Is it possible to hang a mirror in front of the entrance. Is it possible to install a mirror in front of the front door: recommendations from Feng Shui masters

When arranging the interior of an apartment, the features of some layouts make it possible to place a mirror in the hallway just opposite the front door, and therefore many are concerned about the question - is it possible to place it in this way? There are many opinions on this subject related to folk signs and beliefs, and this issue also resonates in the East Asian teachings of Feng Shui. Let's take a closer look at this situation.

Is it possible to hang a mirror by the door

Be that as it may, but a mirror is a mandatory attribute of any hallway, they look into it in order to evaluate their appearance before leaving the house, fix their clothes, hairstyle, makeup, etc. There is also a sign that, returning home behind a forgotten thing, you need to smile at your reflection, of course, in this case you can’t do without a mirror.

The main problem is not the choice of a quality product of a suitable size and shape, but the question - is it possible to hang a mirror in front of the front door? Here you need to take into account different aspects. According to the now popular Feng Shui, it is strictly forbidden to do this. The fact is that there is far from one belief in this regard, both in Slavic and Eastern countries. The main object of Feng Shui in this regard is energy.

One of the most rational arguments against such a position of reflective objects is that a person can simply be frightened of his own reflection, entering the house, mistaking him for a stranger at the first fleeting glance. That's why you can't choose this option.

What to do if you have a mirror hanging in front of the front door at home? The best way out of the situation is to change his position to a more profitable one. The best option is to hang it over a chest of drawers or on a closet. In the absence of such an opportunity and an extreme shortage of free space, try to fix it on the back door of the cabinet, if necessary, it will be enough to open it to see your reflection.

The mirror above the chest of drawers is the best option for placing a mirror in the hallway

Signs and beliefs

Why is it still impossible to hang a mirror in front of the front door? To better understand this issue, consider the most common signs in this regard. Almost all peoples have a roughly similar interpretation of this case.

So, what can folk signs tell us about the mirror opposite the door:

  • According to Feng Shui, the basis of the biofield is the energy of qi, it enters the house through an open space with the wind and your personal energy. If the mirror is located opposite the front door, it interferes with this exchange and knocks down the correct distribution of flows.
  • Reflective objects repel positive energy, they reflect it back and do not allow full penetration into the house.
  • Negative energy can accumulate in the mirror. According to Feng Shui, it absorbs not only your negative emotions that you bring from outside, but also the experiences of guests, as well as all the negativity outside the home.
  • The mirror, located opposite the front door, calls uninvited guests into the house, including ill-wishers, as well as evil spirits, being a kind of portal.
  • Being in this position, it sucks energy and all the positive out of the inhabitants of the house, because of which family members may feel unwell, get tired quickly, experience bouts of depression or just a bad mood.
  • Also, according to Feng Shui, any mirror located opposite the door contributes to the waste of money. In addition, it weakens human health, drives luck and good mood out of the house.

Of course, there is no scientific confirmation of such signs. However, it is better not to take risks and trust the advice of energy experts. Properly placed items in the house will give you an extra charge of positive and self-confidence.

A mirror located opposite the front door contributes to the waste of money

Rules for the safe placement of mirrors

So, we found out that it is impossible to hang a mirror in front of the front door. Now let's look at how to place it so as not to harm family members and the general energy of the home, but, on the contrary, to increase all the good that is in it? Here are some helpful tips for this:

  • It is best to place a mirror on the side of the door, at some distance, so as not to hurt at the entrance, the best option is above a chest of drawers or a cabinet for shoes.
  • The larger the mirror, the stronger its effect, besides, it is more convenient to see your reflection in it, so you can glaze the entire wall in line with the entrance or purchase a closet with mirrored doors.
  • An excellent solution is a floor model. Is it possible to put such a mirror directly opposite the front door according to? With indirect contact, this is allowed.
  • You can not use an item that has survived some kind of misfortune or just too unpleasant a situation, as it will store these memories, it is best to buy a new item.
  • You can hang a mirror on the front wall, but so that it does not look at the entrance. Also, a mirror located opposite the front door can be neutralized by placing it at an angle, so it will slightly refract the flows and direct them into the room, and not back.

The floor model of the mirror can be placed in front of the front door without harming the energy of the house


Not only the question of the correct arrangement of objects according to the Feng Shui technique is relevant, it is also important to combine the mirror with other interior items. In matters of design, overall preference is given to overall products; a large mirror can visually expand the space of a small hallway, especially if it has a narrow corridor layout.

Now we know why it is impossible to hang a mirror in front of the front door, but what if the layout of the room does not allow it to be placed elsewhere. To optimize energy flows according to Feng Shui, you can place a mirror on the front door itself. Usually, only special decorative inserts are used for this, which are fixed directly in the canvas. Self-decoration can lead to the fact that with a sharp movement, the product will break and break. Additionally, the inserts can be tinted or decorated with some pattern in the general style.

Placing a mirror on the front door will not only save space, but also retain positive energy in the house.

In the art of Feng Shui, there are a few more points regarding the mirror opposite the front door. They also need to be taken into account if you care about the correct arrangement of objects in the room.

First of all, it should be taken into account that in no case should you use broken, chipped and scratched products, they will not only have a bad effect on the visual assessment of the interior, but can also bring misfortune to a person. It is also desirable to avoid sharp corners, the ideal shape is oval. For added edge protection and energy loading, enclose the mirror in a beautiful frame.

If possible, place paintings, flower arrangements, or something no less pleasant and attractive in front of the mirror, this will help neutralize the negative and saturate the house with positive energy. Be sure to keep it clean.

Flowers in front of the mirror will saturate the house with positive energy

Also, according to Feng Shui, it is important to saturate the mirror with positive emotions on your own. Smile at your reflection more often, say compliments. It is strictly forbidden to swear and get angry near him, in no case should you do this, otherwise all the negativity will inevitably accumulate in this subject.

Do not be afraid of bad omens, even if the mirror is located in front of the front door. With the help of Feng Shui, you can easily find the optimal placement for it and turn the hallway not only into a stylish room, but also into a source of positive energy for the whole house.

In modern life, very often lately one has to hear the expression "located according to Feng Shui." However, not everyone will be able to explain what this phrase really means. Feng Shui is the ability to arrange objects in space in such a way as to properly distribute vital energy, thereby improving one's well-being. Few people know that you can not keep a mirror in front of the front door, or you need to put the bed exclusively with the headboard towards the exit.

The Art of Rewarding Yourself with Positive Energy

It would seem that such a trifle - a mirror in front of the front door. Many people think that it is very convenient, you can always look at yourself before going for a walk. However, if you follow the teachings of Feng Shui, then such an arrangement takes away vital energy. The person will feel a headache or incur misfortune during the day.

If you know little about Feng Shui, then you can ask for help from a professional in this matter. He will help to equip the home in such a way that it is filled with only positive energy and strength.

The mirror in the house is an important detail

Each element in the house plays its role, influences the distribution of positive energy. Especially when it comes to a mirror. A huge number of prejudices and signs are associated with it. Since ancient times, it has been considered a magical, and even mystical object. Many legends prove that a mirror in front of the front door is not the best option.

Helpful Hints:

  • When choosing a mirror, pay special attention to the one with non-pointed corners and medium size. It is not recommended to keep this attribute in the form of a rectangle in the house.
  • The mirror is strong for this very reason, be careful when you look into it. Try to make it reflect as many smiles and joy as possible, then the atmosphere in the house will be appropriate.
  • Forget about the mirror opposite the front door. Hang it on the side, for example. The effect of expanding the space will remain the same, but you will not let out all the good things that you have in your house.

The right mirror in the house

Every element in the house, every single part of the interior must be chosen correctly. Before moving on to the main question of whether it is possible to hang a mirror in front of the front door, it is worth figuring out what it should be like in general.

Advantage Features:

  • Large size so that the figure of a person is reflected in full growth.
  • Without sharp corners (preference is given to an oval). Soft outlines give the atmosphere calmness.
  • There should not be even the slightest crack or scratch on the surface, they attract more negativity. In addition, it can be a reminder of unpleasant situations from the past, which is also very bad.

Do they hang a mirror in front of the front door

Most people do not know about feng shui, much less how to navigate it. Superstitions are indifferent to them, so very often today you can find mirrors that the owners placed right in front of their front door.

Why is this done:

  • To create the illusion of more space, because reflective surfaces visually expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.
  • The room becomes brighter, because the mirrors reflect not only artificial light, but also natural.
  • So that you can take a look at yourself before leaving the house.

So why can't you mirror in front of the entrance if some people do it and don't think about superstitions? The answer is simple. This attribute attracts external energy, and not always positive. And if you place it at the exit, you will let all the negativity from the street into the house. The opposite effect will also work - the release of energy from the house. Happiness, smiles and many more good things that you have can leave.

Consequences of incorrect mirror placement

Careless handling of reflective surfaces can lead to the following consequences:

  • In such a house, money will not linger for a long time. The earnings of the owners can be high, but all the funds will simply be wasted, and it is not clear what. Even if the owners notice this trend, they will not always be able to understand the reason for what is happening.
  • Is it possible to hang a mirror in front of the front door? Definitely not. If you do this, then the person will constantly feel tired, the flows of positive energy do not penetrate the house, therefore there will be nowhere to take a good mood.
  • By placing a reflective surface directly opposite the exit, you run the risk that all home comfort, good luck and health will simply go outside. And such things cannot be given away, they must be kept in your living quarters.

Correct location

You can hang a mirror in front of the front door or not, it's up to you, no one forces you to believe in the magical properties of this attribute. However, there are some tips for a more correct arrangement of mirrors in the house.

  • If you want the space in the house to become a little larger and the room filled with light, you can go for a trick. Hang a mirror right on the door - this is not prohibited by the teachings of Feng Shui. Thus, you will be able to look at yourself before going out, and you will not lose positive energy.
  • If you choose a mirror for the hallway, then the best option would be to enclose it in a beautiful frame. This option will only increase happiness in your home.
  • Keep the reflective surface always clean. You can’t keep dirt in your home, constantly wipe the dust, a large amount of it is a harbinger of misfortune.
  • Feng Shui tells not only about whether it is possible to put a mirror in front of the front door. The teaching also says that you should not look at a reflective surface during the period when you are in. The fact is that glasses absorb and remember energy strongly, so you cannot saturate them with negativity.
  • Before you go outside the threshold of the house, be sure to smile at your reflection, capture a great mood. Upon returning home, a stream of positive energy will greet you.

Summing up

It is not at all necessary to be a fan of the teachings of Feng Shui to know whether it is possible to hang a mirror in front of the front door. Just read a few useful tips that will help you properly arrange items in the house. In fact, the environment really has a big impact on mood. How you arrange your living space will affect your overall well-being.

If you can’t do everything on your own, you can always turn to designers - they will not only correctly position each item in the house, but also fill the room with light and joy. Beautiful right mirrors will be great helpers in design.

The mirror is a very common element of the interior, which visually increases the space. Often a mirror is placed in the hallways, it is very comfortable, because you can look at yourself before leaving the house, with all this you do not need to take off your shoes or dirty the floor in the room. But is it permissible for a mirror to be placed opposite the front door? Feng Shui will answer this question specifically.

Is it possible to place mirrors at the entrance to the house

Of course, a mirror in the hallway is simply necessary. It will help you evaluate your own appearance when leaving home, and, according to a popular sign, it will protect you from negativity if you forget something and have to return. In this case, look in the mirror and smile (in some versions of the sign, you need to show your tongue) and failure will pass you by. The main difficulty with all this is not in choosing a high-quality product, but whether it is possible in principle to hang a mirror in the hallway. According to the well-known Feng Shui trend to this day, it is strictly forbidden to place mirrors in the hallways. This ban is explained based on the beliefs of the energy industry. There is also a very usual optimal argument why it is not allowed to hang reflective objects in the hallway - you simply risk being frightened by your reflection in the mirror, because at first glance it looks very much like a stranger in the apartment. But how to act in a situation if the mirror has long been located in your house next to the front door? Naturally, the surest thing would be to outweigh a suitable object in some other space. On the thin end, if the place of the apartment does not allow global rearrangements, you can try attaching a mirror to the back door of the cabinet. When it comes in handy for you - just open the closet and you can enjoy your reflection as much as you like.

Signs regarding the placement of a mirror in the hallway

Why is it forbidden to place mirrors at the entrance to the apartment? For the best understanding of this issue, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most popular signs and beliefs about this. Practically any people give their interpretations of this question.

So, what do we learn about the mirrors placed at the front door according to folk signs:

  • According to the art of Feng Shui, the base of the biofield is the energy of Qi, which enters the housing through open spaces with wind blows or is carried by your personal energy. And when placing a mirror in front of the front door, a reflective object will interfere with the correct energy exchange, plus because of this, the balance between energy flows is disturbed.
  • According to another sign, mirrors are able to repel positive energy, they cause its reverse reflection, as a result of which it cannot completely seep into the housing.
  • A reflective object fills with bad energy over time. Feng Shui says that your negative emotions brought into your home accumulate in mirrors.
  • The mirror, which is located opposite the entrance to the house, is able to attract unexpected guests to the home (which include ill-wishers, as well as various evil spirits), because it is a typical portal.
  • Located opposite the front door, the mirror will stretch all the positive energy out of the people living in the home, which often provokes poor health, causes depressive states, or simply provokes a negative mood.
  • Even according to the art of Feng Shui, all the mirrors located opposite the entrance to the house provoke a lack of funds. In addition, an object with a reflective surface will contribute to the weakening of health, free homeowners from fortune, luck and good mood.

Naturally, it is not likely to confirm or refute such signs from a scientific point of view. But we would not recommend taking risks for you, but it is better to listen to the advice of energy professionals. Then, thanks to the items correctly placed in the house, you will charge yourself with positive and will feel constant self-confidence.

Rules for safe placement of mirrors in your home

So, we came to the conclusion that it is forbidden to place mirrors in front of the front door. It is time to figure out how to position this reflective object if you want to attract happiness and fortune with it, increasing the energy level of the home as a whole. To do this, you will need to heed a few useful tips:

  • Place a mirror on the side of the entrance to the house at a small distance so that you do not touch it when you enter the dwelling. The most correct option would be to place a mirror on top of a dresser or shoe cabinet.
  • The larger the size of the mirror, the more pronounced will be the degree of its action, and plus it will be easier for a person to see his own reflection in it. For this reason, it is recommended to create the entire wall with glass, placing it on the same strip as the front door. Sliding wardrobes equipped with mirrored doors are also suitable.

  • Also a good solution would be to purchase a floor model. Does feng shui allow such interior details to be placed near the entrance to the housing? In general, it can be, but the main thing is that with all this there should be an indirect contact space.
  • Remove from your own home objects that have survived various unfortunate actions, with which some unpleasant situations are connected. Items tend to accumulate negativity, so it's best if you buy a new mirror.
  • It is allowed to hang mirrors on the front walls, but the main thing is that they should not be oriented towards the entrance.
  • There is a very cunning method of neutralizing the negative from a mirror placed next to the front door. To do this, it must be placed not directly, but at an angle, so that it at least slightly refracts energy flows and directs them into the interior of the dwelling, and not vice versa.

feng shui design personality

It is important not only how to correctly arrange objects according to the art of Feng Shui, but also how to correctly combine them together.

In a design without options, it is worth stopping your own choice on overall products. With the help of huge mirrors, you will make the place visually larger, especially if you have a rather narrow corridor in your apartment, for example.

Even knowing that mirrors are not allowed to be placed in the hallway, opposite the entrance to the house, from time to time there are difficulties associated with the layout of the room, when you simply cannot hang it in some other space.

Then, in order to harmonize energy flows according to the art of Feng Shui, it is permissible to attach a reflective object directly to the door. For this purpose, we can use special decorative inserts, with the help of which the mirror is attached to the canvas.

The feng shui trend involves the introduction of a few more points that relate to the placement of a mirror at the front door. You need to listen to them if you are worried about ensuring that all items in the house are placed correctly.

  • The most fundamental point is that in no case is it allowed to have products with cracks, scratches in your home. They will also spoil the visual appearance of the interior, and will also attract various unfortunate actions to the life of their owner.
  • Sharp corners are also prohibited, the most suitable shape is oval. In order to further protect the edges of the object, mirrors are advised to be enclosed in beautiful frames.
  • According to your ability, try to place paintings, flower arrangements or other equally pleasant and pretty details in front of the mirrors - thanks to them, you will remove the negative and attract positive energy to your home. You also need to carefully monitor the cleanliness.

  • Flowers placed by the mirror will also attract positive energy to your home.
  • Even according to the teachings of Feng Shui, you yourself can charge a reflective object with positive feelings. To do this, you need to smile every time when your eyes fall on your own reflection, you need to say compliments for yourself, praise your person in every possible way. In no case do not allow it to scold at the mirror and experience various bad emotions. Otherwise, all the negative energy will accumulate in this subject.

Don’t let bad omens scare you, because even if you place a mirror at the front door, resorting to easy feng shui rules, you can place it more normally without much difficulty so that your entrance hall becomes not just a stylish room, but also acts as a source of positive for all housing .

At the end of the topic, watch a fascinating video focused on a specific topic:

Every girl wants to check her outfit, hair and makeup before leaving her cozy nest. Therefore, almost all the fair sex will say that it is in the hallway that a mirror is a must. But few people know exactly how to arrange it in order to avoid superstitious fears.

Is it allowed to mount a mirror near the door at all?

It should be noted right away that it is strictly forbidden to hang a mirror in front of the front door. You can place it on one of the walls on the side of the entrance, many people prefer the left wall.

If you do not adhere to strict beliefs, you can use the opposite surface, but only if the door is made of metal. Some options for the location of the mirror next to the door are posted on the photo on the Internet.

Why is it forbidden to place a mirror in front of the front door?

Feng Shui Theory

Followers of the ancient teachings believe that energy plays a huge role in life and, as a result, the reflection of this energy. A mirror, both literally and figuratively, has the property of reflection.

According to “Feng Shui”, attention is drawn to the fact that positive energy is reflected without getting into the house from the outside, but the mirror absorbs negative energy like a sponge.

One of the disadvantages of this property of the mirror is that positive energy quickly leaves the house, and a person without the support of forces cannot live safely in his own house.

The mirror in front of the door according to “Feng Shui” also attracts bad people to the house, with envy and malice in their hearts.

The opinion of psychologists

Experts also do not recommend this location of the mirror, but argue otherwise. When a person comes home from work tired and exhausted, the sight of his reflection has a bad effect on his mood and well-being. As a result, people get irritated, get tired quickly or get sick.

There were also situations when a person woke up from noise, for example, a cat dropped something. A sleepy person goes to check what his pet has done, sometimes fearing an attack or mysticism in his soul. And then he sees his reflection in front of the door. A person immediately after sleep will first see the silhouette of a person in his house, get scared, and only then guess that it is himself.

Russian folk omens

In ancient times, when people were distinguished by special superstition, the mirror was used in many rituals. With its help, the girls guessed and contacted the dead, because it is not for nothing that it is believed that the mirror is the door to the other world.

Unfortunately, the opinion about the location of the mirror often changed in antiquity, and people arranged it this way and that.

Advantages of placing a mirror in front of the door

Some signs say that the mirror reflects all sorts of evil eyes and damage, that is, it protects the inhabitants of the house from the evil eye.

It is worth considering that before the mirror was more of a luxury than a necessity, so the mirror immediately indicated the prosperity of the house and attracted abundance.

Cons of this location

It is believed that children under one year old and those who have not been baptized should not approach the mirror. This refers to the mirror hanging opposite the entrance to the house. Entering the dwelling, an image of a relative who has recently died may appear in the mirror. In a house where a mirror hangs in this way, conflicts often occur, and a breakdown comes from the owners.

It turns out that you need to know how to properly hang a mirror near the door, because there are some nuances here.

The best location for your mirror is on the wall to the side of the door. It is convenient both in terms of design and practicality, because the mirror is protected from chips and damage.

You can also consider the option in which the mirror hangs directly on the door, but keep in mind that then the reflective surface must be made of a special, more durable glass.

According to the teachings of "Feng Shui", the most successful location is on the floor, if there is no contact with the door. Some people think that you can hang a mirror, but taking into account the angle. That is, if the mirror is opposite the door, then it is better to turn it.

It is better to choose a wooden frame for a mirror, you can’t attach anything to it, but you can place decorations on top. And the last thing - you need to wash the mirror as often as possible, rub it to a shine.

Of course, the final decision is made by the owners of the house, and their opinion will be formed not only from superstitions.

Photo of mirrors in front of the door

Many copies were broken in disputes about where and why a mirror should not be hung. Followers of various teachings about energy claim that there are places in the house where this item begins to act to the detriment of the owners. Folk signs largely converge with the prohibitions of magicians and Feng Shui gurus. Skeptics, in turn, claim that they have never noticed a negative impact on themselves. But scientists on this issue have not yet come to a consensus - there are many alternative theories that both confirm the supernatural properties of reflective objects and refute their presence.

If the front door is reflected in the mirror

To many, it seems like a good idea to hang a mirror in front of the entrance to the apartment - so you can always take a look at yourself before you go somewhere. However, beliefs say that this should not be done. And that's why:

  • The owners of the house will be haunted by failures and financial problems, since positive energy will not be able to enter the house.
  • People who are looking for where to dump their negativity (complainers, whiners) will often begin to visit.
  • The owners will feel bad in their own apartment, they will lose the desire to return there. For spouses, this is fraught with divorce.

If you really need to place this item in the corridor, it is better to find a place for it near the front door, so that the mirror surface is directed into the room.

By the way, everything said above is also true in the case when the mirror is located opposite the window.

The bedroom has always been considered a sacred place - according to legend, it is during sleep that a person is most vulnerable in terms of energy. This made people pay attention to the things that surrounded them at night - our ancestors never hung mirrors where they rested.

Psychologists say that you should not hang a mirror in the bedroom for an absolutely prosaic reason - a person who has just woken up after sleep does not look very attractive. Looking at his reflection, he begins to think negatively, for example, he may not go to an interview and lose a good job just because he considers himself an unworthy candidate. In the same way, this affects other areas of life - the wife begins to “nag” her husband, recalling to him all the smallest mistakes, parents demonstrate a biased attitude towards children, considering them mediocrity.

feng shui teaching

In the East, they have always been able to subtly feel the energy of the world around them, so they never hung mirrors where they went to bed. It was believed (and still is) that while a person is resting, he gets rid of the accumulated negativity. This negative must leave the room, but if it encounters a reflective surface on its way, all the bad vibrations come back, and are also amplified many times over.

In addition, according to the rules of Feng Shui, a mirror that reflects the bed where the spouses sleep can cause betrayal or quarrels.

Folk omens

Since ancient times, people have observed the world around them and established causal relationships between all the events that took place in their lives. It has been observed that:

  • if a mirror hangs opposite the bed, the person wakes up tired, in a bad mood. Most likely, the fact is that the mirror takes away energy from the one who is reflected in it for a long time;
  • Babies become restless when there is a mirrored surface next to their bassinet. Perhaps this is due to the fact that it is a kind of portal to the other world and the entities that come out of there try to make contact with the child;
  • a person may not wake up if at night his soul accidentally separates from the body and “gets lost”, because the mirror will distort her way back. Death in a dream was associated with this phenomenon.

If the mirror hangs opposite the mirror

When the mirror hangs opposite the mirror, they form the so-called mirror corridor. It is believed that demons and other otherworldly inhabitants penetrate our world through it, in most cases they are unfriendly to people. If a person is energetically weakened - sick, upset, tired - he is used as a donor, taking away the rest of the energy and leaving it completely "empty". If others do not intervene, it can even end in suicide.

Mirrors are placed opposite each other only sometimes - for example, during divination. But such rituals are forbidden to be performed alone and for fun.

Knowing why it is impossible to hang a mirror in one place or another, it is easy to avoid failures, illnesses, financial difficulties. If problems start in the family, it's time to check if the reflective surfaces are correctly located in the house.