Literary and musical montage for Victory Day "a line scorched by war." Literary and musical composition "May 9" for elementary school students Installation for May 9 in elementary school

On the eve of May 9, anti-war rallies, demonstrations, and concerts in honor of the Victory are held everywhere. War veterans take part in rallies and recall episodes related to hostilities. Children meet veterans, give them flowers, and organize holiday concerts. A script is written for each of these festive events. It uses famous songs dedicated to the victory over fascism, poems written by war poets and about the war. Writing a script for the May 9 holiday is quite difficult if you expect to have a large audience and a concert lasting several hours. It’s a little easier to create a children’s script for Victory Day. In our article you will find many original ideas, with their help you will create an excellent concert program.

Children's theatrical script for May 9

Since May 9 is a day off, rallies and concerts dedicated to the Great Victory take place the day before. Typically these events are held from May 5th to 8th. A few days before the onset of the holidays and the day of the performance, “battle leaflets” - wall newspapers dedicated to various events of 1941-1945 - are placed on the walls of the foyer and in the halls of the school. These can also be thematic newspapers, for example, about the Battle of Stalingrad, about the Siege of Leningrad, about the Brest Hero-Fortress. Before the children's performance, the official part of the event is held. Performances and concerts can be thematic - dedicated to one of the heroes of the war, the feat of an individual soldier or a battle.

Idea for a script for Victory Day - “Brest Fortress”

Improvised ruins of the Brest Fortress are being built on the stage. Schoolchildren show scenes from S. Smirnov’s book “Brest Fortress”. Behind the stage there are sounds that imitate the roar of cannonade, the whistle of bullets, the sounds of exploding bombs and shells, and German speech spoken by the Nazis and interspersed with shots. The speech can be ended with a story about how long the fortress lasted and why Brest bears the title of hero city.

Concept for the script for May 9 - “The Feat of a Soldier”

The script is based on the feat of one person - a war hero. It could be a dramatized story about a soldier who died protecting his comrades or saving children at the cost of his own life. Stories of heroic soldiers can be found in literature and on websites dedicated to the memory of soldiers.

Idea for a script for Victory Day in kindergarten - “Children-Heroes”

In the performance you can talk about the child heroes of the Great Patriotic War - Valya Kotik, Lena Golikov, Zina Portnova and other children who gave their lives for their Motherland. The performance can be made up of several scenes dedicated to the last days of the life of the child heroes.

Concept for the scenario of Victory Day in primary school - “Once Upon a Time in the Gestapo”

The performance is dedicated to people who died in the Gestapo or to the heroes who saved prisoners from execution. Children taking part in this production for Victory Day, according to the script, can recite poems, read out “dry numbers” about the number of dead, about children shot in concentration camps, about the victims of the Gestapo. Here you need to mention the names of the dead, their ages, and the cause of their death. There is also always music during the performance.

The school script for the rally for May 9 is “War is coming!”

The rally can begin with the included recording of Levitan’s voice, who announced to all residents of the Soviet Union the beginning of the Great Patriotic War on June 22, 1941. Next, according to the scenario, the song or music “Holy War” may sound. Here you need to use the following visual and sound designs to enhance the effect of the speeches of speakers and guests of the rally:

  • solemn music;
  • poems dedicated to the battles of the Second World War, victories in each of the battles;
  • songs about war, anti-war and anti-fascist songs.

The rally always ends with congratulations from the veterans who came to the guys. The glorious fighters of the Great War are awarded memorable prizes and flowers, they are thanked for the gift of peace. It happens that veterans do not come to the rally: too many years have passed since the end of the war, and most of the participants and witnesses of the battles are no longer in this world. In this case, it is imperative to honor the memory of those who died during the battles and after them.

Scenario for May 9th for veterans in kindergarten or school

On the eve of the celebration of the Great Victory, veterans who participated in the battles for the liberation of Russian cities and cities of the former USSR, captured and occupied by fascist invaders in the period from 1941 to 1945, come to schools and kindergartens. These meetings are prepared with special care. A children's drawing competition is announced in advance. Kids and schoolchildren can draw how they see the war with their own eyes and what the word “Victory” means to them.

Beautiful drawings for Victory Day. How to draw step by step, see

Holiday ideas for veterans - “Heroes from our city”

This children's performance is entirely dedicated to people who lived on the same streets as today's kids and schoolchildren. Find out in advance the history of the names of the streets of your city. In most cities, the names of some streets are named after heroes of the Great Patriotic War. It will be good if you make a production about a person little known in the country.

The concept of the script for May 9 - “War in the works of modern poets”

In this theatrical and musical performance dedicated to the war against fascism, it will be necessary to use music, poems and songs of composers, musicians and poets living today. Military songs by Vladimir Vysotsky, Bulat Okudzhava, and poems by Robert Rozhdestvensky will fit well into the script of the performance. Young people - children and schoolchildren - will listen especially carefully to songs about the war performed by their idols - Boris Grebenshchikov, Yuri Shevchuk. Veterans will be touched by songs performed by Mark Bernes and Klavdia Shulzhenko.

The idea for the script for May 9 for veterans is “The Feat of a Scout”

During the war of 1941-1945, dozens of the most talented people worked for the Soviet Union - intelligence officers sent under the guise of German specialists and officers to Germany. For many years, they collected and transmitted vital information about the enemy’s plans and were able to prevent thousands of deadly flights of fighter planes, destroyed plans to capture cities, and saved the lives of millions of people. The scenario about the activities of Soviet intelligence will be interesting to both boys and veterans who come to visit them. The speech may also be dedicated to one intelligence officer, for example, Anatoly Gurevich, who served Semenov as the prototype of Otto von Stirlitz.

Children's rally for veterans “Book of Memory”

The presentation in this scenario is for informational purposes only. During the performance, children read out the pages of the Book of Memory - the names of heroes who saved other people and gave their lives in the name of Victory. For a long time, the number of victims of the 1941-1945 war was estimated at twenty million. It was believed that it was 20 million very different people from all the republics of the former country - the Soviet Union - who laid down their lives for a country that no longer exists today. According to updated data, more than 27 million people became victims of the war of 1941-1945. The “Book of Memory” performance can be part of a larger performance, for example, a performance based on the scenario “War of 1941 - 1945”.

A selection of the best songs for Victory Day for school and kindergarten

Any scenario for May 9 must be flexible. It should be compiled in such a way that you can correct and correct it at any time.

Kindergartens celebrate Victory Day together with all the people. Educators strive to make the celebration touching, bright, and memorable. On this day, kindergartens and schools welcome dear guests - veterans of the Great Patriotic War. The scripts necessarily include congratulations for veterans and a concert program for them. To make May 9th a memorable day for your students and guests, take advantage of the holiday ideas presented in our section. Here you will find:

  • scenarios for holidays and meetings;
  • ideas for poetry competitions;
  • scripts for theatrical productions and literary and musical compositions;

Scenarios of events for the Victory Day

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All sections | Victory Day. Scenarios for festive events on May 9

Scenario for the holiday "Victory Day" Holiday May 9(preparatory group begins) Dramatization to a song"Still Alive" (stand freely around the hall) He: June... The sunset was approaching evening and the sea was spreading into the white night. And there was a ringing laughter of the guys, who did not know, did not know grief. She: June...We didn’t know then, So...

Scenario of the holiday for May 9 “Victory Day” Holiday scenario« Victory Day» 2017 Leading. Today holiday - Victory Day! Happy, bright spring day, All the streets are dressed in flowers, And sonorous songs can be heard! 1 child Glorious holiday - Victory Day, And spring blooms around. We live under a peaceful sky, The children sleep peacefully. 2...

Victory Day. Scenarios for festive events on May 9 - Summary of entertainment “Victory Day” for senior preschool age

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Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Holiday dedicated to Victory Day Purpose of the holiday: To expand knowledge about public holidays and the historical heritage of our country; Objectives: To develop spiritual, moral and intellectual potential through artistic and aesthetic means; musical culture; a sense of pride in the heroism of our people....

Scenario of festive leisure time “Victory Day” in the senior group Scenario of festive leisure time “Victory Day” Senior group Teachers: Smirnova Ekaterina Andreevna, Glebova Galina Nikolaevna Participants: children, teachers, parents Objectives: - To contribute to the formation in children of pride in their people, their military merits. - Involve parents in...

Sports festival dedicated to Victory Day in 3rd grade Sports festival dedicated to Victory Day Goal: to create a festive mood in children from this bright holiday, which is celebrated by many countries; cultivate respect for the people who defended our country; develop the physical abilities of students. Our motto: We, Aflatunians, are friendly...

Victory Day. Scenarios for festive events on May 9 - Scenario for a literary and musical composition for the 74th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War

The literary and musical composition “Wars are sacred pages forever in human memory” was staged for a festive concert on the 74th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Poems and songs of Soviet poets and composers were used. Participants - teachers and students...

Scenario of the military sports game "Zarnichka" dedicated to the 74th anniversary of the Victory in the Second World War for children of senior preschool age. Prepared by: senior teacher of the highest qualification category Minkina V.I.; physical education instructor Dereng N.V. Participants: older children,...

74 years have passed. There are only a few Liberators left - participants in the war! Those whose blood the pages of the Victory Book of the country's biography are written. What a huge journey has been made since then, And there have been many memorable dates! But everyone remembers only this date! This was the case many years ago. Great holiday...

Scenario of the holiday dedicated to Victory Day for senior and preparatory groups Scenario for a holiday dedicated to Victory Day for senior and preparatory groups. Track 1. Music sounds. Children of the older group go out with the leader. Child 1: The day is bright in the morning, wonderful, It blossomed all over with flowers. We hear the sound of songs - The holiday has come to our city! Leading:...

Victory Day holiday in kindergarten

May 9 is a significant day for every person in our country. And despite the fact that more than six decades have passed since Victory Day, we still remember and know a lot about those years. I think this is due to the fact that we were given knowledge about the war and the exploits of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers at school, or even in kindergarten. And it is right. It is not for nothing that they say that in early childhood the foundation or foundation is laid for everything on which a harmonious personality can later be built.

You can celebrate the holidays dedicated to the ninth of May in older groups or attract help from preparatory students. The holiday script, as well as preliminary preparation options, can be found on the website. In order for the holiday to be emotional and successful, the teacher must tell the group in advance about the significance of Victory Day. It is best if the teacher reads thematic literature, books about victory, about fascism and the heroism of our soldiers. You can even reinforce the material you have covered with a thematic drawing lesson.

The site also has a great idea for holding a holiday for war veterans and home front workers. The teachers organized a meeting with war participants and delighted the grandparents with musical numbers and songs from the war years. The article on this subject correctly noted that wars should never be forgotten. And not only because this is a feat of the whole country and a historical event. When a war is forgotten, the ancients said, a new one begins, because memory is the main enemy of war.

Target: to cultivate love for the Motherland, a sense of patriotism, pride in one’s country, gratitude and respect for WWII veterans.


“Today, at 4 o’clock in the morning, without presenting any claims against the Soviet Union, without declaring war, German troops attacked our country, attacked our borders in many places and bombed our cities from their planes...”

A recording of the song “Holy War” is played (A. Alexandrov, V. Lebedev-Kumach). Children dressed in military uniforms enter and read poetry.

1 student.

June. The sunset was approaching evening
And the sea overflowed during the white night,
And the sonorous laughter of the guys was heard,
Those who do not know, those who do not know grief.

2 student.

June. We didn't know then
Walking from school evenings,
That tomorrow will be the first day of the war,
And it will end only in 1945, in May.

3 student.

41st! June.
A year and a month of national struggle.
Even the dust of time
This date cannot be delayed.
The country was rising
And she went to the front in company
Red stars
Carrying away banners on canvas.

A recording of the song “Holy War” is playing. The guys leave.

4 student.

Oh, war, what have you done, you vile one?
Our yards have become quiet.
Our boys raised their heads
They have matured for the time being.
They barely loomed on the threshold
And they went after the soldier - soldier,
Goodbye boys
Boys, try to go back.

Teacher: Our entire people rose up to fight the Nazi invaders. Both old and young went to the front, straight from school. “Everything for the front, everything for victory” - the motto sounded everywhere. And in the rear there were women, old people, children. They faced many trials. They dug trenches, stood at machine tools, extinguished incendiary bombs on the roofs. It was hard.

5 student.

Can you really tell me about this?
What years did you live in?
What an immeasurable burden
It fell on women's shoulders!
That morning I said goodbye to you
Your husband, or brother, or son,
And you and your destiny
Left alone.
You walked, hiding your grief,
The harsh way of labor.
The entire front, from sea to sea,
You fed me with your bread.
I chopped, transported, dug -
But can you really re-read everything?
And in letters to the front she assured,
It's like you're living a great life.

Teacher: The soldiers fought for peace. In the respites between battles, in cramped dugouts and cold trenches, they wrote letters home. Letters were sent without envelopes, folded into a triangle.

The song “Zemlyanka” (K. Listov, A. Surkov) is played. Three boys depict fighters at a campsite near a “bonfire” who write “letters.”

6 student.

Dear mommy!
Don't remember me in tears,
Leave your worries and worries.
The path is long, the native land is far away,
But I will return to the familiar threshold!

7 student.

My love is still with you
The Motherland is with you, you are not alone, dear.
You are visible to me when I go into battle,
Defending your great happiness.

8 student.

(The boys fold the letters into triangles, get up and leave)

Teacher: Very young fighters fought on the front lines and in partisan detachments along with adults. Next to the names of the legendary war heroes Panfilov, Karbyshev, Gastello and many others, we name the names of young heroes who gave their lives for victory.

(A group of children line up, each holding a poster with a portrait of a pioneer - a hero. Children pronounce the hero’s surname)

9 student.

Young beardless heroes,
You remain young forever.

We stand without raising our eyelids.
Pain and anger are the reason now
Eternal gratitude to you all,
Little tough men
Girls worthy of poems.

10 student.

How many of you? Try to list
You won’t, but it doesn’t matter,
You are with us today, in our thoughts,
In every song, in the light noise of leaves,
Quietly knocking on the window.

11 student.

And we seem three times stronger,
As if they too were baptized by fire,
Young beardless heroes,
In front of your suddenly revived formation
We are walking mentally today.

Teacher: The exploits of Soviet soldiers at the walls of the Brest Fortress, near Moscow and Leningrad, Stalingrad and Sevastopol, and on the Kursk Bulge have become unforgettable pages in the history of the war. It was difficult. And the song helped me survive. Songs of the war years are especially dear to us.

Children perform a medley of wartime songs.

"Katyusha"(M. Blanter, M. Isakovsky)

Apple and pear trees bloomed,
Fogs floated over the river,
Katyusha came ashore,
On a high bank, on a steep one.

"On a Nameless Height"(V. Basner, M. Matusovsky)

The grove under the mountain was smoking,
And the sunset burned with her...
There were only three of us left
Out of 18 guys.
There are so many of them, good friends,
Left to lie in the dark
Near an unfamiliar village.
At an unnamed height.

"Oh, roads"(A. Novikov, L. Oshanin)

Eh, roads... Dust and fog,
Cold, anxiety
Yes, steppe weeds.
Is it snowing in the wind?
Let's remember, friends...
These are dear to us
It is impossible to forget.

"Cranes"(Ya. Frenkel, R. Gamzatov)

Sometimes it seems to me that the soldiers
Those who did not come from the bloody fields,
They once did not die in our land,
And they turned into white cranes.
They are still from those ancient times
They fly and give us voices.
Isn’t that why it’s so often and sad
Do we fall silent while looking at the heavens?

Teacher: The war lasted 4 terrible years - 1418 days and nights. On May 9, 1945, Berlin, the last stronghold of fascism, fell. The entire sky exploded with fireworks of the long-awaited victory.

12 student.

On the ninth day of jubilant May,
When silence fell on the ground,
The news rushed from edge to edge:
The world has won! The war is over!
In the name of the Fatherland -
In the name of the living -
In the name of the future -

Teacher: More than 20 million Soviet people died during the Great Patriotic War. A minute of silence is announced. Let us honor the memory of the fallen.

Through the centuries, through the years -
About those who will never come again.
Do not Cry!
Hold back the moans in your throat,
Bitter moans
Be worthy of the memory of the fallen!
Eternally worthy!

The song “Victory Day” sounds” (D. Tukhmanov, V. Kharitonov)

13 student.

We need peace - you and me,
And to all the children in the world.
And the dawn should be peaceful,
Which we will meet tomorrow.
We need peace, grass in dew,
Smiling childhood.
We need peace, a beautiful world,

14 student.

Who is bothered by this world - with flowers on the edge?
Who is in this world, wonderful world
Aimed the cannon?
I'll be happy…
You will be glad...
And we will all be happy...
When all the bullets and shells disappear on the ground!
Why are they scaring us again?
With hidden anger
That terrible atomic war,
Is it a neutron bomb?

15 student.

"No!" - we declare to war,
To all evil and black forces.
The grass should be green
And the sky is blue - blue.
Do you hear, friend, the streams are ringing,
Birds sing on the branches,
On a wonderful land
We were lucky to be born.
So let it always bloom,
Let the gardens rustle,
Let people look at her
With loving eyes!

Children perform the song “Sunny Circle”.

Friends! No matter what glorious dates the years bring us closer to,
The world will never forget Spring, born in 1945!

Bringing renewal to the planet, destroying the forces of evil
In those days, the spring of liberation came in smoke and flame.

HOST 1 So that in a bright and beautiful world they do not know the horrors of war
Blossom, Motherland, as a symbol of the all-conquering spring!

Dear veterans, dear guests, friends! Exactly 70 years ago, on a spring day on May 7, 1945, the preliminary protocol of surrender of Nazi Germany was signed. On May 8, the final act of unconditional surrender was signed in Berlin. Germany admitted itself defeated.

So it came Great Victory Day!

Happy great holiday, power,

With victorious light on the way!

Brighter than the holiday, perhaps

Can't be found on the entire planet!

This day is warmed by human tears.

No matter how much time passes,

To everyone who quietly says:

"Victory Day!" -

There is no need to explain anything.

"Victory Day!" - that means they died

Our grandfathers are not in vain,

Our land was watered with blood,

So that a peaceful dawn rises.

"Victory Day!" - that means there is no fascism,

This means there is a quiet light over Russia,

This means that children are born for life,

For happy, peaceful long lives.

We offer our congratulations to everyone who endured the war on their own shoulders.

The longest day of the year

With its cloudless weather

He gave us a common misfortune

For everyone, for all four years.

She made such a mark

And laid so many on the ground,

What's twenty and thirty years

The living cannot believe that they are alive.

Before the Victory there were 2600 kilometers, 1418 days, more than 20 million graves, every eighth of our compatriots died...

The roar of the treacherous shelling of Brest reached every city and village of our country. Our entire land began to lament and groan, and our wounded Motherland began to wail.

And her sons and daughters stood up and rose to her defense. They had different names, different nationalities. But they all became brothers and sisters by blood, because they shed their blood on one great battlefield. They shed it for the salvation of one common mother - the Motherland, Russia!

Nobody wanted war. People planted flowers, built new cities, raised children, and built a beautiful, bright, unprecedented house on Earth.

And we had to fight. Freeze, die, resurrect, but with one desire - to win. Everyone wanted this, and believed, and lived with one thing - to ward off trouble. And they did not spare their lives for this.

The war spared no one. Neither the elderly, nor the young, nor even children... Now they are called “children of war.” But is it possible to remain a child in war? Even if you are only 3, 5 or 8?

The war even disrupted demographics.

And in the forty-first - thrice cursed year

In schoolchildren's biographies

Made an unimaginable leapfrog!

Having measured life in other quantities,

You entered the adult world directly,

Having become almost seasoned men,

Not remembering my youth for a moment...

41 years changed destinies, stained them with blood and tears, shortened the lives of many boys and girls, destroyed the bright dreams of seventeen-year-olds who went straight from their prom “from childhood to an infantry echelon, to a medical platoon”...

They wanted to return to warm homes to look into the kind eyes of their mothers, full of longing and sadness. They really wanted to... but they rushed into the embrasures of enemy machine guns, died under bullets, suffered martyrdom in the enemy rear...

What pushed yesterday’s boys and girls to do this? Most likely, for each generation, sooner or later the hour comes when it must take responsibility for Russia, for the people and for everything in the world!

And the days fly by. Big friendly spring

The world is decorated as far as the eye can see.

How should we value our lives?

When did it cost so much!

I don't want the thunder of the cannonade

Heard your child, yours and yours.

I don’t want Leningrad to starve,

He touched them with a merciless hand.

I don't want the dates to be exposed

Like a cancerous tumor of the Earth,

I don't want them to come to life again

And someone's life was taken from the planet.

And we still hear the sound of a drop

Victorious, long-awaited spring,

How good it is that the starlings are singing again,

How good it is to fall in love and laugh,

How good it is to be sad sometimes,

How good it is to meet and say goodbye,

And it’s just good to live in the world!

How nice it is to wake up at dawn,

It's good that you have dreams at night,

How good it is that the planet is spinning,

How nice it is in the world without war!

I was born when everything was in the past.

Our victory is 70 years old,

But how close to me is what is already in the past,

Thank you that we did not know war

That we don't hear the noise of those terrible .

That you gave us life with your life!

May God grant you, veterans, many years to come!

The ninth of May is a great date!

Who knows what would have happened then, in '45,

Whenever our great-grandfathers and grandfathers

They didn’t achieve a great Victory for us,

When the Barbarossa plan would not have failed

About the will, about the strength, about the courage of the Russians...

Today we bow our heads...

But there is no need for unnecessary words and tears.

We will remember all those who died, together

We'll stand at the obelisk.

Remember! Through the centuries,

Years from now, remember!

About those who will never come again -


Do not Cry! In your throat, hold back your moans,

Bitter moans.

Be worthy of the memory of the fallen!

Eternally worthy!

Victory! What a catchword!

It lights up hearts like fire,

It makes anyone tremble.

It raises a fighter to feat!

Victory - and volleys thunder over the country,

And the trumpets play, and the lips sing.

Hello, plowman!

Salute to you, warrior!

And to our Motherland -

Fireworks three times! Firework! Firework!

Salute and glory to the anniversary

Forever a memorable day.

Salute to victory in Berlin

The power of fire was trampled by fire.

Salute to her big and small

To the creators who followed the same path,

To her soldiers and generals,

Heroes, fallen and alive.

Let the victory fireworks thunder
The world is warmed by this light.
Congratulations to the veterans!
Victory Day for many years!

Today the holiday enters every home.

And joy comes to people with him.

We congratulate everyone on the great day,

Happy day of our glory, Happy Victory Day!!!


Years pass, the 21st century has already arrived. And although the victorious day of May 9 is getting further and further from us, the greatness of this holiday cannot be diminished. Now our country is celebrating another anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. This victory was not easy for us, so we must think about peace and fight for it every day, every hour. And today we dedicate our meeting to those who brought the bright Victory Day closer.

I don't know when this will be
In the shade of white-trunked birches
Victory on May 9
People will celebrate without tears.
Victory marches will rise
Army pipes of the country,
And the marshal will go to the army,
Not having seen this war.

War! Your terrible trail
Lives in dusty archives,
In the banners of victories
And in sensational films.
War! Your bitter trail
And in the books that are on the shelf.
And now five decades
I carry your pieces.

Presenter 2:

Literature and art have always acted as guardians of the memory of generations. More than a thousand writers went to the front, and about four hundred of them did not return. Hot on the heels of the war, prose writers and poets created their works. War correspondents were Konstantin Simonov, Alexey Surkov, Alexander Tvardovsky and others.

The “Song of War Correspondents” sounds. Sl. K. Simonova, music. Blanter. (text is given in the Appendix)

Presenter 1:

Alexander Tvardovsky wrote his “Book for a Soldier,” the most famous, perhaps, in 1941-1945. It belongs to those books that helped in the victory over the Nazis. The main character of this book is Vasily Terkin. One of the few literary heroes to whom a monument has been erected in our country.

Terkin - who is he?
Let's be honest:
Just a guy himself
He's ordinary.

Allow me to report
Short and simple:
I'm a big hunter to live
About ninety years old.

You can live without food for a day,
More is possible, but sometimes
In a one-minute war
Can't live without a joke
Jokes of the most unwise.

It’s impossible to live without shag,
From bombing to another
Without a good saying
Or some kind of saying.

Presenter 2:

Poetry was the most operative, most popular genre of the war years. It was poetry that expressed people's need for truth, without which a sense of responsibility for their country is impossible. Many of the poets did not return from the war, “not loving, not finishing the last cigarette.” But talented poems remained, the memory of those bloody days.

S. Orlov “They buried him in the globe”

They buried him in the globe,
And he was just a soldier,
In total, friends, a simple soldier
No titles or awards.
The earth is like a mausoleum to him
For a million centuries,
And the Milky Ways are gathering dust
Around him from the sides.
The clouds sleep on the red slopes,
Blizzards are sweeping,
Heavy thunder roars,
The winds are taking off.
The battle ended a long time ago...
By the hands of all friends
The guy is placed in the globe,
It's like being in a mausoleum...

Presenter 1:

Already on the third day of the war, a song was created that became a symbol of the unity of the people in the fight against the enemy - “Holy War” based on the verses of Vasily Lebedev-Kumach.

An excerpt from the song “Holy War” is played.

Presenter 2:

Aspiring poets came to the front - students of the Gorky Literary Institute, IFLI, Moscow University: Mikhail Kulchitsky, Pavel Kogan, Nikolai Mayorov, Vsevolod Bagritsky. As if anticipating their fate and the fate of their country, they wrote about the upcoming trials that the war would inevitably bring.

Poems by Boris Kostrov “Let the enemy be treacherous” are heard

Let the enemy be cunning -
It's no problem.
The Russian infantry knows no barriers,
Bayonets shine, trains rumble,
The pennants of the Baltic Fleet are rushing to victory.

And in the sky
Having made a circle and height
Having dialed, the eagles enter into battle.
And right away,
We hear hearts beating faster,
But we act calmly,
By order.

We know everything
That there are no such enemies
To bend and crumple the will of the Russians.
We are us.
Let there be our blood
Just as pure in the hearts of descendants.

Presenter 1:

In April 1941, Pavel Kogan, a young talented poet who died at the front in 1942, wrote the following poems:

We should lie down, where to lie down,
And there's no place to stand or lie down
And suffocated by the “Internationale”,
Fall face down on the dried grass.
And I won’t get up and get into the annals,
And even your loved ones cannot find glory.

Presenter 1:

It was eighteen-year-old Pavel Kogan who wrote the famous lines: “I haven’t liked the oval since childhood! I’ve been drawing corners since childhood!” The well-known song “Brigantine”, which has become popular, is also his.

Presenter 2:

At the fronts, poets were not only war correspondents, they were war workers: artillerymen, tank crews, pilots, sailors; they died in besieged Leningrad, died from wounds in military hospitals.

Poem by M. Kulchitsky “Dreamer, visionary, lazy, envious!”

Dreamer, visionary, lazy, envious!
What? Are bullets in a helmet safer than drops?
And the horsemen rush by with a whistle
Sabers spinning with propellers.

I used to think: Lieutenant
It sounds like “pour it for us”
And, knowing the topography,
He stomps on the gravel.

War is not fireworks at all,
It's just hard work
When -
black with sweat -
Infantry slides through the plowing.

And clay in the slurping tramp
Freezing feet to the marrow
Filled with chebots
The weight of bread is a month's ration.
The fighters also have buttons
Scales of heavy orders.
Not up to the order.
If only there was a homeland
With daily Borodino.

Presenter 1:

The poetry of the war years appealed to the soul of every person, conveyed his thoughts, feelings, experiences, and instilled faith and hope. This generation, which survived all the hardships of the war, turned to its descendants decades later, recalling the high moral feat of the people who protected the world from the brown plague.

Poems sound:

Semyon Gudzenko “Inscription on the Stone”; (see Attachment)

Nikolai Mayorov “Then It Was Spring”; (see Attachment)

Presenter 2:

In the famine-sieged Leningrad, Olga Bergolts wrote her “February Diary” in the terrible winter of 1942. Leningraders fell to the loudspeakers, listening every day to the poems of Olga Bergolts, which strengthened their spirit and instilled faith in an imminent victory. In her poems, war is portrayed not as a feat, not as heroism, but as a test of humanity, simply as life, albeit incredibly difficult.

Poems by Olga Bergolts “I’m talking to you to the whistling of shells”

...I'm talking to you amid the whistling of shells,
Illuminated with a gloomy glow.
I'm talking to you from Leningrad,
My country, sad country.

Kronstadt evil, indomitable wind
The thrown thing hits my face.
The children fell asleep in the bomb shelter,
the night watch stood at the gate.

There is a mortal threat over Leningrad...
Sleepless nights, every day is hard.
But we have forgotten what tears are,
What is called fear and prayer.

I say: us, citizens of Leningrad,
The roar of cannonades will not shake,
And if tomorrow there are barricades -
We will not leave our barricades.

And women and fighters will stand next to each other,
And the children will bring us cartridges,
And they will bloom over all of us
Ancient banners of Petrograd.

Hands squeezing the charred heart,
I make this promise
I, a city dweller, the mother of a Red Army soldier,
Killed near Strelna in battle.

We will fight with selfless strength,
We will defeat the rabid animals
We will win, I swear to you, Russia,
On behalf of Russian mothers.

Presenter 1:

The most talented poet of the 20-30s, Joseph Utkin, fought on the Bryansk Front, and in the battle the fingers of his right hand were torn off. Having barely recovered, he again sought to be sent to the front. He never lost faith in victory even in the most difficult times. His poems are strongly mixed with hatred of the enemy; his poetry was also a friend and companion of a suffering person. Joseph Utkin died when returning from the front, where he liberated Bucharest. Friends wrote letters to his blind mother for a long time on behalf of the poet, until she died without learning about the death of her son.

Poems by I. Utkin “Mass Grave”

I glorify death at the Zaozernaya hill.
Well, what about me? Is it really not in battle?
And I won’t go to a mass grave,
it's shameful
Will I rot somewhere on departure?

I understand that this is not the point.
I know from an early age that it doesn’t matter
So to speak, to an insensitive body
Rotten everywhere. I know...But...

If you judge and figure it out,
It’s not easy, comrades, for those
Who fought on earth for brotherhood,
To be left alone underground...

Presenter 2:

The poetry of the war years captured the very essence of the unfolding war: “The battle is holy and just, the battle to the death is not for the sake of glory, for the sake of life on earth.”

The song "Cranes" is playing

Presenter 1

Years pass, fewer and fewer veterans of the Great Patriotic War walk along Red Square; its heroes have long since passed into eternity. But the poets and their wonderful poems, scorched by the war, do not let them forget about their feat. We, the generation of the 21st century, will forever remember the feat of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers.

In the name of the sun,
In the name of the Motherland we take an oath!

In the name of life
We swear to the fallen heroes:
What the fathers did not finish singing,
We'll finish our drink!

What the fathers did not build
We will build it!

Peace is the most important word in the world.
Our planet really needs peace!
Children need peace!
Adults need peace!
Everyone needs peace!

The song "Victory Day" is playing

Presenter 1:

Our regular guest is a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, the son of a partisan regiment of the Smolensk region, Vasily Semenovich Astakhov. He is still in service: he works at the chipboard and DSP plant and actively cooperates with Khimki public organizations. Priemsky Ruslan, a student of the 10th grade, dedicated a poem to him and the memory of his mother.

Astakhov V.S. spoke to the students and thanked them for their performances.

The montage ends with the class song “Moscow! The bells are ringing...” to the accompaniment of the piano.