a new building in Stavropol is 830 thousand rubles, ready for construction. We add the costs of finishing and purchasing furniture - let’s say a family carries out the finishing work on its own, without involving specialized teams of craftsmen, the furniture is purchased inexpensively - plus 120 thousand rubles to the expenses. In total, the average one-room apartment with decoration and furniture will cost 950 thousand rubles.

Half of the amount is available - maternity capital in 2019 is 453,026 rubles, it turns out that borrowed funds are needed in the amount of 497 thousand rubles. Let's use a loan calculator.

Having counted the amount of maternity capital to pay the down payment, and taking into account the average interest rate on a mortgage of 10.2%, we get the figures - with the average cost of renting a one-room apartment at 9,000 rubles, equal to the monthly loan payment, the apartment will fully pay off in 6 years.

Now Mikhailovsk.

The most affordable housing prices are in the Harmony residential area - a one-room apartment in screed-plaster costs 670 thousand rubles. We are budgeting the same amount of 120 thousand rubles for repairs, so in total we will need 790 thousand rubles. Minus maternity capital, you will need a mortgage loan of 337 thousand rubles at the same rate of 10.2%.

If you rent at 7,000 rubles a month, and the same monthly loan payment, an apartment in Mikhailovsk will pay for itself in 5 years.

For clarity, the calculations are shown in the table.

Thus, by purchasing a cozy apartment in “Harmony” using maternal capital for further rental, the family will pay off the mortgage in 5 years and will be able to receive net income. In comparison with a Stavropol apartment, in a year of renting out an apartment in Mikhailovsk after paying off the mortgage, the family budget will be replenished by at least 84 thousand rubles.

This schedule was compiled without taking into account the dynamics of prices for rental housing, which show stable growth, thereby reducing the payback period of the property.

Don’t forget about the increase in the market value of the apartment in “Harmony” - frompubliclystatisticaldata,for 2017square meternew buildingsincreased in price by almost5 ,5%. Market appreciation is another source of income from real estate investments.

Thus, after paying off the mortgage, the family can receive an income of more than 120 thousand rubles per year from renting out the apartment and due to the increase in price.

The steady growth in demand for affordable and comfortable housing in Harmony indicates the growing attractiveness of the residential area.

And in 2019, dreams of owning your own home became even more real - studio apartments starting from 500 thousand rubles are now available for sale in Harmony! The amount of maternity capital almost completely covers the cost of such smart apartments.

In order to profitably invest capital in real estate in Harmony, it is recommended to use the help of the managers of the PR departmentosales - they helpogut nofind a profitable investment property,othe optimal payment option taking into account all discounts and special offers, advice on IP issuesofunds and maternity capital, and, if necessary, will complete the transaction remotely..

Payments in 2019

In the current 2019, certificate holders can count on 453,026 rubles.

Annual indexation was canceled by order of the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin in 2016, and a decision was made to “freeze” maternity capital until January 1, 2020.

Over the 12 years of implementation of the program, the amount of payments was subject to adjustments; the table below shows indexation figures in relation to the inflation rate, based on Rosstat data.

With the overall inflation of the period being 147%, the total increase in payments exceeded 81%.

"Unfreezing" indexing - latest news

On July 20, 2018, the Pension Fund announced the amount under the certificate after indexation was “unfrozen” - from January 1, 2020, state assistance under the certificate will amount to 470,241 rubles, and in 2021, couples with children will be paid 489,051 rubles. Indexation will be carried out taking into account the inflation forecast from the Ministry of Economic Development.

Significant amendments since the beginning of 2018

    Cash payments are made once a month and apply to the second child, until he reaches the age of one and a half years. Available to low-income families (the family budget does not exceed the threshold of 1.5 times the subsistence level in the region of residence).

    It became possible to pay for a nursery and other preschool education for a child until he reaches the age of three;

    On-lending with maternity capital funds for loans issued after the right to a state subsidy arose.

No other innovations are planned for this year.

Cashing is illegal!

In 2019, given the difficult socio-economic situation in the country, the issue of receiving cash using a family certificate is still pressing. Often families, not wanting to spend government subsidies for the purposes specified in the program, look for workarounds to cash out targeted funds. As a result, new fraudulent cash-out mechanisms are emerging, tempting certificate holders. Parents need to remember that “cashing out” maternity capital is not only illegal, but also deprives the family of the opportunity to invest in long-term prospects.

It is possible that in the future the list of areas for spending funds will expand, and families will be offered new and in-demand opportunities.

Buying a car - no!

The question of the possibility of purchasing a family car with maternity capital has been raised more than once. Despite the real justification (a car can make life much easier for families with children), this direction was rejected for several reasons:

    the car may get into an accident or be stolen;

    rapid wear of the car;

    a car can be used as a fraudulent tool for cashing out funds.

Purchasing a dacha or a plot of land - no!

The law prohibits the investment of maternal capital in the purchase of land; it is also impossible to get a dacha with capital. The ban is explained by 2 main points:

    in the case of purchasing a plot for individual housing construction, construction may be delayed - thus, the comfortable living of a family with children is in question;

    As for the dacha, it is used only in the warm season, and in most cases is not suitable for year-round living by a family.

Reconstruction - yes! Repair - no!

The law allows the use of maternal capital for the construction and reconstruction of housing (changing the layout, moving walls, converting non-residential premises into residential ones), but it is prohibited to spend targeted money on repairs.

Consumer loan - no!

It is impossible to repay a non-mortgage loan with Matkapital, even if the borrowed money is actually used to improve living conditions and there is documentary evidence of this.


The maternity capital program, with the main goal of supporting motherhood, has proven its effectiveness. Since the start of the program in 2007, more than 8.5 million families have received subsidies in the form of a maternity capital certificate. A consequence of the implementation of the program was a statistical increase in the fertility rate in the Russian Federation: the number of newborns per woman increased from 1.31 in 2007 to 1.62 in 2017.

What does the future hold for maternity capital? Time will show. It seems that maternity capital has become the most successful program to support the population adopted by the authorities over the past decade.

You may also find this video about the state support program “Young Family” useful:

So, mom received a certificate for maternity capital. Now she has to decide an important question: what to spend the money on? Our children need so much - toys, clothes, healthy food, good housing, quality education...

Maternity capital funds are clearly not enough to satisfy all the needs of the family, so it is necessary to choose the most important and necessary. Besides, legislation imposes a number of restrictions on the use of the certificate.

Limitations and features of use

  • The first thing a woman needs to know is that money cannot be spent at your own discretion. The law clearly defines the purposes for which maternity capital funds are allowed to be spent.
  • Secondly, maternity capital funds can be used in parts. Let’s say you need to pay 50 thousand rubles for a child’s education. Mom can write an application for this amount and use the rest of the money later. At the same time, the balance of maternity capital will be indexed every year.
  • Third, money according to the certificate is not issued in person. In order to use maternity capital funds, you must write an application to the Pension Fund indicating the purpose, the required amount and the bank account to which the money will be transferred.
  • Fourth, an application for the use of maternity capital funds is accepted after the child turns 2 years and 6 months. Payments are made after the child reaches three years of age. There are two exceptions to the rule - mortgage payments and payments for everyday needs. In these cases, money is paid regardless of the child’s age.

What can you spend maternity capital on:

  1. To improve living conditions.
  2. For children's education.
  3. To form the funded part of the mother’s labor pension.

Initially, the law on maternity capital did not provide for other payments, but in 2009, due to the difficult economic situation, the rules were changed. Now a woman can receive a one-time payment for everyday needs in the amount of up to 12 thousand rubles.

We improve living conditions

Maternity capital funds can be invested in the purchase of real estate under construction, an apartment in a new building or secondary housing.

The law allows you to buy any real estate - apartment, house or cottage, as long as this property is located on the territory of the Russian Federation and is intended for human habitation.

You can purchase housing in any way: buy outright, enter into a mortgage agreement (by the way, there is such a federal mortgage), take part in a housing construction cooperative. If real estate is purchased under a mortgage agreement or on credit, maternity capital funds are transferred to the account of the borrower (bank or other credit institution).

Funds for the purchase of housing are allocated in the usual manner after the child turns 3 years old.

You can pay off your mortgage debt at any time, regardless of the child’s age. The application is reviewed within 1 month. The money is paid within 1 month after the decision is made by the special commission.

We pay for children's education

  1. With money from maternity capital, you can pay for clubs, sections, classes in a music, sports or art school, secondary specialized or higher education of the child.
  2. The funds can be spent on the child’s accommodation in a dormitory during their studies.
  3. Tuition is paid at a state, municipal or private educational institution. A private educational institution must have a state license and the right to provide paid educational services.
  4. Funds from maternity capital can be spent on the education of any child in the family, and not just the one for whom the certificate is issued.
  5. The child must be under 25 years of age at the start of training.
  6. The application must be submitted 6 months before the desired payment date.

Increasing mom's future pension

Using maternity capital funds, you can increase the funded part of your mother’s labor pension. Funds may be directed both to the State Pension Fund and to non-state funds (private management companies).

If a woman writes an application to transfer funds to the funded part of her labor pension, and then changes her mind, the money is returned to the maternity capital account.

We receive money for everyday needs

Payment for daily needs can only be received once. The maximum payment amount is 12 thousand rubles. When receiving a lump sum payment, you do not need to wait until the child turns 3 years old. Payment period is limited:

  • Women who received the right to maternity capital in the period from January 1, 2007 to September 31, 2009 can submit an application to the Pension Fund until December 31, 2009.
  • For mothers whose eligibility arose between October 1 and December 31, 2009, the application deadline has been extended until March 31, 2010.

Money for everyday needs is transferred within two months after submitting the application.