The best ornamental trees and shrubs for the garden. Ornamental shrubs for the dacha, photos and names - which ones to choose Which ornamental trees can be planted on the site

Scheme of tree placement in the garden plot

When designing and planting a garden with your own hands, it is necessary to take into account the seasonality of the supply of certain fruits. Moreover, there are a very large number of options here; there are no clear recommendations.

It is desirable that all species be represented in the garden at the dacha. For example, 35 percent of the garden area can be allocated for pears and apple trees. For stone fruits, set aside 45-50 percent of the land. Allocate 10 to 15 percent of the area for grapes, and provide 10-15 percent of the area for vegetables and berries. Again, I repeat, these are just general recommendations.

Options for placing fruit trees on a summer cottage

All buildings, grapes, fruit trees, vegetable gardens and berry gardens are located taking into account the best lighting for each type of plant. The design of the site and sanitation requirements are also taken into account.

Scheme for laying out a garden at the dacha

From the northwest, north or northeast side of the site

For example, peaches and grapes love light. Also light-loving are plum, cherry, pear, apple, and apricot. But black currants and raspberries can grow well in the shade. Cherry is also quite tolerant of shading.

You can plant cherries, cherries or peaches near your house.

These crops do not need to be treated with chemicals. Plant tall and medium-sized trees no closer than three meters from the border of your site. This requirement is due to the fact that they can create shade on neighboring lands. Shrubs can be planted at a distance of 1 meter from the border. Take these recommendations into account and incorporate them into your garden design.

Consider elevation changes

If some part of your plot is in a lowland, then I advise you to place vegetables and berry crops there, and plant trees higher. The same applies to buildings. They need to be placed on elevated surfaces.

No need for jungle

Beginning gardeners sometimes try to fit as many plant varieties into their landscape project as possible. There is no need to do this. Otherwise your garden will look like a jungle. The plants will be long and not prolific.

Variety is important

There is also no need to plant the entire garden with one type of fruit tree. Cherry orchards are only good in books, believe me! Otherwise, after a while you won’t be able to plant anything else even if you wanted to.

Therefore, I advise you to immediately include in the site design space for all crops and even with a reserve. Landscaping is best done in accordance with the biological needs of the plants, taking into account the height of each species. Allocate separate places for vegetables, berries, seeds and stone fruits.

Crown diameter of cherry, apple, pear, cherry, apricot and peach

Place trees on the site with plenty of space. Consider their adult size. Apple and cherry trees have a crown diameter of about 6 meters. Cherries and apricots have 5 to 6 meters. The peach is about 4 meters, and the pear is 3.5 meters. The shrubs have a crown diameter of about one meter.

In each row, the trees may slightly touch their crowns, but between the rows it is desirable to have free space of one meter.

Approximate diagrams of a summer cottage with the location of plants and buildings

Plan for planting fruit trees and shrubs on a summer cottage

The design of a large summer cottage plot based on the principle of placement can be exactly the same, only the total number of varieties and species of fruit trees in the garden can be taken more.

Video on the topic

If you have purchased a plot of land, an excellent option for using it is to grow fruit trees, since they require less care than, for example, vegetable crops, but at the same time provide a large harvest, not to mention the decorative appeal of the garden. True, so that the effort, time and finances on its arrangement are not spent in vain, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all the nuances of this work. Therefore, in this article we will look at how to plant an orchard on your site.

Site requirements

Ground water level

To ensure that all efforts to grow a garden are not in vain, it is necessary to study the conditions on the site. The most important point is the proximity of groundwater. They must flow at a depth of at least 2.5 - 3 meters.

If you plant fruit trees in an area where groundwater is located closer to the surface, the trees will grow up to a certain point, after which they will die. This is due to the fact that their roots will grow and eventually reach groundwater, after which they will rot and die. A harbinger of the death of a fruit tree is the drying out of the top of the crown.

Therefore, if you are purchasing a plot specifically for a garden, you should find out in advance at what depth the groundwater is located.

In the central zone and in the northern regions, it is best to grow fruit trees in areas with a slight slope, as they receive more heat from the sun.

Fertile layer thickness

The effectiveness of the garden also largely depends on the thickness of the fertile garden. For fruit trees it should be large enough. In addition, it is desirable that the soil is moderately moist and permeable to air and water.

To examine the soil, trenches with a depth of about 2-2.5 meters must be dug in different places of the site, i.e. to the depth where the root system will develop. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to dense layers of soil, which must be breathable.

If the soil layers are too dense, then this deficiency can only manifest itself several years after planting - they will begin to grow poorly and may even die completely. Of course, you can grow an orchard, even if the plot does not quite meet these requirements, however, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort. In such a situation, it would be more advisable to start growing vegetables.

Relief of the site

When choosing a place for a garden, you need to pay attention to its topography, namely the presence of lowlands and depressions. If water stagnates in them for a long time after rains or snow melts, then they will have to be filled in to level the terrain. This procedure will be expensive.

If the terrain is not leveled, the trees will grow poorly as a result of soil salinity and become susceptible to fungal diseases.

Garden planning

Tree selection

If the site meets all basic requirements, you can begin planning it. To do this, first of all you need to choose fruit trees for the garden.

Depends on the following factors:

  • Household preferences, because what’s the point of growing, for example, cherries if no one will eat them?
  • Climatic conditions - you can plant only those plants that are suitable for growing in your climate.

In addition, you need to decide on the number of trees. You shouldn’t chase your dream of having a big garden. You should be realistic about how many crops you can care for.

Tree location

Having decided on the plants, you need to plan their location on the site.

First of all, let's look at where trees should not be planted:

  • Near the local area - if trees are located closer to the building than 5 meters, their roots can damage the foundation. In addition, during strong winds, branches can damage the roof.
  • Along garden paths - plant roots can swell the soil and thereby damage the covering. In addition, falling fruits will interfere with movement.
  • – harvesting from branches located on the neighboring side will be difficult.

In order for a fruit and berry garden to produce a good harvest, you should not place trees randomly on the site. The natural style is used to decorate the landscape, however, it complicates the care of the garden, which in turn reduces its productivity.

The spaces between the rows of trees can be planted with currant bushes, gooseberries and other crops.

There are several geometric plant layouts:

  • Square - plants are arranged in even rows, which provides the most convenient working conditions.
  • Checkerboard– this scheme is more dense, since there is one tree in the center of each square. This arrangement can be used for medium-sized plants that have a small crown.
  • Triangular pattern– is the most dense arrangement of trees with a large crown.
  • Horizontal arrangement– implies the presence of a slope in the area along which ledges are created.

It is better to allocate a hill for fruit plants, preferably located in the southern part of the site.
In this case, the planting of plants must be done so that the height of their trunks increases towards the north.
This will provide all the trees with light.

Another important point when designing a garden is the distance between seedlings. It should be different for different types of plants:

When planting dwarf and semi-dwarf varieties, the distance between them can be reduced to one or two meters.

Site preparation

In order for trees to grow well, the soil must be fertilized and prepared in a special way, no matter how good it is.

Instructions for performing this work are as follows:

  • First of all, the area must be fertilized with peat or manure. One and a half to two buckets of fertilizer per square meter should be applied per square meter.
  • Then the area needs to be dug up to the depth of a spade bayonet. It is advisable to perform this procedure in the fall.
  • If the soil is acidic, you need to scatter ground limestone on its surface and mix it with the soil.
  • In the spring, the area must be dug up again and leveled with a rake.

After completing these procedures, you can begin planting.

Tree planting

Boarding time

Tree planting should be done when the plants are dormant, i.e. in the fall after leaf fall or in the spring before the buds swell. In the middle zone and in the north it is better to do this procedure in early spring, and in the south - in autumn.

In spring, trees can be planted immediately after the soil thaws, when the soil stops sticking to the shovel. In the fall, it is advisable to do the work two to three weeks before the first frost so that the seedling has time to take root.

In the photo - apple tree seedlings

Seedlings for planting

Different types of seedlings are planted at different ages - apple and pear trees are best planted at the age of two to three years. Plums, cherries and sweet cherries are usually planted when they are two years old.

It is extremely important to select good varieties for planting that can cross-pollinate each other.
Before making a choice in favor of one variety or another, it is advisable to consult with experienced gardeners.
The price for seedlings of good varieties can be quite high, however, in this case it makes sense to pay more.

For two-year-old seedlings, the trunk thickness should be about two centimeters and the height about 50 centimeters. When choosing, you should pay attention to the root system, which must be intact and have a length of at least 30 centimeters.


It is advisable to prepare the pits a week before planting.

Their size should be different for different plants:

  • Apple and pear trees - depth 50-60 centimeters, diameter 80-100 centimeters.
  • Plums and cherries - depth and width are about 35-40 centimeters.

When digging a hole, the earth must be sorted - the top dark layer should be folded in one direction, and the bottom in the other.

The process of planting trees with your own hands is as follows:

  • In the center of the hole you need to make a hill from the top layer of soil.
  • Then you need to add two buckets of compost to the soil.
  • After this, the seedling is located in the center of the hole, and its roots are carefully spread around the hill.
  • After this, the hole must be filled with earth, holding the seedling. It is more convenient to do this work together.
  • After filling with soil, the plant needs to be watered (one and a half to two buckets per seedling).
  • To prevent moisture evaporation, the soil around the tree should be sprinkled with a layer of compost or peat several centimeters thick.

Note! After planting, the root collar (the transition point from the root to the trunk) should be located 6-8 centimeters above the soil level. As a result, after the ground settles, it will be at ground level.

All other seedlings are planted in the same way. If the work is done correctly, then all that remains is to provide normal care for the orchard and you can wait for the first harvest. You can find detailed information about caring for young trees on our portal.


Planting an orchard on a plot of land is not difficult, however, you must strictly adhere to all the above rules. Only in this case the complex of work performed will give a positive result. You can get some additional information on this topic from the video in this article.

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You can often hear from inexperienced gardeners that their trees do not produce as much fruit as expected. And they begin to buy state-of-the-art seedlings, cutting down all previously planted trees. But in most cases, people themselves are to blame for the fact that trees grow and bear fruit poorly. Most likely, the planting of trees was carried out according to the principle “the more, the better”; there was no talk at all about the planning of the garden. And the result of such work was plants that were always sick and did not bear fruit.

The main thing is for every owner of his own plot to understand that creating a garden, just like creating a house, must begin with careful planning.

Where does the garden begin?

The garden starts with careful analyze soil quality and climate in which your trees and shrubs will grow and bear fruit. If the soil on your site is too clayey or sandy, then it is worth fertilizing it with chernozem, peat and other useful components so that the roots receive enough nutrition.

Climatic features that interfere with fruiting:

  • too cold winters;
  • late spring frosts;
  • excessive humidity.

Therefore, trees should be selected based on the climate in which they will grow. Otherwise, you will never see fruits.

Tree selection

The choice of fruit trees and shrubs for the garden plot should be strictly local selection. After all, only those apple, pear and cherry plum trees that are accustomed to the local climate will be able to bear fruit successfully. They perfectly adapt to changes in temperature and humidity, delighting their owners with fruits, if not every year, then every other year.

Southern fruit bearers - apricots and peaches-are very afraid of autumn dampness. This is explained by the fact that in a humid climate, flowering does not end with pollination, and they become just barren flowers without fruit. And pollen, along with moisture, simply falls to the ground. No less dangerous for these shrubs are spring frosts that occur when apricots bloom.

Cherries do not tolerate proximity to groundwater, and if reclamation is not carried out in time, the plant will wither in the very near future. Excessive dampness in the spring is also not beneficial: the fruits begin to turn black and crack even before they ripen. Therefore, shrubs should be planted in pre-drained soils.

It is worth choosing plants strictly taking into account their productivity. Think about whether it is worth allocating several meters of land for trees that will bear fruit once every five or six years, or is it easier to go to the store and buy a few kilograms of apricots or peaches, and on this land plant trees that will delight you with the harvest.

Gallery: garden layout (25 photos)

Site marking

In order to know which trees to plant on the site, you need to draw a diagram on paper that will show all the existing buildings and those that you still plan to build: a house, a bathhouse, outbuildings. In addition, you should draw those trees that you do not intend to uproot.

This is necessary because every building or tree casts a shadow on everything that grows on your site. Consequently, bushes, trees and other plants will begin to stretch in the direction where there is more light. They spend a lot of energy on this, which could be spent on laying fruits. This will last until its top gets closer to the light and overcomes the obstacle. Therefore, if your house or bathhouse is completely shaded by planted trees and shrubs, then they cannot always outgrow them and they will never bear fruit.

In order to correctly distribute the trees on the site, you should also describe the height of each building and the cardinal directions. Shade those areas where the shadow will be located almost around the clock. These zones not suitable for planting trees and shrubs. Here you can safely plant flowers, make a pond or pool. In order for trees to bear fruit, shadow areas should be excluded from the places where they are planted.


Now you need to figure out how to plant trees on the site correctly. First, the gardener must decide how many trees and shrubs will grow in the garden. If you do not want to periodically prune your plants, then on one hundred square meters of vegetable garden or orchard you can plant no more than 7 pears or apple trees. Because as they grow up, they will begin to interfere with each other, casting a shadow. And in a private house, the garden and vegetable garden on the site will only be decorated.

If you still plan to trim plants, you can plant up to 15 fruit trees on one acre. If you consider yourself to be a smart summer resident, then invest in columnar trees and plant them at a distance of a meter from each other. Examples of trees of this type can be found on the Internet or in a seedling store.

It is worth remembering that pruning leads to a reduction in fruits only in apricots and cherries, because the fruits grow throughout the entire branch, and therefore it is not customary to trim them. All other trees require constant pruning. This will help add light to the fruiting branches, and the fruits will become larger. The best option would be to form a crown in the form of a ball or a wall if you planted plants near a fence.

Apple and pear trees should be planted at a distance of at least three meters from each other. But planting shrubs can be done at a distance of at least one and a half meters from each other. The layout of the garden and vegetable garden should be carried out from south to north, so the plants will not cast shadows and interfere with each other.

You should not make the garden rectangular - it will not be very convenient when caring for plants. If the gardener has laid out a rectangular-shaped orchard, then he will have to move around with equipment and fertilizers very carefully so as not to damage the tree trunks with a wheelbarrow.

Vegetable garden plan

Modern garden layout is no longer strictly rectangular. And this happened because right angles are completely inconvenient to go around with a wheelbarrow while fertilizing or watering the beds. That’s why modern garden beds are made in such a way as to make this more convenient. Interesting ideas for planning a garden plot can be found from other summer residents and gardeners.

But nevertheless, there are a number of basic principles that help achieve maximum yield from a minimum number of beds:

If a gardener chooses not to think about the layout of a garden or vegetable garden, then he will have to seriously suffer with the cultivation of garden and vegetable crops. So, having worked hard once, planning the location of trees or vegetables on the site, you will be able to save yourself from unnecessary work in the future.

Many owners of their own houses and summer cottages dream of creating a beautiful and fertile garden in their backyard, where in the summer they can wonderfully relax in the shade and enjoy the taste of fruits and berries from the trees. However, in order for the trees to bear as much fruit as possible and have enough light and fertile soil, you must first choose the right trees according to the size of your garden. In this article we will take a closer look at how to select, properly plant and care for a young fruit and berry or exotic garden. Our article will also present high-quality photos of beautiful trees for the garden.

How to choose the right trees according to garden parameters

First of all, let's get acquainted with the size of the trees. For small areas, it is best to choose dwarf species. If your garden is medium in size, then in this case you can plant fruit and berry and ornamental trees of medium and small height. For example, you can plant apple trees, hawthorn, thuja, birch, bird cherry, which do not grow higher than 10 meters.

Important. Trees of the varieties described above very rarely exceed the house, thereby not blocking it from view. Also, branches or falling fruits will not be able to damage the roof or cladding of the house.

Before choosing trees for planting, you need to pay attention to the texture of the foliage and branches. You should carefully choose a landing site. For example, if you want to hide the shortcomings of your home, then it is best to plant coniferous trees. You can plant spruce and thuja, which will block the space within a radius of 4 meters from prying eyes and become a beautiful hedge. To create shade, it is best to use broad-leaved trees, for example, maple, cherry, etc.

Recommendation. You should not use tall trees in the garden, which will block the rest of the trees from the sun. In addition, some tree species, such as maple or birch, consume a lot of water, draining your area, requiring additional irrigation.

The soil

It is imperative to study the soil on your site, since many tree varieties are quite demanding. Deciduous tree varieties love moisture, such as aspen and birch. Pine can die from excess moisture. That is why it is best to use garden special varieties of trees for soil with excess moisture.

Today, the following tree varieties are increasingly used for garden landscaping:

  • traditional trees;
  • exotic;
  • bushes.

Traditional trees

Every year, new exotic and decorative tree varieties appear that allow you to decorate any garden. However, for many years, traditional tree varieties have proven themselves to be unpretentious, frost-resistant and fertile.

Traditional trees are in turn divided into:

  • conifers;
  • deciduous;
  • fruit.

Varieties of coniferous trees for the garden:

  • fir;
  • larch;
  • cedar;
  • pine.

Evergreen tree varieties are distinguished by their unfading beauty, unsurpassed aroma and unpretentiousness to living conditions.

Today there are already more than 50 varieties of spruce. Using an evergreen tree, you can create an amazing landscape design, a beautiful hedge with an indescribable pine aroma.

Spruce can be represented:

  • with a wide cone-shaped crown;
  • narrowly growing crown;
  • whorled arrangement of branches;
  • hard needles;
  • soft needles;
  • with blue color;
  • with silver color;
  • with green color;
  • etc.

Traditional spruce can reach a height of tens of meters, precisely for this reason, it is worth planting it only away from the house or buildings, and if you have a large garden plot. There are also decorative spruce trees, which, as a rule, do not grow higher than 5-6 meters. Spruce retains its pyramidal crown and color throughout the year.

Traditional varieties of beautiful deciduous trees for the garden:

  • maple;
  • Rowan;
  • birch;
  • bird cherry;
  • chestnut;
  • elm, etc.

Rowan Birch
Bird cherry chestnut
Oak Elm

Deciduous tree varieties will be a magnificent decoration for every garden, creating a pleasant aroma, coolness and shade in the hot season.

Red maple

A very beautiful tree with purple foliage that will decorate any modern garden. With the correct formation of the crown, you can get an ornamental plant with beautiful spreading branches.

Red maple may vary:

  • crown size;
  • height from 2 to 20 meters;
  • structure;
  • foliage color;

Maple prefers the following favorable conditions:

  • partially shaded or sunny area;
  • acidic, permeable, moist soils;

Traditional varieties of fruit trees:

  • pears;
  • peaches;
  • apple trees;
  • plums;
  • cherries;
  • cherries;
  • apricots, etc.

Fruit tree varieties are distinguished by beautiful lush flowering, amazing aroma, large juicy fruits and beautiful leaves.

Pear Peach
Plum Cherry
Cherry Apricot

Apple tree

The apple tree is the most popular garden tree all over the world. Juicy and tasty fruits, beautiful lush color, unpretentiousness to the environment allow you to plant an apple tree on almost any soil.

Apple trees are divided into:

  • summer - early;
  • autumn – average;
  • winter - late.

Today, there are several hundred different varieties of apple trees, from dwarf to tall. Depending on the degree of ripening and the variety of fruit, each type of apple tree requires different conditions for ripening and care.

Apple trees prefer the following favorable conditions:

  • sunny area;
  • well-fertilized soil;
  • sour, slightly moist soils;
  • an area protected from frost and strong winds.

Exotic trees

With the help of exotic trees, you can create a colorful landscape design, where the indescribable aroma of flowering will soar.

Among the most popular and unpretentious exotic trees are:

  • Tsercis;
  • Bougainvillea;
  • Euonymus winged;
  • Angiofolia;
  • Fothergill;
  • Sakura et al.

Cercis Bougainvillea
Euonymus winged Sakura

Exotic trees prefer the following favorable conditions:

  • acidic, slightly moist or dry soils;
  • sunny area;
  • well-fertilized soil;
  • an area protected from frost and strong winds.

Of course, today more than one landscape design is complete without exotic trees and shrubs. Bright and colorful colors, magnificent aroma and amazing appearance create an indescribable landscape in your garden.


French decorative tree, which is represented by 12 different varieties. It is distinguished by its amazing red flowering and pleasant aroma. Bougainvillea is increasingly used to decorate gazebos and recreation areas. Quite unpretentious and very beautiful tree.


In garden plots, shrubs are increasingly being used in landscape design. Amazing bright flowers, a pleasant aroma and the ability to create almost any shape for shrubs allowed them to be used in every personal plot.

The most popular and picky varieties of shrubs:

  • Barberry;
  • Forsythia;
  • Mahonia;
  • Rhododendron;
  • Camellia and others

Forsythia Mahonia
Rhododendron Camellia


Barberry has found wide application as a decoration on the soil for landscape design. It is distinguished by decorative mulch of a contrasting shade, easily tolerates pruning and can be formed. Barberry is often used to create hedges. Available in purple, red, and yellow.

How to properly care for trees in the garden

In order for your trees in the garden to delight you with their pleasant aroma, beautiful flowering, juicy fruits and coolness in the hot season, you need to properly care for them throughout the year.

Let's divide the tree care period into four seasons:

in spring. We free the trees from snow, cover up any damage that must be carefully treated and covered with a protective film. As temperatures rise above 0, we begin pruning trees. When the snow has melted, we harrow the soil, fertilize the trees and plant new ones. On ornamental and exotic trees and shrubs we form a crown and structure by pruning branches. We remove protective and insulating material from ornamental trees and young ones. Trees can be grafted during this period. In May we spray the buds against pests.

In summer. We spray our garden against insects and diseases. We loosen the soil, feed it and fill the plants well with water. We remove the weeds and spray them with pesticides again in August. We harvest from fruit and berry trees.

Autumn. We collect the remaining fruits from the fruit and berry trees and begin planting seedlings. Decorative and young trees are prepared for winter by covering them with protective and insulating material.

in winter. Decorative trees and shrubs should be first covered with loose snow.

How to properly arrange trees in the garden

Depending on the size of the garden, soil type, and climate zone, trees can be planted individually or in groups. If you plan to plant trees in a group, you should ensure that they form a single composition:

  • combined size;
  • the color of the foliage matched;
  • texture was combined;

Trees and shrubs in the landscape design of a garden are as much a priority element as flowering plants. The semantic completeness of the composition depends on their correct location, because they are often planted along the perimeter to mark the boundaries of rock gardens, rockeries and other design ideas. Often the compositions of trees and shrubs themselves are accents on the site, and then flowers and other plants are planted around them.

You will learn how to arrange trees in the garden, plant a coniferous garden on a summer cottage and create other original compositions on this page.

Compositions of trees and shrubs in the garden

If there are already trees and shrubs in your garden, you need to treat them with care and understand that this is the wealth of the garden. Try to emphasize their beauty and make them accents of the garden.

If a tree or shrub dries out or significantly interferes with the ease of movement around the site, or interferes with the implementation of important plans for arranging the garden, you can think about uprooting it. Well, if there are no trees in your garden (this often happens in new, uninhabited areas), then, of course, you need to plant them! Only in this case will you create the image of the garden, and it is important to correctly determine the species of trees and shrubs and where to plant them. Remember, trees and shrubs are what make a garden a garden. They make its shape and structure noticeable, even from afar, emphasize its interesting layout, and unite the garden into a single system. In addition, trees and shrubs in the garden represent the long-term basis of the garden, to which one can add certain “scenery”, plant or architectural, and also change them, like a construction set. If you have created a successful foundation with trees and shrubs, you have created at least half the success. In order for the foundation of the garden to be successful, it is necessary to correctly select and place trees and shrubs in the garden. Moreover, the concept of “choosing the right thing” means not only choosing the right one based on the appearance and physical condition of these plants, namely the right height, with the right crown shape, with the right leaf color.

How to arrange trees and shrubs in the garden

It is necessary to plant trees and shrubs in such a way as to emphasize the planning lines of the site.

It is necessary to plant trees and shrubs in places where the appearance and shape of these trees and shrubs will emphasize the shape of the relief, the shape of structures and structures on the landscape, the configuration and other landscape objects.

Pay attention to the photo; shrubs in the garden, like trees, look good at the entrance to the house and on the site:

Photo gallery

Trees and shrubs look good next to garden stairs and retaining walls.

Trees and shrubs look good at forks and bends of paths.

Suitable places for trees in landscape design are around the perimeter of the site.

You can plant trees and shrubs in flower beds and next to flower beds.

An elegant option for placing shrubs in landscape design - as “solo” plants or accents.

The original arrangement of trees and shrubs in the garden

The original arrangement of trees and shrubs in the garden is to place them in “modules,” that is, specially organized places for planting trees and shrubs during construction.

Shrubs in garden design look original in places where the so-called “garden perspectives” (beautiful views into the distance) are located.

Moreover, if such a perspective is wide, it is “divided” with the help of trees and shrubs into several types, and if it is narrow, then it is decorated with plants along the edges, like a “frame”.

Trees and shrubs in garden design (with photos)

Each group of trees and shrubs should contain plants of different shapes, different heights, with different shapes and colors of leaves, in order to give a variety of textures to the whole. One of the most beautiful types of tree design in the garden is a sharply contrasting group, where absolutely all of its components have a different crown shape.

But at the same time, for a special purpose, groups of plants with some identical characteristics are often arranged, for example, a group of shrubs that have only a spherical crown shape.

Pay attention to the photo: trees in landscape design must be balanced by other parameters: the size of the plants, the color of leaves and flowers, the relative position of these plants relative to each other.

Photo gallery

Each group should look good from different points in the garden. Therefore, when compiling it, it is necessary to periodically inspect it from all sides from a certain distance.

Planting trees in landscape design (with photos)

Planting trees in landscape design should be done according to the principle of tiers: from taller plants to lower ones; they cannot be randomly mixed.

Photo gallery

In this case, light-loving plants should be located on the southern side of the group. Tiered planting is not only beautiful, but also beneficial for plants: such plantings create the best conditions for lighting all plants. Each group of ornamental shrubs in a garden design, like each group of trees, should be composed taking into account seasonality, so that it is decorative throughout the season. In order for it to be decorative in winter, the group must include trees or shrubs with expressive patterns and colors of branches, as well as conifers. Beautiful groups of trees and shrubs combine trees of the same species of different ages, for example, a group of spruce trees of different ages.

An effective option is a group of plants of the same species, but of different varieties, for example, a group planting of different varieties of mountain ash or a group of 3-4 varieties of maple.

Coniferous garden at the dacha (dacha plot)

Photo gallery

Coniferous gardens are especially beautiful, where several types of coniferous plants are combined. In addition, with the help of coniferous gardens in the countryside, you can create so-called “health corners”, where it will be especially pleasant and useful to relax after a hard day.

Decorative trees and shrubs in landscape design

A beautiful “designer” technique for planting plants in groups is bouquet planting. Of course, it is better to plant some plants, not all, in this way; then the effect will be greater, since there will be a contrast between the plantings.

Ornamental trees in landscape design during bouquet planting are planted in one planting hole several at a time (but no more than 5). In this case, the planting pit itself is made wider, and the roots of the plants are placed not in the center, but along the edges of the pit. Bouquet planting is good not only in a group, but also when creating a separate garden accent. In this case, the tree or shrub may be less “showy”; the bouquet style of planting will give expressiveness.

You can create a group of completely different trees and shrubs, but with one predominant foliage color, for example, a “silver” group.

Do not forget that often groups of ornamental shrubs in landscape design are supplemented with herbaceous perennials, grasses, annual flowers and decorative elements; this gives such groups additional “degrees of freedom”.

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But trees and shrubs not only emphasize the originality and beauty of the garden. As you can see in the photo, shrubs in garden design are unrivaled decorators: if there are any problems in the garden, you can easily eliminate them with the help of trees and shrubs, since these are large objects that completely distract attention to themselves.

Decorative trees and shrubs in garden design

If the area of ​​the plot is small, you can visually dissolve the boundaries of the garden by planting trees, shrubs and flowers.

The difference in shapes, textures, shades of foliage, bright spots will do their job: the clarity of the boundaries will disappear, and you will get the impression that there, further on, is also a garden.

In the case of a small and too legible garden area, the “shape distortion” method is also suitable. And here trees and shrubs simply have no equal - to emphasize the “new” planning lines.

If you see the entire area at once, you evaluate its entire area. But the garden should be full of mysteries and discoveries, so that you want to see what’s there next, what other interesting corners there are in this garden.

It follows that interesting corners should be somewhat hidden, or at least half-open. The best solution is garden partitions, as well as beautiful trees and shrubs.

Design of trees and shrubs in the garden

It is necessary to arrange the garden in such a way that from any point in the garden you can see a beautiful “perspective”, and your gaze will not “stumble” on anything. Then your garden will have depth. At the same time, the observed perspective should not be too straightforward, that is, the view in question should not look like a monotonous corridor, it should be pleasant to the eye. You should see enough interesting objects that you would like to look at.

For example, you can look into the distance and see a beautifully shaped tree or shrub, a bright flower garden, an unusual element of a path, a corner of a gazebo, shine, notice the transition from shadow to light, and in the distance, as a result of the entire visual “journey,” see a beautiful group of trees, and underneath them is a recreation area.

If there is at least a slight relief on the site, the site definitely seems larger. Sometimes this effect can be achieved by filling your garden with “potential difference” with the help of plants of different heights, shapes and textures, and trees and shrubs are best suited for this - they are the most expressive.

It's no secret that a mirror doubles space, so your garden itself can become such a mirror. It's simple: pay attention to the views outside your garden. And then repeat certain elements of what you see in your own area. If you see a lake in the distance, plan on your site, if there is a river - if there is a birch grove - planting birch trees, if there is a hilly landscape -.

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The principle is this: the surrounding nature should be reflected on your site, like in a mirror. This also applies to nearby objects: for example, if you see your neighbor’s tree behind the fence, that means you need to include it in your composition. Just in this place near the fence, organize a group of ornamental shrubs so that this tree looks like part of your group.

Trees and shrubs are the first helpers for creating “green rooms” in the garden. They can also be used to create hedges.

If the area is too damp, trees and shrubs around the perimeter of the area will help you. This solution is quite compatible with the “openwork” options, and in terms of effectiveness it is even better than the previous one, since the most effective remedy against the wind is to let it “get tangled.” In combination with a non-solid fence, many layers and various guides are formed along which the wind will change direction and be greatly weakened.

If the area is too sunny, planting trees and shrubs will provide much-desired shade and increase humidity. Take care of the trees and shrubs that you already have and plant new ones.

Place new plantings so that at any time of the day, at any position of the sun, there are some “islands” of shadow on the site. To correctly determine the locations, observe the “route” of the sun during the day in advance.

Trees and shrubs on a plot in the forest

If your site is in the forest, trees and shrubs will have a certain landscape “exclusiveness”. Therefore, you should definitely not cut down trees and shrubs to the maximum. This requires careful analysis.

The best solution is to create a plot in the “forest garden” style. There is no need to strive for maximum lighting here; a forest garden is a shady garden. Lighten only some strategic areas, but do not try to make the entire area sunny - its individuality will disappear.